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tv   News  RT  December 14, 2023 11:00am-11:31am EST

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the way to look so common ground the headlines right here, one of the international rushers present and put in conducting his end of the year to an a session for 4 hours altering questions ranging all the way from domestic issues to international challenges. look at the special military operation and the situation in gaza. you will feel the difference. there is nothing like this and ok. the fair in southern gaza is the idea of problems and residential areas in the rough, i understand units which use rail previous the id to save zones. and as you went, officials as gauze or appears to no longer be comfortable. i've been my day that's every day over the past month to so hold on to don't was
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with it shaking voluntary tab as the document if there is a direction in gaza, just gets worse on was local. john looked around me and we'll funny shows how his daily life has changed since the will pick end 7th of october. the . all right, bringing you the news, the mainstream media loves to acknowledge it's always your news, unfiltered here on audience. so russia's economic cost ability, the future of is new regions international conflicts, global challenges, just some of the issues discussed by the russian president during is the end of the q and a session. they lost it for hours and he was the recipient of more than 2000000 questions of the
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quote. as for a world order based on rules, there are no such rules really not so message from the russian president emphasizing that some rules can change every day depending on the interests of those discussing them. and referring to the ukraine conflict, food and describe the russians and ukrainians as one people in blame the fighting on nato's. quote, unbridled desire to creep up on the rushes borders elizabeth the most at the minute. that is, that as for the militarization, if they do not want to negotiate, we are forced to take other measures including military wants and today you can produce is almost nothing they are trying to preserve something. everything is brought in, pardon me for a free business, but these freebies may end some day. and apparently it's coming to an end little by little. it was, it gives me the
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idea of all the events taking place of new questions and ukrainians to show i want to people that room that i use and what is happening now is a huge tragedy. there's like a civil war between brothers not cool and you find themselves on different sides, but to a large extent they have nothing to do with it. the entire se them, ukraine has always been pro russian because it is historically russian territory to picture them after the russian turkish warren, the entire black sea coast was taken over by russia. what does this have to do with your crashing? even you will neither crime in all the whole black sea region has anything to do with it. this is a russian city here with them. we know about it and everybody knows about it. yes, you have a south east is pro russian, and it was important for us to they wrote it in the elections for those who followed the pro russian slogan of the internal and foreign policy of ukraine. you after the cool of 2014 and it became clear to us that we would not be allowed to build normal relations with ukraine. they don't start with them since the american
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said publicly. and without saying, they spend 5000000. what is the reason that i'm going to have the machine, you know, definitely as they many and yet because technician, i'm going to need to be unbundled designed to keep up on board as my trying to get your claim. and they don't hesitate to tragedy. they forced these actions on us imperial politics industry us. if they say to someone, it is already filled by the electorate as a failure. sure. the people i the no, i stuck. i say it's a middle class for a world order based on rules. i don't know, centrals really on. you mean you, it's a change every day depending on the immediate interest of those who talk about it too. so if there are quite a large number of forces in the world, powerful countries that do not want to live by these on written rules are related to for the police, for the condition that the best to what is happening is a catastrophe. we were just talking about the ukranian crisis,
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but you and everyone here and around the world can see it. look at the special military operation and the situation and gaza. you will feel the difference. there is nothing like this in, okay. it does not mean that there is no need to look for consensus. we as well as to okay, believe that the un decisions on the establishment of a palestinian state with east jerusalem as it's capital should be implemented. and this is extremely important for these things. couple of so that was put on the pool regarding the i also use decision in comparison with other athletes in everything that international officials do in relation to russian support is a complete version of the times idea olympic movement was created to unite people, not to divide them, today's international officials have become too obsessed with the business side of sport. and if they continue to act in this way, of course they will bury the olympic movement. sport is beyond politics. should unite people to, i mean, you know what,
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a senior correspondent might have guessed the fresh, back from the front lines and ukraine to attendance presidential events right here in most go today a while. it was 4 hours long. these legs, this marathon too and a and a meet the press, 2 to the vent, a mixture of boot. so a tremendous variety of topics discussed from the conflict in the, in east and ukraine. the special military operation to a lot of quotes that the central team here was was something that is being experienced by peoples all over the world. and that is bullying incomes growing, inequality i did place in the international themes with uh, also mentioned as well as rushes pivots a couple of days it towards china, the budgeting and the ever increasing trade between russia and china and the relationship between bush and try that maybe we can do a,
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a very important distinction between the alliances of the west and the, and the friendship and the partnership between russia and china. and also ordering our level of cooperation with china is unprecedentedly high pressure and chinese relations. i, one of the essential guarantors of stability in the world. we see what is happening around both russia and china. we see the west to attempts to shift make those activities to asia, which clearly goes beyond the organization, some statutory goal. and so i think they provoke, inflamed the situation, create new military political blocks, china and russia do nothing of the sort. we cooperate in the military economic and humanitarian spheres. but we are not creating any blocks. our friendship is not directed against the 3rd country. it is aimed at our own benefit. it is in the west that they try to make friendship against someone. we are closely watching this and will jointly respond in a timely and effective manner. with regards to the relationship of child to begin, let's make food and said that that would deepen further further. still,
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he also spoke about again, as i mentioned, this special ministry operation. this is distinction, for example, for, for the, for the press conference of joe biden to any european lead. the money we sold today, flag may approve sitting in this hole behind me. a table by me and the hugs that you may put in on the screens to the sides of it. what are uncomfortable questions? things like why has the special military operation dragged on for so long while the kids of the leads on the front floods? you can you imagine to buy them, for example, give you the press conference of the high, the questions like for example, you've spent hundreds of billions of the boy in ukraine and where are the results? honestly, i'm on think about you had representatives also here from various western tablets, cnn, bbc, others. but here, some of them of a lot to us questions of, of the,
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of the russian president. i was also given the privilege of fusing my own question . and these was something about the, the said a full be nationalism that is running rampant, rearing its ugly head across the world from had to my going to that the muslim rods and uh, in the europe to for example, i g. semitism that we're seeing across much of the world. but here's what i us correct website. you know, how do you assess the growing nationalism both in russia here and around the world? not only nationalism but also anti semitism. i mean, i would like to know for that there is no such a problem at the front line, a jew and as christian the end of muslim, he can sit in our trenches and the machine is dug out and you can and everything is fine with the chaise and when you go somewhere, both in russia and around the world, this is a growing problem property. and what should we do when i say it's
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a arrows to ask for the growth of his lemma phobia anti semitism, russell, phobia and other manifestations of this kind. then the yes, they do have an increase and there is a tendency to it, you know what? in my opinion, it is connected with the fact that people are faced with some kind of injustice. look at what is happening in gaza. there is a certain reaction throughout the islamic world and an increase in the number of people who think radically in this regard with this growth is obvious. there is nothing good here. this is the result in the policy of certain the leads and the lack of a fair solution to the palestinian problem. there is a reaction of the atlantic world and then the growth of islamic phobia. this has very bad confessions and an appeal to our traditional values play a huge role in our country. and we conduct and balance domestic and international policy. what we can do, we are doing to achieve consistency in all these areas. as for russo phobia, this is one of the vectors of the fight against russia, that may of 2 can describe step by step how some western states and,
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and read is damaged, have disrupted their own energy supplies that own economic b. to you, we're open to the fact that you're, if it's not getting enough gas, is that problem? strangely enough, they tried to blame it on us. that we were not selling something. that is complete nonsense. we did not close the amalia or pipeline poland did it. we did not close the 2nd branch of the gas pipeline through the territory of the crane, who created it. and we didn't blow up north stream one or north spring to most likely the americans did it, or someone did it up on their suggestion. we are not reopening north, streamline, only one pipe as partially working there. germany is not doing it while it doesn't want to and it doesn't have to be towards the end. do it most of the, the full hour ma guy in the eighty's difficult. that's cool. sitting there for 4 hours onto questions, don't stop, read the q, read variety of topics covered. but again,
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with the you credit in for now and in the physical stage. we expect the close to the comments from the president regarding perhaps as you seem to hear a peaceful resolution. the many believe these see the evidence lets us have this conversation further now about how the russian presidents q and a session for hours it went on for sonya. sonya, offended and independent dutch investigating journalist joining us here in ology international. so good to have you here at the headquarters studio. i know you've been watching food in today of a 4 hours. he was talking a lot of topics. he touched down on one of them. if i may, sonia, i wanted to ask him to do me to come into the office rules based international order. and he was saying, it doesn't really work if, if, if western nations can change the rules any time they want. what do you think about putting the comment about the rules based international order? well, i think he's right, but i think that the west, you know, maybe the politic petitions are little bit indoctrinated themselves because they
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refer to the will based orders as the west. yeah. because the rest of the world has to, you know, conduct to these rules, but also when the rest of the jungle. yeah. cool. yeah. you're else as well. yeah. yeah, yeah. we are the garden. so, i mean it's, it's how this arrogance this, this actually, it's colonial thinking. yeah. what to maybe start as already in the 17th century, or maybe before, we don't know. so we can see older calling these they had like in a freak out of by the way, they don't call africa or the other countries, the 5th wheels anymore. they call the now the global. so that's right that so they know that somebody knows. uh, you know, cuz when the, when you know, when, when, when you are p and or american west and politicians when they congratulate them so, so they're the same time costing off the rest of the, well, you know, it's, it's, it's not respectable. i'm going to ask you sonya you've been down in the is it look, look on skipping about the region for a number of years. i think we've been doing you and you've been down that now
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you're back up here and must go. but, but you know, the, the credit administrator and so many people don't know who this, but the credit ministry has been waging a conflict in the dung bass for nearly a decade. as a john was living down there with extensive experience reporting and such a conflict. so now, how would you assess russia's efforts to stop those recreating and attacks? we're talking nearly 10 years now. what's been going on down the well 1st month, one must realize what you said that started in 2014 and russia didn't go in rush. i didn't support a the, you know, the, don't both people, we thought we 5 week or the new homes, people's republic. they, they fault themselves. so the russian army didn't fault with them or they were not support. it's not supported, but maybe a, you know, putting up with guns. nothing. so a maybe and you should have a lot of people say that that's maybe he should have come in before it was the russian army should help. before already to the they decided to comment over the
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only with do you think you really think the way things and he waited too long. do you think the russian president waited too long to get involved? that may be, but maybe because he trusted the west too. much to know with the means of course. yeah. at germany from the oprah list. okay. you know, we sit there and not maybe peace, but we have a ceasefire. at least this is what actually happened. so he trusted them to be and yeah, he took specific things like can i just say because yeah, because put in was off this question during the q and a today wife call my son call. my son said to him, if you could speak to your youngest, so in the year 2000, what would you advise yourself and what would you own your self again some food in the said, i would warn my youngest self about being naive. i'm gullible. why do you think he said that? well, he sees now what the west is. you know, they betrayed him or not. oh yeah. and they betrayed russia. they betrayed the government, but also the russian people itself and also they betrayed the people in new homes, skin done yet with the peace accords added to their speaking about fees or
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a ceasefire. and nothing happens. and now they are, in my opinion, to or waging a war on russia, the proxy war. and this is what is happening and this is, you know, maybe if you knew it before, then maybe he would not have trusted to them. and maybe he would go in before to the don't boss. i don't know how to help the people there. do you think the, you know, sitting here for more than 4 hours watching the russian president and watching him very closely by the way, sonya is always good to kind of gauge that the body language and all this kind of stuff. you want to have a good look at the rest of the present. if he looked, he looked confident today. sonya he looked um. yeah. he looked pretty solid. now what do you think you did you think he was right when? if so, why? well i think he looked so let's because he knows the russian people most likely 90 percent or maybe 100 percent are behind him are back hang up. and i know it's the
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1st time since 2 years he's there again, and of course ukraine is losing on the battlefield. so that's a big thing and confidence because he knows the west will say anything they like. yeah, you know, if tomorrow the newspapers or t v stations are full with oh, you know, pretend that it's not the real continuance. that's what they said. well, so all the time. yeah. yeah. well, this crazy stuff and you know, put to this just doing it about the people will not support him. so he's confident because he knows the truth. what is really happening in rush i d, i'm sort of do you really think the really thing that there is an overwhelming support for a full full potent in rush? or do you mean seriously deal? honestly think tutoring is that popular? yes, i think so, because what you say, you know, i mean what you hear a little bit on the streets, i think they are, you know, they know him a long time already as a president and they have this funny idea in the west that you know every 4 years you need a new president or prime minister, right. but i think i a, in a way,
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it's not because of course, because you know, one document besides something of the next to that government decides itself. it's short sightedness in america. when you've got this rolling for year election, i mean you, you didn't get china look at russia now. the, these are countries with long term goals and plans and respectable ones too. but for mutual respectability and mutually prosperous trade in america every 4 years, they go to do this presidential rotation, which means i hope, you know, that they get on the road campaigning and you know, they, they have, they have to lie to get into office and then they have to lie to stay in office. you know, exactly, maybe this is what direction people are seeing that a lot of full efficiency in the west are this homeless and yeah, they live and they deceive people and they promise, oh, you know, go, we're going to fix this for you and that, and once they are in power, they don't do any. yeah, absolutely. ton codes absolute valid code. so, you know, they, they finally admit to the vested interest. so i guess a lot of me put in for i was just that before i was talking to the russian public
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and the press today was a and this thing and that, that really stood out for you or do you think it was a pretty standard q and a, with the public and the press. uh well let's, let's do things. he was concerns about the woman your notice as a woman doing this the 1st. so i think that was for the nice that yeah. but okay, we are all so, i mean tough but okay, you know, we can do this job as well. no. maybe as the men do, maybe some women doing it. let's don't go through the phone lines like me maybe just a little bit, you know? yeah, this was for me good. and as a thing he spoke about germany or about europe in particular that this is also something what's yeah, i mean he knows. and also he said, uh that's uh, despite everything he is still my chrome, for example, what's his friends or friends about? okay. his calling. so helena, it's cool because pretty much saying like we, i, i was friends with my wrong when it was supposed to fix it. i was visiting the name
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of the shows that we use a i was in paris, but he said franz hung up the phone, know to speak, they cut off their friendship and food and said, i'm very happy to speak to my chrome, you know, what kind of old friends i, i think actually when, when macro and the 1st go into the world, the politics. i mean, i think food and help them a lot. i think he gave them advice and help to nurture him as old footage of food and with his arm around him, i wouldn't macro and was very new, but then macro, and he gets a big head. and there we go. by, by russia no friend, the diplomatic ties with you and put in is going to be running for reelection again very, very soon. and the west and how would you expect the west and press to pop up hooton's potential reaction? well, we will see a lot of growth again though, of course, when they do what they will say, again, you know, already maybe 20 years. he's there more longer. and, you know, you see he's a dictator, the guy, there's over stuff. the newspapers will be filled with it's big. the news that of course, they'll be doing this done to joe,
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but the best time the russian president because that's what they do. that's why he's being at the helm too long. but then again, look at benjamin netanyahu. look at angela, michael. i know. i mean, well, there may especially benjamin. that's a new what i mean. what is going on the, in the data, i mean children are being kills every day. i don't know how many today, but every day you see this, if it's so to 6 and well, 10200, i don't know. it's a hora is not fading away. i know any time soon every single day it's was in gaza, more women and children pay the ultimate product. but you know, this is what the west is doing. the meet demonizing always the lead us like they did with us out. yeah, they did with saddam hussein. now they do it with puts in. this is their strategy that's how did you get to enjoy the day what we we will see for what it is now. sonya, you know, and if anyone's still believing it, then it's wake up a sonya by the end, the independent dutch journalist joining us here and i'll be international always so good to see you. thank you very much. thank you. hi to well, it was also during the q and
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a session with food in the will go to clement solve. well, the russian president's a, i don't pull, diagnosed for the 1st time, the digitally generate approved in aust, the real food and about the future potential of artificial contempt for the middle doesn't matter which mr. president. hi, i'm a student at st. petersburg state university. i want to ask, is it true that you have a lot of dump again, there's also how do you feel about the dangers that artificial intelligence and your own networks can bring into our lives. thank you. they have some other we're i see you can look like me and speaking my voice or you're gonna have thought about this and decided that only one person can look like me and speaking my voice or that person as me. this is my 1st doppelganger, by the way, this is artificial intelligence. is it necessary to be afraid of anything to later, to prevent the development of artificial intelligence, including super intelligence, which begins to feel and distinguish senses as cognitive capabilities, stuff and develops itself. i suppose it is simply impossible to prevent its development,
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so it is necessary to come on with it. we need to do everything that we can to be leaders in this direction. here with no one knows how it will end in a few minutes. the line for low cost of food is annual q and a. you can watch it in full on how to use a channel on the video sharing platform rumble on air and online. we have got you covered the parts of gaza now where the desktop continues to rise. a israel, the bombing attacks continue, particularly on residential areas. there's problems that the un commission i spoke about, his recent visit to the region, which he says is no longer habitable. i guess it was in fact to my son sees it since the war stopped us today. we are into 69 days, almost 72 days of the school. and every time i go back go, i always think it kind of get to also. but every time i see more misery, more grief for sadness and how the feeling that the guess it's not really
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a place i'd be to the anymore. all right, to southern gaza now where at least 28 palestinians women and children were killed in his riley attacks on residential areas, the cities of and about 5 on a fine eunice near the egyptian board. the devastated relatives as i came to pay the find a respect to their loved ones killed them, just the latest is really strikes and many of the victims were simply displaced. people who had fled to the rat 5, which israel hoping folio according a safe look at that scale of destruction, right? the entire residential areas leveled to the ground. so we spoke to some of the survivors the they were young children who fled from their homes with no resistance members or missiles or anything. a miss so hit the building and
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it felt over them. for the remainder left, they all died and suffocated. the building was full of people around 60 people. with that we heard an explosion in the area. we rushed to the place and found people in pieces. and also singling did was rescued. they were all killed young children and you know that the least congested house in the city of russell hosts at least 20 displaced people. but as a documented period situation and gaza continues to was a number of the assistive israeli attacks, a guys have a strong list now shows well the conditions, how they are in the region now and how people to try to get by on this as well. it was the office where i used to sit and up to all of my work when there was an actor and a running work out running business here before it was founded to rather because of the strikes just those, the
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big game that's every day over the past 2 to 2 months with the chicken voluntary tab, which is run not running all the time and most of the time is not writing. and it's only comes in a few hours every couple of days. and that's why i was able to, to get this tag, which is 5 liters, 500 meters to the water with our hands into this tank, you know, to, to use floors out for the people right inside this home. ready this part of the stove, this is another form of stroke that we use sometimes to,
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to avoid water for bathroom is december, right? it's worth doing through the time we come to have access to all to launch our through other sources or for now use the other chicky guys as the voltage of this best buy to rates, which is a sort of a small solar panels that i was able to, to buy at several weeks ago at the beginning of the, of the war. i didn't have that such and such navigate before in the beginning of the war, i was able to, to bring this battery. that is run by solar panel to charge to, to charge my phones. so i have photos of other family members to try to get some lighting and during nighttime because i was able to because electricity is,
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oh, is kind of across the gaza strip since the, the war began. the naval or my neighbor who has a dresser. now, as you might see, his dresser is now at the m t m t m t over the same, right to you. i ask about 2 weeks, and he tells me that there is no wheat available in the market right now. this is actually the circumstances that i have been going good through all the past a period of time of war against the goal is to have that it started back in october 7 rami and meet r e r t major. the goes us forever. decals authorizing are shifting out to a southern africa where a significant discovery of natural gas has been made in zimbabwe. of the gas field
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located not far from the border with mozambique is involved. we and government announced the finding alongside the australia based in victor energy. so bob williams calling at one of the regents most significant developments and the on the show oil and gas sector. however, as one might imagine, not old locals are happy. as local john list, keith baptist reports a landmark discovery that could be rides. and bob was image of landscape in victor's oil and gas exploration company has gone from the presence of natural gas instead of buying an area located in the car, bought a bus, a base, and not the east of zimbabwe. this significant development has ignited the hopes for energy independence, economic growth, and job creation in the country. the discovery was made to the career to well following drilling activities that started in september 2023. we spoke to the managing director of the firm, consented, but is above the government to undertake this project. and this is what he had to
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say. you know, discard the new guys we should be getting from an exception point of view. more importantly, the guys will, is the capacitors in the beginning so that we will need not to be a sufficient visit. probably be in ethics for task image. so it'd be good to go for the probably is we know you'll be the best entity so that we have enough results to feed is about we also feed the rest of the.


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