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tv   News  RT  December 14, 2023 8:00pm-8:30pm EST

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the, the russia, as president put in conducting his end of the q and a session for 4 hours answering questions ranging from domestic, issued through to national. it's common to look at the special military operation and the situation in gaza. you will feel the difference. there is nothing like this and ok the he's ready for this intensify their attacks on the city of rafa near the egypt and border and that doctor previously demanding that other students lead to that area. to escape bombardment. in the north of the gather strip, delegation from the united nations security council returns from a visit to the alpha check point and on the egypt gas up port archie, specifically interviews, wash, and back to the,
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to the you way the welcome to our, to international reaching you live for my new center in moscow. i am michael, put you up with the latest. that was it cannot make stability the future of its new regions, international conflicts, advising global challenges. those with some of the media issues discussed by russia as president lied to me and put in during his and to be a 2 and a session would last us before how was the event took place for the 1st time after a 2 year pause with more than 2000000 questions haven't been submitted by the public and journalist from around the world. the
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not put in said that as for a work. busy order based on rules, but on those such rules, really, the russian president made by comment while emphasizing that some rules can change . obviously, depending on the interest of those who speak about them, referring to the ukraine, coughing, put it, and describe russians and ukrainians as one people and blamed the fighting on nato's quote riddles designed to creep up on russia's board as curious more from the session, the, the the minute that is, that was for the militarization. if they do not want to negotiate, we are forced to take other measures including military one today you can produce is almost nothing they are trying to preserve something. everything is brought in, pardon me for a free business, but these freebies may end some day. and apparently it's coming to an end little by little pay was it gives me the idea of all the events taking place for a boss. let me sleep. oh,
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don't steal cushions and ukrainians. show i want people that grown, that's what i use and what is happening now is a huge tragedy because there's like a civil war between brothers who and you find themselves on different sides. but to a large extent, they have nothing to do with it. view the entire se them, ukraine has always been a pro russian because it is historically russian territory to picture them after the russian turkish war. the entire black sea coast was taken over by russia. what does this have to do with the crashing? even you will neither try me in on the whole black sea region has anything to do with it. this is a russian city. see, i'm with them, you know about it and everybody knows about us. you have a south east is pro russian, right? it was important for us to they wrote it in the elections for those who followed the pro ration slogan, one of the internal and foreign policy of ukraine. after the cool of 2014, it became clear to us that we would not be allowed to build normal relations with ukraine. sometimes the american said publicly and without shame,
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they spend 5000000. we studied them out of money. i'm not sure you know, definitely as they many and yet because the connection, i'm going to need to be unbridled, designed to keep up on board as you might trying to get your brain and they don't hesitate to tragedy. they force these actions on us and through the politics industry us, if they seem to someone, it is already felt by the electorate as a failure. should the people i the no, i stuck. i say it's a middle past for a world order based on rules, and i don't know, centrals really on. you mean you, it's a change every day depending on the immediate interest of those who talk about it to us. if there are quite a large number of forces in the world, powerful countries that do not want to live by these unwritten rules are related for the police for the conditions as to what is happening is a catastrophe. we were just talking about the ukranian crisis,
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but you and everyone here and around the world can see it. look at the special military operation and the situation in gaza. you will feel the difference. there is nothing like this and ok and does not mean that there is no need to look for consensus. we as well as to okay, believe that the un decisions on the establishment of a palestinian state with east jerusalem as it's capital should be implemented. and this is extremely important for these things coming up. so that was put on the pool regarding the i also use decision in comparison with other athletes in everything that international officials do in relation to russian support is a complete provision of people that attends idea olympic movement was created to unite people, not to divide them today's international officials have become too obsessed with the business side of sport. and if they continue to act in this way or they will bury the olympic movement, support is beyond politics. i was actually united people to, i mean, you know, i've seen of course,
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but in more i guess the followed pretends press conference from the heart of the event. what it was 4 hours long. these legs is narrow phone, 2 and a half, and meet the press suits of the bed a mixture of boots. so a tremendous variety of topics discussed from the conflict in the eastern ukraine. the special admitted fee operation to a i of course not the central theme here was something that is being experienced by peoples all over the world, but not is fully incomes growing in the quality i didn't play. should the international themes also mentioned, as well as russia's pivots couple of days towards china, the budgeting and the ever increasing trade between russia and china and the relationship between bush and try that maybe we can do a very important distinction between the alliances of the west and the,
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and the friendship and the partnership between russia and china know, so ordering, our level of cooperation with china is unprecedentedly high pressure. and chinese relations are one of the essential guarantors of stability in the world. we see what is happening around both russia and china. we see the west attempts to shift, make those activities to asia, which clearly goes beyond the organization's statutory goals. they provoke, inflamed the situation, create new military political blocks, china and russia do nothing of the sort. we cooperate in the military, economic and humanitarians views, but we are not creating any blocks. our friendship is not directed against 3rd countries. it is aimed at our own benefit. it is in the west that they try to make friendship against someone. we are closely watching this and will jointly respond in a timely and effective manner. with regards to the relationship to try to begin, let's make food and said that that would deepen further. further still, he also spoke about again, as i mentioned,
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the special ministry operation. this is distinction, for example, so, so for the price confidence of joe biden, to any european lead, i'm what we saw today vladimir sitting in this hole behind me, a table by me and the hogs that you may put in on the screen. so the sides of it. what are uncomfortable questions? things like why has the special military operation dragged on for so long? why all the kids of the leads on the front floods? can you imagine to buy them? for example, give you the press conference and but hide the questions. like for example, you've spent hundreds of billions of the boy in ukraine and where the results, honestly, i'm on think about you had representatives also here from various west an applet, cnn, bbc others. but here, some of them up a lot to us questions of the, of the,
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of the russian president. i was also given the privilege of fusing my own question . and these was something about the, the said, the food be nationalism that is running rampant, rearing its ugly head across the world from add to migrant to that, to muslim rights. and in the europe to for example, as the service isn't good, we're seeing across much of the world. here's what i us correct website. you know, how do you assess the growing nationalism, both in russia here and around the world? not only nationalism but also anti semitism. i mean, i would like to know that there is no such a problem at the front line. a june of christian and a muslim can sit in our trenches machine and dug out and everything is fine with them. and when you go somewhere, both in russia and around the world, this is a growing problem property. and what should we do when i say it's a, i don't know stuff that's for the growth of his. lemme phobia anti semitism,
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russell, phobia and other manifestations of this kind. then, yes, they do have an increase and there is a tendency to it, you know, what? in my opinion, it is connected with the fact that people are faced with some kind of injustice. look at what is happening in gaza. there is a certain reaction throughout the islamic world and an increase in the number of people who think radically in this regard. this growth is obvious. there is nothing good here. this is the result of the policy of certain the leads and the lack of a fair solution to the palestinian problem. there is a reaction of the islamic world and then the growth of islamic phobia. this has very bad confessions and an appeal to our traditional values play a huge role in our country. and we conduct a balanced, domestic and international policy. what we can do, we are doing to achieve consistency in all these areas. as for russo phobia, this is one of the vectors of the fight against russia that's made to can describe step by step how some western states and, and lead is damaged that disrupted their own energy supplies. the own economic.
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be those to you when you have the fact that europe is not getting enough gas is their problem. strangely enough, they tried to blame it on us, that we were not selling something. that is complete nonsense. we did not close the mile your pipeline. poland did it. we did not close the 2nd branch of the gas pipeline through the territory of a crane, who created it. and we didn't blow up north stream one or north stream to most likely the americans did it, or someone did it up on their suggestion. we are not reopening north stream one, only one pipe as partially working there. germany is not doing it. while it doesn't want to, and it doesn't have to towards the end the most that the, the full hour mark out in the eighty's difficult. it's cool sitting there for 4 hours onto questions. don't stop, read the cute, breadth of variety of topics covered. but again, with the you credit for now in, in, in the critical stage. we expect, of course,
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the comments from the president regarding perhaps as you seem to hear a peaceful resolution, the many believe you see that visible we spoke to political analysts to deal. i mean back are you local. he says that the global south is willing to cooperate with the brakes. if the west doesn't stand in its way to the within to the, to the left side, even the option, which means with big smiles. they are like, i think people move into were they were like between like uh, more than 80 percent 60 to 80 percent of the war fine. or were you gonna need then the glove solve will be now dealing with the big penalties on the width and only the width and coffee with the
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chain and their weight off as well. but anything to the weight of reading between the weight of uh, being the economy business we do about us. uh, that's why i believe in what the fee a global itself is, should be the. ready partnership with the doing with in the if the, with the on the, on the phone does that easy, you'd be in the community even with the brakes. concrete, including the song. we're trying to find that at the bottom of that. and they even don't need to go to try to find in the bottom because these but this includes google and solve it because the guy, he's already he if you mess the live broadcast or put into the annual q and a session, you can watch it full on our test channel on the video, chevrolet,
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the platform rumbled on air and online, you've got, you've carpets, the some us officials also listen to lighting and put things q and a session. the white house even fight that the russian leader has to beg for congress to urgency, approve more. h t tray. mr. brewton said today that the, that the, his aggression in ukraine will not it. and there will only be peace quote when our goals are achieved and we all know what that means. but i sure hope that those house republicans who have 4 months held hostage critical assistance to ukraine. perkins message loud and clear said they're heading home for the holidays. while ukrainians are heading right back into the fight, and they need our help and they need it right now. not after the a not. well, we just heard about egg nog versus ukraine being the issue. and it does seem that
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congress is putting its stock into the ag knock. we have a situation where it is very unlikely that ukraine will receive the $61000000000.00 aid package that was put forward of us taxpayer money. now, at this point, democrats and republicans are blaming each other for the fact that the holiday will begin without this aid being passed. and we heard from mike johnson, the speaker of the house, who was a republican. he said that essentially the democrats didn't put forward anything that republicans would be willing to vote on. here's what he had to say. i'm not going to have everybody sit here through christmas twiddling their thumbs. they not sent me anything. so what else are we to do? you know, we're willing to work, the house numbers will work. we've shown that over and over and over. but we're not getting any cooperation from the warehouse in the, in the senate democrats at all. and the republicans have been using the issue of funding for ukraine for leverage. they want more funding for the us border
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protection. so however, republicans are insisting they do care about ukraine democrats or accusing them of black male democrats. however, want to make sure that other goals and other items that are of more concern to them are match. here's some of what we've heard. i can't believe the house is talking about leaving. how do you say you are serious about trying to come to a resolution on ukraine and declared that you were breaking up and given up, it is important to know that despite the funding package for your crane not going forward, the u. s. congress did pass the annual defense budget military spending did go through, as is normally done this time of year for the coming year. there will be $874200000000.00 and us taxpayer money spent on the military. and the point to is rather important because it appears at that point to represent the roughly $300000000.00 that will
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be authorized for ukraine. now that's much smaller than the ukraine government has requested. we had zelinski saying you need $7000000000.00 a month to run the ukrainian bureaucracy. so $300000000.00 for ukraine out of an overall defense budget of $874200000000.00 sides fair to say that zalinski and his allies in the american government are quite disappointed by what appears to be a gridlock situation on capital hill, as a risk is going over american aid for ukraine president binding says that the us will support key of as long as he can. and they said in stock contrast to previous papers that said the washington would provide assistance for quote, as long as he takes a similar shifting rectory was seen enough gotten instead 2 years ago leading to the profit withdrawal of the us military mission. ultimately resulting in the toddler by and taking over the nation. a partnership between afghanistan and states
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is not in the military mission of games. game clues on august 31st. because you have to ask in terms of 300000 well equipped as well as get this any army the will continue to supply the parade with critical weapons and equipment. as long as we can remember how far ukraine is, con rushes, fail the and out to stop and gas away, he's ready. forces have repeatedly hit the city of rough,
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near the gyptian border over the past 24 hours heavier. so i just next to at least $28.00 palestinians, including women and children, were killed. and he's really attacks on several residential areas in the cities or rafa nearby can units. he's ready for his have been intensifying their slides and solve and gather even damaging part of a refugee camp in the hospital. and last, despite having previously demanded the policy unions fleet to those areas from the north of the region as the this video shows devastating relatives aspect came to pay the final respects to their loved ones killed in the ease run the s bikes. many of the victims were displaced, people who had fled to rafa with ease will area, claim to be
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a safety. so you can also see the scale of the destruction with the entire residential areas level to the ground. some of the survival spoke about the grief the they were young children who fled from the home with no resistance members or missiles or anything. you know, a mr. royal hit, the building and it felt over them. for the remainder left, they all died and suffocated. the building was full of people around 60 people. with that we heard an explosion in the area. we rushed to the place and found people in pieces. and also singling did was rescued. they were all killed young children, and you know that the least congested house in the city of russell hosts at least 20 displaced people. i think a minute here and situation mean gas. it continues to deter or be a to admit the possess dante's run, the attacks g as a base john live shows what the conditions of the regions had become. of this as
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well. it was the office where i used to sit and up to all of my work when there was an actor, an a running walker running business here before it was founded to rebuild because of the strikes just close the . ready i think that's every day over the past month to month. so hold on to do was with it checking voluntary tab, which is run not threatening all the time. most of the time is not writing, and it's only comes a few hours every couple of days. and that's why i was able to, to get this tag, which is 5 liters, 500 meters,
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to bomb the water with our hands into this tank. you know to, to use floors out for the people right inside this home. ready this part of the job, this is another form of stroke that we use sometimes to, to avoid water for bathroom is december, right? it's worth doing to the time we come to have access to all to launch or through other sources or for now use the other checking guys as the voltage of this best buy to rates, which is a sort of a small solar panels that i was able to, to buy at several weeks ago, it was the beginning of the, of the war. i didn't have that such and such navigate before the end,
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the beginning of the war. i was able to, to bring this battery. that is run by solar panel to charge to, to charge my phones. so i have photos of other family members to try to, to get some lighting. and during the night time that i was able to because electricity is, oh, is kind of across the gaza strip. since the, the war began, the naval or my neighbor who has a dresser, now, as you might see, his dresser is now at the m t. m t m t over the same, right to you. i ask about 2 weeks and he tells me that there is no wheat available in the market right now. this is actually the circumstances that i have
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been going good through all the fast to periods of time of war against. the goal is to have that it started back in october 7, rami intermediary, r t major. the goal is this trevor decals ultimately isaac. i made an exacerbating crisis in the region, rushes on flight to the united nations facility. and i've been here along with all the you and delegates have returned from a visit to the roof. i check point on the gyptian guys a border or yeah, my colleague more i'd have my me spoke to the russian and boy and he says that the situation in vancleve is catastrophic. so you recently visited the other rafa crossing. we've been a where the gaza strip board is egypt. well, can you tell us about your experience the these 3 prove was suggest as an organized by united, the minutes we've of course assistance so regions and took place on monday. we went
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through all the be early morning and then i have that that issue airports from where we were. i'm to introduce itself to who meetings with the local officials. you own the team members as well as the egyptian, but a scene in that i've cushioned and the bed is and jewels of where we discuss the kind close those, the situation of the, the issues with the, the delivery of humanitarian assistance. and there are many, very few the deluxe the then to the are being low. they will, of course, the combination to turn in the systems is lacking. and the situation of the people inside because he is a, is a catastrophic, the shelters, the can not. so it cannot hold all those willing to stay to the people sleeping in the streets. there is the level of food and the sort of kind of the
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thinking over because of which was on think about leaving a thinkable before the descending to the conditions that are below. and of course the buttons continue as of an asylum, criticism that the u. n. is unable to fulfill his duty to prevent all stop calling for this could be a problem adjust to the un security council or the entire organization. what could be done to fix that issue. on tuesday, the general assembly adopted to there is a notion of by the majority who was one of the 2 to 3 members in favor of on the, in particular on the c. or they need to, it is for the to, to sort of maybe the is this for when i spoke to, that's full of to the old. so, but then they and then was the same day. and i to, from the, from the visit sort of decisive research studying my recording say, well,
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the reason i said to the, we're here to pro april which is through the security council. if it doesn't, able to fulfill its duties, maintainance, initial peace and security. and i said, let's a good thing square, it's not the security council that is unable to do in books. one company that prevents by doing anything which is closer to the most needed thing though, which is a ceasefire, because no community of polls can save because the security council security council use a bunch of which is which it has to trust the thing. decisions on the basis of consensus or unanimously, or at least a lot of the sort of to read to you can easily chicken with this to and that is. busy this that is a way to achieve compromise because when you on the set up of the data, that is, that is encouraging you to look for the compromise. when the compromise cannot be false. then because as you, as we get to like the here is the last time what we think that's of the use of it
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was not justified the by the us to the q that is an ocean that was proposed. whether you know, there's more than justified i know roger had innovation development platform called the congress escaped its latest farm in moscow with fines at best. based on the agenda, the group has had its hand in building a variety of cutting edge organization and plans to continue doing so that more than 1500 people attended the in a plastic, a company's event. popular washer new officials and leading specialists from government agencies, businesses and high tech organizations where on an attendance following the main goal was to support the success and preservation of the country, 70 in tech, information culture and all the vital effect as here's what the 1st deputy general, direct of, you know, practica had to say, does this, should they need to switch the congress always has. i see magic continue with the
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i'm, we've review many topics that are becoming very important for the country. perhaps we one of the 1st to discuss the agenda of traditional values and how important they all for the formation of collective sovereignty. if we talked about technology and innovative development, it is always a deeper issue. it is the tradition lending money to vacate personnel who are ready to walk in the economy and benefit the sing comedies that are present. as the ombudsman for the protection of the rights of high tech companies. i represent the companies that would never exist without the support of the traditional agenda. all this is necessary in order for move away to vacate people and young people to come to work in the russian high tech sector. if we talk about the numbers that have been more than 1600 participants over the 10 years of congress's existence, more than 180 hours of various sessions and panels, as well as a lot of decisions that were made within the framework of the congress have already
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been formed, many, even into subsidiaries spun off from us through these. we support businesses either as founders or, and all the legal forms. and we do so individually and let them use update this out . the more on the top of the day with all t always the deputy uh no.


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