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tv   News  RT  December 15, 2023 11:00am-11:31am EST

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to expose the, [000:00:00;00] the several palestinians and guns that reportedly killed and the latest is rarely strikes in the south of england. that is bringing the death. busy to nearly 19000 people since the war erupt it 2 months ago. and while children are particularly affected by the fighting, a palestinian organization is providing them with much needed psychological the system. it said that on male, in building 20 percent of the balance were, rigdon broke in and disgusting. i the american elect oral series and getting into full swing. a new polls says that more than 20 percent of americans who use the
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mail in pilots during the previous presidential election, now admitted to vote for the quite well looking at the hour of your top headlines. you are an author, you international with guests lined up a commentary, so you'll use kicks off right now. we're not with the latest from gaza where israel has been bombing the southern city of con eunice. today. the can see the smoke above the skyline, the following. the stripe local media reporting 33 civilians killed in just 24 hours in a fine, eunice. and we spoke with one man who loved the family member and the latest bombardment. there were 3 strikes. these people didn't have any weapons or anything. there were 3 strikes on the house. they are innocent people. they have
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nothing to do with home us for top or anything else. 3 me so i'll keep my house me, honey, i'm a kite or do i central gaza now with the palestinian red crescent has released the footage of the off them off. copeland is riley strike on the at i'll by law, a warning, some disturbing images aren't coming your way right now. i read present walkers providing a 1st aid to those injured and they attack. the situation in the region has to be made was by telecom breakdowns of local authorities accusing israel to deliberately causing the blackout. but meanwhile, a palestinian organization has lost an initiative to help children affected by the war and casa aid. wel, cuz they've been visiting hospitals to meet with kids and put on shows to try to cheer them off of the story. now with level john list, i mean i'm a the honda itself, this place shows are in how are being display. so the locks of motors has to be to
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have only been able today to for you some of the child that has the back to because of the is there a new war on the gaza strip? that's because of the initiative of the youth sherry for for the past 60 days we have been in a difficult mental situation in all mental state is bad. i will never forget when i walked in the streets and so loved ones lying around. i saw their dead bodies. they tried to help us to get to it, but i couldn't. i want to be like the rest of the kids in the well, the moment we came today with a short shock campaign to support people psychologically and to provide children with assistance that would help them in the course of their lives and their mental health children are in dire need for these things, god willing when this war ends, hopefully children will be given special attention psychologically. that is essential for them. so we came for around 351 didn't so sometimes inside the
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departments around 200 changing mover playing here with the other volunteers. and we put a plan to come every now and then to them to play and try to get them as much as we can, whether it is here or food or whatever we bring with us with our volunteers. come to them with this mine with a game with the with a play with the children. they feel that it does something different to uh, bring view to the, to their eyes and their soul. plus even much fewer people, men and women. they say, well, she wants to play with us because we want to play also, not the only children that way they to girls house use have the, has been able to make some sort of joy and entertainment for too much sized
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children. because of this intensive as or 80 was on the gauze, this trip that has been in place for the, for more than 2 months. now, from me, i read i read r t, i lots of mazda as hospital, and middle guys, us red child of the areas. so the election process in full swing in america, despite multiple cold cases and broadly negative media coverage. donald trump is still leading the polls against both federal republicans on the incoming and president joe biden. trump has been robbing his supporters in the state of iowa, a traditionally the 1st to vote on potential candidates for the republican nomination. well, joe biden is a low i q individual that is truly the worst most incompetent and most corrupt president in the history of the united states. you know, i used to treat him with much more respect,
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but once they indicted me over charging a fake and broken and corrupt election, then by the way, yesterday arrest abuse and came out with a poll. did you say is it said that on male, in building 20 percent of the ballots were rigged and broke and disgusting. opposed that he was talking about was this rasmussen poll now? they spoke to american voters just over a 1000 of them. they also a range of questions, but his main focus ready was the controversial postal voting system. now this was as being to be the system actually swung the outcome of the i'm like to now if she calls to mind back to 2020. of course, this was the middle of the corona virus pandemic. many people in those or were full to sign those due to these a, a blue down conditions. so millions of voters in america cost that vote by mail. now this is the source of much contention. the democrats, of course, are encouraging the adventist to, to use the system to use the post of waiting system waves. the republicans by contr offer telling people to actually go to the pilot box and cause they have votes
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physically. now from, of course, the time he said that the postal voting system was my, i didn't dial to in controversy. he said, be prepared if you remember, this is going to be the greatest fold in electro history. now of course, joe biden was declared the winner of the election, and the trump claimed at that moment the election was raked and he's maintained that's ever since now. this latest pole with the pole that trump referred to in his i was speech as, as the one in 5. my over which is in this poll coordinates a residence in po admitted one way or the other that they have taken part in what could be deemed electronic rolled us. some of the examples is they've given all that, somebody else filled in the ballot for them before posting a posting. it's also an all, there's a say we talking, you know, they, they've pulled just over a 1000 vote to is, but some, a percentage of those cost
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a vote, a nice day. you too much, that you no longer reside now, according to american election. all this constitutes a vote to fraud, and it's worth again, just to remind rory that back in 2020 a bind info to was twice as likely to use a postal waiting system. as a trumpeter, i've seen the video footage. i've seen it going about years now. people stopping these ballot boxes con, get into it right now, but talk to us about the implications for the election next year. what of course is poll a cost a great deal of dial tone with the credibility of this fragile us election system. now of course, this isn't the 1st time that the elections are being contested. you can cost online . but 2 decades ago, when the democrat, our goal was that allegedly cheated out of the votes, which was then given to george w bush, who then became president. but each, even each electoral cycle, these antagonisms have become more more hatred, of course,
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following the 2020 elections. we saw the capitol hill right. so now who knows what we're going to say in in 2024? not we're seeing the us president joe biden who is community facing impingement challenges, who is deemed by his opponents to be one of the most most corrupt presidents in us history. and he could be running off against donald trump. he threw himself, could run his presidential campaign from behind jail. bosley, coming to me in the temple here in moscow. the british public as well as members of parliament, are increasingly dissatisfied with a new case support for israel. a boast of war and the britain continued to send arms to israel. the nation will be implicated in ball crimes taking place in gaza. have a good long, hard look at this without the shape of israel's punitive operation against guys a grinds on with so many civilians. getting killed, it's harder and harder for benjamin netanyahu government to maintain international support. even
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a strong ally like the u. k. is starting to feel the pressure from within its own parliament, british and peace, or demonic to know whether their country is also responsible for the civilian dental. in the debate on the sale of arms to israel, i said that we have to recognize that if we in any way aid or provide support to a state perpetrating war crimes, we become complicit in those war crimes. if we facilitate the provision of weapons to israel by americans flying from the acro terry base, that is simply unacceptable. and we are complicit. not only does the republic of cyprus have the right to know what is happening in a sovereign british base, but so to the citizens of the united kingdom, we need to know that there is no complicity here. should we not be able to expect more of companies in the u. k, and that they will not be like a moral drug dealers on the corner selling to whoever we never, regardless of the consequences. we expect the companies that live among us in the u . k. not to be funding or aiding and abetting death in gaza as is happening at the moment. and according to human rights organizations, the u. k is explored almost half a 1000000000 pounds worth
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a weapons to israel since 2015, including components for bombers, nissan of tanks and munitions buquet provides approximately 15 percent of the components for the f 35. stealth fighter. currently being used to bomb the civilian population of gaza. the u. k. research being completed in and facilitating serious violations of international humanitarian law. if it fails to hold arms exports to ease real immediately. while in reality, it's likely that the british government does no and breach of its own laws on the transfer of weapons to israel. cord u. k. legislation demands that weapons transfers must be halted in the event that they may be used to carry out war crimes. but billions worth of u. k. weapons have been used in the m and on israel to target civilians with absolutely no consequences for the profitable am's industry that's applies to you. imagine that given the u. k. central road of the creation of these way, the state that it would take its responsibilities in the region more seriously. well,
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you'd be wrong. u. k has remained completely silent and calls for seas for even when those calls come from the get knighted nations. the responsibility on the u. k . is higher considering the historical legacy of the you can the area. the yuki doesn't seem to be active on this agenda. so just compliance with international law . it is about time there is a paradigm change towards the question of palestine. well, it's almost a 107 years since brittany infamous ball for declaration license the birth of design. this is really state in palestine and savvy, rather than being central to efforts to foster peace and understanding of the war to our region. the british are no central to the provision of the weapons being brutally deployed against innocent palestinian civilians. oh, as i said, this conversation further now coursing alive to joseph bra device channel, the british communist party joining us your one on the international. jodie a very well welcome to you. thanks for jumping on the program with us here. i big hello to you. i just want it to kick it off. uh i just, um,
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the british and the jordan mcdonald has said that providing support to a state committee will crime to make the u. k complicit to those crimes. he's referring to so military aid to israel, but i want to take this on a broader perspective here. he's saying it's potentially making the u. k. complicit in war cries by sending weapons to israel. but what about all those british and western weapons that landed directly in the hands of the infamous, neo nazi as of battalion in ukraine? the also puts out in they on neo nazis. they are officially a part of the ukrainian national guard. so it's okay to send weapons to neo nazis in ukraine, but apparently it's a problem with israel. your thoughts jody, to i mean you've highlighted something very important memory, which is there is a exact correlation between what's happening and palestine and what's happening in ukraine. in both cases, the western powers of backing up of the shift stick the state with
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a supremacist ideology against the people who lived the beach. in both cases, you have a state which is essentially a supremacy sites. a site that's been asked to make a call search site, whether supremacists try to keep them and even what, how does it take the night to local populations? so yes, you're right. what kinds of been committed in both places with the backing support, even under the direction influx of the west and interior this powers. and then really what we're seeing here is no outright file parliamentarians, but a huge wave of pressure on this problem and tearing the coastal the 1st time. the blade nature of british imperialism is complicity in support for boxing or direction of war. crimes is being made clear to huge numbers of people who noticed the web security before about a very strong statement. there are, appreciate you saying that on an international television, josie, i wanted to ask you about, i'm just international accusing the ukrainian military of putting civilians in
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harm's way by establishing bases on operating weapons systems, indirectly residential areas. well, what does the u. k government then be obligated by its own laws to suspend its arms export licenses to ukraine. of course, that's why all media never ever covers the stories in such a way. i'm loyal politicians. if it does get covered someone about pages, don't pick up on it. the only way they go to the company is if there's a mass movement from the street, making them feelings via a vigils. i know the stability of the system, which is exactly what we're seeing right now with the weight of support for palestine. what do you think, joe? here over a dozen british i'm piece of cold on the new k to stop it's um, exports to israel. did you think they'll succeed? no, i don't think now 68. i think it's likely that they will succeed in creating a little bit of, you know, of the war continues. i think the pressure is going to continue. and what,
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what happened is some so told about resuscitating the control mechanisms or re examining the control mechanisms, which of course we see doug walker to the control mechanisms that happens. the top a show that they've been put up to another time, the pressure, you know, power doesn't oversight, committee to inspect, you know, who we're selling us to. and those are the ones that go through certain channels that you haven't met since last much. right. so it's not working it's, it's clearly just a little thrill to make you feel better about the system and you know, nothing to see here. don't worry, we go over the site. um, but that's not even the deals that they inspect on know the deals that have to the power to offensive loopholes that me a whole lot of on the so without, without being written down anywhere essentially. so there is no ability to oversee what is really being recorded. just, you know, one of the one thing that really stands out to me regarding the u. k. is the
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support for israel. it is the fact that the u. k. has such an enormous, most of them is law, make population. and you know, when the war kicked off and guides of research to and i, you flew over the israel to show solidarity this that and the other. but i just, i couldn't believe he did that. i was shocked, actually when you consider his constituents, you consider his of both based on the u. k, you can sort of, you know, list mostly in population that is almost entirely on the side of the palestinians. and yet here's the u. k. government. all most keeping the cold shoulder to an enormous muslim population in the u. k. why, why do you think the u. k. government has not pushed for a ceasefire in gaza to you know, i'll politicians and media have go use to being in control of the narrative. and being able to renew coke in a sense, but because it's never, but it's never really covered or explored or reflected back. so people we told what we say by the media, who are really reflecting on what the routing clos takes, what they think i'm, and i think they,
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they go. so this is an issue which is not a new one. and they don't control the narrative because holes have been being posted in the narrative for 75 years. you story, i've never been strong out, such as a protesting feeling, you know regularly through the course of this history. so it's an ongoing education for the support of palestine and griffin. not only the full, you know, fulfill the moving costs. we've been learning lessons along the way. i think if you go into the streets and see those demonstrations, you'll know there are many, many listings organize there. but then the, i'm missing. yeah. there's a lot of a lot of, i'm coming from the population. no, it's because as i said, this is not a new story. yeah, i think it's a very good comment. joy, i appreciate you saying that again, what do you let me just ask you a personal question. if i can, i, i haven't been to the u. k. and a number of years now, i'm on the sanctions from my own u. k. government, because i work for russia today. so at the moment i cross the border into the u. k
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. they're going to bide me and then potentially do whatever they want somebody. but i just wanted to ask you that, you know, the state of political affairs and the u. k. the people in general still trust the narratives coming out of the u. k. government, you know, there's been a declining trust in the narrative, somebody from the government and the media really ever since the invasion of iraq and that's now 20 years ago. so that was already fully fully floating point breaks . it gave it a big push down again. and now this latest assumed garza the, the, the speed with which the noise that was holding onto media about what was really happening. what expense has been a massive excitement to that process. along with the way in which every single one of the leading politicians in prison stood up to support israel unconditionally and committing its full size refuses to admit the move comes of being committed to the
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whole world. can see it refuses to condemn any of the terrible hiding this is my own continued and them on the shoulder of british military personnel out level that they're not being admitted to. so all of this is, is really belated. so now i mean the faces of the british people and it's, it's called the massive down. so again, in the levels of a legitimacy of media unable publications, it's just such a good commentary right there that you will not hear on the main stream. media channels are jody broad, the vice chair of the british communist party. joining us live are now to international what a refreshing conversation. thank you very much for your time. i look back as dante court has a band, the media from reporting about the close door trial against the ousted 5 minutes to im. wrong con, it's a really juicy story. this. he's accused of disclosing a secret diplomatic cable. the code line to con, well, a lengthy prison sentence. the statement in question was, i get this
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a diplomatic cable between senior pack hasanti and american officials. con has said this evidence of a conspiracy to a couple of his government because guess what? he was ousted by parliament in a vote of no confidence. last year after he visited, must go to improve ties between russia, unpack, is done. now you're starting to get the taste of it onto the potter, but then a point that a success a who was known for being very friendly to west and policies. main type and brawn con, denying any wrong doing so that speak to his lawyer in says out of who signed up and do it that joining us here on, on the international a very well welcome to you today. so why do you think the media has been banned from covering this trial? well, actually the so there's always really do do below the proceedings again against him dot com. um, initially the trial started on the, in the june with images drums as he is being locked up and an adult set. and i know he's been finding this sort of the confinement of. ringback the, the,
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the border set a task officer to move to the jail itself that nobody else is allowed other than the ones or the face. one of the, the legal representatives and some members of his company, which others, the actions being done to him wrong. and as the law for ways to let an open try to everybody, we just the action of the court before the high court and the high court was very gracious to allow us a free and open and dry and uh, but after the order of the headquarters to sue for your trial proceedings. um uh, so some of the representatives from the media, local media, the 2 were not allowed to report open the wireless, the board, the board. what i'm going to be saw was in the code for them to is being done
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within the game was hosted with, well let's you guys take is this task back and make a video against this task of your book and then there after he was also the new form is drawn up so the can i can i jump in i, i sincerely apologize for interrupting you, but i have such a little time it is auto but it's, it's so good to have you on the program. this whole thing. i mean, to me, i've been following the story for a just now, i think the whole thing stinks, but i don't know everything. all right. and it does seem as far as i can tell with the pakistani government was influenced to get this vote of no confidence. it does seem that a man or a car and the long tentacles of america reaching far and wide, with potential meddling and co welsh and being the usual course of action is abriel and con. i guess at this point a victim of external political meddling because a lot of people would say is not just one player involved here. exactly not. honda
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is a victim of external metrics. in fact, it says another classic dis, like the one, the digital video, as long as a prime minister was something in the fifty's. it is another classic case offered a similar nature and in rock homes, government democratically elected government was built on, on the engines of apartment bought. now the where did the, the, the, the, the, the off, the governor being the being present in the end of washington was a pattern by the farm tech. the also the office of before and sector your medical. and the message was sent to august on and it was not supposed to be seen by a non calm me, the prime minister, neither the former minister of the time. he was also not supposed to see that. but fortunately, you just saw the disorder passes,
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the message was not clear that the if i'm wrong comment and this government is not offered even has consequences. and certainly the ones who work the message, the equitable on that on your was removed immediately after you talked about confidence glances inside sort of jump and you talk about consequences. i mean, this was around the same time that packet still on was negotiating with the i m f. the restructure it's loading the i m f was playing hardball. ready it's pack is still on, i do wonder if that is somehow connected. when you talk about pressure being put on the past on the government, i wouldn't be surprised at the i m f was a whole big part of this guy. and then of course china got involved and helped to pack his time with it that you look at him, ron calling, he's got a numerous public support into his ard. we, we know for the past number of months, we so we shouldn't hundreds of thousands of people storming the streets and support for him. ron called is that one of the reasons why the government considers emerald and cons so dangerous. and indeed that is the reason that is the reason
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because sense is oscar says the g junior operation taking place back in it. we're going to do the, the, the popular to rock size. but it is pretty good. but the has the least, the big it is the most popular political bar, the engine off. how is the most popular partners on board, but all that is in service. but as you know, the assemblies have beaten dissolving in august, and the election would be with 90 days with it. and as for the constitution, but the due date on want to protect story of those. and the reason being that the wrong. com, that's the ball. the election is by the way combat again in the box. that is the only reason that they are now planning. there are certain the pre election d plannings. they are just uh, applied and not a problem and is party of be with the myers to did is no human rights adult in 5
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years on the institution as being whether it or a number of times the civilian liberties are being wired and involved and is the entire political party are paired, accountable for the full for the narrative they had because they have their own vision being very vocal. and i'm, they have always been saying that we want a fracture with the rest of the world. we are not hired. so since anymore we have, we will not jumping 20, nobody else is more and they are not being the prize this, which is very unfortunate was on the media and try and get involved in this i, i do apologize again. sorry for jumping in, but it does not. i just want to say that hopefully things might change. the media has to have access to this trial. so the truth couldn't come out and perhaps even galvanize him or on a fun support is even more in does out who's saying punch with a is a lawyer of a mind, able to on the contents,
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been an absolute pleasure. thank you very much for your time. thank you for the culprit in ukraine could be seen as a fight for a new multi poto weld order against a previous western attends that dominance. that's according to russian business man, victor boot, who was released from the us prison last year, and a major swapped deal between moscow and washington. a. he made those comments in an interview with off, he's a bald court her in the past. one of the biggest new stories of the year is of course the ukraine conflict going, going on right now, and we're right now in the done yet. then you have to the people's republic. i wanted to ask you, um, what you've seen so far, what kind of plans you have for here? what do you, what do you think about the situation going on right now in general? so let's start that this is not through crank conflict. it's a stand up between the collective west. how now it's the, the term not to floss, whatever coalition together. it's and russia. i see more as
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a conflict for the future of the humanity. because in this conflict, when our jobs defending our people in the don't boss and his upper ocean, all carswell who wanted to be with us for historically like the rest of the crane, is a center of our civilization, of all our historical memory for us. it's more like a civil war. why? because they're both strangers speaking on the same language. if you listen to the radio intercept of all the combine. so, so crane an army. right. and russian. we have to eradicate these uh no flyers up of nazis, which was not finished on the and the over the world war 2. you know, they survive and the west intention of it now trying to achieve or goal post. to normalize massive to normalize, you know, anything because a triangle, nothing wrong to be with the bundle or what is it to the national funeral?
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how no, she is not to collaborate or she killed more jews. then anybody else including the wars says divisions. and now the west, who used to be our allies going, i'm hey, rising them admitting the hero like happened in the canadian parliament now is once he's talking about going from an offensive attitude towards the defensive attitude . it's a starting to admit that obviously was counter offensive, isn't going the way people expected it. where do you think the future of this conflict is going to go? is it going to drag out? is there going to be some sort of civil war coup d'etat within ukraine itself? what are you, unfortunately the puppets muster. so i'm more important that the purpose themselves, everything is very careful, orchestrated to destruct action and eventually to get it you know, exit wrapped because they realize the account or you know, stuff like


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