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tv   News  RT  December 15, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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the, the phone to pull the living room is that it's of started to use a falsified evidence to incriminate russia and then devastating twins you'd send thing class that killed the pool. the president of the time the several policy ends in gaza, reported that in the late says, is there any s likes on the south of the region, bringing the desktops in any 19000 people who began to months. a debt reveals that developing states spent full 100000000000 dollars last year. i'm paying all foreign debt.
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the problem was good of the world. this is all to you is good to have your company today. my name's what we saw was breaking news publish. authorities have reports of the rescinded accusations against russia pertaining to a debt. the 2010 plane glass, the kill me, 100 people including pull as president at the time. also is said to have concluded that a commission investigating the incident falsified supposed evidence, but incriminated russia previous investigations had the blame to possible pilots, amid inclement weather conditions. here are some of the reports of developments from also it is necessary to learn lessons from failures. this commission was definitely a failure in many dimensions, but above all, we're talking about the prestige of poland, about the prestige of the polish state. this is
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a commission acting on behalf of the state and it is accused of fraud. we're talking about findings present to the reports by this commission findings by american and european experts. oh, so the light is from the way is really false, is being a bowman, the southern city of con eunice could be seen rising following this like local media reports. so the 3 silvia filled over the past 24 hours in con eunice. we heard from a man who loves a family member and the light is on there were 3 strikes. these people didn't have any weapons or anything. there were 3 strikes on the house. they are innocent people, they have nothing to do with home us for task for anything else. 3, me so i'll keep my house me funny i'm out of kite. is until the as an hour of the
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past and right present has really is footage all the off them. all the one is race like on their out by a warning you may find these images. the stuffing the, the by pressing was as a licensed agent today is independently of tax and the situation has been made was fine. so let me kind of communication breakdown. let's move forward. he's, it's using islam of deliberately closing the background of the is very bombardment. it shows no sign of a bad thing that kind of situation in gaza is becoming increasing or increasingly di. by the day, this video shows a displaced class in gathering of grains of flour, off the floor of a building, completely destroyed by and is really inside the
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school. so i'm about to present all the power steering tools relief fund, steve associates, located in the united states. see if i have so much for joining us here, and i'll see a pleasure to see you and as well we can gather you doing some great work. your organization has said to comprise of concern people in the us who want to address the medical and humanitarian crisis facing policy in use. is that why are we what exactly does that entail? or, well, it's not just the united states, we're a global organization and it really entails identifying needs on the ground and providing direction, mediterranean aid. we mainly are bringing injured children out for free medical care, as well as sending volunteer medical teams into the area to provide surgery. and over the last 25 to 30 years, we provided tens of thousands of palestinian children free operations that they otherwise can't get. we've also built and run the to only pediatric oncology cancer departments, one in bethlehem one and run tc hospital and gaza,
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which is now shut down. we also have built the righty of other types of services in the public health sector to fill gaps and to provide medical care that is otherwise not available. so we're really one of the main organizations doing this kind of work and we're non political. we're not religious organization or focus it on the needs of children on the ground in palestine, which are greater than ever as you can imagine in the they are. and as i said, great was in the see we heard uh, we heard you that helps the father of a child with cerebral palsy to the sort of solar panel. can you tell us about that? and how did the father find you? but we have a program in gaza or had before october 7th, where uh, because of the electricity shortages which have been going on there for many, many years. children with chronic medical conditions such as kids with cerebral palsy. they depend on energy sources to run medical machines in their homes, breathing machines and other devices which keep them alive. and as you can imagine,
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when the electricity is cut in gaza, which it is on a regular basis of the family members are in a very difficult situation to keep the machine to, to keep that service of powering equipment, to say, keep their children, their siblings or their children in the life that falls on the family member. so what we did because of the power shortages, we were identifying these children who are in the homes and need medical machines to run and operate on a regular basis. we provided them small solar panels to keep those machines operated. and one of the children that you're referring to was a case with cerebral palsy who uh uh, was one of the success stories. because when we provided him that solar panel and also the medication that he needed, there was able to get his family and on the right track to ensure and his a better health and services. and then unfortunately, just yesterday i received a message from his father indicating that the boy had starved to death because the type of food that this child required was no longer available in the market. and
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that's very sad news, as you can imagine. and it, when you talk about what's happening on the ground and gaza with the over nearly 10000 children killed by bombs and by the violence of since october 7th, this really bombings in land land operation. you're often forgetting that there are thousands of children with chronic medical conditions or have a non trauma related medical needs which are not being met because the health service has been has collapsed. so kids with congenital heart disease, kids with cancer, kids with cerebral palsy, kids are require special medication. kids are we are on dialysis, are not getting the medical care that they need and in many cases they're dying. and these are the unknown victims of this, of this terrible genocide in god's that, that the continues unabated. yeah. say this is hot, breaking a winter. so think about as own we of course, thank you for all your hardware for you. but you know, i'd like to all see you perhaps as you've been involved in this for so long. what
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was the situation like on the ground before october, the 7th, and what was it was it just says, di, or is it just just now i'm, i'm believe a b was but somebody will be worse now because you have the type of violence that complete destruction of the gaza strip. you have over 50 percent of the building structures being destroyed. you have the health system collapsing or has collapse. you have no clean water, you have no electricity since october 11th. there's no electricity in the gaza strip. the cellular services are down. there's disease that is ramp and 1900000 people are internally displaced, not living in their own homes, but living in inadequate shelters and schools in tents. so the situation today is terrible compared to it's ever been anywhere in palestine and you add that to the fact that people have know where to go. they're stuck in the gaza strip, they cannot escape this violence, but uh before october,
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7th and gaza. things were quite bad as well. guys has been under siege since 2006, the health system was under developed and under funded the electricity was only for a few hours a day. the majority of water that came in was on drink. apple that there was a high level of unemployment and poverty. there are a refugee camps and gaza and there's over a 1000000 people who are refugees, nearly 2000000 people who are refugees from 1948. so the situation was extremely difficult. and in addition to that, you had these bombing campaigns which had taken place on a regular basis in gaza. the most recent before october 7th was in may of this year you add all of those factors together and gather was in terrible circumstances before october 7th. now it's unimagined, it's an unimaginable nightmare for the people there, especially the children, but for everyone. just to survive day to day, to find the food, to find the medicine, to find the shelter that is required for these innocent people to live. and this is
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the responsibility of the international community and all of us to respond in a way that's going to hopefully provide them some sort of relief. yeah, it is. i'm also was very but uh if we uh, if we sort of looked uh we've heard a lot from the you and they talk about that guys that the people who've gaza lack basic necessities. is there any thing specific? um, of course, i mean is it was or is it more food, is it more, i mean, what is it that they really need the most of us for things that are required? absolutely right. now to change the course of this humanitarian catastrophe from getting worse food, which is obvious, clean water because children and people are drinking on clean water and that's creating a lot of diseases. shelter, people are living and it's winter now and god. so there's heavy rains as you're aware, that is causing further hardship and suffering, and medicine and access to medical care. and there's a, you know,
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tens of thousands of people who need quality primary health care that's no longer available. so those are the 4 areas that are absolutely required right now for gaza to start the process of healing or not at that because the ongoing violence and the killing continues day to day were hundreds of innocent civilians are being killed every single day. 70 percent of them women and children. so even before we can speak about things like shelter and health care, we have to stop this massacre which is happening on a regular basis to i was gonna say the see as far as well. you know, and we know when we look at the mental state of all these people, but they guarantee the houses config gonna affect the children and guards are giving psychologically what, what could be done to help them as well. i think that's a great question. there's 2 questions that you just posed. first of all, what is got? what's the impact of this violence? and i think we know that gaza has over 1000000 children among its population and
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every one of those children and every single one of them is significantly traumatized. psychologically, by their 1st hand exposure to violence, to death, to suffering, to destruction, to poverty, to hunger. every one of these children and gaza today, regardless of what their background is, what their family's financial situation was before october 7th. every single one of them is traumatized psychologically. so the question now is, what can we do to repair and to heal these children? and that's the question you posed. the issue is that most of the studies done with traumatized populations is called post traumatic stress. these are populations, whether they're combatants from military conflicts or people who've experienced trauma in one way or another. it's called post traumatic stress, but in gaza it's not post. it's current traumatic stress. so dealing with children who are traumatized psychologically,
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but are content but continued to be exposed to that trauma. makes it extremely challenging for mental health professionals for any kind of organization to come in and adequately seal and address those sites. so that's psychological trauma. in an effective way, because the source of that trauma continues in that child's life. it's the occupation, it's the siege, it's the violence, it's the killing. it's the poverty that causes it suffers from every single day. and until those are adequately addressed through a long time in permanent political solution to this ongoing crisis of the palestinian people. unfortunately, it's extremely challenging and difficult for anyone to adequately deal with the huge number of traumatized children in the gaza strip. yeah, it looks like generations will be a site. it said uh, sadly, uh then i have to leave it then. thank you very much. uh, policy until the refund. steve is supposed to be located in the us
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a thank you. so for joining us and do keep up the good work. so thanks again. thank you. let's kind of has a ruptured is well off is what he saw the sign of the songs inside the mos in jenin refugee camp in the west bank. the idea of condemned the as i removed the solid is involved in the incident from operational charities while is really national security and then give it in contrast, denalis the idea of decision calling it a shameful action. it is to be regretted that the minister of defense introduced us both to extend to the ideas. and i know that to wink at these comrades in arms, he brings the ideas to shameful decision to the posts heroic fighters who risk their lives for us in the alteration. janine, this is a shameful decision, which hurts them round of all sizes and losing the hands during idea of operational
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activity in close proximity to the mosque and jeanine soldiers act it against idea of codes of conduct within a really just establishment. the soldiers swear immediately removed from operational activity after receiving the videos and after an initial inspection of the incident by commanders. the behavior of the soldiers and the videos is serious on the stands and complete the position to the values of the idea of the soldiers to move the discipline accordingly. behind me is that's very moss chrome, the scandalous video, the oldest and basically the main mosque here in jeanine refugee camp in the north . although as you find the west bank, the footage has you have just seen shows, idea of soldiers inside this holy place, reciting jewish prayers. the idea of these really armies, rabbi and many prominent public speakers in israel have slammed the move. but you have just heard the reaction of israel's national security minister, mr. ben green, have known for his very extreme ride. when views and statements,
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i have to say the incident has caused mixed feelings and mixed reactions. the scandal has already reached the un with international organization condemning the act, saying the secretion of religious sides and totally places can not be tolerated. i've seen the videos, i think the, the desecration of, of, of religious sites should not be tolerated. and that is against is against common decency, religious sites need to be, need to be respected and cannot be perverted in one way or another is really ami, says the to reserve is involved in the incidents in the mosque were already ousted . but of course, the damage the video has done is rather irreversible. it's friday, the day hall from major moves and prayer locals told us here that today didn't go as usual, as apparently the army have to live in the malls, had confiscated speakers and microphones,
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and all the equipment is needed for the sal raymon. and needless to say that this whole incident has left low calls, very angry, frustrated, and surprisingly, determined to continue their resistance against each row. this is what they have told us. this is a crime and a war against as long. it's all the crime, the mosque, and the roads are all who in go to the house and see the destruction the rated my house and then solve that. me and my wife and children and people the interested a so and took us to the cell and check point. and how does there every time a soldier came to us to meet us with no respect for the elderly, 4 children that this year, i need to identify that the military is targeting most x and everything related to muslims in the region. they have demolishing infrastructure and civilian prophecies, as well as destroying people's belief system just as they've demolished shots and most of them the now destroying everything related to civilians. they are doing
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this to break this barrier to the residents, but this has by the side and everything they do only strengthens the determination of the people that kind of we will resist for all right, so this line and i never thing happening. we don't them. so no results apart from the incidents in the most behind me while we were here, we heard many stories about these really soldiers, controversial behavior during the arm is recent operation. hands any refugee camp like it last of 3 days. and the military was staying here in the camp during all that time. often using local people's houses as their basis. they were sleeping and eating inside. while all locals were asked to leave their houses and to bacon it for the army, the scenes here on the ground, i have to say aren't quite dramatic infrastructure has definitely been affected. we see sewage wall to running everywhere on the roads and the roads itself actually, and some of this trees are of just non existence. they have been dramatically
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destroyed. and i have to say again, goes, it was just rebuild, including with financial support for all many foreign countries during the fall off to is rose, previous large scale operation in july. but the locals are rather optimistic saying they will fix it again and again. and they will not give up the world bank because one to the developing nations spent a record for $140000000000.00 to service the extent of that last year. it emphasized that the money could have been used on all the critical knees. we'll devise asians, chief economist, rushed to give advice about possible solution for the glasses, but the failed to mention the closes, so it says unavailable credits um with the western back. the record debt levels and high interest rates have set many countries on a path to crisis. the situation warrants quick and coordinated action by debtor
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governments, private and official creditors and multi lateral financial institutions, more transparency, better debt sustainability tools and swift or restructuring arrangements. the alternative is another last decade that did crisis into which heavy borrowing staple rising interest rates. and they to a political crisis have plans to a number of developing countries is set to be exacerbated by policies and conditions imposed by the i m if and the world bank. the deal has always maintained that much of the missing this in the global economy can be choked up to policy mistakes and the most advanced economy. but the effect the spending over adding to low income countries that would kill is not mentioning this. that's the main culprits of the world bank and the i am if we continue to use their age to push inappropriate economy policies, developing countries. these institutions with designed with colonial principles in mind and remain largely colonial in cabinets up to 50. for decades,
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the international monetary fund and the world bank of the food policies that destroy our economies, or societies, and our environment. their approach has pillaged our resources and made up people. it redeemable the poor while concentrating wealth and power in the hands of the rich few. while doing this, they have shown the most contempt for our own ideas, agency, and lead as they have driven our continent into debt and maintained africa's subordinate position in the global economy. as a market for cheap labor and rule materials, they have relegated us to growing flowers instead of food and to be friend. cuz the problem starts at the top. the lead is optimal bank, i'm the i'm, if i'm not elect to, to, but nominated by the u. s and hugo for the president's off the will bank has only been from the us or the president of the i am is, has always been broken for centuries, the most of what is now called the developing world was part of the colonial system . after he repeating and the american paul was,
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and the consequences of colonialism, i still be the salt to the states and both sides are pointing to the i'm, if i'm the world and i am concerned about neo colonialism in africa. i am concerned about continuously having a foreign reserves in those countries that are quietly determining what happens in nigeria. i'm going to ask you this because we really need to start looking in woods in africa. how do we generate, how do we grow our economies? having all the resources we have all that we need to make a difference in the world. but until we stop relying on huge foreign exchange is we are not going to achieve that. so i'm going to ask, will you be willing to consider returning a foreign reserves to nigeria for instance, and allow commercial banks to manage the foreign reserves, the case of nigeria, and indeed many african countries is only the most recent example of high for decades. the 2 leading financial institutions up in parts of the world tend schemes to keep previously colonized countries and they never any cycle of dates to take
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a closer look at some be a situation. somebody i is the 1st african countries to signal a private sick to death default, but it is not the last one. the general prescription is that to the will bank to the i am if and the world trade organization. i have to fight to prove it seats. how does that and diseases in the developing world? how is that? in reality, that is false from the truth is also been cases with the will bank has use loans as political tools. that's really cool. the case if you've gotten to, for instance, when president was severely said, the country would reduce borrowing and not to give into the push from selling institutions was responding to the bank's decision on the east african nations internal affairs. it is unfortunate, the world bank and all the actors dare to one to curse us into abandoning our face culture principles and sovereignty by using money. they really underestimate all africans. these financial institutions not only refused to acknowledge their
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contribution to many states current predicament, but a no reply positioning themselves as saves in the latest crises for archie. i'm the wheel cool and get into his bag. accommodate the new crane can be seen as a flight for a new multiple world all the gas previous lesson thames installment. as i said, quoting to russian of business, one of ink to boot was released from the us prison last year. and then i just swamped deal between law school and washington. he made those comments in an interview with all the correspondent donald quota in the us. one of the biggest new stories of the year is of course, the ukraine conflict going going on right now, and we're right now on the done yet. then you have to the people's republic, i wanted to ask you, um, what you've seen so far, what kind of plans you have for here? what do you, what do you think about the situation going on right now in general? so let's start that. this is not through crank conflict, it's
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a stand up between the collective west. how now is that the term not to floss whatever coalition together it and russia? i see more as a conflict for the future of the humanity. because in this conflict, when our jobs defending our people in the don't boss and those upper ocean old car, so who wanted to be with us for historically like the risk before crane is a center of our civilization of our historical memory for us. it's more like a civil war. why? because they're both strangers speaking in the same language. if you listen to the radio intercept, all the combine. so for crane and army, you're right and russian. we have to eradicate these uh no flyers up of nazis. which was not finished on the and the over the world war 2. you know,
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they survived. and the west intention of and now trying to achieve or goal post to normalize masses to normalize, you know, anything because a triangle. nothing wrong to be with the bundle or what does it's of a initial funeral? how? no, she is not the collaborator. she killed more jews than anybody else, including the wars says, divisions. and now the west, who used to be out a live a going, i'm the here rising them admitting the hero like happened in the canadian parliament now is once he's talking about going from an offensive attitudes towards the defensive attitude, starting to admit that obviously was counter offensive isn't going the way people expected it. where do you think the future of this conflict is going to go? is it going to drag out? is there going to be some sort of civil war coup d'etat within ukraine itself? what is, unfortunately, the public musters, i'm more important that the purpose than so everything is very careful,
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orchestrated to destruction and eventually to get it you know, exit wrapped because they realize they called you know, stuff like a trash up with a comic sanctioning number one plus a russian in the industry stuff now out performing quantities, collective familiar to the industry of the nato. so this is a trends and really need to, to, you know, invite and uh, you know, we'll look under world war 272. and his thought when nazi germany, when saw the industry start out between out performing german war machine, united states or will willing to sit on the table and discuss a new, just wild florida. all the rest of the country will do it without, you know, united states and the colonies united to europe. and then they
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have just to be, you know, as a, you know, agreeing with other old nations with decide about future level. that's why a bricks becoming very popular. that's why all of the original organization become also very important. and that's why the global is, has a huge failure of calls that would not go away without fighting. and it was the see or spice. and we do realize that, but there is a whole free monitor. there is a whole for all the rest of the world. who knows? when i was seeing a new era, a new era where it wouldn't be any dominance or one country wouldn't be any, will police man acting on there before setting up the rules of having this hypocrisy using the international law only when it suits us, but not you so you see like they used to say justice,
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it's just for us know for you. so i guess 0 of these is over why didn't think twice as enjoying the european union. so i'm unruly behavior may hint 10 days of times for the say a new role make that his voice in town. and the country ended a little debate and such a bite. that's amazing. several good names. learning more than 2000 people. what you may find that the following images disturbing. the reason i say 26 people suffer, the injury is including of a mind within 70 this. tonight is this, the explosive devices is important to be in critical condition. you find immediacy, that little makers would fade about next year's budget funding. when the incident that the now you can watch the completely do uncensored on on kind of i'm channel
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all to find to are breaking news publishes are these have a report of the rescinded accusations against russia pertaining to a dead. the 2010 plane glass but killed many $100.00 people including total is present at the time. i will also is said to have concluded that a commission investigating the incident in falsified supposed before the evidence by incriminated russia. the commission was instant initiated and made to increase tensions of english. i'm pulling over the plane conflicts. previous investigations hadn't flamed to the plane crash on possible pilot era. i made inclement weather conditions. the findings of julius committee is besides, haven't been dismantled by the administration of the incoming mess a assume the police this week. here are some other important developments for most of it is necessary to.


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