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tv   News  RT  December 15, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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republicans north, the city of columbia, the ill says, is mistaken. we killed 3 hostages, held by hamas in gauze, off the wrongly identifying those individuals as a threat, photos ripples in the midst of it's of the diesel full so far the evidence to incriminate russia in a devastating 2010 plane crash, killed la polish president at the time it said that on male, in building 20 percent of the ballots were raped and broken and disgusting, positively us the next several season is in full swing. a new poll suggests that more than 20 percent of americans who use male in politics during the previous presidential election, have admitted to vote. so for the,
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it's just going to be, i'm here in the russian capital. welcome wherever you coaching, and then use from today. acosta little of this is odd. c is, has admitted that it's full, says, killed 3 hostages in gauze. are those individuals who mistakenly identified as a threat? drury and i'm to how much the operation allows, according to the idea of suppose buzz, and i'll see you release us bureau to move the notion that brings us more details. the idea of has now confirmed that earlier on friday, the israeli army mistakenly killed 3 is rarely hostages. in the gaza strip. it happens during the combo dean, the northern part of the apollo student and clave the idea wrongly identified his rarely captives as a threat. the military immediately opened fire and killing whole 3 of them. the army now says that later they started having doubts over the identity of those killed. and for that reason, their bodies have been transferred to these rarely territory to one of the forensic
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facilities there. they have been examined and later the worst spear was confirmed. they have already been identified. they are your time hiring for all. miss riley's southern keyboards all quite as and some of the allowed kind of bed to and is really are a muslim who apparently was working in one of his rarely southern towns at the time off they had mass attack. both men were kidnapped by him. i smell attendance on october, the 7th, off to the fighters, entered israel from the guys through killing people and taking this course hostages . the sad victims name has not been disclosed following the relatives requests. they do not want it to be pros, cause so we do not know who exactly that person is, but we know that this is also a man. how do we know that all 3 families of the killed hostages have already been notified by these really police? and these really are mean the idea of officially expressed deep remorse over this
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tragic incident and is sending to families is condolences and it is added in the harm is statement that these rarely militarism mission is to locate the missing persons and return all the hostages home we know that for now more than 100 and such a captive is riley's, and for nationals are still being held has hostage by her mazda and probably the student is wanting to hon. militants in the gaza strip. is what are your thoughts as i've also been involved in the southern a city of hong yu this the folks could be seen rising for the so i could easily intervals. 33 civilians were killed over the past 24 hours and found units we heard from a mine who lost a family member and latest phones on there were 3 strikes.
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these people didn't have any weapons or anything. there were 3 strikes on the house . they are innocent people, they have nothing to do with home us for top or anything else. 3 me, sol, suite. my house, me, honey, i'm out of call you to is that he'll go is an hour away. the policy and right president has what it is for the age all the off, the mob of, and his race like and then our bhalla a warning a you may find these images disturbing by class of workers. why didn't 1st aid to those injured in the fact the situation in the region has been made was by telecommunication breakdown. the local authorities confusing is where i live in liberally closing the blackout. meanwhile, the past and you know, when i say in as well as the initiative to help children affected by the war in gaza, a 2 of those have been visiting hospitals to meet with children. i'm put on shows to cheer them up local jobs. so allow me i'm a variety attended to one of those events and send us this report. the honda itself,
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this place shows are in how are being display. so the locks of motors, hospitals have only been able today to feed some of the child that has v dot to because of the is there a new war on the gauze? us read. that's because of the initiative of the use sherry for for the past 60 days, we have been in a difficult mental situation in all mental state is bad. i will never forget when i walked in the streets and so loved ones lying around. i saw their dead bodies. they tried to help us forget it, but i couldn't. i want to be like the rest of the kids in the well, the moment we came today with a short shock campaign to support people psychologically and to provide children with assistance that would help them in the course of their lives and their mental
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health children are in dire need for these things, god willing when this warren's hopefully children will be given special attention psychologically. that is essential for them. so we came for around $3051.00. did some children inside the departments around 200 changing move. we're playing here with the other volunteers and we put the plan to come every now and then to them to play and try to get them as much as we can, whether it is here or food or clothes. whatever we bring with us with our volunteers, come to them this mine with the game with the uh, with the play with the children. they feel that it does something different to uh, bring beauty to, to their eyes and their soul. plus even mature people, men and women, they say, well, she wants to play with us because we want to play. oh, so not the only children that way they 6 year old house use has the,
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has been able to make some sort of joy and entertainment for too much sized children because of this intensive is, are 80 was on the gaza strip. that has been in place for the for more than 2 months now. rami i read, i read r t, i lots of mazda as hospital and made the gaza strip down of the areas as these valuable involvement. it shows no sign of a bad thing. they imagine a situation in gaza is becoming increasingly dire by them. thing this we do is show the displace pies in gather the grains of flour, off the floor of a building, completely destroyed by and is really a time for the photos are. these are reposing rescinded accusations against russia pertaining to
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a d p to it. uh that the actually is a 2010 plane crash that killed in any 100 people including pull is present at the time. here's some of the reported developments from the publish capital. it is necessary to learn lessons from failures. this commission was definitely a failure and many dimensions. but above all, we're talking about the prestige of poland about the proceeds of the polish state. this is a commission acting on behalf of the state. and it is accused of fraud. we're talking about findings present to the reports by this commission. findings, by american and european experts. so test gets into the office and has a chance to, you know, blow the dust off of some old files and decided that it was time to put it in to this long standing suspicion of who or what may have killed his former arrival.
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kuchinski then president, along with his wife and several top public and military figures, 96 people in all. all of this happened when a polish air force plane went down over western russia, near the border with beller bruce back in 2010 while trying to land at the small lensky air base in russia to attend a ceremony. now at the time of the incident, it seemed pretty clear as to what happened. a case of cru error geranium ready for the landing. and that's something that both poland and russian governments found at the time. but then the so called reset. and as i put a small between the west and russia, went right out the window. and the animosity then only intensified in the wake of year on my don in ukraine in 2013 and all the drama over crimea the following year . so go figure that in 2016, just before hosting
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a big shindig nato summit in warsaw, the polish defense minister at the time decided that the crash that happened way back in 2010. well, that was russia's fault. what happened to me, a small and so was aimed at the private important of its leadership, which was found the path of leading our nation to independence school, the 1st the victims of terrorism and then not intuitive. and so a small and we can say that we will also the 1st major victim of terrorism in the more than conflict which is on the phone before all ice, the russian authorities vigorously pushed back on those statements of the time. and the commission was launched on the last bipolar and to get to the bottom of an incident that seemed pretty clear cut right at the outset. but of course, as long as the commission is still investigating, one can always say that it's all just a big mystery and that there's always the possibility that russia may be responsible in some way. so test gets into the office this week, and literally just days later,
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he puts it in to the whole charade over the death of his old rival. i would like to say this very clearly and strongly today, december 15th is the end of lies in the name of the polish state. this is the end of spending hundreds of millions of loyalties on activities that have nothing to do with explaining the causes of the disaster, but have a lot to do with politics. this decision should have been made a long time ago. so this commission, which as a prime minister's office said there has spent millions of bureaus of tap poll this tax fair funds has already produced much if anything, to show for it. and what it has cost up seems pretty dog e. interesting that the prime minister's office brings up american and european involvement in the same breath, which may be, has some observers asking, now what, perhaps some other things that russia has been falsely accused of by the rest could possibly be me would maybe be nice not to have to wait 13 years for
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a definitive answer next time and to think that is task hadn't taken office this week. there would still be a clause of suspicion hanging over russia right now. i realize the season is in full thing in amount of and dislike multiple cold cases. i'm broadly negative media coverage. donald trump is certainly the old, the games, both the republicans. i'm the, the incumbent president joe biden. trouble has been running his supporters in the state of iowa, traditionally the 1st a vote on potential candidates for the republican nomination. well, joe biden is a low i q individual. it is truly the worst most incompetent and most corrupt president in the history of the united states. you know, i used to treat them with much more respect. but once they indicted me over charging a fake and broke in and corrupt election. and by the way, yesterday arrest abuse and came out with
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a poll. did you say is it said that on male, in building 20 percent of the ballots were rigged and broken and discussing the poles that he was talking about was this rasmussen poll now? they spoke to american voters just over a 1000 of them. they also a range of questions, but his main focus, rudy, was the controversial postal voting system of this was as being to be the system actually swung the outcome of the i'm like to now if she calls to mind back to 2020 of course this was the middle of the corona harvest pandemic, many people in those or were forced to sign those due to these a, a blow down conditions. so millions of voters in america cost that vote by my own. now, this is the source of much contention. the democrats, of course, are encouraging the adventist to, to use the system to use a post of loading system with the republicans by comes off with 10 people to actually go to the pilot books and cause they have votes physically now, uh, from uh, of course, the time he said that the postal voting system was
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a my didn't dialed in controversy. he said, be prepared if you remember. this is going to be the greatest fraud in electro history. now of course, joe biden was declared the winner of the election, and the trump claimed at that moment the election was raked and he's maintained that's ever since now. this latest pole, the pole of the trump referred to in his i was speech as, as the one in 5. my over which is in this poll coordinates a residence in po admitted one way or the other that they have taken part in what could be deemed electronic rolled us, some of the examples that they've given all that somebody else filled in the ballot for them before posting a posting, it's off and all there's a say we talking, you know, they, they've pulled just over a 1000 vote to is but some, a percentage of those cost a vote in east item which that you no longer reside now,
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according to american election, all this constitutes a vote to fraud, and it's worth again, just to remind rory that back in 2020 a binding vote to was twice as likely to use opposed to waiting system. was it from 5 to? i've seen the video footage. i've seen it going about years now. people stopping these ballot boxes con, get into it right now, but talk to us about the implications for the election next year. what the cost is poll a cost a great deal of dial to the credit, but let's see all of this fragile us election system. now of course, this isn't the 1st time that the elections are being contested. you can cost online, but 2 decades ago when the democrat, our goal was that allegedly cheated out of the vote, which was then given to george w bush, who then became president. but h e. having each electoral sancho these antagonisms have become more more hatred. of course, for the 2020 elections we saw the capitol hill right. so now who knows what we're
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going to say in in 2024 and i was seeing the u. s. president joe biden, who is community facing impeachment challenges, who is deemed by his opponents to be one of the most most corrupt presidents in us history. and he could be running off against donald trump, who himself could run his presidential campaign from behind. j. obasi coming to me for the virginia state center, which is black says the us, i've actually never had one of those elections today, america has one of the most crooked selection systems in the world. we do. the basic problem is this. when people don't have to appear and identify themselves, you know, errand in the, in the 2020 election, 43 percent of all voters cast their ballots by mail. now you don't know
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how many of those were for real people and how many of those were just fake table. the united states has never had a real, honest voting system. but it was never as bad as it is today. and what happened is there has been this creeping escalation of on accountability but has changed is out in the needs it continues to evacuate it citizens from gaza and into an easier volunteer of the medical. i'm who my apparent institute and m e r c. mark. i believe this pronounced has evacuated to agents and then turned back to indonesia and didn't even miss a foreign affairs as 5. the challenges on the evacuation i made ongoing is really on baldwin's of the got a got media. is that how do your colleagues we have once again succeeded in of
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a create and wanting to need and citizen, very dozens of you. i you be out of gaza. freight is a mercy volunteer who previously carried out humanitarian work and the indonesian hospital in north casa, since the nation hospital is not operating for regent. all the mercies volunteers have been in solve and gaza, the situation in gauze, a still very dentures. israel continues to carry out attacks after the completion of the humanitarian force current leisurely attacks. conf. even targeted parts of southern gaza, especially in the whole new, new syria, southern gaza was previously a relatively safe area compared to north casa 3. does one of the screen mercies volunteers who decided from the beginning to remain in gaza. however, he has seemed to ask for help to be of a kate, i'm sorry i was one of the 3 in the knees and one day is it does this thing the despite is what are the effects you decided to evacuate when the situation
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deteriorated and didn't even go let began the evacuation of its citizens in the beginning of november, of this 10 national have been taken out of gauze of sofa fall and say a friday, the sons of a i u b. this is jen. and i think all the indonesian people for the support and prayers that have been given to us. we were so grateful that we could be in gaza, especially in the indonesian hospital where the facility serves the people of gaza . specifically those in the north, when we evacuated, we also had to pass through track points created by israel because they had cut off the route between the north and the south. it seems like they were really focusing on attacks in the north. so anyone who wanted to pass would be checked, but thank god we passed. we were then evacuated to school. schools are always adjacent to the un and government hospitals are volunteers who are still there. are staying right behind a school near the european hospital. the indonesian hospital as close to the northern border around 2.5 kilometers when we evacuated to the south,
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a distance from the school to the western border. it was also about 2.5 kilometers, but i didn't immediately leave rough. uh, i waited 2 weeks to get confirmation that i was leaving the gaza strip entirely because the representatives from the indonesian embassy and cairo were with me, i encountered no difficulties travelling from the egyptian border to the airport. what was difficult was waiting for my name to be on the list of those allowed to cross the rushes president, president conducted a mattress and 2 and a section of those. a lot of things, but for hours and the international media interactions with quick so far, the cars, marina costa river, has the details as we know of lot them are approved and has been holding these que an a's for years and he has the show and, and proven time and time again, he can answer questions. oh no problem including uncomfortable ones. but western media is eager to portray this whole 2 n a, which lasted over 4 hours as an elaborate station manage the script events,
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which in the case of, of the bbc, for example, even left their own people, their own experts struggling to find that answer. we assume it's quite staged, is it? well, i mean it's very long, which but to get to last for at least 3 hours, 4 hours, possibly long and the then it's always been along with the record break in just under 5 hours, one here. so again, if this was all script that this would require some hardcore, elaborate serious planning and script writers you name it now for a novice, for example. but again, like i said, the bottom are approved and has shown time and time again that he can do it. and he's done it many times. but the western media themselves can seem to get it right . is he this dictator, as they portray him who's unable to answer a simple, uncomfortable question or is a scripting everything and just getting comfortable questions, which is not the case. now again, let's hear from germany,
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what they have to say because it's interesting because we're now starting to get more and more admissions over the fact that western sanctions have not worked. this consent to the economic cost of clinton's work is also in people's minds. in russia, but even western experts would meet that despite rising prices. and the following value of the ruble. sanctions have failed to stop the crumbling from financing. it's more now fine and the way here in some photos finally trickle out. and i want to mention something i've been york times also wrote about this, and they said that mr. brewton spoke on thursday from a position of strength. they also said that russian forces, funded all for you, chris, is counter offensive. is that the production, the military production of russia is ramsey not they have no problem with money. and again, that western sanctions have failed to cripple the economy. now the new york times inside did get to ask a question during this q and a and b. c that ends, which is why may be there a correspondent was a little bit angry and resort to,
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to some name calling. let's take a listen. nbc news invited to preachings. bad news conference. russia's older client looking to turn a page to a new york times reporter, just off the president pro, retain about the job wall street journal that pulls it up and go straight to asking whether it is true that there was an offer of a deal that moscow refused president purchasing, we have not refused it. we want to have a deal, but it should be satisfying for both parties that some would argue that that for example, was and on a comfortable question, but no one of banded, no one said no, let's not. let's go to western journalists and find the lesson. journalists are there, and there are there every single year, with the exception of 2022. or of course it was the only year where there was no 2 . and a lesson journalists are allowed there and they're allowed to ask questions, which is you can say the same for our teacher and the list, for example, who not only are they not even allowed to ask questions that are not even allowed
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to attend the white house we think it's natural that every country has something different to take away from vladimir fruits and speech, and they focus on different things. over in argentina, the headlines that came out after vladimir fruits and speech were quite interesting because of course, a lot of my boots and refer to the origin senior leaders saying that he would like to dollar wise the national economy there, which is in stark contrast, what we're seeing happening around the world now we're, we're seeing more more countries, a band and in the us dollar in favor all during national currency is not moving over to in the other had a very interesting take. and just on times prepared a little clip and the pope some song at the current status and their relationship and the relationship between russia, china and the united states, the,
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the, what's the new york times a day to buy those to me because i show that the i'm seeing what i thought the new sense of that was a very funny indeed, but i'm sure you'll find people who will say that even that's well stage. well, again, goes to prove my previous point that vladimir putin select sometimes from the audience who gets to ask the question and he doesn't know, of course, what the question will be. but again, it depends on which part of the world you are in and what you will hear about this q and a so you should stick to archie and get and get it from the direct source 1st. now phillips is to assign a defense cooperation agreement with the us to station american troops and weaponry in the northern country, which was russia the signing is scheduled to take place in washington. on monday,
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helsinki is defensive, so says that now and then would be defending itself of the agreement demonstrates us commitment to fiddle and security and creates conditions for cooperation in a crisis. situation in the future of similar will not defend itself alone, but as a native member and together with the united states, a design series of y lives. so a defense agreement would enable the state as a tool for agent all security aspects with the document lawsuit based on the native status of forces agreement it regulate and says, the moving of troops stationing of equipment as well as taxation or the it enables the us to use congressional funding to for investments in finland, we spoke with finished jealous e at us, and he believes the room, it was forcible billing. i mean it in danger is the people of that country. the 1st of all this is against air was doing what the free nation,
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what do we have learned in our history from, from the actions of the western powers. this is the, is like a going to operation barbara's a 2.0. this is implementing a such kind of policy is reached for history, books of warning, not to do again. first of all, this is doing without any democratic process is there is no referendums. there is no bottom elementary discussions, each be dated, steps to words. are me very dangerously against russia and what we can expect from, from the united states. we just look a shame because it today that, that the, all the craze back stuff would do their bones of and in their situation. and of course, usa, we will not do the fight thing that is part to the last screen is person and every reasonable people in finland understands this great bridge,
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which disclosing off the russian border and giving possibility to place a very dangerous use weapons systems. next to the, the, the urgent interest of russia. so, so we see a very green situation and unfortunately, seems like the politicians in feeling haven't learned anything from the history. well, new crane tries to join the you're thing union. so i'm, i'm rudy behavior may and there is at times they say in low make a phone lesson town in the country ended a local debate and session by designating several good names, wounding more than 2 dozen people. a warning you may find the fine images this study of the who are the say 26 people suffered injuries including the mine and the lease of designated this
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meets both of devices is reported to be in critical condition. inquiry media says and lawmakers was facing about next is budget funding when the incident occurred to watch the complete video on senses on telecom channel. ok senior partner, somebody court has bind as a media. if i'm reporting about the closed door for a while ago, i'll sit prime minister in rock. com is a. this isn't a secret diplomatic cable call. could things like the prison sentence? the same and in question was a diplomatic cable was a senior progress donnie and us officials con has said it's evidence of a conspiracy to topple his government. he was, i'll sit by parliament did a vote of the new tumbler this last year of the he visited most coach,
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improve ties between russia and pack a song. the parliament that appointed a successor who is known for being a missile to weston policies fund has denied wrong doing. his lawyer says the case was fabricated to invite him from running for re election. i think the pursuit and use is the basically the new carefully of everything that the gold is acting like and like it came to the court. the court has especially been designed to declare a conviction. this serrano on this end is even the basic sites. the basic requirements of open and dry are being denied and you'll see that to me is being fired in a very small role. there are no body. ok then. uh is somebody some of the assembly members, but i found the sisters out loud and.


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