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tv   News  RT  December 15, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the the so, so is this how israel says it mistakenly killed 3 hostages? held by, i'm up in gauze officer, rosalie identifying the individuals as a threat reposing. it means that it's all sort of these falsified evidence of the ink from a russia and a devastating 2010 plane crash, but killed the police president at that time. it said that on male, in building 20 percent of the ballots were rates in broken and disgusting of who you are. tauriel season is in full swing, and new polls suggest that more than 20 percent of americans the mailing follows
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during the previous presidential election, have admitted to the floor. the wire provides an actual new center and most square. this is all to welcome to the global news is a, has admitted that it's full, says killed 3 hostages in gaza. those individuals were mistakenly identified as the french drain empty. how must operation, mazda bloom to the idea? so it says in all the middle east butte achieve, maria for nothing. uh, brings us more details. the idea of has now confirmed that earlier on friday, the israeli army mistakenly killed 3 is rarely hostages. in the gaza strip. it happens during the combo dean, the northern part of the poly student and clave, the idea of wrongly identified his rarely captives as a threat. the military immediately opened fire and killing whole 3 of them. the
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army now says that later they started having doubts over their identity over those killed and for that reason, their bodies have been transferred to these rarely territory to one of the forensic facilities there they have been examined. and later the worst fear was confirmed. they have already been identified, they are your time hygiene for all miss really southern keyboards, all quite as and some of the logic i bet doing is really are a muslim who apparently was working in one of his rarely southern towns at the time off. they have mass attack, both men were kidnapped by him. i smell attendance on october. the 7th off to the fighters entered israel from the guys through killing people and taking the scores hostages, the sides, victim's name has not been disclosed. following the relatives requests, they did not want it to be pros cause so we do not know who exactly that person is, but we know that this is also a man. how do we know that all 3 families of the killed hostages have already been
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notified by these really police? and these really are mean the idea of officially expressed deep remorse over this tragic incident and is sending to families is condolences and it is added in the harm is statement that these rarely militarism mission is to locate the missing persons and return all the hostages home we know that for now more than 100 and such a captive is riley's, and for nationals are still being held has hostage by her mazda and probably a student is wanting to hand militants in the gaza strip. is a whole is, is i've also been bombing the southern city of hon. eunice, the folks who the scene lies in following the sign to live with me or the city. 3 civilians are killed the past 24 hours a to find eunice. you heard from a mine who loves
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a family member and the latest from there were 3 strikes. these people didn't have any weapons or anything. there were 3 strikes on the house . they are innocent people, they have nothing to do with home us for top or anything else. we me salty. my house, me funny. i'm a kite. so essentially i was i'm out where the past seeing are right for us and has really splits age. all the off them off is raised like on. and then our bala, a warning. you may find these images to study the right size. it was it provided for us agents of those ended in the attack. the situation in the region has been made was 5, telecommunication breakdowns local authorities. and she was in israel of deliberately folding the background. a lot of the past seeing illinois asian has laws and initiative to help children affected by the warning garza aide was a vein and visiting also to meet with children to put on shows to change them. i
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will just allow me, i'll know how to attend in one of those events and send us this report. honda itself, this place shows are in how are being display. so the locks of motors, hospitals have only been able today to for you some of the child that has v dot to because of the is there a need war on the gaza strip? that's because of the initiative of the youth sherry for the past 60 days we have been in a difficult mental situation in all mental state is bad. i will never forget when i walked in the streets and so loved ones lying around. i saw their dead body. they tried to help us to get to it, but i couldn't. i want to be like the rest of the kids in the well have a moment about read the came today with the chart siobhan campaign to support people psychologically. and to provide children with assistance that would help
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them in the course of their lives and their mental health children are in dire need for these things, god willing when this war ends. hopefully children will be given special attention psychologically. that is essential for them. so we came for around 351 didn't children inside the departments and around 200 changing mover playing here with the other volunteers. and we put the plan to come every now and then to them to play and try to get them as much as we can, whether it is gas or food or clothes. whatever we bring with us with our volunteers, come to them this mine with a game with the, with a play with the children. they feel that it does something different to uh, bring view to the, to their eyes and their soul. plus, even mature people, men and women, they say, well,
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you want to play with us because we want to play also, not the only children that way. the basic rule of use have the, has been able to make some sort of joy and entertainment for too much sized children. because of this intensive is, or 80 was on the gauze. this trip that has been in place for the, for more than 2 months. now from me i read i read r t, i lots are marked as hospital and middle guys read out of the areas as these are the bomb bother and it says no sign of the baiting, the advisor and situation in the other is becoming increasing leading diet by the day, this video shows at this phase fussing in gallery a handful of flour, off the floor of building completely destroyed via is very a time. it is also sitting in the flames of the conflicts. as several people are
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being arrested in a series of empty terrace operations in gemini, the netherlands, and denmark, most of the suspects, i believe the have links to hom, us will have more on this to relate to in our program. the pose the authorities to have ripples the rescinded accusations against russia pertaining to a did the 2010 plane crash that killed more than a 100 people, including the president of the time. here's some of the reported developments from the published capital. it is necessary to learn lessons from failures. this commission was definitely a failure in many dimensions. but above all, we're talking about the prestige of poland about the prestige of the polish state. this is a commission acting on behalf of the state. and it is accused of fraud. we're
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talking about findings present to the reports by this commission. findings, by american and european experts. so test gets into the office and has a chance to, you know, blow the dust off of some old files and decided that it was time to put an end to this long standing suspicion of who or what may have killed his former arrival. kuchinski then president, along with his wife and several top public and military figures, 96 people in all. all of this happened when a polish air force plane went down over western russia, near the border with belin bruce back in 2010 while trying to land at the small lensky air base in russia to attend a ceremony. now at the time of the incident, it seemed pretty clear as to what happened. a case of cru error geranium ready for
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the landing. and that's something that both poland and russian governments found at the time. but then the so called reset. and as i plugged small between the west and russia, went right out the window, and the animosity then only intensified in the wake of your own. my don in ukraine in 2013 and all the drama over crimea the following year. so go figure that in 2016. just before hosting a big shindig nato's summit in warsaw, the polish defense minister at the time decided that the crash that happened way back in 2010. well, that was russia's fault. what happened to be a small and so was aimed at the private and put on of its leadership, which was on the path of leading our nation to independence school. the 1st, the victims of terrorism in the not intuitive and so small. and so we can say that we will also the 1st major victim of terrorism in the more than conflicts which is on the phone before all ice, the russian authorities vigorously pushed back on those statements of the time and
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the commission was launch. and on the last bipolar end to get to the bottom of it, is that the seem pretty clear cut right at the outset. but of course, as long as the commission is still investigating, one can always say that it's all just a big mystery and that there's always the possibility that russia may be responsible in some way. so test gets into office this week. and literally, just days later, he puts it in to the whole charade over the death of his old rival. i would like to say this very clearly and strongly today, december, 15th is the end of lies in the name of the polish state. this is the end of spending hundreds of millions of loyalties on activities that have nothing to do with explaining the causes of the disaster, but have a lot to do with politics. this decision should have been made a long time ago. so this commission rich as a prime minister's office said there, i spent millions of heroes of tap pull this tax care funds has already produced much if anything, to show for it and what it has cost up seems pretty dog
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e. interesting that the prime minister's office brings up american and european involvement in the same breath, which may be, has some observers asking, now what, perhaps some other things that russia has been falsely accused of by the west could possibly be me would maybe be nice not to have to wait 13 years for a definitive answer next time, and to think that if task hadn't taken office this week, there would still be a cloud of suspicion hanging over russia right now. the election season is in full sleigh in america, and despite multiple court cases, i rule the negative media coverage, though trump is still leading the polls against both fellow republicans. i'm the company president joe biden. trump has been running his supporters in the state of iowa conditioning the 1st of voted on potential candidates for the republican nomination. joe biden is
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a low i q individual and he is truly the worst most incompetent and most corrupt president in the history of the united states. you know, i used to treat them with much more respect, but once they indicted me over charging a fake and broke in and corrupt election. and by the way, yesterday arrest abuse and came out with a poll. did you say is it said that on male, in building 20 percent of the ballots were rigged and broken and disgusting. the poles that he was talking about was this rasmussen poll now. they spoke to american voters just over a 1000 of them. they also a range of questions, but his main focus ready was the controversial postal voting system of this was as being to be the system, the actually sort of the outcome of the i'm like to now if you cost your mind back to 2020 of course this was the middle of the corona virus problem, that many, many people in those or what falls to sign those due to these a,
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a blow down conditions. so millions of voters in america cost that vote by mail. now this is the source of much contention. the democrats, of course, are encouraging the adventist to, to use the system to use opposed to waiting system with the republicans, by contrast, with having people to actually go to the pilot books and cause they have votes physically. now, a trump, of course, at the time he said that the postal voting system was a mind any doubt and controversy. he said, be prepared if you remember. this is going to be the greatest fold in electro history. now, coast job i did was declared the winner of the election, and the trump claimed at that moment that the election was raped and he's maintained that ever since. now, this latest pole with the pole, with a trump referred to in his, i was speech as, as the one in 5. my over which is in this poll coordinates a residence, some poll i've mentioned one way or the other that they have taken part in what
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could be deemed electronic rolled us. some of the examples is they've given all that, somebody else filled in that ballot for them before posting a posting. it's off on the other. as i say, we're talking, you know, they, they've pulled just over a 1000 vote to it. but some, a percentage of those cost a vote, a nice day, you too much, that you no longer reside now, according to the american election. all this constitutes a vote of fraud, and it's worth again, just to remind rory that back in 2020 a bind info to was twice as likely to use a postal waiting system. as a trumpeter, i've seen the video footage. i've seen it going back years now. people stopping these ballot boxes can't get into it right now. but talk to us about the implications for the election next year. what of course, this poll as cost a great deal of doubt? it was a credit, but let's see of this fragile us election system. now of course, this isn't the 1st time that the elections have been contested. you can cost online,
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but 2 decades ago when the democrat, our goal was allegedly cheated out of the votes, which was then given to george w bush, who then became president. but each year, having each electoral sancho these on target isms have become more more hatred, of course, for the 2020 elections. we saw the capitol hill right. so now who knows what we're going to say in in 2024. now we're seeing a us president joe biden, who is community facing in peach when charges is deemed by his opponents to be one of the most of the most corrupt presidents in us history. and he could be running off against donald trump. he threw himself for me for us could run his presidential campaign from behind jail. bostic full of again said, says the richard, the black says the us, as i see never had on the selections to day america has one of the most
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corrupted from election systems in the world. we do. the basic problem is this. when people don't have to appear and identify themselves, you know, and uh, in the, in the 2020 election, 43 percent of all voters cast their ballots by mail. now you don't know how many of those were, were real people. and how many of those were just big people being honored states has never had a real, honest boating system, but it was never as bad as it is today. and what's happened is there has been this creeping escalation of on accountability. several individuals who've been arrested in anti terrorist operations in germany, denmark and the netherlands,
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the majority of who was suspected of having links to how most, according to the last 3 people were taken into custody in denmark, on a charge of profiting a terrorist attack. one has already been released for others. i also wanted one for the arrest have been issued now is fail times the a 7 individuals in demo have links to hamas, which has not been confirmed by your being authorities. meanwhile, in germany and also he does a full suspect as members of how must have been apprehended, as well as one in the netherlands at berlin's request. they were allegedly looking for weapons to attack jewish institutions in your this is that for us to live into in danish of pocket sony, ortho and the national platform coordinator for den model the youth in network against racism by sheep food. yeah. she last year. thanks. so much for joining us here today. now what do you think is actually behind to the increasing number of
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toes that's in your well, 1st of all, let me start by seeing that to an end you add to this in denmark and in europe. i am very much against all kind of hate to racism wireless and of course the type of terrorist and that is should be placed. but remember, there are 2 type of types in your one is domestic type and then the other one is a type from outside. when is a domestic take? what do i mean by that? when this tet ballistics type is due to racism, and then some of the for you and the tech from outside can be about your environment in was outside. especially now when denmark in europe is, has been a, is why you buy weapons, moral support and all kinds of other have, you know,
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so that could be in this reason. but how not. so is it for hatred between jews and most of us made uh, an ongoing war? well, i work with both the jews and muslims in denmark and in europe. and i can tell you categorically that there's no mutual hatred between muslims and jews. activity starting pm, which means have already looked at, did use in person your vendor utilize and that ended in how low cost. so i would not say that this is because the reason the problem is the operation and the brutality, which is why you had use the gas biased any. and for many, many years that has created a, i would say you read it. and if you're going to call you to get to,
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but that is pretty to code. that is because the union going to lead your one freedom and he's i don't board. so that is actually the doctor problem. and i see, i see, you know, recently the jewish when she's told me to most can get in singing jewish songs during the, the process. i believe hanukkah, i believe what, what, what can search incitement need to when i also saw the video that i use or you did your motors, the mosque and then the entered is endorsing traditional jews songs. but again, as i said before, it's very sad because it is not here. did you guys of judaism any? so i'm being i really use a piece. what so you guys are doing the doing to show the power this room, the showing good impression that it is on behalf of the is it
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a lead state policies and the fastest leaders of is that i have today that terrible isn't that really a bunch of you know, really by law special and i have you here. what shouldn't you do to reduce the terrace? right. it was said before the policy union and arrows are very peacefully peeper. they want to have it and they want to have uh, you know, uh, freedom from operation and from is a lease of the nation. and as long as europe suppose one party against an oppressed party, they will be prompt. yes. so my request to the, to europeans is police is doing their work. they are very professional. if there is any tech from outside, they were dealing with that the politicians, especially the urban politician, they should not make that statement which can make the europeans
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afraid. and they have a bigger responsibility. secondly, i think europe should not take orders from america. europe should have independent policy. and europe believes didn't who rights dealers, breach humor, right. was that an issue about you and implementing those, you know, right also for policy and use in gaza because as long as there's a huge killing, get almost $20000.00 or less then you have been cheated. mostly children and human . so the, the urban politicians to take what they're doing not support is very easy for easiest and instead have to create an independent police time that we created these both english and your last have a so what i the name of that. thank you so much for your insight. last the quarter, i see i saw 5 from coordinator for dental. i'll be your in network against racism. thank you again for your time very much. i more than
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a dozen members of the british part of an i've spoken out against supplying what business it is when they said that if the u. k continues to deliver on. so the idea it could be complicit in war crimes against civilians in gaza on the citi card. a sudden a shave. those results israel's punitive operation against guys a grinds on with so many civilians getting killed. it's harder and harder for benjamin netanyahu has government to maintain international support. even a strong ally like the u. k is starting to feel the pressure from within its own parliament, british and peace, or demonic to know whether their country is also responsible for the civilian dental. in the debate on the sale of arms to israel, i said that we have to recognize that if we in any way 8 or provide support to a state perpetrating war crimes, we become complicit in those war crimes. we facilitate the provision of weapons to israel by americans flying from the acro terry base. that is simply unacceptable,
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and we are complicit. not only does the republic of cyprus have the right to know what is happening in a sovereign british base, but so to the citizens of the united kingdom, we need to know that there is no complicity here. should we not be able to expect more of companies in the u. k, and that they will not be like a moral drug dealers on the corner selling to whoever we never, regardless of the consequences. we expect the companies that live among us in the u . k. not to be funding or aiding and abetting death in gaza as is happening at the moment. and according to human rights organizations, the u. k is explored almost half a 1000000000 pounds worth of weapons to is well since 2015, including components for bombers, nissan of times. and i munition few k provides approximately 15 percent of the components for the f 35. stealth fighter. currently being used to bomb the civilian population of gaza. the u. k. research being completed in and facilitating serious violations of international humanitarian law. if it fails to hold arms exports to ease real immediately. while in reality, it's likely that the british government does no and breach of its own laws on the
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transfer of weapons to israel. cord to k legislation demands that weapons transfers must be halted in the event that they may be used to carry out war crimes. but billions worth of u. k. weapons have been used in the m and on israel to target civilians with absolutely no consequences for the profitable as industry that's applies to you. imagine that given the u. k. central road of the creation of these way, the state that it would take its responsibilities in the region more seriously. well, you'd be wrong. u. k has remained completely silent and calls for seas for even when those calls come from the united nations. the responsibility on the u. k is higher considering the historical legacy of the u. k. and the area. the yuki doesn't seem to be active on this agenda. so just compliance with international law . it is about time, there is a paradigm change towards the question of palestine. well, it's almost a 170 years since britain infamous ball for declaration license the birth of this
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item is really stayed in palestine and savvy rather than being central to efforts to foster peace and understanding of the war to our region. the british are no central to the provision of the weapons being brutally deployed against innocent palestinian civilians. apparently his own jo, sebra, vice chair of the british communist party. she things on the dollars of one pilot members saying the government will still send weapons to is well, there is a exact correlation between what's happening and the sign and what's happening in ukraine. in both cases, the western powers of backing up the shift stick. the state pharmacist are doing a game against the people who live the uh, in both cases you have a state which is essentially a supremacy site. a site that's been asked to make a call to that site, whether supremacists try to keep them and even what,
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how does it play the nights of local populations? i think the pressure is good to continue. and what happens is some sort of talk about we're supposed to typing the control mechanisms before we examining the control mechanisms, which of course, we see doug walker to the deals that they inspect on the do half of the power, the offensive loopholes that me a whole lot of arms get sold without, without being written down anywhere essentially. so there is no ability to oversee what is really being recorded to clear the same genocide as a topic of cost flow problem. next time it will be back to the, the
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the one of the things that we learned very quickly about brock obama was that he was not a friend of transparency. he was not a friend of whistle blowers and he was very, very easily influenced by the c i a and by the rest of the intelligence community, perhaps because he came to the presidency with no foreign policy experience. worked behind perhaps because he just believed in the mission of the c. i a and the us intelligence service.
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the hello and welcome to cross top, where all things are considered. i'm peter level. the genocidal assault on gaza has made itself felt in a variety of ways in terms of geo politics, the united states and israel stand together virtually alone and isolated. the complex has also seen the rise of extreme censorship all across the western world criticizing israel and sign is and has become essentially a criminal act, so called western values are now meaningless. the to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess, rein, mcgovern in raleigh. he is a former c. i a analyst in seattle. we have ramsey by route. he is a power speed officer and journalist and in new york we crossed to line on the as a legal and media analyst or a gentleman cross type roles and the fact that means you can jump in time and want


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