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tv   News  RT  December 15, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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the the israel says mistakenly killed 3 hostages, held by him. i've been gather after wrongly identifying them as a threat of global during the fighting should j at the idea of mistaken. we identified hostages as a threats. as a result, the soldiers fired at them and they were killed. protective often tell of even front of these ready defense ministry buildings, that one is afraid of holding on the gap and to do more together remaining hostages . fact poland reportedly admit that itself already is falsified evidence to be criminal roster and the devastating we need 10 plead crossteck killed the oldest president at the time. it says that our mail and routing 20 percent of the ballots
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were rigdon broke in and discussing as a us elect tool. season is in full swing. a new polls suggest for more than 20 percent of americans who use the 1000000 pilots during the previous presidential election. have admitted to the fraud the why they fix the i'm in moscow. welcome to i think the national reaching you live, remind you said i am michael point you with the latest but usually has admitted that it's 4th is killed, 3 hostages in gaza. those individuals were mistakenly identified as a threat during an ad to have my separation, and that's according to the idea of sports bus of the model. i saw the votes besides the, during the fighting and should j a. d i d. f mistakenly identified hostages as the threats. as a result, the soldiers fired at them and they were killed. the idea of has now confirmed that
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earlier on friday, the israeli army mistakenly killed 3 is rarely hostages in the gaza strip. it happens during the combat during the northern part of the apollo student and clave the idea for only identified his rarely captives as a threat. the military immediately opened fire and killing whole 3 of them. the army now says that later they started having doubts over the identity of those killed and for that reason, their bodies have been transferred to these rarely territory to one of the forensic facilities there they have been examined on later. if the worst fear was confirmed, they have already been identified, they are your time hygiene for all. miss riley's southern keep boots all quite as that. and so i'm going to the logic i bet doing is randy r. a muslim who apparently was working in one of his rarely southern towns at the time off they have mass attack, both men were kidnapped by him. i smell attendance on x over the 7 off to the fights or is adding to israel from the guys for killing people and taking as far as
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hostages. the sides, victim's name has not been disclosed. following the relatives requests. they do not want it to be pros, cause so we do not know who exactly that person is, but we know that this is also a man. how do we know that all 3 families of the killed hostages have already been notified by these really police? and these really are mean the idea of officially expressed deep remorse over this tragic incident and is sending to families is condolences and it is added in the harm is statement that these rarely militarism mission is to locate the missing persons and return all the hostages home we know that for now more than 100 and such a captive is riley's, and for nationals are still being held has hostage by him. my son was seen in his landing to hon militants in the gaza strip,
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to and as well as over threes rarely use the idea of tailed spread. the product as gather, didn't tell of even demanded the more be done to bring home the remaining hostages . now people, lots of the city is highway and poured red, painted to symbolize the blot of those lives last human and labor rights lawyer done cover like says the, the ease of main goal is to kill gavin's and it hasn't done enough to bring back the past that is what they're doing in god's, let's face it, they're engaged in indiscriminate violence. their the vast majority of people, they're killing our children and women. and in fact, on a scale we've never seen before. and so that's the problem here. obviously they did this by mistake, but also the rules of engagement are such that this sort of thing is very likely that but then they find that you've shown very little concerned about getting their own hostages back. they probably could have had them all back by now if they wanted
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to negotiate more with the boss. but frankly, that has not been a priority. the priority, frankly, for the years to be killing as many civilians is in the us as they possibly k 5. and it says things like, oh, i'm encouraging netanyahu to stop killing civilians and stop using these mega, mega bombs on, on. uh the people got it. and yet, you know, then he sends these one done bombs to uh, to netanyahu to use. right. i mean, this thing could be added if the united states said we're not gonna keep supporting you militarily, right? we're not going to send you millions of dollars to prosecute this for, but that's not happening. it's just word. so i fear that this is going to continue . sadly, for some time. is there any forces have also been bombing the south and city are kind of goodness the smoke proceed rising. following the strife, local media reports for the 3 civilians were killed over the past 24 hours in con
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eunice. and we've heard from a man who lost a family member in the last bombardment. there were 3 strikes. these people didn't have any weapons or anything. there were 3 strikes on the house. they are innocent people. they have nothing to do with home us for top or anything else. 3 me, so i'll keep my house me, honey, i'm out of call you later in the program, british parliament members demand that the u. k. stop sending weapons to ease roll as a civilian deaths stolen gas is only building up each and every day. the polish authorities have reported the rescinded accusations against russia pertaining to a deadly 2010 plane crash that killed nearly 100 people, including portland's president at the time. here are some of the reported
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developments from the polish capital. it is necessary to learn lessons from failures. this commission was definitely a failure in many dimensions. but above all, we're talking about the prestige of poland about the prestige of the polish state. this is a commission acting on behalf of the state. and it is accused of fraud. we're talking about findings present to the reports by this commission. findings, by american and european experts. so test gets into the office and has a chance to, you know, blow the dust off of some old files and decided that it was time to put it in to this long standing suspicion of who or what may have killed is form arrival kuchinski then president along with his wife and several top public and military figures, 96 people in all. all this happened when a polish air force plane went down over western russia,
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near the border with bella bruce, back in 2010 while trying to land at the small lensky air base in russia to attend a ceremony. now at the time of the incident, it seemed pretty clear cut as to what happened. a case of cru error geranium, really foggy landing, and that's something that both poland and russian governments found at the time. but then the so called reset. and as i plus small between the west and russia, went right out the window, and the animosity then only intensified in the wake of hero my done in ukraine in 2013 and all the drama over crimea the following year. so go figure that in 2016, just before hosting a big shindig nato summit in warsaw, the polish defense minister at the time decided that the crash that happened way back in 2010. well that was rushed as faults. what happened to me,
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a small and so was aimed at the private and pulling called, which little ship, which was on the path of leading our nation to independence school. the 1st, the victims of terrorism in and out into test and to a small the end. so we can say that we will also the 1st major victim of terrorism in the more than conflicts which is unfolding before all ice. the russian authorities vigorously pushed back on those statements of the time. and the commission was launched on the last bipolar and to get to the bottom of it. is that the seem pretty clear cut right at the outset? but of course, as long as the commission is still investigating, one can always say that it's all just a big mystery and that there's always the possibility that russia may be responsible in some way. so test gets into office this week. and literally, just days later, he puts an end to the whole charade over the death of his old rival. i would like to say this very clearly and strongly today, december, 15th is the end of lies in the name of the polish tide. this is the end of spending hundreds of millions of loyalties on
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a to it is that have nothing to do with explaining the causes of the disaster, but have a lot to do with politics. this decision should have been made a long time ago. so this commission, which as a prime minister's office said there has spent millions of bureaus of top pull his tax care funds has already produced much if anything, to show for it. and what it has cost up seems pretty dodgy. interesting that the prime minister's office brings up american and european involvement in the same breath, which may be, has some observers asking, now what, perhaps some other things that russia has been falsely accused of by the west could possibly be me would maybe be nice not to have to wait 13 years for defensive answer next time. and to think that if task hadn't taken office this week, there would still be a cloud of suspicion hanging over russia right now. earlier my colleagues more i'd have found me discussed this issue with political analysts demitria babich. he says
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of the castle, the investigation is a textbook example of was a 4 be a base corruption. there was this infamous commission headed by anthony monterey, which, which came up with all kinds of you which exceed or dislike the plane was exploded uh on the order of uh for describing us the tools cause i believe, to go and grocery at besetti over or they have cartoons gates or reactions grades and some kind of artificial folk around the field in small and screen deliberately created the full so that the cartoons give would crash. or there were theories that trash and subscript somehow spread that you know, gas kaylee them around the field so that the plane would lose orientation. and for when the ground this was just despicable. and this was, unfortunately, it confidence both of them by and by the you also have the most powerful person and
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for when you're in the last 10 years. so um no, i think what's going on. okay, that's not the give too much brace to, don't know to ask. this is no democracy. this is no decency, this has nothing deborah to he is just the take and he's revenge. but they cause ations against you. what, what would you course just like and cause agents that gaze dress, you know? so you know this to trace and see if he could do because for several years uh, being from his life more spread. but that doesn't make him a good person. that doesn't make him a friend of russia. he will of course, continue with the rooster full policy. but maybe some of these people who basically pocket that public money, a walk in that commission. maybe some of them will phase just to so that's will be only fair. mean, sure you are you making it sound like there's corruption info and i mean who, how they get away with creating a story or creating some form of uh,
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narrative that for 10 years or 13 years, as michael knew that rachel pointed out to the needs we thought about it, and then suddenly the time made about this. now, is there any influence in the timing now, or is it a political library? uh, people with this one, i saw some points. well uh you found the good. what for corruption and unfortunately blue all of these commission because of the by anthony monterey, which it was a classical, classical example of corruption waste. the owner was a for being these people for several years, leaved off the cues in russia over absolutely. and so things and of course have in political interest because in general, uh, broadway as part of the dealership was fighting the parts of those, you know, see the platform way, a way to civic colleagues that doesn't make the civic platform a decent part about that. and at some point, because poor and certainly deserves that the political class had changed skin tools
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. i mean, the point is deadlocked with them for more than 10 years. now it's time to change this time for, for these people to leave. you know, the, the election season then is in full swing in the united states. and despite multiple court cases and broadly negative media coverage, donald trump is still leading the polls against both a fellow republicans and the incumbent. president divided job has been drawn, leading his supporters and the state of iowa. traditionally, the 1st to vote on potential candidates for the republican nomination. joe biden is a low i q individual. it is truly the worst most incompetent and most corrupt president in the history of the united states. you know, i used to treat them with much more respect, but once they indicted me over charging a fake and broken and corrupt election, and by the way, yesterday arrest abuse and came out with
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a poll. did you say is it said that on male, in building 20 percent of the ballots were rigged and broke and then disgusting. opposed that he was talking about was this rasmussen poll now? they spoke to american voters just over a 1000 of them. they also a range of questions, but his main focus ready was the controversial postal voting system of this was as being to be the system actually swung the outcome of the i'm like to now if you calls your mind back to 2020, of course this was the middle of the corona harvest pandemic, many people in those or were forced to sign those due to these a, a blow down conditions. so millions of voters in america cost that vote by mail. now this is the source of much contention. the democrats, of course, are encouraging the adventist to, to use the system to use opposed to waiting system with the republicans by contr offer, telling people to actually go to the pilot box and cause to have votes physically. now, from, of course, the time he said that the postal voting system was
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a mind any doubt and controversy. he said, be prepared if you remember, this is going to be the greatest fold in electro history. now of course, joe bonded was declared the winner of the election and the trump claimed at that moment the election was raked and he's maintained that's ever since now. this latest pole with the pole that trump referred to in his i was speech as, as the one in 5. my over which is in this poll coordinates a residence, some poll admitted one way or the other that they have taken part in what could be deemed electronic rolled us, some of the examples that they've given all that somebody else filled in the ballot for them before posting a posting, it's also an all, there's a say we talking, you know, they, they've pulled just over a 1000 vote to is but some, a percentage of those cost a votes in east item which that you no longer reside now,
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according to american election, all this constitutes a vote to fraud, and it's worth again, just to remind rory that back in 2020 a binding vote to was twice as likely to use a postal waiting system as a trump like to i've seen the video footage. i've seen it going about years now. people stopping these ballot boxes can't get into it right now, but talk to us about the implications for the election next year. what, of course, this poll a cost a great deal of dial to the credit, but let's see all of this fragile us election system. now of course, this isn't the 1st time that the elections are being contested. you can cost online, but 2 decades ago when the democrat, our goal was that allegedly cheated out of the votes, which was then given to george w bush, who then became president. but each you have, and each electoral sancho, these antagonisms have become more, more hatred. of course, following the 2020 elections. we saw the capitol hill. right. so now who knows what
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we're going to say in in 2024? not we seeing the us president joe biden, who is community facing impeachment challenges, who is deemed by his opponents to be one of the most most corrupt presidents in us history. and he could be running off against donald trump. he threw himself, could run his presidential campaign from behind j o boss to come into mr. hi leah, my colleague moore. i'd him be independent of guess from the us, discussed the us election. well, historically, whenever you take a nationwide poll, you do not need a large and or large sample. you have to look at the, the minimum amount of individuals in order for it to be statistically significant. but here's my question. how many of these people did they find who are basically admitting a 1000 be 20 percent admitted that they had that they were involved this i'm kind of shenanigans. and here's the question gentlemen. if not, whether you, you went to a different state or voted elsewhere. the question is,
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why did you do this? did these people individually for some particular reason on their own? so was find they decide to do this or was this a part of a bigger scheme that either a them controlled them or perhaps suggested that they do this? that's what i wanted. well, 8 percent in the same poll said that they were, they did receive some kind of gratification or payments to vote. i don't think i don't, i, it's unclear to me. i don't think these are the ones who said i cheated because i was paid. nonetheless. i think why that makes a great point at the beginning there, if, if you have 20 percent, it meaning that they broke the law. uh then imagine how many did not admit that they broke the law in this country. it's become a stablished fact just like we changed definitions of words, races of marriage, male female. it's become an established fact that there is no significant vote abroad period. the in the a p did a study,
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i think in 2020 i was 21. and they found 400 cases nationwide for hundreds of voted fraud in the 2020 election. i mean, which is just ridiculous. i've heard left wing pundits over and over and over. say, there is no vote of fraud. how could any body say anything like that to save? you know, we hear a lot about the, so we have a lot of mainstream media, whether you're following cnn a or you're flying. you know, jo bite is pledge a way of one of the following folks, news, and put a lot of independent news div allow then i, on, on rumble on youtube. i talked to cos and, you know, alex jones for example. these that voice is already heard as much all even reported on. is that the way because that's the way mainstream media goes. it doesn't allow anyone like yourselves that go have your social media towels to really say what you,
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what do you feel is do you think the news is changing, steve? oh, absolutely. look. it. they like when i say that they say that there is no voting for it. it's the media, they will preface a story. they will preface a story on the, on a, on an election being challenged and claims a voter fraud by saying there's no evidence of, of widespread voter fraud in this country. it's been established. it's that it's a fact and that's how they operate. well, you know, you want to help crazy. this all is if you request, if you pass a law in the states for but that voters have to show id the same id, they would have to show to get a driver's license. the same one they would have to show it a social security office or, or that a bank, if you make them show it to both it's racist. here's the best part. and let me just leave you gentleman with this. maybe not leave this early. the republican knowing
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knowing that this is happening or mentioning nothing about this, nobody is saying this year, we're ready with teams of lawyers and oh watchers to get started. i happen again. have for the reasons, because most people are acclimated into your way to, to what you're saying. well, that's the way it is. what even to do. and when that happens, you can forget all the media when the public expects it to happen, it doesn't react negatively. that's the problem. but more than a 1000 members of the british parliament have spoken not against supply weapons to ease roll, beset. if the u. k continues to deliver arms to id as it could be compressed, it didn't war crimes against civilians in gaza. r t. chris, by the end tables reports, israel's punitive operation against guys a grinds on with so many civilians getting killed. it's harder and harder for benjamin netanyahu government to maintain international support. even a strong ally like the u. k is starting to feel the pressure from within its own
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parliament, british and peace, or demonic to know whether their country is also responsible for the civilian dental. in the debate on the sale of arms to israel, i said that we have to recognize that if we in any way aid or provide support to a state perpetrating more crimes, we become complicit in those war crimes. we facilitate the provision of weapons to israel by americans flying from the acro terry base. that is simply unacceptable, and we are complicit. not only does the republic of cyprus have the right to know what is happening in a sovereign british base, but so to the citizens of the united kingdom, we need to know that there is no complicity here. should we not be able to expect more of companies in the u. k, and that they will not be like a moral drug dealers on the corner selling to whoever we never, regardless of the consequences. we expect the companies that live among us in the u . k. not to be funding or aiding and abetting death in gaza as is happening at the moment. and according to human rights organizations, the u. k is explored almost half a 1000000000 pounds worth of weapons to israel since 2015, including components for bombers missiles times. and i munition buquet provides
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approximately 15 percent of the components for the f 35. stealth fighter. currently being used to bomb the civilian population of gaza. the u. k. research being completed in and facilitating serious violations of international humanitarian law . if it fails to hold arms exports to ease real immediately, while in reality, it's likely that the british government does no and breach of its own laws on the transfer of weapons to israel. cord u. k. legislation demands that weapons transfers must be halted in the event that they may be used to carry out war crimes, but billions worth of u. k. weapons have been used in the m and on israel to target civilians with absolutely no consequences for the profitable as industry that's applies to you. imagine that given the u. k. central rolled at the creation of the user id, say that it would take its responsibilities in the region more seriously. well, you'd be wrong. u. k has remained completely silent and calls for seas for even
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when those calls come from the get knighted nations. the responsibility on the u. k . is higher considering the historical legacy of the you can the area. the yuki doesn't seem to be active on this agenda. so just compliance with international law . it is about time there is a paradigm change towards the question of palestine. well, it's almost a 170 years since brittany infamous ball for declaration license the birth of this item is really stayed in palestine and savvy rather than being central to efforts to foster peace and understanding of the war to our region. the british are no central to the provision of the weapons being brutally deployed against innocent palestinian civilians were heard from majority bra, vice chair of the british communist party. it says things that regardless of what parliament members say, the government will still send weapons diesel. that there is a exact correlation between what's happening in the sign and what's happening in
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ukraine. in both cases, the western powers of backing up the shift stick. the state with the supremacist ideology against the people who live the uh, in both cases you have a state which is essentially a supremacy site, a site that's an estimate composite site where the supremacists try to keep them and even what, how does it play the night to local populations, i think the pressure is going to continue on most likely to happen is some, some talk about resuscitating the control mechanisms before we examining the control mechanism, which of course, we see doug walker to the deals that they inspect on the do half of the power, the offensive loopholes that me a whole lot of honesty, so without, without being written down anywhere, essentially. so there is no ability to oversee what is really being recorded. of the world bank has one that developing nation,
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spend the record $440000000000.00 to service their extend of debt. last year. it emphasized that the money could have been used on all the critical needs of the organizations, cheesy, columbus, to ross, to give advice about possible solutions for the classes, but failed to mention the course of factors on favorable credit terms with western banks. the record debt levels and high interest rates have set many countries on a path to crisis. the situation warrants quick and coordinated action by debtor governments, private and official creditors and multi lateral financial institutions, more transparency, better debt sustainability tools and swift or restructuring arrangements. the alternative is another last decade, the did crisis into which heavy borrowing staple, rising interest rates, and the political crisis have plans to a number of developing countries. is it to be exacerbated by policies and conditions imposed by the i am if and the will bank deal has always maintained that
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much of the missing this in the global economy can be choked up to policy mistakes and the most advanced economies. but the effects, the spending over into low income countries that would kill is not mentioning those . that's the main culprit. so the world bank and the i am if we continue to use their age to push inappropriate economy policies on developing countries that these institutions with, designed with colonial principles in mind and remain large the colonial and carried to, to this day for decades. the international monetary fund and the world bank of the food policies, the destroying our economies of societies and our environment. their approach has pillaged our resources and made up people redeemable the poor while concentrating wealth and power in the hands of the rich few. while i'm doing this, they have shown the most contempt for our own ideas agency, and lead as they have driven our continent into debt and maintained africa's subordinate position in the global economy. as
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a market for cheap labor and rule materials, they have relegated us to growing flowers instead of food. and to be frank, the problem starts at the top. the lead is of the will bank. i'm the i am if i'm not elect to, to, but nominated by the u. s. and move over the president of the world bank has only been from the us or the president of the item is, has always been broken for centuries, most of what is now called the developing world was part of the colonial systems after you will p and, and the american pa was, and the consequences of colonialism are still being solved to this state and assigned a pointing to the i'm, if i'm the world. and i am concerned about neo colonialism in africa. i am concerned about continuously having a foreign reserves in those countries that are quietly determining what happens in nigeria. i'm going to ask you this because we really need to start looking in woods in africa. how do we generate, how do we grow our economies?
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having all the resources we have all that we need to make a difference in the world. but until we stop relying on huge foreign exchange as we are not going to achieve that. so i'm going to ask, will you be willing to consider returning a foreign reserves to nigeria for instance, and allow commercial banks to manage the foreign reserves, the case of nigeria, and indeed many african countries is only the most recent example of high for decades. the 2 leading financial institutions up in parts of the world, 10 scheme to keep previously colonized countries in a never ending cycle of dates to take a closer look at some of the a situation. somebody, i is the 1st african countries to signal a private sick to death default, but it is not to the last one. the general perception is that the will bank to the i am if and the world trade organization. i had to fight povich each, have that and diseases in the developing world. how is that? in reality, that is far from the truth is also been cases we will, bank has use loans as political.


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