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tv   News  RT  December 16, 2023 3:00am-3:30am EST

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the the process booking televi busy as well as mid city mistakenly killed 3 hostages, held by how much goes left of the room, you identifying them as militant during the fighting should show you the idea of mistaken. we identified hostages as a threats. as a result, the soldiers fired at them and they were killed and disturbing images from 7 goals, the cameraman is killed in a correspondence. now just the one crew ahead fine is ready supply to con eunice. also in east jerusalem is ready soldiers and finally attack a photo journalist from kind of don't lose any agency who's on assignments in yeah,
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[000:00:00;00] the very room. welcome here in all to international it's 11 am in moscow. i am showing that even ski, and i'll be taking you through all the main stories from today. israel has led me to that it's forces killed 3 hostages in casa. now those individuals were mistakenly identified as being, as threatened during an anti hi my separation. that's according to the i d. s. spokesperson. the model of the vote, the such as the during the fighting and should j a. the id f mistakenly identified hostages as a threats. as a result, the soldiers fired at them and they were killed. the soldiers are firing and they don't really understand completely what is going on in this dense population
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at the gen accidentally queue hostages and not just hostages. also about 13 is riley soldier as well, are killed by that. they're all the people because they mistakenly so the other soldiers are generous, but said they were eventually the unit to office, rarely army. so the same happens. and this, this 3 hostages say came close the approach these rarely army, they thought that the, those are terrorist that wants to attack them. and this is the complexity of fed having a military operation and such. and then step population as guides, the streets. and this is the reason that the families and the relatives of the hostages, and also some of these early public, demanding these early primaries during the war cabinets to negotiate and to do
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a deal of exchange of prisoners for all these rarely hostages. and also may be add to agree on a ceasefire because that's the said part of these really probably the least. the most important thing for each row right now is to bring all the in a sentence, riley that's our deck, into the cup, steve. it to you by how much, and this is the best thing that's easier i can do for the more all over the country and for the future. so the people will see that the country doing anything possible for its people. as the word of the 3 is where it is, the idea kills spread, protest is gathered in tennessee and demanded movie done to bring home the remaining home us hostages. people blocked the cities highway and then pull the red paint to symbolize the blood of those lives. lost during the list and on the list. why were you pleased with the killing of the hostages will provoke move and amongst
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the families of those cap shipped as well. it's certainly very impactful for the families of the victims who has in recent weeks emerged as effectively the only vocal faction of this rarely society. that is publicly in favor of a ceasefire publicly in favor of the escalation. if you look at polls coming out of israel, a recent pull found that less than 2 percent of is rarely. society felt that uh too much munitions, too many bombs have been dropped on guys at it. only 2 percent of the population less than 2 percent feels that b is really military, is doing too much in this military campaign. and a majority, according to that full felt that the military needed to more be more aggressive in its military campaign. so as to whether this will lead to a serious gift and the public mood in israel. i certainly have my doubts, but i will say that it,
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i think it is likely to catalyze the remainder of the families of the captives. and to realize that basically, unless they are able to uh, force these really government to negotiate with promises once again, as they did with the previously released hostages. unless they are able to compel the government to negotiate for those captives that they could potentially need a similar stage. as these 3 is rarely met with over a 130 people still in the hands of hamas, us, according to authorities, is where the soul seeking different ways to initiate that concerns for those who have captured and to continue res, wellness of the flights. and we sat today, a group of jo goes running across to be installed authority with the hostages. local journalists will be bowman funds this 3 story, as the war with gaza enters, is 3rd months more than $130.00 is really hostages. men,
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women and children still remain in gaza and as a result, bombing campaign continues. the chances of these hostages being rescued alive decreases. in addition, there have been reports of hamas executing hostages, as well as starving them. families are finding different ways to keep the hostages front and center and is really society. some people are hanging posters of hostages . some stores show the pictures of the hostages on tv screens, sometimes yellow ribbons the trees, scooters and bicycles, some place huge bloody teddy bears on park benches representing the children. while others we're dog tags that say, bring them home. only on mall had a number of family members killed on october 7th, and a number of been taken hostage into gaza. only was afraid that it would focus more on one of the war, then they wouldn't be saving the hostages. so here in the port of tell of if he organized a weekly run or people, we're
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t shirts saying free the hostages now and they run down the beach to keep this message in the mind of anyone who sees the run happening. eventually armies. family members were afraid and one of the exchanges, but only continues to run every week out of solidarity with the other hostage families. this rodney is a, we did it to every, for 8 weeks every saturday to bring golf. this is subject of the all the keep them they were due for the now we are on the 137 and we need to bring everybody back. this is one of the most important, the thing that the state of these what need to do for the citizen this season is not the war. it's nothing. it's people come in the miles from bid out from their home. it's a, it's steve, it's a family is it's elderly and the other on there. so if
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people come to on with me and they become a large community to come to run it with us today, it's important, it's important for every person as well, especially since that october. so if any, each people, each, each person is going to go with something and is in is hard, is right and it's allowed state and that. ready a lot of people that attach to the situation and the yes, whatever i do, this is my private, the doing private, the thing in a, i believe it's how i believe it's of the to make me feel in detail. so this is the most important thing for running to keep our thoughts and our, our, our attention with people who have been kidnapped the hostages that have been taken by home us during this right after the terrorist attack. and we just wanna make sure that everybody knows that they have to come home as soon as possible. families of the hostages feel helpless. and then
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a horrible feeling of helplessness compels them to do something. anything, even if the impact on the final outcome is negligible, i'm gonna run here. and um so the black ho, i'm raising the awareness of the minimum i can do to the head pay. i have a friend who is here with me in the running team with a mother and father i keep doing keep not a he's not there was a nice day and the best that way. and these potters came to the small actions give the family some sense of control, but more importantly, it gives them a sense of hope and hope, like food and water, should not be denied to any human being. this is robbie berman reporting from television for our
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t to accountable for agent from outages. 0 news channel has been to them to report to an injured that came off the is really military hit the vicinity of a school in the southern goals and city of con eunice. a warning you may find the following. images disturbing. the crew was covering an idea strike near the school when they would targeted by a 2nd attack cameraman smith, apple. dr. lead to death. as an ambulance simply couldn't reach him. as local roads were blocked by level, another corresponding was wounded and taken to hospital and he told us this is what happens when i say i kept on walking on till i reached an ambulance and they started stopping the bleeding temporarily and we got into the vehicle i asked them to return to our come room and colleagues, summer i would come, we could still hear him. he was screaming,
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but i couldn't see where he was injured. most likely, his lower body was injured. ambulance workers said that we had to leave immediately and they would send another car to the area so that we wouldn't be targeted. and then the westbank 12 people were killed in a 3 day is where a raid on jeanine, which the only the f claimed help to catch it and dozens of militants, all tease me, least, bureau chief maria from those felt looks well is where the troops left behind of the days of the scene in the janine refugee camp, the aftermath of a large scale idea for operation is visible, destroyed roads, burnt houses, holes in the walls. sewage water runs down the streets from pipes, damage, embalming, and shelling. new off to this recent trade star of david for see to signs in hebrews and paintings of the candelabra used during the jewish hanukkah holiday.
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the army offensive lost it 3 days. within military we remain in the cam see entire time. sometimes using palestinians houses faces minutes, no thoughts, all this they entered in a very brutal way. you can't even imagine how brutal when they 1st entered, they rated all the houses one off to the other. if they would, people left the army, go to mouth and took them to the salem check points under arrest. the women as well . they kept them in a separate room. the soldiers incident stayed here in a family's house. when we came back, i can't even tell you how they left it. they left the garbage every way, the stuff that food they turned all building into a military side of the army stain. the camp was filled by the soldiers themselves, as the locals were in alton town. lots of videos and now is circulating a line showing these really militaries sometimes rather controversial behavior. like in this one where an idea of soldier shows off on
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a motorcycle we found the family who owns the vehicle. how do you use brother a home or used to write it? he was killed in a separate idea, afraid in january, when the family came back they couldn't find the bike. they suspect it was stowing and planning to sue the army of the fall, the most we always described well, which is happening is the most fruitful thing ever especially coming from an army that calls itself the most kind. and it will be nice telling me this is nothing organized on me. this is a brutal occupational on the occupying us since 1948. they have been occupying on lands and we have been resisting them for 75 years. they rated our houses, scattered the kids and close the hospitals and also allowing the india to get treated they bomb civilians. they see them as just targets for killing. it's like they take revenge on normal civilians because i believe the trying to hide the loss isn't going to is rarely forces have also been cool. so the to reciting to is prayers inside the camps. main mosque they move was late to condemned by the idea
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of itself with the soldiers involved in the incident, immediately removed from operational duty, the damage the video caused. was it reversible? all the videos show the soldiers looting event allies in the stores in the camp. the soldiers took the cigarettes here and the money all of it and ruined the computer that is connected to the security cameras. money. yes, money. and that was in the 1st rate. in the 2nd grade, they took the cigarettes to the operation in jenny has left at least 12 dead, mostly from the ones israel plains. they were all terrorist human rights groups, though. point out that somewhere teenagers and could hardly pose an immediate threat to the idea of one of those who lost his lives during the armies offensive was 13 year old a month. he wasn't wounded, but his family blames these really rate for his death. in this we do as much father is carrying the boy to the hospital early in the morning on tuesday. the 1st day of
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the idea of operation, a smudge felt bad suffers from a severe storm like a and couldn't breeze. normally, he required immediate medical attention, but in a move, the doctors without borders have condemned, is rarely forces have besieged jeanine hospitals, preventing anyone including ambulances from end to reno, exiting my died on the way in his dad's arms. little or no one can assure you that i'm gonna keep. there wasn't an occupation in geneva and the soldiers were not raiding. janine perhaps i would have been able to help him another man as instead of taking him to the hospital at 10 30 in the morning, i could have been able to take him at 530 when he 1st started feeling sick. because there was an occupation and janine and the so we'll just arrived at the hospital. i was delayed and i ended up seeing my son died in my arms up
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this of the worst thing about what happened to legal say is that it will probably happen again. i think the they what about why? because it is neck again. everybody loves they wouldn't be back in half to 3 days of hawaii to formation is rose, army has withdrawn from the janine refugee camp, leaving i have only destroyed again. renovations had just been almost completed following israel summer offensive, including without a for in money. now roads building infrastructure needs to be mended again and so do people cards and so referrals, you know. * so you're reporting from jeanine refuge account and northern call. this is really for says brucely be to photographer from the turkish news agency. and adobe will covering an instance new
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a prominent most in jerusalem. a winning disturbing images ahead look at this video shows the moment when he's ready. so does knocks down the john list stuff or alcove and kick tim while he was on the ground, you can see them doing that. the group was late to hospitalized with head injuries following not to attack. these really soldiers also attacked the cameraman, who was with the report. a incident occurred when the 2 were covering and is rarely a soul of worshippers at an hour. so most the danish shipping logistics company mess suspended its transports across the red sea. that soft issue fees and yeah, and reported the plane responsibility for an attack on an is rarely phone call. go ship in the region, claiming the crew failed to respond to pools on who's the naval forces. so this footage shows one of
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a series of empties where any attacks volume behooves including, firing upon. and hijacking ships has to be taking place in some tongue for substance. now the previous one that they would talk it special link to is wireless, a gesture of support for palestinians. in response, the u. s. has threatened to strike back in gaines receipts. if the attacks continue, particularly to american troops or ships, a cetera, i think that you'll see us going right back of them that have been wising concerns about the israel, how mass whole like leading to the facilities in the middle east. now, us defense officials have reported that there were been at least $92.00 incidents of attacks on american troops in a vault and syria, my reigning align groups since october. meanwhile, ron, who said it wasn't for us that it could face quote,
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extraordinary problems. if it's bruce, it's naval presence in the region. the thing was the u. s. s. i, as in how i false carrie has reportedly left the persian gulf having spent less than 20 days. that under a rainy and military surveillance, according to to a wrong, the presence of the carrier has quote, for the assessment, see in the region or they, we spoke with the sex tree of the rain in high council of economic cold nation. he says that washington is responsible for the rising tensions in the middle east. north charter, the courthouse then churchill, yelman's reaction is natural. it comes from their spirits. the amenities have sympathy for palestine. if the americans in these realities had followed a wiser path, the red sea would not have become unsafe. the fact that the war is spreading is due to the behavior of the americans and b as rarely use their gradually expanding the
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war. i am worried that this is the beginning of a 3rd world war. the is really poor to buy lot is almost non functional. now, aerial photos show there was not much traffic there. the red sea issue is not only about israel, and the country that helps is real, may be attacked by the who to use. our advice is to end the war as soon as possible and definitely not expand it. the worst situation for an army is to fight a 2 fronts. the americans have created a joint command with israel creating another command would be beyond the abilities of the americans, the humanities are ready. if the americans do something alongside israel against the moneys, there is a strong possibility that young men will enter into a conflict against the us. humans, power is much greater than what it has shown so far. the light switch k is slightly now with the global car industry undergoing major changes and
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iran is keeping up with them all teased correspondent, use of july lease, but exclusively with asia and europe. marketing manager will be rainy and safety. a car manufacturing group who's been telling all to you about cooperation between russia and iran, and his experience of working in the industry on the sections. well, let's start with a biography of cipher group, a. what makes your brand the 2nd largest automaker in your, on after iraq withdrawal? when did side positive into existence and words tense today? well, the side for groups, you know, history dates back to 1965 when he stopped producing car with passenger cars. however, nowadays, it is capable of producing for range a weak hills, including passenger cars, heavy allied commercial vehicles, and in the near future, some hip reed and electrical cars,
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we'd be added to the product portfolio. 50000000 euro contract with russia's best motors, company to exports. 45000 cars to restaurant. what's more, can you tell us about the contract and the latest stages of the export process? well, let me further extend the scope of the discussion to not only the russia, but also to the euro asian countries. with this and strategy of russia, a, at the heart of the matter. well, from long ago, russia has been one of the strategic an important markets for stipend group. and the head start to the exporting the automotive parts to this market. how or basically based on the recent to exhibit actions side for to part there, the manage to a point to say's and after se, se, agents in the market, how over out of the 2 companies,
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one of the companies actually did it's commitments and side play, stood with this that brings us to the next question and that is we heard that a similar deal has been signed between site paul and the ruse. i'll, can you walk us through that that details of that contract as well and what other countries do you export to? sure i well, it not only actually goes for bella ros. this company is our official agents saves an after says operations agent for bella, luce and russia, and we have signed contract, and the territory is not only bellows, but russia, the company we have contract with presently the, i mean, the official sales on the after the sales company is lucky cameron, c o, which is a for the time being uh, busy with getting the home legation and the in the near future. i mean, specifically,
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by the beginning of the new christian year 2024. he will distribute our cars in the russian and the russian market. what strikes everybody. and every observer is the fact that iranian car manufacturers are also under immense pressure from the west as a result of the sanctions. so tell us, how has the iranian car manufacturing business survived those pressures and those restrictions by the west? what i believe that's every threats including sanction, may bring with itself some opportunities of learning during the sanctions which iran stopped us sooner than russia are. experts, engineers, traders, i mean, commercial and business people chain to cleverly understand the other ways of doing your business. and i think that in a way we can say. busy sanctions,
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we are not solely destructive, we can say they were constructive as well. and it, they gave us some opportunities of learning. so we can say that we are doing our business and there is no stop for it, you know, sanctioned by itself. we cannot say that in bath, per se, every bad thing may bring some good opportunities with itself. you know, from la, long ago when syfy assaulted his operation with the french suits rank company. and he'd got the chance of a further operation with some other european fame was famous. brands like t, uh, like a valuable like a vehicle like nissan and some other famous brands. but it's fair slater on its face. i, you know, sanctions so in a way, in order to stand on its feet and a half its independence. so i have to say good bye to said to them and go further
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around without any difficulty without any serious challenges. it won't in rush off face similar challenges and pressures from the west as a result of the sanctions that target both countries. and that has led both countries to come together. please tell us how has this convergence between one and why shop played out in the auto sector? well, you talked about a very good point. there is. busy a common, a strong point between ross on either on for the site the same time. and that is the sanction. of course, iran has stopped it this long avenue and sooner done russia and we can say that maybe more experience is with us. and we can share this experience with the russian traders and activities in the realm of business. and i think that the, well, this opportunity can gets us closer and closer together, especially in the auto motive sector. and the, well,
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the market is quite conducive for the indian car manufacturers to distribute their costs there to manufacture and produce their cars there. and i think that based on the market research, we have known so far, especially the cars that sype are producing right now, which are fully economical cars and quite suitable. busy for the economic sector of the society, we can actually make a blast from the markets and we can be successful. russia has its own car industry, which is one of the largest in the world, but following ukraine's war. many european car producers left the country and left russia with growing shortage of components. how do you think that russia as partners like iran and china can fill this void? what i think that may be the uh, bottle actual out to
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a business between you on and russia is actually more conducive a more paved in comparison with the rush of the china. and i think that this gives us an opportunity to have a swap of business to, to given, take our cars to our markets at the same time that i believe that we should export our costs of the russian market. and it's a thing i say that if the opportunity is okay with the russian calling manufacturers, they can come and take part of the market share for themselves. well, thanks again for your company. more news at the top of the next hour. so do stay with us for an aussie the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the i'm action or times a welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world, from the middle east in morning, and in the shadow of abiding administration featuring a un security council resolution to end the gaza genocide on by the u. s. u. k. and you, nation's veteran, ohio, congressman and former democratic presidential contender, dentist percentage is cooling prezis fire in palestine and the end of nature back of oregon's rushing through gray. and he joins me again from cleveland in ohio. thank you so much,
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dennis for coming back on. things seem to have gotten much worse since your last on, on the show. i suppose biden obviously gave us $200000000.00 to zalinski, but we've had to start with gaza. how, how is a bite and able to continue? i mean, israel to commit genocide in gaza when the whole world, the, even canada voted against the united states. even britain abstained on the cease fire, a resolution of the united nations general assembly were israel and the united states are really in this together. but the rest of the world and 99 percent of the world, he is asking for another direction. we're asking for a ceasefire and not only is that you know,


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