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tv   News  RT  December 16, 2023 6:00am-6:31am EST

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the, the, the headlines right now here with off to you international protests and sparking, instead of the israel admit that mistakenly killed freed hostages, held by hamas and gaza, of the wrongly identifying them as militant the model thought global during the fighting. and should j a. the idea of mistaken. we identified hostages as the threats. as a result, the soldiers fired at them and they were killed as disturbing images now from southern gaza, as a cameraman is killed and corresponded. wounded as an outage of z recruiter, the head fine is ready. strike city will con you passed the 3 days of a wide operation is rose, army has withdrawn from the janine refugee camp, living in the detroit again. the all the reporting from the jeanine and refugee
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camp in the west side with 12 people were reportedly killed in a deadly idea for the i said with an awful lot of talk about on this done today and just about a 2 pm locally here. and most go straight to your news right now. i'm real research . israel has admitted that it's false as killed 3 hostages in gaza. and they were wrongly identified as a threat during and see how my separation. and that is, according to the idea. the model of the votes such as the, during the fighting and shoot ya, the idea of mistaken. we identified hostages as a threats. as a result, the soldiers fired at them and they were killed. the soldiers are firing and they don't really understand completely what is going on in this dense population at the gen accidentally q hostages and not just hostages. also about 13 is
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riley soldier as well, are killed by the they're all the people because they mistakenly so the other soldiers are generous but said they were eventually the unit to office, rarely army. so the same happens. and this, this 3 hostages say came close at approach these rarely army, they thought that those are terraces that wants to attack them. and this is the complexity of fed having a military operation and such. and then step of pollution is guys the streets. and this is the reason that the families and the relative so all of the hostages, and also some of these early public, demanding these early prime minister in the war cabinet to negotiate and to do a deal of exchange of prisoners for all these riley hostages. and also may
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be add to agree on a cease fire because that the said part of these really public release. the most important thing for each row right now is to bring all the in the sentence, riley that's our deck, into the cup cvt by how much. and this is the best thing that these are can do for the morrow, over the country, and for the future. so the people will see that the country doing anything possible for its people. and as i would begun to spread of the 3 is riley, is killed by the idea of protesting tel aviv demanded mod, done to bring home the remaining hostages. peoplesoft the cities highway and even poured red paint to symbolize the blood of all those lives. last, well done listening as to why it reads the leaves. the accidental setting of the hostages will provide gained among the 5 of them. so effect well, it's certainly very impactful for the families of the victims who have in recent
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weeks emerged as effectively the only vocal faction of these rarely society. that is publicly in favor of a ceasefire publicly in favor of the escalation. if you look at polls coming out of israel, a recent pull found that less than 2 percent of is rarely. society felt that uh too much munitions, too many bombs have been dropped on guys that it only 2 percent of the population. less than 2 percent. feels that be, is really military is doing too much in this military campaign and a majority, according to that full felt that the military needed to more be more aggressive in its military campaign. so as to whether this will lead to a serious gift and the public mood in israel. i certainly have my doubts, but i will say that i think it is likely to catalyze the remainder of the families of the captives. and to realize that basically, unless they are able to uh,
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force these rarely government to negotiate with promises once again, as they did for the previously released hostages. unless they are able to compel the government to negotiate for those captives that they could potentially need a similar stage as these 3 is rarely man with over a 150 people. still apparently at the hands of hamas, that's according to his radio authorities. he is right, he's all seeking different ways to well alleviate their concerns, but also raise awareness. every step of the group of joggers are run across kind of even a sign of solidarity with hostages. as local journalist, a robi budman now explains as the war with gaza enters is 3rd months more than 130 is really hostages. men, women and children still remain in gaza. and as a result of the bombing campaign continues the chances of these hostages being rescued alive decreases. in addition,
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there have been reports of hamas executing hostages, as well as starving them. families are finding different ways to keep the hostages front and center and is really society. some people are hanging posters of a hostages. some stores show the pictures of the hostages on tv screens, sometimes yellow ribbons to trees, scooters and bicycles, someplace huge bloody teddy bears on part benches representing the children. while others we're dog tags that say, bring them home. only on mall had a number of family members killed on october 7th, and a number of been taken hostage into gaza when we was afraid that it would focus more on one of the war. then they wouldn't be saving the hostages. so here in the port of tell of if he organized a weekly run for people, we're t shirts. thing 3, the hostages now and they run down the beach to keep this message in the mind of anyone who sees the wrong happening eventually on these family members were afraid and one of the exchanges,
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but only continues to run every week out of solidarity with the other hostage families, these run is a, we do the, to every, for 8 weeks, the, every saturday to bring jobs. this is subject of the, all the keep them. there were 24137. and we need to bring everybody back. this is one of the most important, the thing that the state of these what need to do for the citizen, a decent citizen is not the war. it's nothing. it's people come in the miles from bed out from their home. it's a, it's kids, it's the families, it's elderly and the other on there. so the people come to on with me and they become a large community to come to run every. so today it's important, it's important for every person as well, especially since the october 70 each people. it's each person is what is always
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something and is the is hard is right and it's allowed state and that. ready that a lot of people that attached to the situation in the yes, whatever i do, this is my private, the doing private, the thing in a i, i believe it's how i believe it's of the to make me feel the detail. so this is the most important thing for running to keep our thoughts and our, our, our attention with people who have been kidnapped the hostages that have been taken by home us uh, during this uh right after the terrorist attack. and we just wanna make sure that everybody knows that they have to come home as soon as possible. families of the hostages feel helpless. and then a horrible feeling of helplessness compels them to do something. anything, even if the impact on the final outcome is negligible, i'm going to run here. and um so
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the black ho, i'm raising the awareness of the minimum, i can do it to the head. say i have a friend who is here with me in the running team was a mother and father. i ran to it where i could not pay. his mother was a nice day and the best the way. and these fighters tend to the small actions give the family some sense of control, but more importantly, it gives them a sense of hope. and hope, like food and water, should not be denied to any human being. this is robbie berman reporting from television for our t. the meantime, a camera on filed is there, a news channel has been killed the reporter injured as well. as we understand these really military hit the vicinity of a school in the southern gaza in the city of con eunice,
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wanting disturbing images are coming your way of the crew was covering an idea of striking of the school when they were perhaps targeted by a 2nd attack coming amount of seminar about doc i bled to death as an ambulance couldn't reach him with local roads blocked by debris and all the correspond. it was wounded and taking a hospital where he told us what happened was i kept on working until i reached an ambulance and they started stopping the bleeding temporarily and we got into the vehicle. i asked them to return to our commer a man, colleagues, summer i would dot com. we could still hear him. he was screaming, but i couldn't see where he was injured. most likely, his lower body was injured. ambulance workers said that we had to leave immediately . and they would send another car to the area so that we wouldn't be targeted. so i'll pass it and i'll just try and cap a nearest school this time in at the, at all by lar lessons, central, gaza withhold, women and children are among those killed. and with the area basically under
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continuous bombardment, hospitals will and they may soon face a new type of problem that being a lack of confidence. as local correspondence, what i'm able, cutting now reports these tough ends are seen all the time. it's all locks montez hospital in the mid you guys are stripped out of date, written by law every time. and then during a day that people here carry the dead bodies. and the such cap for cup ends, which has as that, as you might see. and was prepared for carrying the did buddies and over the past period of time before. and that goes us thread factories and facilities that manufacture such companies, whether plastic ones like this one or material one made of materials have been a is or shut down because of the israeli war on guys on or had been or have
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been damaged, partially or completely lives has been reduced in the gaza strip because of the as a to wall room garza and these coffee just come into the 3rd 3. the by means of that you might have cherry and assistance be like fun muscle. many countries such as those cough, in such a speech, apt and united arab emirates, this conference are made up for both plastic and material and zips up to this moment. we're not sure of them. it is likely we will run out of that soon due to the mountain numbers of those q and a beta israel, as well, regardless bombardment of gauze of alex. so hospital is on the growing pressure. we heard from a russian citizen who works there and he apparently lost 2 family members and made the will. i still have minutes. i have the opportunity on my it was just 4 days ago . i lost my sister and at the beginning of the war, i lost my brother. my sister died in my house when the neighboring house was bombs, 8 or 10 people died there and they were about 15 wounded. as for alex, the hospital personally, i do not have enough thread in the vascular surgery department there,
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not enough temporary shots, and there are not enough medical supplies that are used specifically for vascular surgery. patients such as hyper and more than 80 percent of medications have disappeared. this indicates a terrible situation in the field of medicine. some supplies, many people do not have enough medicines and they died because of this. this applies not only to the wounded but also to the patients who go for human dialysis . we now have more than 1000 patients who have moved from the north to the south into the central region. thousands of patients go for human dialysis 3 times a week. this is a huge burden for all doctors and medical stuff course simply not enough because many have died. many are wounded and there is no help from abroad. more than 2500 cancer patients should receive cable therapy. but cannot several people die every day because there are no medicines. no one sends these medicines from abroad to european hospitalized made for 250 people. and they're now $1250.00, a maximum of 12. people should be an intensive care, but now 52 people are there. there just aren't enough hands to work on them. a lot of patients need to be urgently evacuated from the country. more than 2000 patients
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need emergency operations. if such patients are evacuated from gaza, then there will be a place where the wounded can come and then we can reduce the burden and to help people. patients are lying on the streets. i swear in the corridors, everywhere, even near the toilet, there absolutely no places, therefore, it is necessary to open the eyes to the scale of the catastrophe that now exists and which will be even greater. honestly, i haven't seen this anywhere else. meantime, over in the west bank, 12 people killed in a 3 day is ready rate on jeanine, which of the idea of says helped to come to dozens of militants. so let's take a closer look now with the middle east bureau chief of the days of the scene in the janine refugee camp. the aftermath of the large scale idea for operation is visible, destroyed roads thirds, houses. holes in the walls. sewage also runs down the streets from pipes damaged, embalming, and showing new off to this recent trade star of david for c. t signs in hebrews
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and paintings of the candelabra used you in the jewish konica holiday. the army offensive last 3 days with the military remain in the camps entire time. sometimes using palestinians, houses or spaces. let us know, thoughts or just they enter it in a very brutal way. you can't even imagine how brutal when they 1st entered, they rated all the houses one off to the other and if it would, people left the army go to mouth and took them to the salem, checkpoints under arrest the women as well. they kept them in a separate room. the soldiers incident stayed here in a family's house. when we came back, i can't even tell you how they left it. they left the garbage every way, the stuff, the food. they turned up building into a military side of the army stained a camp was filmed by the soldiers themselves as the locals were in altering town, lots of videos and now circulating a line showing these really mills are,
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is sometimes rather controversial behavior. like in this one where an idea of soldier shows off on a motorcycle we found the family who owns the vehicle. how do you his brother home or used to ride it? he was killed in a separate idea, afraid in january, when the family came back they couldn't find the bike, the spaces packed, it was stowing. i'm planning to sue the army. most of them and most of all the most we always described well, what is happening is the most fruitful thing ever especially coming from an automated calls itself, the most kind and it will be nice telling me this is nothing organized all me. this is a brutal occupational on the occupying us since 1948. they have been occupying on lands and we have been resisting them for 75 years. they rated our houses, scattered the kids, and close the hospitals and also allowing the injured to get treated. they bomb civilians, they see them is just targets for killing. it's like they take revenge on normal civilians because i believe the trying to hide the losses and goes there is rarely
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forces have also been cool. so the do reciting to is prayers inside the camps, main mosque they move was late to condemned by the idea of itself with the soldiers and bolt, and the incident immediately removed from operational duty the damage the video caused. was it reversed of all the videos, show the soldiers looting event allies in the stores in the camp. the soldiers took the cigarettes here and the money all of it, and ruined the computer, the disconnected to the security cameras, money. yes, money. and that was in the 1st rate in the 2nd grade, they took the cigarettes, the author rationing. janine has left at least 12 dead, mostly from the ones israel plains. they were all terrorist human rights groups though. point house that's somewhere teenagers and could hardly pose an immediate threat to the idea of one of those who lost, whose lives you were in the armies offensive, was 13 year old, smiled. he wasn't wounded, but his family blames these really rate for his death. in this we do as much
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fathers carrying the boy to the hospital early in the morning on tuesday. the 1st day of the idea of operation, smudge felt bad suffers from a severe storm like a and couldn't breeze. normally, he requires immediate medical attention, but in a move, the doctors without borders have condemned, is rarely forces have besieged jeanine hospitals, preventing anyone including ambulances from entering no exiting. my died on the way in his dad's arms, reported on what kind of shifted. i'm gonna keep there wasn't an occupation in janine and the soul just were not reading. janine perhaps i would have been able to help him with a manager instead of taking him to the hospital at 10 30 in the morning. i could have been able to take him at 530 when he 1st started feeling sick. but because there was an occupation and janine and the sole just arrived at the hospital,
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i was delayed. and i ended up seeing my son died in my arms up. this is the worst thing about what happened to legal say is that it will probably happen again. i think with it what about why? because it is back again. everybody loves it. wouldn't be back in half to 3 days of a why deformation is rose, army has withdrawn from the janine refugee camp, living i have only destroyed again. renovations had just been almost completed following israel summer offensive, including with a lot of for and money. now roads building infrastructure needs to be mended again and so do people cards and so referrals, you know. * so you're reporting from jeanine refuge account and northern israel is ambassadors of the u. k. has dismissed the possibility of
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a 2 state solution saying that should be no independent palestine. biggest question is what type of palestinians are the other side is what is? well, they realize they have the, the answer is absolutely no one else tell you why. well, then the house at the moment. no. because this is the reason the reason the israel is because the palace how could with, without offering mark the state to palestine. how often that'd be piece of this round nose today and the world should know. now, the reason the old lot courts failed is because of palestinians never wanted to have a state next to israel. well, i to take a look at this 2013 while being a member of the connected for the liquid party. she posted an article called the 5 stage plan for the great, the land of israel. it cools, got this for 2000000 jews to move to israel to ensure a jewish majority of the country absorbs the arab population as well as the citizenship law with compulsory military service. the 3rd stage would give israel authority of a jewish settlement zones. and to day and somebody a unfortunately,
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it demands the adoption of the principle of israel being a jewish nation state. and finally, calling for a special education system to stop the incitement of power. well, the british prime minister reaches to not disagreed with the envoy calling for a 2 state solution. well for a minute. so david cameron also said the 2 state solution is, quote, still possible. now the idea of a palestinian state has long been supported by most states, including the us, i knew k chapman of that jerusalem development fund. the summit of central wiley says that the alternative to the plan is simply in apartheid state. this is the most extreme right. doing most of the is i'd have a but a pointed in london and the most of the jewish community in london don't want to meet her. she has been kicked out from so many locations, including the she was invited to some university is and then the all just did both
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on the listen to her. so she is a very on one come person and i love that. but unfortunately, she had a present the main street, almost the ministry now. and is that now? and is it a nobody is willing to talk about the 2 state solution far right? like benefits and smoke that are willing to take it to another level of imposing the root of is it are of getting expansion of the modem. so if it's that i do include the worst band and maybe some of them up to think about the possibility to include guns up to, to be able to bite. but either way, if you were to move the 2 step solution from the tape and it worked as that was good solution. but the one step to be added to of up of 10 is it would be sinking in the upper deck. there is no other explanation or definition to a 7000000 who will impose data when i'm doing all the 7000000 non jews but but i
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since it is up at the disk. busy to be very accurate appetite the us national security adviser has said that they will be transitioned into a new phase of the war and gaza. and they will focus on targeting the leadership of some us as comes as washington to report a, keep starting israel to wind down. it's kind of pain. the white house, uh those sides the carpet will continue as long as it takes, but it should be ended. as soon as possible it has to take as long as they feel they need to take to be able to eliminate this, right. but obviously we all want it to be over as soon as possible. the administration's under considerable pressure because of because of the unrelenting killings of the innocent civilians. i think it's up to 18000 mostly women children, elderly in gaza. and the administration is concerned that this could have an impact on this,
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on the elections it seeing that even within the democratic party there is. and they roshan of, of, uh, support push over this over this particular issue. the united states basically has, has no choice but to, but netanyahu do this thing the, the by the administration is really speaking out of both ends of a smile. it, it, on the one hand it once it was like for the a, for this riley's to liquidate all of home us. and they've said that they've, that they've backed that as a policy. on the other hand, they wanted to do it within a matter of few weeks the reality on the ground. however, to do that, to dictate that, that would take months and go out and, and even that yahoo itself said it's going to take months. well, the present abide and criticize israel and actually called on that and yahoo to
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change his approach and respond. so it doesn't. yahoo officially rejected america's ideas for a post. will gaza is really the the role. so i said not was not the time for a 2 state solution. so we spoke with former is randy diploma. they passed their medicaid, they have their own idea. they have already talked about the baby, a giving defined a senior, probably the chance to rule guys out. we have not yet made up our minds because we prefer to wait to see the outcome of this war. how would, as we wanted to add by a clear the feet of the come up so as to why? oh, because the drawing of the guy, the street by the, from us. and then we will have to say, oh, we're good drawer there does the many ideas, the american idea of the senior authority, the idea of,
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of being so nice or false. the idea of or false good price. so out of countries who have family ties with re like egypt, all of them have been raised by craig rocha and others, a different idea. and we prefer to wait just to see the outcome of the war and how it says that where is and before increased, devising our thoughts on this matter. the any or all the to wait and my wife all last month i'll stop by has passed away at the age of 86. that is according to the countries of state media. so i think the office of the media, the end of november, the lady was taking the hospital for emergency treatment. you had left the country since 2020. as we understand also by was the oldest monarch in history to ascend the throne. before we were helpless hours program here on i t and i,
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jerry is the supreme court has ruled or detained the leader of the separators organization indigenous peoples. i'll be out for the monday, kind of in october, 2040 to the large area in court. of appeal decided to drop all charges of terrorist activity against the activist and release and a few more details. now with this local correspond between 9 and 6. the 7 and 9 and 70. my jerry, a witness, a civil war of a cute, an estimated 1000000 people that was caused by decades long. just patients to break up visa nigeria from the rest of the country and create an independent state known as a separatist agitation started gaining traction again in 2014. also, british, my gerry and political activist non the kind of found to be engaging most people on the front arrival of movement. but 3 years later,
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my journal parties designate at the group as a terrorist organization and band aids activities. and so i need 21 government for 5th, arrested nom economy in china. yeah. and expedited him to my gerry, i have to face the law conferences, trial for terrorism, reasonable felony conspiracy. and the summation of the nigerian government using radio broadcasts on friday night. serious supreme court, the highest legal authority dash to hopes of the separate use release and for return to the appeals court ruling, which initially dismissed the terrorism charges that gave him an order for his immediate release for this open court. as soon as the number to come to go back to the try out for you to remain in several comes charge. don't forget that. out. cooking each, out to the 15th comp. just made by the try,
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i caught on the ground that they had no water fuel forth have argued, but tunnels arrest an extradition from kenya. culture of the local and international law of the supreme court agreed, but said the separate series cannot read based on the conduct of government security agencies. and to the mazda continued to place trials, head of fridays ruling, the worst tensions and concerns about violence erupt in, in the south east region. support as of a separate does lead a fast, often to abstain from work to protest. his continued detention, you saw on said as of the on more they are doing these just because they come to us . i thought to do um, the government who released mazda and none of that kind of item from east about
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precisely. so i thought today would be the values of mazda non because so the piece in delano, i think, uh, is that in just curious for the company to do every good citizen, how do i put it? i love screwed them. then we just use because the sofa and the condo has the fund due to of any kind of amendment to the situation where i do wish that as i sleep on short notice losses and a lot of things are happening. yeah, no schools, no to know what's up on this mind, came out fight, and there's not just about all differences fighting for everybody by the action is this is i need justice by turn government often to blame, separate activities for the worst. and in security situation in the south east of materia, it is not clear when the separatist trials will resume. it is no longer a court issue is a political situation, how we can come to get as a boys to sick fish.


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