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tv   News  RT  December 16, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EST

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because it might just change the way inside the headlines right now. here we're not the international as protests spock in tennessee. that's israel admit it has mistakenly killed 3 hostages, killed by hamas, and gaza off the wrongly identified them as military vote during the fighting. and should j a, the idea of mistaken. we identified hostages as a threats. as a result, the soldiers fired at them and they were killed. southern images from southern gauze, there was a camera man is killed in a correspondent, wounded as an hour. just the sierra news crew are apparently hate admitting his riley strike on hun unit. pasta 3 days of hawaii to formation, israel's army has withdrawn from the janine refugee camp, leaving i have on the destroyed again. a lot of the reports in virginia,
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the refugee camp in the west bank, but 12 people repeatedly killed in just the latest deadly heidi f rate. the we are looking at a busy saturday of your world headlines here or not, you international as we come to live from moscow. let's kick it off now with the top step. so israel has admitted that it's full, says killed 3 hostages in gaza. and it was wrong, you identified as a threat during an answer you how about the operation and this is all according to the idea in the model, i saw a couple of votes besides the, during the fighting and should j a. the id s mistakenly identified hostages as a threats. as a result, the soldiers fired at them and they were killed. and as our word spread to the 3 is, riley is killed by the idea of protest as in tel aviv demanding more be done to bring home the remaining hostages of people blocking the city as highway and
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pouring red paint to symbolize the blood of those lives lost families of hostages of also gather to address the media on the south today. well, we can level right now across live to tennessee and mid call. y'all can joining i say with more details. nick, good to see you. well, what has been the response from his re lease to the idea of a missing they mistakenly killed is really hostages in god. so the families of the house is that all right, just because that this is that was their worst nightmare because days that is for many weeks that the bombardment, the guys up and that full scale invasion and 2 guys that would do it. and then jar their loved ones and that these riley governments and the army should focus 1st default as a 1st priority to bring back all the in the sense that is riley hostages, where they came from their bad homes, music festival by that's always a month. and now this is the time to do that is our saying it's from the beginning
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for so long. and that after yesterday's that, mistaken to english 3 is riley hostages by these riley army. and the just the minutes ago, these riley army also admitted that those is riley, where going to the army these at white flag. and they were no arms and the even one of the senior officers on the ground and say to the soldiers to help fire. but yet another soldier and fired at the 3rd day is riley and the 1st 2 other soldiers that fires and all 3 of them tragically with him. and is that what's the pressure on now is riley? are me to listen to the families and to do and this thing pushed to both to bring back the hostages and the right way to do that. as the families just sold the needs
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by negotiation and by returning the views of exchange between hostages and stories . and there's, because this is the only way to kind of the same thing that these concepts all back unit to refresh our, we'll bring bag that ease of riley's from the can see if it is not working and receive that's at day after day. more and more hostages are the dead and are killed from various reasons. and that each day that these, they're going, he's out at them, returned back home and hooting the chance to solve them and returning it any time the future as less and less close to both. and this is why the process of the families will be more and more and they will grow and the pressure on these levels crying and his friend more cabinet to be, are there in car there because the family saying that every day, every mean it's died the hostages continue to be that cvt is dangerous for their
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lives also because there are nothing up to the why there are medications there. and some people haven't made these notes on patients that they need a specialist with special excitement as the out of the re ones. and the other people get some disease that's and that they are helping that's now off towards these tragic and that's the 3 is riley's, the army, and the war cabinet to listen more to the families. because now they think that these really prime minister is not listening, so they may not and may be here, south political reasons for that because maybe for that then yeah, i would do that. this war reopened seeing you and maybe there will be another front in the nurses. he's black because he understands that the day after the war, he probably will need to step down and he wants to continues to be in power. and he writes being said that the account that one man says, so it is a bit contradicted,
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but it was the prime minister once. and what the fabulous one. so we will see what will happen in the coming days. probably the pressure on that brian minister will be harder and harder from the families. nick, i wanted to ask you just quickly where you are right now. i can see there are some press cameras behind you. i understand there are people to a gathering that potentially these are a families, are relatives of those held hostage in gauze the can you tell us about where you are right now or? yeah, sure. behind me is the headquarters of the families. and they are now what the, what to do after what's happened yesterday with the death of the 3 hostages. now they want to decide what they should do, because they don't want to see more loved ones said being q. and that we will soon know what will be their decision. i expect that they will and demand that it's not this, this far start list that maybe as negotiation for another. at the look back.
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hostages for present or not, probably one day will last. what now for? oh, i live in tel aviv local john. listen, nick, call him. thank you very much. thank you. meantime a camera by and from the alger 0 news channel has been killed and a reporter in jude. it's off to the, is there any military hit the facility of a school in the southern gauze and city of con eunice? i should warn you. there are disturbing images coming your way right now. the crew was covering an idea of striking to the school when another strike a code kind of man. some of the backup bled to death is an ambulance, couldn't reach him with local roads blocked by the temporary and other correspondent and wounded and hospitalized where he explained what i kept on working on till i reached an ambulance and they started stopping the bleeding temporarily. and we got into the vehicle. i asked them to return to our come room and colleagues, summer i would that we could still hear him. he was screaming,
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but i couldn't see where he was injured. most likely, his lower body was injured. ambulance workers said that we had to leave immediately and they would send another car to the area so that we wouldn't be targeted or some . another striking or a school will happen in the, at all by law. that's in central garza but told women and children among the victims with the area basically on the continuous bombardment, hospitals will. and they may student face a, a new grim problem about being a lack of coffins as local correspondent, odami. i'm a guy, the number of these coffers are seen all the time. it's i locks mas hospital in the middle of the gaza strip down to day, really by law every time. and then during a day that people here carry the dead bodies. and the such cap for cup ends, which has as dead, as you might see. and well prepared for carrying the did buddies. and over the past
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period of time before and the gaza strip factories and facilities that manufacture such companies, whether plastic ones like this one or material one made of materials have been a or shut down because of the israeli war on gauze on or had been, or have been damaged, partially or completely lives has been reduced in the gaza threat because of the as a to war room garza. and these companies just come into the territory that by means of that you might have to be an assistance be that sort of muscle many countries, such as those confidence, such as egypt and united arab emirates, this conference for meta for both plastic and material. and they have the zips up to this moment. we're not sure of them. it is likely we'll run out of that soon due to the mountain numbers of those cute. well, the way to israel is ongoing bombardment of gossip. i'll axle hospital is under growing pressure. be hard from
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a russian citizen who works there and who he himself actually lost 2 family members submit to. i still have minutes. i have the opportunity i'm. i use this to 4 days ago. i lost my sister and at the beginning of the war, i lost my brother. my sister died in my house when the neighboring house was bombs, 8 or 10 people died there and they were about 15 wounded. as for alex, the hospital personally, i do not have enough thread in the vascular surgery department. they're not enough temporary shots and they're not enough medical supplies that are used specifically for vascular surgery. patients such as hyper and more than 80 percent of medications have disappeared. this indicates a terrible situation in the field of medicine. some supplies, many people do not have enough medicines and they died because of this. this applies not only to the wounded but also to the patients who go for human dialysis . we now have more than 1000 patients who have moved from the north to the south into the central region. thousands of patients go for human dallas 3 times a week. this is a huge burden for all doctors and medical stuff course, simply not enough because many have died. many are wounded and there is no help
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from abroad. more than 2500 cancer patients should receive cable therapy. but cannot. several people die every day because there are no medicines. no one sends these medicines from abroad to europe and hospitalized made for 250 people. and they're now 1250. a maximum of 12 people should be in intensive care, but now 52 people are there. there just aren't enough hands to work on them. a lot of patients need to be urgently evacuated from the country. more than 2000 patients need emergency operations. if such patients are evacuated from gaza, then there will be a place where the wounded can come and then we can reduce the burden and to help people. patients are lying on the streets. i swear in the corridors, everywhere, even near the toilet, there absolutely no places, therefore, it is necessary to open the eyes to the scale of the catastrophe that now exists and which will be even greater. honestly, i haven't seen this anywhere else. well meantime, over in the west bank, 12 people repeatedly killed, i'm at a 3 day is really re eat on jeanine,
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which the idea claimed help the capture of dozens of militant and so that in to get a few more details. now with the middle east bureau chief of the days of the scene in the janine refugee camp, the aftermath of the large scale idea for operation is visible, destroyed roads, burnt houses, holes in the walls, sewage water runs down the streets from pipes damaged, embalming, and showing new off to this recent trade star of david for a see to signs in hebrews and paintings of the candelabra used you in the jewish konica holiday. the army offensive last it 3 days with the military remain in the campaign entire time. sometimes using palestinians, houses or spaces. let us know if that's all this. they entered in a very brutal way. you can't even imagine how brutal when they 1st entered, they rated all the houses one off to the other. if they would, people left the army, go to mouth and took them to the silent check points under arrest. the women as
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well. they kept them in a separate room for the soldiers incident. stayed here in a family's house. when we came back, i can't even tell you how they left it. they left the garbage every way, the stuff that food they turned all building into a military. so of the army stain, the camp was filled by the soldiers themselves. as the locals were not in town, lots of videos and now circulating a line showing these really militaries sometimes rather controversial behavior. like in this one where an idea of soldier shows off on a motorcycle we found the family who owns the vehicle. how do you use brother a home or used to ride it? he was killed in a separate id afraid in january. when the family came back they couldn't find the bike at the spaces packed. it was stowing and planning to sue the army. and then this of the fall, the most we always described, well, what is happening is the most fruitful thing ever especially coming from an automated calls itself,
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the most kind. and it will be nice telling me this is nothing organized on me. this is a brutal occupational on the occupying us since 1948. they have been occupying on lands and we have been resisting them for 75 years. they rated our houses, scared the kids and close the hospitals, not allowing the india to get treated. they bomb civilians, they see them is just targets for killing. it's like they take revenge on normal civilians because i believe the trying to hide the loss isn't going to is rarely forces have also been coal 22 reciting jewish prayers inside the camps. main mosque . they move was later condemned by the idea of itself with the soldiers involved and the incident immediately removed from operational duty the damage the video caused. was it reversible? all the videos show the soldiers looting event allies in the stores in the camp. the soldiers took the cigarettes here and the money all of it, and ruined the computer that is connected to the security cameras. money. yes, money. and that was in the 1st rate. in the 2nd grade,
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they took the cigarettes. the operation engine has left at least 12 dead, mostly from the ones israel plains. they were all terrorist human rights groups. the point out that somewhere teenagers and could hardly pose an immediate. it's fred to the idea of one of those who lost his live during the armies offensive was to senior year old smiled. he wasn't wounded, but his family blames these really rate for his death. in this we do as much father is carrying the boy to the hospital early in the morning on tuesday. the 1st day of the idea of operation, a smudge felt bad suffering from a severe storm like a and couldn't breeze. normally, he required immediate medical attention, but in a move, the doctors without borders have condemned, is really forces have besieged janine hospitals, preventing anyone, including ambulances, from end to reno, exiting my died on the way in his dad's arms. little or no one can actually get,
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i'm gonna keep there wasn't an occupation in janine and the soul just were not reading. janine perhaps i would have been able to help him with a manager instead of taking him to the hospital at 10 30 in the morning. i could have been able to take him at 530 when he 1st started feeling sick again. but because there was an occupation in janine and the so we'll just arrived at the hospital, i was delayed and i ended up seeing my son died in my arms up. this is the worst thing about what happens like all say is that it will probably happen again. i think with a what about why? because a neck again, every like love. they will be back to finish off the 3 days of a wide information is rose, army has withdrawn from the janine refugee camp, leaving i have only destroyed again. renovations had just been almost completed
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following israel summer offensive, including the other 4 and money. now. rose buildings infrastructure needs to be mended again. and so do people cards and so referrals, you know, so you're reporting from jeanine refuge account in northern color israel's, and by so to the u. k. has dismissed the possibility of a 2 state solution saying that should be no independent publish type. the biggest question is, what type of palestinians are the other side? is what is? well, they realize they have no use of the answer is absolutely no one else tell you why . well, then the house at the moment. no. because this is the reason the reason of israel is because the palace, how could, with, without offering mark the states of palestine. how often that the piece of this round nose today and the world should know. now, the reason the old lot courts failed is because of palestinians never wanted to have a state next to israel will get this in 2013 by women, right?
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the well being a member of the connected for the good part is she posted an article called the 5 stage plan for the greater atlanta of israel, basically called for 2000000 jews to move the to ensure a jewish majority as a country absorbs the arab population as well as a citizenship role with compulsory ministry service. the 3rd stage would give israel authority of a jewish settlement zones in both judea and samaria, and full of the minds the adoption of the principle of israel being a jewish nation state. and finally, reporting for a special education system to stop the incitement of tyra. but the british department is the receipt so not disagreed with the envoy calling for a 2 state solution. a foreign minister david cameron also said the 2 state solution is still possible and the idea of a palestinian state has long been supported by most states, including america and the u. k. chapman of the tourism development fund to somebody,
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or as soon as lot we said the alternative to the plan is an apartheid state. this is the most extreme right to income, but so that is what i have a but a pointed to london. and the most of the jewish community in london don't want to meet her. she has been kicked out from so many locations, including the she was invited to some university is and all just did buffalo and didn't send to her. so she is a very unable to come person and, and i love that, but unfortunately, she has to present the mainstream, almost the ministry now. and is that now? and is it a nobody is willing to talk about the 2 state solution far right? like benefits and smoke which are willing to take it to another live in both i'm posing the road or is it are of getting expansion of the both of them? so for is that i do include the worst band and maybe some of them up to think about
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the possibility to include guns up to, to be able to bite. but either way, if you move between steps or news and from the table, it worked as it was good solution. but the one step to the oddity of output is that it will be sinking in the i'll put that there is no other explanation or definition to a 7000000 who will impose better when i'm doing all the 7000000 non jews the product since it is up at night and it's going to be very after the appetite the i'm a are of to wait and that was all of my, the else about has passed away age 86. that's according to the countries of state media. citing the office of the media at the end of november, the later was taken to a hospital for emergency treatment. you had left the country since 2020, and the wife i'll commit also by with the oldest, more knock in the history to us and the throne. the government of kuwait has announced the crown prince, miss child locksmith. i'll stop by as the new m e a. that is according to state
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media. as much areas that supreme court has ruled to detain the leader of a separate organization called indigenous peoples of africa. the monday kind of october 2022, with the nigerian court of appeal decided to drop all charges of tara activity against the active list and release him. it's going to be more details now with this local reporter between $9.00 and $6.00 to $7.09. my jerry, a witness, a civil war about cute, an estimated 1000000 people that was caused by decades on august patients to break up visa nigeria from the rest of the country and create an independent states known as the separatist. i just ation started gaining traction again. in 2014, also british my jury and political activist non the kind of found to be in teaching most people or yeah for arrive, for movement. but 3 years later,
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my journal fridays designate at the group as a terrorist organization and band aids activities. and so i need 21, government forces, arrested non, the condo, antonia, and expedited him to my gerry. i have to face the law, found faces trials for terrorism, reasonable felony conspiracy. this amazing of the nigerian government using radio broadcast on friday night serious supreme court. the highest legal authorities dashed hopes of the separate use release and over turned the appeals court ruling, which initially dismissed the terrorism charges against him and ordered for his immediate release for yourself. and what he's saying is that not because go back to, to try it out for you. the remaining several comes charge. don't forget that, out cookie each,
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out to the 15th comp. displaced by the try. i caught on the ground that the head know what to feel for. argue for condos arrest an extradition from kenya, contra, local, and international law of the supreme court. a breed but said to separate these cannot read based on the conduct of government security agencies. and that, to the mazda continued to face trials, head of friday's ruling, the world tensions and concerns about violence erupt in, in the south east region. support as of a separate does lead a fast off with abstain from work to protest, his continued detention. use on say, is on foot on more, they are doing this just because they come to us. i thought to do um, the government who released mazda and none of the con, item from east. i bought precise. so i thought today the divisions of mazda non
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because so the be a piece in delano, i think, uh, is that it just close to the corporate onto every citizen. outdoor loves freedom zone. we just do because the sofa and the condo has the phone due to of any time, lots of money to the situation where it was done as people internally noticed sources and a lot of things are happening. no schools know to know what's out. and this month came out fights, and there's not just about all difference. he's fighting for everybody by the action is this is, i mean just this niger and government, often the slaves, separate just activities for the worst. and in security situation in the south east of material, it is not clear when the separatist trials will resume. it is no longer a court issue is a political situation. how we can come to get as a bose,
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to sick fish, to a sick has a friendship with the government and uh, uh, pace uh, furnished organizational, not traditional on a student's elect, political offices was not going to get it to one voice. so that will come before us submissions a scandal is brewing on capitol hill. you may not want to watch this as a game pulling video film then one of the us senate office buildings that most on the internet republican lo make. it was quick to hit out at the left, over the incident a heck of a week for the left. the poor and in the senate, swearing in ceremony on child born in virginia, printed tap dancers in the white house and say tenix statues in iowa. what else am i missing? the video was, are made inside of hearing room, and one of us send it off as this is tough to make out, but you're lucky, frankly, a us far right active as the laura luma. ledgers. it involves a stock of democratic senator ben caught in the there's no confirmation on that.
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the stuff himself denies disrespecting the workplace. this has been a difficult time for me as i have been attacked for who i love to pursue a political agenda. well, some of my actions in the past have shown poor judgment. i love my job. i would never this respect my workplace. best buy more now and crossing lot, the political analyst at goods. i'm with pc joining us here live on how to international from jo bug, a great pleasure to have you on the program. a, sorry, we have to talk about this because it's pretty much, uh, it's pretty filthy. frankly, i don't know if you saw the video. we blurted out here on how to international, but if you don't blow it out, what you see is yeah. how likely are we do you think to see any re repercussions for those involved? uh, all for the congressional members, they work for me. this is the hallowed halls of congress good side, and they're doing some sort of gay porn video and they look pretty hard. cool, frankly. thank you for having me. if you look at this video and what is happening
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again because the, your, it indicates to us and i thought the way to do that in america model of the k is least the highest levels of society. if you do use in the company. so here this is the send america, and this is way this was true and this is where this thing is happening. if someone is to disrespect you, it tells you how the if you're a bad to disrespect a less, it tells you how they view that this, this person wakes at the company. so you know, the people are, we came back in the model listed as 10 points to the list of they don't get any respect, respect is age, it is not important. and the last of the disrespect is actually not telling us how many guys speeds, what's happening is over here, there is model d k to out society and that may be guided. so this is the shockey. yeah, it's really about should make a good point in pets. and i think that that's
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a moral decay. i mean i'm, i don't have pounds on it, but i think it's a good one. frankly, i think it's a fast statement that, you know, obviously the us actively advocates for l g b, h, u r s t. well that, you know, that kind of stuff, they did, they push it around the world, including even for example, sanctioning uganda because you've gotten to pos and, and t l g b t q little, um. but then you have something like this in the hallowed halls of congress, homosexual gay pulling videos being done, find god, but not showing it here or not you international, but you know, um what you said about when someone does an acolyte, that it disrespects people at the workplace and the workplace itself. how do you think this helps if indeed it does help america's global profile. america doesn't have a good global profile. they want to make us believe that they have it by the don't the majority to the, well actually i game is them. if you look at how the problem would be spelled d
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b t q, a propaganda part of the world, they actually from one to the areas already. countries. we say disrespect is a full list if, if you have to put it that way, they went to the function. you got the but you never see them functioning people in the middle east with this. they actually have tough on those that what you see the gun, the gun that does most of people from being gate does not bind people from the gate in uganda, but actually stops them from, from watching all or even to the clicking of the people into these homosexuality issue. that's what he does by the horse ashes. but go to countries make some yeah. maybe a way that even tough on those. they never have sessions. they because i'm maybe got as good interest in. so do i didn't get that. it was to from what it protects. is it about what allergy is about? uh, we don't, isn't that what democracy not?
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it is. is it? is it because of the racism? it is a one disrespecting other societies. is that what it to be trying to destroy? mortality other countries because if somebody like you said that i'm so glad you said that sort of jump in could so i but i'm so glad you said that because this is something that the russian president talks about. he talks about traditional value, traditional family values. there are even some people out there that site is kind of an issue and agenda being pushed around the world right now for speeding l g b t q transgender is an oldest kind of weird stuff, forcing it down the throats of so many people. i mean, you know, i don't know what they think in the as well, i'm it world, frankly about all of his eligibility to stop here. we all could side with that with a game pulling video being found in the hallowed hold of the us congress. i can only imagine that it's a clearly, it's not going to help americas global profile, but they're going to push it probably like, well, you know what l g b t q. you got to be free to be a self. you wanna, you know, you want to.


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