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tv   News  RT  December 16, 2023 8:00am-8:31am EST

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as rachel just sent, it's all we going to let that stay. the headlines right now and alex international is writing media reports. the idea has admitted the hostages. it said it's sold to shop by mistake and gaza to actually waving a make shift white flag. meanwhile, families of the officers held by how boss are expressing outrage and tell over the past the 3 days of a wide operation. israel's army has withdrawn from the janine refugee camp, leaving its have on the destroyed again. i'll be reporting from the janine directly to comments in the west buying what 12 people remotely killed in a deadly by the rate on yes. and now the scandal and washington has a game poll and video film that i send the office goes online, reportedly involving a democratic congressional, a large area of supreme court reinstate terrorism chargers against the british
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citizens who let a popular separatist movement against the west african countries. the government, the or that just off the full but you have a locally here and most go. you'll top stories right now off front and center. so is writing media reports. the idea of has of method. the hostages, who were killed by its soldiers and gaza, were a piracy waving a make shift white flag at the idea of had previously said. those 3 is riley's being held captive by some us. which shock by mistake upon being identified as a threat and later comments. the idea of was quoted as saying that how must militants were using white flags to a new or in is riley soldiers into an ambush. the soldier who 1st opened fire and the incident in question is suspected of acting against protocol. one of the killed hostages repeatedly was shouting for help in it hebrew,
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right before he was shot dead. earlier the idea of spokes person released this type model i saw to vote the such as during the fighting and should j a. the id f mistakenly identified hostages as a threats. as a result, the soldiers fired at them and they were killed. it was and as well it spreads over 3 as riley is killed by the idea of protesters and tel aviv demanded mole be done to bring home the remaining hostages. those protesters of blocking the highway, some of them even pouring red paint to symbolize that for a lot of those life loss of another drug list. and i'd list a wide read. he believes the accidental killing of a whole seduce is only going to provide more. i can go from the families effect. well, it's certainly very impactful for the families of the victims who have in recent weeks emerged as effectively the only vocal faction of his rarely society. that is publicly in favor of a ceasefire, publicly in favor of the escalation. if you look at polls coming out of israel,
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re simple found that less than 2 percent of is rarely. society felt that uh too much munitions, too many bombs have been dropped on guys at it. or generally 2 percent of the population less than 2 percent. feels that these really military is doing too much in this military campaign. and a majority, according to that full felt that the military needed to more be more aggressive in the military campaign. so as to whether this will lead to a serious gift and the public mood in israel. i certainly have my doubts, but i will say that i think it is likely to catalyze the remainder of the families of the captives. and to realize that basically, unless they are able to uh, force these really government to negotiate with promises once again, as they did with the previously released hostages. unless they are able to compel the government to negotiate for those captives that they could potentially need
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a similar space as these 3 is rarely man the while another strike, i hear it happening there, a school or this in the at all, but are in the central ga, so that we all told women and children among the victims and with the area basically on the continuous bombardment hospital as well. and that facing a new type of problem, a lot of coughing as local correspondence. and i mean, i'm a hearty now reports these toughest are seen all of the time. it's all ox montez hosted, which of the major guys are chipped out of day really by law every time. and then during a day the people here carry the dead bodies and the such cap for cup ends, which has as that, as you might see and well prepared for carrying the dead bodies. and over the past periods of time before and the gaza strip factories and facilities that
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manufacture such companies, whether plastic ones like this one or material one made of materials have been a or shut down. because of that is really war on guys on or had been or have been damaged, partially or completely lives has been reduced in the gaza threat because of the as a to warrant garza and the scott just come into the territory. that by means of that you minute, terry and assistance be like fun, most of the country side of those confidence such as egypt and united are these conference are matter for both plastic and material and zips up to this moment. we're not short of them, but it's likely we will run out of that soon due to the mountain numbers of those cute. we had a chance to speak with the founder of the palestine children's relief fund, steve savvy. and he says the organization is basically working hard to deliver medical supplies, another crucial aid. but if all the confident garza erupt it 2 months ago, missed associated the help the family whose child was suffering from cerebral palsy
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. i recently got an email from the child's father saying that boy had stopped to death. let me lives here. i think she meant a terry and situation in the reach. today i got his e mail telling me his fund died from hunger and gaza. camille will not be counted among the 10000 children killed through bombings, but just as dead. may god rest his soul to be a fun, had to be an extensive a helping. the boy named leo, provided his family with necessities such as a medicine in solar panels for electrical power. and we spoke with the head of the palestine children's relief fund, steve, so savvy. and he told us that children with chronic diseases need a lot more equipment for treatment. and unfortunately, some of them simply died due to shortages of crucial items. that one of the children was a case with cerebral palsy who was one of the success stories. because
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when we provided him that solar panel and also the medication that he needed, there was able to get his family and on the right track to ensure in his uh, better health and services. and then unfortunately, just yesterday i received a message from his father indicating that the boy had starved to death because of the type of food that this child required was no longer available in the market. but we have a program in gaza or had before october 7th, where because of the electricity shortages which had been going on there for many, many years. children with chronic medical conditions such as kids with cerebral palsy. they depend on energy sources to run medical machines in their homes, breathing machines and other devices which keep them alive. and as you can imagine, when the electricity is cutting, garza, which is on a regular basis of the family members, are in a very difficult situation to keep the machine to keep that service of hiring equipment to say keep their child to their siblings or their children. in the life
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that falls on the family member. so what we did because of the power shortages, we were identifying these children who were in the homes and need medical machines to run and operate on a regular basis. we provided them small solar panels to keep those machines operating. well, he was also assigned that particular conditions are required to stabilize the situation in gods or in prevent further suffering of the residents. this for things that are required. absolutely right now to change the course of this you, manager and catastrophe from getting worse food, which is obvious, clean water because children and people are drinking on clean water and that's creating a lot of diseases. shelter. people are living and it's winter now and god. so there's heavy rains as you're aware that is causing further hardship and suffering, and medicine and access to medical care there's, you know, tens of thousands of people who need quality primary health care that's no longer available. so those are the 4 areas that are absolutely required right now for gaza
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to start the process of healing. we're not at that because the ongoing violence in the killing continues day today, where hundreds of innocent civilians are being killed every single day. 70 percent of them women and children. and so even before we can speak about things like shelter in health care, we have to stop this massacre which is happening on a regular basis. when over in the west bank, 12 people were killed and a free day is really rate on the city of jeanine, during which the idea of size had captured thousands of militants. we'll have this over to me at least, bureau chief, examining the destruction left behind of the days of the scene in the janine refugee camp. the aftermath of the large scale idea for operation is visible, destroyed roads thirds houses. holes in the walls, sewage water runs down the streets from pipes, damage, embalming, and shelling. new off to this recent trade star of david for see to signs in
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hebrews and paintings of the candelabra, and who's doing the jewish konica holiday. the army offensive last it 3 days with the military, remain in the campaign, entire time. sometimes using palestinians, houses and spaces. let us know if that's all this they entered in a very brutal way. you can't even imagine how brutal when they 1st entity, they rated all the houses one off to the other. if they would, people left the army go to mouth and took them to the silent check points under arrest with the women as well. they kept them in a separate room for the soldiers incident stayed here in a family's house. when we came back, i can't even tell you how they left it. it seems they left the garbage every way. the stuff that food i think they turned all building into a military side of the army stain. the camp was filled by the soldiers themselves, as the locals were not in town, lots of videos and now circulating a line showing these really militaries sometimes rather controversial behavior.
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like in this one where an idea of soldier shows off on a motorcycle we found a family who owns the vehicle. how do you use brother a home or used to ride it? he was killed in a separate id afraid in january, when the family came back they couldn't find the bike at the spaces packed. it was stowing and planning to sue the army. this of the fall, the most we always described, well, what is happening is the most fruitful thing ever especially coming from an automated calls itself, the most kind and it will be nice telling me this is nothing organized on me. this is a brutal occupational on the occupying us since 1948. they have been occupying on lands and we have been resisting them for 75 years. they rated our houses, scared the kids and close the hospitals, not allowing the india to get treated. they bomb civilians, they see them is just targets for killing. it's like they take revenge on normal civilians because i believe the trying to hide the losses and goes there is rarely forces have also been coal 22 reciting jewish prayers inside the camps main. moss.
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they move was later condemned by the idea of itself with the soldiers involved and the incident immediately removed from operational due to the damage. the video caused for the reverse of all the videos show the soldiers looting and vandalizing the stores in the camp. the soldiers took the cigarettes here and the money all of it and ruined the computer that is connected to the security cameras. money. yes, money. and that was in the 1st ring. in the 2nd grade, they took the cigarettes. the operation engine has left to please 12 dead, mostly from the ones israel plains. they were all terrorist human rights groups, the coins house that's somewhere teenagers, and could hardly oppose an immediate scratch to the idea of one of those who lost his live during the armies offensive was 13 year old a month and he wasn't wounded. but his family blames these really rate for his death. in this we do as much father is carrying the boy to the hospital early in
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the morning on tuesday. the 1st day of the idea of operation. smudge felt bad suffers from a severe storm like a and couldn't breeze. normally. he required immediate medical attention, but in a move the doctors without borders have condemned, is really forces have besieged. janine hospitals preventing anyone, including ambulances, from end to reno, exiting my died on the way in his dad's arms. little or what kinda shifted. i'm gonna keep there wasn't an occupation in janine. and the soul just were not reading . janine perhaps i would have been able to help him mother manners instead of taking him to the hospital at 10 30 in the morning. i could have been able to take him at 530 when he 1st started feeling sick. but because there was an occupation in janine and the so we'll just do it right at the hospital. i was delayed and i ended up seeing my son died in my arms up.
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this is the worst thing about what happened to legal say is that it will probably happen again. i think with a what about why? because it is neck. again. everybody loves they wouldn't be back in half to 3 days of hawaii to formation is rose. army has withdrawn from the janine refugee camp, leaving i have only destroyed again. renovations had just been almost completed following israel summer offensive, including with a lot of foreign money. now, roads, building infrastructure needs to be mended again. and so do people's hearts and souls. reproduction of. * to reposing from jeanine refuge account in northern fall is probably what a is rose ambassador to the u. k. has dismissed the possibility of a 2 state solution saying that should be no independent policy. the biggest
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question is, what type of palestinians are the other side? is what is well they realize they have and i think that was the answer was absolutely no one else tell you why. well then the house and the moments. no, it'd be fun. so the reason there is no israel is because the palace, how could, with, without offering mark the state to palestine. how can that be piece of this round knows today and the world should know. now, the reason the oslo accords failed is because the policy is never wanted to have a state next to israel, which is pretty hot, cool, frankly, 2013 when being a member of the kinetic for the crude pot, who she posted in the article called the 5 stage plan for the greater land of israel. it cool for 2000000 jews to move to israel to ensure a jewish majority of the country absorbs the arab population, as well as a citizenship lot with compulsory military service. the 3rd stage would give israel authority of a jewish settlement zones in judea, and samaria falsely, it demands the adoption of the principle of israel being
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a jewish nation state. finally, according for a special education system to stop the incitement of tara while the british prime minister reaches to not disagreed with the envoy, quoting for a 2 state solution. while foreign minister david cameron also said the 2 state solution is, quote, still possible. we idea of a palestinian state has long been supported by most countries, including america under u. k. chapman of the jerusalem development fund, the summit, as soon as loudly said the alternative to the plan is an apartheid state. a. this is the most extreme right to income, but so this is what i have a but a pointed in london and the most of the jewish community in london don't want to meet her. she has been kicked out from so many locations, including the she was invited to some university is and all just did buffalo and didn't send to her. so she is
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a very on one come to us and love that. but unfortunately, she had a present the main screen almost the minutes 3 now. and is that now? and is it a nobody is willing to talk about the 2 steps solution far right? like benefits and smoke which are willing to take it to another level of imposing the road or is it a of getting expansion of the modem? so phase that i do include the us bank and maybe some of them up to think about the possibility to include guns up to, to be able to bite. but either way, if you were to move victim steps or a new sion from the tape it was it was good solution. but the one step to the oddity of up a is it a would be sinking in the put that there is no other explanation or definition to a 7000000 who will impose better when i'm doing all the $7000000.00 non jews the product since it is up at night, and it's going to be very after the appetite b a me out of to wait.
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and now of last month i'll stop by has passed away age 86. that's according to the countries, the state media. so i think the office of the me at the end of november, the lady was taking a hospital for emergency treatment. you had led the country since 2020 and that was all i can with. i'll stop by with the oldest monarch in the history to ascend the throne. meantime, the government of to wait has announced crown prince michel, i'll come of, i'll stop by as the new media. that's according to state media. a nice area is that supreme court has ruled to detain the leader of the separate. the organization is called indigenous peoples of africa. them on monday, got new and october 2020 to the library and code of appeal decided to drop old chargers of terrorism against deactivate on release. and well, let's clear this up with this. a local report between 9 and 6 to 7 and 9 and 70.
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my gerry, a witness, a civil war about cute, an estimated 1000000 people that was caused by decades on the i'll just tell you those to break up visa nigeria from the rest of the country and create an independent state known as the separatist education. started gaining traction again in 2014, also british my gerry and political activist non the kind of found to be engaging most people or yeah for arrive, for movement. but 3 years later, my 2 rental parties designate at the group as a terrorist organization and band it's activities in so i need 21. government forces, arrested non, the condo, antonia, and expedited him to my gerry. i have to face the law, found unfreezes trials for terrorism, reasonable felony conspiracy. this amazing of the nigerian government, using radio broadcasts on friday night curious supreme court. the highest legal
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authority dash the hopes of the separate use release and over turned the appeals court ruling which initially dismissed the terrorism charges the gays to an order for his immediate release for just looking forward to seeing. is that not because go back to the try out for you to remain in several comes josh, don't forget that. out coaching h out to the 15 cons. displaced by the try. i caught on the ground that you had know what fuel force argued, but tunnels, arrest an extradition from kenya, contra, local, and international laws. the supreme court agreed, but said the separate series cannot read based on the conduct of government security agencies. and by of the mazda continued to face trial. head of friday's
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ruling, the where attentions and concerns about violence erupt in, in the southeast region, support as of a separate to lead a back off an upstream from work to protest. his continued detention. you saw on say, on more than doing these, just because the hum to us i thought to do, and the government will release mazda and none of the con item from east about precisely. so i thought today the divisions of mazda non because so the, be a piece in delano, i think, uh, is that it just this pretty popular onto the, every good citizen, outdoor lo, screwed up is that we just do because sofa and the kind of has the phone, do you have any time most of amenities situation where the west and as i sleep on short notice sauces and a lot of things are happening. yeah, no schools,
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no to know what's on this monkey much fight and there's no just about all difference. he's fighting for everybody. action is this is, i mean justice, by turn, government often to blame, separate just activities for the west and security situation in the south east of materia, it is not clear when the separate trials will resume. it is no longer a corporate issue is a political situation. how we can come to get as a bose to sick fish, to a sick has a friendship with a government. uh, uh, pace uh, furnished organization, uh, traditional on a student's elect, electrical offices was not going to get it in one voice. so that will come before us submissions a scandal is brewing on capitol hill. don't worry. we're going to blow around all these pictures as a gay, porn video with film and one of the us senate office buildings. it's
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a most online republican little mega was quick to blame the left over the incident a heck of a week for the left. the board in the senate swearing in ceremony on child born in virginia, printed tap dancers in the white house and say tenix statues in iowa. what else am i missing? well, the video was made inside of here a room, and one of the key senate offices are you're lucky. we blowing this out us far right. activist of laura luma. ledger that involved a stop or of democratic senator ben caught in the there's no official confirmation of the of the stuff himself deny is a disrespecting the workplace. this has been a difficult time for me as i have been attacked for who i love to pursue a political agenda. well, some of my actions in the past have shown poor judgment. i love my job. i would never disrespect my workplace. well, as one might imagine, the incident is prompting all kinds of reactions online if
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you like, but send it tearing room videos. you can watch actual senate just doing the same thing to you every day on c span. there's video footage of every person on january 6th, but no one noticed the stuff and making a 6 typing the senate chamber. bizarre. oh, well, 51 from a senior us intelligence officials signed alexis stating that the gate pulling video democrats have engage 16 a yes. send it to you in a room is a russian defense, a nation? well, we spoke with the ability to add lift could zyden with t c, and he says the video failed in the us senate show it was a decline in morality in the united states. if you look at this video and what is happening again because the, your, it indicates to us and the way to do that in america model of the k is least the highest levels of society. if you do use in the company. so here this is the send
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america, and this is way this was soon to, this is way of these things happening. if someone is to do suspects you, it tells you how the if you're a bad to disrespect a less, it tells you how they view that this, this person wakes at the company. so here he knows that people are waking back in the model of the distant point. he believes that they don't do that and the respect, respect is and it is less important in the way. busy disrespect is actually not telling us how it went and i really guess speeds. what's happening over here is more of the case to out society in that many guide. and so this is a shockey. all right, before we wrap this alice program here, we're not you international in a fresh episode of all to use whistle blowers, a junky react, who has a guest who was previously responsible for food safety at nestle. she gives a 1st time the account of a large scale food poisoning incident that effective 300000 babies in china is
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a pre now the issue of this goods which i have given as an example of violations. but it's by far not the only case of dysfunction and violations that i had experienced was that it basically, uh, consumers were complaining that the babies were suffocating and the baby became a blue red. and they had to turn the child upside down to get the biscuits out of the church and the child was suffocating. why do you think it was that the company did not pay attention to your warnings? was it that they were more worried about the bottom line, where they're not safe guards in place to make sure that something like this didn't happen? what was it? nestle top management has the link bonuses to products which rules. that means if you read through the products, you will get less bonus. so this is what,
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this is what caused that to be had the major outbreak of for food poisoning in china and 20085300000 babies. got antiques again, tend to be the middle of mind. i'm wondering to if nestle eventually addressed the problems that he revealed with your whistle blowing children died because of the toxicity in the baby biscuits. what changes did the company make after you blew the whistle? did they correct the situation finally, and what happens with the families of the children the to so to run who died. and each time this leg didn't change, i didn't learn any less than didn't change the product. so a year later, another child a year later and other charges and each time they say no, we are okay. we have done nothing wrong is the tools of is this world of desire essentially, right. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 the,
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the, the because they already, they are safe here because they cut the growth is that to and then use their email
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futures reach of and then to the rules. the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style for years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war, labor comes to and prisons really well, you know, thing to do at least one level. she's the media finished on the scene and you need even the, the chest maybe to get over there. could you look into the beatles going to be approximately 25000 people went through the ocoee kind of go to finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff dumbly level if the ship did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the size of the stuff. so young congress that, i mean, yeah. what the famine disease forced labor to which it by the word. so for me was what was the last it also need you to keep it to you, but that it's a deep it almost human off. what does it put in his name?
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push these things up, but give him a few. i'm at 230 because he doesn't do those thousands of test the crimes and the impunity of criminals says more when you've got here, you know, wanted to do this because 90 in the did i tell you? yeah, for the good i see it or really supplement, they decided to do it. you got to do, please don't just do it, but there is danielle. that was put in the middle of the i really thought that we were going to die. i crawled all the way to the right another and then i hid behind the.


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