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tv   News  RT  December 16, 2023 11:00am-11:30am EST

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of the the top headlines on all to you as a national is really media reporting. the idea of says the hostages of soldiers shocked by mistake and a god. so we're actually waving a make shift white flag. meanwhile, families of hostages still being held by have asked or expressing outrage on the streets of the past to 3 days of hawaii to formation. israel's army has withdrawn from the janine refugee camp, leaving i have on the destroyed again all day reporting from the janine and refugee cabinets in the west of buying what 12 people were formerly killed in a deadly idea break. and yet another scandal in washington. no surprise, perhaps a gay porn video failed in a key senate office goes upon line report for the involving a democratic congressional aid nigeria,
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supreme court reinstated terrorism chargers against the british citizen who was that a popular separatist movement against the government built on the west african countries the all right, sounds good and i can the city that never sleeps, it's all the international life must go with the top story starting right now. well, it's really immediate reporting to the idea is admitted. the hostages who were killed by it, soldiers and gaza, were actually waving a make shift wide flag at the idea of had previously said. those 3 is riley is held captive by hamas for a shot by mistake. skip on being id. it is a press and later comments. the idea of was quoted as saying that how must minutes interview with white flags to lou or in his riley soldiers for an ambush. soldier who 1st opened fire. the incident in question is suspected of acting against protocol. one of the killed hostages report for you was shouting for help in a hebrew right before he was shot dead or early or the idea of spokes person
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released the state the model. i saw the vote the such as the during the fighting and should j a. the idea of mistaken. we identified hostages as a threats. as a result, the soldiers fired at them and they were killed. it was the last word, spread of the 3 is riley, is accidentally killed by the idea. protest isn't however you demanded more be done to bring home the remaining hostages. people right there, blocking the cities roads and pouring red face to symbolize the bloods of those lives. was a john listened analyst a wide read believes the accidental killing of those lots of jews will only provoke more anger among the families effect. well, it's certainly very impactful for the families of the victims who have in recent weeks emerged as effectively the only vocal faction of is rarely society. that is publicly in favor of a ceasefire, publicly in favor of the escalation. if you look at polls coming out of israel, a recent poll found that less than 2 percent of is rarely society felt that uh too
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much munitions to many bombs have been dropped on guys that it only 2 percent of the population. less than 2 percent. feels that be, is really military is doing too much in this military campaign and a majority, according to that full felt that the military needed to more be more aggressive in its military campaign. so as to whether this will lead to a serious shift in the public mood in israel, i certainly have my doubts, but i will say that i think it is likely to catalyze the remainder of the families of the captives. and to realize that basically, unless they are able to uh, force these rarely government to negotiate with promises once again, as they did for the previously released hostages. unless they are able to compel the government to negotiate for those captives that they could potentially need
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a similar stage as these 3 is rarely man. well, those accidental categories by the idea of spurred protests by relatives whose loved ones are still held by on us, and we hit the streets to speak to them. the conditions have not materialized, it has been 71 days. what are they waiting for? for 10 hostages to die each day, we have the complaint to the government and especially for the prime minister because he is allowed that the situation will happen and the you need to take action. those 3 is rarely use that approach. that guides a street that where it was the war zone towards these riley army, these uh white flags. and they were sure that the army will land save them. but instead of that, then mistakenly d as riley soldiers say that those are terrorists and they shot dead. they
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killed that. the 1st do is rarely hostages. after that, the senior officer, the scene held the fire. yeah. off the soldiers, not to fire anymore. and then the 3rd, the is riley jose jack, the escapes, and then he came back and another soldier from and, and the other building that was stationed in a big difference. that angle, he fired and sealed the 3rd day. he's rather hostage. and it may then be that on some of the hostages furious, and that they will continue to demand. and now more higher, sneak at to find the solution how to bring back their loved ones. and that they don't want any more to believe or to listen to these riley government that say that if he's doing anything for civil 2 or it's on that. these riley's because that this
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is not the case as defend many things they, they think that the, the government is not doing enough and this is not the 1st priority to bring back the hostages. so soon they will decide what to do next. a hi, from a television like the gaza, where and of a stripe near a school happened in the at all by lights. and the central pottery enclave mostly were told a women and children among the victims with the area basically on the continuous bombardment of hospitals will. and then i'll facing a brand new grim problem that of being a lack of coffin as local journalist or, i mean i'm a hobby now reports these tough ends are seen all the time. it's all locks monitors hospital in the mid you guys are tipped out of daily by law every time. and then during a day that people here carry the dead bodies. and the such cap for cup ends,
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which has as that, as you might see, and was prepared for carrying that did buddies and with the bus period of time before. and that goes us to add factories and facilities that manufacture such cut things where the plastic ones like this one or material one made of materials have been a or shut down because of the israeli war on gaza. or had been or have been damaged, partially or completely lives has been reduced in the gaza threat because of the as a to wall room garza. and these just come into the 2 or 3 that by means of that you might have to be an assistance be that credit muscle, many countries such as those come from such as egypt and united arab emirates. this conference for meta for both plastic and material. and they have the zips up to this moment. we're not sure of them. it is likely we'll run out of that soon due to
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the mountain numbers of those cute when we have a chance to speak with the founder of the palestine children's relief. i know steve, so it was be open, his action delivers medical supplies and other critical aid that before the war and goes to erupt it 2 months ago, mister shows be a help to finally whose child was suffering from cerebral palsy. recently he got an email from the child's father saying the boy had starved to death and the egg 5. today, i got his e mail telling me his son died from hunger and gaza. camille will not be counted among the 10000 children killed through bombings, but just as dead. may god rest his soul. the funding had been helping the boy named leo, providing his family with a medicine on solar panels. and we spoke with ahead of the palestine children's relief fund, steve. so it was a total of the children with chronic diseases. need an old full lot more quickly. so the treat that one of the children was a case with cerebral palsy who was one of the success stories. because
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when we provided him that solar panel and also the medication that he needed, there was able to get his family in the, on the right track. to ensure and his a better health and services. and then unfortunately, just yesterday i received a message from his father indicating that the boy had starved to death because of the type of food that this child required was no longer available on the market. but we have a program in gaza or had before october 7th, where uh, because of the electricity shortages which have been going on there for many, many years. children with chronic medical conditions such as kids with cerebral palsy. they depend on energy sources to run medical machines in their homes, breathing machines and other devices which keep them alive. and as you can imagine, when the electricity is cutting, garza which it is on a regular basis of the family members are in a very difficult situation. to keep the machine to, to keep that service of hiring equipment to say, keep their children,
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their siblings or their children in the life that falls on the family member. so what we did because of the power shortages, we were identifying these children who are in the homes and need medical machines to run and operate on a regular basis. we provided them small solar panels to keep those machines operating. so it'd be also said the very specific conditions are required to stabilize the situation and goes there and prevent the stuff as well as for things that are required. absolutely right. now to change the course of this humanitarian catastrophe from getting worse food, which is obvious, clean water because children and people are drinking on clean water and that's creating a lot of diseases. shelter, people are living and it's winter now and god. so there's heavy rains as you're aware that is causing further hardship and suffering, and medicine and access to medical care. and there's, you know, tens of thousands of people who need quality primary health care that's no longer
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available. so those are the 4 areas that are absolutely required right now for gaza to start the process of healing. we're not at that because the ongoing violence and the killing continues day today, where hundreds of innocent civilians are being killed every single day. 70 percent of them women and children. and so even before we can speak about things like shelter in health care, we have to stop this massacre which is happening on a regular basis. but over in the west bank, 12 people repeatedly killed in a 3 day is ready rate on the city of jeanine, during which the idea of started capture dozens of militants. well, well, learn a bit more now with a middle east bureau chief more if an ocean are basically examining that story. but also that a bit of struction left behind of the days of the scene in the janine refugee camp . the aftermath of a large scale idea for operation is visible, destroyed roads, burns houses, holes in the walls. sewage also runs down the streets from pipes,
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damage, embalming, and showing new off to this recent trade star of david for c. t signs in hebrews and paintings of the candelabra used during the jewish hanukkah holiday. the army offensive lasted 3 days. within military, remain in the camp the entire time. sometimes using palestinians houses faces, minutes, no thoughts, all this they entered in a very brutal way. you can't even imagine how brutal when they 1st entered, they rated all the houses one off to the other. if they would, people left the army, go to mounts and took them to the site and check points under arrest. the women as well. they kept them in a separate room. the soldiers entered in state here in a family's house. when we came back, i can't even tell you how they left it. they left the garbage every way, the stuff, the food, they turned all building into a military side. the army stained the camp was filled by the soldiers themselves, as the locals were not in town. the last of videos and now is circulating
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a line showing these really militaries, sometimes rather controversial behavior. like in this one where an idea of soldier shows off on a motorcycle. so we found the family who owns the vehicle? how do use brother a home or used to ride it? he was killed in a separate idea, afraid in january, when the family came back they couldn't find the bike. they suspect it was stowing and planning to sue the army. most of them and most of all the most we always described well, what is happening is the most fruitful thing ever especially coming from an automated calls itself, the most kind and it will be nice telling me this is nothing organized all me. this is a brutal occupational on the occupying us since 1948. they have been occupying on lands and we have been resisting them for 75 years. they rated our houses, scattered the kids, and close the hospitals and also allowing the injured to get treated. they bomb civilians, they see them is just targets for killing. it's like they take revenge on normal
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civilians because i believe the trying to hide the losses and goes there is rarely forces have also been cool. so the do, reciting joyce prayers inside the camps main mosque they move was late to condemned by the idea of itself with the soldiers and bolt, and the incident immediately removed from operational duty the damage the video caused. was it reversible? the video showed the soldiers looting event allies in the stores in the camp. the soldiers took the cigarettes here and the money all of it, and ruined the computer that is connected to the security cameras. money. yes, money. and that was in the 1st rate in the 2nd grade, they took the cigarettes. the authoration in jenny has left at least 12 dead, mostly from the ones, is real claims. they were all terrorist human rights groups, though. point out that somewhere teenagers and could hardly oppose an immediate threat to the idea of one of those who lost who's lived here in the armies offensive was 13 year old, smiled. he wasn't wounded,
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but his family blames these really rate for his death. in this we do as much father is carrying the boy to the hospital early in the morning on tuesday. the 1st day of the idea of operation mode failed. bad suffered from a severe storm like a and couldn't breeze. normally, he requires immediate medical attention, but in a move, the doctors without borders have condemned, is rarely forces have besieged jeanine hospitals, preventing anyone including ambulances from and to reno exiting. my died on the way in his dad's arms. little or no one can actually get, i'm gonna keep there wasn't an occupation in janine and the soul just were not reading. janine perhaps i would have been able to help him. mother manners. instead of taking him to the hospital at 10 30 in the morning. i could have been able to take him at 530 when he 1st started feeling sick. but
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because there was an occupation in janine and the soldiers arrived at the hospital, i was delayed. and i ended up seeing my son died in my arms up. this is the worst thing about what happens, like all say is that it will probably happen again. i think the they what about why? because it is back again. everybody loves it. wouldn't be back in the past, the 3 days of hawaii to formation is rose. army has withdrawn from the janine refugee camp, leaving i have only destroyed again, renovations had just been almost completed following israel summer offensive, including with a lot of for and money. now, roads, building infrastructure needs to be mended again. and so do people cards. and so. * to reporting from jeanine refuge account and northern call is the
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mayor of 2 ways and my wife, i left some of the i'll stop by has passed away at the age of 86. that's according to the country. state media sizing, the office of the m e a. last month the lady was taking the hospital for emergency treatment. you had led the country since 2020, and he was the oldest monarch on the country's history to his son to the throne. the government of quite his analysis. crown prince michel, i'll what i'll stop by as a new amir, according to state media. and i was discussing this with filed our chalet, me of the middle east side of the force of egypt and political consulting. he told us more about the legacy. the recently deceased leader shifts no up a well known as humble the she's trying to get to the people benefitted from deluxe. surely that the country has a he promoted to that democracy in the country. he was trying to, um, to,
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to segment the regular democracy pillars, which is a freedom of choice know innovation from the government in the election, the new i me or is it practicing the authority of the i may have since 2 months and he is not he is not far away from the government or from the people. i think the policy will continue, but we will have some more speed up the process because he wouldn't have all the authority now as they knew, i mean, but he is a little bit closer today to on securing the country and building a defense and intent of the forces and, and, and that is really something, uh uh, what do we need in the meantime? a scandal brewing on capitol hill is a gay porn video film. and a key us senate building has a most online video was made inside of hearing room inside of the senate offices.
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you're lucky with lowering this conservative us active as laura lu are ledger that involves a software of democratic senator ben cod and we can confirm that right now the staff of himself denies a disrespecting the workplace. this has been a difficult time for me as i have been attacked for who i loved to pursue a political agenda. well, some of my actions in the past have shown poor judgment. i love my job. i would never disrespect my workplace. and as one might imagine, the incident is prompting all kinds of reaction online if you like. but the senate hearing room video, you can watch actual senate is doing the same thing to you every day on cspan. this video footage of every person on january 6. but no one noticed the stuff and making a 6 typing the senate chamber. bizarre. oh, well, 51 full. i'm a senior us intelligence officials. so i know that's
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a stating that the gay pulling the video democrats have engage sexy in a yes. and it's hearing room is a rush and is information of course, and that is a place where us foreign policy decisions are made, including those of regarding sanctions. some of those like us, us measures were imposed against uganda over the east african countries and c l g b t legislation. but we spoke with the you've gotten the and pro finally identity a try the active as martin sent a while ago, he goes to a bit of controversy with his a questioning of analogy base. he rides advocate will show you that a bit later in the program. but now he tells us how uganda sees the current situation within the us senate. now you've gone having come up with the on ty, homosexuality at 2023. again. we're on the tremendous pressure because they are, instructor was about to deny us by a natural services. they. i'll be instructed, i go, that's africa, bruce both. but unity act not to do business with you. god. because you've got
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those come up with the low to stop the promotion of homosexuality. and this is very sad because we're wanting to do business. we want to do trade. we don't want homosexuality. and we want to set up a pulse if you want to sell our co cobra, and i will touch them. but they're saying we cannot be able to do that. if we do not allow homosexual, isn't in our country. so this, this unfortunately is continuing to create the diminishing of the credibility and the respectability of the american empire, the european implants, because we increasingly a saying good as the cut it as in need of great more change to be able to, to be on this on this stage of international diplomacy, where we can be able to say, look, we respect to you, we respect what america say, we respect the senate, but unfortunately, no,
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the airport is being seen as imposing a morales. it is imposing obscenities. i mean this is this, it is, it is uh, brand new the pregnancy. it is creating its stage. i remember the best thing uh, not too long ago and was doing this. i remember these 2, the best one is good. why are you good that us become fire minded as did you this morning? one of the get rights activists mixed up. should i call you mr. shepherd julian on sima? thank you for coming. thank you for monday morning. why are you be? who sees m d u r d. justification for homosexuality? i told you is human rights defend. and i think most of samples come here. when i agreed to come to the show, a comes over to use, i'm sorry,
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is just think i know you kind of just to me and us after it comes, we are debating this issue. why, why do people choose to be a good? and then number 2, that was another, and i did when i saw that this sexual practices addicted is which is good. don't eat the people, some of the things that they do, a really decadent wherever involving justin, people matter. that's absolutely you said it is the so there's really a, i just need a full america to find it straight in. got it needs to hear from africa for us to tell america americans know you will have to got to a bundle dis inside. it's a, it's meant it's a mentor sickness. nigeria is supreme court has ruled detained the leader of the separate yes. organization called indigenous peoples of africa. none of the kind of october 2022,
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the nigerian court of appeals actually dropped all charges of terrorism against the active list and released him. let's shed some light on this with local reporter timothy. yes. between 9 and 6 to 7 and 9 and 70. my jerry, a witness, a civil war of a cute, an estimated 1000000 people that was caused by decades long. just patients to break up visa nigeria from the rest of the country and create an independent state known as the separatist. i just ation started gaining traction again in 2014, also british my jury and political activist non the kind of found to be engaging most people or yeah for arrive, for movement. but 3 years later, my 2 rental parties designate at the group as a terrorist organization and band, it's activity, he's in. so i need 21. government forces arrested non, the condo in kenya,
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and expedited him to my gerry. i have to face the law conferences, trials for terrorism, reasonable felony conspiracy, and the information of the nigerian government using radio broadcasts on friday night serious supreme court. the highest legal authorities dash the hopes of the separate use release and over turned the appeals court ruling, which initially dismissed the terrorism charges against him and ordered for his immediate release for just hoping quite as soon as the number to come to go back to to try out for you to remain in several comes charge. don't forget that. i had courting each out to the 15th comp displeased by the try. i caught on the ground that they had no what to feel for it. argued but tunnels. arrest an extradition from kenya. contra, local and international law,
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as the supreme court agreed, but said the separate series cannot read based on the conduct of government security agencies. and that of the mazda continued to face trials. head of friday's ruling, the where attentions and concerns about violence erupt in, in the south east region support as of a separate does lead a fast, often to abstain from work to protest. his continued detention, you saw on say, so say, on more than doing these adult crossing hum to us, i thought to do, and the government who released mazda and none of the con, item from east, about precisely. so i thought today the divisions of mazda non because so the be a piece in the long, i think, uh, is that it just close to the corporate and on to be a very good citizen. outdoor loves freedom is that we just use
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because sofa and the kind of has the fund due to of any time multiple magnitude, the situation where the west and as i sleep on short notice us is and a lot of things are happening that no schools know to know what's on this monkey much fight, and there's not just about all difference. he's fighting for everybody by the action is this is, i mean just this niger and government. often the slaves separate his activities for the watson and security situation in the south east of my chair. yeah. it is not clear when the separate is trials will resume. it is no longer a corporate issue is a political situation. how we can come to get as a bose, to sick fish, to a sick has a friendship with a government. uh uh, pace uh, furnished organization, a traditional and a student elect. electrical officer was not going to get it in one voice. so that
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will come professor mission well, we're talking big implications here as dependence whaler and guy on i have agreed on a peaceful settlement of the s a keyboard dispute us despite the pessimistic mood of guy on as president the day before, the negotiations with venezuela's president my daughter so i wanna get right to it, mister president, do you think venezuela is capable and willing twin vague ayana over these oil fields? i think that it is capable of acting recklessly and acting in a manner that can be stabilized the piece that exists within this region all thursday, the venezuelan president, i'm this guy and he's counterpart held amazing that ended with the adoption open at 11 point declaration, stating that the use of force is unacceptable in this territorial dispute. attentions over the oil rich as a cable region have been rising and recent weeks, especially off the venezuela held
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a referendum to include the area and to us national territory as a cable or mountains. the 2 thirds of guy on his territory essentially being a part of it since $1899.00. correct us in the system. the area should be under its control like it was during the spanish colonial period and caribbean john was a jewel frazier says that if indeed the military complet breaks out, it would inevitably spit out into the rest of the reach us in the region. we are hoping that they will be no bloodshed because as i said, we, we don't have experience of walker and to reach an ad. if something did happen in uh, in the, in the forward to reach them between guidance and its way of the inputs and outputs of each spin over into the rest of your reach. and i should also mention that we think that it's just generally, it's a generally help you in all parts of the world that it's not likely to escalate into conflict. unless of course you have outside actors who have interest or
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interest got interest to protect. and if their military is under reach and then you know, something could happen in adversity perhaps to and that's where you would get of not you will buy that conflict. but because of the way the region has always basically got to run the or run it appears the likelihood of a pilot caustic is not well versed is brenton sense because because my we're not ready to jump up and take on. that's not what we're in a hurry to do, but if outside actors who have a gas interest to protect and something goes wrong, when you know when they're petrol in the area, then anything is possible. in that case, you wouldn't be surprised to learn that american oil, john ex automobile is already entrenched in guy on those oil regions and as openly said and refuses to leave. so make sure to add that into the equation way.


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