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tv   Documentary  RT  December 16, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm EST

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ones that he revealed with your whistle blowing children, died because of the toxicity in the baby biscuits. what changes did the company make after you blew the whistle? did they correct the situation? finally, and what happens with the families of the children, the to so to run who died. and each time this leg didn't change, i didn't learn any lesson, didn't change the product. so a year later and other charges a year later, other charges. and each time they say no, we are okay, we have done nothing wrong is the hold of a is this world of desire essentially, right. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 the
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i'm action or times a welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world, from the middle east in morning, and in the shadow of a bite and administration featuring a un security council resolution to end the gaza genocide on by the u. s. u. k. and you, nations veteran, ohio congressman and former democratic presidential contender, dentist percentage is cooling versus fire in palestine and the end of nature back to war against russia through ukraine. you joins me again from cleveland in ohio. thank you so much, dennis for coming back on. things seem to have gotten much worse since your last on, on the show. i suppose a biden obviously gave us $200000000.00 to zalinski, but we've had to start with gaza. how, how is a bite and able to continue? i mean, israel to commit genocide in gaza when the whole world, the, even canada voted against the united states. even britain abstained on the ceasefire. resolution of the united nations general assembly as well. israel and
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the united states are really in this together, but the rest of the world and 99 percent of the world is asking for another direction or asking for a ceasefire. and not only is that you know, government accelerating the carnage was there now talking about waging war against the west bank. and so this is part of the larger plan to ethnically cleanse palestinians out of jared tours. so they can be claimed as part of the larger plan that net yeah, those ultra nationalist partners are, have been advocating for quite some time. i mean, tell me your goals versus 5 being so loud. you go. laryngitis. what, how,
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how does the mass killing of children in any conceivable way help uh oh, geo political way, help the united states in this world? well, you know, that's the question. answers itself is, this is how it breaking. i mean, i, i'm on the loss of, of israeli children, i am on the loss of palestinian children, but we have to remember that the carnage that's being waged in gaza is holy. just proportionate. and it's, it's a worst choice or against, develop 70, or just get out of it because the war because there's little mutual reality and an exchange of uh, a force you said disproportionate to the also that is riley's of cause, who died on october the 7th. but by then said to appear to say the f b,
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i only enforce when services in the united states con, protect the american jews. he said, quote, well then, o israel, they would, they wouldn't be a jew in the world that is safe. i mean, they're more americans, jews in the united states, and there are in israel. what does the talking about that was it the have like a policy at the white house? well, we certainly want jews to be safe wherever, wherever they live. but israel guarantee is the safety. but here's the thing. this war is not making is rarely safe or just say it's anywhere in the world. it is widely viewed by the rest of the work. as being a vengeful act is being ethnic cleansing is being genocide is being a massacre. and there are those who wrongly blame all juice for that. this is the net yahoo administration and this is their plan just during their
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program. and we, i'm, we have to be mindful that the members of the administration who are ultra nationalist, has long held a plan to eliminate palestinians from some guys and the west bank. and for that matter, southern lebanon. this there's, there's a number of things wrong with this. one is that there, there is discrimination can choose all over the world and it's accelerating because of this work. but the thing that i'm concerned about as someone who actually considers himself a friend of israel, this would lead to the destruction visit or south. because of the people that were standing with governments that were in the middle east,
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the people and these are various nations that are the neighbors of israel, are, are watching every day the, the dash wasn't shown and then, and the other and mentor announcer battles. and there's only so much that people can tolerate in their hearts. i mean, you know, we, we understand that that jews were traumatized across the generations by the holocaust doctor the nothing but one must not take that drama and deal with it by inflicting the same kind of punishment or other people to and this is exactly what's happening and it is, it is a great tragedy, but it's a matter of choice in the united states has been falling behind is you're making a mistake about it. president biden is falling behind israel in this endeavor,
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and he may scold prime minister netanyahu. you may tell him to stop, but he's also provided a webpage to continue and and, and is seeking even more. so, you know, i, i stand for the survival of israel. i stand for their survival of the palestinians . i think we have to be on the side of fish, that's the side that the world ought to be on. instead, what's happening is that a true propaganda know your names. there's an attempt to justify the mass going of power standing and there is no transportation for that. just as there is no justification for the depths of the $1200.00 is riley's parish on october 7th. now, you know, you can get into the history and have fully aware of the history, but i'm not sure what you're doing. and once you, once you start to justify murder,
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you become involved in a cycle of violence that never stops. and this is as old as, as you might have a gauge, but we certainly have, we now hear all this information about october, the 7th. that a separate to that. but of course some of the most articulate voices supporting palestine in this on stored on gauze. odd jewish voices and from the jewish community all around the world and americans use. but this time around. if you look at opinion polls the american public, it seems completely out of step with the congressman and women. how, how is it that the congress does not reflect us opinion polls show, you know, about half of the people saying what israel is doing is wrong. basically, it appears to me anyway. yeah, i would say on the issue of, of israel, there's always been a disconnect between the mass of the american people and members of congress. i,
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you know, we can't denied that israel's been very successful to various lobbies and having a very strong position with respect to members of congress. and you know, there's a whole range of activities that take place to ensure that there is no support will continue. so i mean, i'm familiar with that of course, but as your body, the democrat party there was and the republicans are given. well, i luckily we have a unit party right now when it comes to war. and that's a problem. i find it hard for a king to see ethnic cleansing a massacres. genocide inflicted on on the palestinians of the world is crying out for an address as each wire. but for means of,
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of settling the differences that exist between the parties. we thought ours always going to do that now. the prime minister netanyahu is not only talking about ripping off was low, but is ready to attack a military, ready to launch a military attack against voice mag and, and, and the palestinian authority there was right. yeah, we have the northern negotiate, jerone walked out of the interview the other day from the show. so i know joelle as low as seen, but you met and then you know, having to you and i understand he had words with you about the games. was really policy are these is policy in the united states need you to follow his policy? yeah, he's made it very clear. this was 20 years ago. that username was the, have the united states take out the rack, duran and libya. and i talked to him personally about this, and i asked him if you feel so strongly about this mission and you know,
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why don't you do it? and he resigned in very cool technology said no, no, no, no. we want you to do this. and this relationship between the united states and israel. and i think we have to ask in the us, we have to ask every, what point again does mister netanyahu nice state the united states? at what point do we continue to listen to him? he was, he testified before congress just before the rack war began. there was one of those wanted america to go after rack g was wrong. we were lied to take us into that war . you know, i gave over 500 speeches in congress. not only against the rank war but against, for, was ran against the attacks on 11 in syria on
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behalf of the palestinians, or just trying to survive. and now they had to do with any dislike for the government of israel, especially the people of israel. but when that job was government, his job is to take israel in a new direction that is offensive to human rights. that's offensive to to everything is good and decent about humanity. well in, in fantasy does enjoy math of support, of course, within israel. i also understand that there was a plan to attack the civil nuclear plug program in the wrong. i mean, i was speaking to you from the middle east would have any impact perhaps environmental impact here. yeah, there was such a go and i spoke out against it on the floor of the house when, when the 1st elements of it appeared when the united states was returned to launch a nuclear bunker busters on the speciality
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research facility. and i think it was that is that on the bush at the brochure, react if you let, let's. but let's, so let's go deeper into this is a time for reappraisal of the united states role in the world. and of our willingness to support why and much i anywhere and everywhere in the world. we need a of a policy of international policy that can work with the nations of the world and, and, and not as a, as a unit, paul or nation, but through cooperation. and, you know, our, our efforts success orders for it. unfortunately, they're cut off communication with russia has resulted in russia are beginning to separate from the west itself. there's nothing good can come out of
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that. we're creating new power blocks as a result of, of, of our willingness to participate in aggression. and you know, 2 reasons that briggs was credited and, and is, and you know what, it doesn't work or is it u. s. involvement in, in ukraine was a disaster? well, i tell you, i'll stop you there. that is what we have more of that in part 2, more from the twice us debit card, presidential contender involved the mayor of cleveland, ohio. after this break the the welcome back to going underground. i'm still here. it
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would be twice us democrat presidential contender and full amount of cleveland ohio dentist advantage. dennis, i got you up for them to buy one about a ukraine. what did you make of a lloyd austin, this re fi on contract. and now in charge of your pentagon threatening it'd be, is send that as children to if they didn't allow more money being sent, took care of. i mean that's because tucker carlson, but did he put it that way? he was threatening congress when your uncle's cousins and sons to fight rusher. if you create a, there's not a proven junk cub. he these folks, but it's nice. he's an american blood will be the cost of not sending more us public when he does the landscape. so, so there people are okay with ukraine and shedding their blood and the american people will never stand for draft to go and fight in ukraine against russia. and, and this also was a nation. so you know, what was the name? i mean, so let's keep us then in washington this week, what, what is lloyd austin to hear about american blood?
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and john, good luck. um, you know, they're doing anything they can to try to get more money. so it's the same thing. i want to keep to or going to want as far as over. i mean rushes want. the only question is, what is the terms of a settlement and, and what happens to zone landscape? i would say that the united states made a strategic mistake. and a colossal mistake and he's in designing to over throw in any over through over rush of ukrainian government. and then designing to turn that into the overs or all the russian government there was share file a and the people who charted that course should never be near decision making. how have you tried on behalf of the united states?
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it has been a triple county disaster. and um, uh for the ukrainian people, a heartbreaking hundreds of thousands of depths of the, of the life blood of the nation. and for russia and the people in the eskimo hans, the continuation of the violence that they were trying to get out of that russia, by virtue of its constitution, was compelled to defend those provinces. united states understood that we proceed in any way to fund a war of thinking that there be some kind of attraction of thinking that the st. jude would undermine russia. they didn't do that. thinking that the disruption in energy supplies were russia. and that didn't happen. thinking that they were russia's army town, that didn't happen very well, be predicted, ready to be joining. and so i just want to go back to what i started to say. america's international policy is totally flawed. we're creating an image.
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instead of working to create trach we, we are, and every time we go to create an image or by design engine disaster, not only for the people in the, in the countries that engage in conflict. but for the american people, as well as the us to ash there's who, since $911.00 have just out t for trillions of dollars. i mean, it's a disgrace that the average american family of floor is paying close to a $100000.00 for all these wars. i mean, it's actually not been dedicated to war and that we've been dedicated to the lives of our own people improving their lives. so we could become the landlord. okay, how does your like know there's people who cannot exist unless they're propelling
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war and i've seen it, it is uh or if it is evil and it and it needs to stop. but it's about the policy itself. and mr. bryan became an instrument of it, there's predecessors were instruments of it, and this is the way american foreign policy works right now. but the less the changes, we're going to be looking at original war, and it could trigger walworth rate. there's a limit to how much other nations in the middle east are going to tolerate the destruction of the culture and the end, the buildings and the, the society in, in gaza. and in westbank, there's a limit to how much russia and other nations are going to take an incursion by the us into their internal affairs. every nation ought to be able to handle its own affairs without interference from any other nation. and you know, wherever,
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after no living like lives or other people in the state department to think no bring it on, we can be russia and china and venezuela and iran all at the same time while bombing, syria. i mean, deb vladimir putin was here in the u. a as cop 28 was uh, wrapping up the environmental climate change at the summit when buying was in the middle east last the president of egypt wouldn't even meet him for the king of jordan. and it do the american people know about how the reputation of the united states has changed and the bus to for 12 months. no, i don't think so. i think that, um, you know, like people and many nations. i mean, you know, the american people are good tape. i was added to represent them in the united states congress in 16 years and added to run for president joyce on their behalf. they're essentially peace solving. their government isn't just about our government . and the people all trust government,
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the trust government is going to do the right thing. instead, time after time, we've seen in larger files from, from vietnam on, you know, more recently, or rec, libya, ukraine, guys at west bank. and you know, how many times can you be wrong? i still have quite a bit already. but as far as the property, the united states, the, those who are responsible to grace disasters are given the most credibility. and it's a teacher, personal personified. when it comes to international policy, the irony of the reluctant, the more you screw up, the higher you because you know, you go and and us the policy making. it is the peter grizzle. first, principles personified the irony of the reluctance on the hill in the house and in the senate to go through with more caches or landscape account and more weapon
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retail children in gaza. it was about the southern border problem to the politicians. the realize that they're going to be more refugees created by what's happening in the middle east and what's happening in ukraine, that may, will end up on your southern border as did ask ends of to the us as defeat the every, every word rich refugees is mind blowing when you think about guys, are a percent of the people been displaced and then the deals are told to go in another place and then they get to attack there. but talk about the southern border. i mean, you have to have bodies over country pageants, axiomatic, and the binary registration has just over at the board board is the board is up for us now. and anybody can come in as a problem and we're creating more refugees,
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our borders open. and there is no way that's going to be worked out well for us and for the big cities that are already trying to provide service for the hundreds of thousands of refugees that have been moving, particularly in the north part of the u. s. i, you know, i, i share from my country. i, i, i, i am concerned that the people who are running it are graven or stupid and are correct. and i, and this orders disaster for my nation, which i loved. and which i defended as a member of congress. and every ways that i could have to tell you, we must change our position in the world. we should have been reaching out to russia. we should have been reaching out to china. we should be reaching out to
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olive branch, got a nation, but we didn't do that. and as a result, that will affect americans economy. it will affect the dollar. it will affect the last test in our economy. it will result in america's role in the world being drastically altered, not withstanding our military power. there's only a limited amount that you can put guns on the table and, and, and force people to make decisions. the u. s. is losing whatever moral authority it had left by continuing to fuel the uh, the attacks and the dash of the power stand in. and again, i want to say because you know, every, every, every, every criticism of the word it's are inevitably brings back charges of anti semitism. we must we must
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proceed with respect for each other. and we must, uh, your, i, i support the existence of the state of israel. i do not support the, the annexation that was underway. i do not support the, the ethnic cleansing, the genocide has taken place. that, you know, no matter how you dress it up, let's get real. that's exactly what's happening. and the united states is, can push it in that, you know, it to you. if you give somebody guns to commit a crime, you get charged in, in state courts and his gun and america were given to got into the israel. and you know, you can sample change swift out the mr. newton. yeah, that's a stoppage. but here's, here's a load of weapons do whatever, you know, do whatever you want. well, i mean, what is mr. brian? thank you, sir. with that. and then what was going to do with those weapons?
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we must stop this. it is not just about a ceasefire. we have to cease war. we have to cease war as an instrument of policy . we have to end war once and for all or what will end us. and it's, it's, it's mind blowing that in the 20 and the 21st century. we're still dealing with these questions about, you know, about war and justifying it. it's just just fine lee then. uh dennis um and i should say the arab league, i wanted an alms involved go on on israel, which of course would step of you weapons and british weapons to just find the very briefly in the run up to the 2024 election. i mean katie trump is leading in the iowa caucuses. do you think the bible would serious the countenance an idea of a halt? well, with a run using the gaza situation as
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a pretext. oh i'm sure there are people out there right now they're gone. or was around, i know that they don't know anything about it, run around to the band society. a skilled in engineering and technology and retreating is like it's you know, some 3rd world country. my concern is that this drum beating this, the phrase thinking about continuing war is a say ignited war against iran. it'll, it'll go global. and it will dramatically change our lives here in this country. and we should be working with around to settle any differences that exist and as far as the presidential election, 24242024. i thank you. i think that john,
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who's your mr bridles conduct of the, of various wars including ukraine and what's happening in, in gaza as a wizard undermine his residency. is gonna make it very difficult for him to get re elected as far as not making a prediction. but donald trump appears to be in a very straightforward position to return to the white house. not so much based on his merits, which people can debate. but based on the file age of the democratic party on weaponized in prosecution on continuing to uh uh to make trump an issue everywhere. the way that you defeat trump is ignore. and you know what that ship is sailed years ago, that is considered our task because of that. thank you. thank you. that's it for
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the show. continued condolences to those surviving the killing and gaza will be back on monday with little guys of coverage when we get a saudi arabia perspective on the legislative nation and all that goes and doing that. and you can keep in touch by all our social media, if it's not sensitive in your country, and how do i channel going on, going to feel normal, don't come to us and you and all the episodes of going underground. so monday, the russian country rich in tradition, modern heights in the community rates and very diverse about a chevy side of the old who live here. the see if that's a gloves the international russia expo,
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the, the city of hon. you, the southern gaza is pounded by idea of strikes and local hospitals all struggling to cope with the influx of the wounded civilians by size. the idea is advancing southwards, in the all hostages still being held by how mazda poured onto the space of 10 of these express, their outrage is ready. media says that several officers mistakenly killed by the idea of actually losing a big shift white flag. yet another scandal in washington as a gay, porn video filled in a sentence office goes online, reportedly involving a democrat, congressional.


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