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tv   News  RT  December 16, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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the, the, the city of hon, units in southern god, the pound in my idea of strikes and local hospitals are struggling to cope for the info. some wounded dividends by us, as the idea is involved. and southward and the enclave. for those of hostages still being held. why, how mazda, of port arms are those? the subset of the express, their outrage is very immediate, says that several houses is mistakenly tim, by the idea of it goes up. but actually the ways we a make shift, the white flag yet another scandal in washington i. they gave me one video. so in the senate office goes online, fully enrolling and democrat congressional late, the
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kids out of your company today for the lakes of global news around up i'm rode home on me and this is the international. the city of con, the unit in southern gaza has come on. the extensive is ready. bombardment, with numerous casualties. as the idea involves the south fluid in the enclave. this video shows people wounded in kong. eunice who wants enough said hospital. this holding does not have signed it's almost 19000, have also been persistent telecommunication was blackouts and gaza processing canadian doing this amount so soon as the details of the
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every day. every night. the problem is the communications a little when it comes to the few days ago about most places adjacent 100 people from the from the east to west
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11 i was in the hospital the so i knew a school happened and then i went by in a central part of the own group we had told literally the answer were among those guilds with the area and the continuous bombardment possible. it was warm, they may soon face a grim problem, a lack of confidence that will just allow me on those very good thoughts. these tough ends are seen all the time. it's alex um, outside of the hospital and that major garza stepped out of date, written by law every time. and then during a day that people here carry the dead bodies. and the such cap for competence
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which has as that, as you might see. and whether perpetual carrying the did buddies and over the past period of time before and the gaza strip factories and facilities that manufacture such cup ends, whether plastic ones like this one or material one made of materials have been a those shut down because of the is really war on guys on or had been or have been damaged, partially or completely lives has been reduced in the goal is a threat because of the as a to warrant garza, and these just come into the territory that by means of that you might have to be an assistance be that kind of muscle. many countries, such as those confidence, such as egypt and united arab emirates. this conference are matter for both plastic and material, and they have the zips up to this moment. we're not sure of them. it is likely we will run out of that soon due to the mountain numbers of those cute might as well,
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wouldn't let in this bombardment of gaza out on the hospital is under the rolling pressure. we heard from a russian citizen who was that i knew himself lost 2 family members in the war. i still have minutes. i have the opportunity on my was just 4 days ago. i lost my sister then at the beginning of the war, i lost my brother. my sister died in my house when the neighboring house was bombs, 8 or 10 people died there and they were about 15 wounded. and as for alex, the hospital personally, i do not have enough thread in the vascular surgery department there, not enough temporary shots, and there are not enough medical supplies that are used specifically for vascular surgery. patients such as hyper and more than 80 percent of medications have disappeared. this indicates a terrible situation in the field of medicine. some supplies, many people do not have enough medicines and they died because of this. this applies not only to the wounded but also to the patients who go for human dialysis . we now have more than 1000 patients who have moved from the north to the south into the central region. thousands of patients go for human dallas 3 times
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a week. this is a huge burden for all doctors and medical stuff, of course, simply not enough because many have died. many are wounded and there is no help from abroad. more than 2500 cancer patients should receive cable therapy. but cannot several people die every day because there are no medicines. no one sends these medicines from abroad to european hospitalized made for 250 people. and they're now $1250.00, a maximum of 12. people should be an intensive care, but now 52 people are there. there just aren't enough hands to work on them. a lot of patients need to be urgently evacuated from the country. more than 2000 patients need emergency operations. if such a patients are evacuated from gaza, then there will be a place where the wounded can come and then we can reduce the burden and to help people. patients are lying on the streets. i swear in the corridors, everywhere, even near the toilet, there absolutely no places, therefore, it is necessary to open the eyes to the scale of the catastrophe that now exists and which will be even greater. honestly,
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i haven't seen this anywhere else. the families of these very hostages held by how much things i have held a demonstration into the demanding immediate action from the government to free them. but as off the idea of soldiers mistakenly to a me is really hostages. in gaza. they have all the details from the idea of investigation have spots a wave of discontent. intel a v with new intensity, they say the hostages, who were killed were actually wait, being a, make shift white flag in late to comment is the idea of was quoted as saying that how much moved since have used white flags to new is already sold. this into i'm, this is one of the killed hostages was reported these housing for help in hebrew. right before he was shot dead, the idea of expose bus and the said the army identified them as a threat. while israel's, i mean, she from general soft stated, the troops are responsible for that. now,
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little firing at the hostages was against the armies, instructions for opening fire. it is prohibited to shoot at people holding a white flag and attempting to surrender. but the shooting was done during fighting and under pressure. many good. the patience of the relatives of the families of the hostages are sending. they demand these riley governments now to do more than they are saying, god is riley prime minister in his war cabinet are not committed enough and it is not their 1st priority to bring back the hostages about 100 and 3rd, these riley does deal with the can see with the over the terrace of, from us and some of them are elderly, women's children and their relatives of those to just say to these riley government that we will work best more and more. we will be in front of the headquarters of these valley army where the cabinet, the work had been at the prime minister, ours me think and from where they are and doing. busy those decisions about what
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will happen to just 3 and a, maybe the lot there anymore. and they, they like to more desperate says that because they want to convince is riley governments that there is no waiting in the ward gaza effect. the house suggest are not coming back home to live. these may that samuel is so desperate and so mad because i understand when you are at the war zone, it's not safe for nobody. and you can't understand what is going on. and we are not understanding where you can fire, where you can see bomb and we're not because the hostages that return. they also told that they heard the bones of these early army and some of the bombs that even shoot the places like they were in the den. and they could be that the. and so john brought this behind me,
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does the same ones that started yesterday. and they will continue in the days to come to your prob, slowly there is riley hostages, ridge gun tom, safely janice on alice wyatt. read, says the accident, the coming of those officers has only contributed to the outrage of families of those affected well, it's certainly very impactful for the families of the victims who have in recent weeks emerged as effectively the only vocal faction of these rarely society. that is publicly in favor of a ceasefire publicly in favor of the escalation. if you look at polls coming out of israel, a recent pull found that less than 2 percent of is rarely. society felt that uh too much munitions to many bombs have been dropped on guys that it only 2 percent of the population less than 2 percent. feels that be, is really military is doing too much in this military campaign and a majority, according to that full felt that the military needed to more be more aggressive in
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its military campaign. so as to whether this will lead to a serious gift and the public mood in israel. i certainly have my doubts, but i will say that i think it is likely to catalyze the remainder of the families of the captives. and to realize that basically, unless they are able to uh, force these rarely government to negotiate with promises once again, as they did for the previously released hostages. unless they are able to compel the government to negotiate for those captives that they could potentially need a similar stage as these 3 is rarely man allows us until the last guy, wherever the inputs in has been officially nominated to run the for next year's presidential election $1500.00 people gathered that comes to the hole in the red square to express the support i'm the prove, the nomination. main thing,
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the number required by law for him to run as an independent candidate, odd thing correspondence, a bose spoke with some of them. so you join us from zuraw in moscow, where vladimir vladimir, which proved and we'll be officially nominated today. it's a huge event to organize quite no road in the front, which is the civil organization, a political organization which spawns russia. it was launched in 2011 by president boot and himself to combat corruption, to challenge waste in the russian society. and it's an incredible credible organization. and at the launch today, we've met numerous people from the arts, from the military. i'm from support, which we're gonna talk to right now. i'm here to support my president. uh, it's a wedding board with a moment for federal ols that are some people, because we have to support a our leader. and because it's a, it's a what,
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a complicated situation in the world, them to in this moment. so important is the best leader who can fit all the people, you know, the human. so we can both those that we could put in a, a, c, c. is there any way of doing that? so and so just by, it's difficult to ask them any way we have support team and we think he is the best suited for the united russia and i support them or put them in his efforts to strengthen the state to ensure that we have the opportunity to insist on our historical rights, traditional values and historical truth. our meeting today demonstrate the unanimous support for putting we're here to comply with the legal requirements for nominating presidential candidate. most of the, a staff member in the us senate has repeatedly been 5 peer really game pulled and video film, the congressional office, the mines on the internet to recently west and made a report of said the staffing question and the assistance of democrat and some of
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the band god and was quickly dismissed amid the scandal. however, he denied disrespecting the senate. this has been a difficult time for me as i have been attacked for a while off to pursue a political agenda. well, some of my actions in the past have shown for judgment. i love my job. i would never disrespect my workplace. while as one might see, imagine the incident is probably the single kinds of reaction on line. if you like that sentence hearing room videos, you can watch actual senate is doing the same thing to you every day on cspan is video footage of every person on january 6th, but no one noticed the stuff and making a 6 typing the senate chamber bizarre. oh, well, 51 from a senior us intelligence officials sign to alexis, stating that the gate pulling video democrats have engage 16 a yes. send it to you in room is a rush. and his information is that was alive to the host of the
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conservative. danny paul does. joe, all the joe you last thing. this is not alone. think martha joe, come on a center and he's been dismissed. he was filming paul in the building. come on, joe, was this about i think this is just more of the serious nature of the people that are in power in the united states, all the heat to, to, to live in a world where it's not disrespecting. the 7th, not disrespecting, the legislature having sex and recording it inside of a senate hearing this is, this is literally where bills are drafted. and i suggest show you just tell us how the people that are in position the power and authority in the united states are nothing more than puppets of i have to, i have to laugh at the 51 us trinity security visual signed on to say that the,
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you know, this is best information or this information because that's, that really is every time we talk about something serious in the united states, you get something like this that pops up with the, with people that frankly, are just even. so do you think this could be a fake news? no, no, it's definitely not pregnant. that literally it's real. and i know every other country in the world is laughing at us and they shouldn't be. because they just, when you think you can have enough, just when you have a guy like buying the stands up and can't finish, finish the settings and everything goes through his brain is verbally just being pushed out like soup salad. you didn't get any worse and it did. so the why, you know, this isn't the 1st science something like this is a good previously you might, you might remember a group of trials gen the, as a people recorded themselves populace in the white house isn't a place for, you know, just to get the gas strong message because what i'm trying to get to here, joe, is,
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is the constitution of america and changing. we used to always remember in a know, gods i know was always up there upfront is it seems to be changing in a day. anything, you know. so i, i don't actually, i think that the people that are captured are, governments are, are traitors to the people. they've committed trees and in multiple ways. and this is where you get to the seriousness of it. it's the symbol of what this guy is able to do with impunity. the fact that they can act with impunity and they're not be any consequences that it should be most frightening to most americans. but, you know, you have to do, you have to look at the idea that people in the united states have largely been asleep. they've been apathetic, and frankly, fat and happy in the wake up call that's happening today is going to result in civil unrest. that's going to result in bloodshed and nobody really wants it to happen. but these are the type of people that are making laws in our country and
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the ethics and morals of our country been thrown aside. but there is a large group of people in the united states that are not going to have anymore of it. we're going to get rid of the voting machines in the middle of balance and 2024 . and we're going to throw these people out of their head. i also want to point out something. maybe you guys don't know today, december 16th 19 or so be 17. 73. is the $250.00 anniversary of the boston tea party. when we threw out the end and dissension throughout the end of the sea to protest england's tyrannical reign over the united states. back then, i'm just so look forward to. that's what is going to happen in the coming days met by the way that stopped me hoping for for some sort of force slow over throw. this is just restoring, restoring us back to a, a god driven community and god, you're in the country. i sadly, i wanted to actually off to until the by, by the british, i'm british, by the way, that's fine. it. we can, you can leave
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a do it on saturday. the, the dollars is just all the move on. i would fine joe as a pleasure, always to the building to so thank you so much for joining me. all right, god bless you. i the hi is the situation in gaza was douglas is an assembly, how you have it for 5 weeks in a row. to protest is ready bombings and stress and worry over civilian casualties. local just males that go on has more details. the sun against israel attacks and also whether it's really bad is waiting going here. so i bought a 100 boxes have here holding centers in their hands saying hospital
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in garza is worsening day by day. so partially re takes a lot of medical supplies and they also run some hospital in molten gold where you good bye. it's friday and they talk carrying wise medical supplies. and then the also target is from the federal college
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warranty. and also we are very sorry about the acquisition of the, i guess we can get the minimum support support the r c r for testing process, i guess maybe come in for example,
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that when we call back to make simple deals efficient for pharmacy companies as well. this is riley companies of deals, so want to attract attention to the bar situation and show because they say that this might be done again a sales tax on fire. and they say that they will keep going with this
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new uh the people taken to the feats of pakistan's capital in this so. so a guarantee that by the sign process as of signs and way the palestinian flags are calling for an end to the both of these are taking place in gaza. we said to someone that the site is saying that they cannot turn a blind eye to what's happening. picking it up um they are okay. but if you are still closing your eyes to what is going on around to you, then why do you think it will stop in gaza? israel doesn't intend to do this suddenly and goes up. it will infiltrate in each and every muslim country, or no muslim country. zionism is controlling the whole world, made it had made value to america, i believe, is rarely as being supported by the us and the us as being held by the whole world . there are a non muslim countries to why is everybody listening to america? is this most of bigotry for the whole? well to follow us policies are accepted, featured power around eas, could go back,
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us invested ahead. we demand that the us, german, and french b u. i invested as be expelled from pockets down immediately. tell them so i guess as a pockets done resistance against occupation is the right killing. innocent civilians is not about distinction. these demand right, where the homeless that are not is open to pressure for the principal is there, there was, you know, kill civilians. but we should resist as part of the cities, our process is large, spun as solidarity with the police, the name called the civil society of his law bodies for testing had i guess you are saying that i had the last to impressive numbers by a large number of men, women and similarly attended these products for the banners like ards, recently by you sign a doctor in that interview said that marcus tompkins andre
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advising as late as the previous meeting park is on isn't fair at off to the guy says, working on to that argument already a flag is fine, is believe that if i, if they go see it because they have a fight for the virus and the supporting how mos and why are they they say microsoft almost the brand new land. and this is the a friend of my life according to the internet, as long as your instructor for our to tv. so i'm about to walk as far as that is uh, 5 years ago reconciliation they have taken on a new form of honda is that also gathered for appropriate assignments? no. the 1st sign with genocide and false despite smith looks like level just kinda
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like a list. so me sent us this report annually on the 16th of december, south africa commemorates reconciliation day. now is the day that says as a stock reminder of your trusted cheese inflicted up on the left side that comes by the above state. vision is also the days of the africans gone to the spirit of reconciliation among the oppressed and those previously disadvantaged and displaced . today. these solve the africans have given him the community of el dorado park in south africa, and the sounds of to him as but to if you're the voices of those suffering and kind of fine. and is that about faces you? we have a lot of listening, but others christian brothers, jewish brothers and sisters, that's out yet in, in all that out of pocket. don't really know what's happening in, in palestine with the genocide and so on. so we doing this march here to let them know that we are speaking up for palestine, that we feel the pain that we feel everything that they are going through. and we stand with spell aside. this is indeed, you know,
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a time where people need to reconcile the differences. and i think is a seal time you know, to, to be, can do this. and we can bring disagreements, you know, among the communities all filled it out of park in the day. so well, you know, to realize what is happening, give us time. we need to find that a solution for my interest and support is against the public. my interest and support is for humanity. we have to make a change. and we cannot the ongoing thing of the genocide and the fact that it's happening not just in palestine, if there's so many places around the world, decided to send me data with us, the cycle of the kind of students awesome you know, with us. because if you can do them by 90 seventies, we also went through such things when people out of and here's the thing i want people to talk because do it shootings through a torch as well. i just put out things like we have been to south africa. now do i have been part of this predominantly kind of area. she is do some of the sentiments with those suffering and tend to sign and how they would launch the lines then
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discriminate to the get and by these in south african approx dates. governments. not most communities have experienced the 5th of clinton and as they sion and displacements. the south african colored community originated from mixed race unions during the colonial period, while palestinians have faced displacements and occupation, plundering the establishment of the state of his trial. while the west continues, its support is riley and refuses to pull for seas fly in that region. with thousands majority of them, the women and children have lost their lives in millions have been displaced many around the world. and here in south africa, continued to stand by the side of the testing and the world over including south africans, according for international solidarity. so i've africans today are able to celebrate roles reconciliation dates, because of the international supports against that about state regina, the n. c, a part of the movement,
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gone to global attention and support resulting in economic sanctions against the move in south africa. so many dependents, daniel, cause these are the same global supports, but it begins with various processors and such as be advocating for the right. and then in is really occupation. that's a home for me, for our to south africa. and in the united kingdom for the policy and devastating once again, the board on sitting in london, the streets, people to the scene carrying ballads with so slogans of stop the genocide and read them to palestine level just on the ground. sense of the simple the people here being around people the people from all of us of
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the great deal about race overseas.


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