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tv   Direct Impact  RT  December 16, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm EST

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solved their diplomatic relations, the agreement, the 4th saw them reopening and embassies in each of those countries. i'm receiving a cause for regional stability. last month, your rides president went to saudi arabia for i summit. it was the 1st thoughts visit in more than 15 years. we've heard from the side, but how much more i d a professor at the university of to ron. he says, a cooperation between the ride and saudi arabia can lose in the us grip. on the middle east. folks, countries are very influential in the region and saudi arabia has been at war with the admin 4 years. and the ron has been been an ally, ibm. and so the fact that the 2 countries have reconciled to a large degree has had a positive impacts on the file between saudi arabian government. and also i think that across the region is these tensions. and it's also help the 2 countries work
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more closely than before when it comes to palestine. so you wrong wants to push, so the radio or towards a stronger position with regards to the ongoing genocide. and i think this pro small between the run and so do you rate it does create a better environment for the saudis to tilt further away from the united states. and the less leverage the americans have in the so in saudi arabia or across the persian gulf, the better it is for the palestinians. and it, and it is, it becomes a bigger problem for these raising machine. and now it's essential of moscow where vitamin puts in has been officially nominated to run for next year's presidential election. more than $500.00 people gathered in the cost of that whole year red, that red square to express that support an approved nomination meeting the number required by law. busy for him to run this independent candidate are g corresponding
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tables, pope with some of them. so you join us from is already in moscow where vladimir vladimir, which proved and we'll be officially nominated today. it's a huge event that organized by no road in the front, which is the civil organization, a political organization which spawns russia. it was launched in 2011 by president putin, himself, to combat corruption, to challenge waste in the russian society. and it's an incredible credible organization. and at the launch today we've met numerous people from the arts, from the military. i'm from support, which we're going to talk to right now. oh, was that just yes of media still for the you know that there is a struggle going on in the world for a new world order, namely a multi polar world order and rushes waging this war with the collective west and ukraine. a special military operation is underway. the fact that during a special military operation, the president is nominated as a candidate for election is in my understanding of victory for russia. this is the
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victory of our russian democracy and no one will be able to take away this victory . i'm sure that we will win the elections and the conflicts in ukraine and the world will never be the same again. there will be many centers of power and the world's will be multi polar. therefore, for all those who did not understand this, it's time for them to think about. the fact that puts in is going to the post colonial says within those satellites. we will vote and we will nominate our candidate to teams letting me of that mirror, which once again for the post of president of the russian federation. because none of the reasonable and same people now in the situation in which russia is in the midst of a special military operation, can imagine another president and the people of russia certainly agree with this. this is obvious. it's enough to go outside and ask the 1st people who come across their opinion. i am proud and happy to be among those voters who nominated our candidate for this post today. that shows 2 of which is my life and these are
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babies alice. they'll be more on the top of. yeah. so uses the the, you've had a huge li, distinguished career suited to your, to use in different parts of the field. and now you at the top, acting as an inspiration for many, many of those who are perhaps coming in to do and listen for the 1st time. you've come to moscow and you've just signed a very important memorandum with oxy international tv channel. can you tell me what all you mean, goals with this memorandum and what you think can be achieved in the near future by signing this? i would like to see that milan,
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the mutual assigned to this is the end of its process research that, that we as a go between asked t in african union of book us to this moment. land on for us is the beginning of the new joining and you joined the river. i. t. l. join the of corporation. mutual understanding is change of news and information between 2 and african, you know, a book gustin. i would love to see. we have an ad delivery of, of can you know, broadcasting at the main bus, the 50 p. m invested. we have um, uh, assist the associate members and i t a i t is with gomez and associates me best of a u v. so i tease corbin is we'd be, you'd become a member of the big for me if i'm in the of june at least if i'm your for,
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for shit out of communications in the 1st thing we, i can see is that either we'd have pause to have information form of or show, so we have information for the all the parts of the gulf of the con, the, the glove, relax that information from, of, from russia to make sure that what we book us is by loss information. as we have learned from our, from the school of joe not easy. and we believe also that are really great to see how we are chemical print in the domain of news and exchange documents, news and h in program. you know, actually as a long tradition of document, please in, i have a report you need to a meeting, some members of this department,
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and i am delighted to see that we, we, we would walk through then we haven't looked awfully student moved in because of the guys, i've been living with each has to provide. he's on the street. as of you can you have to head out on the street. it is always before coming that, but what talk to them but a free to thomas come for us as jo, not as high as african tonight, ouse stories. the dumb must come for us to see exactly what they refused on international events. because i've done this before, speak on behalf of, of the guys if we, we are not capable to do that. so this memorandum of understanding is opening. i know the door for us, of cooperation with families. very important all to you. so i know that joining
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your family at the applicant union and full costing is also very important. how do you assess the role of oxy international and the tv channel in the field of cultural let relation, she talks about sort of understanding a little bit more about what's happening in russia, but also this an exchange from russia to, from russia to africa. but also asked what go to russia and how to assess these cultural exchange between peoples to understand disability, where you have to go back to the, show me a freak on. but it will show read to place the and simply testable. and that's so they gave us on occasion to see that african has decided to diversify their relations. we, we don't, we don't corporate u r t. i guess somebody because you are to, to have the best information you corporate to our, to,
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to develop our safe. that's it. re, re, re fi that the police of i t is very, very important. and the purpose of ok is the image of the place of russia in the, in the words, by the name of the gun joe, not least, i think i have to do on the what we need. that is our needs. and we've seen that, can we help us to grow in africa if you do have for us to have to write our own stories? yeah, i think in this multi polar world, it's very important for countries to be able to write and stories, which is exactly what you're saying. this memorandum will help during list of cost africa to do so. i know that that's highly welcomed. how to assess the interest, so the african public in terms of the topics that are not perhaps being raised in the west and media right now. you know, you've talked about new colonialism that need to what you are the stories that
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fight against that those, the in position of the claimant agenda. there's also coverage of for couldn't conflicts, local african conflicts and humanitarian crisis. how do you think fit all she is handling? how it causes these topics on the applicant continent. what have you looked at what you said in many of major uh you or were you or waste on this thing that most of of the children at least don't know offered you. the sheets from the country is that side soon from last week? you know, i of the category continuum of diversity. i'm, as we used to see none of the guys continued or full because enough, the guy, your fun people working hard on daily basis to and they leave it that people while working very hard to give you to pick on to what you're used to,
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to find and so media, people talking about african as people who don't think we don't know what one. and i saw in one of these uh channels people are talking about includes media, which was key in the back of your own. got it. and that's what's the main subjects i think when you want to make. so she'll not join at least you all the fun fun to assist in this a bunch of productions we can when you talk to offer you a lot of categories, you don't talk about to go to. yeah, this is or something which can happen in most school in london in the, in the united states that can happen. those i was, you can see the accident of life. but we would like to come and talk about this kind of richardson depot open house if you need to talk
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about a few kind of hope to talk a free time about africa with women in min. i was keen on the busy, busy, as i said to the video, they say if there are 2 should come, is he bought, i bought the point of view of, of the come on are the big subject of the world. i'm not, is something the authors during the folks in the bureau in south africa. we have local to enlist on the ground to really understand what's happening enough. ok in each of the countries that there and so how important is that in terms of all these coverage of applicant topics is available things to have done at least on the feed . uh because uh what the jo. now, leasing report on what you see, what through here and what we can find and deduct w, i use it. and most of the big companies like to have
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the, the, the correspondence in africa. but the other correspondence in the south africa doubter corresponded in that it would be the correspondence in it to you, but that's not africa. that's the part of africa that african countries that also the other part of africa is it is curious to see that there is clear, correspondent, it's, and they got correspondent and book, you know, to come on. that's of the coast. well, i'm sure with this memorandum between yourselves and oxy international, that's certainly something that will be expanded in the future. that you mentioned that the russian african summit, which has happened recently. there's another one to come. a rush has been active, the increasing the pace of its cooperation with many african countries. what do you think of the main features to russia's approach with relations with us for can
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countries? um, how could you name that was mean? how would you discuss those approaches? the call me back if you want to see if this. yeah, if you want us to talk about it, that's the way i looked at the do. yeah i, i see me off of osha, he's your vehicle. to reseller it's reseller because we don't want the reference to to be seen as what your quote interface is. should us god or somebody of the country we want to be part of do with your so the success of st. petersburg. i was, i was the sent because what i was my safe surprise by the substance re so many adults do me. so it's a cd, so say geez,
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resort joe not least restore every body st. petersburg. and this is a client miss each of african as of june, that is, you have to make a lot of these, or just a, what's happened is c as in as well. it's very, very important. and from that, that to you on this done the needle of africa today we're seeing the countries of the central saw how where a number of western media outlets have been shut down. according to the local authorities, they've been pulled costing propaganda. and this is the reason why should we look for the line between freedom of speech and protection of national security, which is who the fine line between those 2 things you know is a very be very big. and as we have seen this, these, we have to try to make a new definition of journalism off. are you this initial definition of
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freedom or speech? because you receive for us, there's not in a fun this in what, what we can call develop countries. the tv belonging to this country, you refund on this funded 5 percent defect, isn't i talking the same thing as the direct or do you know of the union? the 5 t for the freedom of a speech. i'm fighting for the protection joined that lucy. i even made this to mean and movie sign document trying to us for the addition or politician of the word to continue to work for the freedom quest. to continue to prove that jo, nice and there is no country, not retreat. do i put that into a mattress?
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no. there have do with john at least. ok. the prison that every with. so the promotion of freedom is every body's the apple, the full completion. we should vicki size the chinese for all of us. we should full step joy, nice new joy, not easy is the only profession can do it. we or we still cannot bite for that before we put 15 of it or that people it was because she wants to protect people or that people are not even safe. it can be an incredibly difficult korea and talking about that to, to, for allah to your voice is making sure that we are hearing from lots of different angles. how does the african union of food costing relate to the blocking of our channel of all the international, the english channel, the gym,
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and channel french channels so long and also split next in, in europe and in the united states? i mean, to what extent do you think that this policy doesn't correlate with freedom of speech? the western nations said that they all very much and supported falls on coalitions that coast at least like this is important. and yet they have denied the voice of all the international and splitting it in these countries where freedom of speech is apparently the most important thing. as african joe, not african, you know, booked us re gays or do a recitation, which i don't mean for up to being for or the mid january i guess for the restriction we believe in the freedom or speech, freedom of media. we've been in the front that has is to see it right to you monday to know exactly what to stop and everyone being in ocoee all in the approximately
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delmont or it is the way where there is the restriction of the august. it slips and that's important. for people to be able to get the best sources of news from multiple sources you mentioned to, to ask what comes watching the one story. it's the people to be able to pick up on that from across the world to hear the true voices in each country as to what's happening now. the most of our channel oxy internationally question more. that's what we say over time question more when it comes to any topic. do you think that that's a multitude that is clear to the african audience and do you think that most who perhaps seats the continent african union or broadcasting fees fighting a guess fick use the news and so did fix and so in on that particular subjects we are organizing in any much young this is so meet on active shell to continue just in mid yeah. what do we mean by that briefing that
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the information should be verify. this information should be the would what verify include that in the model in active showing the, the just to be in major us a look of impact. yeah. we feel that re, or, uh, friends, all of the members of, of, can union of broadcasting shouldn't meeting dionte to talk about the impact of active sharing. the, just the media at that for occasion. me see how we can make clear information when eh, a verify in information. read that in nutrition. so question, what would you think it's a most it will be hearing more in africa? african, he's an open continue, because you'll be on continuing. you know, in africa,
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you find people often see 5 years before the young people are. so we are open to all the messages. these, these messages are going to be enlightened me, our spirit should our interest flight. now there are a number of crises across the us with an continent. and what does that maps have even more severe consequences than we have seen in ukraine over the past almost 2 years, which are really being ignored. many think find the west and media. i'm going to the wall. you crazy news on the front page is day off today. and how does the applicant public we act to that, to the west and disregard is what we talked about. those stories across africa that it just not being told african people, i guess what african people i guess was in i can to
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uh, remove your sofa from the gnostic drive yourself off on this with visa, a bed and so on. we have a lot of problems in africa because of that. so we are against go. what we believe in hope today is that this watch your stuff that people walk by the distribution is on as africa read don't like, would you think the west and meters so focused on covering you claim when the law so many different issues going on across the african continent we could talk about, sit on, you could talk about the saw how you could talk about issues in nigeria, all of these crises and being discussed, i was reading a report the other day saying to millions of children in sit on the beam displaced . have no access to education, it doesn't receive any coverage in the west and media. what does that become made
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to buy new? do you mean does go to an interesting subject for the in for me, joe? that's what it seems like to me. you know, it's hard to find stories covering the cover i should be meet one of the topics. good luck of the for disease, climate change and so and so forth. and every now freak out on the ox that pushes coma in cold, know the form is the tv, the fact that the coffee and, or somebody's causing the problem for us enough to got to see if the information we are receiving is the exact information best with best i'll pull it up, or the subject to name i bought, then they have you money interest in the, you know, when you, i, a data told you know, of a company use company is or you have and they just do it as like this to do i like,
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continue in this so you, it's nothing for them, but in africa we believe that what is important is that on all the subjects that every body's treat didn't mean to be in the western media. this were do in the business of fact fox, which uh could you see the 5 folks, you know, do analyses based on facts. and if these facts shouldn't be verified, they should be tools and they should be read that in the money prediction. but why do you think the west and media are not focusing, not paying attention to what's happening on the applicant, continental, even if it be so much focus oversee garza right now. but ukraine has been the focus for almost 2 years. and yet those other crises that i mentioned, ongoing valley, any mention of tools. yes,
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i am not sure that that done for they don't focus in africa. that's the my preoccupation direct, or jeanette. my position is that when they talk about africa, bishop see is the to exactly what is up to date in this, the sort of boston or seen on the western media. because in every body, everybody does to not die. she is for you because uh, most of the town people who are talking about africa, people who don't know if we would like people to take them down to norfolk got in to see what is i'm gonna put them says for africa included in the interest of africa, the interest of the grill bought a lot. i get the impression that you don't feel that the global mainstream media is really for porting the facts and you know, you and myself for them to, to or to, to defend position. you have your position, you look says,
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do you agree with the facts you have in mice says i look into it to the facts i have, i don't one thing to you that i lies about this. so you don't have to generalize because that's the reality is quite different from one country to another. and that is due to god aspect of this position that we have to know, love to muster before making any statement that today there's some countries even before the war of you can. we're not interested in what she's happy last week . that some west and country were not interested the what was happening in the, in the most of the countries in africa. so the, the, that they have the utility. i live in the country on neat. i can blame each, but i understand that they have been doing that for years and years. that's why
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it's important for us to see that aside to how you see our stories, say 5 of of a heads up in. yeah, i seem to own uh friends to ask for help or to improve any did not chief of what we have talking to in africa. and we have an use in this chain center in julia, reach was created to face this step off situation. we don't have to really only on what or that people i've seen or not to kinda talk in a box of we also if you have to contribute by being worked renewed by being the facts we have uh, in the a front of everybody this out. but then it would be the best, the best, but then for improving the not active in being in this information. i didn't notice of eh, or might entice?
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well, the thing that knowledge plus the most of that we have of questioning more is a really good the family situation that we can get together. and hopefully the memorandum will see a lot more reporting of the situation in africa quicker. and jeff, that thank you very much for joining us here on also the international, the director general of the applicant union for food costs. and it was really a pleasure for me. and i would like to see one small re open at the middle of a u, v. we are open and we would like to in full in and out in the suite for an hour on 2 minutes. thank you very much. the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the mess. and as of the people, i tried to go to the gym,
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but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washington, as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals. what is, let me let me on that. we have very quick propaganda. you know price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions ask the better. the answer is, will be the,
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the 50 of can units in southern gathers, founded by ideas strikes and local hospitals are struggling to cope with the influx of wounded civilian. that's as id is advancing southwards, in the young play. relatives of those, abducted by him. aspects of the streets of tel aviv applebee's ready immediate set of 3 hostages mistakenly killed by the idea of waving white flags. we hear from some of the protectors they don't understand how came out with a white flag. sean, is it the new policy that we just shoot people? i don't understand the show with the city of.


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