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tv   News  RT  December 17, 2023 8:00am-8:31am EST

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the, the, the 3 is rarely strikes reported to hit the southern city and goes over rafa. and near the alice killed the tooth and wounding several others. french lawmakers condemn is well over the killing of a french diplomat who is in a private residence during an audience attack on garza and israel and military admit sickness. taking the 23 captive single as i who waving white flags the defense spent as best as that was quote, the price of flow is high. he's willing to accept fits with cheap the goals, eliminating how much beginning of the hostages is spelled public outrage. they don't understand how are me with people who came out with a white flag insurance?
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interesting chart. is it a new policy that we just shoot people? i don't understand the table. the a welcome to us international. this is the weekly around the week stories we have up to date information. i'm still not able to see a pleasure as always to have your company. now meanwhile these where the prime minister says she's proud of not having allowed the palestinian state to much that despite decades of global calls for the implementation of a 2 state solution. i mean, i've been there, i am proud to have prevented the stablish mint of a palestinian state because today everyone knows what that post any and states
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could have been after we saw the little palestinian state and gaza. everyone knows what could have been if we had succumbed to international pressure and allowed for a state like that into the in some are you around jerusalem and at the outskirts of tel aviv intensive overall casualties, the palestinian death toll is nearing 19000. that's according to a storage use throughout the 50000 to be wounded in attacks by the id. yes. meanwhile, a how much the tax on these worth of plane $1200.00 lives while around a $130.00 hostages also being held in garza know and goals are, itself is rarely land and sea forces have taken a name of the southern cities of con eunice and rough for, for nights a morning, now the images of suffering ahead may be disturbing.
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the, the 3 slides reportedly hate residential buildings in rasa, killing at least 2, and we're doing several more now that adds to the total dest told us, approaching around $19000.00, according to local officials. the u. n. says the city which is located on the border with egypt has become the fence. we populated area goes with more than 12000 people crammed in post y kilometer and is where 85 percent of displaced palestinians. and now we're the only thing that will make the humanitarian crisis. these images you're looking at from southern garza and they show a desperate credit of policy news rushing to try and grab an aid supplies desperately need a date supplies provided by the you
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a through egypt. international groups said that the amount of goods allowed into the own place is nearly not enough. and it does sophistic business. according to the united nations costs of gauze this population is stopping. meanwhile, frances foreign ministry has confirmed the death of one of its spelled f. as in rafa who was killed in an idea of spiked on a private residence, paris has condemned the attack and since demanded an investigation, some members of the french parliament of also called for the government to review its policy towards those while it is high time to bank or fist on the table against nathaniel. what would it take for the world to stop supporting israel and its murderous madness? let's close life now to nessa o' kidwell. a veteran palace been in diplomats and member of the foster policy which governs the west bank. he's currently though in
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must say in phones. thank you very much for joining us. oh, an altima international us sanchez's government has condemned the killing of one of its staff members that we're going go. so we understand that that person was actually in a private residence that was formed. what house do you think folks should do following this incident, which does seem to be very shocking. says our condolences to the family hopefully be it in there. this is something that we do own was we have done it 18 by 10000 times our call can not take it anymore. and let me also point out to the fact that this is enough. this is supposed to be a safe, a for civilians general. so i don't know that this last week we serve as a wake up forward, not only for the french government, but for the governments of the west generally that this policy is not working,
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that the government continues its madness with its savage attacks against everything in gaza. and frankly, that that should be the consideration all of all of these policies because the government is religious, it's in the policies and the tax and the have to be stuck with the cost might be. do you think that this is really perhaps hating home now? obviously, we're talking about a private residence, a diplomat, who is killed in that incident. in rough. uh, as you said, the self in most pools positive garza where people have been told essentially to go towards dc that perhaps the can be some expectation of condemnation from western countries following and it seems which involves the diploma. hopefully, hopefully. but let me, let me be ready to deal with that. i was going to mention what to what that means
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to probably nothing remain, proceed, actions. we need to see measures renamed to see sanctions imposed on on is that i, we need to see practical things. not only was that because frankly re offended was and we both saying that they need to. and if you are a member of the foster policy being governing in the west bank and your policies had the loan wife will re, with how much in dollars i cents 50 cents, how much was elected back in the early 2, thousands. what do you think about how much now difference the situation unfolds it on october? the 7th to where we are now? yes, i am a member of the hand. i'm proud of that. however, i have to say that there was some diversions with the current dealership, special new ones, and it's been a bass. i'm that fortunately or some somewhere in the position to be
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a senior leadership. anyway, when they got to i'm, as i'm saying to them the wouldn't be a new i'm actually going to be like, that's because of the one hand basically really, really said and to uh for the amount of that going on, i or anything. but i don't think i'm asked on the other. on the other hand we, we know that they don't want to be so caustic once is buying the action and the policy is of the some west and country. so probably you are going to see a new i'm s o new and to what extent that will depend on the development of the situation, but also to see what's going to happen. anyway, i was also, i want also to refer to the fact of, of what the, mr. benjamin active and nothing you know, has been saying to a guy has been abroad or preventing the establishment of this the 1st time. i would like to remind that he was of this world, and my one might say,
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oh concession that was made public by his and that's and you know, at some point when he advocated publicly, they stablish mental this, they just want to sign which gives you an idea of the bill this month is that better than this? it is through that the line between invisalign destroyed and the prospects of peace . uh they do have to be assessing ended up being they can deals on either side. they destroy, they know before it is a v, okay. by the own was bang. you know, you wonder man have them. okay, i'm, i'm really sorry. we're good enough to leave it. the nasa. thank you very much for speaking to us. that was uh, nasa, i'll todd, well, the posting invested in different lots of 5 to policy men, but we're going to have to cross now to present periods in here is attending a meeting of russia's reading coffee and lord knows that's the thing. and then reading all the delegates and cancel the 21st united russia party and congress,
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our largest leading political party, they use such as dougherty and trust. a monthly public is based on the clear the tree arctic position of the united russia. it is based on the many years of work and being trapped so that people in strengthening the state, developing the country if they follow, can you how low rates and going to the 1st of all, i would like to let you know. thank you for your a consistent and reliable human. yours measurement you think i should be. it is important news for me to get there and we have been abra, comedy and i missed so the difficulty is we were state accomplishing things together and together i will just tools know a lot in being progressive bratia every one of you, various huge any responsibility which union, without any existing ration, is of that we are placing the story coal goals and you added scale like choosing
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the months us to unite to join our efforts that demands us to dig in advance for masters, then to get her to come for the united process for an hour of the cameras set for presenting all our most of the practice, you have to make it society old, the region until the social and professional groups got the 1st of all and all of them. i mean, switch at the randomness, the more that's working hard, moving for, for mr. cheap more than that one that i see ups favorites. so we didn't need to have somebody who is a fast investor. i stand for the southern t rate and that's what he's doing in the safety of draws shot you to find for a watch dear to watch, the partitions invalid and into strength and economy strength and social security area. and what the scientific one of and you can use my search potential and the wellbeing comes to millions of friends, family seem to work for the consolidation with our society. all but i and i would like to emphasize to the competition viable ramps was giving you
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a multitude of ideas and honest and frank discussion and all of the just the various issues. so what is the foundation for the thing that makes developments of the country without the ad building? no absolution of the no growth in the back is even if there is a divergence and use almost always the constitution's truth. remember the main things, and the main thing is, but it's actually the interest of rochester that happened as hopes of ours that i miss you would receive the future of our children. the right of our conference would be strong. and i would like some and need a ride and we can meet with you for an hour countries you'll be so you're all nice . yeah. just and that's the bible and the, the part for our country, but also the strong. so we should include deciding everything that these united so it's an older decisions just will only be made by ourselves without any advice from abroad. i see you
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was russia. unlike some other accounts, trees, look, old bustle and exchange check. obviously need to stay the so give me food to sacrifice solver and, and to turn in someone else's huge satellites, we must remember and we must never forget. you must just 280 and stage that our children didn't need it, or no rush or the solver annual with self sufficient independent state or what she was in the russia is no more and have no rush. i would like say it is important thing that we should carry in our minds and we're going to scare them in our hearts . and so we will determine our $2.00 and $3.00 more ourselves. models build our own future. that's the solver within to get his best point of view. that's the saw friend of mine sent for additional consolidations for youth joins border. it came sure that the united russia will continue to offer to the society these pick ups
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kind of a chance that it was payable and we will respond to the most urgent matter and seem to live about right around 3 minutes regards that we'd like to save as a lot of blogs exchange and supporting the participants of the special military operation and their families are so worried developed by the united russia party members. you fax it to you at the end, the entire state, my vote is and birthdays last picture east side. so by just simple letter that it's expected, even though i'm sure at the congress, something united prussia would like to think i should all defend transfer. they support because you know what's happening is that the parliament is the outcome of the council of data effort. and that's on the united rock change the state to my i have jazz being at the median called. so even though back from liter spark and liter, it's a 9 plus side stage. but you know, she's doing that, you know, it should continue to work with the other political parties and other investments to accomplish these, of course,
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the goals and that we have is. and i would like to emphasize that by end leasing can aggression against, that's bad words. that i see the need to growing with every year, the western, the least did not just hoping to really do. just this'll make our, his social security like our economy collaborative, b one with it to destroy our political system. they wanted to this to do so. and draft and long guides, and we all know how it believes, just a blessed ation and it is causes tend to western leads as we're using these means during the so called called a revolutions remaining apo countries of the world. yes. and what this recipe has not worked, and i'm sure in the will not aware of that yet. in russia, a proud and independent and self sufficient state national options to see if you, if you will list the order when you, but of our society old. the branches almost already is to improve strong can resilient to any such an attempt. but we have shrugs,
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i should send it against voice attempts because consistently step by step, this is abby. here we were strengthening coward sovereignty because we were just trying to think over to political, social educational sovereignty were right, developing. and that we should have really, as in our legislation, and i'm already constitutional foundation with nashik. this will that and we had when i should see you when you come centuries of experience of our state who our values usually all developed, think of many languages. maybe it makes it is, but with many and then i'm a nation, isn't it somewhat and in disregard any of thomasville who sees dropped it's a pretty inter asked maybe put it into a religious society level is crime against russia because the people of rock shall, will be only the earliest, but i have no power, it's sovereign pride and should to choose its future will be defended against any of them as much of a time for external attempts to disrupt that number. so the choice of the people
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will be truly popular for voice of the people will be truly popular. nobody said you guys should see that it shows to begin with that just used to, we need to continue to improve as an hour to democratic institutions as you and some, a governance that's a direct for summation of the citizens and the development of the country. regions and municipalities, and our essentially task is to increase the efficiency fold the level of some deputy with public authorities, and we need to work part and disregard it. and while we're getting the time by the way, we need to set ok. thank you. last saying that we need to work at the regional parliament as well, which should it's just me learning state administration, which should train more efforts. and now what we are now hearing now it's a lot of projects, the shipments concepts around with me. it said it was to know that the talented smart is determined people would, could tap into their intention to prove themselves just in the be useful for the country and working with the, the do professional the us that are successful in various deals with the volunteer
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and of course we have our heroes bathrooms with a special military operation. the separate should become no good. i'm not sure if that was an important effort for the united russia party, a lot of our fellow park in the ambridge deputy. it's a barriers levels. yes. the where at the front lines or they are still at the front lines fighting rush, the student is going to a new way to yeah, i think we've got enough sure. and then disregard. so we'd like to say, you know, the dime and content in conflict with our glass and without word command or use. and i heard from them, what do you need on many occasions that just any unit in, in, in one detachment or is one branch. but it could be people up areas, nationality as all the areas didn't, and nations, but they are united global slides. there's a sense of brotherhood by the wills, for a big 3, by the willingness to do everything to protect russia because it's, there is no hard to rush. we only have one rush you know,
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i see it does have to have somebody else. and i also know that the united russia works closely with the other political just to be part of the, as in public organizations that is actively promoting the volunteer at movement. thousands of the united russia bo insurance helps our soldiers, our troops, the front line, the civilians from deliberate and regions the company approximately for one. and they seem to be, but i want you to go into our front people, determine people's approval and sell and it has a balance here. it's working at our live rate. it does land some done bad. so now that i see here, we have a lot of such people that and we have a lot of from, from actually machines, areas deal. it's in various trades who to prove that i, we beats, what does it mean to stay loyal? she wants you to know who the country you're monitoring hard times. i've been thinking about and try putting the are it's in new jersey, doctors, the workers of the defense industrial complexes, farmers appraisal and they work or something. yeah, i agree. industrial at the water,
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just put them back for me yet. i'm sway me. they are the you are your profile right country. this mobile name. we've thrown example the, are inspiring just to junior the rasp of hodge ways to imbue the sense of what it is that i think if the cation and strives to 44 hour compadre, it's for russia, you just and the elections over various levels should bring such and people that i see people with like minded people to become some way part of the main candidates from the united russia and where the policy itself, it would mean this is it continued to fail to send them to frank, sending them as compliance with it. society with it probably because it programmed or with them. but what you of 2022. not only what's called the most popular program . yeah. and is that's the big and the implementation of these programs. one in the, in the me doing the goodness, good on the 2nd one should be carried out among the millions of the citizens of the
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all right. sounds great and we should continue to update this document the toll times. we should add new ideas, new projects to be as document should be some progress with the consideration for the goals that we have already accomplished and shows that are still on results. it should reflect that the key areas of the social and economic restoration of the dominance control against people's republic or the zip. i don't see any type of sun ray changing is i expect that the united russia will participate actively in the project of the year. the family of that has been declared in our account, treat even the time, like with the you end up deciding with the people it will come up with a new initiative to support the family as our traditional values to develop to see some of the 1st year among questions already downgrade to ration is these are all essential, matters for the demographic development of russia, for the preservation of our people, you know,
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what is happening on the ground. evidently, mr. you work on the grounds of video work in the region to send you my son, bruce dan said what you know there is still plenty of and results. the problem is that, you know, it's well now when, when you make one step forward, i'm sure you accomplish one goals, right? and we have to do 34, or 5, and you go, you issues. and it's a normal thing that you would okay with the face and people are unhappy with something or the once more. that's how it's always been. so you should just remember that it's like a snowball row. it's more and more interesting. but it's russia. we are a winter country with lots. no, just look at how much snow has fallen already, but i shall see at the meet you. so please keep all of this in mind and we'll pick up the responding to the commission, matters of being transported the people you should add to your election programs to
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subject matter and set the development of the primary health here at identity sports infrastructure use of the system and other tasks and these plans for the future, the music we will work together and sounds on the people of brush house before the board comes a strategy for the long term planning to see what that and once again we will listen. we will hate to the requests due to the opinion of the people. nice ladies . and once again, every decision that we make every word that we say every action that we do for our have special value. and then really europe special significance for our country because we must be firm and we must spend united of ground. we must be ready to do that. i say, is it been the most? i don't need the dire of challenges. i'm sure that the united russia night is my little part team members will continue to work hard union and will accomplish the
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results to achieve i see, to the venue. sure. so our goal is to accomplish our goal is i hope we will continue to work together and even be trapped up our one country of our great people. thank you for your support. thank you. the, well, that was a lot of my page in the president of the russian federation, addressing a meeting that old russia's ruling coffee in moscow. just want to run you through a couple of things that present preteen said he signed to the ruling united russia party for its consistent support. and he said it was important that people put aside all that this, you know, it says and make sure the all decisions are made by russia with no influence from outside forces. he talks about not forgetting that russia is a sol run country is self dependent state. and he said that that was important to
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build on for the future. and he also talks about weston aggression against russia, saying that it was trying to ring the economy and also the political system. the said it was important for russia to stay strong. and, you know, i said that was black. my pretend a speaking at a meeting at the united russia policy now back to the program and the audience has admitted that its troops mistakenly killed 3 hostages that were being held in gulls who are waving white flags now as well as defense. when to say your 5 gallon said that was he does take responsibility for the quote, high cost. it's a price that he is willing to pay. as defense minister, i take responsibility for everything that happens in the security establishment and everything that happens in the score that you months and the costs and the severe mistakes. the same is true for the incidents yesterday. the price of war is very
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high. we paid every day, but when you know that you are on a path that is just, then you are willing to pay a price and to you cheap your entire goal. which here is this drawing from us and return all the hostages to their homes. of the details so much from the or the investigation into the data be interested in the government's handling of the course. this is come under widespread scripts with you all the says just will kill waiving a white flag. the adf. cheap stuff is concerned. the circumstances surrounding that event pointing to the conditions that troops are facing in the fall before the distribution from yeah, the 2nd decision could be on life or death decision thing to 3 hostages does everything possible? so we would understand that he will they shirts so that we would see that there are no kind of explosives and they held the white glove. but at the end, you know, a game of the above. the shooting of the hostages was against the rules of
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engagement. it is forbidden to shoot at someone who raises a white flag and seeks to surrender. however, this shooting was scared of the out your income, but in under pressure of a something they should come and see only deaf was closer to saying how must militants previously use such flags to do it is randy. so to sing, to ambush is one of the killed hostages was also a report of discharging for health. in the hebrew before being shot, angry reaction has been seen. it is row with people accusing the nothing young government of failing to prioritize the release via that fits. don't understand how are me with people who came out with a white flag and shirtless that they're just being shot and said, because the soldiers are so afraid themselves we're tired. is it the new policy that we just shoot people? i don't understand 0 problem with the idea of when we have to now was that us deal?
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there's no deal coming up there that i every now and we're going these really got the table right now. the show in the city of the show strings to ring to stay below. now they have no more time that they heard that there is an option for a, for a bargain for him. the one who is that home us and it's the coming in today that is holding the say option and would not go for it. and this is why we heard this against the company because we went in to make the a nadine 1st because his name is more important than anything is alright. know. meanwhile, in the west bank, the id f is labeled the city of to come as a closed military zone following an 11 hour rate. that is where any forces claim to
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have targeted what they call terrorist squads to a text idea of troops. adding that those palestinians killed and injured who during the fighting with militants local journalist templates for unless mohammed the jeep speak to the poker matter, it's 5 pulse is filtered by the invasion of the cutting monday to see these cap motions to this yesterday night until development and the morning call fear to day when a draw on use the to the pion rockets as to what the, those ball assume you as an agent, some of the agent and the conditions and a best the according to the service. so, so that's how the cnn, uh, national is let me power input, cutting declared, i do not a strike them on the mirror of the if i spell, assuming as there is a step as well and goes as i spoke to sources, input cutting. it's a subset of i get, i guess that is what i need. what a new us invasion is getting close to those oddest thing them. and more importantly
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is so the inspection of the infrastructure invalid seduce him while using the but those us to destroy the streets, the a prospect of vice water, sewage, electricity internet, and the telephone's echo. do because about assume you see on the hill to a 196 fellow students killed since 7 october right now, 51 of them were from to cut in the scene under the coast on says that the is why they are bosses the it stuck to the movement of their music kind of stuff and it didn't allow them to, into uh, to, to cut them and introduce jobs onto motions. if you do terms to evacuate the agents for a time, which is the contribute to it that they're there because of their inter we spoke to the palestine red crescent society spokes person. they fell fossa. cruise said that the organization is facing huge difficulties in assessing those who need help in assisting the situation um in the account.


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