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tv   News  RT  December 17, 2023 11:00am-11:31am EST

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the, the, the ship can look like some countries give up, its silver in team exchange percentages, and become someone set the night. russia must remain celebrated and independent. that's the message coming from. present flood may have preaching during a rally by the ruling policy. also has the reason this is randy has tried so reported to kills nearly 50 public opinions in residential areas. french lawmakers condemned is well over the killing of a french government worker who is in a private residence during an idea of ongoing time. the
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idea makes it q 3 tap saves. the goal is at this point the way to make sure point 5 incidence is still public outrage over to the i don't understand how sean is it? a new policy that we just shoot people. i don't understand the 2nd vm henry most go this is the weekly on, on the 10th national. i'm charlotte, even sky taking you through a fresh look at some of the biggest stories of the week as well as the stories of the day. thank you for joining us. or russia's president present has received tremendous support from the countries routing policy that took place at
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a raleigh ahead of next year's election. in a speech, she emphasized the importance of the russians remaining united despite she said west and attempts to destabilize the nation. yes. is the right to invite the safety of our country is to be strong, which means everything a secondary and not necessary which he, which divides us must be discarded. and of course we must and will make or decisions on the our selves without orders from abroad. pressure cannot the, like some countries give up its sovereignty in exchange for sausages and become someone satellite. we must remember and never forget and teach this to our children . russia will either be a sovereign self sufficient power, or it will not exist at all. we ourselves will determine and create the future. this is the world view of a southern states. i am confident that the united russia party will continue to offer society precisely such a unifying uh,
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creative agenda. latimer approved and received almost unanimous support from the ruling united russia party, something that we expected, of course, he will be running as an independent. so he's got a $300000.00 signatures technically which no doubt he will be able to duplicate. ringback the speech today to the ruling you guys across a party to remind russians, once again that it's very important to us, remain strong to remain independent. sovereignty was like, she was a key point for him to make sure that russell, with science any outside interference, any outside pressure. but i see having unleashed real aggression against us. and it grew from year to year, the west and the leads hope not only to bring down the economy and social sphere of russia, but also our political and state system. they believed and still believe that they could. they could so internal turmoil among us. methods for such the stabilization
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are widely known and have been tested. more than once by wisdom leads, in many regions of the world during so called color revolutions. but such recipes did not work, and i'm sure they will not work in relation to russia. a city independent and silver and estate, and emphasis made onto this whole balance to make sure that russians are safe for those for additional values build on the demographics in the country, and also moving forward, realize that the times are such where it's very critical right now. for russians to be united to come together and build on wants from the cheap so far. and also of course come up with new ideas and build the countries moving forward for most importantly, making sure that safeguarding the countries in size, rushes interest and key priority. and we've heard lots of words on support from many politicians here today. and this not only the united russia party that offer
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that support, but also we're hearing from various different political parties. so we'll be waiting to see how the presidential campaign unfolds. and no doubt the word suffering seats and traditional values will be the key themes coming up in the presidential campaign. to know the goals are now wellness, 50 palestinians were killed in the series of these rarely strikes. the targeted civilian there is in the cities of july and best law. yeah, that's according to palestinian media reports every day, the situation in northern garza is getting worse with voice for seem to separate the station. apartment buildings, as you can see, have been reduced to russell and many people remain missing. local journalist mackwood sapa reports the only damage of the new day. don't say nothing guys as these really will. plain stuck at home seemed to ballier and bate lot here
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. results and you know, a 50 deaths and 150 wounded. many remain missing under the rumble, with their strikes, eating homes to build their inhabitants. the village above could seem sunset has been transformed into an emergency facility for the hundreds of thousands in milton garza, the black, basic necessities. the make shift sent tell probates with minimal resources providing medical care on the challenge and conditions, highlighting the absence of essential tools and the risk of infections. the seen in northern guys and faults with the crumbling health care system. and these were the inclusion stuff you didn't save homes about residential areas. is where the problem and is this says he's proud of not having allowed an independent palestinian state to much that this might decades. the global cools full, the implementation of those 2 state solution. and so any opinion i am proud to have prevented the stablish mint of a palestinian state because today everyone knows what that palestinian state could
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have been after we saw the little palestinian state. and guys, everyone knows what could have been if we had succumbed to international pressure and allowed for a state like that into the in samaria around jerusalem. and at the outskirts of tel aviv though, in terms of overall casualties, the palestinian desktop is said to be approaching $19000.00 with another $50000.00 wounded. thus, according to local authorities, the initial how must attack on israel to the whole months ago claimed the lives of $1200.00 individuals and about $130.00 hostages of to believe, to be held in captivity. in garza, by the forces have been direct things fire. the southern goes the cities of calling eunice and rafa to. that's despite the israel having previously what did civilians
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to flee from the heavily in bottles, north of gaza strip to those southern areas. a warning now you may find some of the images ahead, disturbing the of the 3 report it strikes hate residential buildings in rough foot over night, killing at least 2 people. and we're doing several others. the un says that city located on the board with egypt has become the goal is the strips most densely populated area as 85 percent of display civilians all set to flood the i mean, the humanitarian crisis. these images from southern garza, as you can see, show a desperate crowd. a policy names were rushing to grab a aid supplies provided funding lately through egypt into the group say the amount
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of goods allowed in to the own place is not nearly enough. and then the dos to, to stick to quoting see the rest of nations health goes as population is stopping. meanwhile phone says foreign ministry has confirmed the death of one of its stuff is in rafa who is killed in an id, a strike on a private residence. paris has condemned the attack and has demanded an investigation into it. the members of the french parliaments of also called on the government to renew its policy and review it towards the as well. it is high time to bank are faced on the table against me that on yahoo, what would it take for the world to stop supporting israel and it's murderous madness. nasa old kid was a veteran palestinian diplomat and a member of the fact of policy. he says that as long as, as well,
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isn't being condemned by its closest ally, the united states. it will not stop committing atrocities. we may have to say actions. we need to see measures we need to see sanctions imposed on on is what i need to see. right. good things. not only was that because frankly, we end up with words and we don't really need to end it. let me also point out to the fact that this is enough. this is supposed to be a safe, a full a survey in general. so i do know that this last week, so as a wake up call it, not only for the french government, but for the governments of the west generally that this policy is not working, that the government from its madness with its savage attacks against everything in gaza. and frankly, that that should be the consideration all of these policies because the government
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is really interested in the policies and the tax and the has to be stopped with the course might be, i think they are afraid, but they pretend to be given the fact that they are providing assistance and support by some important worse than countries, 1st and foremost by the american side. so they can afford to say we don't do it because they get the money, they get the left and they get the munition, they get the diplomatic protection in places like they would like to vision. so think about but they know that there wouldn't be any progressions, whomever, length of the what would be some see any of the results about this kind of the behavior and, and definitely the price would be better. and the audience has admitted to mistaken the killings. 3 hostages being held in gulf despite them waving a make shift white flag. israel's defense minister says that while he takes responsibility
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for like, quote, the holly cost of the conflict, it's a price he's willing to accept. as a defense minister, i take responsibility for everything that happens in the security establishment and everything that happens in this war that humans and the costs and the severe mistakes the same is true for the incidents yesterday. the price of war is very high. we paid every day, but when you know that you are on the path, that is just, then you are willing to pay a price and to you cheap your entire goal. which here is this drawing from us and return all the hostages to that homes. of the details so much from the idea of investigation into the the, the incident, the government's handling of the crisis has come and the increased security scrutiny, the only the chief of stuff has confirmed the circumstances surrounding that event pointing to the conditions the troops face, amid the folk of war?
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correct. uh they should we should from yeah, the 2nd decision could be the life or death decision for them. i think the 3 hostages did everything possible so we would understand it. they will, they shirts so that we would see that there are no kind of explosives and they held the white cloth with attention overcame all of the above. the shooting of the hostages was against the rules of engagement. it is forbidden to sure that someone who raises a white flag and seeks to surrender. however, this shooting was scared of the i'll give income, but you know, under pressure of a. so the ideas has been quoted as saying harmless militants of previously used white flags to new is wearing soldiers into traps. one of the killed hostages was also reportedly shopping for help. in the hebrew, before being shots, the incident spoke the must demonstration and is row with people are choosing the netanyahu's government of failing to prioritize assets free. those of duct is by how most i don't understand how are me with people who came out with
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a white flag and shirtless that they've just seen shots and said, because the soldiers are so afraid themselves we're tired. is it the new policy that we just shoot people? i don't understand 0 brought me the idea. i have to now was that us view. there's no the coming out there that i every now and we're going these really got the table right now. the show in the city of the show strings to ring dispute below. now they have no more time that they heard that there is an option for a, for a bargain for him. the one who is that home us and it's the coming in today that he's holding the say option and would not go for him. and this is why we protest against the company. because we went in to make
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the a nadine 1st because his name is more important than anything is for right now. well, let's discuss more on this story now. by costing life to dr. e. l e. common is a senior research or a bins, the national institute for counter terrorism talk to come and thank you very much for joining us on off the international really good evening. i just want to say the idea is admitted to killing these 3 hostages by mistaken casa, despite the circumstances that we're hearing surrounding that, they have a make shift white flag at they apparently with no wearing tops to signal that they would not carrying any explosives, but why was that symbol of peace of surrender? simply moved by the idea of troops to open foreign. what must be the
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one of the biggest, beloved, and as if this was so full? this is a tragedy. it is the just before the so the cube, the hostages, the parameters, all the properties of those are drawn hostages and i'm waiting for their videos and they drop the idea if it is assumption. so just to a few soldiers, we should respecting 1st of all, because of the oldest ideas, not to fire on people who we are using, are white flick. at the same time, i is aware that this is a very complex of ocean besides the auburn area of the guns of we know that the really soldiers was few by the by piece of uh, uh, how much settlers for use those using human goals for using good dates,
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we voices of crying good baby's the, the soldier store and i bought the house where they were preparing externalities or using firearms. so uh it is really uh digital of what our propagation, by the way, because it was on science before that uh there was for yourself, a lot of the, uh, the costs are just for as long as you, by the way, or with the russians, your decision which for 4 days escape and he was a good, big improvement, but he was 4 days free. and that was also uh, kind of a sign on one of the, uh above the houses, uh hebrew as stores. and so there is an investigation, there was the vision and also there were new, all this is the only versions of the police are available to be the headquarters
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to be possible disorders and also to be a good instructor, the executive orders envelopes to fire or the videos and the people right here, we show that there were, there were several days ago or those usually even hundreds of uh, uh, studios and also how much are the donors each year. so that will be one of the 2, of course, and quite a really difficult, we've heard about the full good will you yourself have been an advisor in the past to these way the ministry of defense, you know, face incident, apparently incurred during an intense operation. so it's, it's understandable, the thoughts difficult, but why do you think those so just decided to put in fire and why? um, maybe idea of soldiers perhaps still being moved castle about who the targeting and ensuring that the bullets are not hitting civilians. i mean, these,
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we understand one of the most just calling out in hebrew, you know, they've been not wearing tops to shows that they were wearing any bones. they had that white flag. i mean, surely more needs to be done to ensure that this stuff the, since this was a good we were aware of the, we know that the, there's someone just a few that there were a inside the got really kind of step because of the previous this it is, and it's a very is subjected, you know, 11 showed us easy in front of such a drivers. you have to decide, you know, one or 2 seconds easy it or the paper which is enough, or is it the buyer doors? so as i said, they did not follow exactly the orders and this was a project issue or budget event that the hopefully we won't be the details, but just want to talk about before the conflict in the months leading up to it.
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they were mess protests against the netanyahu government and now we're seeing pro asked again this time because of those killings by the already day off of the hostages. just. ringback that there is still enough confidence amongst these really is in benjamin netanyahu. his problem is that we've seen polls suggesting that his trust has been eroded. no doubt, no, no, to the 1st, with all the executives of the hostages. a very angry in the many cases with the prime minister because you did not seem to be at the beginning of the beast sufficiently sensible to the other subjects on their families. but the, as you said about falls the last 3 weeks. and you see this year a full shoulder, but at least on the hills as possible. the support of you had before the war
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before you sense of a general dentist, which is the head to foot some other parties. he's now the, the question is valid. the problem is that in the middle of the war, it's a bit difficult even decide on elections officer to dismiss the parameters are. so these are very sensitive political issue. and the issue to be decided at the end of the like the parameters will says, well perhaps you can before that doctor coleman. thank you very much for joining us . that stuff. the common senior research of the institution is final institute for counter terrorism. in the meanwhile, in the west bank feel adf is labeled the city of telecom as a closed military zone. the following an 11 hour ray that is rarely forces claim to have targeted. will they cool terrorists? sports who they say attacked?
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idea of troops? i think there is policy names killed and injured during the fighting was militants, local channel list on political analysts will have not. mohammed naji spoke to the program at a 5 pulse. yes. field. why? that is why they envision of the academy monday to see these guy motions to this yes of the night until development and the morning call. fair to day when a draw on use the to the pion rockets toward the spa, cbs, another agent. some of the agent and the conditions and they best the according to the service so, so that's how the cnn, uh, national is let me power input, cutting declared, i do not strike them on the mirror of the air. if i spell, assume your eyes on those and stuff isn't what i'm going to say as i spoke to sources until the cut in it's a subset of i get, i guess that is what i need. but in the us invasion is getting close to those oddest thing them and more importantly is so the section of the infrastructure in
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that is to do so while using the but those us to destroy the streets. uh, it's our sector, vice water, sewage, electricity internet and the philippines echo due to the c o. u. c. o, a hill to a $196.00 fellow students killed since 7 october right now. 5th to one of them where from to cut him. that's, i've seen under that goes on says that the is why they are bosses the, it, they're stuck to the movement of their music kind of stuff and it didn't allow them to, into uh, to, to got them and introduce jobs onto motions. if you this comes through the back you with the agent for a time, which is the contribute to it. does this have because of the inter, as we spoke to apollo stowing, red crescent society spokesperson, he says, the humanitarian organization is facing in numerous challenges in assisting those in need. the situation um in the accounts and notions camera and in other towns.
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ashland, since the beginning of the escalation in gaza strip, we have seen many is written the rates to many other peach and camp, which resulted to many casualties as well. which comes in a time when it's read occupation forces intentionally prevented. i wouldn't medical teams from entering these areas, this as a back case in the west bank since the beginning of the escalation, our teams are facing significant challenges reaching to the wounded people to save lives. we have been recorded alarm and the number of the nations against our medical teams. up to this to a much more than 260 difference violations against the policy or the crescent and beautiful themes have been recorded. this is brought in from completely denied access to the wounded people or the link access to the wounded people attacking the wounded people themselves and auditing them when they were inside or answer
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themselves. attracting i would a dream of x and beating them on something them could you relating them as well as an open fire at them with teams are facing very dangerous conditions only because they want to save life. m o sco has have close ties. we've africa since the soviet era and not partnership is being showcased in a major exhibition about support for the independence of symbolic way. local journalist keeps baptist reports from the national capital have all right. the history of africa has for decades been told from the west point of view, one which favors capitalism and the post colonial system was down playing the role that russia played in the liberation of most african countries. but to preserve and
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present its role, russia has become one of the 1st countries to submit to the will at to fax to the museum of african liberation. here in out of the museum that will tell the real african story from an african perspective. the history of the liberation movement in africa and the soviet union's involvement. go fall back to the 1950s in many different areas that go beyond the military's fit, the director of museums in russia, 80 knob buck a nova says the importance of both countries in creating and preserving history together. and the opens and exhibition that is significant in every way, but for washing the public was involved with this exhibition minutes, the history is being made together. when we make a story together, it means one to understand each other better. our interest and the law for the above the consists of various factors including the history of difficult relations . the 19 sixty's in general with the african countries and the fact that then
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a truly great friendship was warm with the whole the village ration of african conference would proceed more rapidly. a free person is indicated 1st. so it seems to me that this edition is of great importance, united occasional sense on the me, the director for african studies at the russian state university of humanities stated that the exhibition goes beyond just being history. but it is a real fight against near colonialism. it's not clearly historical exhibition. this is also vague submission about our presence and our future. because with fights against colonialism, it is not already war. we are fighting together right now because there are a lot of different kinds of smell colonial is, you know, based on crime 3 is trying to restrict this solar n t or a freedom states by different means by i'm equal 3 degree months by so
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called a green colonialism of m v, the prize rights of african states to use the only resources to their own development and trying to stop me trying to impose on them that green agend. that'd be very expansive. banner g, you know, m, these tendencies. so, smell colonialism, all getting are getting stronger and weak rates in bob, but roches him by the end of the offers on states. i must fight to give us so for me it's not clearly it's not only a historical account but exemption. it's also an expedition about our present and our future work exemption has the deep meaning in the sense that it's up
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to bits memory to use and it will sort of reinforces in highlight the relationship that i'll freak are in zimbabwe included, enjoyed as actually, and supported us, it's a big thing. the date that africa in great support from russia is why is that assistance in liberating the continental? yes, what is supporting the continent? the next slide is them giving model emitted to our supports to the coordinator. i'll freak up this kind of an exhibition that gives us an opportunity to know to correlate, did not at present to, to mystify any needs that had been a pedal board off at the end of the games. so it is really important that i also got no gift such an opportunity to tell his own story. from one perspective as tendencies of new colonialism, had grown stronger throughout the west african countries. indeed, now waking up to the real truth as characterized by most countries on the continent, now seeking to diversify the economies and reduce the reliance on former colonial
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powers for r t t baptist doughty as well, thank you very much for your company. these posts do oh, is that safe for me? but do stay tuned to all of the international board at home on me. we'll be with you at the top of the next. now, the seniors from marjorie douglas high school in florida. welcome much while lives active as handled. gonzales and maps. dice are amazing. you guys are great. you guys are more than students, you become active and they're angry and they're doing something about it. this is
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a real problem.


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