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tv   News  RT  December 17, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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or the, the shaking look like some countries to give up its silver in team exchange percentages and become someone set the late reset last through a solver not independent. that message is coming from the present rather than puts in during a riley by the confusion route in policy. research is roy leaks, and strikes are reported to killed, maybe 50 pass the ends in residential areas of northern gauze. because from powers condemned as though the killing of a friend who was in a private residence during an idea of time on the gaza. the idea of admit that killed 3 captives in ga, the this quite the way the a make shift and white flag. the use of them has field, public outrage. they don't understand how our me we came out with
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a white flag insurance. sean, is it a new policy that we just, you know, i don't understand the, it's just go to 11 pm here in the russian capital world. to wherever you'll catch in the news from today across the globe. this is archie ross as president clinton has received from men. this simple from the country is a routing policy at the riley ahead of next year. the election is when she emphasizes the impulse of the russians remaining united dislike less than attempts to destabilize the nation. yes. is the right to invite the mississippi of our country is to be strong,
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which means everything. secondary and the necessary which he and which divides us must be discarded. and of course, we must and will make or decisions on the ourselves without orders from abroad. russia cannot the like some countries give up its sovereignty in exchange for sausages and become someone satellite. we must remember and never forget and teach this to our children. russia will either be a sovereign self sufficient power, or it will not exist at all. we ourselves will determine and create the future. this is the world view of a southern states. i am confident that the united russia party will continue to offer society precisely such a unifying uh, creative agenda latimer a booth and receive almost unanimous support from the ruling united russia party. something that we expected, of course, he will be running as an independent, so he's got a $300000.00 signatures technically which no doubt he will be able to duplicate the
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use of speech today to the ruling united russia party to remind russians once again that is very important to us remain strong to remain independent. sovereignty was like, he was a key point for him to make sure that most of which signs any outside interest periods, any outside plus or but i see having unleashed real aggression against us. and it grew from year to year, the west and the leads hope not only to bring down the economy and social sphere of russia, but also our political and state system. they believed and still believe that they could. they could so internal turmoil among us methods for such the stabilization are widely known and have been tested. the more than once by wisdom leads, in many regions of the world during so called color revolutions. but such recipes did not work, and i'm sure they will not work in relation to russia, a city independent and silver and state. and then this is made onto this whole
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valleys to make sure that russians are safe for those, for additional values build on the demographics in the country, and also moving forward, realize that the times are such where it's very critical right now for russians to be united to come together and build on what's in the cheap so far. and also of course come up with new ideas and build a culture moving forward. but most importantly, making sure that safeguard in the countries, insights, rushes interest and key priority. and we've heard lots of words on support from many politicians here today. and this not only the united russia party that offer that support, but also we hear from various different political parties. so we'll be waiting to see how the presidential campaign on fault, and no doubt the word suffering seats and traditional values will be the key themes coming up in the presidential campaign to building dogs and i almost 50 prophecies were killed in a series of these ready as strikes the target,
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it's simply an avid in the cities of death by leah and beads law here that's according to the past in media reports. every day, the situation in northern gaza is getting worse with widespread scenes of devastation. apartment buildings have been reduced to rubble, many people remain lifting over just about roads. football has more media use either somebody new day doing singles and guys as ease really well. playing stuck at home seemed to bel air and beat la here, results. and you know, a 50 deaths and 150 wounded. many remain missing on the level with their strikes, eating homes to build their inhabitants. the above could seem, sunset has been transformed into an emergency facility for the hundreds of thousands in northern garza. the black, basic necessities, the makes you have sense hell, pervades with animal resources, providing medical care on the challenge and conditions, highlights in the absence of essential tools and the risk of infections. the scene
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in northern g as in folds with the crumbling health care system, and these really incursions doug didn't save homes about residential areas in terms of overall casualties of the past in depth. so is approaching 19000 with another 50000 wounded, that's willing to local authorities there. so how mazda and 5 on israel 2 months ago claimed 1200 lives another 100. and so if you hostages, i believe, to still be held in captivity in gov. ivy. a 4th is have been directing fire at the southern the city of hold on eunice as well as the file that despite his well having previously ordered civilians to flee from the heavy and baffled knolls of the ships to those southern areas. a warning, disturbing images are ahead. the
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residential buildings in the rough uh, overnight coming at least 2 people are moving several others. the un says that city located on the border with egypt has become the gaza. simps most densely populated area. it's amy 5 percent of the display civilians of fled. but let me just a few minutes here and twice is these images of southern gaza show a desperate crowd of policy in russian to grab a suppliers provided by the u a through egypt into that. so the say the amounts of goods allowed into the young lady is not nearly enough the last to to stick. according to the united nations hobbled gauze, population is starving. smell of houses, pharmacy has confirmed the death of one of its stuff. as in ralph who was killed in ibm strike on a private residence, paris has condemned the attack and has demanded an investigation, some members of the french parliament. i've also called on the government to review
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its policy towards israel. it is high time to bank or fist on the table against natania who what would it take for the world to stop supporting israel and its murderous madness? nothing at all. okay. it was a veteran. past the indifferent, not a member of the fafsa box. he says, as long as is well doesn't go, isn't condemned by it's close as i like the united states, it will not stop committing atrocities to remain because the actions we need to see measures related to see sanctions imposed on on is what i need to see practical things, not only was that because frankly, we end up with words and we don't think that they need to. and let me also point out to the fact that this is, this is supposed to be a safe a for civilians general. so i don't know that this last so
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as a wake up pulling up on the floor of the french government, the for the government of the west generally that this policy is not working. that the government continues madness with, with its savage attacks against everything in gaza. and frankly that, that it should be the consideration of all of these policies because the government is really interested in the policies and then the tax and the have to be stuck with the course might be i think the honestly but didn't pretend to be given the fact that they have provided assistance and support by some important worse than countries. first and foremost by the american side. so they can afford to say we don't do because they get the money, they get the lift and they get the munition, because the diplomatic protection in places like legal rights of nation. so think
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about but they know that didn't wouldn't be any percussion sooner or later. they would it be some serious results above this kind of behavior and, and definitely the price will be based on the idea of habit and method. so mistakenly kidding. and so the hostility is held in gaza despite them waving a make shift. white flag is a defense and it says that while he takes responsibility for the quote, high cost of the contract, so price he's willing to accept as defense minister, i take responsibility for everything that happens in the security establishment. and everything that happens in this war that humans and the costs and the severe mistakes, the same is true for the incidents yesterday. the price of war is very high. we paid every day, but when you know that you are on the path, that is just, then you are willing to pay a price and to you cheap your entire goal. which here is this drawing from us and
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return old hostages to their homes. all the details evolved from the idea of investigation into the deadly incident of the governments. how many of the class who have come under increased questioning. the idea of the chief of solvers come from the southern is offices, the routers in the event put into the condition of the space amid the fall of war, collect uh bishop. we should from yeah. the 2nd decision could be the life or death decision for them. i think that the 3 hostages did everything possible so we would understand it. they will they shirts so that we would see that there are no kind of explosives. and they held the white glove with it and you know, it came off the about the shooting of the hostages was against the rules of engagement. but it is forbidden to sure that someone who raises a white flag and seeks to surrender. however, this shooting was scary, the i'll give income, but, you know, under pressure yeah, idea has been quoted as saying that how much of those as previously using white
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flags to move is really sodas into traps. one of the killed house it is, was also reports of the shouting for help in hebrew before being shot. the incident, as well as a must demonstration in is that with people accusing the nothing. yeah. who government, a failing to play on ties efforts to free the 10 by have us. i don't understand how are me with people who came out with a white flag and shirtless that they've just seen shots and said, because the soldiers are so afraid themselves we're tired. is it the new policy that we just shoot people? i don't understand 0 brought me the idea i have deal now was that us deal? there's no the coming out there that i every day and we're going these really got the table right now. the show in the city of the show strength has been to bring this below. now they have. busy more time that they heard that there is an option
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for a, for a bargain for him. the one who is that home us and it's the coming in today that is holding these say option and would not go for it. and this is why we've heard this against the company because we went in to make the a nadine 1st because his name is more important than anything is right now. he said with eli carman, a senior research of the international institute of accounts of terrorism. he says nothing. yeah. who is losing support a made increased public scrutiny of the conflict. the hostages of the amenities as though because he did not seem to the beginning of the beast sufficiently sensible to the uh,
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other supplements. the families oppose the last 2 weeks on the seat of the full shoulder, or at least on the hills as possible. the support of you had before the war before you such a general dentist would use the head, the foot for another apology. the divorce news now the blood released in the middle of the, the desired on the elections desired to dismiss other parameters or so these are very sensitive the collision of the be decided at the end of the like the parameters which as they walk in the west bank because the idea says the city of a to crime is a closed the, the zone following an 11 hour rain. that is very full of his would call and see
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what they, this 5 is terrorist squads. the idea of has assisted the every policy in who was wounded or killed during that operation was a medicine we bought a reaction from local janice, i'm physical atlas mohammed, that's you a life policy as filled by the invasion of the academy and did so he just kept motions to this yesterday night until the morning of the day when a draw on use the to the play on rockets toward the, those ball. seeing as an agent to some of the agent and the conditions in the best, the according to of assume you still feel that's how the scene of the national and is let me power input. cutting declared, i do not a strike them on the mirror of the if i spell assume is there is a stop, isn't what i'm going to say. as i spoke to sources input cut in, it's a subset of i get, i get his value. so any, what can you invasions getting calls seen as auditing them? and more importantly is so the inspection of the infrastructure,
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and that is why using that, but those us to destroy the streets, the a prospect of vice water, sewage, electricity, internet and the scale. of course, i could do because about assume you see on the hill to a 196 fellow students killed since 7 october right now. 51 of them were from to cut in the scene under the coast on said that the is why they are bosses the it was stuck to the movement of the be the kind of stuff on the didn't allow them to, into a 2 to cut them and introduce jobs onto motions. if you just comes to the back, you with the in just for a time, which is the contribute to it that they have because of the inter resides upon assign, read, present societies funds 1st and says the humanitarian organization is facing enormous changes in assisting those in need of the situation um, in the accounts and notions gamma and then other accounts ashlyn since the
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beginning of the escalation in 1000 strip we have seen many, is there any rates too many other pages can which results? it's too many casualties as well, which comes in a time when it's read occupation forces intentionally prevented over medical teams from entering these areas. this as a bookcase in the west bank since the beginning of the escalation, our teams are facing significant challenges reaching to the wounded people to save lives. we have been recorded alarm in the number of violations against our medical team. up to this event, more than 260 difference violations against the palestine or the christians and beautiful themes have been recorded. this is voted from completely denied access to the wounded people or the link access to the wounded people attacking the wounded people themselves and address them when they were. and so i would answer them.
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suppose i tracking i would dream of x and beating them on salting them. could you relating them as well as an open fire at them with teams are facing very dangerous conditions, only because they want to save life. as a policy and death toll continues to rise amid these ready bone bod, when the united nations on tuesday held a panel discussion titled the responsibility to prevent and genocide, other speakers included the legal adviser and a holocaust experts. the campaign and violence that we've seen over the last 2 months is not in debt from us. it is in at the $2300000.00 palestinians. and so that is what must be ended the ongoing genocide thing. gaza is part of a much deeper history, or is there any aggression against philistines to be clear,
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based on the legal research that love about a son has conducted over arisen the thing know, is a crime genocide. the time for a concerted action to prevent genocide is now science. so i thought so a rush as president budget has emphasized that a political riley, the country must remain united, disliked west of the times to destabilize it. now to discuss this further, i'm joined by joe and politician. i knew of empowerment. member, good, not bad. good. i as oh, is a pleasure to see. so that puts, it has emphasize, the russia would never trade its sovereignty, especially for assistance from a foreign power back could come with strings attached. what do you think he was referring to as well? sovereignty broadly defined is the ability to act independently from foreign interference. so i suppose he's referring to the kind of
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interference that may occur should rashaw be in need of international support. now, one should say that russia is, of course, a super power. even the military may not perhaps as powerful as the united states and economically notice a pa for this as a child off, but still it is a super far. so it is one of the few when it's one of the small range of countries that can seriously tend to be solved for you. but as i said, i essentially says sovereignty. he has a 2 dimensions. the go to russia, i suppose he meant wouldn't entity to any kind of need to know obligation step would henceforth fetch a its own ability to act independently. in the same,
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i think applies to political conditions. they may enter into relations. that would leave it politically constrained. one can say in addition, that, of course, every state is to some constraints. uh, to some extent, constrained by limits of it's a 100 to part, but that's not a limit of it's over to, you know, puts in a dial. but in his vision for a strong are united russia as a job and a member of the to pay and part of what do you think about and do you think the, the member say share a similar i do? well, the opposite to that is new. i did think that you member states want to be solver, and even if deliberately a deliberately decided to trade in parts of the sulfur di, in order for the image benefits of the economies of scale. and that's particularly
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a, i think, 2 of germany, country that until they're fairly recently had considerable economic paul, but never really shows to act. and it's in accordance with its own national interest. and the germans may be because of the war defined the national interest in very curious terms, namely as the transatlantic interest, european interest in the interest of this, all that minority group, or simply as the interest to do. good. so i'm afraid europeans no longer shot the bizarre to be solved with even good, how internal things are the us. i'm a you, when he comes to making the sort of decisions, whether it be monetary or politically too. well,
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i'll give you one example, which you remember very well, a very few people in germany believe that russia and launch the sabotage of tech on north street to chicago. police say here, why think it was, but it was such the at north russia is my conviction to so someone appears to have destroyed germany's main piece of energy infrastructure. and absolutely nothing has happened here. so there's obviously either do desire to do anything against foreign influence, or there was a feeling that money is hopelessly inputs it. so in that sense, i think that shows such a limits on european power, but it also shows on, on the power of last year to be in states. but the doors also shows the fact that absolutely new protest was made. it also points to the kind of internal
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psychological constrains that you would a p and at a countries even last year to be in the countries are now acting. and in a sense, even the countries such as germany, we've talked itself a bit like a tortoise on its back and helplessly exposed to well, the beds. i'm afraid. european nations now feel very different need from the way they felt a 110 years ago. they all of us, we thought themselves as the object of world historical developments and not as an ext. uh, in those developments you have exactly the same with the migration crisis mass movements. most of the people who are coming to europe with never worked that then in the nobody's economic burden yet,
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europe is close. does the say all the you i should say the, its largest member states. i constantly shrugging their shoulders inside with this absolutely nothing. we can do about it. so i think that just about sums up your ups conception of itself nowadays, just as, as the north stream attacks do this maps one exception, which is climate change action that the european union does still try driving to is still trying to drive the global agenda. but newt, europe is not pursuing its own interest, its actually liquidating its own industries because europe was strongest in those industries that on its own calculations. now i most hobbled to the environment. so europe is destroying its own a industries in order to achieve model goals. so if you look at the photos i get out, i beg him, i'm sorry to interrupt and i am so sorry. and so i'm savvy. as always,
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i do enjoy talking to but we have a out of 5 and a half of thank you and the good see you again. thanks again and use the us so it will not be able to close the deal for any more a to, to clean before the new year. the night just funding proposal has become embroiled in domestic politics. was a republican saying, assistance a to leave could come early another condition of sweeping immigration reform in the u. s. southern lindsey graham says, the lens we should not accept any onset any earlier than next year. do you think there's going to be a deal before the new year? uh no, i think uh this will go into next year. i've been talking to the people at the table and the white house got engaged 5 days ago. they sent over a supplemental with border security provisions that did nothing to change policy. we've been talking to him since september 5 days ago. they finally served as table
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. so language doing a good job. the bottom line here is we feel like we're being jammed. we're not a, we're close to deal by the administration. officials have been complaining about how rival republicans also warning though f as to provide tens of billions of dollars an additional funding for keys. not even as of, as he's paying for more aid on his visit to washington could change the minds of some of the us politicians is that we create a president, hopefully with a $200000000.00 handout from the white house. as it may, a fraction of the $60000000000.00 you had come off and for the story of a may come as no surprise us public support for additional assistance to grade has decreased significantly since the start of the contract last year and a half of the respondents to a recent polls in washington,
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that's where they spend too much money on healthy as friends in keys. oh yeah, i had an opportunity to discuss this and us policy shift with a pile of guests. since the ukraine, since the cool of 2014, the economy of ukraine has completely collapse, the productivity has collapsed. the standard of living has collapse. and then uh they, you cool originally agreed to or perhaps under force become a proxy for the u. s. u. k. of nato and a losing war against russia. at this point, i know there's a lot of discussion about ukraine joining the european union. that's like inviting someone to step on to a sinking ship. the whole policy is catastrophic. of course, there is not support for this because americans are also suffering the effects of the collapse of the western system. the people don't met our fault
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and he's in the ukraine and especially not for the heat in the us and the puppets, and then euro. so when it is all about, when they proclaim it is about a freedom and democracy and wells, and whenever they see the people in ukraine, see what the result is from the plans that started and the made and puts equity in 2014. it is poverty, it is a disgrace in all areas and he cannot make d, it is that they lost the country. and uh it is that the scam pick american investors on to vast amounts of land. so they bought all the interest in the ukraine, the economy is down, they take over here and there. so the people themselves are just suffering. they are just losing such as the europeans. that doesn't seem to be economic lee, a winner there. so why is it um, any way?
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i can only think that the reason is that there are some games played in the back such as the credit game it is set, or there are real most that the big invest american invest us boss of the ukrainian debt for cents on the dollar. and they want to the european union and to, to pay a 100 percent off of these steps, which would be the biggest gain in history house significant with losing us simple be for you play. and i mean, how to change the situation on the battlefield. imagine ukraine as a raft of logs, etc. and what binds that raft together is the rope of american financial support in moral support. and that rope is dissolving extraordinarily fast every day. so that entire raft. imagine coming apart it, see, that's what ukraine's future is. that's what ukraine's.


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