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tv   News  RT  December 17, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the wisdom, teeth ready, it strikes are reported to have killed nearly 90 palestinians in residential areas of northern gas. the idea of admit that killed 3 captive in gather the supply them waving a make shift white flag. the incident has fuel public outcry over the conflict. they don't understand how our meet with people came out with a white flag insurance chart. is it a new policy that we just shoot people? i don't understand the
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lawmakers from harry's condemn. these were a little bit of killing of a french government broker who was in a private residence during an idea of attack on gasser. and also ahead of she cannot make some countries give up. it's so good in team exchange percentages and become someone set the light loss that must remain solving and independent. that message coming from the president, ludovic, put in during a variety 5 at countries ruling party. the we're continuing the coverage of the conflict in the middle east. this is already to national reaching you live from my new center in moscow. i a michael quite share with the latest the at least 19 people had been killed in more than a 100 injured in. e's real as strikes on the body, a refugee camp in northern gazda. and that's according to the policy in health
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ministry to office. i will say that the attack targeted the residential block belonging to 2 families, women and children are reported to be among the dead, local journalists. some of them would stop by half more on this new day. don't say nothing guys, as these really will, plain stuck at home seemed to ballier and bate lot here. results and you know of 50 deaths and 150 wounded. many remain missing under the rumble, with their strikes, eating home some older inhabitants. which above could seem, sunset has been transformed into an emergency facility for the hundreds of thousands of milton, gaza that lack basic necessities. the make shift sense help rates with minimal resources, providing medical care on the challenge and conditions, highlighting the absence of essential tools and the risk of infections to seen in northern guys and faults with the crumbling health care system. and these really incursions, doug didn't save homes about residential areas. the policy me
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a desk sold is approaching 19000 with another 50001 did not, according to the local authorities. and the initial him as a tax on useful to months ago, claims $1200.00 lives another $150.00 hostages, i believe, to still be held in captive in gas. the idea of forces have been directing fire at the southern gather set to your can you this? and rafa 2 and that's despite use will having previously ordered civilians to flee from the heavy and bottled north of the gather, strip to those southern areas. and locals in rough uh, searching for survivors after 3 strikes reported the targeted residential buildings . kelly, or at least the 2 people and injuring several more. according to us, the city on the border with egypt was be, has become the regions most inhabited area with age 5 percent of the displaced
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taking refuge. that of the me while a doctor from guys a search he has had to the south due to related to liz idea of bombing trees, ready bombings. now the cash i now works in the children's world of a rafa hospital way. he says, the situation is nick, this traffic comes out of the situation here in gaza is catastrophic. the world has not witnessed such a war before. now my family and i have to live in a refugee tense. the situation here is very difficult, especially because it is winter, it is raining heavily, it is extremely cold. there are no toilets, and there's no normal life. we provide assistance to thousands of people affected by bombing or viruses transmission, especially children have weak community because there is no clean water, no healthy food, or even a housing. most people live in the streets, people left their homes and their memories to escape the selective bombing of the civilian population. i meant the humanitarian crisis, these images from the southern gas, i show a desperate crowd of palestinians rushing to grab
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a supplies provided by the u. a 3 egypt international group say that the amount of goods allowed into the enclave is not nearly enough in the dies instead of states. according to the united nations half of gathers, population is starving. move while friends, as far as ministry has confirmed the death of one of its staff. as in ralph as who was killed and an id, a strike on a private residence, baris has condemned the attack. it is demanded an investigation. some members of the french parliament have also. ready the government to review its policy towards the easel. it is high time to bank or faced on the table against natania, who. what would it take for the world to stop supporting israel and its murderous madness? no sir, all key do i have i tried in the palestinian diplomat. 10 member of the font the party says but as long as usual isn't condemned by its closest ally,
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the united states. it will not stop committing atrocities remain because the actions we need to see measures related to see sanctions imposed on on. here's what i need to see practical things. not only was that because frankly, we found out what was and we've done things that they need to. and let me also point out to the fact that this is, this is supposed to be a safe, a for civilians general. so i don't know that this last week, so as a wake up pulling up on me for the french government, but for the governments of the west generally that this policy is not working. that the government continues madness with its savage attacks against everything in gaza. and frankly,
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that it should be the consideration of all of these policies because the government is really interested in the policies and the tax and the have to be stuck with the course might be i think the honestly but didn't pretend to be given the fact that they have provided systems and so forth by some important worth and countries, 1st and foremost by the american side. so they can afford to say we don't do because they get the money, they get the left and they get the munition to get the diplomatic protection in places like legal rights of nation. so think about but they know that didn't wouldn't be any percussion sooner or later. they would it be some serious results about this kind of behavior and, and definitely the price would be better to move while these ready defense forces claim to have uncovered the largest, how mass tunnels i ever discovered in northern gas. uh uh, the army says the dis,
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yvonne cover for kingdom. it has all the shop which descends 50 meters and is wide enough for vehicles to drive through. at the time, those did not according to the idea of cross into east where the territory and military spokesman was at the scene. envy of vows to destroy him. us, we hunt how much leaders, we will hunt them and will be the sunset thursday, even if they're hiding into thumbs. we would reach them. when we get to our mission, rescue a hostages and be freaking from us. as follows on the incidents earlier this week where the idea of mistakenly killed 3 is rarely hostages, being held in guys that despite them waving a big 5th white flag as well as defense minister condemn. that's why he takes responsibility for the quote. high cost of the conflict is a prize. he says he is willing to pay as a defense minister, i take responsibility for everything that happens in the security establishment.
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and everything that happens in this war that humans and the costs and the severe mistakes, the same is true for the incidents yesterday. the price of war is very high. we paid every day, but when you know that you are on the path, that is just, then you are willing to pay a price and to you cheap your entire goal. which here is this drawing from us and return all the hostages to their homes. after details emerge from the idea of investigation into the deadly incident without bones handling of the crisis has come on the increased scrutiny. idea idea of chief of staff has confirmed the circumstances surrounding the event by pointing to the conditions that troops face . i meant the fog before a select uh, bush of reassurance, and yeah, the 2nd decision could be a life decision for them. i think that the 3 hostages did everything possible so we would understand it. they will they shirts so that we would see that there are no kind of explosives and they held the white glove with it and you know,
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it came all of the above. the shooting of the hostages was against the rules of engagement. it is forbidden to shoot at someone who raises a white flag and seeks to surrender. however, this shooting was scary, the i'll give income, but you know, under pressure of a to the idea of has been close to the same. met him as many times previously used twice, flags to me or is ready sold us into traps. one of the killed hostages was also here to report that the shouting for help in hebrew before being shot. the incident spot, the mass demonstration in these roll with people accusing that anything out of government or failing to prioritize efforts to free the. ready was abducted by him. i don't understand how are me with people who came out with a white flag and shirtless that they're just seen shots and said because the soldiers are so afraid themselves we're tired. is it the new policy that we just shoot people? i don't understand 0 brought me the idea from the deal now, was that us view,
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there's no data coming up and they're dying every day. and we're going these really got the table right now. the show in the city show strings to ring dispute below. now they have no more time that they heard that there is an option for a, for a bargain for him. the one who is that home us and it's the company needs to be that is holding the say option and would not go for it. and this is why we heard this against the company because we went in to make the a nadine 1st because disney is more important than anything is right now. we spoke with a lie come on, a senior researcher, i've been to nationally speeds for counter terrorism. he says that yahoo is losing support,
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that meeting tree is public security on the coffee of the hostages of the amenities as though because she did not seem to the beginning of the beast sufficiently sensible to the uh somebody's, somebody's calls the last 2 weeks. let me see here to show that drugs are but at least 100 miles has. uh huh. what do you as of what have you had before before you? some sort of a general dentist would use the for some other policy, the divorce news and now the design on the elections desired to dismiss all the parameters. associations are
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really sensitive to the collision of the be decided at the end of the like the parameters which as well according to you as democratic senator trees, van holland, he's where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has closed the door on the 2 state solution. and that flies in the face of us presidential by the end, who has been an advocate for 2 independent states. such a direct, you know, response to, to president biden calling for a 2 state solution. ultimately is the only political a settlement this viable, instead of trying to find peace or at least preventing the conditions on the ground from changing with additional settlements to allow her to state solution. he is shut the door on that effort of the senate has remarks came shortly after nathan, you will call the oslo accords quotes fateful mistake,
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demonstrating the danger of allowing palestinian 70 in the west bank of these ready prime minister went on to say he's proud of not allowing me to publish the new state to him much and not specify decades of global calls for the implementation of a 2 state solution. let me have him there. i am proud to have prevented the stablish mint of a palestinian state because today everyone knows what that palestinian state could have been after we saw the little palestinian state and gaza. everyone knows what could have been if we had succumbed to international pressure and allowed for a state like that and to day and some are you around jerusalem. and that's the outskirts of tel aviv that's cross now live to political on the list and screen, right. that sean sto, sean is good to have you join me right now. not given by didn't support for a 2 state solution and if and yeah, who was opposition, do you want us to pay the cooling off of us ease well,
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relations or can say that i expect the real cooling off. i mean, by didn't, can give lip service to the idea of support for a 2 state solution. but a, you know, the 1st, where we now, you know, 3 years of this, of this regime. and i haven't seen that much movement towards, you know, any kind of serious discussion on that front or serious moves from the, you know, the button administration. so you get these, these politicians who say, yeah, one of those who stay solution is like, okay, well, where are the efforts, right? what are you actually doing to secure that outcome? i, i think it's, it's very easy to say it. and it's, it's another thing to actually work for the team. how likely is washington to either partially or fully caught funding, detail of the or it would be, it would be very shocking. i mean, given the amount of military support in particular, that's really at the heart,
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right. of the us support of israel going back to especially the seventy's really became a big thing. the us export of, of mil, militarism, right weapons, billions of dollars each year and weaponry. so when you're talking about the military industrial complex, profiting from this relationship, i think it would be very, very surprising to see them actually shut it down because, you know, get we america, in many ways, we know it's one of our biggest industries is, is, is more so i think that would be that would be a real soon to be really surprising if they actually were to shut that down. alright, method. yeah. who also describe the off little piece of chord as a fateful mistake. how do you see if possible views mirrored in the idea of ground defensive? well, i mean, let's go back to the oslo accords. first of all, i just remember that, um, you know, at the time it was obviously a big movement for uh, for the, you know,
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for ravine who was formerly a hard liner. right. he was, he was, i believe, the code and basically he was, you know, from that faction that was very much like nothing yahoo very vociferously, you know, providing palestinians opposed to the state move in a way that many people were surprised by in the ninety's towards this agreement to basically say, look, we're gonna move towards a posting at state. we're gonna have negotiation in cooperation. the cost of this already. and when red bean was assassinated, a lot of people said, look, people like nothing yahoo, we're very much involved in creating the, the atmosphere for the assassination. you know, there's, there's long been theories about whether or not, then yeah, who was, it was directly involved. but certainly in fomenting the, the, the, the end, the antipathy towards right being the, got him killed. and so since that time it's all, it's been very much the crude rulership, in, in israel, right? for the most part between sharon and nothing. yahoo! so that the ology is very much part of you can say it's it's, it's almost like that the how you say it's,
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it's the ruling of the ology you can say of, of israel. and so of course, it's going to affect the meet the way that the war is being prosecuted. but let me out who has said, you know, whoever is against the policy mean state should be for from us. so he's a hypocrite, you know, he said he supported him, us because it served his end, which was really to flush the idea of a 2 state solution. and now he can point and say, look, this is the example right. a mazda is, it, is created a disaster here, we have to go there and, and highlight these people displace them. and, you know, it's basically, that's this more serving exactly the rhetoric that he's talked about, right? which is we cannot live side by side with adults. right. now, how has the situation between these well and palestine chains and this new thing out? who assumed office well it's, it's difficult to say because let's be always been in the office basically since uh what since like 9596. i mean that's, that's the point that was that the transition will not be was, was murdered. that it's basically been that the, the,
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the hawks ruling is real. for the most part. right. since that time, very briefly you can say brock was there trying to maybe make peace, but it was already that that shift that occurred. and so, um, you know that as we've seen, right, the rise of moss since that time, the, the, the notion that we can't, there can be no peace essentially. i mean, we saw it with the, with cheryl and going into ramallah and you know, and basically locking arafat up turned right back into 2000. so the air, if that was not allowed to leave and basically died. no, under that occupation you could say. and then since then, it's been very disjointed as far as the leadership for the past indians. but i would say just going to your question, the, the main point being rather than looking at the pick, the positive authority and the p l. o as potential partners to make peace, it seems that the yahoo faction is basically said no, we don't want peace, let support him us. let's basically allow them to, to grow so that they can serve this conflict. and that goes to the heart of the
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military industrial complex. everybody profiting from the. ready or from the aid from the violence, from this uh, security state of needing to basically monitor and control the, the past indians. and, you know, unfortunately this is what's creating so much mine. i'm all city at this time now it's going to, that's backfiring on the people in are actually basically opposing israel's war and say, look, this is, this has been years of essentially oppression. and you cannot say that you are basically, you cannot claim to be justified in this board at this point because you've been a pressing for so long or wide sean stone follow to go on a list and screen right us. thank you very much for speaking to us to announce the situation continues to evolve by the minutes for. busy the latest news around the use will engage i head over to our website, r t dot com. to get all the details, the a president alex on top of which its ruling,
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serbian progressive party has received more than 50 percent of the preliminary votes in parliamentary elections. and that's according to a republic. in the election commission, 30 percent of ballots have been tallied. of this, not the elections were announced by president, which its last month at the considered the test of his current government. they made escalating political, special for the domestic. 3 thanks. and the european union salvia has been trying to form closely integrate with b, e. u, while also maintaining its traditionally close buys. with moscow, we spoke to professor stefan who ditch at the institute of european studies. he says, of the west coast for a new government. instead, there is in part a because of its refusal to fall in line with nato's agenda in the region. i think that the main baffle will happen the day. and you know, i would say even in weeks maybe months after the elections and because of the elections are happening in
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a very specific international environment in which the western countries primarily see problems as easy to serve you as a problem. why? because certainly i did not implement sanctions against russia. it did not impose sanctions to begin with. it did not recognize the legal succession of this province of costs of an adult here which was recognized by majority of you countries and buyable, nato countries almost. and also uh, is uh, not contributing enough uh for the ukrainian calls basically for the nate, those proxy war and ukraine. so what's the west is going to try to do and what is was trying to do it even before the election was even started, is to create an environment and seeing which the new governments will be performed
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in a way that all of these obstacles are going to go away, so they want to see a government which will they impose sanctions against russia, be recognized the succession of cost of $1.00 of adult from serbia and c be completely involved in the, the nato, a drum the way it comes to the war in eastern europe, so it'd be as historical claim over the course of a region has compounded the nation's bid for e u membership. that nation fell from the west race even further asked. i refused to impose sanctions on russia. for those reasons and more, professor steven guy, each is also of the opinion that the u, as invested with disabilities, cost of the 2013 to ferry the nation's internal. the fast of christopher hills is one of the main architects of the nato, aggression, brutal bombing and war crimes against the serbia and montenegro decided which was
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called the federal republic of yugoslavia. in 1999. she is a known serbo full by the roots of old as well. he's one of the very recognizable faces of the cleanser and that of. ready ration, christopher, as you know, is call simply modeling into the internal affairs of serbia and itself only when it comes to elections. he is constantly making comments about specific policies. and basically he is behaving as the viceroy of india as the, you know, 19th century uh, colonial. uh we are all of serbia and that is very obvious. and uh, uh, that is very humiliating. uh, same uh, frankly, uh, for, for this country and, and for our society, the roches, president, 13 has received tremendous support from the countries running party at raleigh,
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you head of next year's election. it is speech, he emphasized the importance of roches remaining united despite to western attempts to destabilize the nation. yes. is the, the right to invite the safety of our country is to be strong, which means everything a secondary and not necessary which he, which divides us must be discarded. and of course, we must and will make or decisions on the our selves without orders from abroad. pressure cannot the, like some countries give up its sovereignty in exchange for sausages and become someone satellite. we must remember and never forget and teach this to our children . russia will either be a southern self sufficient power, or it will not exist at all. we ourselves will determine and create the future. this is the world view of a southern states. i am confident that the united russia party will continue to offer society precisely such a unifying uh,
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creative agenda latimer a booth and receive almost unanimous support from the ruling united russia party. something that we expected, of course, he will be running as an independent, so he's only got a $300000.00 signatures technically which no doubt he will be able to do. but use the speech today to the ruling united russia party to remind russians once again that it's very important to us, remain strong to remain independent. sovereignty was like, she was a key point for him to make sure that russell, with science any outside interference, any outside plus or. but i see having unleashed real aggression against us. and it grew from year to year, the west and the leads hope not only to bring down the economy and social sphere of russia, but also our political and state system. they believed and still believe that they could. they could so internal turmoil among us methods for such the stabilization
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are widely known and have been tested. the more than once by wisdom leads, in many regions of the world during so called color revolutions. but such recipes did not work, and i'm sure they will not work in relation to russia, a free, independent and sovereign states. and then this has made onto this whole balance to make sure that russians are safe for those, for additional values build on the demographics in the country, and also moving forward, realize that the times are such where it's very critical right now for russians to be united to come together and build on wants from the cheap so far. and also of course come up with new ideas and build a country moving forward. but most importantly, making sure that the safeguard in the country's interest, rushes interest and to the priority. and we've heard lots of words on support from many politicians here today. and this not only the united russia party that offer that support, but also we hear from various different political parties. so we'll be waiting to
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see how the presidential campaign on fault and no doubt the award suffering seats and traditional values will be the key themes coming up in the presidential campaign that we've heard from german politician in europe in parliament meant by going to back a t says that the european union is that thing against its own interest and the industries are suffering as a result. or, i just think that you member states would have to be solved rarely, even if deliberately a deliberately decided to trade in parts of the software. the in order for the image benefits would be kind of these of scale. and that's particularly a, i think, to germany, the country that until fairly recently had considerable economic pie but never really shows to act in. it's in accordance with its own national interests
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and the germans may be because of the war defined the national interest in very curious to name the s. ready john's atlantic interest the european interest in the interests of they saw that minority group or simply as the interest to do good. so i'm afraid europeans no longer share the desire to be solved and even europe is not pursuing its own interest. it's actually liquidating its own industries because europe with phones as those industries that on its own calculations. now i'm is comparable to the environment. so europe is destroying it's the industries in order to achieve most of those the kids ministry intelligence cheese says that the ukrainians must be forced this
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of in the army because otherwise it wouldn't have enough soldiers. it is impossible to avoid mobilizations store currently 1100000 people in the ukranian armed forces no volunteer recruitment to make up for that fall. yeah, we don't have that many people willing to do it. i'm not just talking about fighting. there won't be losses. and this number must be constantly maintained. you took a drops for a new law to mobilize. more troops has been submitted to the training in parliament . it would remove determine full police offices at old, previously dismissed conscripts could be considered as eligible. also with. busy will be obligated to register for military service and have to on the go come back to training. if a national attorney outlaw a clean preston assess at the latest mobilization move is just another step to the detriment of the nation. it is legal, i suspect the ukraine passes as
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a lot locally there. it would be legal but it is despite with other international


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