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tv   News  RT  December 18, 2023 2:00am-2:30am EST

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on the mighty exploits say to you and shelter the maternity ward in southern gauze like killing at least 6 civilians including a child. we have from the way the one strikes the single person to be found, coldwell, neither of old dead or injured. there are those with that light which i look this one, chat with him. the dice in the newest of the own type is where any strikes have reportedly killed 90 palestinians in a residential area. also it was this, our, this phase is called could be a z on the, all the village of the, on the main office of extended family that's found that this community back in 19, such as all 4 people who work together from here to that very quinn their sections
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became a personal pain for every resident of the village. no, certainly is the jewish communities suffering from home us that said, when was simmons as well, they wait, the release of several members still being held hostage by the military. great. the kids going 10 am here in most go. this is all to international. i'm sure that even sky a pleasure to have your company. this our let starts of the news hour in garza where at least follies people have reported leaping, killed off to an id f hit, the u. n. school housing displaced, palestinians in the southern city of con eunice, a warning the following images of the stuffing. the survivors of being treated at the nasa medical complex with close to fools. now serving is operating tables
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a mid die conditions at the facility because the health ministry says the death toll in the own place. since the start of the wolf breaking out stands at nearly 19000 people with over 50000 moving date. we heard from a witness of the strong ones to the screen with over 20000 people who are there. people trying to sell things to make money and trying to find the future all night long. boom, boom. people that were sitting and rocking, fell between 30 and 40 people. one strike, not a single person could be felt. hold on the old that or injured. there are those with that. why? sure, look, this one. sure look him dice. in another attack in the area, the adf reportedly struck a maternity route at vanessa hospital, getting at least one child and wounding 3 more. the total number of policy and
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children now who died since october, the 7th, has suppressed $7000.00. we'll let stay in the south with the city of russell, which has been hit with a number of is rarely strikes. locals seems searching for the survivors and the collapse residential buildings off to the strikes kills at least 2 and wounded several more according to the you and the southern buddhist, which he has become the regions most densely populated area as 85 percent of those displaced have taken refuge back. meanwhile, adults, the food gulls a city who fled south due to the relentless, foaming. this is a cause sure i'd g who works in the children's hospital of a hospital in rafa where he describes the current conditions. the cash out of the situation here in garza is catastrophic. the world has not witnessed
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such a war before. now my family and i have to live in a refugee tense. the situation here is very difficult, especially because it is winter. it is raining heavily. it is extremely cold, there are no toilets, and there's no normal life. we provide assistance to thousands of people affected by bombing your virus transmission, especially children, death. we community because there is no clean water, no healthy food, or even a housing. most people live in the streets, people left their homes and their memories to escape the selective bombing of the civilian population. one is seen it. i mean, the humanitarian crisis. you looking at images now from southern guns that would show a crowd of palestinians grabbing a supplies provided by b, u, a that came in through egypt. international groups. so say that the amount of goods being allowed into the own type is nearly not enough. and it does to, to stick according to the united nations health of governance. this population is stopping well, 90 people have been killed and more than
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a 100 wound date. it is rarely as strikes on the job folly a refugee camp, which is a new thing going so that's according to the palestinian health administrative. the officials say the attack case a residential block belonging to a paris families and women and children. the said to be amongst those who are dead, the concern list, my foot stop has more details. you don't damage it either, either somebody new day, don't say nothing guys a as ease really well playing stuck at home center, ballier and bate lot here. many remained missing on the level with the strikes eating homes to build their inhabitants. the edge above could seem, sunset has been transformed into an emergency facility for the hundreds of thousands in northern gauze. the black, basic necessities, the make shift cent, tell per rates with minimal resources providing medical care on the challenge and conditions, highlighting the absence of essential tools and the risk of infections. the scene
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in northern gas and faults with the crumbling health care system. and these really incursions targeting save homes about residential areas is where the snipers have reportedly killed 2 women and wounded 7 others at a catholic church in goal is a city that's according to authorities. the religious saw it, a mother and daughter were walking to the sisters corner of the patry office, said when gunfire erupted its statement. addressing the incident, the pottery upset that no warning had been given it to the people in. so if a church is accused the only day, half of what it calls quotes, murder in cold blood is where it has been. no idea like ation stressing that the audience doesn't target civilians the matter that religion. the majority of goals and christian families have taken refuge at the holy family parish since the
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beginning of the war. pope frances condemned that defense the civilians in casa, i've been formed and shocked at. let's see. so but let's close life to the coordinator of the jury. slim the asian office of the world council of churches. you sift. uh huh. thank you very much for joining us, a yusef. this is a very shocking story. we and said that 2 women were killed. no 5 shows, not by the booms, but by snipers. according to the authorities at the church, on the premises of a catholic church. what do you make of this? yeah, it is. the madness a is. it's very, a very simple. it still pronounced it. it is really mindy teddy and need this sheet on working without any kind of accountability. they slide to
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a young child about 11 years ged in 10 days on google based not women, they like to share to you never are clear more than a year ago. and the even worse they are, they also are shooting and i think is moving. they kids 3 is like 80 who did not. and who were out in the streets, free to go and go back to the whole. they did the 12th or viewed them. they did, they just shut them at the up and stuff. so this is, this is the reason that missed this never should stop at the hands of joe should have been asking for a lopez. he's fired by the end of this works end of this business. so that everybody would go, i've called and tried to think of a new way to solve it by listing it is a the issue, but to buy more buying. why? what those we have the that for the best, the 2 and a half months, best buy with us, you will not get into any type of security for these. now these are these funds for
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sounds like she were fitted on sunday. that claimed that it had talked to the catholic parish. what do you make of that statement? uh the uh, the, the kitchen has been in the menu of the latest statements, especially. they outraged why the world cannot stop this madness. and this is our main problem is though, we rely on you live at the you and have the human rights organizations are united nations. and we also pledge for the western countries who are friends of is a to stop this madness. the stop is and what, what is it? because after all, there is no card or victory in this war. and this is, well, the hands of churches are trying to stop this, spend this, but as we can see, it is if this continuous breathing really, really hope that these guys, all the systems wouldn't be the love to see. it's not the 1st time,
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but churches have been targeted in gauze back in october. there was a foaming of the oldest church in which 18 people died. of the church has been housing christian families of those who've been displaced across the own place. so if hospitals don't say 5th churches on the safe, why was it safe for anyone in gauze or right now? yeah it's, it's really, it's really very, that's half of the population of additions and does a flip of gaza. we can see that even in the west bed for any of the distance of thinking both be to day that's the have is in december waiting a few days before christmas. it is to us. it is on the seat like any other village of the city in the, in the west bank of the a box from joules than nobody can access, j, cool or bethlehem. so this is or pushing one of these questions all of the on there
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. this has been happening even before the war with this likely new government where they are pushing christians out of the leg by manipulating all the premises and speaking on details and strengthening the taking their lives. and the even worse, they are having some cities that are out, it just broke the district for speed. okay. and you said thank you very much. you mentioned that this is diminishing population. rando need a 1000 questions set to be last in gone. so that was coordinator of the jerusalem liaison officer of the world council of churches. you sift on. thank you. now, according to us democratic senator chris found the holland is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has closed the door on a 2 state solution that flies in the face of us president through bite and who has long been an advocate for 2 independent states. this is a,
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a direct you know, response to the president biden calling for a 2 state solution. ultimately is the only political a settlement this viable, instead of trying to find peace or at least preventing the conditions on the ground from changing with additional settlements to allow her to state solution. he is, shut the door on that effort, send it to his remarks, came shortly, often nothing y'all who could be also a quotes and i'm coursing here. a faithful mistake demonstrating the danger, but lying palestinian sovereignty in the west bank is where the prime minister went to him to say that he's not proud. so he's proud of not allowing a policy. and in states where much that's despite decades of global calls for the implementation of a 2 state solution, let me have him there. i am proud to have prevented the stablish moment of a palestinian state. because today everyone knows what that palestinian state could
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have been after we saw the little palestinian state. and guys, everyone knows what could have been if we had succumbed to international pressure and allowed for a state like that into the in samaria around jerusalem. and at the outskirts of tel aviv without a, we spoke to a political analyst showing stone, he says, the risk between the u. s. and israel was stuff washington's military industrial complex, from racing in the prophets. a given the amount of military support in particular, that's really the heart right. of the us support of israel going back to especially the seventy's really became a big thing. the us export of, of no militarism, right weapons, billions of dollars each year in weaponry. so when you're talking about the military industrial complex, profiting america in many ways, we know it's one of our biggest industries is, is, is more by that and can,
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can give lip service to the idea of support for a 2 state solution. but uh, you know, in the 1st, where we now, you know, 3 years of business of this regime. and i haven't seen that much movement towards, you know, any kind of serious discussion on that front or serious moves from the, you know, the bind administration. so you get these, these politicians who say you have one of those who stayed solution that's like, okay, well where the efforts, right? what are you actually doing to secure that outcome? i, i think it's, it's very easy to say it. and it's, it's another thing to actually worked for this evening in the room. meanwhile, the, as randy defense force is of claim to have uncovered the law. just how must tunnel ever discover the northern gauze. the army says it's uncovered full kilometers of the shelf, which to sense 50 meters and is wide enough for vehicles to drive through the tunnels. i didn't know, according to the idea cross is where the territory military spokes person who is at
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the scene, reaffirmed virus to destroy home us. and we will hunt how much later we will hunt them and will be the sunset thursday, even if they're hiding into thumbs, we would reach them. we would get to our emission rescue or hostages, and different things from us. well, let's look more now. the personal toll that thomas has inflicted during the war autism at least be were chief maria financial that has visited a bet, doing community and is well with several members were ducted bonnie, the militant group. and she brings us this report, the coast of the hemisphere. israel war unfolding just 40 kilometers away, reach these battery and village. and southern is ro and not only when local here is really forces dropping bombs on guys or, or when the idea of firing until re upon the in place when how much attacked israel
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on october. this happens. they didn't, on the object, is rarely jews. and monday hostages of bed twins, who are muslim arabs and indigenous people of the negative desert citizens of israel, including several members of one family from the small town. this place is called kitty a z on the village of the names named after the extended family that's found that this community back in 19, such as o 4 people who were kidnapped to gather from here belong to that very klan. their objection became a personal pain for every resident of the village uses and 53 year old farmer and also his daughter, aisha and 2 sons. been loud and homes were abducted from a jewish. the boots at the boy that was gaza, where they had work shortly. after the attack, how must publish, they supposed to of hands on the land line on the ground, guarded by on demand. what happened to them next was unclear for the family for the next 28 days. when these really government finally officially confirmed,
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they were held hostage in gaza. and it was only after ballade and are you sure were released as possibly an exchange deal between israel and how much that their relatives received solid confirmation. but to all the man were alive and there and the i have no idea how they are treated there, but i hope they are well. how does and use of suffer from health issues? and we don't know if they receive medicines, bliley and asia are still in shock. we can't ask them about their experiences. what do we know is that they were there and there was a low amount of food. and i know we talked to both aisha and ballade, they refused to appear in camera. they told us that then guys, or they were kept together as a family, the salts. they were the only hostages of him, as they said, they were treated in an acceptable way. no doctors visits them though. both loved traumatized, especially 17 year old aisha. she said the kidnappers knew they were muslims, and ask if they had this rarely passport as no one could give
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a clear answer to why in his logic militant group would kidnap sally with muslims. and i'm on the am i doing my lease? i have no information on why, but what i can say is that my kidnapped relatives are arab muslims. they have no affiliation with the military. they were just regular workers and agriculture with no connections whatsoever. i have no idea why, but my gut says it might be a mistake associated the mistake or not the 2 man remaining capacity for more than 70 days, with unclear chances of returning home soon, the family war is about their safety, especially after idea mistakenly killed threes rarely hostages, having mist identified them as a threat. one of them was a bad dwayne from a neighboring village. they also fear the hostages could end up as collateral damage all these really armies offensive. and of course you're not dealing with not because we're afraid for them from the air strikes happening in gaza because this poses a danger to their lives. we demand association of the war for a chance that a prisoner exchange the last
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a lot and it has somebody doesn't come on. the must exert pressure as much as they can politically, financially, by any means to stop the war. netanyahu should make a decision to end the war and return our children. the state of israel and its leaders should exert pressure and making decisions to bring back our children, like any other citizens. the family for years that is ro might not consider bad when hostages as a priority. so here were considered a minority. and if there are negotiations for the prisoners, israel has the upper hand and obviously it, they have their majority of israeli citizens to negotiate about. although it's rarely citizens, veterans are minority and have always had an easy relations with each row, especially regarding the land rides. the village will meet and is not recognized by israel with most of the buildings constructed here. actually being considered by his role as a legal like the house of times, one of the hostages may not be to, to build his house. he was living in it after 2 months of being married. he
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received a demolition order on the pretext of having built it. he built the house with his own hands and then demolished it with his own hands. after 2 months have been again, we built it and then demolished it. and this the 3rd time we perhaps, if he wasn't a garza, this authority would have come in, ordered us to demolish the house once to the ground, 2000 strong population of the village, our children, when we were filming on the ground, those who go to school were brought back among them were children of the hostages. i was told this is the son of yusef who is now being held hostage in gaza. and these are some of his grandchildren because he has 43 grandkids. wow. almond on use of son is just 5 years old. we tried to talk to him about his father on set up and blah, blah. when we asked if he knows when his father is coming back home, the boy remained silent. he can not know. no one knows when know if these 2 bad
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doing man as well as 130 others is really and for nationals will return home. and all they have to do is to wait a recent option of r t, from the carrier, the better in community. well, the situation in palestine in israel is involving every minute you know for, onto adults comb with all the details of the latest updates. has that for move and of course reactions from around the world. the while it was an orchestrated with that was supposed to damage the russian economy. the new york times claims the departure of western companies from russia has actually ended up bringing a $103000000000.00 wind full. so most go a new york times investigation trace tom mr. pudding has turned an expected misfortune into an enrichment scheme. western companies that have announced
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a partners have declared more than a $103000000000.00 and losses since the start of the war. according to the times analysis of financial reports, mr pollutant has squeeze companies for as much as that wealth as possible. by dictating the terms of their departure, well, russia has become the most sanctioned country in the world since february of last year, with 2800 restrictions being placed on the bottom of the wes joe biden had set. this policy would stifle what he calls the russian hill machine. however, the nation's economy appears to be growing in the so called stock. this of sanctions. meanwhile, around $300000000000.00 worth of russian central bank gas. it still remains pricing point g $7.00 countries since march of 2022 that some western politicians have actively discussed transferring to claim that we heard from the professor of
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economics and politics jeff rasmus explained that how the departure of western companies has actually benefited russia of the arguments of the sanctions was uh to get these uh, western current uh, companies out of russia, and they just registered a loss of a 103000000000. i think the gain to the russian economy is more than that was significantly, russian companies are able to buy these equity listed in companies for 10 years on the euro. of course, significant savings. they've been re, invest in, expand those compet is which is typical when a company buys another, one of the expansion of investment adds to g d, p, and growth, and also ags the jobs and wage in crumbs. and therefore to consumption of western companies in russia. we're importing a lot of so my son is scores and supplies and resources. those are important. and the more important you have the life of g d p, you have 12 things equal. uh well,
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you know, when they're not listed in companies anymore, but machine gun, that is your, don't have the import, you've got the sourcing domestically. and as we know, the sanctions increased russian revenue and this exports from all industrial commodity. so you get this bigger depth. and therefore between imports and exports . and therefore you got a bigger contribution to g d, p in russia, from that. and then finally the government because it's getting all this more revenue from selling oil because of the price increases because of the sanctions is able to provide government spending and subsidies to companies that are buying house the western companies. so all across the board of these 4 areas, a, g, d, p economic growth, i think a little got a boost. you see other countries, not just the g side of other countries investing in russia. so if it were so bad, you have no other countries investing in russia. i think the problem is the
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sanctions, the, the sanctions were totally counterproductive. in general. the rest is really shot itself and the economic foot. what the sanction in the bowl back has been far worse than the anticipated effect, which just hasn't come come through let's head to serve in our serbian president, alexander food chicks, ruling party has received over 46 percent of the preliminary votes in the parliamentary elections that the western fact blocks it'd be against violence to secure 23 percent. and training in 3rd is the socialist party with 7 percent of the moon. and according to the republican election committee in the country over 97 percent of the pilots have not been counted. will snap elections were announced by the incumbent president last month. this came in response to the initial call
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results. the opposition is cooling for an investigation into allegations of folk to, for all of this is taking place against the backdrop of service attempt to integrate with thinking you while also at the same time preserving close ties with most. so when we spoke to professor stephen guide check from the institute of european studies, his take is that the west is behind the push for new government in serbia because it refuses to full in line with nature's agenda. i think that the main baffle will happen in the day. and you know, i would say even in weeks maybe months after the elections and because of the elections are happening in a very specific international environment in which the western countries, primarily the problem is easy to serve you as a problem. why?
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because certainly i did not implement sanctions against russia. it did not impose sanctions to begin with. it did not recognize the legal succession of it's probably some costs about an adult here which was recognized by majority of you countries and buyable, nato countries almost. and also it is not contributing enough for the ukrainian calls, basically for the nato's proxy war and ukraine. so what's the west is going to try to do? and what is, was trying to do it even before the election was even started, is to create an environment in which the new governments will be formed in a way that all of these obstacles are going to go away. so they want to see a government which will they impose sanctions against russia,
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be recognize the succession of calls to where they don't hear from serbia. n c be completely involved in the, the nato, a drive the way it comes to the war in eastern europe. so it's historical claim over the cost of a region has him put the nation's bid, who be membership a western media has criticized richards for his ties with most government surveys, refusal to impose on the russian sanctions though ahead of the stuff elections. and so if you have the mass media alleged both rushes into fear and seeing the election as well as the alleged rooming, a threat of rushes, growing influence in the balkans. professor steve and guides, which again highlighted what they failed to mention is the western attempts to interfere in service. internal affairs. christopher hill is one of the main
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architects of the nato aggression, brutal bomb being and war crimes against serbia and montenegro die, which was called the federal republic of yugoslavia. in 1999. he is a known serbo full by the roots of old as well. uh, he is one of the very recognizable faces of the clinton administration. christopher's you know, is call simply modeling into the internal affairs of serbia and itself only when it comes to elections. he is constantly making comments about specific policies. and basically he is behaving as the viceroy of india as a, you know, 19th century uh, colonial. uh we are of, of serbia. and that is very obvious. and uh, yeah, that is very humiliating. uh say uh frankly, uh for, for this country and,
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and uh for our society. well that's it for this. so i'll be back with more of the top of the next one that they have to have your company. i guess the, [000:00:00;00] the


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