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tv   News  RT  December 18, 2023 3:00am-3:31am EST

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incredible genocide, the idea of choice, hey, thank you. and shelter, and the maternity ward and something dollars they can get. the 6 civilians including a child head from which one strikes. not a single person to be found on the old, that for injured. there are those with the white try look this one, the chat with him. the dice in the north of the own side is where any strikes are reported to killed 90 policies in a residential area. also the sound this place is called kitty a z on the or the village of the net named off to the extended family that found that this community back in 19 searches for people who were kidnapped to gather from here to belong to that very plan. they are production became
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a personal pain for every resident of the village. no, certainly is the jewish communities suffering from homeless fed waiting list limbs as well, their way through any successful members still being held hostage. finally, the military inquiry, the . this is the international until the people in skiing, if i will welcome to join the space now as well. that starts off the news. now in garza, we've at least 5 people have reportedly been killed off to an id f hitch attack the u. n. school housing displaced, palestinians in the southern city of con, eunice, and warning now the following images are disturbing. the survivors all being treated at vanessa medical complex with hosp to flows now
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actually serving as an operating table the method, the conditions of the facility. because the health industry says the desk told me own life since the will probably got no sense of needing 19000 people for the 50000 wounded. we heard from the witness of the story the when school school was over 20000 people who had their people trying to sell things to make money and trying to find the future all night long. boom boom. people they were sitting and rocking, fell between 30 and 40 people. one strike, not a single person could be found. whole another level, old that or injured there are those with that. why? which i look, this one is like him who dies in another attack in the area. the idea of report at least struck them a tennessee would that the nurse the hospital telling at least one child, meaning 3 more the total number of palestinian children who died. now since october,
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the 7th has passed, 7000 let stay in the south with the city of ruffled which is also being hit with a number of his where the strikes, the locals all seeing his searching for the survivors and the collapse residential buildings of to the stripes killed at least 2 and wounded several more. now, according to the u. n. the southern buddhist which he has become the regions most densely populated diarrhea as 85 percent of those displaced have actually taken refuge that. and meanwhile, a doctor from gulls, associates slab says due to the relentless, foaming now of cash showed she works in the children's world of a hospital in rafa where he's been describing the current conditions. the cash out of the situation here in gaza is catastrophic. the world has not witnessed such
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a war before. now my family and i have to live in a refugee tense. the situation here is very difficult, especially because it is winter. it is raining heavily, it is extremely cold. there are no toilets and there's no normal life. we provide assistance to thousands of people affected by bombing or virus transmission, especially children, death. we community because there is no clean water, no healthy food, or even a housing. most people live in the streets, people left their homes and their memories to escape the selective bombing of the civilian population. while it made the humanitarian crisis, these images from self and goal is to show a crowd of policy and wrapping age supplies voided by the youth. through egypt, international group, so the amount of goods being allowed into the old play, these needy not enough in another dice to, to stick according to the united nations hoff of colors as population is stopping well, 90 people have been killed and moved and
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a 100 wounded and is ready as strikes on the to bali, a refugee camp. that's the news and goes that's according to the palestinian health ministry. the officials say the attacks hit a residential loss because that belong to a power of families. know women and children amongst that local journalist must, would silva has more details, don't damage or the, the new day. don't say nothing guys, as these really will play and still get home center ballier and bait. lot here. many remain missing under the rubble with a strikes heating homes to golden inhabitants. the village above codes, the incense that has been transformed into an emergency facility for the hundreds of thousands in milton garza, the black, basic necessities. the makes you have sent tell, provides with minimal resources, providing medical care on the challenge and conditions, highlighting the absence of essential tools and the risk of infections. the scene
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in northern guys and faults with the crumbling health care system. and these really incursions doug didn't save homes about residential areas, is where the stipends have reportedly killed to women and wounded 7 others as a catholic church in gulls, especially if that's according to authorities of the religious site. the mother and daughter were walking to the sister convent, the pottery of the said when gunfire erupted in its statement, addressing the incident, it said that no warning was given to the people in so it's a church is also choose the idea for force it cools. i'm quoting here, murder in cold blood is well denies the allegation stressing the idea doesn't target civilians the matter that religion put fonts. this is also weighed in the matter and condemned the killing of defense the civilians and is called for it to stop. we spoke to an official at the will's council of churches who suggest
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westwood, he, the voice, one of the church, the kitchens in the many of the latest statements, especially if they are outraged why in the world they're not stop this madness. and this is our main problem is though, we rely on a humanitarian have the human rights organizations, the united nations, as we also clips for the western countries who are friends of is the, to stop this madness to stop is the n word. what it did. because after all, there is no kind of victory in this war, half of the population of the additions and does a have flipped of does not. we can see that even in the west bed anyhow. so the positions are thinking of leaving. today, best the have is in december waiting a few days before christmas gift is yours is under siege, like any other village of the city in the, in the west bank and the box from joules than nobody can access jed equal or better
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. yeah. so this is or pushing all these questions, all of the there. this has been happening even before the war with this likely new government where they are pushing crushes out of their lead. even worse they are, they also are shooting and if it gets smoothly, they could free is like any who did not. and who are out in the street, the street to go back to the hall. they did not want to hear them. they did. they just jumped up at the instant. meanwhile, is randy's offense, forces have entered the law just thomas tunnel ever discovered in northern goza. the me says it's uncovered full kilometers of tunnels which to send 50 meters, but it's wide enough for vehicles to drive through. the all idea says the tunnel system doesn't cross the into is ready territory. but
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a show was found only 400 meters away from the buddha. military spokesperson was out the scene and refund. the file was to destroy thomas. we will hunt how much leaders we will hunt them and will be the hunter thursday. even if they're hiding into thumbs, we would reach them. we would get to our mission, rescue a hostages, and be frequent come us over more on the personal toll that how must has inflicted during the war or if he's middle east butte or chief maria financial that has been visiting a bed, doing community and israel with several members were ducted by the middle of some group. she brings us this report. that coast of the mazda israel were unfolding just 40 kilometers away reach these battery and village. and southern is ro, and not only when local here is really forces dropping bombs on guys or, or when the idea of firing
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a tillery upon the in place when how much attacked israel on october. this happens, they didn't, on the object, is really jews. and monday, hollsinger is a bad rains. who are muslim arabs and indigenous people of the negative desert citizens of israel, including several members of one family from the small town. this is miss plays is called kitty a z ah, now the village of the names named off to the extended family that found that this community back in 19, such as, oh, for people who were kidnapped to guys or from here belong to that very clan. their objection became a personal pain for every resident of the village uses and 53 year old farmer and also his daughter, aisha and 2 sons. been loud and homes were abducted from a jewish to boots at the board of his gaza, where they had work shortly. after the attack him ass publish, they spoke to of hands on the land line on the ground, guarded by on demand. what happened to them next was unclear for the family for the
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next 28 days. when these really government finally officially confirmed, they were held hostage in gaza. and it was only after ballade and are you sure were released as possible? an exchange deal between israel and how much that their relatives received solid confirmation. but to all the man were alive and there and the i have no idea how they are treated there, but i hope they are well, how does and use of suffer from health issues? and we don't know if they receive medicines below island aisha are still in shock. we can ask them about their experiences. what do we know is that they were there and there was a low amount of food. and sweet talks to both aisha and ballade. they refused to appear in camera. they told us that then guys or they were kept together as a family and thoughts. they were the only hostages of him, as they said, they were treated in an acceptable way, know doctors and visited them though, both loved traumatized, especially 17 year old aisha. she said the kidnappers knew they were muslims,
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and ask if they had his really passport, as no one could give a clear answer to why and his logic militant group would kidnap sally with muslims . and i'm on the am i doing my lease? i have no information on why, but what i can say is that my kidnapped relatives are eric muslims. they have no affiliation with the military. they were just regular workers and agriculture with no connections whatsoever. i have no idea why, but my gut says it might be a mistake. i see a document by mistake or not. the 2 men remaining capacity for more than 70 days, with unclear chances of returning home soon, the family worried about their safety, especially after idea mistakenly killed threes really hostages. having miss identified them as a threat. one of them was a bad wayne from a neighboring village. they also fear the hostages could end up as collateral damage all these really armies offensive. if you're not dealing with not because we're afraid for them from the air strikes happening in gaza because this poses a danger to their lives. we demand association of the war for a chance that
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a prisoner exchange a lot and it has somebody doesn't come on. the must exert pressure as much as they can politically, financially, by any means to stop the war. netanyahu should make a decision to end the war and return our children. the state of israel and its leaders should exert pressure and making decisions to bring back our children, like any other citizens. the family figure is that is ro, might not consider battery and hostages as a priority. so hey, we're considered a minority and if there are negotiations for the prisoners, israel has the upper hand and obviously it, they have their majority of israeli citizens to negotiate about. although it's rarely citizens, veterans are a minority and have always had an easy relations with each row, especially regarding the land rides. the village will meet and is not recognized by israel with most of the buildings constructed here. actually being considered by his role as a legal like the house of hands uh, one of the hostages may not be to he built his house. he was living in it after 2
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months of being married. he received a demolition order on the pretext of having built it. he built the house with his own hands and then demolished it with his own hands after 2 months. and then again, we built it and then demolished it. and this the 3rd time we perhaps, if it wasn't a garza, this authority would have come in, ordered us to demolish the house once to the ground, 2000 strong population of the village of children. when we were filming on the ground, those who go to school were brought back among them were children on the hostages. i was told this is the son of yusef who is now being held hostage in gaza. and these are some of his grandchildren because he has 43 grandkids. wow. almond on use of son is just 5 years old. we tried to talk to him about his father on set up and blah, blah. when we asked, if he knows when his father is coming back home,
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the boy remained silent. he can not know. no one knows when know if these 2 bad doing then, as well as 130 others is really and for nationals will return home. and all they have to do is to wait a recent option of r t from the carrier d and the bedroom in community. meanwhile, mass demonstrations in support of palestine have been taking place across the globe, including in brussels. paris is stumble and boston demonstrators. as you can see here, could be seen waving palestinian slides cooling for an immediate cease fire in gauze the free palestine was also a common theme alongside the end of occupation. now signs while goals and supporters have filled your pain streets, italian prime minister, georgia maloney took a what is will amec culture saying,
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and i quote that there is no place for it in europe all to contribute to rachel most and takes a closer look. it's all the prime ministers, ours are maloney was elected last year on the promised occur migration. but so far this year over a 153000 asylum seekers have arrived in the country on boat that's way up from 98000 last year. we over $8000.00 arrived on the island of land producer within just a 48 hour window earlier this year, representing even more people than the population of the island itself. maloney blocked the ports and a bunch of people drowned. so in swept queen ursula vander line the unelected european commission president to proclaim that you would take care of it, take the whole problem and those really passed the drowning optics right off italy's hands and well that worked out about as well as one has come to expect from
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the you. so over the weekend, maloney's right wing populous party hosted a big fan festival of sorts. you long must came over from the us, british prime ministers you sooner because there was a chance for maloney to be a rock star among rock stars for her fan base. but it's not like she could just walk out and claim victory over the migration issue and all the promises that she made to that effect to her supporters. so instead what she did is she pulled out some classic rhetoric that actually contradicts the results, but maybe have a chance of masking at your band so that you see a problem. i believe that there is a problem of compatibility between islamic culture and of all this in rise or a civilization. you saw me cultural centers in italy, of finance by saudi arabia, where sharia is in force. in here of there isn't a slum ization process fall from the volume of our civilization. a bit late for that, don't you think they're here already?
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you think that at the very least she wouldn't have just sat back and watched all year. well, even more asylum seekers discount rolling in from across the mediterranean. anyway, it sounds like malone is. the parents was a real crowd pleaser yesterday's tweet and allowed the burning of the garage. and today france bands the he job. and yet they lecture the world about the so called european values. it is time for the rest of the world to realize that the europeans are becoming part of the problem, not part of the solution. this hypocritical double speech is typical of corrupt politicians. we haven't seen these values in palestine, vice is what you stand for and we will not be fooled if you call it values. you also wonder why this migration team is coming back to the very top of the play list . now it's not like the issue is ever really gone away, migrants do make for a convenient scapegoat though, for the fact that these governments are really hard up for cash. that ended up being flushed down the drain in an effort to stick it to russia and to russian president vladimir putin. while their citizens are being crushed by inflation. to
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maybe don't enable conflicts around the world to serve as a pretext for people to felicia italy in 1st place. how about that and maloney wasn't the only one to raise eyebrows with the remarks at the festival soon acted as well. if we do, don't tackle this problem, the numbers will only grow. it won't lose a well our countries and all capacity to help those who actually need all help the most. if that requires us to update nowles and lead and international conversation to amend post will frameworks around asylum that we must do that. finance bro soon act. sounds like a guy who needs a whole entourage just to take a bathroom break, get these people ever take ownership and make decisions without demanding that the rest of the world and their bodies hold their hand. guess that way though, if they screw up, then they're all in the same, sinking boat together, western solidarity in an accel these days. so you're not says that you're at risk
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of being quote, overwhelmed by migraines. yeah, well that's exactly what form or libyan leader no more get off. he said in morning italy and europe that if he was taken out, then a flood of migrants. busy had to europe and to italy, that was before he was assassinated during an nato invasion over a decade ago when the u. k. was called piloting that regime change will be all so now soon act is looking to create a new libya that will take the asylum seekers who make it to britain by crossing the english channel from france and wants that to be rolanda. but even the british supreme court mixed out idea, so it's back to the drawing board for see next libya replacement search. by the way, he can actually use libya since his western establishment pals made a total mass of it. in the meantime, b u k has a big floating barge just offshore where they're keeping 500 migrants really a drop in the bucket. but the migrant rights and g o's are giving major side i to
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the government's marketing of it. being such a great thing where they can even come, i sore and enjoy fine activities, excursions and even sports one, version b said that if the migrants don't like it well, then they can just quote f off, back to france. in any case, it sounds like a team unity really has their work cut out for them with this one to africa now with the country of chad has concluded a nation wide vote on adopting a new constitution. chatty and now await the results of the referendum. the nation's transitional president has expressed optimism, describing the day is historic, and the hope that the country will return to a constitutional order. over $8000000.00 citizens cost that violet with the final tally to be announced on december 24th thoughts on sunday paving the way for an adoption by the supreme court. on december 28th. the referendum seen as
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a precursor to the next elections next year. and to shift back to civilian rule or significant for a nation that has been grappling with political and military challenges since the passing of its former president. back in 2021. we've been hearing from the locals or what they say and the so me to go to the civil rights. it is no more for every citizen to go vote and choose what's best for this country. somalia, c c pulled up precisely. i'm here to, for the fee on my civic duty. for me, it's a choice on definitely it's a necessity. it's an obligation for any person of good morrow's, for any person which really feels like a citizen, he must take the section. okay, then what do i do it i, i'm going to choose the thing that you need this thing that i need for my warranties for that at least they knew it. i,
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i really like that my point would be in the future. i can from the end, do they use for the system and for the system is it is, is has and i did okay. yeah. i use for the, for the government. it's a bit pay me to, to use. uh, they've been the community house to do it. and it said yes if chance went to the post a sunday to mock the agreement for a modified constitution or their opposition to a new constitution which paid the way for elections and the return of civilians to power. this proposal was promised in april 2021, but admitted to recount to but its organization was postponed until the end of 2024 . a significant part of the political opposition as civil society pulled for it by caught up this referendum, considering that it was a plebiscite. ended preparing the re election of the current transitional president, general mohammed a breach w e. no. and to perpetrate a dynasty stablished by his late for the 33 years ago during acquitted talk of this
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selection, the yes con seems to be the favorite because some of that to religion, large scale campaign which eclipse, that one of no or by good cons. now or very to sit down with thousands of civilians have slept the nation. second largest city is fighting between the co trees all me on the power military rapids support forces has erupt. it's the r a staff established the base and the eastern city of wad mcdonny an area with refugees previously. so protection from the violence that are up to the this year. following ox, henry is sold sally this week that resulted in nearly a dozen casualties on sunday. the 2 warring sides have been exchanging fire again. local during less than with sub abraham. is that and he sent us this report the closet between the city nice hard me and during the support 1st,
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that still extended as the reach of the receipts our safeguards owing their faces welding into talking, dizzy reading through the whole time. with many, for the 1st support purposes attack would many different from east every day. richard considered a ridiculous situation there, which makes a government holland does your real estate and now say emergencies and stuff. people for not allowing it's from 66. we have also, we can not forget about the past situation, people from for so people before 7 months from now people brokerage, somebody brand new in their houses. the people who lived their houses are living with, but they're starting smart. perfect. how they feel the phrases, for example, they used to be exact, always made any. there was no support to go with. that could be the closest states that the, all the task for him to run from this course. which means he now lives in a very best situation. they are all people afraid and closer houses. people are not moving to street. emergency operation stands on work involved. don't want to write
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a bicycle noise to write a motorcycle. it's kind of a bad situation. the people who frequent the calls that we give enough for getting an occupational called ration for the old united nation drops, where it's submitted all the work and until they receive the number from that. also we speak about forget repair, support versus still attacking, looking so that you all live in for the country side and the village nick to the digital receipt. yesterday they attacked their village and to try to take the cars . so it'd be trivial. it's kind of their practice heavy. it's in the morning now we can hear it. listen. did they receive that? before we 1st get resolved, the closure house. no people went to the street, 12 hours, cabins,
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military intelligence shape says ukrainians must be forced to serve in the army because otherwise it won't have enough soldiers. you'll know what it is impossible to avoid mobilization store. currently 1100000 people in the ukranian armed forces, no volunteer recruitment can make up for that volume. we don't have that many people willing to do it. i'm not just talking about fighting. there won't be losses, and this number must be constantly maintain you to keep a draw for new lower to mobilize. more troops has been submitted to the ukranian parliament. now it would remove the option of deferment for police officers and load the conscription age by 2 years from $27.00 down to $25.00. also the law would leave just 2 categories, eligible or ineligible for military service or previously dismissed called scripts could not be reconsidered. as eligible. additionally,
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women would be obliged to register for military service and have to undergo comb back training. international attorney at low klein, preston says the latest mobilize ation move is just another step to the detriment of the nation. at this point, you know, when they can script every morning to reduce the ineligible people such as the old place and women, and that is indicative of of the end. and that will, that will result in nothing but further death and chaos in writing crime. it is legal, i suspect good for you, great, positive as a lot locally there it would be legal, but it is despite with other international law to script the people that are infirm or of a certain age. but in this case, i think what, what we're witnessing is a, a change that is indicative of what the ukraine,
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the key ever seem. safe as it's status with respect to being able to defend uh or undertake the operations that they are undertaking in the eastern part of the country. and it's indicative of them as a warrant. all the stories we've been bringing you do head over to our website, all team dot com for even more details. thanks again for joining us as our pleasure . as always, have you come a take a fresh look around this life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion. by power to do vision with no real opinions.
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fixtures, design to simplify. it will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you. fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the hello, i'm in l. a. chan. you are tuned into modus operandi in light of the unfolding tragedies in israel and gaza. the u. s. has shifted its attention away from you crate. but america isn't the only one. ukraine's own neighbors just months ago, pledging unwavering support now, souring on key as, as fresh elections prove. the prolonged war in europe isn't as popular as it was sold.


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