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tv   News  RT  December 18, 2023 10:00am-10:31am EST

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died 6, was incredible genocide. the party had strikes his maternity ward in southern garza killing one child and wounding several others that says that that sold in the region has the past 19000. we have some witnesses unable from anata. we went upstairs from the maternity weren't very quickly, and so people screaming on the 2nd floor for 2 rooms worth it. what i saw was one person in piece is another person, mr. joe, being injured or all children of the human rights watch accused, is israel abusing starvation as a weapon of war against the people of gaza? so the academic month, so on his ok, please. as well as deliberately blocking,
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getting humanitarian aid supplies to the anxiety. there is no shortage of humanitarian aid. there is a shortage of excess or a lack of access to be more accurate. israel is not allowing access of food. these really official says the idea of should destroy the entire gotta skirt strip to completely remove all residents and make it look like the format and not the death comp, alphabets, digits, incumbent president, l, vc wins re election with all sorts. he's saying that he received almost 90 percent for the boat. the for must go to the world. you are watching on the international moneys pizza scott's here with all the laces. thank you for joining us. we start off with the russian lead up by the me, a preaching who as officially submitted his documents for attempted to say in next
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year's presidential election, which is set to run for re election as an independent candidates. he has also received strong support from the countries ruling pots, the united russia, which has a super majority in parliament. the voting will take place in march. the time would last another 6 years. the length of the moving on to a southern gauze. and now when he's really inside cause hits, um, it's showing that the water is not the hospital in the city of con units. one child has been confirmed, killed on 3 of those injured, the guys, a health ministry says the dental and the vision. that's about 19000 with another 52000 wounded, a quick one. and you may find the following footage disturbing. the, you can see here footage from the aftermath of the attack according to officials,
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a 13 year old girl was killed. she had previously lost her father, mother, and 2 of her siblings in is really strikes. we had some few people who the scene of the effect of the come on on. uh we went upstairs from the maternity ward very quickly. and so people screaming on the 2nd floor where 2 rooms worth it. so hold on one person after the 1st room that can help to children. i'm an elderly lady to get out when i entered the 2nd room and there was a child killed in the town oliver, but she had the legs amputated and the child was killed. 10, no features last night. and so brain was sort of strange and he the one uh the guy that was sitting down stairs. ive been displaced here for 60 days. so today i sought to attacks the hospital in the 8 o'clock in the morning. one shall arrive, but i did not explode with him, but then there was another one and i heard the rock coming, but then i ran to see what happened. i was surprised by the screams of the children running down the stairs. i saw a person killed. i've been realized,
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the building was hit by a rocket to the roof. when i saw was one person in pieces. another person was killed. i didn't see him because he was completely covered. there were then take him to the emergency. unfortunately, the injured are all children, but from my message to the french, british and american people is from what have we done to you as the people of palestine, so that you arm the ok. you patient with shell lots of weapons and ammunition to kill us and what are we done to you as the people in palestine? as the 7th of all survivors of a separate bombing, we're taken to the same facilitates some being cheated on the floor. we heard from a witness of that striking are you in school? the school was over 20000 people who are there? people trying to sell things to make money and trying to find the future. all night long. boom. boom. people that were sitting and rocking, fell between 30 and 40 people. one strike, not a single person could be found. whole another level old that or injured there are
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those with that. why? which i look this one account like him who dice was staying in the south. the city of russell has been hits with a number of his early strikes as well because they had local searching for survivors under columbus to residential buildings. after this time is killed at least 2 and wounded several more. according to the un, this of the board, a city has become the region, most densely populated area is 85 percent of those displaced. i've sold refuge that a cash to the guy who's a doctor from garza city and he fled the to the south due to the bombing. you know, it works in the children's ward of a hospital in rough or where he describes the current conditions comes out of the situation here in gaza is catastrophic. the world has not witnessed such a war before. now my family and i have to live in a refugee tense. the situation here is very difficult, especially because it is winter. it is raining heavily, it is extremely cold. there are no toilets,
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and there's no normal life. we provide assistance to thousands of people affected by bombing or virus transmission, especially children death we community because there is no clean water, no healthy food, or even a housing. most people live in the streets, people left their homes and their memories to escape the selective bombing of the civilian population. and made the monetary crisis these images from the southern gaza. so a crowd of polished engines grubbing 8 supplies. they were provided by the u. e. through egypt and the national groups that the amounts of goods allowed in the enclave isn't nearly enough. and according to the united nations, hauff of gauze, as population is starving. human rights watch says israel wants them to stop. for over 2 months, he's really has been depriving, gathers population of food in wants or a policy spilled on or endorsed by high ranking. these really officials and reflecting then tend to stuff civilians as a method. a wolf will be this should be speaking out against this important role
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crime which has devastating effects on guys as population. other appears to be no shortage of supply and much needed humanitarian aid for gaza. just a shortage of access. well, that's according to the saudi academic month. so on his, the him who says that is wrote deliberately blocking those supplies. in order to the start of ation as a weapon of war. he made those comments on the program going underground, his quick preview. so there might be a sense uh, ships, uh, air planes uh, by all means of transportation to hundreds of tons of humanitarian, a medical food and other supplies. number 2, there is no shortage of humanitarian aid. there is a shortage of access or a lot of access to be more accurate. israel is not allowing access of food. israel is actually committing a war crime, violate, think a long list of international laws, international humanitarian laws,
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by using food uh, medical supplies. uh uh walter, um, uh, a guys and other essential elements. uh vital elements. uh for the palestinian livelihood as a what then it wants to force them. it looks like the ultimate goal of israel is to push everyone on the boat or of egypt. then create a dfcs to situation where its uh, forcefully displaced them and to egypt it seems like that this is the plan. they have been bombarding costs, but those would pretext of tunnels under ground. and that's been several weeks. we haven't seen any glimpse of any evidence of such things. it seems like there, there is a systematic effort to force phone palestinians to the egypt and borders as a 1st step towards displacing them forcibly into egypt.
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the permanence us senator says that the saudi arabia and other arab countries con, normalized their relations with israel without a 2 state solution. recognizing palestine republican lindsey graham made those comments and an interview with nbc. the sorry, raping other eric countries cannot normalize with this role? if they seen, if there hadn't been seen is doing the palestinians under the bus, we have 2 choices. continue the test file our use october, so that is a catalyst for change. i think this, the arabic on demand some form of the 2 state solution, the recognize israel and think israel's gone demand security buffers different than before and they need to make those demands. i don't know how this ends, but i'll tell you this. if we don't get this right, this time we're talking about another generation of just to forget them. but he
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currencies, way to governments, has been ultimately against a potential 2 state solution. locked reg, who's a senior advisor to these really pay and explicitly reject. so the idea of an independent palestinian state was, according to comments on british television. should the palestinians, if they have a state, should they be out assignments a military agreement, a military treaty with the wrong? should they be able to have an army and air force should they have all those military powers that could see where they be threatened the state of israel? and the answer of you is clearly know it's cock rubbing the prime minister of his route, who wanted to make peace with the palestinians said that the palestinians would have less than a state. he took robin's that the man who was shot for his efforts to move forward on the peace process of course live now to put skill unless delta sod niema is joining us from the westbank. thank you very much for coming on oxy today. now i don't know if you just had the song by the,
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by the us and it said lindsay gray and it said that i have confusing tons normalize their relations with israel unless the recognition of an independent palestine most he'll take on that good evening for you and all your space. yeah, it's a white i think at last you know what, what sometimes the the worst go gunther, especially americans, the stove on. now the issue will decide what to ground. why? why do we normalize relationship? i mean other states when there's a n y, that is how big is the general side and grimes committed. ready the best, the best thing is arcs as well. so with the conditions biking so these when they look forward, see that these process east in 2002 it was so clear these. busy wrote down is
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a or 2 by 2 in the 7th, and that was the best plan for the out of adopted and out of service. now what do i do? i, i think i get one of my eyes. they shouldn't even give me any c, d r or senior. and this is awesome. accepted. so it's, it's quite clear now that that is where i, i, i still have these, these kinds of things. oh, i think the relationship with apps and the receipt is okay. fine. and you got a question regardless or something. ready to appropriate, which is the score or problem seem to be released. and this kind of a fuzzy definitely is a it's a kind of a look oh, you're wrong, but it's also a i can go by seberio can lucian, i guess, in june. yeah. that'd be the agent, and that's how the i don't want people to normalize with them. and the issue the
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same time you want you to fight diversity or thinking diversity is and a back in the event. and then you get your best. ready people there's, i've seen the doctor stated by the so you say that this is, i should be or, oh the, just a solution or about any solution phase. i see that a 2 state solution, i apologize for interrupting you. it seems that a 2 state solution is even further away now, since that's signed by her mos on october the 7th to see this is one of the range to when it has nothing to do. oh wow. how much did the, regardless of this and go back before 7 is ready to address these and aggression i guess because even people was. busy on all the time, and then you know, even before by she said, i'm not going to, i know, but i see you said you happens. so it's quite clear that these are either who or these folks that goes in front of the piece in the middle east,
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regardless of what happened on the 7th grade. i believe that the 7th of october, you know, it won't change on now everybody's talking about to be as far so you should and everyone's talking about the machine and bikes. so to the contrary, i see that the 7 talked about sports. what c c is a case the brought back again the single question. busy of the whole community, we need to see us in this problem. i've been going on for the last 75 years. was the best thing of working out of the if you can, we are talking a whole guys, the guys a service investment review. so how about yourself going to be more than 6000000, but i see that you use our mouth. scott, bank and guys that jordan? sure, yeah. you go to solve this problem, i'm going to do these. what are all these people? what about the, the land that the best thing? well, what about the m s. c?
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what the state. so determination. right? to have the own trees on. these are important questions which why, what pushed back was useful. the sake of, you know, a lot of my vision back by the americans. i'm not talking about the right people. so you can see the cube a moment with this flu. and this is, this is quite natural. that's what you are heavy. you know, these guys, i guess people given before the 7. so basically just just give them the, i'm afraid we have, we're not, that's fine. this the silvers more we could on part with this discussion, but i'm afraid we are going to have to leave it the physical unless the sudden even in the west bank. thanks very much for your time and thoughts today. in the meanwhile process says it was inactive terrorism for the idea to kill 2 women and wounded several of those at the catholic church in dawson c o g and i'm civilians
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be involved and shot at. and this is even happens inside the holly family parish. complex where there are no chairs with family seats, children and sick people with disabilities have known mother and her family is a georgia. somebody come out and tell him what killed and other people show by snobbish. they went to the bathroom, like a house of mother to resist, non was damaged. they generate a hear the some say it's terrorism was full. yes, it is more, it is done residency, this is why street just says, says god steps, war, summer break, spouse and break spears it. let us pray to the lower east. as the mother and daughter were walking to the sisters convince the patriarch had said when the gunfire erupted, and this statement that addresses the incidents, the picture said that no warning was given to people inside the church. and also accused the idea of what it called murder in cold blood is there, denied delegations,
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insisting that the idea of does not target civilians. we heard from an official, the world council of churches. they handle churches in the many of the latest statements, especially the outraged while the world they're not stopped this mattress. and this is our main problem is though we rely on and you live at the end of the human rights organizations, the united nations. as we also pledge for the western countries who are friends of is to stop this madness to stop in one word. because after all, there is no kind of victory in this war, half of the population of additions and does a flood of gaza. we can see that even in the west bed, any of the existence of thinking of leaving today. bethlehem is in december waiting a few days before christmas. it is google, as it is under siege, like any other village of city in the, in the west bank and the
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a box from joules than nobody can access j equal or better. yeah. so this is, or pushing all these questions, all of the order there. and this has been happening even before the war with this likely new government where they are pushing christians out of the lead. even worse they are. they also all shooting an anything is they killed, 3 is like you need to and who are out in the street, the street to go in the back to the whole. they did the 12th and hugo. they did. they just shut them up and stuff. a video that appears to show he's really soldiers eating and smoking in front of title published indians has a pay it online. so just said the west punk city of jeanine, where the, where a recent on df rates. they also speak about future funds for gaza. the
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nobody nobody seemed to want him. most of the quote, the month of my feeling, no reason we need to know what the method i know mean. first of all hope you're not feeling well. he's a i'm he says it's uncovered full columbus has a tunnel. some of which to send 50 meters and or even wide enough for vehicles to drive through. the idea of says the tunnel system does not trust in cities. red tire 3. but a shaft was found just 400 meters away from the border. from us responded to the these ready claims said that it no longer incentive to use those tunnels after conducting at the time on israel back in october. not yes, spokesman, re offend,
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is government's budget to eradicate some us we, we hunt how much leaders. we will hunt them and will be the sunset service, even if they're hiding into thumbs. we will reach them. we get to our mission, rescue, or hostages and be frequent come us meanwhile, and these really officials as to the idea should completely destroy the gaza strip, wants to kick out all the palestinians and make the inside region look like the form and not suggest comp outfits that of these very mature counsel made those comments that it needs to be with the local radio station. they need to shut the tell everyone in the garza to go to the beach. yes, the navy ship should load the terrorist onto the show. so 11 on the anti casa strip should be empty, and level flaps, just like an officer with it'd be, let it be common. you seem to showcase the capability, some of the state of prison. well, and this waiting, anyone from leaving the golf industry. and this is what must be done to give them a visual representation that was quite a har statement from. these are the official. he accuse policies of carrying out
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a 2nd holocaust on the 7th of october attacks. while at the same time he was urging the is rarely army to fully destroy garza. so essentially what he's saying is that does it should be completely destroyed and changed to an empty new z. and like the out of his concentration come, he said that basically what he wants is that no policy and would try to ever go and live there again. and that they should instead go to live in on and live in reference to the caps there. but be honest with museum actually slammed him. david as lie appears to wish to use the symbol of the largest cemetery in the world as some sort of a sick, hateful, pseudo artistic symbolic expression. calling for acts that seemed to transgress any civil war, time meryl and human laws. that may sound as a call for murder of the scale, akin to al schwartz puts the whole honest world face to face with
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a madness there must be confronted and firmly rejected. we do hope that is rarely, authorities will react to such shameful abuse as terrorism can never be a response to terrorism. now the official also seems to be worried about another thing. he says that israel has to show its trends in front of his beloved when it comes to this current floor with him us, which basically the conclusion here is that is around most when no matter what. but this isn't the 1st time is rarely official, came out with such controversial statements because last month we have the ease railey, and is rarely security cabinet member who said that israel is pull, rolling out the gaza, not the box. we have another statement from the jerusalem affairs and heritage minister for has suggested that dropping a nuclear bomb on garza is also an option. so really here it seems like there's a recurring theme within is rarely politics. and these really officials of just
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coming up with this controversial and really drawn drop in statement. it certainly seems that way women now would you see criticism of israel is codes, actions growing in some national, even among some of its most don't allies, but you condemned these really actions in gaza even before this latest the escalation. yeah, of course you know that the, that's the is there any place in conflict has been going on for decades? so naturally a lot of the leaders have long been reacting to this. now this, so let's just take a look right now with the statement by the 2 key is has an air the gun who essentially compared the is really policies in gaza to the not the treatment of jewish people during the 2nd world war the palestinian territory on the resort of the occupation has become one of the most striking places of injustice. we view the whole of costs in the same way. we view those besieging g as in gary now massacre senate. now the reaction to this has been quite interesting,
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but not surprising. israel came out and they angrily lashed out at the surface president for his comparison to the holocaust and to not seize. and he could be claimed that the turkish president is simply just lying away. he said was a lie and that simply it is clear of cards. and to submit to them, there is no other way to interpret. are the ones crude and vile awards. it is anti semitism. clear cut. this is proof that the responsibility of holocaust rememberance is more relevant now than ever. but then again, you look at the number as you look at the growing that's told of civilians coming from gaza. and you start to question the is rarely approach to this conflict. really. i mean, even recently the us presidential by then has warrant israel, that it is losing international support because of quote, it's indiscriminate bomb being of civilians in this war against how much will they
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form? is there a problem? and then the most a rough says the such comments by is really politicians do nothing but undermine the country's image. of course the icon then the dates are discussed in groups supporting, not susan, but most people are doing thoughts on google and not less than the total was themselves. yes, of course they go. so i'm gonna try to think physically but the but this, this is why you're quoted to, to, if you've seen the to stay your states. sure. ok. good in this way. then your we can meet the solar to fuel. we could meet. you'll say you make a lot of damage to the real state. so cecilia, is that both sides? this is terry, but things to say. i'm not saying that the thing but the easily i'll meet if you still use the ok. i have done so he's not the i don't think i do agree it was present then by then,
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but easily enough was to be fairly cool and it had to be very cold. kept some not fly updates, read the motion or no. i would not say that these would be using the describe the may to be so yes, a bought the unfortunately the problem, many people in many, most of the people who wrote came out of the test that still thousands of indonesia and people protested outside the american embassy in jakarta, on sunday, the money to the us president joe biden, and his support for israel's attacks on gaza. the mistake says how the apollo send you flags and to show solidarity with the region. events was organized by more than a dozen muslim organizations about the spence cold for the indonesian government to take legal action against israel in the international criminal called. they also won since it'd be called the countries and busted it from washington. as a sign of protest against us support for the idea as well. some of the process,
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it protested up to say along the way that we have real concerns for palestine. this is related to our faces muslims, because gaza has been suffering from a genocide. carried out by the israelis whenever there was a demonstration to support palestine, we will always be there. we have gathered around the us embassy in jakarta so they can hear our voices. so that is we will immediately stops as genocide and gaza. follow the find the game here in the name of humanity. we still moved and want to join every time there was a call for a relative defend palestine will never hesitate to join every time with sure the words palestine. we must help. we know what is happening there. we stand for palestine. what the guy who came here to call for peace and freedom for all brothers and sisters in palestine who are oppressed by a tyrannical z. and this, we assign which students suppose american not to, to feel or support these well,
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if they want to into fee a stand up for the right side of the road, we have loss. they're all human advise the must be considered. there is also a global organization, the united nations raised the justice that the you and advocates for the i'm just before we go egypt incumbent president's l. c. c. as one of the election with all sorts. he's saying that he received almost 90 percent. the votes. now this will be l. c, c to attempt an office and will last another 6 years will start to use and said there were no significant violations during the voting process. and the election was held over 3 days from december, the 10th to the 12th. i'll see if he's a full, a minute to come under. he became defense minister before entering the presidency nearly one decade. a go local journalist. so here, i mean report, some type of the 10 out announced by the national election authority was 66.8 percent. and they said that this was the highest ever recorded
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in different history. this election has been overshadowed by the dia, economic conditions, the high inflation, the soaring crisis of food in basic commodities. and the searching a debt of. and i think that president cc will now have to turn his full attention to improving the lives of citizens. we see war raging on on northern border in gaza, also in sedan instability. so a lot of egyptians are looking to see see a form, a military commander to bring security and stability to the country. and they said that no civilian can guarantee a stability in this coming phase. and then looking to him to ensure that the conflicting doesn't, doesn't spill over into addiction territory. let's wrap it for this r d b show to subscribe,
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swats telecom channel for all of the latest breaking news. nope. dates, we'll see you right back here. that's on the, on the the the .


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