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tv   News  RT  December 18, 2023 11:00am-11:31am EST

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western pursuits of both goals has little to do with ukraine. actually it's happened wow. they're missing linux patriot or brush. the idea of psych pits and maternity ward is southern gaza telling one child and wounding several others. the death sold in the region has the past 19000. we have some witnesses unable come on on. uh we went upstairs from the maternity words very quickly. and so people screaming on the 2nd floor for 2 rooms worth it. when i saw there's one person and another person doesn't kill being injured or all children or what really bad. and the human rights watch accused as israel of using starvation as a weapon of war against the people of gaza saw the academic month. so almost all can you believe is really deliberately block and keep monitoring agent supplies to the
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ag placed there is no shortage of humanitarian aid. there is a shortage of access or a lot of access to be more accurate. israel is not allowing access or food is really official, says the idea should destroyed inside a gaza strip to completely remove all residents and make it look like the form and not the death comp, alphabets, those comments have spots condemnation on egypt, incumbents presence, l. c. c. winds re election for the authorities thing he received almost 90 percent of the vote. the just on 8 pm, henry must go. this is all in sanaa soon with all the very latest world news is quite happy with. those are still itself this all in southern gaza. wow. and it's really, it's hard cause hits the maternity ward in the hospital in the city of con units.
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one child has been confirmed, killed on 3 others injured, because the health ministry says the that's all in the region as the bus 19000 with 52000 wounded. a quick warning you may find the following footage, disturbing the postage from the aftermath here, according to officials, a 13 year old girl was killed. she had previously lost her father, mother, and to siblings. in these very strides, we heard some people who are the scene of the final from on, on uh we went upstairs from the maternity words very quickly. and so people screaming on the 2nd floor on where 2 rooms worth it was was on the one person after the 1st through this and helped to children. i'm an elderly lady to get out when i entered the 2nd room and there was a child care to turn all the work, but she had to like compensate on the child and of course, cute, had no features last sort of thing. so brain storage rise and he the one uh the guy
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that was sitting down stairs. ive been displaced here for 60 days. so today i sought to attacks the hospital in the 8 o'clock in the morning. one shall arrive, but i did not explode with him, but then there was another one and i heard the rock coming, but i ran to see what happened. i was surprised by the screams of the children running down stairs. i saw a person killed. i've been realized, the building was hit by a rocket to the roof. when i saw was one person in pieces. another person was killed. i didn't see him because he was completely covered. there were then take him to the emergency. unfortunately, the injured are all children, but from my message to the french, british and american people is from what have we done to you as the people of palestine, so that you arm the occupation with shell rocks and weapons and ammunition to kill us and what are we done to you as the people in palestine, the 7. meanwhile survivors of a separate bombing with taken to the safest. let's say it was somebody even being
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treated on the floor. we heard from a witness that striking you when school the screen was over 20000 people who are there? people trying to sell things to make money and trying to find the future. all night long. boom boom people. they were sitting in a rocking, fell between 30 and 40 people. one strike, not a single person can be found. whole another level, all the or injured there are those with that. why? sure, look this one. sure look him dice. mustang in the south, the city of rough uh, has been hits with a number of these very strikes as well. you can see local searching for survivors. trucks under collapse to residential buildings, up to the sides, killed at least 2 and wounded several more. according to the u. n. the so the boat a city has become the regions most densely populated area is 85 percent of those displaced have sold refuge that i guess a raj,
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i a daughter from gauze and city fled south due to the bombing honey networks in the children's world of a hospital in rough uh where he describes the current conditions. yeah, the total cost out of the situation here in gaza is catastrophic. the world has not witnessed such a war before. now my family and i have to live in a refugee tense. the situation here is very difficult, especially because it is winter, it is raining heavily, it is extremely cold. there are no toilets, and there's no normal life. we provide assistance to thousands of people affected by bombing or virus transmissions, especially children. they have weak community because there is no clean water, no healthy food, or even a housing. most people live in the streets, people left their homes and their memories to escape the selective bombing of the civilian population. no one is being made to humanitarian crisis. these images, some southern garza show a crowd of palestinian scrubbing age supplies provided by the u. a through egypt is enough to groups say the amounts of goods allowed in the enclave is not nearly enough. and according to the united nations hauff of gauze, as population starving,
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human rights watch says, does the israel's a for over 2 months, these really has been depriving guys as population of food in was her policy spilled on or endorsed by high ranking, these really officials and reflecting then tend to stuff civilians as a method, a wolf will be this should be speaking out against this important role crime which has devastating effects on guys as population. there appears to be no shortage of supply of much need just to monitor and aid for gaza, rather a lack of access. sorry, i couldn't make it months. so almost all cases, it is really deliberately blocking those supplies to use stuff. nation as a weapon of war. he made those comments on the going on the ground on his a quick preview. so there might be a sense ships, uh, air planes uh, by all means of transportation to hundreds of tons of humanitarian, a medical food and other supplies. number 2,
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there is no shortage of humanitarian aid. there is a shortage of access or a lack of access to be more accurate. israel is not allowing access of food. israel is actually committing a war crime, violating a long list of international laws, international humanitarian laws, by using food uh, medical supplies. uh uh walter, um uh guys and other essential elements uh vital elements uh for the palestinian livelihood as a what then it wants to force them. it looks like uh, the ultimate goal of israel is to push everyone on the border of egypt then creates a dfcs to situation where its uh, forcefully displaced them into egypt. it seems like that this is the plan. they
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have been bombarding costs, but those would pretext of tunnels under ground. and that's been several weeks we, i haven't seen any glimpse of any evidence of such things. it seems like there, there is a systematic effort to force phone palestinians to the egyptian borders as a 1st step towards displacing them forcibly into egypt. the permanence us senators says that saudi arabia and other art of the country is called normalized their relations with israel without a 2 state solution that recognizes paula stein, republican lindsey gray, and made those comments in an interview with a b. c. sorry arabian other air countries cannot normalize with this role if they seen, if there hadn't been seen is the when the palestinians under the bus. we have 2 choices. continue. this file are used october, so them as
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a catalyst for change. i think this the arrows are going to me in some form of the 2 state solution, the recognize israel and think israel's gone demand security buffers different than before and they need to make those demands. i don't know how this ends, but i'll tell you this. if we don't get this right, this time we're talking about another generation of just hit for debt them with the comments. it's very common. it's has been ultimately against a potential to state solution market reg, if he's a senior advisor to these really prime minister explicitly rejects. so the idea of an independent palestinian state according to comments that he made on british tv. why should the palestinians, if they have a state, should they be out assignments a military agreement, a military treaty with the run? should they be able to have an army and air force should they have all those military powers that could see where to threaten the state? of israel, and the answer of you is clearly know it's cock rubbing the prime minister of israel, who wanted to make peace with the palestinians who said that the palestinians would
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have less than estate. it's her grubbing, said the man who was short for his efforts to move forward on the peace process. literally, we had someplace skill on the list. don't facade me, ma'am. he says that isabel appears to want to normalize size with the muslim world . but at the same time is also coming published and you'd say in white, i think at last you know what, what sometimes the, what's the, especially america, what's going on now the issue much ground why white states is a, why is jewel side, the grand but it's the 1st is our house as well. now what is due to my vision. busy even given nbc senior exit
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acceptor. so it's, it's like you know, that, that is i, i, the, i still have these, these to my eyes with them a bit of issues to fight diversity or thank you because you see you do accept the will. pope francis says it was an act of terrorism for the idea to kill 2 women, unwilling to civilize others as a catholic church in gaza. a c o g, and i'm civilians that'd be involved and shot at. and this is even happens inside of all the family parish complex, where there are no charities with families, children, and sick people with disabilities have known mother and her family is a georgia. somebody come out and tell him with kills. and other people show by snobbish. i do went to the bathroom, like a house of mother threes is non, was damaged. the generator here, the some say it's terrorism is, was full. yes,
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it is war, it is terrorism. see, this is why scripture says, says god steps worse, break spouse and break spears. let us pray to the lord for peace. mother and daughter were walking through the sisters convince the page you all could said when going to fight a real upset. and his statements at the address is the incident, the patriarch said the no warning was given to the people inside the judge. i didn't accuse the idea. busy of murder in cold blood, as though did not delegations, insisting that the idea does not target civilians. we had from an official of the world council of churches. and he criticized the expense of these are the tires on gaza, of the kitchens in the many of the latest statements, especially the outraged while the world cannot start. this matters. and this is our main problem. his though we rely on and you live at the end of the human rights organizations are united nations as we also pledge for the western countries who
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are friends of is a to stop this. busy this to stop is and what, what is it? because i often, or there is no card or victory in this war and half of the population of admissions and does a flood of gaza. we can see that even in the west bed, any of the positions are thinking about the the due date. bethlehem is in december waiting a few days before christmas. it is to us. it is under siege like any other village of the city in the, in the west bank and the a box from juice them. nobody can access j. cool or beth? yeah. so this is or pushing all these questions, all of the there. and this has been happening even before the war with this likely new government where they are pushing christians out of the lead. even worse they are. they also all shooting an anything is they can, 3 is let me know and who are out in the street street going through back to the
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whole. they did not want to hear them. they did, they just chopped them up and stuff. a lot of video, apparently selling gets very soldiers eating and smoking in front of tied up palestinians has appeared online. so just said they're in the west bank city of jeanine, where the where recently are the rates. they also speak about future funds for goza . really amazed and nobody, nobody seemed one of them. most of the quote, the mathematical and no reason we need to know what the method i need a little flexible hope. you're not feeling
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well separately. these really all me says it's uncovered for columbus as of tunnels, some of which defend 50 meters and or even wide enough for vehicles to drive through. the idea of says the tunnel system does not cross and so it's really a territory. but one shaft was found just full 100 meters away from the border. a message responded saying that it no longer intended to use those tunnels after the atari it conducts it on as well back in october, nod yes folks are going to be offend his government's pledge to eradicate from us. we will hunt how much leaders we will hunt them and will be defensive thursday, even if they're hiding into thumbs. we will reach them. we get to our mission, rescue, or hostages. and before you think some of these are, the official has said that the idea should complete the destroy the gaza strip. you want to kick you out to all the palestinian people in may. the inside region looked like the form and not the desktop outfits. the head of these very it meant to the council, made those comments and an interview with the local radio station. you should know,
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do you have to tell everyone in the gaza to go to the beach? us navy ships should load the terrorist onto the show also for lab, and on the anti casa strip, should be empty. and level flaps, just like an honest with let it be common. you seem to showcase the capabilities of the state of prison. well, and this waiting, anyone from leaving because this family, so this is what must be done to give them a visual representation that was quite a har statement from these are the official, he accuse policy is of carrying out a 2nd holocausts on the 7th of october, attacks while at the same time he was urging the is rarely army to fully destroy garza. so essentially what he's saying is that because it should be completely destroyed and changed to an empty new z. and like the out of his concentration come, he said that basically what he wants is that no policy and would try to ever go and live there again. and that they should instead go to live and on and live in reference to the caps there. but they all should be, it's museum,
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actually slammed him. david as lie, appears to wish to use the symbol of the largest cemetery in the world as some sort of a sick, hateful, pseudo artistic symbolic expression. calling for acts that seemed to transgress any civil war, time meryl and human laws. that may sound as a call for murder of the scale a can to ouch, which puts the whole honest world face to face. with a madness there must be confronted and firmly rejected. we do hope that is rarely, authorities will react to such shameful abuse as terrorism. can never be a response to terrorism. now the official also seems to be worried about another thing. he says that israel has to show its trends in front of his beloved when it comes to this current floor with him us. which basically the conclusion here is that is around most when no matter what. but this isn't the 1st time is rarely
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official, came out with such controversial statements. because last month we have the ease railey and is rarely security cabinet member who said that israel is post rolling out the gaza, not the boss. we have another statement from the jerusalem affairs and heritage minister for has suggested that dropping a nuclear bomb on garza is also an option. so really here it seems like there's a recurring theme within is rarely politics. and these really officials of just coming up with this controversial and really drawn drop in statement. it certainly seems that way, who am a now, would you see criticism of israel is codes, actions growing. it's a national, even among some of its most don't allies, but you condemned these really actions in gaza even before this latest the escalation. yeah, of course you know that the, that's the is there any place in conflict has been going on for decades? so naturally, a lot of the leaders have long been reacting to this. now this, so let's just take
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a look right now. what this statement by the 2 key is president air, the gun who essentially compared the is really policies in gaus ought to the not the treatment of jewish people during the 2nd world war. the palestinian territory on the result of the occupation has become one of the most striking places of injustice. we view the whole of costs and the same way with you bill was besieging g as in gary now massacre. senate. now the reaction to this has been quite interesting, but not surprising. israel came out and they angrily lashed out at the surface president for his comparison to the holocaust and to not seize. and he could be claimed that the turkish president is simply just lying away. he said was a lie and that simply it is clear cards and to some it isn't. there is no other way to interpret. are the ones crude and vile words. it is anti semitism. clear cut . this is proof that the responsibility of holocaust remembrance is more relevant
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now than ever. but then again, you look at the number as you look at the rolling that total of civilians coming from gaza. and you start to question the is rarely approach to this conflict. really, i mean, even recently the us presidential by then has warrant israel, that it is losing international support because of quote, it's indiscriminate bumping of civilians in this war against how much before my eyes really call them. and then the multi rod says that such comments biased really politicians do nothing but undermine the countries image. of course, the icon then the dates discussed in good. so support thinking about susan, but those people are doing thoughts on gisela and not less than that. they will was themselves, yes, of course they go. so i'm going to different physically but the, but this piece is why you're quoted to, to, if you're feeding the, to stay your states. sure. ok. good in this way. then your
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all the we can me, the solar jail see where we could meet. you'll say you'll make a lot of damage to the real state. so since india is both sides, this is terry. but things to say, i'm not saying that the everything, but these are the all me this is doing is the ok done so he's not, i don't think i do agree it was present then by then. but easily enough has to be fairly cool. and it could be very cold test and not fly all day to meet the national. no, i would not say that these would be the using the describe the may the homepage. so yes, a bought the unfortunately the problem, many people with many innocent people who wrote came out of the test that store moving on to other news. now egypt incumbent president, l. c. c has won the election, results are to send that to receive almost 90 percent of the votes. now this will
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be l. c. c stood in office on will last another 6 years. without you said, there were no significant violations during the voting process and the election was held over 3 days from december. the 10th o. c. c is a form administered commander. he became defense minister before entering the presidency nearly a decade ago. local journalist to show here, i mean, we bought some car or the 10 i was announced by the national election authority was 66.8 percent. and they said that this was the highest ever recorded in egypt history. this election has been overshadowed by the dia, economic conditions, the high inflation, the soaring crisis of food and basic commodities. and the searching depth of. and i think that president cc will now have to turn his full attention to improving the lives of citizens that we see war raging on on northern border in gaza,
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also in sedan instability. so a lot of egyptians are looking to see see a form, a military commander, to bring security and stability to the country. and they said that no civilian can guarantee a stability in this coming phase. and then looking to him to ensure that the conflicting doesn't, doesn't spill over into addiction territory. let's just live now to get it booked for us as a political science professor of one university in egypt. thanks very much for joining us. i'm nope. can you tell us what the general mood is the after those election results were announced l. c c one by one slide. it was, uh, this is a clear mandate from egyptians to uh, president cc. uh, to address the chronic. uh uh can nomic and political problems
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as mentioned in the port to egypt to set them to buy it, to the boys, to move this from the north, south, east and west lead. yeah. so the eas, wrote it even better. see you on it, see how these are the jeopardizing the navigation, let's see, and jeopardizing as waste kind of, it's one of the main on please of the economic sources in egypt. so the to addictions, as you see, is the strong, a few that go to the muslim brotherhood and can step lives in the country and sustain the current development. so people are happy with what would you expect to use next to me in office to look like? obviously you mentioned that there are lots of international issues,
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effects in egypt to the country, also had some economic challenges as well that needs to be addressed. as i mentioned, the mandate gives the president and a free hand to tackle those a chronic problems in confidence like um, i believe that to his attention and please focus wouldn't be next to be in turn that affects the internal affairs meets a mention, the interview needs ultimate attention regarding the associated development, sustainable development and economic development. uh, the intent, no politics at present. c. c said he's going to uh, in the next to in the office with give a lot of attention to democracy, to development of democracy in the country. it'd be best we would face the board 10
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m as in, sorry night eh, by tears coming from uh different uh, regions, especially from celia and by this time. so, uh now the, the country is, is being the is cute and deadline. so he's going to the next phase, which is improving the democracy in the country, developing uh, the democratic practices in the country. a like steering the sluggish political voters in egypt because the parties, um, now it was a golden opportunity in this presidential election to have some movements and some mobilization of the political parties. there was so sluggish. uh because of the um, priorities prior to for that is now it's it,
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we have the lead stage, which is improving the a democracy in the country and finally and briefly. professor montrose. so what extent did the crisis, inc garza influence the election if it's or did they play a role in it? when it, as i mentioned, it could be put in a to go and give them indeed to the person. they believe that the who can is yours is the ability to egypt and can eh, stand eventually in front of the is ready aggression. because the body of, uh, the ad hoc crossing. uh and the displacement of the police do use to egypt is, is a major political and economic also social crisis to egypt. is these riley's manage to displace them and push them towards the egyptian board,
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the state they will export. the problem from is very collegiate and egypt is not ready for this and is not ready. a totally we think the palestinian problem. me a bucket buttress a physical size. press a hell one, universe the in egypt and regular on the program. thank you very much. people's today, thank you for having me. and finally, to africa by the country of chops has concluded, a nation wide votes on adults and a new constitution sardines. now where the results of the referendum, the nations transitional presidents, expressed optimism, describing the day of historic and hope the country would return to a constitutional order of $8000000.00 citizens cost the balance with the final tell it to be announced. on december, the 24th paving the way for an adoption by the supreme court on december the 28th referendum, which is seen as a protest to, to next year's elections on the ship participating. and role is significant for the
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nation that has coupled with political on the military challenges since the passing of his pull the president back in 2021. we got the thoughts on some local people of what they say and what so me to vote is a civil rights. it is no more for every citizen to go vote and choose what's best for this country. it's w. c. c pulled up. most likely. i mean, it's a for the fuel, my civic duty for me, it's a choice on definitely it's a necessity. it's an obligation for any person of good morrow's, for any person which really feels like a citizen, e must take this action. okay, then what do you do it or you're going to choose the thing that you need. this thing that i need for my point, these fairly does they do it? i, i really like that. my point would be in the future. i come from the end. do they use for the system and for the system is it is, is has a real deaf warranty. i use for the, for the government. it's a bit payment to,
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to use. uh, they've been really, really house to do it. and it said, yes, it's chad and went to the poles this sunday to mock the agreement for a modified constitution or their opposition to a new constitution which should pay the way for elections and the return of civilians to power. this proposal was promised in april 2021, but the minute to recount to but its organization was postponed until the end of 2024. a significant part of the political opposition of civil society pulled for by caught up this referendum, considering that it was a plebiscite. and just preparing the re election of the current transitional president, general mohammed a breach w e. no. and to perpetrate a dynasty established by his late for the 33 years ago during occluded talk. and this election, the yes can seems to be the favorite because some of that to religion, large scale paper which eclipse that one of know or by god can.


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