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tv   Documentary  RT  December 18, 2023 10:30pm-11:00pm EST

10:30 pm
so they're just independent enough to do so you will read with great interest reports about the decision making. practice isn't the easy. well, someone is out for a coffee, it is a unique practice. any process is called democracy in action. don't you know, or at least that's what they keep telling us a good thing for the you, that democracy isn't actually anywhere to be found in brussels. otherwise, it might have something to say for itself, at least until they figured out how to convince it to step out of the hall for a bathroom break. so they can sideline it. all right, be sure to stay with us and back in 30 minutes with much more news here on our t international by the the
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the, i think it will save you michelle's depletion unix, but then you put the, well, i guess the coupled or is appreciated, but if you're doing your dose, but then you would just give them
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a one shot of us value and so that should bring it to some sort of got to where, you know, give them step is just the fluid. so no component. so you have to remember i was unable to answer the phone. yeah, it's a visual of the yeah. but i do have to make sure that people come the middle of it . so associated with as much, it's going to get that phrase. i show you a different level may assist you more when you do it on different shifts and which the technology you can throw in the let's just sponsor suspicious go out. i don't know if it was a go or you don't wish to just go in and put in the ds. i mean it comes good. it's if it gets the most on stuff and you either got water. i stand it's uh for me. usually i'm back home pulled best of them. so say yeah, you know, during the hit single shot, the a good release of its all its power has changed everything except in
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a way of thinking the solution to this problem lies in the heart of human kind. if only i know i should have become a watchmaker, albert einstein. mm. the law has been humanities and during companions throughout history. the fest description of a battle in relative examples. diesel was written in the 15th century b. c. and what it's, i need a little chilling it, it wouldn't send you to a b one was a tank sort of built on ships equipped with heavy candidate planes dropped the bombs and weapons became 7 long proof less than destructive. then one day, flat on reached its peak. the
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if the radiance of a 1000 suns would have bust in the sky, it'd be like the splinter of the mice you one on to come dance, the destroyer of welts, robert oppenheimer, the american physicist oppenheimer spoke of hale doctor the rephrase sprang to mind in 1945, just after the 1st successful nuclear weapon tested in new mexico. team of scientists for 3 years, with a $2000000000.00 budget. to build 3 atomic bombs, giving the us incredible military superiority at the end of world war 2. the cost of serious damage across the yeah, generally, but i'm really at a slow and doesn't was he missed which ones the distributor so
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that he was going to do all of these skills shortly. and this is a for sure appointment to store them socially, minutes listening to the door. so i think we made it to a horse squeeze me through and it could be a separate source. what were the do? i knew a single shortly, or a gun isn't stressed, money spent, or we're particularly in there. hold on fishing there. so sort of go on the scale. what you on there for the most of them. you know, as soon as i can reach out to the credit union has spent that no, they didn't yet, we're on a posted anywhere on the best number to go to you through and then sort of compare them, go to and then it goes to show me it seems like a cool pull towards me. go east. oh shit. and you know, there was, oh so yeah. it was just it here with the hill. sure. so i'm showing a serial number from you to somebody. there are lots of global sticks load here at the facility mirror. just any minute stick with you on this, tiffany. and just to put you on the computer,
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is this what you want us to go by suggestion in the village and i'm going to put you into your mind this a bit when discussing to really get the money. we give the one year if the labor is a very low level of interest and if it will show us the use of the legit or were you just sort of vegetable for people who don't speak and see them so you can just get to this me get rid of companies that i knew. so you didn't look stuff if we said speed, it even is. but i'm what you me, they say the name and get it. the one that you sent that he put his indian sup with this on the east coast. oh, so i mean, it could take bit of all of that, those in sandwich and the little frequency that will do that needs to be as much to spend. and then we'll have to wait until bradley bessy will take you. oh, but little boy was a little through an inspection of putting you to those are approaching the pony. the today show me could be to the other show up so you can use it on the some save it. harry truman himself invented the 2nd version. the thing was came to somehow shed at least some of the responsibility for those decision
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the because then you have some flexibility. truthful. why those are it? because all supplements in school. so should i need to establish them? yeah, i could put it up to the point screen fading and it's like got you settling in a way writing the envelope is not you months, but i'd say it'd be seen when it was that you moved them to store all the stuff. i mean, it goes, keep them with the roll sheets, but also each of them is that at the points can go to cuba seem let us play and yeah, so this is going to be to go. so can you move that to a seamless as the ultimate piece is killing me up, it'll be as low as yourself and the good things over the district of them know what the, what, what actually, so let's look it up. what is left with 32, let me just pop in time over. and his team successfully built the 2 types of atomic bomb onto the manhattan project, referred to as gadgets. they would code named little boy and fat man. one was designated in a test, a 2nd fill in hetero cima. 3 days later it snowed fellow nuggets. lucky the last and phone out from little boy and fat man killed more than 450000 people.
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the only stipulation, sometimes you know it's, it is the same. so there's a little bit, there's different neighborhoods or something special because i'm not sure the system is supposed to be. is it? your system is just as new, of course the, but there was do sort of seem it up throwing up before for sonya store and then we will continue though, don't give us little squiggly cause missed it. so hu wheeler squared away mostly was this splitting. if it was in way of a shade, so split on, put this joint and you put it into your next steps, throwing them to put his son and your sister, your new friend. yes, we need you to do it. he said, yes, he says, we could do what is the most for the cross, i'm sure there's a lot of stores on the for the listeners can still use for the most of the pretty much search the nearest of it. yeah. but at the ocean pressure drops it
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to have to use the fission to it so, so then you have to go to simple, i'll just go for the one we'll split them, said yet via to wait. so his skate caught them the boat, but this again, it is to me the negative start in the spring, so either or so for all of us at the theater. and so it was a nuclear arms race began between 19451990. 6 more than 2000 nuclear tests were conducted across the world in the are accounted for one, the okay. and china carried out $45.00 each front, $201.00. the us as a 715. and the us 1030 to the soviets, similar to nuclear, some fund is sent to be the most powerful explosion in history. that test was carried out in 1961 in the skies above. no man's them yet. the block dealed was $59.00 mega tons compared to the fat man involved dropped and guess stuckey literally only $21.00 kilo tons. there are 4 types of replay, a test on the ground,
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on the water that must vary and fix it. witness frederick beach has an adverse effect on the eco system, but at most fabric tests are considered as the west. in half a century of the nuclear race, the world has seen plenty of evidence showing just how devastating those nuclear blast to be. people who live on the nuclear test sites, those military and civilian, have been exposed to radiation. some serious steps towards banding nuclear testing. what taken as far back as 1963, the signing electricity binding of the appeal which is attached to the atmosphere, analogous space and under water. 5 representative government wishing to join the interview. because the signing of the treaty is on the other side of the world,
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50 units to agree, a complete ban on all types of tests. in 1996, the un general assembly adopted the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty with a will member states undertaking not to carry out any more nuclear weapons test to ensure that all tweedy bomb is complied with. the agreement, the eliza vision was one of the for the, for the only thing that you know, some of the me for them on certain, especially of course, of him farmers little mistake when, when the things 1st uh, i might just have to inform us or who is this my 2nd period? i suspicion it has a filtering for the mazda, because i have some of those little things in the house, because the condition for most of the spouse are a little less than when the 13 groceries pushing interest as opposed to the purchasing. this is for, for this particular cut off is the that
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international monitoring system was established under the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty. by the time it's fully operational insurance comprised 321 monitoring stations of various types. it's in visits that russia's i, m. s segment will include, so the 2 monitoring stations scattered across the country. okay. thank you. when you go to the store, nothing doesn't quite full. i'm here. it's weird but i mean discontinued because i knew it was a didn't and spots a look. i put them in your opinion, which i missed out because we didn't really mean. so this is such a convention. unfortunately, it's a pretty level for the just to unless the 1st time you've been with the most recent post, the video for cutting, you know, a sponsor stuck with this. but then you can create them pretty much. and on the studio, slip and party up to i mean from what so we're going to see some dates of, you know,
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this and inspection of the kinds of 32nd the last and the russian international monitoring system segment. different oak center response and extension of the difference between auxilary and primary stations lies in the house. they transmit the data folks, the other ways provide data or on demand. primaries send a series uninterrupted flow of real time data to the organizations main headquarters in vienna. size make technology monitors the crust. the detect shockwave generated by nuclear explosions, control these stations of added attacks, subterranean nuclear tests hardware. so there's no aspect of what the credit was conditioned australia to start when one got some mysterious because sponsor i, you know, so the, the frustrating assumption is not on the system when, when you go to the machine and when they send it to us because you're also on the go to force him him to shows appreciate it. and you know, they're most of the things that came up because of what to say because it also whoop on those way of disastrous store for what was an issue in order cisco. samantha, what i'm going to go, or ne,
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you're due to the specialist the go on. there's a lecture. so even though it's a particularly near a little rainy adventure because so you know, because the fun in law you, most of them are pretty well not really restless. yep, you're dealing with people are either your number, but it was the goal of save your mission was a position unix, but then you put the link as the community. couple really appreciate it, but if you're doing your task, but then you would just give them a one shot, se so. so you're saying where the printer is going to go with one of these computers, a suitable son will come to the city and is up to the gold lighting and put in a stronger he's not going to assist you my and when you do it and get the shows in which the technology you can throwing up at the let's just sponsor, let's just me just go out. i don't know if it was a kind of where you need the course to just go in and put in for a tour with me to start to come over here or i don't know, i'm going to put in good as a lawyers, as long as you can uh, as well as pollute treating equity, usually a man. so he needs to prepare the fork,
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the, but he didn't know the, the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the madness of the people. i tried to go to the gym,
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but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deal. so let me, let me on that. we have a very good propaganda. you know a price here in your i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is, will be the on the side of the process that i get my horse faith. gotta me slough. don't say whom. assume to put up all spec. i'm just coming up with. is it this just or what have you so much on this one of which was here. it's
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a usually human this me in the sense that i'm with you. i was because i want to give you some. yeah, it's a state, it's a oh, we take suitcase and i did. i thought i was looking at just it seems a little bit the product, the date you don't know, is there any way that actually would have been set up by getting married you meant there are, do you mean you come to and you have literally so frustrated with as much, it's gonna get the appraisal, show you the truth when we 30 not. but only when i bought the sewing machine it would be taped up. the
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dispute, if it's different, we're going to file a, put on the, it's of a, here's the level and it's instead of the width of virginia jane is, i'm not sure that's all i need something done with the points of moving you. usually you grace, who did a check in the notice, but is this the most beautiful? yeah. and even though pretty good at least you know, up tipping list to uh, on top of getting the curriculum. okay. the for them i see is uh, golden up with a little bit of the stuff in store. it says the who is in uh other than younger, but you know what i don't need metals are. so you just looking to fix it, reserves were putting in their personal number before but just one of those. i certainly appreciate one listed really one thing in my been initiated placement. a lot of good stuff that i was getting pretty strongly. i don't really know for them
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because i was in which was more than what the guy supposed to come to you naturally, really meant the way it's initially filled with a cookie. the gave me with a couple of the kids. you gotta keep me short. you want the fish to do something, you know specifically what's not, could you just shut the se? seeing it in that, somebody on putting in the water. i see a beam. it shows up attention didn't spinning what? that's what you that will allow me for each day party undertakes not to carry out any nuclear weapons test explosion to prohibit and prevent nuclear explosions at any place under its jurisdiction or control. that's what the post office. yes, but i know what you're thinking up on. yeah, it's a little bit of the government on that. your district loves that agent model that needs to be able to really get you squished. you look you up with the site is still wishing as a symbol, sylvester puncture free, a sort of government you set to catch the dual credit. you mosley's, which in an interview which is stanley van, the gloves as a goal of the projects of the store. and we'll see split itself so that what's that on the wall and a ticket suited with him. so you can use the key. i didn't, they get it all got is a ride, get those gun. that alternate is will be to come. he said to me on this thought
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they made a can write a vacation, is the act of making a treaty officially validated by giving it a formal consent by the appropriate authorities of each policy. just let me know as next for the financial planning to just a shot, a couple in just a little bit decided to go move. it's just for the silly m o c media so relentlessly to the what would you storm stores the younger start to sing best i started listening in your guleski near cool. as most honest, i need to become suspicious activity in your sleeve though in your flames is leveled in the web is i still use muscle during your fingers and i don't know the book on the end of category, you mean destination? i surely case stuff which i think are for placing in your couple of them full of them. i've you and me 3 so that you forgot 16 interceptor ideas with some nation as me fucked up those really eager to add up and you don't know what you end up in
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minutes knuckle set to. yes ma'am. did some odd noise players and you may use threats as a sure category, but quite a brand new to jim store front of me right away and yaps done those gifts you might see nimble to pretty associates forgot to j. junior will move and shooting. you go out on the stairs or in your movie, do my schedule with i will story about that. i need you. it was more than this. do i am the way you way in the promotional conflicts? sasha of flooding is was the question. yeah, great. you split that's in the program, you use it, but to have mr. let them correct. such don't need the president motion to one year show her ways and you kept the 3 of us. the results for sound like less shots get we get a smaller than that. i don't know, can i have less time saying that i need to know some of that and then for
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a shuttle we do not forget suspense. they will not work for them. excuse me. just k e do for his walk away. i miss the game is still killing me instead of roland. but those done to me? yeah. so 3 nicolas my only me that i'd seen is renewed. yeah. which in the world and can i ask, who am i to use? so i got a couple of them were still will show the fight, so can going to small guys. that's done. so yeah, the auction that owns that just the a you and i for the
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the vision. so the blonde see how she was ringing? you were just doing the practicum, one of the nice, nice ways, the one the city he's got, the officer is flushed out of gosh, it's only the one site inspection of reload registrations. those 10 includes checking video cameras, routine maintenance of special equipment and confirmation that communication hardware is in good order to control continuity of states of trends that tend to keeping the buildings in good condition. good the say, well that's what we're used to both,
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all the procedures are carried out regularly. that 20 point across russia, tense, $72.00, monitoring stations, one sense group and also risk maintains, begin for sound station. 10 for sound technology uses micro barometers to record low frequency sound waves to locate that most ferric explosions that distinguish them from volcanic over options all space. real simple is this whole grass filter south, a number of low frequency sound waves coming out the most of our way off shows up on the news us. there was news to me on the peninsula near the newsroom stating, much forcing me up to let someone know i see it is shooting and we'll bring you more unless it's obvious through a so i'll go was think i'm good. thank you. think i missed it by today, supposedly a few miles, but i'm just putting you on a bus now when you're sick, one piece of paper for them when you, when you're still feeling nice thoughts whenever you want to and, and there's lots of interesting wondering isn't what's the,
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the what codes associated zillow such as the go, what else? it'd be interesting sufficient here. just the tiny. mean. it's a study of us usage, you know, democrats, but the do i is need you to produce done is just the risk. and the difficulty is to see it is done with this, i succeeded on this was, was self employed, done the little, they sent the guy and they sort of move them. on october, the 18th 2023. the state duma unanimously voted to revoke russia's ratification of the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty pals to quench was disappear. we do have stable designated by stone to which for some with dish, but he's got the 2 of us. absolutely. do you have your full name? you to those a step 3, then you've got the use, the shading seniors in order for it to pick up see need to read the intern with a good i see the got water me. but as i was right,
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i am the storage that to me is the single door. when we book we know use the national to process it got towed or able that as much as so so sure i smoked this and that probably. and you visible visibility in? yeah, yeah this, but then he is, i me, is that me or i see is that others i have to meet at 20 guidelines. the, the sense that i do not foresee that totemic energy is to be a great boon for a long time. i have to say that the presence is a menace perhaps it as well that it should be. it may intimidate the human race into bringing order into its international affairs, which without the pressure of fear, it would not do albert einstein,
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the the executive. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do the have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction. but again,
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we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the the in the late 18 ninety's french soldiers led by general, arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the
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territory of more than shot. no one or 3 to come on sunday. i mean, he's stuck up some issues with all the cars and trucks on the list to the 10th of who they on the east, one of the most terrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent or somebody, i should know the pushing it to download the glass you followed there, do so they put the national most likely multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed home for us to get the young investigator in search of his own identity and box on a journey through africa, peach races general with eyes, blood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is sam and i come from england and i've come
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really to find out more about the position of willie and the history of in, in the region the, the, the idea of strikes to hit the maternity ward in southern dogs, killing one child and being several others as a death pull, the region test has 19000. also a head in the red sea were leading a multinational maritime task force to uphold the bedrock principle of freedom of navigation. the us canada and creates a new international mission to counter what it claims are maritime threats to buy, who's the rebels. and while millions of palestinians are on the verge of the


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