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tv   Documentary  RT  December 19, 2023 5:30am-6:01am EST

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men's crisis for nato now being tripped up because president put in the defense minister surgery show do or no meeting with top members of the russian military discussing goals achieve um a set for next year. we can listen right. it was really good to actually leave this, this meeting we discussed already. so i didn't think it was. i submitted 12 directions for me to discuss this, the only measures to strengthen the economy and the navy deal in the day. we will discuss what has been done over this period under which areas succeeded to require further improvements. and what city do you want to build the fuel? 2023. you can just was explanation to solve if it's really a difficult one year. and if you're what are we, our soldiers and officers, i'm on the visitors levels issue we did. it's a good answer just because we don't have that emissions between them, especially metro braces, courageously and precisely, i guess. yeah, just during this whole remedy of countries, the global level questions,
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for instance teaching parity for. yep. and the security of restaurants was okay, but you got the just the e, c, d and e. c. hi, in the comments. it was to present a series of who is unit to swap the one on your list. were you what was the insured? it's sure to me to come to training just need just was carried out as planned, those technical and ready to go. what's the evolution is a stress and now be issues will result as expected of that would like to those things that were in the order with us now caring. albert look at them is the simplest. and i shall say, yeah, i spend it in the cars, especially grateful to all those of finding the front lines. it's on the way in and caring out a new, but it's difficult to combat the experiment, the trust relationship with affecting attack series, right estimate. and then the moves will or not, for example ma'am destination is attacked by the kind of sabotaged groups. just going to jump move, but just going to the west and cost the country. and i would also like to note the
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unprecedented support of peoples through upside. you know, but seems to agree to i don't think majority is going to run this through the announcement that some people get the consolidation if that and some of the diversity of people have different trades and different technicians go to the u. this is the color firm. foundation we, we, which we will always be faithful to the cause to which our comrades gave their lives that as on or about the
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was really which is that you can you so we think we sure would the dealer website using events is definitely one of those where it's just about it and i see it as well, assuming that the west is continuing its hybrid war against russia actively supplying the key of raising. with that way, you may recall information in real time or sending it to some of the train vises providing it back to you in the state of the out comments. i definitely think the kind of this file system is even including a low range by fluid low system speed fits in a couple of cluster munitions and the various kinds of waves and they go from fans would know they're planning to provide you with the purpose this the invoice is just uh, 16. used to be in the book that patients are underway for that. i'm not sure i'm good, attractive. it even though, but you just need native lock is now 1st or 2nd, i'm gonna treat equipment closer to the board. is it something i need to be alone
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in his name or active and do it even though if i was, if when you send that has already been dragged into nature doesn't we actually think accession as well. and so this means that the allowance is planning another stage of your engine. i'm going closer to a board is eating you. you do him a 1991. the promise to go, but you that's they would not move in. you can to east towards, but that's the kind of contest they don't. like i said, i'm going to see what the front line, you know, try it on every step way. so as i guess, a character of the blog is not being concealed by in a defensive language anymore. but you used to say that as a political organization secured, but nobody has ever canceled the article fine that are to get away from the beginning. so this aggressive human territory, i was looking into certainly peasy and i don't think when the indulgence manifests the authorities aspiration doors in global dominance e a y you agree,
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some strategy and ok you containing russia and it's a grace of aggressive names. absolutely. a new claim, it's on the right of the west. it actually has gone on that. can you see that it was not going to be any way shape or should i put them down? i think we are, you know, you go into this and they stop by to us. we eat and it's just because it's much risk assessment. the situation of the context line. we can say that's our troops have the initiative. we are doing what the reason i think necessary we my unit sell them to the cell. but other than them, when you and like our loans as soon now, but only if both think it is necessary to engage and active defense squared doing that individually. but where it is possible, we are improving our position. so these are gonna be suffering. ok. let's construct in because the deposit which waste for this reserves, so it will let us in trying to show it's most is a move on some stuff that are capable of. that's a good email or some kind of results. you must do that. so head counter offensive,
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and the method of invincibility of which and the district questions has been dispelled up again, at least you and them when you have a little bit attempts to just get but entering it. and i was teaching interest to feed to increased at the west, just talked about spoke with this broker parents and moisture. and that's what we're going to face with the coverage of the rest of the silverland interested the problem we from this the, when faced with like how roku, the russian army and the potential of our military defense us. do i need your privilege in just a 2nd to? i don't see it, we will let you. but obviously special minutes authoration has the username is covered with the she's having problems as well. but the other thing we need to rebuild our communication system here, as we need to, to improve our use on a reconnaissance means that actually we count a battery tactics if we need to increase the capabilities of on a satellite oscillations and using the global communication. so you should do it by stuff giving enough text, please, high precision munitions, people as an increasing production of various kinds of view. these are the brand
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new scripts, no changes happening, but it will just the edge of happening quickly. manufacturing need to strengthen this trend. can use the motorcycle defense systems need to be improve as well. would you say parts are in the book about the s 300 and s 400 systems are well known to, to work smoothly. the best of them let us and you know, but i surely would you mind it should tell you should separate them. yeah, it was fixed that we didn't, you know, it is for people to keep the smallest things that we prefer. you guys always do it . you know, all the things you avi's isn't using if comes with you and other things that you want us to be causing them in your service. yes and no. they don't any longer bring you up names because of the students i know dime. so we are responding and our guys are by to use of fighting cars which it was in the, at the front lines. and with this kind of shows who will receive the award system lives that are more on can tell you about that. but i'm still really much where,
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but it is more actively involved as a stomach new. she was it kind of where you on the whole little side even, you know, considering the changing threat landscape pushes and the appearance of new political risk is definitely. yeah. the role of the nuclear tried balance is increased as did you just as and show us that in the strategic fellowship also here below it, you need it exactly. well this year. thanks to the system, something to place you on hold for the committee a to program. so what i'm wondering who we start. i'm interested in a few of the interview, seeing if you want me to give you most the people 95 percent about a square level of like did you have a lot of intended the strategic ones where you, where you from some of the c components has that's just one of them is 100 percent match. so let's go with what's going on with the forces. yes. will receive about 15 yards. we haven't got the missile complexes until the end of the year. we have uh, let's have him give them the function for you. sabrina's recently, so the person i need you to the next week,
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the buyer customer. yes. i'm gonna go to the where i don't know if i don't know. so the cross, the honest multipurpose in general concept marine and the end product value. but just give me a given below a february, which is, i would say if with a blah, blah. but the sickness house didn't save it soon. and the system that she just missed the translation component is also being modernized and i get the most of the stuff like this. yeah. or nothing to actually put those words. they go to them or the just keep us out. care is, simon was still coming up and put into operation. see, we need to see what was this deployment. do you maintain compet traded instead of high level and the plans will be presented experienced. i showed you said your mentor, if the 80 and you're trying to which number, what was your name is a reference point ways go from the kinds of we literally to our troops. and as we are seeing, the bottom 3 fold increase in with us. doable them, we just moved trees and not what do i need for the supplies for wasting?
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can we expect that's the same number. the risk of salaries for to an ad was your equipment will be delivered and about the rate of $0.98 the next year. or cigna, we must have the book a don't want that will consider the additional budgets and that you can reach which will be increased, but was it so they would do it. this will lead to increased supplies as well as the other for that we also need to think about the future just given the delivery booting by developing or digital in the complex e. b, we lost the future proof of systems. now, robots complexes combat lysis, not in the visual intelligence enables systems and weapons on the new physical principles. the sat important task, virginia. yep. it was with just the wish you could provide. and the way you says it's timely, the supplies to the truth is, are taken fine. and the operation of mutual only say the coordination council way not. but i'm gonna put this together in terms of the working groups which are kind
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of low chamber of maybe to duplicate at the trade commission. and if it is the oldest snapshot we took this problem of their hands and we are seeing progress issue for the 2 bedroom, the pretty pretty it wouldn't have in the near to obtain the trans surprises and the related sectors issue with the i'm gonna give you the perception of design, he seems to be arose, a working 3 shift for change and you don't even know she's in breakthroughs. they are providing their own assign case a convention, the response to the, to when you're essentially just being collected west is just trying to contain russia to support a bunch of kids regime or the or you cream muscle sewage, the conflict, so wasted. yeah. our defense extra as a what good to responsibilities open ended, provides a more after school to be able to see what is happening to are you know, for you, boy, or quicker to respond to the needs of those with. i'm going to look at the finding kind of what your book this baffling us the banks to the with different with the
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trick with them. i didn't even choose the exits for, for a sec to we. so to them, can you just as long as drove several folders or do i see i'm just joking around and the total list, if you want me to go seemed like a $2.00. and just as you want to share with your new, especially relevant items, if it goes to me, if i, if i can start the other one, you might guys know like to show the minister defenses attention to when you might do this month to the, to the fact that need to analyze what's happening over the phone was happening at the battlefield. a young, this is an off of just the, the search bar and what additional supplies they may need, the admin fee of the furniture equipment, the best of the printed seen, a comment vehicles. so williams and there's nathan supplies are looking at some increased rate. wasn't an invention that actually the supplies have increased the threefold, but we still need to accelerate goods. what do you mean that cd newly need?
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we need to take a look at. ready the mass produced you eighty's, but it was a good thing that would come to you, but it was so good for you. i mean, these of you needing to be able to come point in the holes and gauge high tech of businesses and engineering companies. by the way, i'm very grateful for many companies comply with companies which used to be a completely different area based thread should look up and trust the tasks that are relevant to the state. and they're now helping and leading the black invest justifacts and the 2 people expected that is listed as a whole bunch of stuff. we don't have that many states struggle with ensuring production, especially russian, while we are in the industry and images and showing unless production of the items that we need to work very grateful to those involved because it took them just to say digital day. so it's
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a direct line just like i want to thank you. but it's pretty much it really for something that she's all confused. but you members of the page and she opens policies. you and the senior teams out and what action surprises them. different schools when you mean you with fulton come with the guys on the front phones with the sheer concealing that's i'm the issue of just that she's is very important because evictions are my great national, all the process in russian society. so you probably so once again, my duty to say thank you to those or sending, you know, i wouldn't even a better sending peace with been my usual clothes and leave issue to come in the movie its presence for much of that. but that you just, you know, that is a little know what just supporting answering of this. so the director of the cars are the one you're not show versus maybe it was the pollution or would you next? what do you mean to make use of the experience we haven't tried applied during the special master operation in training? enough to train people to treat universities and academies. and i know that this
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work is on the way, most of the day with justin isd, franklin, i'm with, he has triplets, virginia updated to have, i don't have the training, it's curriculum. and yet, which is just levels. but then to do anything, components have been included for you, one of whatever you can use energy, anybody from the in store? you knew she were, you were and we are training instructors and the sharing of that experience that comes with experience. and then we also make sure that they train the middle tree and that they work with civilians as well as well. does it cost essentially late, or what am we can do? we must for the image true. the way we use our troops suddenly and stuff, and we need to update our regulations and the documents and take out experience into account when we trade. now, troops at the pool level 1st, and we will understand that we're here today. so they've got the experience. we're
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getting you meters and you can, you mean within the russian army? no one has this experience around the world right now. you should, we need to use this experienced the further improve our miller treasury painting code a gymnast and let us know that we work disabilities. and with this and boards meeting, i would like to have on file size the importance of providing for the social well being of our service. man, you have gone to the grades when over the past year to improve their repayments. you see him, you the, for me to hell for our service. fair to send out of the same time. yes, they use there are still many issues. so you just and, and i would like you to rate the rate to read all the participants in the special military operation. those survey under contracts and those who were mobilized message, those who are fighting in detached units and alicia units, of course, in terms of pricing back in 2014,
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all those who defend rochelle left. and i would like to emphasize this and wait until this includes out the following. when you get home reads all koreans of most of its benefits from the same get them to use. we must only offer them equal treatment. and so you're gonna be with this applies to a wording of a title offered to come, but the veteran and all the benefits that go with this title and together with the other ministries and the regions of defense, ministry must resolve the whole of the districts in this regard and they must pay out, you know, the remedy ration that is a few $100.00 to the soldiers and these have benefits they are entitled to and this includes health care and rehabilitation. and the ministry of health care has always been very me to work with the defense ministry. let me know that the system for making payments. like i said,
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you should have the middle of the tree must be improved. this includes all efforts to improve social programs to rebuild it and develops up. i get them in the middle . sure. basis and the accommodation for the middle chain. let's move on to the report. said that i would like video for 4th of mr. shy. go go ahead. for you a loan, a government issued supreme commander in chief with the seller. and then i would like to start by outlining the preliminary results for the special, most reparation for digital national has been said, we control a territory that is 5 times larger than we were had under control before the
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special meals reparation will have for when you consider it entered to use it with more of the agent, 3000 square kilometers, with 5000000 people living there. you're more than what i see the see of us off has become an inland. seems the vision for the russian federation was restored right away to a couple of quicker communications with the territory. so we have a road that okay, me and we restore a re weighs in motor ways to almost a 1000000 refugees a return, but who have not seen other family members. so 2014. so this starts with a special mail truck duration of 54 countries that you said that they supplied where you may think of the key for she with weapons and the keys has been getting the weapons from 15 countries so far is typically ukraine receives the,
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the $200.00 over $3000000000.00, which is up to 32 percent bigger than it's g d p. the windows i century is a defect of bank cross country and they will never be able to repay the loans that have. they received it and staying the and the home, but the vehicle is 28 and plain. so 87 helicopter said 23000 jones over is 1300 or 2. what are the system? what all do? $494.00. how would service the incorrect user am 7 so so, so we just have to add a 1000000 600000 shelf here in this one was issued you by various categories of major service personnel appear to are operating air defense system and m o r s system was the one for getting these the one chose to you?
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i mean, the guns we see is that the american and investigated soul is language spoken via the radio waves. the transmission some stuff over from there. i mean, it bordering got instructors that training ukrainian soldiers, both in ukraine and in their countries because the 41010, sweat, you face crowd that out working in your brains. interest says that visa, military space, craft, and dual use space across the repairs. when you're corrected and don't really affect interest, goes on the metric work, or do you need to us the in the me that very city was adopted and it's, it's track and suffered major losses. some sort of us have to get someone to go to the $121.00 place to choose planes at $23.00 helicopters over $600.00. thanks a lot. of course, including clay apartment cards the to this over to thousands various vehicles when
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or destroyed it is for this reason, probably the 1st time we have not seen any adverse tanks on the battlefield. it was delivered to crane several months ago since this started with a special meal train of duration. the loss of working by the train. and i'm for assistance would be exceeded 300003000 people for june 1000 tanks and in century fighting results to show you some more than festival carriers. the $553.00 planes started and $0.59 tele problem. there is 7500 guns and multiple launch working systems to well last to buy your brain destruction. ukraine had 9 liberalization with waves, and that sounds is in progress. so great, and this was the now cause scripting into the army as people who are what your jersey degree do them have even disabilities. so could you please advise me. so the cool pump system here we destroyed more than 5000. that is pushing nurse and that
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is in the 5 there is including from stolen and from the united states over 300 people over 300 from the u. k as well. we're going to go to the equivalent. we also called the 103000000 work criminal, said that your brain will not come other sure. under the decision of the supreme commander in chief unprecedented steps that were made to re equipped to the army and to provide social support for the service personnel was in order to, to provide for the needs of the members mil chain destro complex moist. so if it easily and the defense manufacturers have been working 247, i have expended the manufacturing kick. but we all just found this. start with the middle change of duration in february 20 ram to send this out to the bank. covered manufacturing rose several times and the infantry cutters were made and then
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increased the phase 2 or 3 steps up for the production of a jewelry shells, which is a set of show you what is, what is it rose 12 times this pitch. anybody for the price of the troops have the um, ignition they need in order that their form is their mission. so under the instructions and the orders of the supreme commander in chief, the address we have been over seeing is mail trooper government. and we have been effective in doing so much for suite being creased. we prefer the capabilities all file repairs unit is a $1.00 fold and we were new created over at 17, in the promotional field, a repair shop site at the board with the military document called complex, sensitive to us by email address. so we were able to repair manual was a v cost that needed the repairs on the spot as the borders of this. but with
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supreme command that are in this chief for, we have been able to build fortifications along the front of the line along the line of contact, which is over a 2000 kilometers long. so we've created the mind feels we deployed and cheap tank barriers do lots of various kinds. we have sort of 12000 congress talking structures. this has been over 3000 strongly colds. the of thousands of shelters for our weapons. and the goals are still good and we have been mining goal is that territory is really way that go 600 up to 600 meters deep into enemy territories. we use array with focus group and we carried out most of the water using them. obviously at the decision of the supreme
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commander in chief, we have worked with civilian experts, so as of the door road, just sorta, gee, and many of them help the builder, but you're experiencing our defense structures. and today we see the results of this efforts in 2 days to come with the environment. we look to improve our approaches and we improve doubt tactics that are more of a waterford tactics that we have a solid units. we have joan units, so we revised our approaches into reserves. the here, let me pull, we have reserved regimens for every winter with hard me in the cool. we also develop comprehensive care defenses and this enabled us to do this to you. good, you know, when you've been a spectrum found to improve our capabilities in terms of our range,
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we have been able to down there to do it back to just many homeless missiles and the guided and the cruise missiles and do a dare bomb the services to improve, we have been using the air defense systems and overpowering brand new electronic waterford devices. and we have been able to target and just strike at the warehouse this issue of the adverse theory as well as the adversary's repair shop. so they're both, can you put a mirror right now in the array or rescue, but of course we destroyed thousands of the grading and 5, there is a nationalist and for and there are some areas so that you didn't report as part of the special mail chart duration we improve the reliability of hotmail treat year end equipment. it's your cost less correct, but it's a very short time with me,
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0 in the state, and we worked with the defense manufacturers to upgrade our weapons and equipment, sir. yes, we work for the leading to engineers for several months just to create new order kinds of weapons all the time, the web presence that were developed and used to take up to 55 to 8 years for the testing. now it takes us just $4.00 to $71.00 of the said to test the insured used, new kinds of weapons. and this has never happened before since the be great, that's your article or, and that's what and we show that we have supremacy over similar reference alpha nato countries that we see this on the battlefields f tv jones and the individual radio waterford systems that have been tested as our test range should be our troops of service. google has been training, we should drone the units. uh,
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after more than 1500, that jo in the upgrade is for upgrades and yes, tv jones has been trained. we have to use unconventional war tactics that have proved their relation to efficiency on the battlefield. we have showed the effectiveness of our training ranges in the region and we have been using was an 800 training facilities to train our troops on the north. we have been very prompt in deploying and use system for training out of the military professionals and the people in the healthcare has also be now priority and we deliver it here as well. we provide the 1st page and didn't during the 1st minute minutes of the machine and the service then gets one that we have experienced surgeons correctly from jerome is the best house, but also working along the front line, which can of whoop,
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and we want to make sure that the survival rate is as high as possible, the sugar pushing it for that will provide medical assistance on the spot and we provide for the promo evaluation of the one that has more than a just 7 percent of the wounded sharepoint. you should have it covered fully should i meet you to discuss with those who get one does that mean we go through the examination and medical conditions and they get treat minutes though you can use we have 440 commission. so this is kind of the president, thank you for those that use that. so it's a certainly nice people cuz i didn't say we are where you're seeing or in 3 minutes . i suppose i should receive a record successfully submitted to a medicine before that has been in this allows us to do message to the people to select put back on their feet for, for carpenters that and that she would be still there combat capability so that you know and rehabilitation centers.


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