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tv   News  RT  December 19, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EST

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this and hopefully and the history in the region, the rates on the to bali, a refugee camp series, 13 people killed in bull mangas. it brings the desk, told the costs are $2.00 days to a $120.00 that's according to local health officials. the volume is struggling with i 3 an elderly mind with whom with re the evening and margaret brash passed away, holding a spread leaves my wife and children as the last have old died. they was home sitting when the house was bombed and everyone inside paris the at least 29 civilians are reportedly killed in israel. the latest stripe on the
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southern most calls from the city of rafa with the own place. total death told reportedly edging to 20000 and in the northern pulse of strip the common enemies around the world, i want you, they know that these are the 3 is the victory of the for you all lead by deal night that states of america. and as well as defense, he chief hales washington's unwavering support for the war because americans has hosted troops on the to see new ink on the source of income and the, it's just gone 3 o'clock a local time in most go. you watching archie international. i'm show a decent sky, a pleasure to have your company what we sold a northern goals and now what the 2 bali,
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a refugee camp has come on de renewed far. this latest strike has claimed the lives of at least 13 palestinians with dozens more being injured. his the 1st 10 report from the same day, i think this is a new crime committed by these really patients here in northern guys district, this charitable association that assist people by providing a under the severe the money to and conditions was targeted plains effect. as for study building and jump out of the flattening it to the ground, neighboring houses were also affected by the strikes. the occupation continues to show and que, posting and securing northern guys. despite there being no suitable health facilities to accommodate the large numbers of injured and killed, the police association helps the poor and needy displaced from their homes. they provide clothes and things like mattresses to keep them warm. they truly help only the poor and needy. the situation we are in is dreadful, guardian,
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for jobs we leave near the association. all we know is that the association comes to help us and l children is the role of the community to assist in meeting the board. and people with special needs is really forces. i'll tell you in an association of assist before we comp them more than this, the people in the association are not affiliated with the any political parties or resistance, the targeting the association within the residential areas. when many are killed and injured, these really occupation armies started getting all live supporting structures. and today we witnessed these yet another strikes. this time it targeted a charitable organization, offering 8 to some and to others resilience well, just a day earlier, another attack on the camp killed a 110 people and wounded a 100, others less hooting to the palestinian house ministry that i have 2 goals as total desks total, which local officials say no sense close to $20000.00. you know,
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to southern goals where reports are on the jing of at least 29 palestinians killed following an id at strikes on rafa city over night. the smoke whose rushing to the scene of the attack confronted please seeking to the weapon to try and attempt to help those who are wounded. in fact, the city which is located on the food with egypt is now home to the most of the causes whose being displaced from the north. and despite previously being designated a safe, soon, southern gauze is increasingly becoming the tall categories really strikes a warning. the images coming up may be distressing. the
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many children are amongst the injured tragic to the hospital, cheap se doctors were on able to save a baby. does most of the, in the ideas like 3 residential buildings, roles so destroyed many victims, remaining tracks on the, the russell will not follow from rafa. is the battle city of con eunice, which itself is also dealing with the blood. the estimates of ideas strikes today. schools of victims have been rushed to nasa hospital, a facility there's already said to be a breaking point, canadian palestinian during last month. so schumann spoke to the program and the florida. a new one is, is now the main target for the ideas. and they've said and media reports, so defense official stuff and eunice is,
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is the target. and that have been a lot of reports coming from the us as well. that seems that the water here might be prolonged for a few more weeks for line to focus on signing this for leaving. that is the main source of the for the senior that assistance here against the state. is it a few days ago he had enough with hospice and where i am staying, the 3rd floor adjacent to the 10th. i'm staying and was hit by a lot of time. so thankfully the bones on the store is not loads. how is that? is distiller one, me a patient, or whatever you have had legs amputated, and i enjoy the thousands of other children and sickness women the last night. and this morning you can very clearly continuously hear the time the fighting and the resistance 5 since fighting back with the t v. jews and the
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offices in addition to the a to, to, to uh, the a license, the being shots. uh, during the day the fighting is phase is all around us and yes, by itself also from speaking with a few of these not as was the idea is ignatius the areas of loss with hospice is as close as 100 feet of us go through that as was on, so as soon as can, i think you manage it in the administrative situation here and i was, it is well has come and a fresh criticism online. this is all the viral video shirts. several idea of so just looking a group of detained palestinians. the footage was allegedly filmed in the west bank city of janine, which has been rated several times since october. the 7th. the purchase portrayed the troops casually eating and smoking in front of the pricing is appalling.
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similar acts in garza the nobody in the in the one him, most of the quote, the mathematical and no reason we need to know what the method i need a little flexible, hopefully not the video appears just stays off the footage image online, which showed schools of palestinian detainees inside goes with tied up and strip them to that trunks. now,
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many of the captives will later identify this being civilians. off he looks more into the story. the shocking images showing dozens of palestinian men arrested by his really forces and stripped out the idea of the detaining, used to their names and covered their eyes with masks. the footage sparked online furious at the idea came up with an explanation amongst members and suspects him, most men was what was the close in order to make sure they're not cad and explosives? i'm us slammed because really actions as reminiscence of not some policy. these really not see occupation, army committed and, and covered crime way apprehending. a group of displaced palestinian civilians were disgracefully stripped of their clothing within a school in gauze,
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wheat and poor all human rights. and who monetary and organizations to promptly intervene and expose this atrocious crime committed against the innocent even while these really insisted it detained, only those connected with some us. it appears that the list of those arrested also includes doctors, elderly man boys and people affiliated with the united nations. according to the roommate, human rights, more rarely, soldiers are sleeping and arresting strategies of civilians and have executed thousands injured. these picture published by these rail arguing they were fighters . we have identified a doctor, and nurse to teachers and to baker. even journalist and their family members, including their wives, have found themselves on the list of suspects, and consequently accused of links to moss. on thursday,
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the israeli occupation on the rest of the journalist and the director of the you are at the office in guzman, the colleagues, the outcast loans from off the streets and they've left here along with a group of his brothers relatives and other civilians. the thousands of civilians were in the truck including how his wife and do you see it's kind of my tunes was of cities in the real estate and she has. she was arrested from home next to us for the most in entity to neighborhood. after being subjected to torture. but is there a procedure that can help is really soldiers distinguish an ordinary civilian from a mazda militant? the short answer is no. is really media citing senior security officials report that lists the 15 percent of those. the teams actually connected with some of the 100 tennessee and detainees photographs on cost integrateds as truth and research
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days about 10 to 15 percent confidence for identified senior security officials. the idea submitted that even though it had been necessary to strip them to ensure they weren't carrying explosives, circulating the photos, was needless. on too many even the united states is reese main, allied, and supported of its operation in gaza. found the latest seems to be hard to digest each part of this figure or conversation. how do you determine the difference between civilian and the militant in an extremely crowded united states had to deal with the same question. right. and we were in places like ramadi and felicia in afghanistan. it's one of the most difficult things to do is this mazda is really conflicts, regions with no sign of a ceasefire. more disturbing images may appear exposing the ugly face of the war.
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to us defense secretary has met with his is rarely counts a pos intel of beads. it's lloyd austin, 2nd trip to the region since the war began in october. during a drawing me to confirm the american official reiterated washington's unwavering support for as well. united states has been clear and consistent since i started this war on october 7th. democracies are stronger and more secure when we uphold the law of war. so we will continue to stand up for israel's bedrock right to defend itself. and we will also continue to urge the protection of civilians during conflict and to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into gosh, b u. n is expected to hold a not the security council meeting on tuesday to vote on a resolution seeking peace in gulls. early this month in us was the only country to
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vote against the humanitarian ceasefire. meanwhile, these really defense minister has insisted his country's own forces acting in compliance with international law. how common enemies around the world are watching. and they know that these are the victory is the victory of the 4 year. busy old lead by the united states of america in all in all against come us from us there. we still get these ation use a wall. not it called the wall. i guess the people of gaza. we are fighting both on the enemy the times behind civilians. like all i name is we all defending values and we operate according to international law low. the idea is all right, thing to minimize the um,
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to civilian population. sniffles the less the number of casualties in gauze that continues to spiral. the goals and health ministry reports the desk told that is nearing 20000 with some 52000 more having been wounded in id f attacks. while the october 7th terrorist attack on is ro claimed around $1100.00 lives that was revised on from around $1400.00 facts originally. while we spoke to political commentator ali rosa cruz says, the ministerial meeting, expose the difference of opinion between the 2 close allies. every time you see an american official visiting and meeting with is randy comfortable to hear his mantra again and again. as well as fighting aside independence of the free will do so. the fact that these kinds of statements,
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usually resume with an american audience. but i noticed uh, you know, what's, what's the contrast sort of box between government and wisdom. there was, you know, a bit of a difference if you would like. um, governance, referring to the fact that israel is upholding international is, you know, doing its best to protect civilians. austin, on the, on the other hand, while focusing on america's support. biggest room, they decided that they will continue to vote for the protection of civilians. so they were appears to be, you know, that's the whole gap behind the scenes if you would like continue, which is continuing between the 2 sides. and it's raining, a family has buried a full ma hostage who is killed by the country's own military. in garza, the victim was among the 3 men gun done in the suburb of garza city. last week i, the officials say the soldiers mistook the civilians with terrorists despite the
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fact that the shortest men were waving a white flag and screaming apparently for help in hebrews me. meanwhile, is res continue to campaigns to the return of the remaining hostages, from gauze, or at least a $129.00? people are still being held by how much since october the sections. however, the militants have been ducting people for years and some of them remaining captivity with relatives and others, declining. these rarely governments failure to freedom is on middle east correspondent rates and elsewhere with more. and these really contain, bring them home. now is not only about hostages, abducted by have miles on october. the 7th. the list includes 4 names of those who have been in guys since 2014, 2 of them as soldiers who are dead now. the containers demand the return of their but is earlier we reported about how that of golding, whose family pleaded to the you and the pope and other world leaders in order to
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put pressure on these really governments to make the return happen all in vain. the to others of civilians and his really are muslim, a bad going to show him, i just said end of that i'm going to use to and is really with your pin origins. the habit is mentally ill. back in 2014, he crossed the border into guys by food, probably without even understanding it as he has problems with reality perception and found himself in the hands of him as 9 years on. he's probably still there. this is a very a heavy do you have mass released earlier this year asking a very hard question. after years of suffering, where is the state of israel? and it's people who care about our destiny visible edit on has been helping the family since i've had or disappeared. he says hope is fading away. a lot of talking and getting a lot of promises in reality,
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the desk. and then your goal is just to stay and follow. he doesn't care if he's, if you'll be on, if he was all like go from you will, you will be in the region or from our comfortable originally doesn't care. it just care that don't, don't have to deal with this. this is all headed on says of as nice as he doesn't play any role, but as a representative open, his rarely minority he's case has certainly got less media attention and public support. but the family has received a different kind of attention. and the last elections, i don't remember, i was fly still fed within the hour called her and do the photo. she pulled off with the mother and for almost again and again that the will bring back your son. just for the vote. there's lots of room for the voters from the choking community on. i'm ready. discuss who minutes. and i think story for the mother. she doesn't have any choice books for to cooperate because error, some faces in your hands. book. i think it's very cool.
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i don't think any need there should x like this on the satiric banner have very holds a balloon. the sign says celebrating 9 years in captivity in front of the poster, empty seats symbolized and all the hostages, invited to his said party. so far, 110 hostages had been freed, as part of exchange deals between israel and her mouse. there was no information about any new agreements as more than 130 captives are still waiting to be saved. of the pictures, the ones that i'm used to are here on the hostetter square in tel aviv together with all their have mass captives. it says on these posts or do not forget to me, they're waiting for me to at home for more than 9 years. the family says hey, for a better, definitely return now. he'll probably never come back. reason ocean i r t reporting from tel aviv the well the whites her says it's in the final
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stages preparing for what could be the last aid package for ukraine. not so last, congress decides to approve more funding. the national security council spokesman says simply, cache is running up for cab. we're still blinding one more a package to ukraine later this month. however, when that one is done, we will have no more replenishment authority available to us. and we're going to need congress to act without delay, as we have been saying. but don't cubby's comments come on? mid the biden administration's continued struggles extra ukraine funding. earlier this month, the senate blocked the national security bill that included move in $60000000000.00 for kids with congress instead, pressing for stronger immigration control measures at the us mexico food, a washington has already come to move in a $100000000000.00 into palming and supporting the queen, since last year,
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president biden is aiming to strike a deal with the republicans to secure a more money for the war. i am willing to make some review compromises on the board . we need to fix the broken border system. it is broken. and thus far i've gotten no response to don't know when they're divided ministration will be able to reach an agreement to, to republicans in the house on very skeptical history of the, of the or chances of doing so. the republicans are very, very, um, uh, uh, sure, stubborn, unwilling to compromise. and they are pushing for changes in terms of immigration policy that very few democrats who will go along with. so therefore, i bide this trying to hammer out a deal, but whether he can do it is really an open question. and if you can't do it,
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it means that the military a may actually seize all together. they all made on the battlefield could go on for a long time. we have no idea, but conceivably, the ukraine could collapse it if does collapse, if russian troops to advance then that will be an international that will be in a immense crisis for nato. russia has no plans to back track on its military operation in ukraine. that's the main message that's come from president vladimir putin who met to the country's top price to reflect only use key achievements and set strategic goals for the upcoming months. and so we think we sure would have to go to need the events of this. you have consent of the risk continues to wage a hybrid word against russia. the activity of the meat, the military block as a whole, has sharply increased significant us forces, including aircraft,
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have been deployed to our borders. and the number of island stoops in eastern and central europe has increased feeling and has already been thrown into nato. and sweden is planning to join. this is effectively the next stage in the early and sees encroachment on our borders. at the same time, the aggressive nature of the block is no longer hidden behind defensive formulations. i was once told that this is not a military block, but rather a political organization. but no one has ever canceled article 5. and the guess the aggressive nature of the blocks policies is not hidden. the west is not abandoning its strategy of containing russia through its aggressive goals and ukraine. we have our own goals. we're not going to shy away from the special military operation. but let's get more details now from our correspondence. don't quote to who joins means do joe, don't, thanks very much. there were some very strong statements from present and preaching
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at this meeting also from the defense minister as well. he was meeting that with the country's top military brass. what else was sides? well, what am or putting gave a lot of time to explaining how the military operations been going so far. this year he talked about how russian troops have to successfully accomplish their objectives and they've accomplished them according to schedule any. also, thanks the defense ministry's leadership for leading its troops to the successes in the special military operation. and the russian present also talked a bit about the fact that t of is just spacing colossal losses. and you spoke a bit about the effectiveness of the western equipment that they're being supplied with. let's take a listen, a given initial usually, but the enemy is, is suffering heavy losses and has luxury wasted. the series of trying to provide there must have some results of the much hyped, so called going through offensive. the meat of the invalid ability of west and
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military equipment has also collapsed. all attempts. as they said in the west to inflict a military defeat on a strategic defeat with sorted by the courage and fortitude of the russian soldier . put on top of that, vladimir put in and said the 2023 was a tense year. and he also brought some attention to the shortcomings that moscow faced like the need to improve us russia satellite intelligence capabilities, it's munition supply and various types of different drones. and he also spoke a bit about the fact that although the country's air defense system is the best in the world, there are areas that it needs to be improved in. but we also heard from russia's defense minister survey chicago. he said that russia had liberated territory 5 times larger than done boss was at the beginning of the military operation. and he also gave us some official statistics in terms of he has lost his both from the beginning of its failed counter offensive on june,
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4th. and from the beginning of russia's military operation as well. let's start with the said on the 4th of june, the grand armed forces was a large scale contra, offensive, prepared by ford handlers. having failed to overcome our troops, tactical, defend zone. the enemy was stopped leading the colossal offers. $159000.00 service men were killed and wounded since the beginning of a special needs or operation. the losses of the granite armed forces have exceeded $383000.00 killed and wounded service manager. this thing. so it's no doubt a really informative meeting. and it's, it's good to have some end of the year information to understand how the russian military operation is wrapped up in 2023, a very comprehensive meeting. and thanks for taking us through it. that's all to use. don't core to without c o round up of the news this, our nazi international. i'll be back with more of the top of the next hour. if you hope that you can join the,
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it seems like a long distance that dream in american culture as of the last decade, freedom of speech have a 1000000000 are you on musk has decided enough is enough and found a defamation lawsuit against the liberal, leaning. what size media matters for america? straight out use it on this episode of $360.00 views. while the lawsuit against media matters is playing out in a texas court room. what will be the effects for freedom of speech and social media platforms around the world? let's get started. the everyone hate to bully, but sometimes the only way to get rid of one is to find a bigger bully. this is exactly what is happening with the lawsuit filed in texas
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for the company formerly known as a twitter ex owner 11 mosque. that's some quick background to ex, filed a lawsuit against liberal advocacy group media matters for america. seeing it manufactured a report to show advertisers post alongside neo nazi and white nationalist post all in order to drive advertisers from the platform and destroy x corporation. advertisers like nbc universal and parent company, comcast, ibm, as well as many others have said they stopped advertising on x after there was a report by the group media matters stating there as were appearing alongside material praising nazis. now it's not a secret that liberals and liberal groups like media matters were not happy when the social media platform formerly known as twitter, was bought by you on musk. now up until that point, those with a more liberal leaning, had almost universal control. at the most popular social media platforms,
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therefore, they could control the information which those platforms promoted. more importantly, they could regulate and in some cases, compress information they felt did not align with their agenda and goals. even if it was the truth. what better way to destroy something you cannot control then to take away its revenue, which is exactly what media matters set out to do you on most got no choice but to file this lawsuit. if not, they would continue to chip away at his business until it was found to be bankrupt . but not only does this have to do with you on mask and his profits, but it has a key to do with free speech in the future. let's discuss that. our panel, state laws work, political content and talk radio host, lionel media analyst, all the london social media, analysts and commentator. thank you gentlemen, for joining me. the gang is all here. i cannot think of a better panel to talk about freedom of speech, talk about you.


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