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tv   News  RT  December 19, 2023 8:00am-8:31am EST

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incredible gymnast size the, the russian president accuses the west of containing most go towards hybrid war and ukraine pledging. russia will, as she used to go to the ministry operation. the west is not abandoning its strategy of containing russia through its aggressive goals and ukraine. we have our own goals, we are not going to shy away from the special military operations. these really occupation armies kind of getting paul lives supporting structures. and today we witnessed yet another tribes. this time you're talking to the charitable organization boyfriend, a to some, and to fathers resilience great something that you're probably a refugee camp see at least 13 people killed in bombing springs, the desktop, the past few days, back to a $120.00, according to local health. officials,
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survivors, us struggling with i point the people in the association. i noticed the lead, it was the any political party school resistance, the targeting the association within the residential union. when many are killed and injured the true help only the poor and needy. the situation we are in distress and terrifying testimonies collected from palestinian civilians detained by the idea suggests that they was subject just cleaning the thoughts. your thoughts be tough to slow through his thoughts. they tortured us in a way sports cannot describe the this is all the international coming to life from us. judy are here in moscow. i'm charlotte, even sky, very great to have your company this hour. but russia has no plans to
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back track on its military operation. in ukraine, that was the main message from slot may a person who met to the countries top ross to reflect on the use key achievements and set strategic goals for the coming months. so we did, we sure would be events of this year have confirmed that the waste continues to wage a hybrid war against russia. the activity of the nathan military block as a whole, as sharply increased in finland has already been thrown into nato. and sweden is planning to join us the the this is effectively the next stage in the blocks encroachment on our borders. i was once told that this is not the military block, but rather a political organization. but no one has ever canceled article 5 and the aggressive nature of the books policies is not. the list is not abandoning it strategy of containing russia through its aggressive goals. in ukraine. we have our own goals.
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we are not going to shy away from the special military operation. let's get more details now from our correspondent, don't quote a who joins me in the studio, found thanks. some pretty strong statement said from the russian president vladimir putin. what else was said at that meeting, but he was presiding but with the country's top military boss, or vladimir, put, and spent a lot of time going over just how the special military operation has been going this year. he said that russian troops successfully accomplished their objectives and according to schedule, and they also thank the leadership of the defense ministry for leading its troops to those successes in the special military operation. the russian president also spoke about the colossal losses. the key of has had to deal with as well as the ineffectiveness of its western supply, the equipment given to control usually. but the enemy is suffering heavy losses and has luxury wasted. the series of trying to provide there
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must have some results of the much hyped, so called going through offensive. the meat of the invalid ability of western military equipment has also collapsed. all attempts. as they said in the west, to inflict a military defeat on us, a strategic defeat with courted by the courage and fortitude of the russian soldier . to increased naturalists on top of that, vladimir putting called 2023 tents a year. and he brought some attention to the shortcomings that moscow has had to deal with throughout the military operation as well. like the need to improve on russia's satellite intelligence capabilities. it's munition supplies, as well as various different types of drones. it's using and he also said that although the russian air defense system is the best in the world, of course there's still spears that can be improved and connection to that as well . now we also did hear from the russian defense minister sir de chicago, who gave us some official of numbers in terms of casualties. the key of has been
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facing specifically since the beginning of his failed counter offensive in june. on june. 4th, he, the russian defense minister said that the premiums have suffered a 100 and so nearly 160000 casualties that's killed and injured. and since the beginning of russia's military operation upwards of 380000, just putting credible to get those speakers directly from the defense minister was the only tool. so about the current situation, or was there any more expansion on all the issues too? well, he's spoken a bit about the reason why the world is basically living in this era of anything and everything connected to the ukraine conflict right now. we set that all began really back in 2014, when the west decided to support the euro. my don qu, day top in ukraine, and he said that it's the west's fault that russia has been forced to step into this conflict. let's take a list that needs to be signing of the she didn't deliberately direct us and you
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were looking to this conflict. the have achieve their goal as in the sense russia, in europe, we're pulling the part and now they are shifting the burden of financial responsibility and payments on through europe. the weekly, and in spite of this generations of today's politicians in europe cannot resist this. so it's definitely an informative meeting and it's definitely a good fit. we have some end of the year kind of round up information about how the russian military operations been going well done. thanks very much for bringing this up to date that, that so t's don't cool to that for us. well, in northern goals and now whether it's a bali, a refugee camp has come on to renewed fire. this latest strike has claimed the lives of at least 13 palestinians with dozens more apparently having being injured . his affairs tundra port from the scene of the day. i think this is
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a new crime committed by these really patients here in northern guys this trip. this charitable association that assist people by providing aid under the severe humanitarian condition was targeted plains effect as for study building and jamalia flattening it to the ground. neighboring houses were also affected by the strikes, the occupation continues to show and que, posting and securing northern guys. despite there being no suitable health facilities to accommodate the large numbers of injured and killed. probably do. many of these associations helps the poor immediate displaced from their homes. they provide clothes and things like mattresses to keep them warm. they truly help only the poor and needy. the situation we are in is dreadful gathering for job. we leave new the association old. we know is that the association comes to help us and l children is the role of the community to assist in meeting the pool. and people with special needs is really forced us. i'll tell you in an association of assist the poor. we comp them more than this,
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the people in the association are not affiliated with the any political parties or resistance. they're targeting the association within their residential areas, when many are killed and injured. these really occupation armies started getting all life supporting structures. and today we witnessed is yet another strikes at this time. it targeted the charitable organization offering 8 to some, and 2 fathers resilience in the south of the own clave, which was previously described to pay be a safe soon. the situation is no back to the city of russell was hit with multiple is ready strikes, claiming the lives of 29 people over night. a warning you may find the image is a had to be distressing. the many children are among the casualties. tragic. the doctors was unable to say the
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savings of his wounded in strike 3 residential buildings roll, so destroyed with many victims, remaining traps under the russell not far from rafa is the battle city of con eunice, which itself is also dealing with the blood the aust. i'm off of ideas strikes today. schools of victims have been rushed to nasa hospital, a facility that we've already described and already being told is it racing points, a canadian policy and in june last month. so schumann spoke to the program, a little area to sign you. and this is now the main target for the ideas. and they've said and media reports, it's a little different officials. the sign eunice is, is the target. and that have been a lot of reports coming from the us as well. that seems that the war here might be
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prolonged for a few more weeks for line support, office on tenuous for leaving that it says the means for the for the senior that assistance here against the state is it a few days ago he had been lost in hospice and where i am stains. that's it. so this rule adjacent to the 10 sign state and was hit by a missile. thankfully the bone on the pedestal does not loads. how is it is did to the why see a patient already has had legs amputated and, and enjoy the thousands of other children and pregnant women the last night. and this morning you can very clearly continuously hear the time, the fighting and the resistance 5. since the fighting back with the t v. jews and the off the jays. in addition to the tutor to
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a license these being shots the during the day the fighting is phase is all around us and yes, by itself, also continuous. and a few days back as well, the idea designated areas out last with hospital as close as 100 feet that have up to go through that as was all. so as soon as anything humanitarian and administrative situation here, as well as the devastating humanitarian crisis escalates in gauze, as you can see now these images show a crowd of palestinian desperately trying to get food international groups, say the mount of goods being allowed in to the own clave is just not nearly enough . are now stages gathered by the you room mad mona to show the law making life full of hunger. the report is due to be released later today,
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but let's just bring you a glimpse now. some of the rim numbers, we've got 7 c, one percent of gauze as population facing severe hunger, some 98 percent, experiencing a chronic lack of food, and then going on 64 percent resulting to having to consume fruits wild or even roll food or even expired produced she, us to suffice. now human rights what to choose is while abusing deliberate stop ation as a weapon of war against the people of casa for over 2 months. these really has been depriving guys as population of food and water policy spilled on or endorsed by high ranking. these really officials and reflecting then tend to stuff civilians as a method. a wolf will be this should be speaking out against this important role crime which has devastating effects on guys as population. meanwhile,
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the us state department spokesperson matthew miller. and as that is why it has started providing humanitarian assistance to gaza. so a crossing point, tony enclave self. and buddha, however, the official refused to us. and just how much humanitarian aid will make up for the conflicts. kolosso that's toll on sunday cam shalom crossing between israel and gaza open for the 1st time for the movement of 8 in the gaza. second, for the 1st time since october 7th, trucks carrying commercial goods moved into gaza on saturday. and we hope to see it is channel solidified and expanded over the coming days. you would accept, wouldn't you, that it doesn't matter how much military and aid is going in to everyone that it is a very difficult situation. we're in right now. we're trying to accomplish 2 things, number one, to minimize civilian harm, to work with these really government and also to get him out here and assistance.
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and that is also important to ensure that some housing needs to ensure their have food water medicine. meanwhile, more horrifying a testimonies. so if i suggesting that palestinian civilian detainees was subjected to horrifying torture when they were captured by is where the forces the needs of youth and on this we will say for now, house is the occupation. now me came to us, asks for all the documents and i d, 's. we provided all idea. they arrested us and to close to an unknown place. we stayed for 3 days without knowing where this place was. without food, without anything, we would torture it's and then taking to the detention center, we will touch it more and display so they released us. so we returned home. but now you see the torture we do it, we will hundreds. we don't know the exact questions they asked. all we have mass. we said no, no to him us. they repeated the same questions. all you have mass. again,
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we said no, the torture task be tough, slow throws us. they tortured us in ways words cannot describe the truth. so ultimately the asked us to meet on our needs for over 5 hours. we stop like this were beaten with sticks, with iron on our heads, our backs everywhere. and i saw the model when i got that when they beat us, tortured us every day, the said, your intelligence agents, your, i'm us, your collaborate is being sold, adult families, cuz the mothers beat us with sticks told you to severely, they took her id. so we didn't know where the are, we didn't know where the documents are, where the money use. it took everything we own without any shame. some people died in the detention center, diabetes patients, blood patients, of patients, people with arterial diseases. there was real torture. people die without any medical treatments. you will footage has emerged online with the praise the
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palestinians. warranty, tortured by b, i d s. now this, but it shows scores of detainees inside garza, the tied up on the stripped down to that on the way. now many of the captives were late to identify this being civilians. oxy looks into the story. the shocking images showing dozens of palestinian men arrested by his really forces and stripped out the idea of the detaining, used to their names and covered their eyes with masks. the footage sparked online furious that the idea came up with an explanation. i must members and suspects how mussman was what was the close in order to make sure they're not getting explosives . mos slammed these really actions as reminiscence of nazi policy.
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these really not see occupation, army committed and covered crime way apprehending. a group of displaced palestinian civilians were disgracefully stripped of their clothing. within a school in gauze, we implore all human rights and humanitarian organizations to promptly intervene and expose this atrocious crime committed against the innocent. even while israel insisted it detained, only those connected with some us, it appears that the list of those arrested also includes doctors, elderly man boys and people affiliated with the united nations. according to the room in human rights, more rarely, soldiers are sleeping and the rest is hundreds of civilians and have executed thousands things about this picture published by these rail arguing they were fighters. we have identified a doctor and nurse to teachers and to baker. even journalists in their family
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members, including their wives, have found themselves in the list of suspects, and consequently accused of links to her mos on thursday, the israeli occupation army arrested the journalist and the director of the new arab office in guzman, the colleague, the outcast lot, from off the streets in baby left here, along with a group of his brothers relatives and other civilians, the thousands of civilians were in the truck including how his wife had deal. you see kind of my tune was of cities in the real estate adjustment. she was arrested from home next to us for the most in entity to neighborhood after being subjected to torture. what is their procedure that can help is really soldiers distinguished in ordinary civilian from a mazda militant? the short answer is no. is really media citing senior security officials report
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that list to 15 percent of those details actually connected with some of the hundreds this tennessee and detainees, photographs, tub caulked, and the gas has frequency response days, about 10 to 15 percent confidence for identifying senior security officials. the idea submitted that even though it had been necessary to strip them to ensure the orange county explosives circulating the photos was needless. on too many even the united states is reese main ally and supported of its operation in gaza. found the latest incentives part to digest part of this figure or conversation. how do you determine the difference between civilian and the militant in an extremely crowded united states had to deal with the same question. right. and we were in places like ramadi and felicia in afghanistan. it's one of the most difficult
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things to do. is this mazda is really conflict regions with no sign of a ceasefire. more disturbing images may appear exposing the ugly face of the war. meanwhile, homicide shared a new video is 3 elderly hostages asking to be released and condemning the idea for binding them. my name is hi, i'm berry from now. you're whose cupids, occupation, settlement. i'm here with a group of other old people. they all have. 7 chronic illnesses and they're living in the very harsh conditions. we are the generation who built the foundation for the creation of israel. we are the ones who started the idea of military. we do not understand why we have been a band and here you have to release us. it doesn't matter the cost, we do not want to be casualties as a direct result of the idea of military strikes,
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release us with no preconditions, don't let us grow over here. meanwhile, and is ready finally has buried a form of hostage who was killed by the country's own military and gone off. a of the victim was among the 3 men gunned down in a suburb of gauze i sent to you just last week. idea officials say soldiers mistook the civilians terrorist despite the fact that was should this man waving a white flag and screaming for helping he per you? meanwhile, is wireless continues to come, paying for the return of the remaining hostages goza, at least a 129 people are still being held by how much since october 7th, however, the militants have been something people for years and some of them remaining captivity with relatives and others defying the is really government's failure to
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freedom. his own literally correspondence. maria phenomena with these really contained bring them home now is not only about hostages, abducted by have miles on october. the 7th, the list includes 4 names of those who have been in guys since 2014, 2 of them as soldiers who are dead now. the containers demand the return of the but as earlier a worry forwarded about how that of golding, whose family pleaded to the un, the pope and other world leaders in order to put pressure on these really governments to make the return happening for me all in vain. the to others, i civilians and his really are muslim, a bad going to show him, i just said end of them and gets to and is really with your pay and origins. the habit is mentally ill. back in 2014, he costs the boat into guys a buy food, probably without even understanding it as he has problems with reality perception
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and found himself in the hands of him as 9 years on. he's probably still there. this is a very a he never you do. you have mass released earlier this year asking a very hard question. after years of suffering, where is the state of israel and it people who care about our destiny across the board. and it all has been helping the family since i've had i disappeared. he says hope is fading away. a lot of talking and getting a lot of promises. in reality, the just the defendant, nathaniel goal is just to stay and fall where he doesn't care if he's, if you'll feel, and if he was all like go from you will, you will be in the region or from our comfortable originally doesn't care. they just care that don't, don't have to be released, missy's all headed on says of as nice as he doesn't play any role, but as a representative open, his rarely minority he's case has certainly got less media attention and public support. but the family has received a different kind of attention. and the last elections, i don't remember, it was slice or fed within, you know,
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cold her and i do the photo. she pulled off with the mother and for almost again. and again, if you will bring back your son just for the vote, there's lots of room for the voters from the if you will, can community on. i'm ready. discuss a few minutes and i feel sorry for the mother. she doesn't have any choice books for to cooperate because error, some faces in your hands book. i think it's very clear. i don't think any there should x like this. on the satiric banner, heavier it holds a balloon. the sign says celebrating 9 years in captivity. in front of the poster, empty seats symbolized in other hostages, invited to his said party. so far, 110 hostages had been freed, as part of exchange deals between israel and her mouse. there was no information about any new agreements as more than 130 captives are still waiting to be saved. of the pictures,
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the ones that i'm just are here on the hostetter square in tel aviv together with all their have mass captives. it says on these posts or do not forget me. they're waiting for me to have home for more than 9 years. the family says hey, father doesn't return now. he'll probably never come back. reason ocean i r t reporting from tel aviv the here's the military forces. spokes person has said that vessels traveling to porch that don't belong to israel all safe. this comes and made latest u. s. intervention in the mid least during a visit to mama offering the us defense secretary announced a new international mission in the red sea and countering the maritimes, right allegedly posed by humans whose the rebels. and so this morning we launched operation prosperity, guardian,
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under the umbrella combine maritime forces and. ready of the leadership of task force, 153, that operation is bringing together more than a dozen countries from around the world to conduct joint patrols in the red sea in the gulf of a it comes off being us central command set, the 2 commercial vessels shipping vessels were recently targeted by the who sees an oil tanker came under a drone and miss sile attack and a copy of ship report days and explosion which is near its location. there are no injuries reported in either incident. it follows last month dramatic scenes when the revels stormed, and it's really linked call go vassal for now. all right, and is the only ad state in the 10 nation coalition put together by the us it just days before the reported strikes the wrong. defense minister said that this
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was about any multi national task force in the red sea would face if the us make such an irrational move, they will be faced with extraordinary problems. nobody can make a move in the region where we have predominance, around 15 percent of the world, shipping traffic policies through the suez canal and the waters is the right c o, c m. and the latest to see escalation is, or the impacted bluefield freight with red c. shipping reportedly done by over a 3rd, it comes as major shipping companies, redirect the vessels traveling between europe and asia, around the cone of africa. attorney that's considerably longer increasing shipping times. and costs us, well, we've heard from 11 a strategic list. ali, how me, who says the us,
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as mission's main goal is to subdue him and secure the military aid flow to is well lighted. states is always trying to make coalitions against the, you know, any, a country that has the right to support or not support the other nations. now the coalition, they are doing. it's like a propaganda right now because yeah, with ease of trying to support the sky and trying to seize any, all you think of, of, uh, sold uh, is going to is right. and through the united states possible in fact, it just to protect the economy and the 3 and uh, allows us to get support. uh, let me just explore that as well. now, the agent will be in intensive a situation if united states. thank you ma'am. so more on all the
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stories that we've been covering to head over to our website polity dot com. and i'll be back with you at the top of the next hour. if you hope you can join us the, the box on the
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the i have close all those involve 4 times slot of yes. because cause 0. that's what this guy for fresh and closer shots. so for this young like operation have a special meaning for you can solve yes, those are the what say that was a tragedy is it was incredible genocide of people because you closer operation is.


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