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tv   News  RT  December 19, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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reality of what, what we're facing, which is fascist. the testimony is gathered by human rights wanted to euro med, confirm, palestinian civilians was subject to torture on an odd gift. attention in guantanamo like conditions, media outlets, share their own evidence. speak to what your thoughts be tough slowly through the costs. they tortured us in waste words cannot describe these really occupational armies talked in old lives supporting structures. and today we witness to yes. and now the strikes besides the talk to a charitable organization offering a to solve all this resilience that rates on the body of refugee comes to at least the team people killed in bombings. this brings the death soul of the past 2 days. that's a 120, according to local health officials, survivors are discharged with,
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with the people in the association. i noticed affiliated with the any political parties, school resistance, the targeting the association within the residential area. when many are killed and injured, they truly help only if the poor and leading the situation we are in east threats. we bring you exclusive footage. albany is ranted sancho captured by governments these days probably to continue their operations against ships south israel as long as the jobs that conflict assists us as washington los salvation. the us led coalition patrol in the red sea. the president's accused, as the west of containing must go through its hybrid war ukraine. sledge investor will achieve the goals all 8 military operation. the waste is not abandoning its strategy of containing russia through its aggressive goals. in ukraine. we have our own goals. we are not going to shy away from the special military or the ration
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the let's just go to 9 pm here. we must go. this is to international with all the very latest world news. thank you for joining us. send you an civilians face guantanamo light conditions, and he's ready to tension us according to the human rights. what's taught, euro med, which has collected a number of testimonies of torch with incense compounds. detainees are blindfolded and subjected to harsh interrogations with their hands. tied lights are turned on, an intensely shone upon them at night with the intention of exhausting and torturing them. then you are mad human rights morning to our claim. they have gathered testament as apparently from released palestinian detainees proving that these rarely army has allegedly been beating and torture and arrested chasms of old age, denying access to food a will to also preventing them to move. geneva based organization mentions one
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particular facility where arrested palestinians are held claiming the detainees are denied me tempers, lawyers and representatives. allstate to national committee of the red cross that they of course have to write for. and this is what the monitors sides about the conditions, the prisoners, a health, and this did to mom. cam has been turned into a new guantanamo like prison, where detainees are caged and inhumane conditions. euro med monitor cited these railey armies use of open air, chicken, coops to how's the detained, and withholding of food or drink for long periods of time. i have to tell you that we requested the interview with the had all the you were met, human rights monitoring, waiting for the response. meanwhile, these really newspaper high rates published a report on the same topic, claiming hundreds of palestinians i rested in gaza strip during the idea of military operation. there in the, in clay,
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have been held for weeks end of the pension facility near these really southern town of via sheva. the paper also claims that several of the detainees died in the facility. the circumstances of that that's been clarified. we sent also a request of paper, ask into the supplies more information on that matter. and while i just hear a channel pro, cast interviews of those guys and the child claim claims have been detained by i. yes. and the least lights are headed. this is what those people have to say about what they have been going through them the exhibit that notice we will say for now house is the occupation all me came to us oscar for all the documents and i d. 's. we provided all id, they arrested us and to close to an unknown place. we stayed for 3 days without knowing where this place was. without food, without anything, we would torture it and then taking through the detention center, we will touch it more and display so they released us. so we returned home. but now
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you see the torture we do it, we will hundreds. we don't know the exact questions, the aust. all we have mass. we said no, no to him us. they repeated the same questions. are you how much? again we said no to the torture task be to us slow throws us. they tortured us in waste. words cannot describe the truth and so ultimately the asked us to meet on our knees for over 5 hours. we stop like this is our beat them with sticks, with iron on our heads, our backs up everywhere. and i saw the model when i got that when they beat us, tortured us every day, the said, your intelligence agents, your, i'm us, your collaborate is being sold and our families coast and mothers beat us with sticks tortured us to be really. they took her idea, we didn't know where the are. we didn't know where the documents are, where the money is. it took everything we own without any shame. some people died in the detention center to diabetes, patients, blood patients, of patients,
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people with arterial disease. there were 3 torture people died without any medical treatments. do they ever met the human rights? monetary is now urgent international committee of the red cross. and the united nations working group responsible for detention matters at to put pressure on these really authorities to reveal the fate of all detainees from the guys as trey, these every arrested, civilian and investigate alleged violations that these detainees. i'll be subject to, to ask this monitor group claims. the idea supported last week that interest is more than 500. what they call heart terrorist operatives and began to sweep it was in november, 350 of them allegedly associated with have mass and 120 others with palestinian islamic jihad, which is another milton grove bays. in the gather sweep,
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we contacted the army hole so asking to comment on the issue still waiting for their response. meanwhile, israel has not side away from a missing the notes focused on killing civilians when they can extract information from prisoners instead. that afternoon, it's due god's done. so we'll divide slack coming out to surrender. why would we shoot them? absolutely not. i'm telling you that whoever got confused here. even those who fought and now lay down to arms and raise the hands we arrest them. we don't show them, we get a lot of intelligence from the cap this we have, we already have over a 1000. so let's go live now to jamal is that codes the advisor to follow the policy and all sorts of pm saw him fired. mr. is that good thanks very much for finding the time to speak to us today. i'm not through. so if you just have the, by the, the, the idea of chief of staff has advisory troops to refrain from the see thing though through surrender because thompson can provide intelligence. what do you make of
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those comments? let's see. uh, 1st of all, yes, as right as adverse to thousands of palestinians. i've got a trend then just to bay, the cloud, about 3 a stadium uh wherever it says and, and it gives the design and there were killed because of the top chart. and because of in human treatment, including lifting them for many days without food, without water, without any thing. it shows that as i'm going to have the phone at, 1st of all, it's not the 1st time that is very uh, short tv. as all, who are studios without getting a, uh, uh to, to. yeah. and they uh, make any kind of differences between if the cdn code is res. this and then a tall by itself. there is money involved slots where it leaves by the is the
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e. i that i'm also by the phrase media that many of those who were killed from the cdns and the festive uh, uh, in the envelope all in beside the police station on many other places that i see as well. yeah. and they're taken by that 5 times as they're worth a shot dead by that is a i, me and the is right in the military helicopters, what happens in the, in the last the, i need a 345 shows getting that 3 is the 8 is where yeah, uh, i don't know how big away indeed. you put me on to the next question. apologize for interrupting you, but it did accidently shoot 3. it's really hostages that were waving a white flag. and you can imagine that this statement by the idea of chief of staff
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that says that the idea of not she's a person races, is on the so called the strength of the weakness, is of, of little reassurance to any policy opinion that's looking to leave a building for example, surrender, given that they felt accidentally faulty. those are hostages pictures only because only in front of that media from many years and bought the toilet a from 2015 in that uh, what's the best cost phones? many pallets the news web shop. just because the phone got. yeah. and i got a feeling a friend or near boss. oh yeah. and it's kind of this thing was sure. uh, what could have been that the news and that is ready are me totally out of any kind of descent plan every phones or a 2 phones in the cities. they behave as the
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generals who can give themselves the all the show does before some days and a headlong which is not the guy that there was a case that a cdn was out of the, from his home. and they took him outside the home and the salt can send that to as a result of your behavior, which has come on by the government. unfortunate p which is covered, but actively by the company may maybe some of that can do what they want as own the phones this the avoid city of it's all the media as well as the if there's right by the by just ask them like the was
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the same 3rd song, but not sit in 2000 city and read the week of the missed the, the, the word with out the i need to stay within the minutes or so you, you, it's the policy and own what's managed by the, to hold the stop it's only to the gun that the codes they call the city or yeah, it appears and i was the interview all the uh the lose. the indeed not to indeed missed is that good? so i'm gonna have to jump in the, i'm afraid we have, we're not the time, but you have made your thoughts very clear on that situation. jamal's, i could advise that's a full the policy and all sorts of pm, solemn,
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fide. thank you very much for coming on to you today. thank you. mean, well, how about us? how shed a video that appears to show 3 elderly hostages asking to be released and conducting the idea of bundling. and it isn't clear though, if the voltage was filmed under duress, my name is hi, i'm berry from now. you're who's cooper, woods, occupation, settlement. i'm here with a group of other old people. they all have chronic illnesses and are living in a very harsh conditions. we are the generation who built the foundation for the creation of israel. we are the ones who started the idea of military. we do not understand why we have been a band and here you have to release us. it doesn't matter the cost, we do not want to be casualties as a direct results of the idea of military strikes, release us with no preconditions, don't let us grow old here. meanwhile, in northern gaza,
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strikes on the job valley. a refugee camp has claimed the lives of at least the scene, palestinians with dozens more injured, his report from the same day and produces a new crime committed by these rarely occupation. here in the middle of the gaza strip, boost charitable association. the assist people by providing age on the lease to be a humanitarian conditions most targeted to place attack this full story, build an inch of all the flats minute you to the grounds. neighboring houses will also affected by the strike. there with the patient, continues to show em kill palestinians here in northern garza despite that'd be most suitable health facilities to accommodate the large numbers of ages until probably to me if it's the police association helps the poor and needy displaced from their homes. they provide clothes and things like mattresses to keep them warm . they truly help only the poor and needy. the situation we are in is dreadful, guardian, for jobs we leave near the association. all we know is that the association comes
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to help us and our children is the role of the community to assist in meeting the pool. and people with special needs the easily forced us. i'll tell you in an association of assist before we comp them more than this, the people in the association are not affiliated with any political parties or resist is targeting the association within the residential areas. when many are killed and injured. these really occupational armies targeting all live support in structures, and today we witness to yes. and now the strike. this time you talk to a charitable organization offering a to solve all this resilience in the south of the in clave, which was previously declared a safe. so the city over 5 was hit with a number of these very strides, claim the lives of 29 people overnight. now click warning. you may find the following. images disturbing. the
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many children are among the casualties clubs. if they don't says we're unable to save a baby that was we did in the strike 3 residential building for also destroyed many victims, remaining trucks, undeliverable and no fall from my thought. is the battle city of con, you nice, which itself is also dealing with the aftermath of ideas strikes. scroll with the victims, happy in bus 2, not the hospital, which is the facility already set to be a breaking points, canadian pianist and enjoy list months. so schumann spoke to the program area, the new and this is now the main target for the ideas. and they've said and media reports, it's a little different official, that's fine. eunice is, is the thought of it. and that have been a lot of reports coming from the us as well. that seems that the war here might be prolonged for a few more weeks for line to pull for us on sky news for leaving. that's it says the main force, assuming that a distance here against the safe is it
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a few days ago he had enough with hospice and where i am staying. the 3rd floor committed, michel adjacent to the 10 times thing and was hit by a water tank missile. thankfully, the bone on the store does not fix loads. however, it did seem to want to see me a patient or whatever you have had legs amputated. and i enjoy thousands of, of, of children and pigments women the last night. and this morning you can very clearly continuously hear the time, the fighting and the resistance 5 since the fighting back with the t v, g and the all the jays. in addition to the, to that, to the, the a license, the being shots, the during the day the fighting is phase is all around us and yes,
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bar itself also from speaking with a few days back as well. the idea designated areas out last with hospital as close as $100.00, the that of, of those for that as was on. so as soon as can, i think you manage it in the administrative situation here and i was less the devastating humanitarian crisis continues to escalate in gaza. these images show a crowd of palestinians desperately trying to get food. is it now? so groups say the amounts of goods allowed in c enclave is not nearly enough. if it gets gathered by your amount of money to show alarming levels of hunger, their pulse is set to be released shortly but says a quick glimpse of the numbers. 71 percent of dozens of face severe hunger with 98 percent experience in quantity like a food a 60 for resulting to eating fruits wild overall food or even expired products for
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survival. human rights watch it uses as well of using deliberate starvation as a weapon for for over 2 months, he's really has been depriving, gathers population of food and water policy spilled on or endorsed by high ranking . these were the officials and reflect and then send the stuff civilians as a method, a wolf a will be this should be speaking out against this important role crime which has devastating effects on guys as population. well meanwhile us state department spokesman, lucky miller announced israel started providing humanitarian assistance to gaza or crossing points on the claims so that in florida. but the official refused to. and so just how humanitarian aid would make up for the conflicts colossal desktop. on sunday cam shalom across him, between israel and gaza open for the 1st time for the movement of 8 in the gaza. second, for the 1st time since october 7th, trucks carrying commercial goods moved into gaza on saturday. and we hope to see you this channel solidified and expanded over the coming days. you would accept,
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wouldn't you, that it doesn't matter how much military need is going in. if everyone's dead, it is a very difficult situation. we're in right now. we're trying to accomplish 2 things, number one, to minimize civilian harm, to work with these really government and also to get him out here and assistance. and that is also important to ensure that some housing needs to ensure their have food water medicine a senior who's the official has announced that the group will continue targeting vessels bound for israel in the red sea instead of what he calls the genocide against gaza, stops america smells mental. these tablet spence of the coalition of shame will not prevent us from continuing all military alterations until the crimes of genocide in gaza stopped and foot madison and fuel are allowed to add to its besieged population. this is immoral and human to terry and position, but we will not abandon no match of the sacrifice as it costs us. this comes as
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well as we can so now has announced an international mission in the red sea operations are expected to accounts of the march time threats posed by gibbons who the rebels, the funds was set forth during the us defense equities trip to bahrain, which is the only out of state of defense in the washington life coalition. show this morning. we launched operation crushed barre, guardian, under the umbrella combined maritime forces. and under the leadership of the task force, 153. that operation is bringing together more than a dozen countries from around the world to conduct joint patrols in the red sea in the gulf of a so it comes up to us central command. so the 2 commercial shipping vessels were recently targeted by the who says they claim a from this side to this us only target israel related vessels by those showed in this voltage. so injuries were reported in the the incidence, but it does follow less a month to month succeeds in the revel,
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stoned and he's really link cargo vessel local gen list of things as this exclusive report from the caption, shit. i'm truly a, one of the most contested areas in the way this is in the course of a city because this is where is really ships are being captured by humans. naval forces behind me is the galaxy leader. this was actually the 1st, this really is really leadership that was captured about a month ago as it was attempting to cross devon. meant that with the red c, as you can see there it's, it's turned into an attraction site and many vacation. if you, we're made across humans and it made their way to the site of this bessie
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ac for the shipment traveling, traveling across the country to meet here. so they can get a tour of the ship, get a tour of the galaxy, which has been stationed and detained here, along with the school members for about a month at a couple of days. west has called to release the sheep and release of school members. however, that's not happening and we are about to get off at the moment right now and get a tour of the ship and perhaps try to get some interviewed through some of the numbers if they are available. the mind when we talk about the galaxy lead of us. so we're not just talking about how we capture the ship and towed it to this pulled . more importantly, the capture of this ship is a symbol in an accomplishment that we have broken the back of the arrogance hedge a monic powers of the us and the sewing is done to take a high valid that we've already experienced 8 years of war and conflict by the
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coalition forces, this is nothing new. we've experienced this coalition for 8 years already and they are the same ones here. again, we run this, defense minister said this about any, what's any multi national task force and the red sea would face if the us make switching the rational move they will be faced with extraordinary problems. nobody can make a move in a region where we have predominance, around 15 percent of weld shipping traffic passes through the series canal on the waters of the red sea of them in the light the through the escalation has already. and parts of global trades with red sea shipping, the both the down by over i said, it comes as may just shipping companies re direct the vessels traveling. the senior by an agent around the horn of africa adjoining considerably longer increasing both the shipping times and the cost. well, it's less, it's all that stuff live now to executive director of the are extensive for research and studies. i need solomon,
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thanks very much for joining us today. and 1st of all of the, the country with the largest navy in the region. what do you think it egypt has joined this coalition led by the us a good evening. thank you for being there. what is your uh, i think in my opinion, this are the answers. this coalition was born and it did indeed because the united states wants to make a kind of this is misty and the career through the minute to you of this i us about it. it's failing because just been gone through is was accepted to be in this uh uh, no, there is our youngest, it easy, it would. yeah. and it'd be, uh immer, it's many condos which have many, but it doesn't need it for them. is that isn't under it. see if use the to be a involved with is this the because, you know, with the a interests of the united states of america, it want to throw on spares. the conflict from as dental? is that asian wouldn't?
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mit will be a many if it is to, is the economy and the military and security and decision and the history. a groups that united states of america wants to get it. and this w i n, n e under the stories that is, i think it leaves everything in a bloody erosion. and this content is waiting for the face. so these are, this was, that was any head from united states or what i mean, i know the stuff i just sent you and you have to the, here's the rebels not targeted civilian cargo ships. and the us wouldn't be forced to create this alliance to try and protect them based on the case. yeah, i want to say is that the ease of blonde, the parts of it in this audience is she is have to know what is the uh, interest for of say night states of america and the houses never end
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a civilians. and that my mother does tell them what the zip is. uh, farm is bigger. okay. so we'll see. you said that we lost the weight and that is really a shift and it's a really simple end to a be on the ship. so for all of the content as well, but it's a bit in this audience and everyone is safe. we what we want on the adult ceasefire on the steps of munitions of as well. and as, as the, i think the united states of america want to, uh, it may be one tool to face any voice as want to, and the door and did the vin quantity of what was the place. so it was there it is an input, but in this audience we will do every single for a. is there a disaster, you'll be safe and the free and through the, the additions and the grimes and let's just, and that's what i did say. so for me to go on and let me see,
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i'm the one that is there's bus 7 for naming. so, but if you sense and the youngest of united states of america for 11 and then the 4 name is uh, guys. oh uh, was barely d. i'm like, you know, yeah, this, i mean, i want to keep, i'm started so wireless for them and used to be 5 and i, you know, most of those as well. all right, and this is the only are of states to join the coalition sofa. what do you think more countries in the region having rushed to help stabilize the situation? and the red sea on the behind is the only the current the bug submitted in this a. and so i think there may be a nice, there's over a minute. going to save money on this of birth rooms this uh so uh, i guess i, i think may be pretty good to have any benefits from the, into the silver for the, for you. is it the or so uh does that,
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does the transition. uh, so uh, transition a balance of, of, so is obama, and we've also been in this for the issue and it every, every country or this domestic actor wants to have. and you've been, if it's wrong, this audience. nobody's saying no other going to the way, but it's a bit in a same lives, this and united states of america affairs really to make any results or success. is this your what? what i, what have to wait and see how this coalition in the red sea works out. i'm afraid that's all we have time for how the executive director of the are expensive for research on studies on a sullivan. thanks very much for your take on the situation. i thank you. when i finally just for the gold rush has no funds to bank tracked on it submitted to opperation and ukraine. that's the message from president the present. he met with the country's top boss to a flights on the years achievements onset, strategic goals for the coming months. so we did, we sure would have the vin,
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so this, you have consumed. the waste continues to wage a hybrid water against the pressure the activity of the nato military block as a whole, as sharply increased in finland has already been thrown into nato. and sweden is planning to join raymond, this is the, the, this is effectively from the next stage in the blocks encroachment on our borders. i was once told that this is not the military block, but rather a political organization. but no one has ever canceled article 5 and the aggressive nature of the books policies is not. the list is not abandoning its strategy of containing russia through its aggressive goals in ukraine. we have our own goals. we are not going to shy away from the special military operation. vladimir putin spends a lot of time going over just how the special military operation has been going this year. he said that russian troops successfully accomplish their objectives and according to schedule. and.


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