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tv   News  RT  December 19, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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the the, the testimonies gathered by the human rights monitor, the euro med suggested that palestinian civilians was subject to its full check while it are the tension in guantanamo light conditions. media outlets share their own evidence. they asked us to meet on our knees for over 5 hours. we stop like this who are beaten with sticks, with iron on their heads, power backs everywhere. these family occupational armies talked in all lives supporting swatches. and today we witness to yes. and now the strike, this time you talk to a charitable organization offering a to solve all this resilience rates on the w refugee camp still is the theme killed informing the death toll of the past 2 days. that the 120, according to local health officials,
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survivors are the people in the association. i know the affiliated with any political party, school resistance, the targeting the association within that residential area. when many of killed an injury to a help, only the poor and maybe the situation we are in these drugs all so this, so we bring you exclusive footage of and is ready to get captured by given 3 states . you're probably to continue their operations against ships gone for israel as long as the gaza complex assist. washington said look to establish us led coalition to patrol the red sea. and the russian presidents accuses the west of contending must go through its high bid for ukraine. punch investor will achieve, the goal is on face minutes. your operation is not dependent in each strategy of containing russia through its aggressive goals. in ukraine, we have our own goals. we are not going to shy away from the special military operation. the
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very well, well continue from the rest on campus. so this tuesday evening, monday speak to scott and thank you for choosing n. wherever you are. joining us from now to our top story, this all palestinian civilians face guantanamo light conditions and is ready to tension. how's it going to the human rights? what stock euro met, which has collected the civil testimonies of torture within fenced compounds. detainees are blindfolded and subjected to hearts interrogations with their hands. tied lights are turned on. an intensely shone upon them at night with the intention of exhausting and torturing them. they were mad human rods morning to our claim. they have gather attached to my legs, apparently from release palestinian detainees proving that these rarely army has allegedly been beating and torture in a rush to thousands of old age, denying access to food a will to also presenting them to move. geneva based organization mentions one
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particular facility where arrested palestinians are held claim me the details. these are denied, mentioned was lawyers and representatives. allstate international committee of the red cross that they of course have to write for. and this is what the morning to assess about the conditions, the prisoners, a health and those did to mom. cam has been turned into a new guantanamo like prison, where detainees are caged and inhumane conditions. euro med monitor, site a d is rarely armies use of open air, chicken, coops to house the detained and withholding of food or drink for long periods of time. have to tell you that we are requested to interview with the had all the you were met, human rights monitoring, waiting for the response. meanwhile, these really newspaper high risk published a report on the same topic, claiming hundreds of palestinians i rested in gaza strip during the idea of military operation. there in the, in clay, have been held for weeks end of the pension facility near these really southern
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town of via sheva. the paper also claims that several of the detainees died in the facility with circumstances of that that's been clarified. we sent also a request to the paper asking to disclose more information on that matter. and while i just do a channel pres, cost interviews of those guys, and the child claim claims have been detained by i. yes. and the least lights are, and this is what those people have to say about what they have been going through them the exhibit that notice we will say for now houses the occupation all me came to us us for all the documents and i these we provide is all idea. they arrested us and took us to an unknown place. we stayed for 3 days without knowing where this place was, without food, without anything. we would torture it and then taking to the detention center where we will touch it more and displaced. they released us, so we returned home. but now you see the torture we do it,
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we will hundreds. we don't know the exact questions they asked. all we have mass. we said no, no to him us. they repeated the same questions, are you how mass? again, we said no, the torture task be to slow through as us. they tortured us in waste words cannot describe the truth. but suddenly they asked us to meet on our knees for over 5 hours. we stopped like this were beaten with sticks, with iron on our heads, our backs everywhere. and i saw the model when i got that when they beat us, tortured us every day. the said, your intelligence agents, your, i'm us, your collaborate is being sold adult families. cuz the mothers beat us with sticks told you to severely, they took her id so we didn't know where the are. we didn't know where the documents are, where the money use a took everything we own without any shame. some people died in the detention center. diabetes patients, blood patients, of patients,
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people with arterial diseases. there was real torture. people died without any medical treatments you of the or mad human rights moment is her, is now urging the international committee of the red cross. and the united nations working group responsible for a detention matters at to put pressure on these really authorities to reveal the fate of all detainees from the guys astray police every arrested civilian and investigate alleged violations that these detainees. i'll be subject to, to ask this monitor group claims. the idea for reported last week that interest has more than 500 what they call heart terrorist operatives and began to st. it was in november 350 of them allegedly associated with mass and 120 others was probably student is. lemme get hod, which is another milton group base in the gaza strip. we contacted the army hole so
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asking to comment on the issue, still waiting for their response. but meanwhile, israel said that his chief student wants to kill palestinians as they come, provide useful intelligence. then asking me if it's do god's done. so we'll divide flack coming out to surrender. why would we shoot them? absolutely not. i'm telling you whoever got confused here, even though school fault and now they don't to arms and raise the hands. we arrest them. we don't show them. we get a lot of intelligence from the cap this we have, we already have over a 1000 less costs live now to my how much a bus mohammed, a retired city in general. but his reaction, thank you very much for joining us this evening. now the idea of the chief of staff has told his troops not to shoot surrendering palestinians because they can provide intelligence. what are your thoughts?
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a good evening. the 4 with the 4 uh, with this. okay. uh, thank you for an invitation. actually, when you heard about that type of orders or a arrangement for these are the forces for these are the leaders. it means that they are going to only looking for the intelligence of the they are going to say that every may in how in that as a is how most, every made you know, as how most, uh, 1st of all, the 2nd uh, they are going to force every one of those detainees to bid does he, is it from us? first of all, next, the only for the, for the intelligence information. what type of intelligence information it is not about they meet anyone. they want to get every single people or of
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a single name, or of a single month or, or should choose a child's as a, a preserves and how most actually uh, it does not. the very good type of thinking for this is idea of, of above compression forces leaders that type. it means that the other thing to say that every, every citizen in the is how most from a legal points of view, ton civilians be used to gain of intelligence. information or yeah, yeah, i mean this is information that if i'm not doing how much, how i can get, i know how i can offer any information about how much i'm not this. i am not a membership of this, of this organization. i'm only a senior citizen living in my home. they take all of his all the visits
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in easy are going to investigate with him to check about him. ok, you are. how much you should the job for how much, what type of information i'm going to, i don't have any type or the kinds of information to, to attend the investigator, all these officers inside the office. and it is a very hard type of thinking for those to be the issue that why do you think the, the i d, f chief of staff hudson tallies troops know it's a shame. so they both waving a while to flag apologies. why do you think the idea, how to tell the truth, not to shoot people wiping waving a white flag? it would seem fairly obvious that the surrender a, the actually the, the, the war blue. oh, the little more that we've done. you are not allowed to shoot anyone who is raising
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the the why, the flat. that is the, the type of, of the 3, the, and go bill the, uh, how do we capture our soldiers, foreign associates here in the army or, or i should or the or 1st of all do i'm not allowed to do so if anyone who days if lot of the the why cuz i was coming towards still not on me. so one v amenities these are you and one thing is i n d that she advised this or just you're not alone . you're not, is not allowed to should be an ard with, or who is raising the, the wife. exactly. it means that the 1st time, the, or the soldiers to should, i mean, say good people. i mean, each one a woman. uh mine, john, good, no problem. we are ready to shoot everyone. so what about the uh, the investigation report was uh, set today that, uh, the design the uh,
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tags who should be, uh, a set to and these are, you know, such as exams. they destroyed this, these are your houses because these are, you know, the citizens, this us or the, i think the, the times the board do of the one, the quality visit visitors and they meet wherever you don't do the insurance, the site is present as warehouse and these are your thoughts as you fire exam fire. this is how it is only done in the how do i do is i didn't think mohammad apologize for jumping in that we have. we're now to have time mohammed a bus. mohammed retired siri in general. thank you very much for joining us on to you today. i is. sorry, thank you very much. i mean, well, i must have shed a video that appears to show 3 elderly hostages asking to be released and
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conducting the idea of a bundling of them. it's unclear is this for this though, was found on the dress. my name is hi, i'm berry from now. you're who's cooper, woods occupations, settlement. i'm here with a group of other old people. they all have chronic illnesses and are living in a very harsh conditions. we are the generation who built the foundation for the creation of israel. we are the ones who started the idea of military. we do not understand why we have been a band and here you have to release us. it doesn't matter. the cost we do not wants to be casualties as a direct result of the idea of military strikes, release us with no preconditions, don't let us grow old here. meanwhile, the nose and gossip strikes on the w. a refugee comp have claimed the lives of at least 13 palestinians with dozens more injured. is a report from the c of the day of police as a new crime committed by these rarely occupation. here in the northern gaza strip
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boost charitable association, but assist people by providing age under the severe humanitarian conditions most target to its place attack. this full story builds an inch of all the flats and then into the ground. neighboring houses will also affected by the strike. the few patient continues to show em tail policy unions here involving garza, despite, that'd be most suitable health facilities to accommodate the large numbers of ages until probably do. many of these association helps the poor, immediate displace from their homes. they provide clothes and things like mattresses to keep them warm. they truly help only the poor and needy. the situation we are in is dreadful, guardian, for jobs we leave near the association. old. we know is that the association comes to help us and l children is the role of the community to assist the needs of the pool and people with special needs, the ease really forces ontology and association to this is the port we comp them
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more than this the people in the association are not affiliated with any political parties or resistance. they're targeting the association within the residential areas where many are killed and injured. these really occupational armies talked in all live support in structures. and today we witness to yes and now the strike this time be talking to a charitable organization offering a to solve all this resilience with the south of the in place which was previously declared a safe. so the city over a fall was hit by a number of these very strides. claim the lives of 29 people overnight. now click one and you may find the following. images distressing. the many children among the casualties tragically don't says unable to say that baby wounded in the strike. so he, residential buildings are also destroyed with many victims, remaining trucks, undeliverable and no fall from rough as the and bustled city of con. you nice
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switch itself is also dealing with the blood. the aftermath of ideas strikes. scroll is the victims have being bused to nesa hospital facility already said to be a breaking point canadian published indian journalist months. so schumann spoke to the program, the audio, a new one is, is now the main target for the ideas. and they've said and media reports, it's a little different official, that's fine. eunice is, is the target. and that have been a lot of reports coming from the us as well. that seems that the water here might be prolonged for a few more weeks for line to focus on signing this for leaving. that is the main source of the for the new that existence here against the state. is it a few days ago you had enough with hospice and where i am staying the 3rd floor too much here. and this will adjacent to the tense and stake and was hips by uh,
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the account. so thankfully the bones on the store is not loads. however, it is the killer one, me a patient or whatever you have had legs amputated and, and enjoy the thousands of, of, of children and sickness women last night. and this morning you can very clearly continuously hear the time, the fighting and the resistance 5. since the fighting back with the t v. jews and the offices in addition to the uh to, to, to uh the, uh, a license these being shots uh during the day the fighting is phase is. busy around us and yes, by itself, also continuous and a few days back as well. the idea designated the areas at all, most with hospice, is as close as 100 feet that have up to go through that as was on. so as soon as
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can, i think you might have it in the administrative situation here in cummins, as the devastating to monetary and crisis continues to escalates in gaza. these images show a crowd of palestinians desperately trying to get food. or is it as a group say the amounts of goods allowed in the enclave? isn't nearly enough. well, if it gets gathered by euro met money to show alarming levels of hunger, the full reports is to be released shortly. but here's a glimpse of the numbers. 71 percent of guys this population faces severe hunger with $0.98 experiencing a chronic lack of food on 64 percent of the resulting to consuming fruit, swadell roll food or even expired, produced for survival. human rights watch accused as israel of using deliberate starvation as a weapon of war. for over 2 months, israel has been depriving, gathers population of food and water policies,
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food on or endorsed by high ranking. these were the officials and reflecting then tend to stuff civilians as a method a wolf will be. this should be speaking out against this important role crime which has devastating effects on guys as population. meanwhile, us state department spokesman matthew miller analysis. israel started providing humanitarian assistance to gaza through crossing points on the enclave southern border. but the official did refuse to answer just how you want to turn a will make up for the conflicts colossal desktop. on sunday cam shalom crossing between israel and gaza open for the 1st time for the movement of 8 in the gaza. second, for the 1st time since october 7th, trucks carrying commercial goods moved into gaza on saturday. and we hope to see you this channel solidified and expanded over the coming days. you would accept, wouldn't you, that it doesn't matter how much military and 8 is going in. if everyone's dead, it is a very difficult situation. we're in right now. we're trying to accomplish 2 things,
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number one, to minimize civilian harm, to work with these really government and also to get him out here and assistance. and that is also important to ensure that some housing needs to ensure their have food, water, medicine, low sr, who the official has announced that the group will continue targeting vessels. the bunk is red and the red sea. and so what it calls the genocide against garza stops, erica smells mental base tablet. spence of the coalition of shame will not prevent us from continuing all military alterations until the clients of genocide and gauze stopped and foot. madison and fuel are allowed to advertise the besieged population . this is a moral and humanitarian position, but we will not abandon no max of the sacrifices it costs us. this comes as washington has announced, an international mission in the red sea operations are expected to come to the mart sign instead, posed by governments who see rebels, the funds of set forth during the us defense, texas trip to bahrain,
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which is the only out of states out of 10 in the washington lead portion show this morning. we launched operation crushed parity, guardian, under the umbrella combined maritime forces. and under the leadership of task force, 153. that operation is bringing together more than a dozen countries from around the world to conduct joint patrols in the red sea in the gulf of a us we are central come on. so the 2 commercial shipping vessels were recently targeted by the who says they claim to only targets isabel relates to vessels like those shown in this voltage. now injuries were reported in either incidents and he follows lessons domestic scenes where the rebels storms and he's very lynx cargo vessel. a local journalist brings us this exclusive reports and the caption shit. i am truly one of the most contested areas in the world. this is the red sea. this is
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the calls in the ports of a city because this is really ships are being captured by humans. naval forces, as you can see, behind me is the galaxy leader. this was actually the 1st is really, is really the leadership that was captured about a month ago as it was attempting to cross the red sea. as you can see there it's, it's turned into an attraction site many vacation. if you were a number of human travel across human and it made their way to the site of this bessie the tour of the ship. and this is the travel we travel across the country to meet here. so we can get a tour of the ship, get
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a tour of the galaxy, and which has been stationed and detained here, along with the school members for about a month. at a couple of days. west has came along to release the sheep and release of school members. however, that's not happening and we are about to get on a moment right now and get a tour of the ship and perhaps try to get some interviewed with some of the members if they are available with them on when we talk about the galaxy lead of us, so we're not just talking about how we capture the ship and towed it to this pulled . more importantly, the capture of this ship is a symbol in an accomplishment that we have broken the back of the arrogance had demonic powers, of the us and the finest entity. high that we've already experienced. 8 years of war and conflict by the coalition forces. this is nothing new. we've experienced this coalition for 8 years already and they are the same ones here again, runs defense minister has warned the plans coalition would face major challenges.
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if the us make searching the rational moves they will be faced with extraordinary problems, nobody can make a move in a region where we have predominance around 15 percent of weld shipping traffic process through the service canal on the waters of the red sea of gammon. related to the escalation has already impacts a global trade with red sea shipping reportedly done by over. i said it comes as may just shipping companies, re direct the vessels traveling between europe and asia, around the hold of africa, a journey that's considerably longer increasing both shipping times and costs. earlier we spoke with the lawyer and freelance journalist, dimitri list scars from toronto, and he said that kind of does joining of the us let the lines contradicts its options in the un. canada finally voted as the united nations several days ago for a resolution calling for a cease fire in gaza and the introduction to humanitarian
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a 2 of people who were being devastated by the genocide of war before the eyes of the world. so that's what candidates position officially is stopped the killing in god allowed humanitarian aid in the many forces have said very clearly that they will only continue to target the ships passing through the red sea to israel as long as the killing is going on. and they will stop targeting the ships and impeding maritime traffic once the killing stops. so the easiest and most humane and logical thing for canada to do if it wants to restore maritime traffic in the red sea, is to demand that is real, comply with the resolution. the candidate itself just voted for the united nations . instead, what canada is doing is it's contributing to a us led initiative to restore maritime traffic by force if necessary. in effect, what canada is now doing is it will facilitate by force if necessary. israel's
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refusal to comply with the resolution, the cannon. ready itself just voted for the united nations. if that is not insanity, i don't know what it is and the only way you can explain this. and it's frankly, the thing that makes the most sense of the canadian foreign policy over a period of decades. is it ultimately canada will do whatever it's masters in washington. tell it to do, even if it's a flagrant contradiction with candidates own stated foreign policies. moving on to other news. now russia has no funds to, but trying to on its military operation, the ukraine. that's the message from president of the net present. you met with the countries top ross to reflects on the achievements on said strategic goals for the coming months. so we did, we sure would have been so this year have confirmed that the waste continues to waste to hi bridgewater, against the russian. the activity of the nathan military block as a whole, as sharply increased in finland has already been thrown into nato. and sweden is
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planning to join us the the base is effectively from the next stage in the blocks encroachment on our borders. i was once told that this is not the military block, but rather a political organization. but no one has ever canceled article 5 and the aggressive nature of the books policies is not. the width is not abandoning its strategy of containing russia through its aggressive goals. in ukraine, we have our own goals. we are not going to shy away from the special military operation. vladimir put and spent a lot of time going over just how the special military operation has been going this year. he said that russian troops are successfully accomplished their objectives and according to schedule. and they also thank the leadership of the defense ministry for leading its troops to those successes in the special military operation. the russian president also spoke about the colossal losses the key of has had to deal with as well as the effectiveness of its western supply. the equipment by giving you the control usually,
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but the enemy is suffering heavy losses and has luxury wasted in series of strength to provide there must have some results of the much hyped. so called con through offense. here in the midst of the invalid or ability of waste in the military equipment has also collapsed all attempts, as they said in the west to inflict a military defeat on us. a strategic defeat with sorted by the courage and fortitude of the russian soldier. on top of that, vladimir potent called 2023 attempts a year, and he brought some attention to the shortcomings that moscow has had to deal with throughout the military operation as well. like the need to improve on russia's satellite intelligence capabilities, it's munition supplies as well. as various different types of drones it's using and he also said that although of the russian air defense system is the best in the world, of course there's still spheres that can be improved and connection to that as well . now we also did hear from the russian defense minister sir de chicago,
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who gave us some official of numbers in terms of casualties. the key of has been facing specifically since the beginning of his failed counter offensive in june. on june. 4th, he, the russian defense minister said that the ukrainians have suffered 100 and so nearly 160000 casualties that's killed and injured. and since the beginning of russia's military operation upwards of $380000.00 was the only tool. so about the current situation, or was there any more expansion on all the issues too? well, he's spoken a bit about the reason why the world is basically living in this era of anything and everything connected to the creating conflict right now. we said that all began really back in 2014, when the west decided to support the euro. my don qu data in ukraine, and he said that it's the west fault that russia has been forced to step into this conflict and used to be signing up. she didn't deliberately direct us and you were
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looking to this conflict. the have achieve their goals, in the sense russia and europe, we're pulling the parts and now they are shifting the burden of financial responsibility and payments on through europe. the weekly. and in spite of this generations of today's politicians in europe cannot resist these and finally, there's no magic pots of funding. that's how the us state department spokesman and matthew miller describe you kinds of prospect receiving more aid from washington, easy to fund the prize zones, is the research or constituting any anything outside of the box. there is no magic pot of funding that we have available to draw on if congress doesn't pass this bill . that's not how government funding works. there is a, there us funding streams that we can draw on. we have use those funding streams. we have nearly exhausted them and over the next few weeks will fully exhaust them. and that's why we need congress that from all this less cost.


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