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tv   News  RT  December 19, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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the, the, the testament is gathered by human rights melissa euro met confirmed from the city and civilians with subject to torture point idea to tension in guantanamo like conditions. media outlets said that own evidence asked us to meet our needs for over 5 hours. we stop like this would be some wood sticks, with iron on the heads or backs everywhere. these really occupational armies talked in all life support instructions. and today we've witnessed the f. and now this strikes, this time you talk to the targets of organizations offering a to solve all this resilience rates on the job as a refuge account to see at least 13 people killed informing, bringing the death soul of the past 2 days. the $220.00, according to local health officials. survivals are struggling with the grief the
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people in the association are not affiliated with any political parties or resistance. the targeting the association within their residential areas. when many are killed and injured, they truly help only to for immediate situation. we are in these trips also ahead we bring you exclusive footage of a nice ready tank. good caption by given screws. they've promised to continue their operations against ship bounce, as well as long as the gothic conflict assist. was washington loved to establish a us led coalition to patrol the red sea. and the russian presidents accuses the west of containing must go through its hybrid war ukraine. such investor will achieve the goals of its military intervention. the waste is not abandoning each strategy of containing russia through its aggressive goals in ukraine. we have our own goals. we are not going to shy away from the special military operation.
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the to thank you for joining us this tuesday evening. my name is peter scott to bring you all the latest news here, nazi for my headquarters in the russian. that's our top story. this all published on unit civilians face guantanamo light conditions and he's ready to tension. that's according to the human rights. what stock bureau met, which has collected several testimonies of torture within fenced compounds. detainees are blindfolded and subjected to hearts interrogations with their hands. tied lights are turned on and intensely, shone upon them at night with the intention of exhausting and torturing them. they were mad human rights mona, to our claim. they have gathered testament as apparently from released palestinian detainees proving that these rarely army has allegedly been beating. and torture in a rush to thousands of old age, denying access to food or water. also preventing them to move. geneva based
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organization mentions one particular facility where arrested palestine in health claiming the detainees are denied, mentioned was lawyers and representative allstate international committee of the red cross that they of course have to write for. and this is what the morning to assess about the conditions, the prisoner's a health and this did to him on camp has been turned into a new guantanamo like prison, where detainees are caged and inhumane conditions. euro med monitor, site a d is rarely armies use of open air, chicken, coops to how's the detained and withholding of food or drink for long periods of time. i have to tell you that we requested the interview with the had all the you were met, human rights monitoring, waiting for the response. meanwhile, these really newspaper harris published a report on the same topic, claiming hundreds of palestinians i rested in gaza strip during the idea of military operation. there in the, in clay,
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have been held for weeks end of the pension facility near these really southern town of the sheva. the paper also claims that several of the detainees died in the facility with circumstances of that that's been clarified. we sent also a request to the paper asking to disclose more information on that matter. and while i just 0 channel pro, the cast h of use of those guys and the child claim claims have been detained by i. yes. and released later. and this is what those people have to say about what they have been going through the and i'm the exhibit, i know this, we will say for now, house is the occupation. all me came to us asks for all the documents and i d. 's. we provided all idea, they arrested us and to close to an unknown place. we stayed for 3 days without knowing where this place was, without food, without anything, we would torture it's and then taking to the detention center where we will touch it more and displace they released us. so we returned home. but now you see the
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torture we do it, we will hundreds. we don't know the exact questions they asked. all we have mass, we said no, no time us. they repeated the same questions. all you have mass. again, we said no, the torture task be tough, slower throws us. they tortured us in ways words cannot describe the truth. so ultimately the asked us to meet on our knees for over 5 hours. we stop like this were beaten with sticks, with iron on our heads, our backs everywhere. and i saw the model when i got that when they beat us, tortured us every day. the said, your intelligence agents, your, i'm us, your collaborate is being sold, adult families, kosta mothers beat us with sticks, told you to severely, they took her id so we didn't know where the are. we didn't know where the documents are, where the money use. it took everything we own without any shame. some people died
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in the detention center, diabetes patients, blood patients, of patients, people with a t d o disease. there was real torture. people die without any medical treatments . do. they are mad human rights monitor is now urgent international committee of the red cross and the united nations working group responsible for detention matters at to put pressure on these really authorities to reveal the fate of all detainees from the guys astray. these every arrested civilian and investigate alleged violations that these detainees, i'll be subject to, to ask this monitor group claims. the idea for reported last week that interest has more than 500 what they call our terrorist operatives and began to sweep it was in november, 350 of them allegedly associated with have mass and 120 others with palestinian islamic jihad, which is another milton group base in the gaza strip. we contacted the army hall,
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so asking to comment on the issue still waiting for their response. meanwhile, israel has said that his troops do not once killed palestinians, as they could provide useful intelligence. that afternoon would suit god's done so with the wide flat coming out to surrender. why would we shoot them? absolutely, no. i'm telling you that whoever got confused here, even those who fought and now lay down to arms and raise the hands. we are wrapping them. we don't show them, we get a lot of intelligence from the cap this we have, we already have over a 1000 to oh, the little more. it means that you are not allowed to shoot anyone who is raising the wind deflector. that is a normal type of, of a, it's raining or bill the uh, how do we culture, our soldiers actually, when you heard about that type of orders or a arrangement for these are the forces. oh for these are the leaders,
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the news that they are going to only looking for and the intelligence of the the are going to say that every may in how in that as a is how most every made. you know, as that is how most, uh, 1st of all, the 2nd uh they are going to force every one of those. did any uh, to bid does, is it for how much. i mean, is that there's information that if i'm not in how much, how i can get i, how i can offer any information about how much i'm not this. i am not a membership of this, of this organization. i'm only is a senior citizen living in my home. they take all of his whole visits an easy are going to investigate him to check about him. ok, you are, how much you should the job for how much, what type of information i'm going to i don't have any type,
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any kind of information to does the investigator of this office or decide the office of disability, hard type of i'll thinking for this because you meanwhile, how must, how shed a video of lots of pay is to be 3 elderly hostages, asking to be released on condemning the idea of bundling them. now is unclear if the voltage was filmed under duress. my name is, hi, i'm berry from now. you're whose cupids, occupation, settlement, i'm here with a group of other old people. they all have chronic illnesses and are living in a very harsh conditions. we are the generation who built the foundation for the creation of israel. we are the ones who started the idea of military. we do not understand why we have been a band and here you have to release us. it doesn't matter. the cost we do not wants to be casualties as a direct result of the idea of military strikes,
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release us with no preconditions, don't let us grow old here. a mile in northern a gauze strikes on the job, aliya refugee camp have claimed the lives of 13 palestinians with a dozen small injured his reports and from the sea. the day i produced is a new crime committed by these rarely occupation here in the northern gaza. strip whose charitable association that assist people by providing age on the lease to be a humanitarian conditions. most targeted to place attack this full story, build an inch of all the flat and then the to the grounds. neighboring houses will also affected by the strike there, with the patient continues to show em kill palestinians here in northern gaza despite the be most suitable health facilities to accommodate the large numbers of ages entailed hardly to me. besides, the police association helps the poor immediate, though displaced from their homes. they provide clothes and things like mattresses to keep them warm. they truly help only the poor and needy. the situation we are in
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is dreadful. for jobs, we leave near the association. old we know is that the association comes to help us and l children. it's the role of the community to assist in the as an example. and people with special needs is really full tale and association of assist the poor. we comp them more than this. the people in the association are not affiliated with any political parties or resistance. they are targeting the association within their residential areas when many are killed and injured. these regularly occupational armies talked in all live support and structures. and today we witness to yes and now the strike. this time you talk to a charitable organization offering a to solve all this resilience. it's in the south of the enclave which was previously declared a safe stone. the city of thought was hits with a number of his very strides, claiming the lives of 29 people overnights. now click one, and you may find the following. images distressing.
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the many children are among the casualties and tragically, doctors were unable to save a baby with it into stripe, 3 residential buildings also destroyed with many big 10. so many trumps. under the window fall from rafa is the embattled city of con, your niece, which itself is also dealing with ability after mass of idea strikes, schools, the victims have being bused to not the hospital facility already said to be a breaking point, canadian palestinian generalist months. so schumann spoke to the program earlier, this is now the main target for the ideas. and they said in media reports, it's a little different official stuff. and eunice is, is the target. and that have been a lot of reports coming from the us as well. that it seems that the war here might
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be prolonged for a few more weeks for line to focus on signing this for leaving. that's it says the main source of the for the senior that assistance here against the state. is it a few days ago you had enough with hospice and where i am staying the 3rd floor. summative mitchell? adjacent to the 10th. i'm staying and was hit by uh, what time. so thankfully the bones on the pedestal does not loads. however, it is, did you ever want to see a patient or whatever you have had legs amputated and i enjoy the thousands of other children and pregnant women last night. and this morning you can very clearly continuously here the time, the fighting and the resistance, 5 times the fighting back with the tv jews and the offices. in addition to the uh,
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to, to, to uh, the, the, uh, a license these being shots uh, during the day the fighting is vase is all around us and yes, by itself, also continuous and a few days back as well as the id f designated areas at all last with hospital as close as 100 feet that are up to go through that as was on. so as soon as can, i think you might have it in. the administrative situation here in cummins, as the devastating humanitarian crisis continues to escalates in gaza. these images show a crowd of palestinians desperately trying to get food and said also groups say the amounts of goods allowed in c enclave isn't nearly enough. so. well, if it gets gathered by your own, that money to show a law mean levels of hunger, that for reports is set to be released shortly. but here's a glimpse of the number 71 percent of gases population faces a severe hunger with 98 percent experiencing a chronic like
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a food on 64 percent forced to consume roll food or even expired for to use for survival. do you mind it? it's a human rights watch, the excuse me, a q is israel, of using starvation as a weapon of war for over 2 months. he's really has been depriving, gathers population of food and water policy spilled on or endorsed by high ranking . these really officials and reflecting then tend to stuff civilians as a method. a wolf will be this should be speaking out against this important role crime which has devastating effects on guys as population us. meanwhile, us state department spokesman, matthew miller announced israel started providing humanitarian assistance to gaza and that's through the crossing points on the enclaves southern border. but the official did refuse to onset just how humanitarian aid will make up for the conflicts kolosso desktop. on sunday cam shalom crossing between israel and gaza
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open for the 1st time for the movement of 8 in the gaza. second, for the 1st time since october 7th, trucks carrying commercial goods moved into gaza on saturday. and we hope to see you this channel solidified and expanded over the coming days. you would accept, wouldn't you, that it doesn't matter how much military need is going in. if everyone's dead, it is a very difficult situation. we're in right now. we're trying to accomplish 2 things, number one, to minimize civilian, hard to work with these really government and also to get him out here and assistance. and that is also important to ensure that some house needs to ensure their have food, water medicine, a senior. here's the official has announced that the group will continue targeting vessels balance israel in the red sea. and so what it calls the genocide against garza stops america samelle as mental. these tablet spans of the coalition of shame will not prevent us from continuing all military alterations until the clients of genocide in gauze stopped and foot madison and fuel are allowed to add to its
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besieged population. this is a moral and human to terry and position, but we will not abandon no match of the sacrifice as it costs us. now this all comes as washington has announced, an international mission in the red sea operations are expected to counter the maritime strep post by given through the rebels and the funds was set forth during the us defense extra chipped to bar, right. which is the only of states out of 10 in the washington my coordination. so this morning we launched operation prosperity, guardian, under the umbrella combine maritime forces. and. ready of the leadership of task force, 153, that operation is bringing together more than a dozen countries from around the world to conduct joint patrols in the red sea in the gulf of a let's say comes after us central command set,
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the 2 commercial shipping vessels were recently targeted to by the who said they claim to only targets it fail, relates of vessels like those shown in this voltage. no footage was reported in either instance, but it does follow last month. dramatic scenes when the rebels installed and these ratings cargo vessel local generalist springs as the exclusive reports from the captain ship. i'm truly one of the most contested areas in the world. this is the, this is the ports of a city. because this is really ships are being captured by humans. naval forces, as you can see, behind me is the galaxy leader. this was actually the 1st, this really is really leadership that was captured about a month ago as it was attempting to cross 7 wind up in the red sea. as you can see there it's, it's turned into an attraction site. and many vacation if you were
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made across human and it made their way to the site the. 2 is bessie ac. for the shipment traveling, traveling across the country to meet here. so we can get a tour of the ship, get a tour of the galaxy and which has been stationed and detained here, along with the school members for about a month. at a couple of days, west has came to release the ship and released to members. however, that's not happening. and we are about to get on a moment right now and get a tour of the ship. and perhaps try to get some interviewed with some of the team members if they are available. the mind when we talk about the galaxy lead of us.
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so we're not just talking about how we capture the ship and towed it to this pull. more importantly, the capture of this ship is a symbol in an accomplishment that we have broken the back of the arrogance had demonic powers of the us. and this owing this then to take a high value, we've already experienced 8 years of war and conflict by the coalition forces. this is nothing new. we've experienced this coalition for 8 years already and they are the same ones here. again, play runs defense minister one the, the plan would face major challenges. if the us make switch and the rational move they will be faced with extraordinary problems. nobody can make a move in a region where we have predominance. around 50 percent of wealth have shipping traffic passes through the series canal on the waters of the red sea of human. the light is, here's, the escalation has already and parts of global trade and the red sea shipping report to the down by over a 3rd. it comes as it may just shipping companies, re direct the vessels traveling between europe and asia, around the horn of africa. adjoining it is considerably longer increasing both of
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shipping times and costs are. we spoke with the executive director of the art of sensor full research and studies honey solomon, and he said it's egypt as what a saudi arabian, the, are you aware of us funds for the region, which is why this thing out of the cornish, this are the answers this code. yes, and it was born you did indeed because the united states wants to make a kind of visit with misty and a career through the ability of this. i us about. ready it's phase because just been gone through this was accepted to be in this uh uh no, that was our young, easy. it would. yeah. and it'd be, uh, the image menu gone through is which of menu bar doesn't need it for them is that isn't under it. see if use the to be a involved with things is the because, you know, with a interest of the united states of america, it,
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on to their own spares the conflict from as, as a to is, there is a wouldn't, wouldn't be a many if this is to is the economy and the military and security. and this isn't moving on to all the news now. russia has, has no funds to but tried on its military intervention, the ukraine. that's the main message from president the present, who met with the countries top ross to reflects on the as achievements and set goals for the coming months. so we did, we sure would the, the vin so this, you have confirmed that the waste continues to wage a high bid war against russia. the activity of the nathan military block as a whole, as sharply increased. finland has already been thrown into nato and sweden is planning to join us the bases effectively. the next stage in the blocks encroachment on our borders. i was once told that this is not the military block, but rather a political organization. but no one has ever canceled article 5 and the aggressive
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nature of the books policies is not hidden. the west is not abandoning its strategy of containing russia through its aggressive goals in ukraine. we have our own goals . we are not going to shy away from the special military operation vladimir put and spends a lot of time going over just how the special military operation has been going this year. he said that russian troops are successfully accomplished their objectives and according to schedule. and they also thank the leadership of the defense ministry for leading its troops to those successes in the special military operation. the russian president also spoke about the colossal losses the key of has had to deal with as well as the effectiveness of its western supply. the equipment giving you a picture usually, but the enemy is suffering heavy losses and has luxury wasted in series of strength to provide there must have some results of the much hyped, so called content off and see the meat of the invalid ability of western military
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equipment has also collapsed all attempts, as they said in the west to inflict a military defeat on us. the strategic defeat with courted by the courage and fortitude of the russian soldier. on top of that, vladimir potent called 2023, attend some here, and he brought some attention to the shortcomings that moscow is had to deal with throughout the military operation as well. like the need to improve on russia's satellite intelligence capabilities, it's munition supply size as well as various different types of drones that's using . and he also said that although the russian air defense system is the best in the world, of course, there's still spears that can be improved and connection to that as well. now we also did hear from the russian defense minister sort a chicago, who gave us some official of numbers in terms of casualties. the key of has been facing specifically since the beginning of his failed counter offensive in june. on june. 4th, he, the russian defense minister said that the ukrainians have suffered $100.00 and so
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. busy nearly 160000 casualties that killed and injured. and since the beginning of russia's military operation upwards of $380000.00 was the only tool. so about the current situation, or was there any more expansion on all the issues too? well, he's spoken a bit about the reason why the world is basically living in this era of anything and everything connected to the ukraine conflict right now, we set it all began really back in 2014, when the west decided to support the euro. my don qu data in ukraine, and he said that it's the west fault that russia has been forced to step into this conflict. and you'll be signing of the shooting deliberately, the us and you to think through this conflict. they have achieve their goals in the sense for russia, in europe, we're pulling the parts and now they are shifting the burden of financial responsibility and payments on to europe. the weekly, and in spite of this generations of today's politicians in europe can not resist
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this mustang with the war in ukraine. there's no magic pulse of funding. that's how the us state department spokesman and matthew miller described ukraine's prospects of receiving aid from washington. if the funding prize zone is the research of constituting any, is it also i have to box up. there is no magic pot of funding that we have available to draw on. if congress doesn't pass this bill, that's not how government funding works. and there is a, a, there us funding streams that we can draw on. we have use those funding streams. we have nearly exhausted them and over the next few weeks will fully exhaust them. and that's all we need, congress that. so from on this, let's cost live now to all the correspondence, caleb more pin killer doesn't mention the washington appears to be running out. cellphones for ukraine comes off of the hills of prisons. the lens give failed mission to washington. to try and draw up most support from the us. what does this
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mean for t f? well, those words you just heard from the us state department spokesman, uh they com at the time when the white house is still trying to negotiate in order to swing its funding package for ukraine are asking for an additional $60000000000.00 that would include not just money for ukraine, but also for is rail as well. and at this point the white house. ready negotiating with republicans in congress about possibly getting that funding in exchange for stricter policies at the us border with mexico. however, it's worth noting that we have a situation where it appears there's not unlimited funding coming from united states. there's top of this could be the final aid package where you crank, lift gate feels somewhat confident. here's what he's ad y'all's plan and then the show i'm confident that the united states will not betray us. and all agreements
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with us will be fully implemented. we'll do so he's confident that the united states has his back, but the you as a seems to be running out of money. and it's important to note that public opinion in the united states is not in favor of continued flow of weapons and funding to ukraine. 48 percent of americans say they don't think they, they think of this point. we spent too much money on ukraine now. 27 percent say is the right amount. small 11 percent say not enough. and 14 percent. just don't know all that's the least polling data among americans. a real lack of enthusiasm for support for your brain. those numbers are much higher among republicans than they are among democrats. and at this point, we had a situation where the president, united states buy it and it was trying to secure this aid package. he responded that he's going to continue pausing, cause a package, but he kind of laughed it off as well. this is what was that surprising called
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congress to do the right thing to stand with your crane to stand up for freedom. and i want to thank you for being here and help the cause. the . oh, it seems like a very dramatic shift in town, among the circles of power, not being through as the as, and we have the beginning of the special military operations. at this point, we see the circles of power in the united states, the congress, and even the presidency. they're not so enthusiastic, not so excited about boring, more weapons and funding and the key. so we'll have to see how this plays out. if that aid package does finally go through and if in fact it is what many suspects could be the spinal aid package to keep it. indeed, we'll have to wait and see how it plays out. so i'll take correspondent kenneth boffin. thanks very much for that. so that's how the road is looking at 11 30 pm
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most go time. i'm going to scott's and i'll be back again with another look at today's big it stories and about how the it seems like a long distance and dream and american culture as of the last decade. freedom of speech have a 1000000000 are you on musk has decided enough is enough and found a defamation lawsuit against the liberal, leaning. what size media matters for america and straight out use it on this episode of $360.00 view. what a lawsuit against media matters is playing out in a texas court room. what will be the effects for freedom of speech and social media platforms around the world? let's get started.


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