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tv   Cross Talk  RT  December 19, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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the, the testimony is it gathered by human rights monitor your own med, confirmed palestinian civilians were subject to torture while in id up to tension in guantanamo like conditions, media outlets share their own evidence. they asked us to meet our needs for over 5 hours. we stop like this were beaten with sticks, with fire, and on the head, our backs everywhere. these really occupational armies talked in all live support in structures. and today we witness the and now this is strike please time be talking to a charitable organization offering a to solve all this resilience. air raids on the jabante, a refugee camp till at least the 13 people that's pregnant. the death told the past 2 days they were to 120. according to local health officials,
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providers are struggling with 3rd grade. people in the association. i know the affiliated with any political parties or resistance, the targeting the association within the residential area. when many of killed and injured the true help, only the poor and needy, the situation we are in the stress and us state department spokesman says there is no magic part of funding, making it clear that your claims prospects of receiving aid from washington are limited. are those are the headlines we're following here on our t international next. on cross top peter lavelle and his guest discussed the us as winning support for you print the
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the hello and welcome to cross stock where all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle . it's amazing what can happen over the course of a few months, not long ago biting was in static, that the us with back to craig as long as it takes now, it is as long as we can. what happened? no doubt the regime and give us take a note. the cross walk in ukraine, i'm joined by my guest. daniela's are in new york. he is a journal as an author of 3 books on the us constitution in mount jackson. we have karen kosky. she is a retired us air force was kind of the kernel having served at both n, s a and the office of the secretary of defense. and in tulsa, we cross the jeremy whose motto he is manage the editor of cobra action magazine. alright, prospect rolls and the fact that means he can jump any time you want that. i always
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appreciate danielle, let me go to you 1st in new york. so uh, what happened. uh, as long as the dates do, as long as we can, i don't know how many people have picked up on it, but it's a huge, discursive change. well, the war is not going very well from the west point of view. it is no fun losing a war. so when that happens, the temptation is very great to sort of walk away from the mess and let others clean it up. and that's what the us is doing. uh, that biden is bogged down. he's got tours in his hands, he's got a major crisis of the southern border. he has a republican revolt in congress which is essentially paralyzing his ministration. and he's trying to figure out a way of an extra k to himself and the mass, but it's not very clear that there is a way out. so he is stuck. and certainly a age of the ukraine may very well wind up on the cutting room floor. well, you know, karen, it seems to be a little good shifting from as long as it takes,
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as long as we can. we're going into the finger pointing mode. now it's, you know, who's to blame. oh, you know? yeah. house republicans. um, because there's other important issues in the middle east. i mean, there's that there is, a lensky isn't measuring up. i mean, they're, they're looking for, for, for someone due to the be the bag meg here in the, in. go ahead to karen. yeah, well, i mean, the american people in the congress to, to a great extent has been lied to about the progress of the war. and since that those lies can no longer be sustained. the, the worries has never been going well for you, crane. and it certainly in a much worse position today for negotiations or for a peace settlement, then it was a year ago or even 2 years ago. so this, this reality is, is coming into the picture and we're seeing it on the front pages of the papers. the finger pointing is not just political, but it is being transmitted to the country to kind of prepare americans for the fact that this is over and it's, you know, yeah, but in election you yeah, but it,
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what's really interesting here is a, these people, they, they think they're clever, but they're not jeremy because they're just re defining it. i mean, last summer, bite and said rush has already lost the war blinking site. exactly the same thing. they're, they're not addressing reality. they're just trying to put a different spin on it here. and because now what we're, they're talking about is a frozen conflict, as if rush, you would go along with it. they never address that part of the equation. you're trying to go for a frozen. com for like the engine, korea of we heard this a year ago. okay. i mean, the recycling their own to talking points. now, jeremy as well and look at the human tragedy as, as they're doing this. i mean, thousands of people are dying. you know, there was an article yesterday in the near time about kershawn and he created commander said this is a suicide mission. the go. uh so i mean, and, and there was another article in the same issue, how they're basically kidnapping people in kiev to send them to the front line. you
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know, you crying and don't want to serve in this war. i mean, for a long time, i think that the insurance through, that's why they had to rely on these militias. you know, privately financed militias, many of them, uh, political extremists. and now they're resorting to press ganging people into the cranium military. so this is getting really, really ugly. uh, the other story is how i mean rushes economy. i think a main model of the war was to grind russian to quad meyer and demonstrate their economy by ratcheting up the sanctions by clearly at the output. and it has been very bold and, and russia has survived economically, is flourishing in many ways. and there was an article today in today's new york times about how all these american companies, you know, put in shrewdly kind of took them over and made this into a profitable all these american companies were exiting. so that part of the strategy is failure of us thought that they was initiated,
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regime change operation by making putting look bad or running the russian economy. and that's not working out there. yeah, but it says you're saying daniel at the tail end with jeremy just said they're all this political calculation about what would happen, what could happen. they've been wrong every single time, but they're still making these policies as if they're going to get some kind of when it be and you can change the language all you want, change the words all you want, but it doesn't change the reality on the ground. and that's what they don't get, daniel would be what me that big the, these are treated thinking in washington has been extraordinarily bad. and joe biden, personally, has been on the wrong answer these, this, this, these decisions repeatedly, many personally chup in the war in afghanistan, which of course, ended disastrously it's doing no shortly or into as a new administration. he championed the the, the invasion of iraq interventions, olivia, the proxy war and syria,
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and the war and the crate. and then the us virtually engineered this war from the start. us promoted the, the 201314, my don. cool. which, which tor, the country apart, and made a conflict more or less and never will. and joe biden was in the thick of this. they thought they could what you know when that more easily they thought they could crush. hutton take over the vast uh, you know, natural resources of central asia, confront china from both ends from the east in the west. this is this, these big new upper shanaski strategy that was laid out in the, in this 1998 best seller, called the great, uh, the grand chest for and uh and uh it is failing. it is fail in the us, essentially is a or has, oh, is overstretched, overreached and now its reaching the limits of its power. yeah. and its believing its own propaganda as well. you know, karen in the wall street journal?
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well, there was an article about an unclassified, of course it was weak, but it's not attached anyone's name that russia is, was up to 90 percent of its forces involved in the original special military operation, 90 percent. so why does ukraine need money? and why would anyone think that russia is going to invade the nato country for the last 90 percent of its army? they will they have these 2 narratives going on simultaneously. it doesn't make any sense. go ahead. parents. well, it makes sense because they're promoting or globally, they're promoting or in europe. they're, you know, we're cheer leading. this were cheer leading it to the american people. so they need different stories for different audiences. um, you know, we've and we've seen nato do the same thing. nato says, oh, we're really tough. we can, we do all were so powerful. and then the, and then the very next sentence. but russia is going to evade, and they're going all the way to parents or whatever it is they say. so these stories are, are aimed at domestic populations for the most part,
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because ultimately it is the europeans and the american taxpayer who's a has to pay for this, or go bankrupt, trying to. so the messaging, there's actually probably 2 or is going on, at least by the, in washington one is against their own people and the propaganda war against the world. and then of course, the exercise of our military uh, uh, in industry. you know, how do we, i mean, they sell the aid to ukraine installed to americans, not as helping ukraine when a 100 percent of course. but mainly because it creates a jobs in america. i mean by that just recently started talking about, oh, don't worry people, it's all about your job. so, you know, but i will say the present scheme doctrine has been something that american politicians for decades have clung to as if it was god's promise to the earth. and it's not, it hasn't worked, it isn't working,
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it's impossible to sustain. and it's based on a false premise as well, but right, but one thing does work, jeremy. one thing does work instead of selling this as a jobs of project, which is kind of creepy. if you is creating to think about a war is good for 1000000000, it's got i, i can't believe it or they've tried to sell, but they are. but it is very profitable now there's no doubt about that for a very small number of shareholders. jeremy, as well. yeah, it's profitable. profitable for the weapons contractor. i mean, it's basically the boon dog or for the, you know, major defense contractors and for the wall street, you know, hedge funds that own of them like black rock. uh and, you know, robert f. kennedy junior has said this uh several times i heard them say its uh, and that's really what this amounts to uh, along with other american wars. i mean, there's really no value to these wars. i think the american people see that the
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soldier seat. i mean there's so much cynicism now in america. and i think it's, it's a very dangerous moment in american history. because that cynicism is to live in the rise of the neo fascism. you know, the trumpet movements. uh so i think it's just a very dangerous situation and yeah, we're seeing, they knew mom, the american empire crashing and burning. hopefully, hopefully not taking everybody down with uh, which is. yeah. but daniel, you know, again, you know, a kind of dropped out of the discourse, but isn't it re emerged here is to fight for democracy in ukraine. do you know anything about democracy in ukraine because i can't find it as well? yes. so you create as a country which is deeply and unstable. uh, its, um, it's uh, unstable in, in many respects it's torn by divided by language. it's has a huge break away section. there is a, a,
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a far right nationalist culture in the west in ukraine which essentially dominates the country as a whole. but the whole, the next is very fall and no one knows how to play out. and that's what makes the, the situation on the military front. so dangerous is that the problem is, is not necessarily a stalemate lasting for years and years. but a collapse that if the, if they, if the ukrainian lines break. and there's a major rush in advance. well, that'll mean i never wanted to feed for the government in ki evans landscape, but it'll also in the very possibly a civil war conditions inside the u. k. that's exactly what i've been texting for months now that once we see some kind of outcome on the battlefield, we're going to see an internal breakdown and maybe both at the same time. i'm going
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to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break, and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on ukraine. stay with the the acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department c. i a weapons makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, a slight change and whatever you do, don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the waiting. thank
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i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except we're so shorter is it conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about visual intelligence, and the point obviously is to create a truck rather than to the various jobs. i mean with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody in the demon the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the welcome make the prospect where all things are considered on peter will about to remind you were discussing. you create the
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ok. let's go back to karen in mount jackson over the last, i think about 2 weeks, 2 months. we've seen the word stalemate being played out and it's actually in the west, the western powers that be they kind of use it as a positive, as least ukraine hasn't lost. that's how they're spinning it here. but it, it really isn't a stalemate. it's. it's a growing defeat for ukraine because as much frustration is there is with the rush of strategy with a special military operation. and i've expressed it personally on this program here . but if in the larger setting, if you are you on 40000 feet in the air, it's working, let's say ukrainian military come to the russian forces to be an isolated. and that's exactly what's been going on for a good part of 20 months. right now that policy is working as in patient, it makes us all feel because i want to see this come to an end. i see this war is completely senseless. so many young men being destroyed for
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a war that never should have happened. but essentially, the russian planet of destroying the mil military capacity of a nato back military is happening, aaron, or is it? yes, it is happening, and i think this is hardly one data. once it does stop before it becomes even more obvious, the real danger that nato presents, by stoking and picking fights, that it can't, that it can't even fight much less prevail in. so, um, you know, it's, it's a, it's a huge problem, but yeah, the crane, i think 6 to 7000000 people, what many women and children have left the country course. they are in various parts of europe and around the world as i guess refugees, immigrants are, but many of them are not return. many of them are not planning to return. the dumbass area will stay russian, so they've lost the population in the industry that was in the east. so ukraine is fractured. it's fractured in a material way in a territorial way. it's politically fractured. and you mentioned democracy when democracy zaleski has,
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has banned religions. he's and he's suspended political parties jail to his political opponents. and the mayor of p a is so frustrated that he's probably spoken about zelinski corruption for leadership. so the country is being destroyed from inside and outside. um, honestly, to me and i don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. i'm not rush it, i'm not ukrainian. but the russians seem to have bins restraint in the, in the way they've approached this whole thing they have. because in a traditional, more fighting scenario, now's the time to strike and take it completely off the map and they're not doing that rush is not doing that. they've never wanted to do that. that's not part of newton's agenda. it's not part of the russian army is agenda, but they could, and the very fact that they could, after all of the money the west has poured in, after all of the, the global sanctions and all of the efforts that we've made to back up,
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this is not just a small loss, it's not a stalemate. this is a major the feet of the. c the pharmacy and the, you know, the, the juxtaposition of course is what the israelis are doing to gaza. that's what total war looks like. and a genocidal martin at that. i as we're speaking right now, people are drinking drinking, cup of tea, nose in care of. okay. that's the difference. all right, jeremy, it seems to me because the elections always play a role in this decision making here. and given that the congress is unwilling, at least at this point, i, you know, i want to, you know, ukraine will keep getting money as like, you know, 60000000000. i don't think so. but the, the administration is going to keep the stick it on it just, it's not going to be so full blast here. and i, you know, this is what i, what if i live support approach. this is what the, the by demonstration will have at least up until the election agree a biography. yeah, yeah. to add to a camera. so also they've been assassinating,
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not just the jailing is this estimated the. busy of the socialist party in parliament in moscow. so it is a mafia regime in ukraine have been wide scale assassinations extending into russia . and yet it's really a trick of george orwell that this is presented in believe by any and the liberal community in united states that this has some great democracy and faith 5 for democracy. that to answer your question. uh, yeah, i mean, buying is committed. i think to the hilt and they'll find the way and i mean, look, look what happened in the eighty's with the criteria war. when congress cut off aid, what they do, they found cobra ways to continuously arm the cartridge. and i think there are a lot of carroll and other countries where the terrorist organization intent on sabotaged in the garage to understand the needs of those. and i think you crane and basically a mafia regimes with terrorist ad jones like the ease of battalions. and i think
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that they'll find ways to fund them covertly. if congress cuts cuts off and you know, the so called each state. now the pentagon and the, the real power brokers and they can also use other countries. 3rd countries they've done historically when red regime become really and popular and per i as they find other country. often israel has done that work uh to arm them. so i, i think this may continue to kind of low intensity conflict for a long time. unfortunately, you know, daniel, you, with the, the love affair with is a lensky, seems to be fading away. i mean, a year ago, he was in front of congress. and much to my chagrin, seeing a major party officials carrying a foreign flag and the congress should have found everyone, and at least they did me here. but we had a few months ago, the economist in time magazine, not, not the most charitable with the use and zalinski um and then with his latest trip
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to washington, he returned home essentially empty handed. i know $200000000.00 is a lot. i'd like it, but been considering what he's got in the past. that's chump change here. and zalinski is more or less done. i mean, if he's not the rain maker at the financial term to make money, what value is he to you? great, daniel. well he's, are you, right? because his rain making your powers are or diminishing so there's, he's not much value anymore. but the, the, the real issue is the us in the us and mean soleski is a us instrument. the us put them in power. they uh, they arrange for him uh to, to uh, you know, to heads up, you know, to head up to. so the us funded military. uh now the us is getting tired. it's getting bored and that's other conflicts on his hands. and so it's walk into what, uh, and i think that uh, that disaster is moving. i think this is gonna be extremely dangerous situation in
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the ukraine and in europe as well. i think they, i think the future of nato is a real question. and the, and the us has no idea how to do with that. there's diminishing confidence in, in the, by the ministration. his numbers are plunging. uh, everyone's, you know, preparing themselves for a truck for a trump presidency to point 0. and trump will certainly see to put nato on an entirely new foot and uh, and, and nato itself. european. now, eyes are just like, you know, shaking their heads and wondering what it all means. and it's going to meet a very big change. 2024 is going to be a very big here. it's going to be a very turbulent type of the disabled he's health care. and you know, it's really interesting. i'm glad we started talking about nato and, and trump here, because of course, you know, the scanner mom re, by trump, will take us out of nato or, you know, out, and they're going to be passing congress, you know,
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amendments. so he can do it at all, which constitutionally, as it is quite a duty to know, well, that's really i guys think, but what's really interesting, is it joe, by his department, you need to have more than drug ever possibly could. because he's prevent the presiding over a strategic defeat for the alliance. karen? yeah, no, it's absolutely true. and um, you know, his in the trees sometimes takes a little time to evolve as we look at what happened in the past couple of years. certainly in europe with regards to nato, with american policy. when we look at that, the mistakes are going to be really obvious. um as to what is what is happening here. but yeah, buying and it's not clear vitamins leading the country. i mean, the man is clearly a senile, you know, he's, he's drugged up, he's not, he's not mentally leading the country there, but the people around him, the neo conservatives around him are driving american foreign policy. and they have never seen a wall. they didn't want to drive into and they're doing it again. they never take
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responsibility for their mistakes. however, the reckoning time is coming because europe can't sustain nato without the united states money. and many european countries are over and getting their going broke their dom up their demise demographics. they're not right to, to raise huge armies saying goes to the united states and we're more broke than they are. so, as the reckoning comes, but the financial reckoning, a political reckoning, and you know, we can talk about trump and we don't like trump, but trunk represents the same populist movement. that is the voice during art and bullying up a r f k junior and other candidates. people in america are tired of work and tired of their limited money. going to destroy the rest of the world while not defending or even repairing our roads and bridges. i mean, this is a populous concern, but shared across all parties that the actual voters and all parties share this view. so yes, 2024 is going to be very, very exciting. and i'll tell you the leads in this country, washington, dc,
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or congress that is so worried that trump's going to get elected. the 1st thing it's going to do is pull out of nato. they are panicking and i think for the rest of us. and while it's a tragedy, what we're seeing and what we've seen in ukraine and certainly a tragedy in gaza, there are some things coming to america that are going to kind of tilt the, the, the, the balance of justice in some way. so this century, i think it's, that's also true. it just that we're out rapidly running out of time here with me. but you know, these, the failures of these neo liberal leads are fueling the rise of populism. right? waiting populism in europe. i mean they, they, they, they, this is the best thing that could happen to the populace in europe and the way these people are running this war and their economies. and i would say their culture is that's a different topic. jeremy, finishing out for us, go ahead. we could also be entering the error of greater authoritarianism or, and repression because of populations yet are unhappy. and there is growing revolts
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including western countries and the leads may react away. they know how, you know what they've been doing all around the world. a lot of the violence may come home here and we see it may see more, more refreshing it and more of a police state. and that's one of the dangers as people rise up because it clearly takes as a care point. people are not happy with these policies. these policies are a failure, a means of failure of governance. they're not governing for the american people. they're causing, may have abroad, and there's going to be more more rebellions. and we hope that, uh, and they don't lease the raf on the american p. well, but we know that their 1st, the 1st of our i'll fire line of resort is censorship. that's what they're very, very good at doing, sensory goes and disappearing us and we're gonna have to fight back against that as all the time we have a one, i think my guessing mount jackson, new york, and in tulsa. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our be see next time. remember, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the west the
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in the late 18 ninety's, french soldiers led by general to boot. i arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of mountain shot on sunday . i mean, he stuck up some issues around the cars and digs showing the list to the tent of who they are least one of the most horrific campaigns of a trustees to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. liability getting hold of somebody. i know the pushing me to download the glass, you followed there to do some paper production. once i could have multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed on that department for us to get the move of nancy. and i'm a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on that you need to africa. the choices general good eyes,
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flood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is sam and i come from england and i've come ready to find out more about the, the mission of lake and the history of colonial in, in the region. the it seems like a long distance and dream and american culture as of the last decade. freedom of speech have a really and are you on musk has decided enough is enough and found a defamation lawsuit against the liberal leaning stock medium matters from here on sky. now here's an on this episode of $360.00 view. what a lawsuit against media matters is playing out in a texas court room. what will be the effects for freedom of speech and social media platforms around the world? let's get started.


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