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tv   News  RT  December 20, 2023 4:00am-4:31am EST

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to the a new guantanamo, that's how a europe and human rights group has labeled and is really army comp while claiming to have evidence of the torture on the execution of the utilities there we hear from some of those recent they took me and beat me. i told them i was injured, but they still beat me in the chest. they didn't even listen to. that is really our strike raises to the ground, a residential area in southern locals of ensuring their distressing that time. so to be often run of the house, the so body with me here exactly. we saw a child's bike car dries onto this as you can see anything through
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outside the box. there is no magic pot of funding that we have available to draw on . if congress doesn't pass this bill, that's not how government funding works. the us state department admits its griffing, the borrow for a cash strapped new crane. the key up, the mom's more money to keep it toward after going admitted dwindling, spring them aid from the west. part of the lead, liberty and justice for all of the democrats run state of colorado. bottom is republican. frontrunner donald trump, from the local college and next year is us the mid day in moscow. this wednesday, december, the 20th time you know, legal and this is the news our on our to turn, the geneva paste euro met, human rights watch dog has demanded on international probes into the legit torture
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on the execution of detainees by israel earlier reported bias. really media, the group said it has gathered evidence, pointing out an idea of comp being turned into what resembles a notorious u. s. military facility. testimony is gathered by your own mad monitor. it seems concern reports published by israel tourette's newspaper about these rarely field executions of gauze and the chinese additional detainees have died after being subjected to extreme torture and mistreatment at this day time on is rarely ami kemp. the states a mind. kemp has been turned into a new one ton of my like prison when detainees are caged in humane conditions. within the fence compounds detainees are blindfolded and subjected to harsh interrogations. with the hands tight lights that turned on unintentionally shone upon them at nights with the intention of exhausting and torturing them. well, to palestinians have returned to goes after being detained by v, as really military. for several weeks. the men claimed that were beaten by the idea
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of numerous occasions. despite depleting with their captors. a warning you might find some of the following images distressing. they took me and beat me. i told them i was injured to, but they still beat me in the chest. they didn't even listen to me a little more involved just so i did not know the phase or the number of the other day. nice. they took my disabled brother and i did not know what happened to them, but to man are not being treated a lot. so hospital in central guns that they were among follows is a part of being detained by the idea of since october 7th, on suspicion of links to come earlier is released the series of video showing scores of palestinian detainees tied off on strip done to their underwear the id s planes. the men in the images were terrorist books, many were later identified civilians. we've reached out to both the euro med group . i'm the is really military for any additional comment on the latest developments
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. we'll keep you updated if and when we get a response. i also want to show you this from the guitar based. i'll just see renews trouble, which has broad cost, an interview with former dtn a supreme. they were tortured by the idea. the needs of youth depend on us. we will say for now house is the occupation all me came to us oscar for all the documents and i d. 's. we provided all id. they arrested us and to close to an unknown place . we stayed for 3 days without knowing where this place was, without food, without anything that we would torture and then taken to the detention center where we will touch it more and display so they released us. so we returned home. but now you see the torture we do it, we will hundreds. we don't know the exact questions they asked. all we have mass. we said no, no time us. they repeated the same questions. all you have mass. again, we said no one of the torch,
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your thoughts be tough. floor throws us. they tortured us in waste. words cannot describe the truth. and so suddenly they asked us to meet on our knees for over 5 hours. we stop like this is our beat them with sticks, with iron on our heads, our backs up everywhere. i saw the model when i got that when they beat us, tortured us every day, the said, your intelligence agents, your, i'm us, your collaborate is being sold, adult families, coast and mothers beat us with sticks, told you to severely. they took her idea. we didn't know where they are. we didn't know where the documents are, where the money is. it took everything we own without any shame. some people died in the detention center, diabetes patients, blood patients, of patients, people with arterial disease. there were 3 torture people died without any medical treatments. yeah, that was part of an alger 0 report with a nation alt katara among the mediators. so trying to broker and you cease fire and
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prisoners swap for counseling. the new deal has reportedly been offered to him off the details of that can be find at r t dot the ok. let's said delve into what's been happening on the ground southern does that i guess, and came under is really bombing over nights. local health ministry officials are yet to report on the casualties from the latest strikes. but yesterday choose the idea for our rates and the region report at the same more than a 100 palestinian lights for the chair of people in con you this digging through the rubble searching for signs of life for the remainder of those killed gas, enough storage. these reports that the death total across the end tape since october 7th, is now approaching $20000.00 with masses of people missing, feared, buried in the debris, felt the letters, the temperature more than $52000.00 published means. i've also been injured him. these really assault astonishing figures as well, in terms of displacing close to 2000000 gallons of being forced to leave their
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homes. that's almost all of the strips population. and then the house was full of people full of human beings. why did they bumble we managed to remove some bodies, but where the rest of them come into what crime did they commit? they fled from gather to dice. here were peacefully sitting in our house and suddenly all of our neighbors windows fell down. run up the house. we saw body remains the sure exactly. we saw a child's body cut to pieces. wear gloves to start removing. i swear i remove that this, this big 4 gallons is remaining working hospitals are struggling to handle a must have in flux of dead and wounded. no sir. hospital in ton unit is a constant scene of despair as people attempt to cope with the death of loved ones are desperately awake news on the wounded and missing health officials say indeed, hospitals in the entry of sites are enabled to accommodate any more patient. canadian pulse to major this monster issue amount is among those seeking pressures
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they can shelter at the under pressure loss on hospitals. medical complex is, uh, this is a group of 700 buildings and we'd love to open space. and right now it's not only a hospice, it's a very big and a 2 g center for around 60000. i said if the people, including the hundreds of those injured from all that on the strip, we have here around the $800.00 only from the north and on the north of us. the strip, as you know, does not have any more running hospitals or clinics. and so all those who have been injured or are long term to face the long term patients. their kid on know, are designed to get across the hospital. many in the quoted daughters of the hospitals in the we can get is that around 250 in the temporary tense that have been set up around the discipline facilities here. like i said, it's now
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a small town, small city, with the, with, with peoples and comedies trying to take it as a refuge, thinking that is going to be saved from the air strikes of these ladies. however, this was proving the wrong several times since that facility it says husbands of on 7 times, including once 3 days ago, the maternity ward beside me being hit quite a time to send killing one female patients and then getting many babies and women for expecting to get this further. so from there on the goals, the egypt border is really are a strikes reported to be killed at least 29 people in a civilian neighborhood in the city of what i felt on tuesday, local shopping saying their final for a well as to those killed in the shelling most of the victims are children with relatives mourning the loss of so many young lives by a single idea. there are no tunnels, as they say. all they did was shield children and women. there is no justice. i was
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dreaming of seeing my 15 year old grandson become an engineer. he was my 1st happiness and love. they broke our hearts by killing him. i think we was safely sleeping in our house at 2 am seeming selling our heads and some young people pulled us out of the rubble. my 2 grandsons were killed. the idea takes their revenge on children. the rescue workers, locals continue to search the debris for survivors as bodies. our poll from the rubble of thousands of others are believed to be trumped on these really military claims that strike on their off. i'd killed a key figure, allegedly involved in funding. come us the military with us and look at comments. meanwhile, international groups, some, some countries are staffing with new aid efforts. for gal said the u e has launched a d. so a nation plants on the coast of that office city to provide desperately needed
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clean water for palestinians. scores of locals lined up to fill their containers while praising the art of nation for its support. you owe money to police network will suffice for the people of rough estimate and the displaced cause number succeed. 1.2000000. we confirmed that the motor stage operation is indeed achieving its objectives and providing g a to our pals team and people in light of the worth extermination wage by the occupation forces against the fact that tina, i will say, in this crucial times we receive support and assistance from our brothers in the united arab emirates, and in this regard, we can only extend our sincere thanks for this initiative, which included the establishment of a c. what are the selling nation plant and up at some with them we would like to extend our deep fangs for this tremendous effort in providing this relief in vital wants a black line, which is an essential result of life. the simple just as fast as a law, people under the circumstances that israel has rejected claims it deliberately
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targeted a catholic church in gal. so an incident in which 2 women were killed by an idea of sniper, the girls in church saves the mother and daughter were walking to the sodium sisters convent, part of the holy families ethics. horace. when they were caught in that he loved going to find a church statement saying no warning was given and accuses the idea of killing the women quoted in cold blood. israel has denied all allegations, insisting that the idea of does not target civilians from frances has called being sent an act of terrorism. fishy low g. i'm civilians be involved and shot at some say stairs, and that's wrong. that is, yes, it is for them yet. it is terrorism, this is why scripture says god stumps, worse case, it breaks spouse and then breaks the you'll see that as of right to the lowest for peace. that key folks, i mean to me for a month. you know, one of the wildest incident occurred in the area where the 2 women were reports in
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the killed. the reports received did not match the conclusion of our initial review which found to the idea of troops or targeting sputters in animal lookouts. the idea of takes claims of the strikes on sensitive sides for seriously, especially churches that are the holy sites where the christian face, the idea of direct its operations against the most service organization, and not against surveillance, regardless of their religious affiliation. and while the idea of also insist that does not target holy sites and picks planes of strikes on sense of the cultural sites very seriously. the ballast and even ministry of tourism and stick with hayes is demanding that the you and cultural arm unesco. take courage infection. the crime of targeting and destroying archaeological sides should spur the world into unesco into action. to preserve this great civilizational and cultural heritage to or israel is deliberately targeting palestinian cultural heritage according to the
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euro. med human rights monitor. again, that includes strikes and archaeological sites, historical buildings, places of worship, and museums, palestinian officials, the estimate that more than $100.00 mosques of being destroyed since october 7th was prost live. no deductible that car was former member of parliament for the christian seat movement in a month on member of the executive committee of the world council of churches. you are most welcome sir. during an interview with a british radio station, the is really definitely mergers the most off at why the adf is attacking churches and gals that her response was there are no churches in gaza. there are no christians in dallas or she bought a truck the little on the leader in the end for you, but that kind of rhetoric that back kind of intelligence when it comes to guys, what do you make of it? i have to have some of the team ideas. thank you for the work for
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having me with this is that it is not for me to check cuz it is christians as you want. because as you know, video in 6 organize it as such, institutions, chesterfield and i'm chipped. his have been destroyed them. that'd be can, i can name them by you. the 5th one was at the percent put furious. what's the looks screwed where we had about 19 unit is plugged in one of them, of cushions we have. that's how many chips the catalytic one. it was, boom gardens twice up to one of the ones. the last of the accident was with this. probably notice it clean, good the and here for the i'm funny family as well as the right m. c. m uses the control center of the hospital and all of those or chapters or transfer you to, to the additions. they have been the databases and
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so destroyed many of them. no it is. but is this i bump like to discriminate? the on the that's i can cushions about this is area to tm, so we have the proof of the credit report getting them they've been asking them to, to fill out the notes. and even outside of this, unfortunately we have some committees about step to come. it is just because they had the facility to have the pieces from specially it was great. we had our test, of course, this issue because this with the minimize the presence of the cushions. and especially when we know that on the less than $1000.00 christians are present thing, just most of them uh, shit. and that the edge because all this to the children on the outside goes or studying or working. so as to support of this amenities and guess i,
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this is any entity in which this work does not discriminate between people. and it does not discriminate between the 3 building premises hospitals. so what somebody like there is no place and goes, so just shoot. okay, no reason why he's come to me. i have a few like but the key for us. and if you can even pass the video instead of minutes for putting a report that has to go into guys a, the can see what's going on here. can i just talk to you sir? what, what our show is all hes saying your deposit working let me look. can i get with the you that if you use since 1948, and we have seen you much should i just professional and to serve and i'm not sure . oh, sorry for the upcoming. but it's the, from the resources, the, or the must,
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the companies which is in my with these is taking over against gonna show okay. muslims on even on fits. would it be put in the present thing is it of israel plains palestinian militants are using those religious and cultural sites for cover? do they also bear responsibility for putting them? essentially in the firing line is not the i'm not taking a notice for somebody to get on the books before getting them up to your step 2 or before yes, of the app before attempting. remember the 1st time there was 0, it's telephone cord and from the is that a army? asking the police officer, the special report goes to churches with rehab that they have to evacuated as well as the hospital the that it was for 3, which is going sometimes my mcdaniel, about because the head of chest was refused to that this is shutting up poor believers and we can impose people or us even ask them to leave
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the premises because that is what i is trying and he, they get them so as to see it to let the people see that to then they won't get bumped from them and guess okay, so this is the way in which is the end thing that she kind of window, or i think it is. i kind of gives the, the name or the, the, the issue of the war on this. this is a government thing or kind of 3 or states that arisen this is the terminology in which we have to use because the new or the to the patients and so knows how it will can go. especially when you are targeting civilians, especially when you i've talked to the doctor thing. if you take a few pictures of places up to your aunty can, this is like the previous year,
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which is the head of this church in the words, right? plus the $3329.00. a is the christ. this is betty entity or the how the automobile is my writings. because the i'm losing, what am i going to be upsetting for? dr. call us we. we must leave it there. time has beaten us. thank you for your time today. those are dr. audit, call us member of the executive committee of the world council of churches. you are most welcome, my dear ad. thanks for having. thank you. okay, moving the program all. no, there is no magic part of funding. that was the response from the us state department spokesman when asked about you frames, prospects of receiving further cash from morrison. you defend the prize only the research of causing any is you also have the box. there is no magic pot of funding
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that we have available to draw on if congress doesn't pass this bill. that's not how government funding works. there is a, there are funding streams that we can draw on. we have use those funding streams. we have nearly exhausted them and over the next few weeks will fully exhaust them. and that's why we need congress that. well, those were, as you just heard from the us state department spokesman, they come at the time when the white house is still trying to negotiate in order to swing its funding package for ukraine. they're asking for an additional $60000000000.00 that would include not just money for ukraine, but also for is rail as well. and at this point, the white house is negotiating with republicans in congress about possibly getting that funding in exchange for stricter policies at the us border with mexico. however, it's worth noting that we have a situation where it appears. there's not unlimited funding coming from the united
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states. there's top of this could be the final aid package where you crank, but zaleski feels somewhat confident. here's what he's ad. and i am confident that the united states will not betray us. and all agreements with the u. s will be fully implemented, so he's confident that the united states has his back, but the usa seems to be running out of money. and it's important to know that public opinion in the united states is not in favor of continued flow of weapons and funding to ukraine. 48 percent of americans say they don't think they, they think at this point, we spent too much money on ukraine. now. 27 percent say is the right amount, small 11 percent say not enough. and 14 percent just don't know. all that's released. pulling data among americans, a real lack of enthusiasm for support for ukraine. those numbers are much higher among republicans than they are among democrats. and at this point, we had a situation where the president united states by and who is trying to secure this
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a package. he responded that he's going to continue pushing. it was a package, but he kinda laughed it off as well. this is what was that mr. president called on congress to do the right thing to stand with ukraine to stand up for freedom. and i want to thank you for being here and help the cause the . it seems like a very dramatic shift in tone among the circles of power, not being doozy as them we had the beginning of the special military operation. at this point, we see the circles of power, the united states, the congress, and even the presidency. they're not so enthusiastic, not so excited about for a war weapons and funding and the keys. so we'll have to see how this plays out. if that aid package does finally go through and if in fact it is what many suspects could be the spinal aid package to key a lot of mirrors,
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zalinski the end of year media conference this week notably locked the hide hope 1st victory that was previously cleared by himself, i'd like to question media outlets of possible wake up close to the nation number. it's 4 and toners. that question is broke, right? not on our website. r t dot com, the okay to the us presidential race where donald trump has been bombed from the ballot and the democrats run state of colorado by the local supreme court. the republic in front runner has value to appeal and accused the white house of jeopardizing the nation's frequent to say, i'm a threat to democracy. know joe biden is a threat to democracy pipe all of the things that we talk well, according to the court, donald trump cannot get on the states candidate list due to his role in the capitol hill, writes back in january 2021 in washington, dc. something nice seems to get it any attack on congress,
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unless condemn the so called insurrection is found in colorado. he's expected to appeal to ruling out the u. s. federal supreme court next. now american video hosted on conservative political commentator, steve hill, sees the colorado case spaces, many questions. i think it's ridiculously partisan ruling or you have 7 on elected democratic justices in colorado, all appointed by democratic governors in colorado, in a 43 decision deciding to take uh, president trump off the ballot. and this court is really kind of ignored several key factors. one, donald trump has never been charged with, nor convicted of interaction. the court kind of big drawers. that's also the court is imposing this despite the fact that there are several hurdles they have to overcome. including the fact that in the 14th amendment to the constitution, which they side, it does not name the president and names, members of congress, members of the senate, other officers,
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but specifically doesn't mention the president. so they have to overcome that hurdle. but the biggest one is that again, donald trump has not been charged with or convicted of insurrection, and this is a guilty until proven innocent, really by this court. and it will be thrown out, i think, pretty quickly by the us supreme court as well. following the colorado state ruling a trump campaign statement, accused the democrats of being in a quote, states of part of noise over the injuring popularity of the republican candidate. meanwhile, incumbent president biden is rapidly losing public support. according to the latest nationwide pulse at 34 percent biden's approval rating has hit an all time low. it's not a full 20 points from where he was elected 3 years ago. that decline has been up to be the public concerns over a high inflation as well as security on the infamously, porous border with mexico. steve gill, again say, is the policy that the democrats have deeply divided the american society. as you
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know, it's been pretty good for, for generations past until we have this massive divide that i think is a large part of, of democrats who literally suffer from, from a mental illness of trauma, derangement syndrome. they hate him so much. they're literally opening the pandora's box on a whole bunch of issues that will come back to harm them. for example, you've got 27 of the 50 states right now who have republican attorney general's. what does they all take for tack up? we're gonna take joe biden. off the ballad, you want to pursue this past week and remove candidates as well. and then they're also claiming that they're gonna prosecute president trump of deeds that he did while he was president that were not legal. they just didn't like him. they didn't, peeps in twice the 1st one on the russia house, which was completely bogus. the 2nd impeachment after he had left the office. so they're doing these bizarre court cases and fairly to recognize that it can be turned around on them in the future. you know, if they can wipe out presidential immunity,
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which has been in place for hundreds of years, that can also apply to prosecuting joe biden and brock obama, back to bill clinton. if what you do as president is not protected by presidential immunity for your official acts, that can turn the other way. so the democrats with their crazy trump the arrangements syndrome are opening the door to have the same thing done to them in the future. no colonialism across africa was written on for its barbarous nature, and some of the worst events witnessed occurred at the end of the 19th century when friends invaded nature. now we tell the story on south time 3 young trumpeters. always stay with us for a short documentary beginning the it's amazing what can happen over the course of a few months,
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not long ago buying was in static, the us with backs you great. as long as it takes, no, it is as long as we can. what happened? no doubt. we should even to have this taken down. the the sultan tells me you floated up to 15000 people in bed incoming. your mess it could've left of 6 days. the sultan says victims have desktops the the heads will cut off placed on sticks like soldiers on parade.
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the details of new york city homes of each victim. so you could keep a tale of how many they had killed on payson court. the and at the end of that moving appealed web are our true istic sentiment, the statute, luminous and terrifying, like a flash of lightning unnecessary, sky, exterminated for the brutes. your mc connie is typical of europeans in africa at the time. in few done just 9 months to participate in $10000.00 and a single day on the in the media. the germans would.


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