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tv   News  RT  December 20, 2023 6:00am-6:30am EST

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the the new guantanamo, that's how you're seeing the human rights criticism labels. and it's really all me count or claiming to have evidence of victoria as execution of the things that we'll be hearing for some of those who recently believe they took me and beat me. i told them i was injured, but they still beat me in the chest. they didn't even listen to. that is really as strike destroys a residential area and 7 the locals share their distressing account. so keep us come on up the house. so body remains in here exactly. we saw a child's buddy cut in 2 pieces on the prize own research with causing any issue outside the box. there is no magic pot of funding that we have available to draw on
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if congress doesn't pass this bill, that's not how government funding works. the us state department says it scraping the barrel for test strategy. crane tabs demands more money to keep its rule efforts going. i mean it's winning stream is a, from the west and the power in no liberty and justice for all or less than the democrat. one state of colorado funds with publicans. first run a donald trump from the local biology the next 2 years prior to the election in the us, the tpm here, in most cases of the international coming line from us studios. i'm charlotte, david, sky of very room. welcome to the pro. well, the geneva paste you umad human rights watch dog has demanded an international pro
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into the alleged torture on the execution of detainees. but it is, well, the group says it has gathered evidence pointing to an id f comp that's being turned into what resembles, a notorious us military facility testimony is gathered by your mad mountains. it seems concerned reports published by his rails. how that's newspaper. a balance is rarely steel, the executions of causing the chinese additional detainees of died after being subjected to extreme torture and mistreatment. at this very time on is rarely ami kemp. the states a mind kemp has been turned into a new one ton of my like prison when detainees are caged in humane conditions within fence compounds. detainees are blindfolded and subjected to hush interrogations with the hands tight lights that turned on, unintentionally shone upon them at nights with the intention of exhausting and torturing them. meanwhile, 2 palestinians, however, turned to gaza off to being detained by the is where the military for several weeks
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and then claimed that they were beaten by b i. d f. numerous times, despite pleading with that captive a warning, you may find some of the following images distressing. they took me and beat me. i told them i was injured, but they still beat me in the chest. they didn't even listen to me. i'm involved just so i did not know the faith or the number of the other day. nice. they took my disabled brother and i do not know what happened to them. the 2 men and not being treated at all access hospital in central garza, they were among thousands of palestinians who are being detained by the idea since october, the 7th, a suspicion of links to hum us as well. earlier. it is well released, a series of videos showing schools of palestinian detainees tied up and strip down to that underway. the only the foot plane, the men in the images were alleged terrorist,
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but many were late to identify just being civilians. we've reached out to both the you are med right square. you find the as rarely ministry for additional comment on these latest developments. and of course we'll keep you updated if and when we get a response. well, the catch all based, i'll just say we're news channel has both cost and in to be with former detainees and claim that they were tortured by the idea. the needs of youth depend on us. we will say for now, house is the occupation. now me came to us, asks for all the documents and i d, 's, we provided all id, they arrested us and to close to an unknown place. we stayed for 3 days without knowing where this place was, without food, without anything, we would torture and then taking to the detention center where we will touch it more and display so they released us. so we returned home. but now you see the torture we do it,
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we will hundreds. we don't know the exact questions they asked. all we have mass. we said no, no time us. they repeated the same questions. all you have mass. again, we said no, the torture task b to slow through as us. they tortured us in waste words cannot describe the truth so lovely the asked us to meet on our knees for over 5 hours. we stop like this who were beaten with sticks, with iron on our heads, our backs everywhere. i saw the model when i got that when they beat us, tortured us every day, the said, your intelligence agents, your, i'm us, your calibrate is being sold, adult families, coast and mothers beat us with sticks, told you to severely, they took her id. we didn't know where they are and we didn't know where the documents are, where the money is. they took everything we own without any shame. some people died in the detention center, diabetes patients, blood patients, of patients, people with arterial diseases. there was real torture. people die without any
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medical treatments. so that was part of an eligibility report with the nation of catch all among the mediation. so we're still trying to broke or a new state on, on prison. this will prove goes back and, and you deal has reported me being offered to how last week the over details of the aussie don't tell me to go and check them at the in goal is that has again come monday is ready bombardment over night local health ministry officials are yet to report on any casualties from the latest strikes. but yes, today, all of us rates in the region reportedly claimed more than a 100 palestinian lives footage head of people in con eunice. digging through the russell, searching for any signs of life, or those of the remains of those who were killed. goals and authorities,
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reports of the death told across the own slaves since october. the 7th is now approaching 20000 with masses of people fed missing, buried in daybreak. that in this is the territory more than 52000 palestinians have also been injured in these rarely assaults, astonishing figures as well in terms of displacement now close to 2000000 gauze and use of being forced to leave the homes amongst all of the strips population and then the house was full of people full of human beings. why did they bomb it? we managed to remove some bodies, but where the rest of them, what crime did they commit? they fled from gather to die. here we were peacefully sitting in our house and suddenly all of our neighbors windows fell down. we ran up the house. we saw body remains in here. exactly. we saw the child's buddy cut into pieces. we were a glove to start removing him. i swear i remove that this, this big to goes,
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this remaining working hospitals are struggling to handle a massive influx of dead and wounded national hospital in connie. this is a constant scene of dispatch as people attempt to cope with the death of loved ones or desperately awaiting news on the wounded. and those who am missing health officials say hospitals in the enclave south on able to accommodate any new patients can. i didn't policy and enjoy next month. so schumann is amongst those seeking shelter, up the under pressure facility. the most of the hospitals, monday through the complex is, is, uh, is, uh, is a group of 700 buildings. and we'd love to open space. and right now it's not only a hospice, it's very big enough to g center for around $50000.00 the people including the hundreds of those injured from all that on the split. we have here around the
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$800.00 only from the north and on the north of us. the strip as you know, does not have any more running costs because or clinics. and so all those who have been injured or are long term to face the long term patients, their kids are now are designed to get his boss of hospice, a many in the quarter daughters of the hospitals. and the way to get is that around 250 in the temporary tents that have been set up around the disciplined facilities here. like i said, it's now a small town, small city, with the, with, with peoples and comedies trying to take it as the refuge, thinking that is going to be save from the air strikes. and they said it is. however, this was proven the wrong several times since the facility itself has been born 7 times, including once 3 days ago, the events here and that your beside me being hit by the time this is killing one
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female patients and injecting many babies and women for expecting to get this to central gulf and now we're at least fishing civilians were killed and many more injured in and is rarely strike on the residential building. that house is displaced, palestinians. you may find the following images to be distressing for the, the victims of the strike of being taken to allow the hospitals no pulses. i'm all set to be children. they out by law has faced heavy only b. s. i in recent days with densely populated refugee camps in residential areas bearing the brunt of the attacks we've been hearing from some of the survivors of this latest, foaming the suddenly miss,
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i found our house. we had no prior. notice. we've been able to remove some people from under the rubble with more remains. i don't know the exact number of casualties, but everyone in my family is injured. we were safe in our houses. i don't know why we were talking to. there are, did around 40 or 50 people, each house close to around 70 people because of the displaced our living there. the north of they own slaves now, where are they at strikes for poor to decline dozens more lives over night. multiple explosions were heard in underground the local hospital. the over the past 3 days, the city of jamalia has seen a search in casualties. a 123 decks have been confirmed, but the numbers could be significantly higher as many do remain trapped on the
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russel local safe that they can't comprehend why civilians are being targeted. the development of the cell. i was shocked to find my house had been bombed. i went to my 2nd home and discovered my son's wife and their children were injured. an 84 year old woman was also injured and buried under the breeze. after the attack on our house, what crime have we committed to deserve this is gather sentence to gradual execution with hundreds being killed. daily. israel has rejected claims it deliberately targeted a catholic church in goal of an incident in which 2 women were allegedly killed by an idea smelly for the goals. and church says the mother and daughter were working to the so called, also named sisters convent, which is part of the holy family catholic parish, where they were quote, in a hail of gunfire. church statement says no warning was given none,
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it secures the idea of killing the women in quote, in cold bloods. now israel husband night, all of these allegations insisting that the all idea does not target civilians processed the head of the catholic churches. cool. the incident in active terrorism, a, c o g, and i'm civilians be involved and shot at some say it's terrorism, it's war. yes, it is more, it is terrorism. this is why scripture says the gods steps worse, break spouse and break spears. let us pray to the lord for peace, that key folks, i mean in the problem and you know, don't have yet. well, this incident occurred in the area where the 2 women were reports and the killed the reports received did not match the conclusion of our initial review, which found that the idea of troops were targeting sputters in animal lookouts. the idea of takes claims of strikes on sensitive sides for seriously,
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especially churches that are the holy sites where the christian face, the idea of direct its operations against the how must terrace organization and not against the violence, regardless of their religious affiliation. while the itf also insists and does not target holy sites and takes claims of strikes, so sensitive cultural sites very seriously, the palestinian ministry of tourism and antiquities is demanding the winds cultural . i'm not seeing asco takes urgent action. the crime of targeting and destroying archaeological sides should spur the world into unesco into action. to preserve this great civilizational and cultural heritage, that is where it is though, deliberately targeting policy and cultural heritage. that's according to the you wrote med human rights, mona to that include strikes an archaeological sites, historical buildings, places of worship, and museums. well palestinian officials estimate that move in
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a 100 mosques have been destroyed since october the 7th. well, let's cross life now to many of the union. here's palestinian bishop and versus a member of the evangelical lutheran church in jordan and in the holy land. thank you very much for joining us. head on oxy international. now, during an interview with a british radio station, these really deputy matter of jerusalem was asked why b r a d s is attacking church in gaza. that's just briefly listening to what was said in the press conference to start shooting and having snipe. is it outside a church? i don't, i sold a report this morning. i'm the charge there no charges and causes. so i'm not quite sure where the road is looking at as a catholic church and there isn't. that is yeah, unfortunately, there are no questions because that would drive, drove and driven out by their own,
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respectfully, on their offices. because i spoke to an m p a today who has family members in the church? who are christians? well, i don't know. i don't know who was a jack. i didn't see the report. well obviously that's quite an interesting statement, but that she did like to back track on that. but what are your thoughts on that statement? and perhaps the lack of awareness of the christian community in gauze or that still stands with around a 1000 people. a bishop man. and can you hear me that? uh nope. okay. yes. i think the, the, i think we've gotten back. okay. sorry we having some technical gremlins with the issues. thank you. i just wanted to get reaction to what was said and, and perhaps the lack of awareness of the christians still living and gone. so what are your thoughts? okay,
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well it seems like we've lost the bishop, we'll try and speak to him a little bit later, but there is no magic poet funding. turning to another story now that was the response from the us state department spokes person. when asked about ukraine's prospects of receiving the cash from washington, easy to fund the prize zones is the research or causing any physical outside of the box. there is no magic pot of funding that we have available to draw on if congress doesn't pass this bill. that's not how government funding works. there is a, there are funding streams that we can draw on. we have use those funding streams. we have nearly exhausted them and over the next few weeks will fully exhaust them. and that's all we need converse that. well, those words you just heard from the us state department spokesman, they come at the time when the white house is still trying to negotiate in order to swing its funding package for ukraine. they're asking for an additional
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$60000000000.00 that wouldn't. ready not just money for ukraine, but also for is rail and as well. and at this point, the white house is negotiating with republicans in congress about possibly getting that funding in exchange for stricter policies at the us border with mexico. however, it's worth noting that we have a situation where it appears, there's not unlimited funding coming from the united states. there's top of this could be the final aid package where you crank, but zaleski feel somewhat confident. here's what he's ad y'all's plan than this. so i am confident that the united states will not betray us, and all agreements with us will be fully implemented. so he's confident that the united states has his back, but the usa seems to be running out of money. and it's important to know that public opinion in the united states is not in favor of continued flow of weapons and funding to ukraine. 48 percent of americans say they don't think they,
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they think at this point, we spent too much money on ukraine. now. 27 percent say it's the right amount. small 11 percent say not enough. and 14 percent. just don't know. that's what leaves polling data among americans. a real lack of enthusiasm for support for your brain. those numbers are much higher among republicans. they are among democrats, and at this point we had a situation where the president united states bite and it was trying to secure this a package. he responded that he's going to continue pushing cause a package. but he kind of laughed it off as well. this is what was that mr. president called on congress to do the right thing to stand with ukraine to stand up for freedom. and i want to thank you for being here and help the cause. the . it seems like a very dramatic shift in tone among the circles of power,
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not the in do is the as and we had the beginning of the special military operation . at this point, we see the circles of power, the united states, the congress, and even the presidency. they're not so enthusiastic, not so excited about for a war weapons and funding in the kia. so we'll have to see how this plays out. if that aid package does finally go through and if in fact it is what many suspects could be the spinal aid package to get to the us presidential race. now with donald trump has been banned from the ballot in the democratic states run by colorado. this is by the local supreme court, but the republican frontrunner has vowed to appeal and is accused the white task of jeopardizing the nation's freedoms. say, i'm a threat to democracy. know joe biden, if there's a threat to democracy, if i for all of the things that we talked about according to the court,
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and donald trump cannot schedule and the states come to that list that's due to his role in the capitol hill. he writes back in january of 2021 in washington dc. now mr. trump to noise the instigated any attack on chrome grass and has condemned the so called insurrection is the band in colorado. he is expected to appeal the ruling at the us. federal supreme court, next month was following the colorado state ruling a trunk campaign statement, accused of democrats to being in, quote, state of paranoia that was in, but being during popularity of the republican candidates. meanwhile, incumbent president biden is rapidly losing public support. according to the latest nationwide polls at 34 percent biden's approval, racing is hayton full time low. it's down to full 20 points. from when he was elected 3 years ago. the decline has been attributed to public concerns are of
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a high inflation, as well as security only in famously poor spoke with mexico. steve bill says the policies if the democrats have deeply divided american society. you know, it's been pretty good for, for generations past until we have this massive divide that i think is a large part of, of democrats who literally suffer from, from a mental illness of trauma, derangement syndrome. they hate him so much. they're literally opening the pandora's box on a whole bunch of issues that will come back to harm them. for example, you've got 27 of the 50 states right now who have republican attorney general's. what does they all take for tack if we're gonna take joe biden? off the ballad, you want to pursue this past week and remove candidates as well. and then they're also claiming that they're going to prosecute president trump of deeds that he did while he was president, that were not legal. they just didn't like him. they didn't pc twice,
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the 1st one on the russia hopes which was completely bogus. the 2nd impeachment after he had left the office. so they're doing these bizarre court cases and fairly to recognize that it can be turned around on them in the future. you know, if they can wipe out presidential immunity, which has been in place for hundreds of years, that can also apply to prosecuting joe biden and brock obama, back to bill clinton. if what you do as president is not protected by presidential immunity for your official acts, that can turn the other way. so i think democrats with their crazy trumped arrangements syndrome are opening the door to have the same thing done to them in the future, to germany. no way of protesting from this. a 1st biling into a diag last not both on the roads and politically. that's over a 1000 practice. one of the capital city center with the vehicles drive is demanding the government's cape special tax cuts for agricultural fuel in place.
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the purchase is high line to the financial burdens they would face without the subsidies. many germans, many arch the german authorities to consider how with the ministry sprain would impact the ability to feed the citizens, while some foam is demand is that those who propose the bill will be removed from power, is to take this all tease contribute to rachel, most 1st it was dutch farmers who revolted against you, climate policies demanding that they reduce the number of belching and advocating houses under threat of land confiscation. now its german farmers and their tractors that rolled into berlin to protest against the german chancellor. olaf schultz is treating them like cows, cash cows to be precise, because schultz is desperate to rama job some change and decided that it's farmers who he's going to shake down to plug a part of a massive 6 feet 1000000000 euro hole that he blew in the countries budget when he
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quietly took cash from a pen demik recovery fund and used it to pay for the green energy transition, which the court ruled last month to be totally illegal. so team schultz had to take that cash back out of the green industry fund and put it back where he took it from leaving a big deficit about as massive as a whole. and the head of the person who came up with this dodgy scheme. so schultz is coalition partners last week decided on a plan to drum up some cash by the old classic of increase taxation and spending cuts. well, someone's gotta pay for schultz. the screw ups and the farmers can at least be built for more cash and even free text that the government tax subsidies for the simple diesel fuel that powers their equipment deserves to be cancelled. sacrificed on the altar of climate change summer seem pretty chill about being murdered in the
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name of climate change to help show its whitewash is screw up. let me put a to this makes up production costs as much time. we have to compete globally and on the market. we kind of sustain these rising costs. and yeah, we have to pay the taxes that a significant costs. the last thing we need is an additional financial bud. considering our limited income, the situation is in sustainable and equal to the so they impact all citizens. we cannot afford to let this happen because of the i'm game con. our objective is to stabilize society, ensuring everyone is fed to by securing the food supply. the primary motivation behind the interest is to prevent hunger. meanwhile, schultz is presiding over the only major con reset to shrink this year. that's according to the international monetary fund. so with dirty, strapped for cash, surely it's time to really get radical about focusing on the absolutely most critical interest of the average of germans daily life die. so it is also clear
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that the of the situation was since, as a result of process war against ukraine, for example, because the situation on the front, the rates, because of the supporters reduce their a to ukraine. because the threat to germany and europe continues to increase, then boiling, we'll have to react, well, sounds like germans, right? have to move cheap right now if they want shots to prioritize them or maybe they can just stay home and self identify as a 3 or plant and appeal to shots as green fantasies. because 2 plus what team schultz considers to be about a $17000000000.00 euro gap. they figure that in addition to taxing farmers also jacking up the carbon tax on things like fuel would probably get the job done, they figure. so basically it's the exact same taxation strategy that sparked frances yellow, vast move. and when french president, me and i call,
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and his government did it as well, dressing it up in green versus you didn't fool anyone here in france into thinking that the move was anything other than the desperate cash grab by a government. equally desperate for more money. to blow on misguided priorities and well, it's highly unlikely that germans are going to think anything different. well that surround up for this hour a pleasure. as always to have you come to me. i'll be back boonies in around 2 minutes the to the
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joseph conrad wrote hall of darkness at the height of units. colonial scramble fast . it's about the search for a mysterious white trader. for mister cups, he's become a monster, is kenneth cut symbolizes a type of savagery at the hall of western civilization. the shops of african heads for fun. the 1st red joseph conventional was studying at oxford university. i felt cuts was just an operation twisted from to see of conrad's imagination. he had summed up, he had judged the hard i didn't really get it. but the more i learned about colonialism, the more i realized it always started with men like cuts. that fixed link to this
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day. then i made a discovery that changed everything for me. at the same time, but comrade was writing his book, life was imitating out in an astounding way. a french army officer was leading an invasion of west africa. and his true story was even more terrifying than columbus fiction. i begun to plant a journey across space, time in search of this real the job to read. so i grew up in both of my parents come from nigeria in west africa. when i go into oxford, so my old a tony is in my year some black students like me.


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