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tv   News  RT  December 20, 2023 8:00am-8:30am EST

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the, the case of only being victims of a massacre of civilians by the id i think goes to report how the sons and husbands would choose in cold blood fi. so just in front of their eyes to where you were being worked. dog has more distressing images and much from the impact on place the teen central goals. at least 13 civilians a dead. the following is rarely as strike on a residential building. a shelter for many displaced palestinians as a unit step spokes person to hit fast at the west, the same sign and on furious that those with power struggles. the humanitarian not
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man is under unleashed on a 1000000 children. i'm furious. the children who recover your ring from amputations and hospitals they killed in those hospitals. the move in 6, the process is, are arrested at a protest in the capitol hill building cooling force. the sparring goal is that with demonstrates is also demanding us coordinates is wireless drop on polling stations are open for the democratic republic of condos presidential election with the incumbent lead promising to wage war again. for one of the if re elected the, this is all to international. i'm charlotte, even ski with a punch program for you as the next half hour. so thank you very much for joining us. well move that past doesn't palestinians have been executed during an id
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afraid in gauze, the city this is according to the geneva, paste you room, that human rights watch dog, which is published. i witness testimonies. i'll be alleged masika. the soldiers gathered more than 50 men and force them to strip naked. then they opened fire on them and executed them in front of us. my husband, but 3 sons and my brothers were executed in front of us. then they locked us and the rest of the women and children in the room and fired shows that as well as rarely forces was stationed outside the house. well, all the steps we need joins me in the studio. no, thanks very much. the for being here with us, i thought a chat about some of those horrific allegations that are merging in that report, including of executions. first of all, half sleeping, independently, verified. and what else do we know at this point as well? this is joking testimony from the euro made human rights organization. we have to
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say that it hasn't been independently verified at this stage. now they've spoken to a number of eye witnesses for all my number of families that have been displaced in garza to say that the sultan's and the husbands, that relatives were shots in cold blood by the way, the defense schools. now, according to the survivors and to the eye witnesses, some 15 men were rounded up, split medicaid and then shot in front of them. oh, those have been severely wounded. they were many a story. women and children were locked in a room. apparently miss oliver throw some of those injuries include amputations, an elderly published any amount has been taken away by is widely sold just oh, there's a saying that they were deliberately targeted, despite indicating that they didn't pose a threat. army forces rated the building detained, the young man forced them to take off their clothes, shots in front of us and executed them,
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including my husband and my brother's parents. then they locked us in a room and fired at us. i was wounded along with a 9 month old baby girl, and my 6 year old child was also wounded. my husband is drowning in his own blood in front of us now, and we are afraid that they will come back to attack us. we inform them that we are civilians and raised a white flag. now you are, and that says it was, is receiving an increasing number of testimonies, outlining these humanitarian atrocities, including field execution side of the is rating. so just opening 5 in people's homes indiscriminately. and that is saying, this is what these are occurring in areas whether you can come on to find these values. so we'll just come on to find from palestinian resistance groups. but the homes that they had targeting the not posing a threat, these are on owned. so many and so you're my deciding that this is evidence of a revenge of tax, which of course is
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a violation of international law. they're also saying that a promise to be a civilians are being targeted walls that moving between husbands because of the displacement. we receive testimony, self to links of thousands of civilians in the streets, and homes showed bodies. valium is not a pose or targeted by israeli artillery cells while their bodies were dumped through the streets and they passed without them be recovered. the scaling sense filled executions. all one of the types of how rick lyle, licensed practice, by israeli forces in area self and cogent, which include low tanks, intimidation, isle beach, hurry, arrest, torture and widespread destruction without any necessity or proportionality. some very difficult allegations that now the, your a med report. steve also takes aim at some of the international organizations that are currently operating in garza. and what exactly does the report say apply with
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those groups? well, the families and the survivors have appealed to the international committee of the red cross to evacuate them to save their lives. but you are a made your image, i think very critical of the organization. i searched it to quote, show that it's responsibilities and listen to the appeal that is accused of read costs of refusing to help displace the people including women. it's also being very critical of is right, which it says has a duty as an occupying power to provide medical aid and assistance and you are and that is coding for an international, probing to well, it describes is the risk climbs, committed by these weighty defense fulls of course, many of describing what's happening and gaza as a, a genocide, the author, he has requested comment from both the id f and you are a med, i both have yet to respond. but of course, if we get those comments from the idea of, oh, you are mad, i'm sure you'll be back here to give us more details on say, steve sweeney, thanks very much. well meanwhile,
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2 palestinians have her turn to gauze uh off to being detained by these ready military for several weeks, and then claimed that they would be sitting by the idea of numerous times despite pleading with that captive. a warning though, you may find some of the following images to be distressing. the they took me and beat me. i told them i was injured, but they still beat me in the chest. they didn't even listen to me. a little more involved you saw, i did not know, did faith or the number only on the nice they took my disabled brother and i did not know what happened to your so well. meanwhile, in central gauze or at least 13 civilians have been killed and many more injured in these rarity spying on a residential building, housing displaced, palestinians, the total number of desks. now since the beginning of the conflict is search to almost 20000 e mails to find the following images distressing for
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the full victims of the strength of being taken to alex, the hospital costs of the children that all by law has faced heavy idea. fire recent days with densely populated refugee camps and residential areas bearing the brunt of the attacks we've been hearing from some of the survivors of this latest. for me, i'm sure the suddenly miss, i found our house. we had no prior. notice. we've been able to move some people from under the rubble, but more remained. i don't know the exact number of casualties, but everyone in my family is injured. we were safe in our houses. i don't know why we were targeted to there or did around 40 or 50 people,
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each house close to around 70 people because of the displaced our living there. in the north of the own play by the strikes, reportedly also claimed dozens more lives overnight. multiple explosions were heard in and around the local hospital. again, a warning the following images. very distressing. the over the past 3 days, the city of jamalia has seen a surge in casualties 123 desks of being confirmed. but of course the numbers could be high. as many all still trapped on the russell local say that they called comprehend why civilians are being targeted insurance developmental feature. i was shocked to find my house had been bombed. i went to my 2nd home and discovered my
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son's wife and their children were injured. and 84 year old woman was also injured and buried under the breeze after the attack on our house. what crime have we committed to deserve this is gather sentence to gradual execution with hundreds being killed daily. well meanwhile, the un child imagine se funds has lashed out, has international organizations for remaining silent, a thousands of children or less to die, and that is where the far incomes. truly, i'm furious and furious that those with power struggles. the humanitarian, not me, is on unleashed on a 1000000 children. i'm curious, the children who are recovering from amputations and hospitals and then killed in those hospitals. i'm furious that there are more children hiding as we speak somewhere. who will no doubt be here and how that mutation is in the coming days. i'm furious that of all the senseless attacks the only admittance of dumb is the use of dumb bombs. i'm curious that diseases as well. um does the warring parties
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but no, it gets absolutely no attention. so i'm curious, as i said that that, that, that little boy, i have a friend i made is now why really sick? and i have only hope and dirty water. a lease on furious the christmas is likely got to bring increase savagery and attacks as the world is distracted with its own, you know, loving goodwill. i'm furious that now we're at 567000 children killed and they'd be coming statistics and not, not stories. i'm furious that the, you know, to pop proceeds crushing empathy and yet 0 to a degree. i'm furious of myself and not being able to do more. meanwhile, israel has rejected claims that it deliberately targeted a catholic church and goals. in an incident in which 2 women were allegedly killed by an audi, a sniper, the goals and chart says the mother and daughter will, will king to the so named sister of homes and which is part of the whole the family
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catholic parish. but they were quotes in a hail of gunfire. so in a church statement, they said that there was no warning different, and they both accused the desk of d. f of telling the women in, quote, cold blood is well, has denied like ations insisting the idea doesn't target civilians hope from fish as cool. the incident, an act of terrorism. c o g and i'm civilians be involved and shot at some say it's terrorism. it's war. yes it is. for me it is terrorism. this is why scripture says the gods stumps, worse. it breaks vows and breaks the c. let us pray to the lord for peace. that key folks, i mean, any problem it's, you know, one of the while this incident occurred in the area where the 2 women were reportedly killed, the reports received did not match the conclusion of our initial review which found to the idea of troops or targeting sputters in animal accounts,
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the idea of takes claims of the strikes on sensitive sides for seriously, especially churches that are the holy sites where the christian face, the idea of direct its operations against the mazda service organization, and not against civilians, regardless of their religious affiliation. and while the id, yes, also insists it doesn't target hardly sites and takes claims if strikes on such sensitive code. 4 sites very seriously. the published and in ministry of tourism and antiquities is demanding that the u. n's culture long. this is unesco takes urgent action. the crime of targeting and destroying archaeological sides to spur the world and you ness, go into action to preserve this great civilizational and cultural heritage, as well as well, is deliberately targeting palestinian cultural heritage that's according to the you are mad human rights mona. to this include, strikes an archaeological sites,
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historical buildings, places of worship, and museums. well palestinian officials estimate that move in a 100 mosques have been destroyed since october the 7th. now the you are mad groups, dresses. the international humanitarian law strictly prohibits the deliberate targeting of cultural and religious sites, which a not legitimate military targets that the idea is alleged to have targeted the historic out omari mosque. this is the most getting the center of gauze, the city destroying its mentor, right, which they to bach. $1400.00 is the religious side is also the largest. i'm the oldest most in the own life. now it's also been alleged. it's 3 historic churches in goes. i would also hate by these way, the army, one of them was a long standing church of st. for fire us, which dates back to 407
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a day. now these really all me also damage to our fall, a higher all kill logical side, north west of gauze, the city that dates back to 800 b c, leaving jerusalem's, deputy my to explain the targeting of these on a british radio show reported to start shooting having snipe, is it outside the church? i don't, i sold a report this morning. i'm the charge. there are no charges and causes so i'm not quite sure where the road is included as a catholic church and there isn't. that is, yeah, unfortunately, there are no questions because that would drive, drove and driven out by the wrong, respectfully on their offices because i spoke to an m p yesterday who has family members in the judge who are christians? well, i don't know the, i don't know who was a jack. i didn't see the report that the kitchen community a fund started and has been on the receiving end for the last 85 years. this whole
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notion that there is no pistons in the area. i think is wishful thinking is that lot of as of eighty's from day one, it is much easier for them to classify this problem. not as and that's the nation is talking for the stands for the that are the stuff that the nation but a religious war between the muslims integers. and this is why they don't want to see anybody who is definitely doesn't fit the stereotype. so this lady is not on and i think she most of the questions and by this time for her to come and say that i know christians and in gaza, is that something that is correct? i think again is very vicious on her part, especially especially the only last month that actually looks church of guys was bumped and 18 christian are so books. civilians were killed in that church mom being so for her to say that our notices at that that all kicked out simply cutting
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up clinic. malaysia has chest, it's ports to it is well flag ships in response to the country's actions in gulf. this isn't that's meant this come from the countries prime, minnesota and the sanctions are in response to these rules actions. they ignore basic humanitarian principles and violate international law through the ongoing massacre and brutal treatment of palestinians. well, the south east asia nation has also restricted any ships on their way to as well from loading cargo at malaysian ports. the decision will not to fact the countries trade activities according to the appointment of sta. malaysia has no diplomatic relations with, as well as the vocal support of a 2 state solution. now, malaysia spun comes to the time when you have any sure sees of stacked up attacks on, is rarely ships in the red sea. the group is bound to continue until as well. stop
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sits. military campaign in goal is around 15 percent of the wealth. shipping traffic pauses through the suez canal on that for the waters of the red sea of the admin due to the attacks. major shipping companies have been forced to redirect that vessels traveling between europe and africa around the phone of africa, increasing shipping times and cost. yes. today the us and us that it will create a coalition to maintain security in the region. well that's cross live now to always lead. yeah, sorry. i do list in the system professor at the international islamic university of malaysia. thanks for joining us. hey, on, on the international i just want to ask, what consequences if any, you think that they will be the best move could have on, as well as the economy and its ability to continue its military operation. this
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idea of shifting the ports of malaysia to east wells ships or well, this is, this will be a better use for is that a and the will be a total failure from the times the is that either as you, especially during this time, a new installation but i to don't use the most, the more this is the way the a deadline, addendums for the so called i'm but how many records is that i provide very much during there and i'll try to establish relations with motion majority comes to this of southeast asia, and there are many attempts by the american pounds to convince the company. so the 30 to accept to use that and as a normal, the company of the international community. but what is happening now is to be in the best deals and the people in this region,
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they hope that you're in donasia will follow the example of malaysia to find is that i and the shipping companies here, 9 and any other commercial activity with the people of southeast asia here in front of them for in malaysia, there is a total support for is above by the present governments of primaries, the unworthy brain. the previous prime minister of malaysia might have to be removed from this p. o has also supported the bomb and all the pointed to the spectrum of malaysia are able to support these, which is coming somehow a bit late. but these timely. and it is, you know, way, the show of desperation by the 2 full of southeast asia. nope. own get towards the end of a passive towards the interest states and the west and the lions, which is where you make sure that your inbox, the, you know,
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united states. so it just sort of coming on that point. it's actually, you know, the creation of a coalition to a scarred ships in the red sea. and i'm just wondering, give what speed and that's now buying malaysia. whether you think that it could be similar moves in other parts of the world to, to safe golf. that passage over is wally flag chips. well, very soon she won't be more careful. will they be saved in southeast asia? because we have to remember the year the. this is a region where china has a great influence. and as the americans are very worried, of course they're going to put pressure of, of getting started on the malaysian for one month like they have done before. but you know, these very moments with the americans can simply do nothing. they have seemed to just sit and watch and accept the reality. i mean, the timing of ministries, i mean the by the ministration already is very much embarrassed by what is the
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doing the president by the even mention 2 days ago. that's a use that i don't think the international support and the americans seem to come to nothing. they cannot send there. they cannot be able to call. you shouldn't be here to force sounds like malaysia or indonesia or renee or other transmission of southeast asia, which will something to be decided not to to a doctor. have anything to do with the is that i am the general size of origin. i mean, i, i'm, you're the, you're talking that story about move countries getting involved in the region. how likely do you think that is that this conflict could maybe escalate and spillover and, and drag in most states, most states making stops is on the s as well. as the most, the majority companies of southeast asia, indonesia, bernie and malaysia,
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they're totally on the side of the dispute. the property for premium in southeast asia is boeing. you have mass demonstrations very often against the us supports for each line. and all the other hand, the funny knowing that it's best to try and i have this part of the reason we have to understand that the chinese they're very happy. oh, why did they see that the most the majority come to the southeast asia. they're holding funds by much the americans are doing. so. i mean, we should expecting the following days of accomplishing the region to for sure. we small to malaysia is doing most probably indonesia might announce similar thing. and this will make life very difficult for you. all right, and is, i mean, okay, so that was from, oh say we're going to have to leave it that. thank you very much for taking is 3 that that's all. see a jessica. you, who's
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a journalist and assistant professor at the international islamic university of malaysia. well, more than 6, the people have been arrested at a protest in the us capital cooling for c, sparring garza and demanding us a to as well as drop the . the crowd scouted the children's shoes across the floor to symbolize palestinian civilian death sauce that they entered. the building discourses, regular tourists. it demonstrates is shouted slogans and how find is demanding congress from findings launch age pass. a package that includes money and weapons for as well. it's not the 1st time capital hale is being whipped by purchase related to because a rule back in october demonstrate to smoke the building. what lights then to move
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in 300 arrests. meanwhile, a recent polls show the hall for 1st funding, disapprove of president biden's handling of the middle east conflict and only 38 percent. say they trust spite and would do a batch of managing the crisis. then former president, donald trump, in the civilian population and using them as you. good. now, despite the u. s. seeking a monopoly on political process is across the well just this will prevail, that's according to the russian foreign minister said a lot for all foods been speaking just so much in morocco, a sleeve. so we should both with ukraine and the middle east. we've seen, that's right. and the weather, yes, considered us, it has the right to use up and monopolized political processes which lead to them bring destruction and disruption of state code e mail. the regents, such as what we saw in libya with hundreds of thousands of casualties among vest
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civilian population and major destruction of the economy. these are the consequences of numerous us adventures in the middle east, which are aimed at suppressing states governments debt to conduct an independent policy. where i've seen a similar approach in ukraine with show that justice will prevail in both regions. meanwhile, israel has reportedly over time as a new c, spell a d u proposed agreement with punch casa a week of peace and exchange for 40 is wally hostages. for more details on those ongoing negotiations, you can head over by 12 website or to don't call and in africa. presidential elections have kicked off in the democratic republic of congo. we're putting stations opened several hours late as conflict in the countries east post logistical problems for the authorities. local reports have brings us more details on that. a democratic republic of former presidents are free
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to take a digital mo hayes hoping to lead the career. it has the patient to wage war and gets to wonder the for you. we'd be the next day to to take that range. in his closing speech, you later tuesday must have a sense that it said you bring to jessica kaden towards the institute for smoke, for his supporters. exposed to the week to wait and the ability to rise deep sleep events 1st to close for the fee to judy the for the day he continues to outline his future pride in the country. so it could be, this sort of thing was below that, the long term sub position meter for my own school nutrition. and also he thought he had me and has rejected accusation by right school and the
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critics that the kids that calling show on his promises. they do as much morning in wonder. there were so many deaths to be extended. we begin to refused to allow families to mon this. they gave me a thinking, this is the congo the old days. they wanted to take go on, but they did not succeed. bear witness, i speak as your primary. let the world here. it's a single of the slides. i will bring together the to paul them and still authorize me to declare war. wonder wonder. i say this again, this with a hard of hearing. when did 1st showed his 5 like these imbeciles, i will call to follow him and to congress isaac constitution allows me to do just the define against one to not for you anything from goma. we can reach keeley, he will not sleep in his home. he will sleep in the forest what you said, you remember very same. i'll be also addressed that the hurting, but the union for democracy and social progress. cdp is supporting speed and that
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wilma and you would get them to go out the numbers to votes for the security. we tell our president that we're going to vote for a she but on a national level and prevents a level, there's billions and others, we are happy. we're going to vote for especially baton and are going to sing a song for him. most community members, i agree that such security is a say right? 20 days to fix the video, r c and head that you to have for probably the cation. they have to go from 5 to 50 cedar rapids and challenging one. done president for government is believe it to be soaring. we're going to most of the leaks onto our chief security because he did our country free to cation. oh, so we do have an, i mean comb good. but now we have well trained soldiers. we don't have authority is that we can trust, but especially by them continues to transform comb good and giving you image.
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that's why we're all going to vote for him. and we're looking forward to you actually for the best product, if it could be promises many positive charities, even allowed to upset by surprise and producer. you want to pay for the 1st $10.00 songs 18 for facebook. hey, it's feed me the device. it's going to be perhaps you really good and security t, particularly it is weird, very urgent to m 53. they bird support about maybe 33 needing to read down all 3 nations we've made building one. when is the election process? we pay that mike a new so the d r c or the customer would see to increase in with these a d r t global.


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