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tv   News  RT  December 20, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EST

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and the, the thousands and husbands were killed in cold blood by id of soldiers in front of surviving victims and civilian fields. gone execution, according to testimony, is obtained by human whites. what stone, you are med and more distressing images from the platform on play. the central ga, certainly civilians, a dial tone and is ready as strike on the residential building. a shelter for many des, space palestinians. as the unicef spokesperson, the head side to the west, the same side on furious that those with power struggles. this united cherry not
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moves on unleashed on a 1000000 children. i'm curious, the children who are recovering from amputations and hospitals have been killed in those hospitals. these are the consequences of numerous us ventures in the middle east, which are aimed at suppressing states governments that to conduct an independence policy. board minutes lands us interference in global political process is mooning. its action is cause nothing but death and destruction also ahead. the move in 6, the per testers are arrested in the capitol hill, building cooling force, the sparring donovan, of demonstrations, the old system. and then us phone a to is wireless to the
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is just going for pm here in most go. this is all to international bringing you the stories that you need to know from across the globe. i'm sure like even sky a pleasure to have you company this out as well. more than a dozen palestinians have been killed in a field style execution during an id f raid on gulf a city. this is according to geneva based. you were met, human rights watch dog, which is published. i witness testimonies of the alleged massacre. well, this is joking, test. somebody from the euro made human rights organization. we have to say that it hasn't been independently verified at this stage. now they've spoken to a number of eye witnesses from a number of families that have been displaced in garza to say that the sultan's and the husbands, that relatives with shots in cold blood. by the way, the defense falls. now, according to the survivors and to the eye witnesses, some 15 men, well rounded off, split medicaid, and then shots in front of them. oh,
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those have been a survey, the wounded. they were many a so we women and children would look to the room. apparently miss oliver throw some of those injuries. include amputations, an elderly, polished, any amount has been taken away by is why the soldiers? oh, there's a saying that they would deliberately targeted despite indicating that they didn't pose a french army forces rated the building detained, the young man forced them to take off their clothes, shots in front of us and executed them, including my husband and my brother's parents. then they locked us in a room and fired at us. i was wounded along with a 9 month old baby girl. and my 6 year old child was also wounded. my husband is drowning in his own blood in front of us now. and we are afraid that they will come back to attack us. we inform them that we are civilians and raised a white flag. and now you are. and that says it was,
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is receiving an increasing number of testimonies, outlining these humanitarian atrocities, including field executions. i citing the is writing so just opening finding people's homes in discriminant lee and the assignment what things are occurring in areas where they have come on to find these values. so we'll just come on to find from palestinian resistance groups, but the homes of the targeting, the not posing a threat. these are on, on so many. and so you're my deciding that this is evidence of revenge attacks, which of course is a violation of international law. they're also saying that a palace to be as civilians are being targeted, was that moving between husbands because of the displacement as we receive testimonies of killings of thousands of civilians in the streets. and holes showed bodies the way we all miss night posts or targeted by israeli artillery shells, while their bodies will jump to the streets and they passed without them being recovered. these killings and field executions,
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all one of the types of hurry picked violations practiced by israeli forces in areas open codes and which includes floating, intimidation, arbitrary arrest, torture, and widespread destruction without any necessity or proportionality. some very difficult allegations that now the your med report. steve also takes aim at some of the international organizations that are currently operating in garza. and what exactly does the report say apply with those groups? well, the families and the survivors have appealed to the international committee of the red cross to evacuate them to say van lines. but you are a made. your image has been very critical of the organization. i searched it to quote, show that it's responsibilities and listen to the appeal was, is accused of red costs or refusing to help displace the people including women. it's also being very critical, or is why which it says has a duty as an occupying power to provide medical aid and assistance. so new roommate
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is cooling for an international, probably been to white described as the risk klein's can be. to find these way, the defense fulls, of course, many of describing what's happening in gaza as a a genocide. the auntie has requested comment from both the i d f. and you're a med, i both have yet to respond. well meanwhile, 2 palestinians have for turn to gaza off to being detained by the israeli military for several weeks. the men claimed they were beaten by b, i d f in numerous times despite pleading with that captive a warning, you may find some of the following images to be distressing. and the lady took me and beat me. i told them i was injured, but they still beat me human chest. they didn't even listen to me. a little more involved just thought i did not know did faith or the number of leon of the day nice. they took my disabled brother and i do not know what happened to him.
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meanwhile, in central gauze or at least 13 civilians have been killed and many more injured in and is ready strike on a residential building. that was housing displaced, palestinians, the total number of death since the beginning of the conflict, cuz search to almost $20000.00. you may find the images that were about to show you, distressing for the victims of his fine cook being taken to al acts. the hospital and whole system of children. day out by law has become faced. heavy idea far in recent days with densely populated refugee camps. and residential areas bearing the front of the attacks. now, we've been hearing from some of the survivors of the slightest bone. they
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suddenly miss, i found our house. we had no prior. notice. we've been able to remove some people from under the rubble with more remains. i don't know the exact number of casualties, but everyone in my family is injured. we were safe in our houses. i don't know why we were talking to. there are did around 40 or 50 people. each house close to around 70 people because they displaced their living there. while in the north of the own play by the strikes look forward to the train dozens more lives. so for a night they were multiple explosions. heard in the room, the local hospital, a warning, the following images are particularly distressing. the now over the past 3 days, the city of jamalia has seen a searching casualties,
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a 123 deck being concerned that the numbers could be much higher and not because many do still remain trapped under the russell local say they called comprehend why civilians are being targeted to develop a future. i was shocked to find my house had been bombed. i went to my 2nd home and discovered my son's wife and their children were injured. an 84 year old woman was also injured and buried under the breeze. after the attack on our house, what crime have we committed to deserve this is gather sentenced. a gradual execution with hundreds being killed daily. who meanwhile, the un chas emergency funds has last steps into the organizations for remaining silent. this is a thousands of shows and all last to dine, and that is where any fund include garza. truly all. i'm furious on furious that those with power struggles. the humanitarian not moves on unleashed on
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a 1000000 children. i'm furious, the children who recover your ring from amputations and hospitals and then killed in those hospitals. i'm furious that there are more children hiding as we speak somewhere. who will no doubt be hit and have amputations in the coming days. i. i'm curious that of all the senseless attacks the only admittance of dumb is the use of dumb bones. i'm furious that diseases as well. um, does the warring parties but no, it gets absolutely no attention. so i'm curious, as i said, that that, that, that little boy, i have a friend i made is now why, really sick? and i have only hope and dirty water, and a lease on furious the christmas is likely got to bring increase savagery and attacks as the world is distracted with its own, you know, loving goodwill. i'm furious that now we're at 567000 children killed and that'd be coming statistics and not. i'm not stories. i'm furious that the, you know, to pop proceeds crushing empathy and yet 0 to
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a degree. i'm furious of myself and not being able to do more. well. meanwhile, israel has rejected claims it deliberately targeted the catholic church in gulliver, in an incident which 2 women were allegedly killed by an audi apps like pass. the goals in church says the mother and daughter working uh to the so named sister coement, a part of the holy family catholic parish. and they were quoting a hail of gunfire. now the church statement says new warning was given and it's accused the idea of killing the women, and i'm quoting here in cold blood is well though, has denied all allegations, insisting that the only the f does not target civilians problems. this is cool. the incidents, an act of terrorism. c o g, and i'm civilians be involved and shot at some say it's terrorism. it's war. yes it is. for me, it is terrorism. this is why scripture says the gods stumps,
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worse if it breaks valves and breaks the she let us pray to the lord for peace. that key folks, i mean, the problem is you know, don't have yet. well, this incident occurred in the area where the 2 women were reportedly killed. the reports received did not match the conclusion of our initial review, which found to the idea of troops were targeting sputters in animal lookouts. the idea of takes claims of the strikes on sensitive sides for seriously, especially churches that are the holy sites, where the christian face, the idea of direct its operations against the mazda service organization, and not against the violence, regardless of their religious affiliation. while the ideas also insist, satan doesn't call good holy sites and takes claims of strikes on sensitive cultural sites. to be very serious. the policy in the ministry of tourism antiquities is demanding. the un cold from unesco. take urgent action of
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the crime is targeting and destroying archaeological sides should spur the world into unesco into action. to preserve this great civilizational and cultural heritage is rarely is deliberately targeting palestine and cultural heritage. that's according to the you are mad human, white, smaller to that, that includes the strikes an archaeological sites, historical buildings, places of worship, and museums, or palestinian officials estimate that more than a 100 most have been destroyed since october the 7th. now, the new room med group stresses the international humanitarian law strictly prohibits the deliberate targeting of cultural and religious sites, which are not legitimate military targets. so we'll look at some of the allegations now. the adf is alleged to talk it to the historic, how omari mosque. now this is a grand mosque in the center of goal is the city and it's alleged have destroyed
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it's mentor, right? which states back 1400 years. the religious site is the largest. i'm the oldest most in the own place. now also 3 historic churches in calls. i will also hit by the as rarely all me. one was the long standing church of saint paul firas, which dates back to 407 a. d is really only also damage the our bala, he a ok. logical site which is in the north west of garza and not dates back to $800.00 b c. leaving jerusalem separately. managed to explain the targeting on a british radio show. i reported to start shooting, you having snipe, is it outside of church? i don't, i sold the report this morning. i'm the charge. there are no charges and causes so i'm not quite sure where the road is. so kind of as a catholic church and there isn't, that is yeah, unfortunately, there were no questions because they were dr. drove and driven out by their own,
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respectfully, or their offices because i spoke to an m p yesterday who has family members in the judge who are christians? well, i don't know the, i don't know who was a jack. i didn't see the report. the kitchen community spends time has been on the receiving end for the last 85 years. this whole notion that there is no christians in the area, i think is wishful thinking is that lot of is a lease from day one. it is much easier for vision to classify this problem, not as and that's the nation is talking for the understanding is for the right, the stuff that the nation, but a religious war between the muslims under jewels. and this is why they don't want to see anybody who is definitely doesn't fit the stereotype. so this lady is not the only, i think she most of the questions and by this time what have to come to say that i know christians and in gaza is not something that is correct. i think again is very vicious on her part,
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especially especially the only last month that actually looks church of guys that was bought at 18 christian off the books civilians were killed in that church mom being so for her to say that there are notices that all kicked out to simply cutting up clinic malaysia have shots, it's ports to is really flag chips in response to the countries action in goals. and that's what came from the countries prime minister. the sanctions are in response to these rules, actions. they ignore basic humanitarian principles and violate international law through the ongoing massacre and brutal treatment of palestinians. the south east asian nation has also restricted any ships on their way to israel from loading cargo out malaysian ports. the decision will not affect the countries trade activities according to the prime minister though malaysia has no different logic
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relations with it, as well as a vocal support with the of a 2 state solution. malaysia's fun comes at a time when you have any here sees of been stepping of attack. so in this way ships in the red sea, the group has the file to continue until it's rest stops as military campaign. in garza, around 15 percent of the world's shipping traffic passes through the suez canal on the waters of the red sea. just off the m and now due to the attacks may get just shipping companies that have been forced to redirect that vessels that were traveling between europe and asia. now around the horn of africa, which is increasing shipping times and costs. now yes, today the us in a city will create a coalition to maintain security in the region. all see jeswicky is a journalist on the system professor at the university,
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the international islamic university of malaysia. and he says the band is entirely in line with how south asia viewed kind of eve and washington's actions. so this will be a fed use for is that uh and uh, will be a total failure in front of them for in malaysia, theresa phelps. and so forth for has a balance and my vision in particular, has been very supportive towards the final statements. or are there have been files on? so i just, you know, being costed by malaysia into pages. and malaysia has invested a lot in thousands of that's also, it was fine. so the people from the southeast asia will receive the what to physically shows that the americans are building in their etc, as the an off on support which comes from the united states. tours is an idea of finishing these for this, the new people, se, asia, i mean,
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they're doing their best to support the palestinians to or is east to the east, the vision. and they are desperate on monday. see how the mary phones and the western alliance is open and is supporting the muscular awful most names by ease. i think of more than 60 people have been arrested as a protest in the us capital cooling for c spine. and garza and demanding us a to is riley's, well, the well which crowd scans said children's shoes across the fluid to symbolize palestinian civilian depths of to then to the building the skies. there's regular tourists, the demonstrators, shafted slogans as you were hearing that and how fine is demanding congress to from biden's launch a package that includes money and weapons for as well. so the 1st time
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a capital hill is being gripped by protests related to the cause of war, back in october, but demonstrates as most of the building that led to more than 300 arrests. meanwhile, a recent polls showed that as a hall. so 1st of all, not disapprove of president biden's handling of the middle east conflict and only 38 percent say they trust bite in would do a basset job managing the crisis. the former president, donald trump, himself in the civilian population. now, despite the us seeking a monopoly on political process is across the world justice will prevail. this is according to the russian foreign minister. aesthetic a lot for all priest been speaking as a summit in morocco. i went to steve solution, both with ukraine and the middle east without seeing it's right. and whether yes, considers it has the right to use up and monopolized political processes which lead
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to them bring destruction. and disruption of state code emailed the regents, such as what we saw in libya with hundreds of thousands of casualties among vest civilian population and major destruction of the economy. these are the consequences of numerous us adventures in the middle east, which are aimed at suppressing states whose governments that to conduct an independent policy was seeing a similar approach in ukraine. west show, the justice will prevail in both regions. meanwhile, israel has reportedly overt home us a new spot ideal. this proposed agreement with ground caused by a week of peace in exchange for 40 is rarely hostages. for more details on the ongoing negotiations to head over to our website on c, don't the in india, no way use chrome grass members took to the streets of delhi to protest against the government's position to suspend a 141. members from the opposition from parliament of the
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suspended m p's came on defiant allstate demanding a debate over a recent incident. this is way to ensure it is sprayed to kinds of smoke in the government. building. the politicians have been suspended off the protesting the government silence over that intrusion in the appointment. it's been there in the moody latent demanded details investigation in so the messa, the, the nasa can now what presidential elections have kicked off in the democratic republic of congo polling station. so open several hours late as conflict in the countries east post logistical problems for the authorities. that local reporter brings us more details on the but a democratic republic, a former president to fix the security to, to more haste, hoping to lead the career. it pays the patient to wage war and gave to wonder he
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for you. we'd be the next day. the effect that rain in his closing speech relates the tuesday. much of a sense that is that you bring to jessica towards the institute for smoke, for hey stuff, partridge, exposed to the week to we left, prioritize the suit events 1st to close for the be to judy the, the that he continues to outline his future appliance the customer getting the sample was below victor long. tim was he shouldn't be done for macy's rewards on school nutrition. and also he thought it needs and has rejected accusations. right. right. school and the critics, that's a his, their calling shots on his for my son. he, there is much morning in wonder. there were so many deaths to be extended. we begin
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to refused to allow families to moon this. they gave me a thinking. this is the congo the old days. they wanted to take go on, but they did not succeed. bear witness, i speak as your primary. let the world here. if a single bull this fudge, i will bring together the 2 paul them and still authorize me to declare war. wonder wonder. i say this again. this with a hard of hearing when did 1st showed is fly by these imbeciles. i will call to follow them and to congress, as the constitution allows me to do, just define against one to not for you anything from goma. we can reach keeley, he will not sleep in his home. he will sleep in the forest. but to send you remember very sam, i'll be also addressed that the hurting, but the union for democracy and social progress. pdp is supposed to speed that walmart and you would get them to go out the numbers to votes quote, you said, could we tell our president that we're going to vote for so she but on at the
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national level and prevents a level, there's billions and others we are happy, we're going to vote for especially baton and are going to sing a song for him. most community members, i agree that such security is the say, right? 20 days to fix the video. i see and head you to head for probably the cation they had came to the for 5 p. m. 50 feet, rapids and challenging. one done president for government is the leave it to be consorting. we're going to most of the leaks onto our chief security because he did our country fried cation also. we do have a no, i mean congress. but now we have well trained soldiers. we don't have authority is that we can trust, but especially by them continues to transform comb good and giving you image. that's why we're all going to vote for him. and we're looking forward to us it for the best product. if it could be pro basis many positive changes,
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even allowed to upset by supplier and the producer, he wanted to display for the 1st 10 feet, 10 songs, $818.00 for facebook piece. it's the media device, it going to be pretty good and security t, particularly it is weird, very urgent to m $53.00, and i birds to go about maybe $33.00 needing to read down all 3 nations. we've made building wonder when it's a, it's been x and process. we a that mike, a new phone, the d r c or the customer would see to increase send in with these a d. r t global? well, we've been catching up with some verses of the polling stations, and this is what they had to say as i've come from the police station. i didn't have any complications, but there's too much disorder and the office is open very late after the diesel
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anxious. i hope for change. i'm 100 percent on the lease and i came to vote. i ride to 6 am and i hope that the new leaders was done for us, especially these because there was war and tribalism made the presence of the have just wanted to be able to put an end to what we are experiencing here in the east. i have just filled my civic duty. i have just voted for positive change and i'm sure that we will have new leaders. well, from all on all of those stories do head over to our website all team. they'll come for more details. i'll be back in around 30 minutes within updates. i do hope to see you then the
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the other way. not. right? it says the brother printer was up and one was correct there so so just so basically of course we need the last name was needed. read it was can, will be used for you much and we have some more for someone who is this which i need people to the the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered. i'm peter live out. it's amazing what can happen over the course of a few months. not long ago biting was in static, that the us with back to craig as long as it takes now, it is as long as we can't what happened? no doubt the regime and give us take a note the


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