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tv   Documentary  RT  December 20, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

12:30 pm
or you could see if in the people that carried a votes machines into the taxi on order bicycles. that sounds good. awesome, because this has to be the 1st time for this to happen. and some of the both my she were uh were getting into the accident. the road. the accident is we don't have roads. so the selection was not what. okay, nice. it does not sound like this one. it doesn't sound like you and quickly very briefly. probably be in any exit polls from these elections. it's all, do we have any idea who's in the lead and normally a so we have 2 uh, 2 gentlemen on them on leaks, we have a moist got to be in. the city sees a kid who was $5060.00, so most have to be box. uh, voltage. uh, just put the, the money. he went to the 1st person in the morning, but uh, but he, she said katie has just bought a lot uh, one hour ago. so you went to be the post office to
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around. um yeah, yeah, fine. so he was the last one to uh, to look back that day and most of the people, the boards due to the logistics of these organizations and uh, also uh, some of the processing deeds office. so there is a pc for tomorrow. all some uh for associated to be reopened again. so people can uh, so the electrical commission has extended um they're both day due to those kind of uh, difficulties. okay. okay. what i'm sure we'll have you on the program again tomorrow with all the latest on those elections in the d. c. gillian volume, a local journalist. thanks very much for that's updates. thank you as well. that's all sold this hour for the latest news and develops the checkouts of websites out see, don't come on and speak to scott,
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so i'll be back. be more in just in the extension from tech support. the the, the sultan tells me you floated up to 15000 people in bed and cutting your mess up to the rest of 6 days. the sultan says victims have desktops. the
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heads will cut off and placed on sticks like soldiers on parade. the details me what's the hands of each victim so you can keep a tale of how many they had killed on pays in court. the and at the end of that moving appealed reverie. our true istic sentiment, the statute, luminous and terrifying. like a flash of lightning innocently sky. fix them and for the brutes. you must have. connie is typical with you to peons in africa at the time. and few done just 9 months to purchase machines and $10000.00 single day on the in the media. the germans,
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what about to begin, what they called the annihilation of the harassment and incumbent when my journey was just come up, the down, the belgian congress were reducing the african population by 10000000 in the a little while. not so easy. so gunny goose, i really do. good. ok. made a game. right? yeah, yeah, i can get those who got to do the okay. let me godaddy to oh, good day. and really that it's a don't go to florida taking then to heart is younger at u. s. l i s as well and say that the i is going to come in and look at you and see you've done with it and you're considering doing i came up to your little kitchen. thank you. how can and then some
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wood, uh where, what, uh, what, uh. okay, why would it have to be here tomorrow? it would be at the go come the little kitchen to the and got a bass, a suit a deck. so we buy to over to us. i'm again with to, to go to, to can the one with the, i like the 18 the sound kind of gufferson zach up ways you quote and i got more when talking with the what intent kind of process what was to going to them when would you like a lot of conditions going to go to i totally my don't. well because you not. hm. because on the gigi to. mm hm. she knows, you know kinda, it's a good idea. we do a lot. don't. well, a very but vision problem is to you because it just the one
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divided at the symbol the and seen it done with the human. so by the dba, poor the i see you might know i could see more or cuz she went overboard because she am a god. yeah, no more than but in sheets. she lives that i look at that might be as i'm but i would love to print stuff that i see. i see so much to guides, you need it. and then the so really i guess for the screws, the and cream quantity you might need to. and cream t is the mtv just got that one is the you can see minutes at the bottom of the window into which i knew it was also went to
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try again. well, i knew, well maybe i may be as bad as the soup to discuss the 2 subjects for contemplative remembrance, for the world turned upside down on his he includes me, my smooth bit to sign the light on history. the world has beside the, the, the,
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the, the god, god, god, god, god, god, job to the
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route to connie is thinking a easy to photo, a wrecked glow in the sky. another village. so destroyed by 4 days called on the the freaks of course, the terrible sight the little girls
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hanging from the tree at the entrance to cut that dangling feet north off to the french officer to the just as comrades to pick to the mind sent to stop cut so now clump was closing in on you pulled my station by a river my everything below the thing was to know what he belonged to. how many powers of douglas claimed him for their own. i was going to dismiss in by the following means to discover that is a schema come to see the glory of a cup to him like me. i would sooner sacrifice my life. that sub needs to be too
12:41 pm
many, jason, and surrender my position. the i had amends plans on the threshold, great completed in a voice of learning the wastefulness of tone that made my beloved co face to face club with zullie here at the village of dun cory. it was july 14th, the french national holiday pop. and next, the so called drama, the inquiry was strange and anything comrade had imagined the indian the i mean the, i mean yeah, that one m many,
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i would do any of that. i mean the yeah, yeah, that one. then she wants to go. so i'm going to get a well not, not, and then. yeah. what chicago late design is on country. what number some of late. what's it got you guys are you guys of the club and do like came face to face just outside the village. it was 7 30 am on the by steel day diagram strong by eye. witnesses, detail, the 2 men's positions, the gods, the waste of his weary brain. deep by shudder, weak images. now images of wilson fame parties. so i tell you, it had gone mad. listen the
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jer, 60 meters separated depot from the madison to stop 60 mutants between life and the or since i am peeped over the edge myself, i understand better the meaning of his to that could not see the flame of the
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candle, but it was wide enough to embrace the whole universe piercing enough to penetrate on the hospital beach. in the darkness he had summed up, he had judged on the the thing that would inform me to put them for the gifts for to the side of celia was this because they did just wouldn't care to get a car through the new year. oh for g, if i teach the way, know for me teaching the scholars that should fulfill and you have to do this, i'm going to last i look forward to with that the, she's my, it's a little bit let's move. i'm on the stairs from 1st most and most of the amount of water to move. let me look into that
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. i will just, i get i as well as to the lowest quality. i'm all of that. so i'm going to study to the progressive rock. i used to have a sharp finish. this is just all just for good news. i'm a fraction of what do you come swing to do friday. use it for you or the power of people for over the for sure. sure. man, yes. most of the addition to some of the the man trump died instantly. and unlike foolish, countless african victims, he gets his own memorial circus. when was it that i'm
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going to push it don't was who for the the president was you know, somebody from the news group and he did them a she, barbara, she said no, got you. i don't remember how much i thought i thought ok, or somebody signed the option to change the the
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asking kill clock. there's no way back to you like to use it to shoot, confirm. this logic of colonial west africa has become a single single private possession. i like to have the episode racist i would specifically use it because i am a black chief, the king of like top i am not on the french man. i am in a free can like you the that's the evening. some of us are freaked on such and decided to break crowns and put and then took up the envelope. crazy plan. but he fled on the heating the boost
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all night just before the on the phone. he is the age of the village of my just the one 0 s couch let him dead. 2 bullets with the head. the body to him. i just bought the video immediately. so then the, what do you set? don't say to you slow what he told me the so he was the,
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the 1st thing i noticed was that you agree to that this magnificent tree literally sucking the life from your problems. so so this affinity, fairly phrase for the training. so we're going to show you our, the other ladies and they told me i did too, and i finally found okay, to move good to the 2nd with the one is gonna be the one the move out. so,
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but definitely i do what we, we the, you know, what, let me see for you 21, a couple of them see here. yeah. okay. yeah. okay. got it. okay. yeah, this is hardly providing this solution to this new i appreciate it. what am i going to run the,
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you know, i used to get hungry and working best is that to assess a rope? course that competitive pricing has to be day green. check your what's the month when does the item is done? it's and we want to get it covered. when would that be good to know what the company which one is going, what i'm gonna do is give them to somebody come in and help community to a and a new month and a new modem to, to come in when they come on pressure on the new, i'm reaching to the, to the young who's not appropriate to the, the no one to read that to go in and use the new one with the goods. but you go box . the problem is that, can you tell me to go by team? does i figured out whether or not the time you come by to
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the rock? i knew you got the she was with the bus i came in here was no problem. we'll humanize some options and then i see the next one. yeah . what about what am i to let you know? and i got a couple, you know what i need to, to machine to, to go in within this a couple of the 2 to pretty much funds. i build up your new appraisal and speed it up with. one of the top one is the one that was on the
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i want to rip, you don't come from out of the ground really and see the people are going to be free of you forever. and find the future bright. but now i see you never really died. your white supremacy, just like cuts still haunts our modern world. hi. well the we've got so used to looking away. we forgotten the someone else always has to pay the price file a concepts the, the man,
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the i'm backing up, so it just just grown and i was strikes. and the police killing of black people in america, spots world wide protest, the instances the history i traced the course and is uh as bust into the present.
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the, the as of zullie coats and roads us to work today. still killing from the people that i learned that the test will never lie down. we cannot simply forget the interest to seize us history. we must confront him if we ever hope to be free for the future. the, the, the,
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i recently went on a trip in west africa where i followed the role of colonial mexico. why then was that colonialism is, i think it's in the past, the same thing, which is ruining people's lives. today the,
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the the,
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the information we deal low as possible for you as the, for the, the, with the, with the electrical a vehicle currently in the motion store submitted for the money from douglas. william, which is the steals of the the
1:00 pm
sons and husbands, were allegedly killed in cold blood by august soldiers in a field style execution. according to testimonies obtained by human rights, what's called the euro met. also at this hour the at least 12 people are killed and dozens more wounded, and it is merely striking the hospital and gaza. after the unicef spokesperson had silence, avoided the west coast thing. silent and furious, that those with power struggles. the humanitarian not moves on, on least on a 1000000 children on.


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