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tv   News  RT  December 20, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the sons and husbands were allegedly killed in cold blood by od. you have sold just in a field style execution. according to testimonies obtained by human rights, what's called euro met. also at this hour the at least 12 people are killed and dozens more wounded. and it is merely striking the hospital, a gaza, us as a unit spokesperson hit silence of with the west coast thing. silence and furious.
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that those with power struggles. the humanitarian not me, is on, on least on a media children. i'm curious, the children who recover your reading from amputations and hospitals have been killed in those hospitals and doesn't use much just 5 minutes to swamp this. us interference and global political process is wanting its options, cold and nothing but death and destruction. these are the consequences of us us adventures in the middle east, which are aimed at suppressive states whose governments to conduct an independent policy the and more than 60 protested, arrested in the capitol hill building, calling for a sci fi and gaza. the demonstration is also due by the us for dates as well as dropped the list one to minutes past 9 pm on wednesday. hey, it must go. mind speak to scott's hey with all the very latest. thanks for joining
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. and i was told that top story, more than a dozen palestinians have been killed in a field style execution during the idea afraid on gaza, sits a well that's according to the geneva base, euro met human rights. what started that's published? i witness testimony of domestic and the soldiers gathered more than 50 men and force them to strip naked. then they opened fire on them and executed them in front of us. my husband by 3 sons and my brothers were executed in front of us. then they locked us and the rest of the women and children in the room and fired shows that as well as rarely forces was stationed outside the house. well, this is joking. test. somebody from the euro made human rights organization. we have to say that it hasn't been independently verified at this stage. now they've spoken to a number of eye witnesses for all my number of families that have been displaced in garza who say that the sultan's and the husbands, that relatives with shots in cold blood. by the way, the defense tools. now,
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according to the survivors into the only witnesses, some 16 men were rounded off, split medicaid, and then shots in front of them. oh, those have been severely wounded. they were many a sorry women and children would look to the room. apparently miss oliver throw some of those injuries include amputations, an elderly published any amount has been taken away by is widely sold just oh, there's a saying that they were deliberately targeted, despite indicating that they didn't pose a french army forces rated the building, detained. the young man forced them to take off their clothes, shots in front of us, and executed them, including my husband and my brother's parents. then they locked us in a room and fired at us. i was wounded along with a 9 month old baby girl. and my 6 year old child was also wounded. my husband is drowning in his own blood in front of us now. and we are afraid that they will come
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back to attack us. we inform them that we are civilians and raised the white flag. and now you're a med, says is receiving an increasing number of testimonies, outlining these humanitarian atrocities, including field execution side. and the is rating. so just opening finding people's homes in discriminant lee and that assignment what these are occurring in areas where they have come on to find these. why do you sold of, of come on to find from palestinian resistance groups. but the homes of the targeting, the not posing a threat, these are on, on so many. and so you're my deciding that this is evidence of revenge attacks, which of course is a violation of international law. they're also signing, but opposed to being civilians are being targeted. was that moving between husbands because of the displacement. so we receive testimonies of killings of thousands of civilians in the streets and homes showed bodies the way we all miss night posts or targeted by israeli artillery shells. while the bodies were dumped in the streets
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and they passed without them being recalled. it's these killings and field executions. all one of the types of how really pick while a sense practiced by israeli forces in areas open codes and which includes floating, intimidation, arbitrary arrest, torture, and widespread destruction without any necessity or proportionality. some very difficult allegations that now the, your a med report. steve also takes aim at some of the international organizations that are currently operating in garza. and what exactly does the report say apply with those groups? well, the families and the survivors have appealed to the international committee of the red cross to evacuate them to save their lives. but you are a mean, you are a med, i've been very critical of the organization unexposed it to quote, show that it's responsibilities and listen to the appeal was, is accused of red costs or refusing to help displace the people including women.
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it's also being very critical, or is why which it says has a duty as an occupying power to provide medical aid and assistance. a new roommate is coating for an international, probably been to white described as the risk klein's committee find these way the defense fulls, of course, many of describing what's happening in gaza as a a genocide. auntie has requested comment from both the i d f. and you're a med, i both have yet to respond. lots of these shell depends under steve sweeney. the meanwhile, 2 palestinians have been sent to gus and after being detained by the is really military for several weeks. the bang claim that were beaten by the idea of on numerous occasions, despite pleading with accounts as a warning, you may find some of the following images of distress. the lady took me and beat me . i told them i was injured, but they still beat me in the chest. they didn't even listen to me. a little more involved you saw i did not know the faith or the number of lee on the nice they
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took my disabled brother and i don't know what happened to me here. and in southern gaza at least 12 people have reportedly being killed and dozens more injured. and then these really strikes it's are destroyed, the residential building on a mosque located near a city hospital. the locals can be seen searching. the mobile devices, according to god's in all sorts is thank place that sole is now coaching. 20000. those figures don't include the many people who would never recovered from under the ruins, inc. garza and i with this of this strikes said his experience was on my way to the most to pray. i don't, he went to steps when suddenly i sort of look at. so this from new, from the shinning began to phone us around to the world to take shelter from death . i run quickly because i saw a lady who was injured as
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a result of the shedding. there was no safety and rough uh, northern con eunice residential building has also been hit by an idea of striking central gaza, claiming at least 13 lives and entering many more. again, you may find the following. images upsetting for the victims of the strike were taken to all acts the hospital half of them children. yeah, i'll bullet has faced had the idea of fine be some days, but densely populated. refugee comes under residential areas during the prince of those attacks. we had from survivors of this latest for me. suddenly miss arnold found our house. we had no prior. notice. we've been able to remove some people from under the rubble. with more remains. i don't know the exact number of casualties,
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but everyone in my family is injured. we were safe in our houses. i don't know why we were targeted to. there are did around 40 or 50 people. each house close to around 70 people because of the displaced are living there. and while do and child emergency phones has lost out its international organizations for remaining silence, that's as thousands of children are left to die under is rarely find it. and god, truly, i'm furious on furious that those with power struggles. the humanitarian, not me, is on unleashed on a 1000000 children. i'm furious the children who are recovering from amputations and hospitals and then killed in those hospitals. i'm furious that there are more children hiding as we speak somewhere. who will no doubt be here and how that mutation is in the coming days. i'm furious that of all the senseless attacks the only admittance of dumb is the use of dumb bombs. i'm furious that diseases as well . um, does the warring parties but no, it gets absolutely no attention. so i'm curious, as i said that that, that, that,
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that little boy, i have a friend i made is now why, really sick? and i have only hope and dirty water, and a lease on furious the christmas is likely got to bring increase savagery and attacks as the world is distracted with its own, you know, loving goodwill. i'm furious that now we're at 567000 children killed and that'd be coming statistics and not. i'm not stories. i'm furious that the, you know, to pop proceeds crushing empathy and yet 0 to a degree. i'm furious of myself and not being able to do more well, as the humanitarian situation in gaza continues to deteriorate. the foreign press association has filed a petition, but as a premium is really codes, the nonprofit organization is the money to fall into unless i media or given immediate access to gaza. reports of mohammad now jim who is on the farm, press the association board of directors. so this is what motivates the group to i know yes. the exist, there's only government as i mean. so they just done through the state of
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implementing mental, our freedom, overbooked and fragility. i just read also this is from different than civil rights . and i need to look at the society and the public interest to do to fill out a picture of condition inside the guys are all starting weeks of the extremely limited and highly controlled area axis. it's important because already since out to dig a lower type now are denied access to that goes through. and there's only me to tell you how about somebody both does indeed laptops and gather, but they don't allowed him to go areas where it's not on the subject. lunch on the, on the commission, media showed interest to go inside the guy's business, out to pick up the data, but they do not access either from that, it goes input does between guys i is closed or if the factors and both does with egypt and the on the was in an airport that i managed to address to guys, and the subjects are bus from that
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a significant situation. so i guess i know i'm is viewing, but the sort of funny, but it's just important to go that on to, to, to both and us and before the big jump independently from guys. and so that was what's going better because the, the, just the jump, it started bought on some of them, unfortunately with gifted and jude malaysia. meanwhile, has shorted supports to israel flight to ships in response to the countries auctions in gaza. the announcement came from the countries of prime minister earlier the sanctions are in response to these rules actions. they ignore basic humanitarian principles and violate international law through the ongoing massacre and brutal treatment of palestinians in the southeast asian nation has also restricted any ships on the way to israel. from loading cargo optimization ports, the decision will not affect the countries trade activities. according to the prime minister, malaysian has no diplomatic relations with israel and is a vocal support of
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a 2 state solution. license bond that comes at the time when you have any days have steps of attacks on these ready ships in the red sea. the group us about to continue until the israel stop system that you're competing garza or off 50 percent of weld shipping traffic process through the series canal on the waters of the red sea just off again. and due to the attacks may just shipping companies, i've been forced to be that right? the vessels probably between europe and asia, around the horn of africa, which increases both shipping times and costs. yesterday the us announced it would create a coalition to maintain security in the region. well, also you just saw j, gentlest and assistant professor of the institute international islamic university of malaysia says that the bun is inside of in line with how south agent views, television and washington's actions. so this will be a fed use for is that as and uh, will be a total failure in front of them for in malaysia, there is a total. so for, for has
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a balance. and my vision in particular has been very supportive towards. nobody has the means. or are there have been files on? so for this, the new dean cost is by malaysia. david and melisha has invested some notes. you guys are. that's also it was fine. so it's just people for south east asia will receive the war to physically show that the americans are building in their etc, as the an off on support which comes from the united states. tours is an idea as far as the new people, southeast asia. i mean, they're doing their best to support the finest unions to or at least to the east, the vision. and they are desperate on monday. see how the mary phones and the western alliance is open and is supporting the muscular, or for most themes by use of a go over to american. now,
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when more than 60 people have been arrested as a protest in the us, a capital calling for sci fi and gaza, as well as the money, the us, a israel is dropped. the the crowd scott to children sees across the floor to symbolize palestinian civilian deaths after they enter the building. disguised as forest demonstrates a shouted slogans and held by his demanding congress dropped biden's lodge. a package that includes money on workers, the israel, most of the 1st time capitol hill has been gripped by protests, relates to the gospel, but can also, but demonstrates as most of the buildings which lead to more than 300 arrests are we suppose. so that's over half of respondents disapprove of positive buttons handling of the board in middle east and only 38 percent say they trust biden would do a better job of managing the crisis than the former president. donald trump will
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respond to us seeking a monopoly on political processes across the world of justice will prevail? well, that's at least as according to the russian foreign minister sagan of ralph, who was speaking of to somebody to america to slave. so we should both with ukraine and the middle east. we've seen. that's right. and the weather, yes. consider us, it has the right to use up and monopolized political processes which lead to them bring destruction and disruption of state code e mail at the regents, such as what we saw in libya with hundreds of thousands of casualties among vest civilian population and major destruction of the economy, these are the consequences of numerous us ventures in the middle east, which are aimed at suppressive states, was governments debt to conduct an independent policy. we're seeing a similar approach in ukraine. west show, the justice will prevail in both regions. political and list tell that the payment says it was never washington's goal to bring peace to the middle east considering the region and it's a zone of influence. so i think that's
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a night that states wasn't serious about making these in middle east. and so they want to for their hands, and that a kind of case money or on that decision all over the national, the states in the middle east. this thing that maybe lease is one of their own faces west of a con longly. the empty mind, a influence on basic and i these is and this slips this little story a time before closing as recently were, since i'm furnaces in middle east, and we have seen many and many of these us about us and got best gross or whole lot of them either the stuff, how does that sound as a result, i thought things up to you then like it's face, has a new mode or a life or a sick tend arise to intervene on those countries. and i think that americans are unable to give other nations on other countries at this sounds of democracy on the
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walk through my rights in via that instead of rations in libya and iraq and didn't see it in your mind. and every place you see the kinds are working to see a lot of this, a lot of blogs and did or is in and d, y c. think of national to stay in the past due to economy the by states and i get a godsend. and they didn't bring any benefit to the organizations or the middle east and all the nations are 5 for the cat. what's your package done now with thousands of women and children have taken to the states of pest was city to express the support of the people of palestine. many protest this expressed on got over the actions of us on these very governments. i mean, the ongoing will in gaza, local journalist vomit are things of the time that i smell for old square. what protests from the jo mazda is telling me we minutes. we are marching a large number of children from school. so really just institutions are most of the piece of painting. the process is to show solidarity with post nancy. we're here to
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show solidarity with palestinians. women adults. sonya david, dire and children are being killed. all the believe police can prevail in the world . but if without the rest in his room, they have to change their attitude. what terrorism are they talking about in practice time? what terrorism are they talking about an alter most in concrete sures, they should take notice of their own terrorism, which is going on in palestine by israel with the full support of the west. is a muslim nations should rise and make israel stopped the genocide in palestine. that is, is that the position of pressure and barbarism must be stopped immediately and the smallest begin a task not great. and add that add us rough roads, growth test us health, plaque cods, and banners showing intense grief and anger against the us. and these will, they also demanded mostly in countries and the international community to unite and take a stand against israel, the oppression,
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and called for an end to attacks on either some civilians. the us national security council spokes person has denied the us left a large amount of weapons enough gun this done following it's chaos withdrawal that was in response to reports of the items now being used by medicine groups. the a mistake intentionally, i don't, i haven't seen the reporting on these to verify what you said about whether it's less than afghanistan and participate or being used to one source. busy that the us left in a report, but let me remind you, please take the opportunity to remind you we didn't just leave a bunch of weapons and afghanistan. this is a fallacy. this is
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a farce. what we did over the course of our 20 years in afghanistan, of course, with congressional approval and consultations was armed and helped equip the asking national security forces portion to the left. $7000000000.00 worth of military equipments. enough gonna stand after the withdrawal pots with us weapons are now used by the minutes in the region with some of the equipments being found in other countries as well onto corresponded broadcast. if we think cobbled back in 2021, where he found this evidence of us weapons in the hands of new owners. so this is one of the tyler bands. how much trucks would be. we'll see it on. on videos they have hundreds and hundreds of these thousands of other vehicles, billions of dollars worth of weapons with the valuation vehicles tags, and even helicopters that were just left behind by the gun ministry as it retrieve it. they rubbing out the flags to pull it up across capitol, the city of their own, their own vehicles. they relax it to hoist up, wipe, cloth,
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symbolic of the tile about the white flag. a journalist council closer says the could be statements contradict reality, and he himself witnessed a bundled american equipment been used enough to understand as a general is grand as an investigator poster. i must say he's a, i am not going to buy his was because he was trying to log i have been to 500 many times last year in october i especially visited cobbler. i my says, have seen that job the, the job of the black called how large the only author, the, and such a sophisticated funds have been left by the united states. and i have seen how, with my leg i those bad. so the book, but certainly not even uh, you know, the battery is so that is the time you have ox, for my opinion, plus on the printer. i know the us as well. my sons was like a big, huge,
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like not the but the america people over and over to african now, where presidential elections have kicked off in the democratic republic of the congo polling stations opened several hours later as the conflicts in the countries east post logistical problems for all thoughts, this is more from a local generalist. there is a lack of loser sticks. and uh, so this is the 1st time that uh, the leasing has been uh, over nice. we far as some of these organizations because uh, i will be there in uh, so doing the 3 uh, 2 times the nation's in 2016, 2011 and 2018. but this one was, went over nice because uh, some of the, uh, the 1st machine uh digits uh with codes. and also there was also a program and uh, so the lease of orders because some of the board does not find the needs on the
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sofa. uh so i, because they said, and there is another issue. uh so they have the virus in the different part of the r c. and especially with neil and uh he decided to call and they asked me not out, hold them before the receipts that used to be. uh so the yeah. the order of uh, all right. uh. so buyers in uh, in uh, d, i see people try to use violence and uh, i wanted to know some of the policies and the deeds uh open due to do. yeah. so due to the nice organization, because uh, so there was technical problem. there was a not on logistical problem because uh uh, due to the condition of some process in the country because not open. so
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normally this not everyone who quoted by den share my of the commission say that the people that i didn't books and maybe he can um, a stay, stay both day on to tomorrow to allow everyone to vote. we got reaction from some votes, has the paulding stations that the news must come from the police station. i didn't have any complications, but there's too much disorder and the office is open very late after the diesel anxious. i hope for change. i'm 100 percent on the lease and i came to vote, i ride to 6 am. and i hope that the new leaders has done for us, especially these because there was war and tribalism by the presidency to have just wanted to be able to put an end to what we are experiencing here in the east. i have just filled my civic duty. i have just voted for positive change and i'm sure that we will have new leaders. we brought out was the cost of the sunset. we had
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already found ourselves on the voting list once we were told that the votes of machine has broken down, we want to be directed elsewhere where we can test. so watch. i'm finally in the near city 15 people. i've been injured and one killed in a ukrainian shilling, so you corresponded from acosta sensors. the support from the ground were near and one of the most dangerous parts of the net. this is the key if the district and according to officials, the one rock is from one multiple launch rockets system, fired by ukraine, landed in this purely civilian neighborhood. right now we're working with experts tried to determine what type of weapon it was very successful. for the past 24 hours. the dentist joined car donation control center register 26 settings during which the petrosky keeps key. your seat and cooper's at school districts have done
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a city or hit the showing was carried out with 155 and 152 millimeter artillery as well as rocket launchers separately. and the keeps the district and attacked by grad rocket launchers was recorded live in blocks of residential floods, damaged. we also know 16 casualties of which one person was killed and 15 others wounded. the officials are saying that this was a grad rocket from a multiple launch rockets system fired by you crate in this neighborhood. while working here. we can hear the sounds of artillery fire. the surprising thing is the people over there. they're so used to constance showing that they're not even searching when they hear sounds of explosions. right now we'll try and talk to them . try and find out what happened here. just a ocean, you're going to be honest. i have no reaction to all of this anymore. it's bad, nothing faces me, southern goes by and that's it. we go back to sleep. there's no way out. so you get to use the it's,
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and the kids go on leaving the allies the same way. one person was killed and 16 civilians were wounded as the result of ukraine in our 2 effects here in the next. now this happened over the last 24 hours. only 2 of the neighbors doors flew up their hinges. my door flew out. there was a loud explosion like in 2015. we started calling neighbors to find out what happened. we went outside and the ambulance was already on its way to the sun. my son called me yesterday. he said he was catering the shedding. he wasn't seriously injured, it needed his arm. he was so shocked. he didn't even realize how much retinal that was then the ambulance came to take him to the hospital. they found shrapnel in his head as well. they haven't removed to pieces yet, so they will continue at the moment, shedding all the city of the nets continues. ukrainian nationalists are using various types of weapons, including nato caliber. that's 155 millimeter howitzers. and they're also using
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a soviet, made multiple launched rockets systems, cold grad at the moment, which hasn't continues. and the number of victims amongst civilians may still growth from one culture emergency. then that's good public laws. how the world is looking this wednesday evening in most of all the lights is due, subscribed thoughts, other from tunnels on his be discard. i'll be back with mall at the top of the the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered? i'm peter lavelle. it's amazing what can happen over the course of a few months. not long ago buying was in fabric. the us with back to craig as long as it takes now. it is as long as we can. what happened? no doubt the receiving care of those taken note. the


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