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tv   The Cost of Everything  RT  December 20, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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the, the sons and husbands were allegedly killed and pulled blood by idea of soldiers in a sealed style execution. according to testimony is obtained by human rights watch dog e romance. the end is rarely strike hills, at least 12 people and wounds doesn't more near a hospital in gaza, as a unit says spokesperson denounces international organizations for staying silent on serious that those with power struggles. the humanitarian not in is on the lease, on a 1000000 children. i'm furious the children who recover your ring from amputations
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and hospitals and then killed in those hospitals. and rushes for minutes, a slam to us interference and global political processes warning interactions because nothing but death and destruction. these are the consequences of numerous us ventures in the middle east, which are aimed at suppressive states. governments debt to conduct an independent policy. or the headlines were following here on our tea international have next, the costs of everything. let's dive into a conversation that's bound to raised some eyebrows and sparks some heated discussions . today we're talking about the world of obesity. we're opinions are as varied as the scales on which we measure it. i'm christy, i'm, you're watching the cost of everything. so is obesity an epidemic? and whereas a line between body positivity and just promoting a fat, unhealthy lifestyle. and while we all like to be inclusive,
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what does inclusiveness mean for these people? let's face it. our society stands on obesity is divided. on one hand, we have the body positive, the movement which champions self acceptance and challenges the norms of beauty. but on the other hand, we can't ignore the harsh reality of health risks associated with obesity. are we sugar coating a serious problem or are we promoting self love and inclusivity? now lives though, has been a body positively advocate that has taken the music world by storm. but is she empowering individuals to embrace their bodies? or is she glamorize in obesity? i mean, it's kind of like a walk, a heart attack, waiting to happen. so sit tight and let start of the pot. it's time to confront the controversies surrounding obesity and listen to some cold hard facts. joining me now is line all radio host and commentator. welcome something,
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welcome and thank you so much for being here with us. thank you. so now let's get to the facts, fax, number one. obesity is detrimental to health. increasing the risk of stroke, heart attacks, diabetes, depression, and higher cost or rate diabetes in particular effects $21000000.00 americans. back number to obesity is expensive. obese people have higher insurance premiums for medicare, higher gasoline use, higher disability pensions insurance, and sometimes they even have to purchase extra seats on flights. and finally, fact number 3, the us right? number one in terms of obese adults within the developed countries at 36.5 percent. now let's open up to this up. how is this going forward for us as a society if we continue to promote obesity? okay, 1st of all, obesity and more and bid obesity or medical terms that can be defined as either
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having a particular b, m, i a body mass index or some other type of more clinical definition, overweight fact, whatever. those are more societal ways of describing somebody's appearance. this is one of the few diseases that has a kind of of, of, of a fashion aspect. nobody jokes about diabetes or heart murmurs. this is different. the bottom line is simply this, and we have to ask ourselves if you want to be obese, or if you cannot help to be whatever it is, that's fine. here's my question. do i have to pay for you? are you telling me? is anybody telling me that i cannot stop being obese? i cannot stop being a drug addict. i cannot stop. this is the way i am either as far as lives o goes. she's at least a liberty. am i? yeah, you're not going to be hearing much from bliss. oh, for a number of reasons. but let me ask this question. let's say i have a medical condition why i have to lay flat. i have to have 3 service dogs. and i go
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to jet blue and i'm say i want the whole row and my service dog, and i want you to pay for because i never asked for this. what do you think should be their reaction? so that's a bit extreme. that is a bad extreme, but that is actually where the entire thing is going. everybody keeps on making higher and higher demands in order to accommodate for things that are their own individual problems are asking society to compensate for it. but they're also saying i can help this. now if i'm 7 feet 3 and i go under jet, is that i can't settle this. i want a new plane. remember years ago when you would go to well and amusement park, they had a little sign. does it, if you're not this tall, you can go on the take on the right one, if there was a are silhouette and i don't mean to be crew, but if you cannot fit in this, you can fly on this. there's that, there's that device that nobody ever use or if your overhead bag doesn't fit in here, you can, i guess how is it?
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we're talking about safety. we're talking about a plane. we're not talking about being cosmetically rude by pointing figures. i'm on a plane where weight is critical. if you mean you tell me, and by the way, if find the poor guy in the middle, i paid my ticket to and i've got no say yes. so what about my winds? and it's not about 0 shamika. since band that shaming nobody show me, nobody cares about other people's weight unless it, it faxed them. exactly. so, and now let's not even talk about planes that talked about something like even simpler. there's always an ongoing battle between body positivity and fat, shame me. and there was a viral moment when this influencer was actually denied service at a horseback riding branch for being too fat to ride a horse. she then went on a tirade on social media and that ranch that shamed her. and as a result, that unfortunate ranch, which was a very small business, was actually flooded with hate messages shaming their electric behavior. so now how
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does that show me or what the rest of simply protecting their assets, protecting their horses from be overburdened? that's why i'm and safety, the safety of the horse, not even worse, worst pita. i mean, i'm sure he's been here you, you've, you've got to think about this, but proceed. but this is part of this gets a frantic world we live and we also are having this values all of a sudden in and we'll go videos mpic. everybody wants to buy this. wait a minute. you just told me that being over wayne was cool. yeah, there's also a body positive you why don't want to change your body in the size where money because and by the way, they're also going to be changing this industry, saying that it helps against cardiac problem is going to make money. we live in this court, look i, i hope i don't offend anybody, but we love to be offended. we're the united states of the offended if there's they go through the paper. if there's something that you can say, if there's something that i have some, something, anything where i can claim some, some victim status, i feel included victim narrative. everybody wants to be included in the victim
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narrative. i want to be included for this that and whatever you're not inclusive, if you don't, if you don't serve may be some right sir, may i want to ride a horse? so if you don't serve me whatever happens with businesses and the right to do the right to deny service, every single business has the right to deny service. so what happened to that? but unfortunately for souls from social media, businesses are not allowed to do that because in order to do that, they are either discriminatory. they're discriminatory against obese people or people of color, whatever that people can claim. a category and claim to be discriminated against. if a business refuses to serve them and there's no, there's no consideration for the right of others. let's assume i had a neurological problem where i scream and uncontrollably from time to time, randomly. now i'm having a hard time getting a ticket to a broadway musical or to a golf tournament where everyone is quiet. do i? am i going to go on because of this thing to this, this device that gives me instant victim status? in stage worthiness?
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am i going to go on to say, how dare you, you must accommodate my particular affliction. and the thing is, no, we're not, at least i'm not. i don't think you are either. we're not advocating mocking people because of weight. but when anybody situation affects somebody else's, if i have a problem in maintaining sobriety, i should not be allowed to drive a bus. i should not. there are certain things. if i, if i, by virtue of my weight, cannot act as a life guard is not such a need for you to say, you are not physically equipped to perhaps put other people's lives in peril. where is the ballot? exactly, there is no balance any more. and especially today in a world where pop culture reign supreme. let's take a look at the influence. some of the stars have over on obesity, from movies to advertising. we're actually being bombarded by messages that glamorize is unhealthy of lifestyle. so are we, we're merely reflecting societal norms now. oh yeah, yes. and also which is part of good of this gets in front of gratitude. you know,
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we, we, we live in a world that supposedly care so much about natural and light, and going shape and, and worrying foot beds and yoga math. and yet, at the same time, we have a number of other people who, let's face it, what, what we really don't want to say is this. yes, there are some people that by virtue of the hormonal siroy door dairy situation as they can help it. yes. but there are other people who don't want to accept the fat fat that was upon their food. don't accept the fat that should be the name of this . but there are some people who don't accept the fact that they are fat because they don't want to be otherwise. and by the way, i think i could speak when i was a little kid i was born and i think with the body weight of a 38 year old male, i had 36 husky pants in the 1st grade. 36 wasn't bad enough to put an age on this side, so i understand it. and i know people made for me and it wasn't fun. but something
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there was a weapon to get a point. is that somebody has to give, so my heart goes out, yes, i understand it, but, but mocking somebody is one thing to be mean. but when it affects the ability of somebody to enjoy an accommodation, the seat or whatever, or i remember at all, i'm saying that the world you must accommodate me and take these numbers off these pants. how? yeah, who shame me with my waste. i want to call this 28. people would laugh at me in a day to day a. it would make complete sense. it would make complete sense because that's being called accepted. that's all the positivity you're based support of towards it. and now a lot of stars have even come out to support this body, positive the message and on one hand that is a great thing. then as a kid, you're not being bullied. that's a good thing. and you have celebrities like even rhianna opening up about her struggles with weight. kylie dunner about her struggles losing weight after her pregnancy and giving birth. so i think that message is great. to normalize that you
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can be not stick sense to be fat or overweight. that's fine, because we all struggle with weight sometimes, and it's important to love your body. but where, when is it, when it becomes too much when you have people like lives though, who claims that she promotes body positivity. do you think that she's just hiding behind it? because she is obese and it's more so of her gimmick to gain public acceptance social media clout. well, when, when she was relevant, perhaps that was true, maybe that was it. i mean, it's a great way to do this, and i want to throw one more into this, and i hope this doesn't bother anybody. god knows that people who, who suffer from addiction and, and sobriety issues recently. matthew perry, it's sad and i'm so tired of being lecture people say, let me tell you something. this is my problem as i can't stop is on the sickness. so i said, wait a bit. why are you yelling at me about this?
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i understand that sometimes there, there's one thing there's, there's something about people who say, i want you to understand my particular plight. but it's another one. this is, this is my thing and i own it and you better accept it and don't ask any questions . what happens is somebody who is born, who happens to be of normal weight, does not have any kind of an addiction or anything that is visibly the neurologically, psychiatric really or physically wrong with a you're right them. yeah, yeah. out of like the my are already with no problems at all. the thank you so much line on please stick around cuz we'll be right back with you. so when we come back, we'll be joined by dr. john to browse sky to look further into this issue. so you're not going to want to miss this the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the, the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just
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a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the welcome back. joining me now to discuss is dr. john to browse sky of the washington pain center. thank you so much for being here with us. thanks so much for having me . yes. so now let's get into it. it's about finding the right balance as we spoke about earlier, between promoting self acceptance and recognizing the health risk associated with obesity. so from your stands, what is the right approach and can we really have it all? yes,
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of course we can have it all. we 1st have to keep people accountable. i think we always thinking about this with you for segment. in terms of role models, we always have role models, whether it's role models in terms of intellect and education, maybe moral background or maybe physicality. and you say, i want to be like that person. we have never said now this except the way that i am, i'm just to see student not going to work hard. it just the way i am and i'll just let it be. we never do that as human beings, but the point is, is that we need to embrace and help people out where we can medically cuz you're exactly right. i mean, this cost america just last year, similar between a $150.00 and $200000000000.00. so this is a real cost, but more port is a personal cost each individual page. and i see in a pain perspective draw overweight, they've got too much weight on their back too much weight on their knees. and it's sort of a vicious cycle. well, if i exercise whatever hurt was, if it, if it hurts, i can exercise. so it's a vicious cycle,
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but with physicians can do something about it. support people, but move them in a direction. i not just have this level of acceptance. absolutely. and what about businesses who are forced to kind of accept them because we include them? this is great, but is there a limit on which companies are pressure to include people, especially in the social media age where why not accommodate is someone you could end up getting yelp and twitter hate and basically shut down your small business. or? yeah, i mean that, that is certainly true, but i think we're now starting to see a backlash or maybe the pendulum moving forward, the other direction. what about the community? what about the business step versus this, you know, cycle or thank individual. yes we, you know, individuals are very important, but there also is a community at large that we also need to take care of. if you look at the us military, they can't fit their bill is because these people are not fit to serve in our country's defense. and we just and what we thought we'd lower the bar. well, if you can't run a mile, how about a half a mile? this does not really help the country in terms of defense as pastor,
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and this goes with any sort of business. absolutely. so how and where do we draw the line between obesity and health awareness and faction? me. okay. so i, it was very funny with your 1st guess. he was chevy as a child. so as i hated huskies, i got it. well, you know what, that is a heck of a motivator. you know, i, there was some shame that's good in the back of your mind. you know, you're doing something wrong. that's, that's your gym, the cricket that you're conscious think i need to be moving in a different direction. this is good. and so it shouldn't be like, well, i'm going to hurt myself or anything like that. we would never do that. but just like we would always tell the person who's bullying the car anorexic, this is not healthy behavior either. we don't embrace them. and so you know, what do you need to go on that diet? that's okay. we don't do that. so it's the exact opposite of the sat is the incredibly, you know, a kick hectic individual. so again, we reach out to people, you need medical treatment just like the older or more abuse person with the
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medical treat equally, both the same problems, different sides of the same coin. absolutely, and i think that that is a great mindset to have for both like you in line all but in today is world. how do we tackle problems of obesity when it seems like most people are too afraid to even talk about it. and instead, they just will continue to argue with you, arguing that it's an anti body positivity. i think we just need to change the dynamic. we're not tube. you know, if you want to live this way, that's fine. but you know, medically this is not healthy for you. we know as a community, you're not really being the best version of yourself. that's and again, it's just an honest conversation. and slowly, just to just again, this is similar to addiction. patients that have eating disorders have very similar components with addiction or disorders, right? alcoholism or opiates, this is all, it's all the same common pathway. and a lot of the medications that we use for o for addiction management is also used for, you know, wait for the production or to help people with waiting. so i, i think we need to just start, like you're doing here with the media,
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have that conversation. i'm afraid to bring it up. you don't want to hurt this a r t. i think it's a good place to start. this is how they move the ball forward because i think we can move it, and i think you're starting to see people get away from us individually and more poorly. again, i love this patient. i want the best for you. this is not the best version of yourself. let's talk about that. absolutely. and this coming from medical profession, what do you think is causing this obesity epidemic in the 1st place? is it hmo? is it lifestyle? is it something else? because it seems like an america, we have a very big problem. whereas in other developed country, it's the though the city rate is actually much lower. that's right. i mean, typically you can answer all the above. absolutely. i mean, you're exactly, obviously this is where this is a, you know, in most developed in most countries where you have the poor and impoverished, they're the most malnourished. and you know, they're very thin and things like that. and it will, throughout the planet are poor, are over nourished, you know, in terms of obesity and things like that. so again, we need to again,
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there's always education in terms of, let's make sure you understand what the right food is. and again, never to insult anyone's intelligent people do know that, but we need to be supported, whether it's a public service announcements or things like that. let's eat healthy both for you and for your children because it actually starts at the home. if the mother or father is used to, you know, getting fried chicken and a lot of take out, well the son of the daughter is going to work how to do that. so always starts at home. and the other thing is, is that, you know, we've always in america, it's a land of the big, you know, super size be things like that. so big dogs are easy to, there's so many calories that you could consume so quickly. you know, for the whole day in one hamburger that, that you know, you spice of 1500 calorie died. it's about a 1000 calories and maybe some fries that's 1500, right? they're just on one meal. so again, looking at your di, what we're doing then again, there's always the exercise during cold. it was the worst things we close the gym. so what do we keep up and? well, you don't want to take up, wrap up, but just sydney, i got my dad flux, i got my food, i'm good,
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i got my sweatpants. i need to worry about adult size because i guess what, pants. this is all been terrible for the past 2 years. now we're starting to come out of our coma and start a look at what did we really do and, and move the ball forward. so yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's kind of diet exercise. it may be some medication manager, but i agree with you is that you know this not the pfizer model for the elders a pill, and that's what we like to do in america. is there a pool for that? no, it's really the simple things eat less walk more so all unfortunately, now we've got a shot instead of pills that we do have all of them back. no caller id or medications, right? exactly. now airlines, these we all, hey flying these days because of the cramped fees. but now these employers are, as they have come out and they demanded that they receive special treatment. they want a complimentary 2nd seed wider aisles due to the sizes demanding that airlines be more inclusive towards all people of shit differentiates and sizes. so this an act
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of empowerment or entitlements. it sounds like an active extortion. you know, we do it my way or, or our, our, our, i'm out so, i mean, what i would say is like, if you think you need a 2nd, see that's fine. the airline industry was that ability to purchase it. you have to purchase that seat. i would just simply do that and again, let the, let the market you know, we'll take care of itself. if there's a united wants to charge for seats, find americans while you're extra with large, we will accommodate you. they'll let the free market take place. but clearly changing files, there's much that is not possible just for one or 2 individuals. maybe there might be a, a market there for that. i don't believe so. absolutely. well, thank you so much for being here with us. dr. jeroski, washington green center. great. now let's get back to it line, i'll lift this to the hospice influence or bit a little bit more. this particular influencer, jaylen cheney is a travel influencer. and she started calling for the f, a 2 and actually mandate that all allies have
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a comprehensive customer of size policy. that one prioritizes the comfort and wellbeing of all passengers quote. and examples of her demand side of the big or toilet seat belt, extend. that is a complementary 2nd, sweetwater aisles, etc. and supporters, they have pointed out that airlines have been gas lighting, plus sized passengers into thinking it's their own fault and it's sizes. so it seems like these days, apparently we can make anything or anybody a protected class. you just choose a group and then add an ist to the end of it, and you make yourself a victim. this, you're killing me with this i, i think it would it be an influence or next one of the things and i and i, i sound like one of these, these old prophets when i was a kid. but somehow a while back. it started with a d. s. m a series with a diagnostic statistical manual that came up with every name for emily particular
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behavioral court from legitimate, serious to psychosis, to obstructionist opposition, or whatever. we love to define everything in terms of something that if we give it a name, we absolve you from any responsibility you ab, negate, any responsibility you disconnect because it has a name. don't you understand? the reason why you have me is you're a sizes. oh, you're talking, you don't want my, my service dog looking your leg of the judge, you're a specie. yes, i heard this is we, we are losing our minds. and what's happening is, is because of, it's not so much and i wouldn't blame social media. one is just weird. screen mob mentality ever seen birds fly is called a murmur, ration where these these, these wonderful starlings fly actual we are the day. and there are these people who are void vacant, vapid, vacuous. they have no sense of self. and the latch onto this, and it's so easy, it's fun to be
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a victim to explain everything away. is anybody responsible for anything? i'm a criminal lawyer by trade and police all the time, argue that the insanity defense made no sense because everybody should take accounts, even though people were psychotic and didn't know where they were. so there's always been kind of an inherent little loophole. well the but there's always been just kind of a resistance to somebody trying to, to, to push off responsibility to blame something, to, to blame a particular situation. and that's where we are right now. and the, the best part about it is the more p full talk about this insanity. to me, it's the more it hurts. i think people who are obese, it actually hurts the cause by exposing the insanity of these defenses. absolutely . and rather than recognizing that you yourself are the problem. you choose to blame everyone else and the society, the environment. everyone is against you. yeah. so that's not guess what i mean, that's not what do you guys like any, but that's actually,
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you guess letting yourself into believing that. so people should not have to bend over backwards full or whatever just to make you comfortable, especially when it's not even discriminatory. like seats are a standard size, it's not that the airlines are being malicious and their engineering roller coasters are discriminating against people of certain height. as we mentioned earlier, they make it for safety reasons for engineering purposes. and right now there's a setting precedent for special treatment, which in like in some cases might not at all be practical in the long run. absolutely, and in fact, there are some things by virtue of size and limitations that are just a part of life that we as citizens, except by the privilege of living here. that's the way it goes. absolutely, well, thank you so much for being here with us. lionel, it was a pleasure. thank you. now as we draw the curtain on our candid conversation about obesity, it is evidence that from this top to pick is far from black and white. and we live in a world where fat shaming clashes with body positivity. and there is
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a thin line between health and self acceptance. so this debate transcends a simple yes or no. it is a very complex interplay of values, health, and personal choices. so we will continue to grapple with how to foster acceptance while addressing health concerns. i'm christy, i thanks for watching and we'll see you right back here next time on the cost of everything. the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're such orders at conflict with the 1st law show your mind, anticipation. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the barriers with
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artificial intelligence. we have somebody in the team and the most protect this phone existence was on the it's amazing what can happen over the course of a few months, not long ago buying was in static, that the us with backs you great, as long as it takes, no, it is as long as we can, what happened? no doubt can reach even to this taken down for
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the joseph conrad ro hall of darkness at the height of units colonial scramble fast it's about the search for a mysterious white trader. old mister cups is to become a monster's kinda coat symbolizes a type of savagery at the hall of wisdom civilization shops of african heads for fun. the 1st red joseph conventional was studying at oxford university. i thought cooks was just an operation, a twisted from to see of comrades imagination. he had summed up, he had judged the hard i didn't really get it. but the more i learned about colonialism,
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the more i realized it always started with men like cuts. and that fixed link to


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