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tv   News  RT  December 21, 2023 1:00am-1:30am EST

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will not let them out, that they give us the, the distressing images from the southern guns that were at least 12 people are killed 1000. there's really fry kits near a hospital in the rescue and really fast. the rates are injured by communications i to is also in the enclave. so i basically like spawns, it's a fuck you ation or different count units. neighborhoods comes as the reg present organization accuses the idea of, of targeting hospitals with 55 people reportedly killed in the city with the in other stories from jail is that former a london doctor for almost a quarter of a century over his road in the seat of genocide in 1994, the judgment comes in at
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a store between parties. somebody east african countries from poland, decades of britain for the nations, the fly from us go. this is archie. my name's you to know milan. 30 minutes of news and beauty starts. no escalating is really strikes on communications. outages are plunging gals deeper into chaos. at least 12 palestinians were killed on wednesday in the southern border, city of rough uh, bottoms fell near a hospital. a warning, distressing image is there a head the medical facilities are barely able to function under an overwhelming influx of casualties, including many to make this, this really strikes slots in the residential fielding. a nearby mosque in a densely populated area. here's a young, injured survivor. how to say if i say attacked shortly after she was rescued from
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when i was playing, i still an airplane flying over and suddenly montague, please don't spell it. and then people will be out around the local health authorities say more than $20000.00 people are being killed across kansas since october 7th, including 8 sellers and children, at least wherever some doctors say the death toll could be significantly higher as the number doesn't include those who remain buried under debris? there's another eye witness account from that i was on my way to the most to pray. i don't, he went to steps when suddenly i sort of look at. so this from new, from the shinning began to photographs around the world to take shelter from death . i run quickly because i saw a lady who was injured as a result of the shedding. there was no safety and rough uh, northern con eunice. but another consequence of the conflict, the palestinian enclave has been hit by
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a catastrophic rise of unemployment. 2 thirds of local jobs can take the last since the war began. the u. n. expects not read as well to further question by yours and power. outage is caused by the really blockade on strikes have compounded the prices a shop owner in ross, i told us how he's being forced to find new ways to keep his business. i filled is most in another style. my name is the single how much the cost is. i am 20 years old. i live in the so with the power outages in garza, i had no work and no income from 40 days. then we came up with the idea of using bicycles, and thankfully, it worked out my professional and vision was to expand my privilege of to a large scale factory because of the war. i can make it. i hope to achieve my goal after the war ends. to less safety now to the neighboring city of ton unit, where the locals are scrambling to find any safe location after res, really street and evacuating order for
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a number of neighborhoods. the u. n. c is more than a $140000.00 displaced. jostens are being forced to relocate their israel previously claimed con unice was safe for civilians before the idea began. its assault on the city and our strikes are not being reported all across violence area . the palestinian red present has accused this real of targeting the vicinity of a mile of seemed. dozens were wounded there, mostly women and children. at least 55 people were also reportedly killed in canyon this yesterday, local journalists after them i'll set tardy as more on the situation. and this looks like it is a tactical. what. but that is used by the diesel version for the sake of just looking all communications coming out from the browser and also for military purposes which targets that palestinian resistance. and they want to come any communication between them. whenever they do this, they normally expend the crown corporations extend,
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their military operations tend to cause us divide. we have seen that ever since, because of the communication ad or the, the ground corporation has been extended. ad department has been even heavier when displacements were made by some say enough to cover some of the us because cannot accommodate is that a large number of people in to, to and of us with us are still being used by thousands of people that i was working in the us, we got the different sort of doors and you could see people sleeping on the ground . you could see thousands of people to think that it's under open areas. so the cost because besides targeting for this type of providing services for doing that and that makes it even attracted more and that started pointing to even after the collapse phone that has been announced. don't type well, let's take you to the top. all of the strip for intensifying idea strikes have reportedly same dozens, more lives explosions were heard around the red present center itself and the jet body of refuge account, the humanitarian organizations,
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safe and medical staff and volunteers are in the line of fire and have been targeted artillery showing continues in the vicinity of the sun, so with the sounds of explosions had, is released not as the positions on the roofs of surrounding build. and supposing a threat to the safety of $127.00 individuals including paramedics volunteers, and the sample, is among them of $22.00 wanted individuals receiving treatment inside the sensor. and yes, for distressing images, emerging from jamalia with wounded children. seeing here rushed to hospital laughter is really strikes. many are urgently operated on, as doctors fight for every life, but some victims can be saved with their draped bodies later taken away for burial, locals are asking why civilians must bear the brunt something idea solved on some features developing a feature. i was shocked to find my house had been bumped. i went to my 2nd home
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and discovered my son's wife and their children were injured. and 84 year old woman was also injured and buried under decrease after the attack on our house. what crime have we committed to deserve this gather savvy? so glad you execution with hundreds being killed instead of the well as images like that, a merge on a daily basis. we talk about it here every day, eliminating a mouse and minimizing the separately in debt. so should not be considered as mutually exclusive objectives for israel let us watch us secretary of state on sunday, blinking has said during his end of year briefing as the bloody conflict in gal say brian's on. as we continue to believe it is real, does not have to choose between removing the cider from us and minimizing the total on civilians and guys, it has an obligation to do both and it has a strategic interest to do both in terms of doing both many are looking on and
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watching as the united states is enabling a israel to not only continue to bomb gaza, but also to maximize the civilian casualties as they do is on the reports of the bombing and the targeting. and the attacks and the mass occurs continue to for in the death toll of the hands of the israeli defense forces. eyes approaching roughly 20000 people killed. and the united states seems to be in favor of continuing and allowing israel to continue what they're doing almost in definitely in the united states at the un security council. the towing resolutions that calling for a ceasefire, basically just allow, asked me international body to continue to conduct their operation without any international intervention to make them stop or at least slow down. now it's also important to note some of what was said by secretary of state lincoln when it came
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to the crane. there is no magic pot of money that we can draw from to the assistance of the support that we have designated for. for your brain that is running out is running down. we are nearly out of money that we need and we're nearly out of sight. i can't put a precise date on it, but that's the direction that this is moving. and we have a very clear plan. as i said, to make sure that you crank and stand on its own 2 feet militarily, economically democratically. so that these levels of support and assistance will no longer be necessary. interesting. tell that we just heard there from the us secretary state. now he's saying that money is drying up for you. right. and that com is right now, as the white houses negotiate with republicans in congress to try and get a $60000000000.00 aid package ass. now, the $60000000000.00 a pass package also includes money for israel,
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but it's mostly for ukraine. and republicans are not excited about, they are demanding and the negotiations seem to indicate they may vote for it in exchange for tougher restrictions at the us border, entire border controls. but also the american people are not really the neighbor of spending more money on your brain. recent poll showed that 48 percent of americans believe the us government is spent too much on ukraine. well, 27 percent of. ready leave, it's spent not in the right amount where 11 percent say it's not enough. 14 percent . don't know. and among republicans, all those numbers are significantly fired. us probably doesn't seem to gas. think about it. when i answer the blank and spoke about china, he emphasized that the united states is increasing its cooperation with the philippines and other countries in the pacific region, usa is beating up its forces in the pacific proceeding, china as a threat. we will continue to engage with china for the position of strength. our partnerships in the in the pacific have never been stronger. the united states is
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more closely aligned, more closely on never disagree. 7 with the you, with other allies and partners on the challenges presented by vision. and we're working together to address these and cooperation and coordination between nato and our new pacific allies. so certainly interesting words that they don't make a strong case for china is a threat. they just present china as being a threat and are demanding international cooperation and their efforts against china. it's going to be it helps rally in different countries throughout the region . again, china, quite interesting words, least for the closing of the year that we heard from the us state department us. second one is a anthony black post global. i'd rage for a loose over the middle east conflict, malaysia. it said it has closed its ports to us, really shifts in response to the killing of published indians beside the east asian countries. officials hyper sometime threatened, the 12th condemning
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b is really assault and gal. so we've got all the details right. not a few on our team now in practice done, thousands of women and children have taken to the streets of peshawar city to express their support for the palestinian people. many also a voice under over the actions of these really governments main manufacturer. us, the reporter mohammed alief was following the raleigh for the time at a small road square. what protests from the jump mazda is telling me we minutes. we are marching a large number of children from school. so religious institutions on most of the process is to show solidarity with policy. we're here to show solidarity with palestinians. women a just on a david and children to be in town all the time for the world. but if without the rest of his, whenever they have to change the editor,
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what terrorism are they talking about in practice time? what terrorism are they talking about in the other most in conflict? i'm sure they should take notice of their own terrorism, which is going on in palestine by israel with the full support of the west drug deal. it is a muslim nations should rise and make israel stopped the genocide in palestine. that is, is that the british depression and barbarism must be stopped immediately and the smallest begin at the cost. now i agree and add that at us rock roads, protest this health club costs, and then us showing intense grief and anger against the us. and this will, they also didn't onto the muslim countries and the international committee to unite and take a stand against israel, the oppression, and called for an end to attacks on either some civilians. okay, something else to tell you about today. i us national security code still official was denied that washington quote left behind
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a huge weapons cache with it withdrew from afghanistan in 2021. this was the response to reports that us weapons are being used by militants in near bring packets to a lot of studies. so i'm just looking by the weapons that were left in the one of those states intentionally. i don't, i haven't seen the reporting on these to verify what you said about weddings, less than afghanistan participate or being used to weapons that the us less democratic reports. but let me remind you, please take the opportunity to remind you, we didn't just leave a bunch of weapons and afghanistan. this is a fallacy. this is a farce. what we did over the course of our 20 years in afghanistan, of course, with congressional approval and consultations was armed and helped equip the act in
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national security forces. the problem with those remarks is of the pentagon acknowledges us forces date leave behind 7000000000 dollars worth of military equipment when it hastily withdrew from us down this time in 2021 weapons from that's are still have ended up in the hands of militants in the region, well, some of being used in other conflicts across the world. here's a timely reminder. all of the full light on the story ortiz, senior correspondent, iraq, go see a file from couples in 2020. so this is one of the tyler bands. how much watts would we both see them? on videos, they have hundreds and hundreds of these thousands of other vehicles, billions of dollars worth of weapons with a valuation vehicle tags and even helicopters that were just left behind by the gun military as it retrieve it. they've wedding out the flags to pull it up across capitol, the city of their own, their own vehicles. they relax. it's
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a host of white cloth, symbolic of the tile. about the white flag or yeah, we're out there. well as lama bod based journalist tests were a class tra, saves that us weapons from us gun. this time being used across the border by militants in pakistan are causing immense damage to the country's national security . well, let me tell you very gave suggestions and in the see it on says on this on the pockets on was a jack 5 that he could just buy from be to use the bottle on his back. and this is just forcing and they're just imagine the field is going to be on the, on, on the watermark daily and get some of the towers. but let me tell you that it was followed by the office on the present data visit general and united nations on some of the policies. but you don't deliver at 300 feet most of the street.
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and he called upon the nation to look into the matter. all these towers groups was for the credit to get this process. the fact is, i should all the hypnotist on these settled so which of the card is best to get them back on the left body. the description is the side of the a french courts. how sentence the former a london doctor to 24 years in prison for his rule in the 1994 genocide in the stuff for can country. the high profile ruling follows years of recriminations between power as like a galley over the atrocities. there. francis refused to admit it was completed in any way in the islands, despite allegations about the french military help enable the perpetrators of the genocide. here's our t corresponded look for you, come gay. with more, a city decades off the diesel, one been genocide with more than a 100000 last be
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a lives in her rustic violence. some justice has been served doctor, so standing when your momma has been sentenced to 24 years in prison by paris courts please involvement. the mass killings on charges of crimes against humanity and assisting in the preparation of the genocide as a friend of a song come by the head of the interim government. when you bundle was accused of supporting the killings and rounding up victims that before they were murdered, france took its time, investigating the tragic events. criminal cases opened as early as 9 to 9 to 5, but many to dictates reached the quotes with suspects allowed to remain at lodge. paris also categorically denied that the role of the french army in the one the genocide, taking just a few years to prove its innocent in the tragic events. the rwandan crisis ended in disaster for rwanda and in defeat, for france, is france complicit in the genocide of the trustees?
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if by this we mean a willingness to join a genocidal operation, nothing in the archives that were examined demonstrates this. a special french commission found nothing to indicate direct participation. a friend submitted to forces and abuses committed in refugee camps, new in new, complicit, unhealthy, assisting, genocide forces those both with a code by defense present in his speech in one that i'm going to know. standing here today with humility and respect by your side, i have come to recognize our responsibilities on this passage on that those who went through the night to come perhaps to give, give us the gift of forgiving to kill us. we'll start with the slides and the hills . the trojans didn't have the face of france and that the problem was not an accomplice. for many people, however, the french prisoners woods do not sound convincing and long before the official investigation into powers has rolled on the places to choose phones of
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participating in the genocide 20 years later, the only thing you can say against them is they didn't do enough to save lives during the genocide, that's a fact. but it hides the main point that is the direct role of belgium and france in the political preparation of the genocide and the participation of the letter. and it's very execution minutes. defronzo is complicit to me in the genocide in the friendship preparation to coy which allowed to troops to recruit and provided the way to redeem with military economy and political support. for also is also the only country to host representative of the government that have committed the genocide inviting officials at the nbc palace, the private industry and the minister of foreign affairs. if it's familiar with the case, a phones based significant responsibility for hundreds of thousands of dates in the genocide purposes. real motives for intervening have been positioned as well. with french forces accused of allowing the perpetrators to sleep to be
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a safe call. reduce the sentencing of dr. william on the will be seen as a small victory for victims of the 1994 events. however, a large number of those responsible for the horrific killings and the one that i still at large and not unlikely to ever be punished. well, we spoke to a lawyer on political. i'm a list based in k golly, who sees the sentencing of the doctor gives hope the other perpetrators don't. the atrocities and rolanda may still be brought to justice despite almost 30 years of an extra many deals. i did you think that'd be nice to use drugs and all you know, has been inspected to, to uh, pull them that there's a principle in go that says that you today. oh you oh, you prosecute. press have move done. any of the 2 things until 2 years ago when run them, the additions in front of retribution inspected really warming up even more. and so this what each means today to use the visual with friends,
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it also sends it message. just accept the truth of seat hiding in friends. uh, and obviously conducting some budget actions against run the i'm to now it sends an important message to them that they would have that they, they would uh, just use to catch up with them. eventually, the only thing it stops shots from saying problems was complete. because, but what, why do they do that is because if they do breathless, completes the degree it's criminal responsibilities of individual was that you did for crimes of doing that and comes, it gets better. so then you put the issue, the, the line was the nicest through the cross with them, the 15, the commission of virginia right now is some powerful colors ahead because this december 21st march, that traditional festival of yells that celebrated in around and across person speaking communities the inks in festival falls on the winter solstice, longest day of the year and made it's on to unesco cultural heritage list. last
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year, archie correspondent use of to, wiley says more about the specialty us questions around the world celebrate christmas and one is observed a sooner when even older holiday young don't night. it's much the longest and darkest night of the year. i'm occasion that brings family members together to celebrate for joy and happiness. as the winter sets it goes on march the winter solstice and the northern hemisphere, after which days talked a bit longer, a night's shorter. it has been the custom for more than 3000 years. it won't even families get together on you have to cheer and chat or eat, drink and recite ponds until dawn. well, in the hall we the radians celebrate yell to the longest night of the year. it's all custom together with all relatives and ritual memory, so share stories and recite times from the public's office and aspect. so it's a kind of family celebration by what barbara holidays. there's only one shopping
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suite for you. i've da starts a few days every year on the capital letters john pack shopping centers to buy last one of the items needed to observe the sensitivity. paula barnett's and watermelons are in high demand during the out of the shopping season, as they're in the symbolic features of the traditionally served on the location. and do not ever give us i miss milton men and belongs to the season here on yada. we want to get together to walmart and one guy i'm tied with, so we use some of freights to symbolically transfer the william. so that sees into our family gathering a me day. yeah, the on christmas fall within the same time frame. and they're both celebrated anywhere on logically, you know, is older than christmas on sundays. it was actually an origin of the question holiday. well, there's a lack of evidence for that playing the to have a lot in common, at least when it comes to the symbols, traditions, and even colors associated with the 2 festivities on yelder, we use red pomegranate, some go to my name,
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is it the symbols and the combination of red and white colors also popular on christmas, on the, for the most celebrations of men to stop the arrival of winter as a new and different season reaction. that's crazy for me. just bear with me in person based on the ancient persian mythology. yeah. though is the eve of the birth of miss ross, the got a flight goodness and strength on earth. it is believed that miss ron was born on the other nights to rid the world of darkness. so a ronnie and stay of the nights to wash away unpleasant experiences. a tradition that has never faded away for 3 millennia. the older and many other persian traditions originate from zoroastrianism, with lights and 5 being the symbols of like the fact that we sit together and celebrate this night is exactly because yelled at night, is the end development savage. this comes from a rainy and fug lower. the culture of ancient persia that has been transferred across down to generation. you're going small. and across the persian speaking communities including continuous then and again as the last year. the location was
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officially registered by unesco as world cultural heritage and major steps toward immortalizing vis, longstanding tradition. he'll know is just 4 minutes longer than other nice under warranty and stuff. celebrated assistance included as a reminder that every minute counts for families to share their moments with their loved ones. a beautiful mess as far as to say that even if it's the coldest, darkest parts, it can be warmer. i'm right, or together. generally are to tell you what i'm thinking, how does use of mothers to say, so send an incredible spread in around all the time. another type, thursday's news is shaping up for now i do remember to keep ahead of things by giving r t a follow on the x twitter to some of us will keep the stories coming here on are again off the top. do hope you can join me then the
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the take a fresh look around is a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians fixtures, design to simplify. it will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just because it shows you few fractured images presented to this,
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but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the russian states never d as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best in most all sense, i'm up in the system to progress be the one else calls question about this even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say a request,
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which is the let's dive into a conversation that's bound to raised some eyebrows and sparks. i'm heated discussions. today we're talking about the world of obesity, where opinions are as varied as the scales on which we measure it. i'm christy i and you're watching the cost of everything. so is obesity an epidemic?
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and whereas a line between body positivity and just promoting a sad, unhealthy lifestyle. and while we all liked to be inclusive, what does inclusiveness mean for obese people? let's face it. our society stands on obesity is divided. on one hand, we have the body positively movement, which champions self acceptance and challenges the norms of beauty. but on the other hand, we cannot ignore the harsh reality of health risks associated with obesity. are we sugar coating a serious problem or are we promote a self love and inclusivity? now lives though, has been a body positively advocate that has taken the music world by storm. but if she empowering individuals to embrace their bodies, or is she glamorize in obesity? i mean it's kind of like a walk, a heart attack waiting to happen. so.


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