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tv   News  RT  December 21, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EST

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and the, the, the dressing, images, southern goals, i worries, 12 people to kill business waiting strike, kicks me a hospital in roswell, press 2 and relief efforts to being hidden reply, communication advocates also in the own place. so is where it expands its infatuation with the con units neighborhoods. it comes with the red pressing token orientation accuse this deal idea of tom because the hospitals, $55.00 reportedly killed in the city on wednesday and from jail is a former london adult for almost a quarter of a century opened his role in the 1994 genocide, ecology is about to creations. the paris itself supported the crew to militias and
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the carried out the mess. the just going to 3 pm here in most go. this is denisa on of the international. i'm charlotte. people escape a pleasure to have your company as we take a look at the main stories and the client will escalating these ready strikes on communication out to jay's plunging goes into the book calles at least 12 palestinians were killed on wednesday in the southern buddhist city. of rafa, as bones fell me a hospital, a warning now the images ahead of distressing the medical facilities are reportedly barely able to function under the over whelming influx of casualties, many of which as you can see of children. now,
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one of the latest is rarely strikes, flocking to residential building and to nearby most and it didn't see populated area. here's what one young in 65 i manage to say just slightly off the she was rescued from the rooms. when i was playing, i still an airplane flying over suddenly bumped help, please don't sell them and the people to pick out those around them. well, moving to the south and the city of con eunice locals are scrambling to escape the target area that comes off to is one, issued a new evacuation order. now the un says new city districts overdue to evacuate a home to a $114.00 thousands with 20 percent of the city know. and the idea cross has, is where i had previously claimed that con eunice was a safe place for civilians before the only df launched its assaults on the city.
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and the creeping over it is to evacuate began well, as strikes on now reported being across the city. the palestinian red crescent is accused is where i live targeting the vicinity of our amo hospitals saying that dozens were wounded, that most the women and children. now at least $55.00 people were also report to be killed in con eunice. yes. today to know the goals and now whether you and human rights officers receive troubling information about the alleged summary executions of unarmed people biased waiting forces in goal is to assist you in the office of the united nations high commission for human rights in the occupied palestinian territory as receive disturbing information, alleging that is riley defense forces, summarily killed at least 11 on the palestinian man and friends of that family members in our mile neighborhoods of cause
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a city which raises alarm about the possible commission of a wall crime. this comes in the wake of earlier allegations concerning the deliberate targeting and killing of civilians at the hands of his rarity forces. well, this comes as intensifying idea of strikes of a pool to get claimed doesn't smooth lives. heavy shelling, i'm sniper, fire being reported around the red crescent ambulance center and to valley a refugee camp where the organization says that medics volunteers on the wounded remain trapped in the line of fire showing continues in the vicinity of the sun. so with the sounds of explosions had, is released not as of positions on the roofs of surrounding build. and supposing a threat to the safety of $127.00 individuals, including paramedics volunteers and the assemblies among them of $22.00, wanted individuals receiving treatment inside the sensor life notes in the file
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file. so who is the spokes person for the palestinian red crescent? society, i thank you for joining us on the international. i just want to ask you about the human rights office for the un, which is informed that a lesson on the people were apparently summary, executed by the adf in front of the families in gauze. the city, have you heard anything more about this report because it is particularly troubling . we have here this across the media. however, we have received a dozens of phone calls from people and areas in hon units, who rarely pushed the theme. the thing that as an occupation forces executing people inside their homes and we got many phone calls from people checking on their families. after hearing the answer, an occupation forces had to reach out at the specific areas in 10 units and
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execute. people killed them when they are in their homes, and unfortunately, those district cool needs any info regarding the situation of their families. i mean, it's an incredibly troubling allegation, or you mentioned that you've been taking phone calls. are you suggesting that this may not be an isolated incident in the could be of the killings of this nature being reported is the best number to kristin's as um, a provider for emergency medical services. we have received similar claims button, defense area, and tenuous that was out. that's what i was assigned. and unfortunately our teams even don't have safe access to those areas where is are admitted to the as they are . unfortunately, we can't even reach to both people who are injured or killed because we are denied access by user an occupation. most of the areas are extremely the interest and
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anyone who's trying to move in that area is really tanks and is there a snipers are located? would it be targeted? that's why we got thousands of different people's and unfortunately we can't even reach those areas because we are denied safe access. we keep on abdul pages on the international community to ensure a safe access for the ambulances. so we can conduct over human materials to save the lives of people and those many areas we, that we are completely denied access to with. that's why we even have limited info regarding these accidents. the only thing we can guess is, is over the phone for family, the family is reporting on these kinds office of those i'm talking to you now. and even our teams are the emergency medical center in giovanni and most of golf. so
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this is just, this is the 2nd day for pcsing o m e m s centers. i'm did a sensor engine bad. yeah. is there any chance are in the area and uh, with teams or heating constant artillery show any that is taking place or the night as even today in the mornings there's, is there any 9 1st? that's our targeting. anyone. we're trying to move in the area, and unfortunately, our teams audit shopped inside the center. they can't even go out because the area as extremely dangerous. um yeah, i just wanna ask you about your teams actually. um the read, the posting you read, crescent says that it stall for amongst those who actually being wounded in no idea strikes near the hospital and calling you this. can you tell us more about that incident and oversee if what you're able to do for your stuff while we're given that medical facilities are running out of equipment 2 days ago.
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and so as showing happened in the area of an hospital for the opposite to what i'm in the hospital and can do it cuz this has resulted to the injury of the palace under the crescent staff. but on the 22 volunteers, the staff as well as people who are taking should to inside a with facilities. we have around 14000 civilians who are taking centered inside the hospital and the front of front of the griffin. i took you, they have a full job gigi to the hospital at thinking they will be in a safe place, but unfortunately, this is not the case. i'm no either. oh, and hospital is just struggling to continue providing its medical services because of the shortage of medical supplies and medicine, and most importantly to you and we are rationalizing the consumption of electricity afterwards. so we are using our services in order to continue providing our medical
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services as long time as we can. this comes on a time with all hospitals in south of goza, over one with the increasing an alarming number of charge. but it is the number of medical this task that doesn't fit those numbers of casual disease as well as on hospitals or not. can you maybe send medical supplies and visits and, and it's completely over run. that's why you can see dozens of people who are going to and have to bleed for hours. i'm not there, old and hospitalized care doors without getting the treatment. many people lose their life without having and medical intervention. i mean it's, it's an incredibly difficult situation that you're describing. i just want to ask about the telecommunication and internet i, which is you mentioned the rationing of few. i mean, how is this affecting your ability to work in gaza?
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unfortunately, our teams are out of space and a great difficulties implementing there, and you may need to enroll and go. so one of the issues of that communication blotto. this is almost the 3rd day of completely taught of a communication, the landline center. it says you there as well as the internet connection in the early all kind eunice, and it is also the, almost a week since the cost of the communication facilitator, ad lined lion at any time. you know, we weren't able to connect with them for 2 days. via the internet, but as i mentioned the 3 days ago, they as early as also come to the internet connection. that's why it's so hard for what else to communicate with. i want to use as well as this is a great challenge for our teams to respond to the emergency situations. that means promising n as in 10 units on a bed to pull the 101 emergency line to cool and,
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and, and which is absolutely nothing of the word of what i'm going to use and doing. and there are already been to the wounded and uninsured, which there's life will be a tract of losing the life because of the end of the delay of the driving, of the and get it says, unfortunately in the area of north of gaza, the whole system has a transition is b jones check draft or 2nd. since all hospitals went completely out of service. now people in the city and the north, over 800 thousands, have been left without any medical services or hospitals in the north went out of service due to a direct attack at hospitals, pcsing the hospitals. and even i just think the medical is top of the hospitals. our teams audit dropped insight to ban here for the 2nd day calling,
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but we are attempting you providing over the minutes of service. and i'm ready to point. we have sort of in doing that and yeah, a month ago this medical post, which is related to the transfer and grad dress and continue providing medical services to the one that's people who are in need of it. and not time where on hospitals went out of service. however, we also at the risk of stuff populating and our medical points, because we are suffering from the lack of medicine and medical supplies. i just will ask you about the death toll. i mean, we hearing that the officials because it's creeping up to around 20000, which is a staggering number. people have lost their lives. doctors in garza suggesting that the actual death. so could be a lot higher from that because there's still people missing under the rubble, the strikes almost every night. so residential areas being hit. do you have any way
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to estimate the number of people who are unaccounted for the moment? unfortunately up to this moment, according to the ministry of have a police, it's thousands people are still missing under that problem and the number is absolutely higher, but both the are documented up to this moment please. 8000 people are still missing on the durable rescue. teams are unable to evacuate them from under the bowie, our job because unfortunately many areas rescue teams are unable to the it's on top of that there's a lot of have equipment which faceted the work office cute teams to evacuate both on a job under that of them and the estimation as absolutely the number is hired, it might be even double of those. it's thousands are still missing under that problem. and many areas up to this moment, as i mentioned,
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neither rescue teams neener and i'm get, i'm says i need emergency medical service provider is able to reach. that's why the people who are killed or even understand the job under them. no one, no i am going to turn in. agencies is able to reach to reach to them. i'm. those are still uncounted. as an incredible, i mean, obviously it will be a long time until we get the actual figures and the red crescent to set the head of con eunice magic emergency medical center was arrested by is where you mentioned literally the medical workers had been arrested. do you know how many have been detained by as well? according to the ministry of housing, the number of medical staff in garza who oddest, the under edit, is almost 100. 100 medical staff and with this number includes the directors of many hospitals and goes up and then host and including my to the only
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hot tub who is the head of our ambulance spencer. as he was added, that when he was part of an evaluation convoys, it was in coordination with the w. s. a and we were and we were evacuating wounded from a sheet of a hospital. and unfortunately when the company was passing it through the checkpoint, that separates the from the south monthly was edited and it's a month now up to this moment, we don't have any information regarding just situation or even if he's still alive, how can is well justify detaining medical workers like that, what, what are they saying? unfortunately, as i mentioned, there is not even as justification. we tried to have any information regarding the situation. i went to the to only hooked up and all that all he was portable,
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humanitarian mission met by the w. s. o. he was added to as well, refused, wouldn't be any information even for the u. n. s. is who tried to check on the how and the and stuff and 40 or the just if you wish. it's right in the set in the last few days that it is going to a lot of humanitarian aid in from the side. so if you're seeing any evidence of that, and will it help ease the catastrophic situation that you're in for the 1st time under the christmas continue to receive a humanitarian either through without a we are deceiving, approximate the, a $180.00 the trucks every day, which is distributed as people and it shows there's an areas of salt took us off. however, up to this moment, to humanitarian aid is completely denied access to the area of gus, the city, and the north. a where i mentioned that it has been at least 800000 civilians,
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artist and both in these areas. and unfortunately, they are completely denied access to a few minutes here again. and the only time we were able to get somebody to that area is viewing the one week a choose. we weren't able to send 310 is the trucks to go to the city and there was no problem. thank you very much for talking us through that lovely to have you on the program. if our foss stock spokes person for the policy and write a question, so somebody say well malaysia says it's closed exports to is ray the ship's in response to the killing of palestinians. the southeast asian countries officials have to sometimes threatening to act postpone li, condemning use way sold on the goals with all the details on not story do head over to our website. fox. he still called the choking report, has revealed more than 200000000 doses of covert vaccines. that's enough to have
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helped several countries works. boyd and been following b. u. during the pandemic knots, while many developing nations were pleading for jobs to be shed by the west at least a 115000000 doses of coverage 19 vaccines purchased by your country. so the hate of defend damage have since been thrown away as an estimate of the cost of the tax, pay a $4000000000.00 euros. and that's almost certainly an under estimate. says the 1st cause on the virus vaccines were approved in late 2020 countries have collectively taken delivery of one point. $5000000000.00 is more than 3 years for every person in europe. many of these now lying lenses across the continent politico did that. the real number of wasted vaccines could actually be much higher. some you countries are reluctant to disclose just how many they've discarded. according to what's known, germany destroyed the most 2 doses. a staggering 83000000 italy wasted
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over 49000000 with the netherlands. come in, 3rd wasting 16000000. now back during the height of depend demik western countries front of people which has many doses as they could, leaving some of the nations in dire need of jobs. africa. so some of the worst shortages with the west and refusal to shy move vaccines cooled up a trail by critics research also suggests that up to 90 percent of cove attacks in some countries could have been prevented with back to global vaccine distribution. what kind of it was one of the nations that source thousands of lives lost to the pon, demik we've heard from some locals who say politicians could have done much, much more to help the people that a mistake on how the day before handling these,
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that before then, how do you handle it? with that seems that to inform the scenes, and now they've not been using that the government should never sensitize the citizens. to take dave, i've seen because a lot of nice information, mostly about seeing the height of about to 50 menu, lots of drugs. and that's the stand by this unfortunately. but most of it went to it because of lack of a vishal vishal and that the government didn't give us a lot of information about call it a french quotes has sentenced
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a foam or london doctor to 24 years in prison for his will in the 1994 genocide in the east african country. the high profile ruling follows news of a combinations between the 2 nations over the atrocities. just by previously classifying documents emerging, the purported to show that the french military helped enable the perpetrators of the genocide. paris has rejected any connection. he's all teased correspondence, not a lawyer. a city decades off the london genocide with more than a 100000 last the lives in her rustic violence. some justice has been served. doctor standing when you mama has been sentenced to 24 years in prison by a paris quotes please involvement. the mass killings on charges of crimes against humanity and assisting in the preparation of the genocide. as a friend of a son come by the head of the interim government when you bundle was accused of
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supporting the killings and rounding up victims before they were murdered. france took its time, investigating the tragic events. criminal cases opened as early as 9 to 9 to 5, but many too big case reached the quotes with suspects allowed to remain at lodge. paris also categorically denies the role of the french army in the one the genocide taking just a few years to prove as innocent in the tragic events. the rwandan crisis ended in disaster for rwanda and in defeat, for france, is france complicit in the genocide of the taxis? if by this we mean a willingness to join a genocidal operation? nothing in the archives that were examined demonstrates this. a special french commission found nothing to indicate direct participation a free and submitted to forces and abuses committed in refugee camps, new in new, complicit, unhealthy, assisting, genocide forces. those force it caused by defense present in his speech in one that
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i'm standing here today with humility. and respect by your side, i have come to recognize our responsibilities on this path on the those who went through the night. come perhaps forgive, give us the gift of forgiving the kill us. we'll start with the swarms the hills. the church just didn't have the face of friends. friends was not an accomplice. so many people, however, the french president, his words, do not sound convincing an old, long before the official investigation into paris is road. several on the present to choose phones of participating in the one the genocide 20 years later. the only thing you can say against them is they didn't do enough to save lives during the genocide. that's a fact, but it hides the main point. that is the direct role of belgium and france in the political preparation of the genocide and the participation of the letter. and it's very execution minutes. defronzo is complicity in the genocide in the financial preparation,
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turquoise which allowed 2 troops to recruit and provided the wheat to redeem with military economy and political support. for us was also the only country to host representative of the government that had committed the genocide. inviting officials at the nbc palace, the prime ministry, and the minister of foreign affairs exploits familiar with the case. a friend's base, significant responsibility for hundreds of thousands of dates in the genocide purposes . real motives for intervening, have been positioned as well, with french forces accused of allowing the perpetrators to sleep through the safe car reduce the sentencing of dr. would you mind the will be seen as a small victory for victims of the 1994 events. however, a large number of those responsible for the horrific killings and one that i still at large and not unlikely to ever be punished. we spoke to a lawyer and political analyst basting to gulley who says the sentencing of the
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doctor gives hope. that of the perpetrators of the genocide in rwanda may still be put to justice. despised, almost 30 years of induction for many jo side. did you think it'd be nice to use drugs and all you know has been inspected to, to uh for them that there is a principal enrolled that says that you today. oh you oh, you prosecute. press has not done any of the 2 scenes until 2 years ago when run them. the additions in front of retribution inspected really warming up even more. and so this what it means today to use the visual with friends, it also sends that message. just accept the truth of seat hiding in trends. uh, and obviously conducting so busy actions i gets run the i'm to now it sends an important message to them that they would have that they, they would, uh, just these to catch up with them mentioning the only thing it stops, shots from saying problems was completely fixed because but what,
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why do they do that is because the base depressed was completely degree its criminal responsibilities of individuals. was that you did for crimes of genocide and comes against many to so the reports issued to the line to cross the line to say that russ was completed in the commission of the general state. and in india is parliament and peace going to alliance. 28 parties of protesting against the suspension of a 143 opposition members from both houses and got and goals new delhi of the parliament. so to don't several bills without the presence of the opposition legislative not purchased as a cooling for the government's move or cooling it, victoria, you know, over a 100 opposition and p's was suspended. don't demanding a debate surrounding last week's term. uh, that's when it to ensure it is and to parliament screaming and see government
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slogans and firing off the yellow smoke. kindest is and leaked from the visitors gallery onto the legislature. so we've been speaking to some of the m p. 's who have condemned the suspensions cooling the dangerous for the countries democracy. unfortunately this government does not take any of the conventions of parliamentary democracy seriously. has no intention of patenting off cooperating with the opposition and has no feeling that it is a comfortable in the bottom entry system to the members. also how some of the basic logic of the parliamentary democracy is a collective responsibility of ministers. tony, members of follow them, i'm very saturday, in fact, be time 50 and be lot in the parliament and the board bills, which if you go back to sort of and yet, but you know, i, p. c. c has to be seen introduced tech team act which, which, which would impact every student every day, every day. and they're being boss giving, discuss without deposition or do you think it's such
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a law will have legitimacy. we ever tell the people of india that this government once a month without opposition, they wonder poly meant to be something else? would that be gods? and that's the message or telling them that, you know, they're not going to these dying. they do not want any kind of discussion, debate, or be sent to data, go to do that actions and they have the beginning of a quality team laws, which an upgrade really begins with the people living down to the liberty of india . they're not because the nice thing was the big, you know, it was almost bottom one bed one and then what they would be. what? well, thanks very much for your company. that's it for now. but i'll be back with another uptake the top of the next the, the show room. just don't need to shape out the application and engagement it close the trails.
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when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look for common ground, the per false $1899.00. but then gabby, although i skipped and bully the some tie you area is a native spies take or some of these get to use them to find out that as as codes from these to really study. when do we tend to feel refuses to corporate tax even slowly about the tire to the source of the state. the .


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