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tv   News  RT  December 21, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the relative mon, the victims of the late fifties, very shuddering of the city of rough, where at least 12 palestinian book killed god so that you and representative levels is really a tax on jobs. as health system sadistic is ready for this. allegedly can at least 11 off to bed in front of the relatives in gauze, accepted us according to you and saw the lens more from a policy to be invest present we spoke. but unfortunately, we can't even reach apples to people who are injured or killed because we are denied access. why is there an occupation? what it says?
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the areas are extremely dangerous and anyone was assigned to them in that area will be targeted. full teams are reported. they killed on dozens, we ended up to shooting at the university in products that you sent to the gun man is, is also among the dead, according to police, and up to 16 years of opec. membership and goal is falling out to the organization for the countries and small professionals. so i think a dispute of a next is oil production, quotes that the, it's just going to 11 pm, have your most skilled. this is off the international with all the very latest world news. thank you for joining us. now we start with the latest updates from garza, with the enclaves of hospitals and the severe strain you and representative has labeled the idea of the tax on the territories health system,
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sadistic it is rarely occupation. forces are sold on galls as health system is taking the most sadistic folds hospitals and medical personnel. a sacred, especially at the time of great destruction, suffering and despair in this senseless war against the people in gaza. i'll send you in bed presents ambulances heading towards the roof of crossing and mid reports of casualties following shuddering, selling near the check point. a quick warning, you may find the following images disturbing. the least 12 palestinians were killed on wednesday and the southern board, a city of rough on one of the strikes spots and the residential building as well as the nearby most in a densely populated area. a medical facilities on the verge of collapse, limited overwhelming influx of casualties. we heard from one young survivor. when i was playing, i saw an airplane flying over suddenly bumped help,
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please don't selling me and the people to be out of the robber. both of you and human rights office has received a troubling information about a legit summary executions of unarmed people buys very false as inc officer to the office of the united nations high commission for human rights in the occupied palestinian territory has received disturbing information alleging that his riley defense forces summarily killed at least 11 on um, the palestinian man in front of the family members in our a mile neighborhoods of kansas city, which raises alarm about the possible commission of a war crime. this comes in the wake of earlier allegations concerning the deliberate targeting and killing of civilians at the hands of his riley forces as well according to data received by the you. and the incident occurred on tuesday when he's really troop sees the building with 3 palestinian families. with sheltering the soldiers allegedly shot dead,
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at least 11 men in front of the families. it said the troops then ordered women and children into a room where they fired and threw grenades at them and fixing the serious wounds. while the hiring story was originally made public by the geneva based euro met money take human rights group known competence including gen, listened aid work is, are increasingly coming on the fire in gaza. you're in a belief and works as agency for palestine. refugees has said, that's a 105 of his stuff among the victims that was also claimed the lives of at least the 68 medium work is according to the committee to protect generalist. meanwhile, the protest in united presence has of israel to clarify the fates of the con, you need, emergency medical sense ahead is among those detained by the idea. as, as israel claims how boss is hiding among civilians, medical workers, and journalists in gaza. now do you have, it's like in the vicinity of our, our hospital spreads the public among patients in a previous strike on the hospital,
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dozens of women and children were injured according to the policy and you make present society, please folks who are supposed to send full be to monetary organization, you said that israel has brought some from providing assistance to the victims. we have received a dozens of phone calls from people in the areas any time you want us to really push the theme to prove that as an occupation forces executing people inside there who was and we got so many phone calls from people checking on their families after hearing that, as the occupation forces have to reach out at the specific areas in one unit and execute, people killed them when they are in their homes. and unfortunately, those district cool needs any in 40 guard the, the situation of their families defense under the crescent, as a provider for emergency medical services. and unfortunately,
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our teams even don't have the access to those areas where as are administered as they are. unfortunately, we can't even reach to both people who are injured or killed because we are denied access. why is there an occupation forces the areas are extremely the interest and anyone who's trying to move in that area with as 80 tanks and is raised. snipers are located, would it be targeted? we keep on adding pages on the international community to ensure a safe access for us. so we can conduct over the human material to save the lives of people, and those many areas we would, that we are completely denied access to what i'm talking to you now. and even our teams, i've, the emergency medical center in giovanni and most of casa, is, this is the 2nd day for the pcsing o. m e m s centers. and do those center into about yeah,
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is there any chance are in the area and our teams are heating, constant, artillery show many that is taking place for the night and even today in the morning there's, is there any 9 1st that are targeting anyone who are trying to move in the air. yeah, unfortunately, our teams are the shop inside the center. they can't even go out because the area as extremely dangerous with the medical situation in gaza is deteriorating by the day. according to the w. h. o, in tennessee is very bombardments, as well as power outages of rented or hospitals in northern garza and usable is southern gaza. only 9 of 56 health facilities are possibly functioning, overwhelmed by an influx of injured people. on the shortage of medical supplies, a local journalist from con, you niece, told us more about the situation and gosh, it looks like it is a tactic on what point in fact is used by the if any progression for the sake of
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just looking all communications coming out from casa and also for military purposes, which targets that palestinian resistance, and they want to cause any communication between them. and whenever they do this, they normally expend their ground corporations extend their military operations. and because we have seen that ever since, because of the communication ad or that the ground corporation has been extended, ad department has been even heavier when displacements were made by the simple for some say, inductive cover of the us because cannot accommodate is that a large number of people into it and to and the us with us are still being used by thousands of people. as soon as i was working in the us, we got the different crow doors and you could see people sleeping on the ground. you could see thousands of people sitting tense on the open areas. so the cost because besides targeting, for the sake of providing the medicaid services for boucher and that makes them even attracted more and that started pointing to even after the collapse phone that
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has been announced don't type of policy. and you reporters face online threats while risking the lives on the is various strikes in gaza, not as an he's really a journalist, posts a poll on killing. i'll just there is guys a bureau chief will that still coming up a bit later in our program? of the moving over to africa now with the confidence, 2nd largest oil producer and goal is withdrawing from opec as the organization of petroleum exporting countries. 6 for the output codes to proper prices is how the government's explained to me. we feel that at this moment on goal is getting nothing by remaining in the organization and in defense of its interest, it decided to leave and go la has decided to keep me in the super, from the opi preapproved by a disagreement to on production coaches. what do you mean by that? not so long ago, i'm going to rejected an open quota allocation for the following year 2024 and sent
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a note of pro tools to do you guys ation saying that it will continue to produce the amount of novels today that it wants to produce. instead of being pose close by the opiate group and that decision was approved by may need on the african continent with exp, but saying that i'm going to is corrected to contest. suspicion is due to the waiting was open to time. and the quote is for 3 african countries differently, and those countries being gola, i called up as a real and, and i do as well. now i'm going to membership in the old peer group has long been part of his identity as a great oil state within the us. we can continue to with significant influence within the global economy. it's government has recently said that i'm go, that has been part of the opec group and a member of that group for 16 years. and during that period, they have fully complied all the regulations. and the laws owed to the, the organization. but the re sent a request just did not make sense for the a, the,
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a role in economy. it has also been said that ongoing, that has been sacrificing its own people to benefits as a economy. which means that if a law was outside of the organization, it wouldn't have to caps and would always have to benefit from those kinds of it has now lived and it needs to be seen how much of an impact if the exit will cause on duke innovation if in that he a, we spoke with an i q be a based energy advisory firm, found that he thinks that this decision will reduce the influence opec costs in africa. you might think it's actually step in the right direction owing to the fact that the production outputs from the country is not so significant. it should actually be allowed to produce more. and then i mean because of supply more into the, into the market or to the global market. so having to play some quotes on it and
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then on them giving them of put top. and then they themselves having to push back ways of having to request why i'm increasing that for to be something that ok screwed up. but you can see that let me go to the countries i'm feeling like um the admin fee turned $20.00 and it was on lots of being can see that the weight of the 2 because the judge and this just like of this protest, dice go, i'm currently going on, other countries are watching and i'm really done. so they are learning some of the law. and i'm serious when i was actually speaking of all once i realize fighting for actually i paid some of the kind of well 15 people, including the goodman, had been killed and dozens more wounded, up to shots for a fight in the hearts of prague. 10 victims are currently in a serious condition according to check police.
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the video. so is people fleeing tells university where the shooting took place. according to local police, the government died of the scene. he's being identified as one of the university students under suspected of murdering his father earlier today. the motives behind the charge all still a no, no. the police say the university campus has now been evacuated on the surrounding area, closed off the building where the shooting took place is being checked. facebook 6 most voltage. so students clinging onto window ledges, trying to escape the gun fire. others run from the shooting. has police storm the building, as always will bring you more details. as in when this story develops, the over supposed to know where the country is. new governments has moved to take control of state media science in
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political bias under the previous leadership of social security took office last week. says he seeking to revive independent media, the post post. and they'll have a warning for the new pa, you know, bicycle goal can justify the violation of the constitutional principles loose. that is why in connection with today's decisions regarding public, most media i'm calling on from that is to donor to see how he's cabinets to respect the polish legal order. donald task, the former european council president literally just moved into the prime minister's office in poland. about a week ago in the wake of the last federal election. and he's already taking a bulldozer to the place, you have to wonder which polish government was not actually abiding by democratic principles. was it wrong for the previous government in party to control the media by installing its own cronies? or is it wrong for this new government to dismiss all the presidents and supervisory boards of tv? so pull the state,
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tv polish radio and the polish press agency. under the pretext that there was a culture of bias. in any case, the typically the mouse in brussels had really nothing to say about either situation. democracy and rule of lives seem to be highly flexible concepts in poland. so what does washington think about that? without referring to what was in the past, i will emphasize that cooperation in the field of security between poland and the us was always very close. today we really want poland to be a leader in the european union, and this is, after all, the declared goal of the new government. it reassures this post cooperation in the field of security is really just the euphemism for the fact that poland helps to crop up the u. s. military industrial complex. which would explain why washington would be interested in poland, becoming one of the head clowns in the cloud. test as the biggest net recipient of
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you funds, warsaw has taken cash from germany and france, which are the 2 top you funding providers and all the rest of the member states and this, and turned around and bought american from us weapons manufacturers. washington did give poland to $2000000000.00 loan back in september, so it can buy even more us made weapons. but it can always pay that back with you money again, largely from germany. so through poland, it looks like a whole lot of german cash is heading out the back door to the us. so how does poland show berlin? it's gratitude for all the cash handouts, by asking it to pay out for world war 2. how much cash are we talking about? exactly. oh, just a modest one point. 3 trillion dollars into humans invaded poland. did greats damage to us? the occupation was extremely criminal, incredibly cruel, and cause the facts that in many cases continued to this day. as far as journey is
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concerned, colin's previous comment as rulers relinquish any claim on reparations back in 1953 . so case close as far as berlin is concerned, but poland is already showing that it's keen on sticking it to germany, which just conveniently happens to be washington's biggest european competitor. warsaw were also dialogue resistance against you frames, potential future integration. having already said that it won't consider accession without a deal on the estimation of poets victims of the premium nazis from the 2nd world war. i will express a position in my opinion, without solving this issue and many ukrainians realize this. ukraine can only dream about t u accession, so we will absolutely stress that without solving this issue, they will not be long term reconciliation with ukraine. poland has already expressed its frustrations with ukraine from its farmers opposed to the dumping of the training great into the country. to the polish truckers angry about you for any
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and truckers under cutting their business within the u. brussels has by that has, with poland on everything, from democratic values to crane, and you priorities like minority rights and migration. so washington's move of promoting poland as a leader within europe is certainly a strange choice. unless of course, you is seen as a competitor to washington on the global playing field in poland. as a sort of trojan horse. sounds like it may just be a quick us back rehabilitation for poland from questionable dumpster fire to pillar of democracy. these really journalist on a former employee of the prime minister's office has been a pole on his x for me. twitter accounts asking with the opposite of his gossip bureau chief, should be killed while the post was clicked to draw some strong reactions. this is run a journalist who worked for the, the discipline,
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his friends about us as an agent. does a journalist well doctor, to kind of where police judge these guy with conspiracy to melinda, or incitement to genocide, brother, may god bless him with safety loan live health and wellbeing until he exposes just can those more and more? are you okay? where is your dignity? to do is, does a bureau chief while do has been recently wounded as idea forces from the city of con, your nation southern gaza is coming on. died in the same talk. tobar adults adult. you lost a number of members of his family and an idea strike journalist marching. jason says the targeting of impulses is becoming common practice. of course sites. i mean this really is just an abysmal new level. new low for these varies to sink to every day we have to picture yourselves to, to, to, to try and take in these,
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these new apartment. um standard certificate called us some of them in some cases actually being targeted by snipers. this is going on a regular basis. well, we shouldn't forget that. let's not forget that i'm sharing another x a who in 2022 was extra shot dead by initially the cycle shop the whole world. i think people are the shop now about the topic around the world to begin to understand with this is a practice that the idea of do they actually target janice to look at the numbers to put it into context. i mean 68 or 69. that's the same number of journalists that died in the 2nd world war. and just a little bit more, a few more them who died in 2 decades the vietnam. and so i think that gives you an idea of what these raise were. the up to the not just targeting homeless officials where they can more people helping us, such as i'm, it's drive us, for example, they're also talking some general disabilities. any questions about that? so these are the minutes you had earlier told international news agencies that didn't con guarantee the safety of gen,
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list in gaza. so defense get discussed the issue with all the legal form, a director general of the following ministry of israel on this floor. they created them a lot of the so called phone bill was most of us. wow. i and they, i think we should talk to the said a racist voices and full was on a what is the brown and a full so that they have to exchange last as isn't present, is still that they have to bring this all the way and easily wage says die, or every, this is a, was this guy and a way live just a, a further complicate this of the thing to is when we talk about the journalists and palestine at the small,
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at the moment. it's understood that clips to hundreds have been killed already while they're trying to capa what's happening on the client. and why do you think that that number is just so high of to what? 2 and a half months of a war, almost a 100 journalists that i've been here such as a good. i don't think that research. if we go, well we try to find the quality you. it says me $68.00, and we understand that the thinker is higher than that. so there has been 68 confirmed desks of doing list to people working in the media landscape in garza it since october. the 7th, we understand little figurines, closer to a 100 tokyo bill, a jory says is due by the side i. so i say to the west, every say you're referring to god, we don't know we are here. at least we don't even know the eh, we hardly hear about what's going on in augusta. we see, so therefore,
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the much less than you will see internationally your most the best the, the ad on both sides have become part of the war. and the, the ease fighting we little side of this origin is the media is by the 1st genius to so that we do, we don't know, you know, what the name of the other side of the easily possibly. so we're with these problems. the motion of the energy to be interested too much. do you guys? as i said, it's very unfortunate, but this is the situation that we also have about for the, the 10s of thousands aged we have to do is we have
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this drawing and these are the probably just move exactly us doing. so the last of this, the, the slow motion of opening though, to least what's happening across the bullet to a little coating. so the un israel has released mugs showing around 20 percent of county in east city sense in southern garza mont, for buck you ation me. while the main communications provided in the enclave announced that all connection services in the cities tend to be shut down due to coats in the main fine. but boots with you and says it's over a $141000.00 displays. people looking for shelter. now living in these areas. yeah, jeff continues his ground aerial, a naval operations targeting, i'm us and con, unique city. well also destroying tunnels. way it's a legit fights as a hiding we'll discuss live now. so we'll lead say i'm who's a political unless wiley to, thanks very much for joining us. the idea has been targeting
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a civilian in for such as schools, hospitals with the name of destroying a must as to know as well. also saying that i must, that is using the infrastructure. so it talked idea of troops. they legitimate targets and what is it like from an, an international perspective. what, thank you for having me. people from the national perspective, the geneva convention or convention, the article 19 eliminates the production of by such institutions if they would have proven to be used, but it was by purpose. however, the attempt, this moment is, isn't it have as fail miserably in providing us with that proof is the obligation to enter the ship a hospital for instance. uh which was uh, presumably the heck the cost is for from us. there was nothing this the same think
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also for other hospice and the others. course it's and it's a claim that has been is by isn't until this moment it wasn't proven the link that fits the b. that's it is the this because it might be indiscriminately palm beach civilians in garza and events from uh, following the events of the stomach. well, it would say that its defending its own national security in trying to limits uh, so eliminates from us after those atrocities on october the 7th. do you think that's isabel's security? it is now, it has been increased as a result of this, or is it a risk of vertical lives in some of the people in gauze or given what they've been subjected to to? well, let me answer the 1st, but in terms of the, is it a, it is security it today,
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there was a but also from a size launched from casa reaching side of it, basically. yeah. the chink, i'm a dozen tactics. so is that the element of increasing is a security eliminate that it's not, this is phone operation has not granted. and you should have the security for the is it a is since as more than $3000000.00 as a this, if this is the day with a link towards the session, there's after sunday, the deluxe. so there is no security to you for is it in as long as it proceeds and adopts the military approach of a brute force that's equation adopted. but there is a government and a city state historically has proven its failure and benefits meet the insulated assistance. oh, to adopt such an approach to sort of the situation that the need each sounds requires the political solution that the brute force is as filled radicalize in
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people in gaza and people to understand as well in general needs. because we also thought that was back in these terms of them. and of course, the scene it is, an image is coming from casa, and the amount of destruction. loss of human songs will have reached almost uh, 20000 since the people will have died. including 8000 children. and of course, it's going to be at the closing depot. and that's, that's also it backslash. what about the backside income is a the emergence of adopting the security on the coach. because not only does, it's not to provide them with security. and provide that to any so, and as the recent stake to it indicates what the existence forces it coming
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from the kind of thing inside the choice of creates eh, human flood was winning, come prepared to take part in that the resistance and carry arms because you liked the uh foot uh, apologies for interrupting you. uh, what do you make of israel's claims that it has tried to minimize civilian securities by warning? those in areas way plans to conduct minutes your operations, as well as provide se foods out of the war. so what do you make of those claims? okay. first of all, since the beginning of the war, it has stopped warning people for them to evacuate the home. that's number one. they have literally stopped working and people as floated um and the safe route. it has been the sure thing gets people in the salon dean street, which is supposedly to be uh, the safe passage or the safe corner the provided by his aid for those displays or
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refugees coming from northern cause up to the south. and they have been shut that up. they have been split, think it, they have been arrested. good enough. we have people that of that have been a that have disappeared since the end of the year. it crossings to the south. so that's clean. is that, is it, it is doing, it's best to avoid civilian casualties as the sheet of the numbers, the and, and terms of the fatalities and industries come to the stuff as well as that. again, if you want to go back, this is on the ground by days that i mean also come to think that because as long because they've only done, but it's basically a propaganda campaign done to showcase it humidity and side by isn't there. but unfortunately on the ground, the what will lead to say i'm but still a list. thanks so much for your time and your thoughts on the current situation in


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