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tv   Cross Talk  RT  December 21, 2023 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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the the relatives and one of the victims of the latest is rarely selling of the city of rocco, where at least 12 palestinians were killed. as a human representative labels is really a tax on does a health system that this is really for us, is allegedly kill at least 11 on, on demand and part of their relatives in gaza. city that supporting it to a un source argued learn more from a policy and in bed concepts because the person unfortunately, we can't even reach both people who are injured or killed because we are denied access. why is there an occupation forces the areas are extremely the interest and
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anyone who's trying to move in that area will be targeted. at least 15 people are killed in dozens more wounded after a shooting at the university and prod, city center. the government is also dead, according to police. and after 16 years of opec membership angola is falling out of the organization with the country's top officials, citing a dispute over the next 2 years, oil production quota. the headlines were following here on our tea international up next. on cross talk, peter lavelle and his guests discuss the biden's war on garza and how the united states is ultimately accountable for as rails and military campaigns. the,
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the hello and welcome to cross hawk where all things are considered on peter lavelle. dangerous and brace when joe biden bear hug. benjamin netanyahu in brace design is the agenda and all its deadly consequences. no matter how the american administration wants to parse as roles and israel's war on gaza, united states is ultimately accountable for israel's military campaign. the cross talking palestine. i'm joined by my guess in new york. we have line, or he is a legal in media analyst, and in lake jackson, we crossed to daniel mcadams. he's the executive director of the ron paul institute for peace and prosperity, or across black roles that affect that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate it. okay, daniel, let me go to your 1st and like jackson no matter how the administration wants to parse its words. when you have anthony blinking coming outtake sullivan,
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john kirby, they, they want to create this. you know, there's a little bit of distance, but of course we're, we're fully on the side of is really, it's not working and there's, nobody believes this here. this is biden's war, a step. so literally it's been a cock ups. and the 1st these people are so far out of their league, it's not even funny. i'm for all his faults and there are plenty of them. if you had something like henry kissinger, you know, with the shuttle diplomacy, you might have actually had something happen. but from the very beginning, as you point out in your introduction, peter by knew, raced over and he had a big plan. he was going to give a big bear hug to be nuts and you know, and then he was going to have a summit. if you remember in jordan, so he was going to kind of even and out, hey, we're on israel side. they have a green light, but we're still maintain. the thought that thing was come to was completely fluffed up by the is really bombing of the hospital. and the error upside as your, as your viewers know, cancel the summit. so basically you have a bite and with the proverbial is in his hand,
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having nothing to show for it except the meeting with nothing y'all in the green light. so this, this, this, this whole thing was book was born in disarray and disaster. and it's only continued down that road. and with it you watched by these numbers go down the toilet. well, it also basically the same question to you line know, because, you know, the administration is trying to, to create this kind of impression that they have influence and they have sway. but israel does continues to ignore the administration while on a daily basis. munitions are being sent their human rights organizations all around the world are red flags, left, right, and center. my goodness, final, we could watch the slaughter on live television and the administration still fans that, you know, it's trying to do its best. well, that's not good. now that's not good enough for anyone line. well, when the administration claims to be doing its best, that that has to be,
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that must be an asterisk next to it. i want to get them to think about this. think about october, the 7th of november, the 7th and december, the 7th. the narrative. and i don't want to say israel versus palestine more just for shorthand purposes. on october, the separate, it was complete and total solidarity. everybody is it, this is all, this is terrible. you were attacked everybody just like 911, just like we were 911. everybody said you've got to do something measured respectful but, but it was 100 percent. nobody ever said, well, you know, you had you had that coming november. the 7th. the, the argument was the same, it was from us and the rest of the roll said no, wait a minute, hold that, that may be true. that was last month. but how has your approach changed? how has your address changed december? the 7th? same thing. it's just though it's frozen in time,
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and when you hear whether it's bobby kennedy, whether ridge, anybody from the usual suspects, they have the same october, the 7th narrative, as though nothing has change, it is simply says this from aso tact. we're going to destroy him, us, we're not to let this happen again. it but it, it stops. and there's no counter. there's no, there's no, okay, fine. nobody you say you cannot respond to this. how do you explain the no, we're just ignoring your mind. when will you stop? remember call and follow had that the what was the pottery barn rule, if you break it as you own it, you know what's the in the game? tell me, tell me the strategy. everybody in the war has to say this is when we have success . when this happens, when they still run your every but nothing but line all the strategy, the strategy is to destroy a moss. i understand that. but what, when looking at from october 7th to the present is the destruction of gaza. i don't,
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i don't see much destruction if i'm honest, let me throw it to daniel. daniel, what i see, and i obviously watch this very closely. it's very painful to watch, but i do see a war on schools, on hospitals, on mosques, on churches, on medical staff, and on children. that's what i see. what is the strategy is that the strategy is to destroy everything i just mentioned a well line or was saying what's the in game i was just looking yesterday at an ad from a realistic company, advertising beach front property coming in gauze. i saw that that looks like, uh, that may be the strategy, but uh, you know, it's a great point. that line i makes about the narrative. but what's interesting is it, you know, a 2 things. first of all, it does remind us of ukraine, doesn't it? russia attacked ukraine. full stop. we don't want to talk about 2014. we don't want to talk about years of bombings in the dawn bass. no,
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it happens. the world was born yesterday. and that's exactly what's happening. but what we do see if you do dig a little bit and people like our friend max blumenthal, is appraisal and have done great work, but now it's coming out more into the open. using is rarely source is really sources. yes. as resources. why net in not, you know, not just read, read, but that the october 7th narrative was mostly false. and we just found out yesterday, i'm sure you saw the video. a video emerged of october 7th with a tag shooting at a house in the code books. uh, the fact of the matter is that israel killed a large number. i won't say all i won't say didn't happen. but israel killed a large number of these rarely armies. you'll be a large number of israeli citizens including at the music festival and the closing at the, at the cookbooks is on october 7th. and that is a fact. and it reminds us of the neo cons in the us. after 911, never let a crisis go to waste. and that's what i think we're seeing here. and until we can
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challenge that core narrative effectively. so they're going to keep going because we're having a great war. as you say, peter against women and children, they're doing a hell of a job when it actually comes to fighting almost fighters. i've seen a lot of stuff and it's not going that well, they've created so many firing points in gaza that i was just watching a video yesterday. and it's really soldier was complaining. it shows like we're fighting ghosts in here. a dan, it's all process solving. go to get the words here. line, oh, let me ask you the simplest of simple questions. it probably has no answer considering the behavior of our leads. what is the american interest? what is the american strategic interest in all of this? because it's reputation is being trashed around the world line on the tradition allies, uh, history. uh, a lot, you know, i, i got to say this again, people who are absolutely, i don't want to keep bringing
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a bobby kennedy. i don't know why he's the exemplar but i have to give this as well . yeah, but here's the, i guess he's the biggest disappointment, but we'll leave that side. go ahead. this is a man who has never met a, an american program. i think he liked her in any way, who now meets basically either it is riley or an antique palace, any program that he's never loved. it's on conditional. and here's the thing. i swear to you, there is a, there is a narrative that what i hear this, it drives me crazy, but let me just explain something. you can't do this for ever. we have elections coming up. and when the rubber hits the road, when the democrats realized that they are there are contingents of new voters. and i hate to make this into the political because we should be worried about the humanitarian aspect of it. but if the political aspect is the only way to get people's attention, when americans find out exactly what's going on and when they look at the numbers,
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because we have one of the most incredible abilities to remain nations and clueless and then a comb or we are the best we, we don't even have maps, we don't care, we worry about your taylor swift. we're out to lunch. but when it breaks through the blood brain barrier, and when it becomes pash or when it becomes popular to care about humanity, that's it. it's all over with. how were you going to explain it? and again, let me ask you a gentleman. this isn't going to be one day when there is no more gaza, not not guys in there, but there is no more god just what we say. let me, let me throw that to daniel because that's, that's a great point because that, that is the point of israel strategy that has no strategy except for eliminating a place called gaza. and the people that live there, that's obvious to me is always the worst sec, ethnic cleansing we've seen in, in decades. maybe since world war 2, you know, and it's,
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so you're right. it is to destroy garza itself because as well they're, they're welcome to move. they can move to jordan and they can go move to egypt, but they have to be eliminated. and if you look at the, at the, at the territory that's left after the bombing 90 percent of these 2 point, some 1000000 people have been displaced. they're not in their home, they can't stay in their home. a 100 journalists have been killed. they don't want any coverage of this. the idea is to destroy all of the infrastructure. and then the real estate companies will move in, i suppose, and start building those beach front homes. it's a sick, it's a sick plan, but it's going on challenge virtually on challenge. they're only a few outlets, ironically, if you look around only occasionally, cnn will say something worthwhile. they had the reporting from, from near the egyptian boarding border, which was very jarring. but with very few exceptions, the us media certainly won't touch it. well, why not? again? why is it because people are intimidated or they're just uninformed or just both.
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lionel is a combination. are you much know and, and peter, i have been doing this for most of my adult life. there were things that we knew in the media that you just never, ever, ever, ever touched you just never were vocal. or you mentioned black macs blumenthal or, or others people who were, were a vocally a n t e's real ag. again. i kind of say something, i'm a lawyer, i'm sorry semantics um the definitions. i'm not anti is real well, but i know you guys would say that said you're, you're, you're, you're picking up on the problem line on because people have been told israel and zionism are the same thing. and for people like backs, boom, with all their antithetical, they're ratified a cold to me. okay. last 30. so cuz we probably go to the break line. i'll go. but i'm not missing a design is i'm saying a military action. listen,
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i have absolutely no problem in going after a group of people who did this, this particular act of terrorism, probably good to what you do is by going after them the sources, the money that individuals go to those countries, those individuals who have some kind of puller sway but not pick des moines, iowa, because 2 of them lived there and, and, and level the whole country because secretly your current i want that area. anyway, we're going to use this as a pretext. ok, vinyl. i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break, and after that short breaks, we'll continue our discussion on palace night stay with our team. the in the late 18 ninety's french soldiers led by general paul who arrived in asia
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with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot one or 3 to the most funny. i mean, he's stuck up some issues with all the cars and trucks on the list to the content of who they on the east one of the most horrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. what is somebody i should know, the question that you download, the philosophy followed there, do so they put the actual most likely multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed home for us to get the movie glancing. i'm going to be a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on a journey through africa. peach races, general good eyes, blood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes
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throughout the confidence. so my name is penny, and i come from england and i've come really to find out more about the position of willie and the history of in, in the region. the welcome back across stock were all things are considered. i'm peter will help remind you were discussing palestine. the okay is go back to daniel in lake jackson. daniel, you know, and looking at a lot of the coverage and i tried to look at a little bit of everything for sure to get a sense of the narrative here. but there's one thing and in line, we'll touch it about it. so you, there's certain things you just don't talk about there, there was a 3rd rails, you stay away from it in the main stream. you almost never, i don't think one so far since i sober 7. it's been mentioned to me that godsa in
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the west bank are illegal or under illegal occupation. you never talk to you about the occupation because some fanatics suddenly woke up on october 7th and attacked israel. that's the narrative. but that's not contextualized as we all very well know. but so it's one of the reasons why they have to continue with the narrative. they have where it is or it has the right to defend itself, is because they will not contextualize it. and where this conflict came from, it didn't come out of the book just like putting in, baited. b woke up one morning. he was in a bad mode. any invaded ukraine, which of course is nonsense here. we're seeing the same thing. you can't say the word occupation, daniel. yeah, it's absolutely true, but something interesting is happening, peter, which is that it's not sticking like it used to now. right. you've seen him and that's a generational shift. i mean, you are seeing young people. if you look at the poles, young people are not holding these views at the bloomers held about places like
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israel about are, you know, uh, in escape of whole romance with is or whatever you want to call it. they're not buying it and that's why we had this big freak out about these college presidents. they were, i mean, i've never seen anything like it. they were whole before congress. what would you say if someone called for genocide and israel the what have you? um, it was insane, it was all made up and it was a desperate attempt to try to get this back on the reservation. but you've seen protests world wide of millions of people from indonesia to paris to washington dc . the narrative is not sticking anymore. and i think a lot of credit is due to the emergence of relatively free speech in places like former twitter now x. where there is a debate where people like max blumenthal, can get some traction and debate some of these things in real time for the babies be headed now that actually didn't happen. a mass rate. nope. actually that didn't happen. baby in the oven didn't happen, didn't happen,
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didn't happen until you're seeing this in real time. and younger people are just not accessing the legacy media further news or looking elsewhere. so despite the desperate, desperate attempts to censor this, it's getting out and it's a different world. i think, you know, it's really interesting line. oh, i mean they'd be, be university presidents. so that was this a mccarthy would be, but joe old joe mccarthy would be so proud of that kind of behavior because it was really, really quite odious. and these university professors are supposed to be smart people. i would have just said, well, what was calling for genocide? what? oh, give me evidence. they didn't have the guts to say that, you know, where are they? yours? they appear to go out of it in so okay. but a line all of my quest to you is it what a lot of, um, uh, cowardly people on the right. uh cowardly. um, conservatives like this as a product of the work is amazing. it's not at all. daniel was absolutely right. when i went to university, there were palestinian groups,
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mostly headed by the american jews by the way. and it was a very important issue when i was at university. and it's, and it, which is just become because of the internet and things like that. people are beginning to learn the history. okay. what was allison, where she wrote a book, if all americans only knew well, they're learning ok. a lot line. oh, i see. thinking about what cloud schwab said about the great reset. you know, a gentleman, there are people historically that i have not particularly cared for. i never take politics personally, but there are people on the platform because by the way, heritage and traditional statist ossified media. it's over, it's done, it's finished, it's through. but on the regular platforms, people that i always thought were kind of lunatic left. these i'm finding is like, wait a minute. this guy makes i, i'm, i'm agreeing with them. i've told you this before. let me say it again. friends of mine who were new york prototypical classic neil, typical, whatever that means. yours liberally progressives have to go to fox news
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to find any kind of a conciliatory, regarding their support of israel. it's, it's not, it's crazy. and what's also is, is that we cannot handle, i hate to keep doing this, but the scot, this, you're all said that the great mind can handle 2 seemingly inconsistent thoughts. you know, this is claudia and gay of harvard. yes. she was wrong by basically booting students out because they didn't, you know, use the right pro. now it's okay, that's one issue. but if i stand, we have supreme court cases, brandy bird against ohio, that says, i can say that alsatian, we should be, we know the eliminated from the are, it's not as i don't inside people. it's. so i thought i thought it respected. i couldn't a terrorist, i could have been lied and you can say, whatever you want about russia, nobody's going to kick you off about the cap is about that. and the selective pro tilly is stupid observation of selective speech. in the meantime,
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when all of this is, is hopefully results. we will have lost yet more of our free speech fabric. yeah. but lying a little bit, why no would, would, would, would, is what's even more painful. let me go to daniel on this here is that, you know, a prior to all this, you know, they, a lot of conservatives got smuggling. you said you're aware for free speech, we're for free speech. ok. and then you have, i don't eat, we can spend a 25 minutes 30 minutes, just naming the names of people, but as a, except for in this case, we see it all but know ben shapiro, i perfectly get it with him. this is his day and he's been doing it a long time with jordan peterson. wow. okay. douglas, barry, wow. okay. we go on in line and we want to jump in real quick. go ahead. don't. norman singles. dean was d o a in terms of the media. he was people say, you know, whatever happened to wow, i can tell you, i know
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a lot of people learned about norman critical saying for being a guest on this program. many moons a go. okay. but a good to so you norman, back in business. okay. but he even gave us a ready gave up. he gave up in 2020. okay. yeah, amazingly he, i saw my name interview we had to reread is all one of his own books to do interviews. okay. daniel, you, let's talk about this split free speech issue and the popular say on the right. it's absolutely astonishing. i mean, it's uh, up, but you know, i say there's a lot of swings in mrs. from us, barbara, in this whole episode, but this was a sweet going to hit because america's are fed up with work isn't the american right. that is, they are saying in somehow they found way, and you mentioned it earlier, peter. they found a way to tie this is real thing with the anti work isn't on the right. it's a brilliant move because it is sticking it sticking very well. people like peter said, i don't understand it. maybe no one ever has enough money. i, you know,
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it seems to me, it's got probably a pretty good bank account, but it's not just people like him. there are people like you say, with like shapiro and then have some, a personal vested interest in the game. but you know, i can't tell you how many of a jewish friends that i've had that were we were very close on ukraine. we were very close on the lives told about cove it and as soon as this happened, it wasn't even okay. i have some affections on this, but these are right wing or she said, you're out. i don't want to hear anything about it. and. and you've seen it with uh, with, with one after one of the so called white wing outlets. you know, in the us, you know, is that so tragic line will because they would, you know, we've been doing human guess of both and been on this guess. i'm guessing on this program for many, many years. so, and how many friends it'd be loose during the rush or gate? how many friends did we lose during cove and how many friends that they lose during locked out? how many friends are being lose out over ukraine?
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and now you lose a friend because you call out a genocide. what kind of world are we living in vinyl? natalie, natalie, dad, i'm not going to mention names. what if i mentioned one name to you? you're joe or drop. i basically was told i'm throw with you because there is a red line regarding israel and i said, what that, how does that mean? what do i said, one more thing to show you the, the lunacy of this. and that may have given you a hint. john settlement this set of or in pennsylvania is now cool. now he is in, he is literally an people use that word literally incorrectly, but he is literally wrapping himself and he is really flag, which is fine. but he is now saying that to blame me, tick tock for your people, having these dominion to pro palestinian ideas when the same man congratulated and sank to tip top, talk for this resurgence of young people. so now it's tick tock, which means they want to go after tech that because of course it's china. meanwhile,
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twitter in the or facebook. that's okay. the one who owns that and, and i say one more thing, god bless the learned mosque. you may not be perfect. he may not be perfect, but god bless them. because if that was in for x, i keep saying twitter is like, i say album. but if it wasn't for eli mosque, where would we go? well that absolutely and, and, but we'll see what's, what's going to be happening with a, with x or i call it x, twitter. so everyone knows what i'm talking about in europe. that's the 1st one is annual, are rapidly running out of time. and they're going to be the one of the narrative is, have been spinning. this is al qaeda. this is isis. uh, you know, this is how they're trying to couch the whole day. one of the things i would like to ask all of the defenders of israel did say, how many 911 they did. it was real experience on october 7th. and my report is how many $911.00 says the palestinians experience since that time, daniel, for decades and decades. but no one wants to talk about it. you know, the,
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the issue of people, you know, dumping on us for being critical of israel. go back and look at with all of us, all 3 of us wrote about ukraine and now ukraine was behaving, you know, the, the, you know, are very, very strong language with the bombing of civilians and done best. and we are basically guilty of treating israel like every other country on earth. and i'm sorry, that's how i work. i, as a foreign affairs analyst, you know, everyone is treated equally, including the us and israel and ukraine and what have you. so that's, that's exactly what is happening, but you know, of cause has been discussed as an open air prison for decades. you know, even bon pulse, set it on television and was attacked for, you know, 1015 years ago. it's long been known. but somehow you're not allowed to talk about, well, we're talking about it now and things are changing. line. oh, i give you the last 35 seconds. go ahead as well. you know right now the key to this is going to be uh,
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shows like this gentleman like you. and also again this reset this, this, this reaffirmation of the truth. and the good news is that it will be streaming, it will be citizen, civilian, and alternative media. you're going to see, you know, media i just came out recently with a list of the top 75 people in quote news media. so joe rogan came in, number 24, look that's over with, that's over with your going to see a new wake up call for the world. not, not even lovely, but the world. so get ready and this might have done more to act as a catalyst. and then kind of like an ends of magic, a push to change, having a little bit better at free speech will prevail. exactly. thank you, gentlemen. and as we approach the holiday of christmas, i am close to everyone to give a priority specifically. but the children have gone, so that's all the time we have. i want to thank my guest in new york and, and like jackson. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at
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r t c a next time. remember pressed on the the, [000:00:00;00] the same wrong just don't have to shape out because the engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground,
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the joseph conrad wrote ha of darkness at the height of units. colonial scramble 5 is about the search for our mysterious white crater. old mister cups is become a monster, is kenneth good symbolizes a type of savagery at the hall of western civilization. shops of african heads for


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