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tv   News  RT  December 21, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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it has not been resolved so far. the relative isn't more than the victims of the latest as rarely selling at the city of ruffled we're at least false. tell us to the ends were killed as a human representative denounces is really a tax. and does this help system as sadistic as running forces allegedly execute at least 11 on, on demand and front of their relatives and gaza city? that's according to a un source r t learns more from a palestinian red crescent spokes person. unfortunately, we can't even reach suppose people who are injured or killed because we are denied access. why is there an occupation forces the areas are extremely the interest and anyone who's trying to move in that area would it be targeted?
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at least 15 people are killed and dozens more wounded after shooting at charles university in progress city center. the gunman is also dead according to police. and after 16 years of opec membership on goal a is vowing out of the organization. but the country itself, officials citing a dispute over next year's oil production that quote, the are watching archie international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. we start with the latest in gaza with the on claims hospitals under severe strain. and you and representative has condemned the ideas to tax on the territories health system. as the district is really occupation, forces are sold on goals as health system is taking the most sadistic folds
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hospitals and medical personnel. a sacred, especially at the time of great destruction, suffering and despair in this senseless war against the people in gaza. palestinian red crescent ambulances are heading it to the rafa, crossing amid reports of casualties due to selling it through the check point. a warning distressing images, a head's the that's as at least 12 palestinians were killed on wednesday in the southern border . city of rafa. one of the strikes flattened, the residential building, a nearby mosque in a densely populated area and medical facilities are on the verge of collapse. from the overwhelming influx of casualties they heard from a young survivor. when i was playing, i saw an airplane flying over suddenly montague, please don't. spelling and then people to be out was around the view and human
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rights office has received a troubling information about the alleged execution of on arms. that palestinian manned by is really forces in does the city the office of the united nations high commission for human rights in the occupied palestinian territory as receive disturbing information alleging that is riley defense forces summarily killed at least 11 on um palestinian man in front of the family members in our a mile neighborhoods of kansas city, which raises alarm about the possible commission of a war crime. this comes in the wake of earlier allegations concerning the deliberate targets in killing of civilians at the hands of his riley forces. this, according to data received by the you one on tuesday, is rarely troops to seized a building worth 3 palestinian families or sheltering. the soldiers allegedly shot dead, at least 11 men in front of their families. the trips reported they've been ordered
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women and children into a room where they fired and threw grenades at them, causing serious wounds. but the harrowing story was originally made public by the geneva base, the euro med monitor, human rights groups, non combatants, including journalists and aid workers are increasingly coming under fire. and does that you and relief and works agency for palestine. refugees has said that 135 of its staff are among the victims. the war has also claimed the lives of at least 68 medial workers according to the committee to protect the journalist. meanwhile, the palestinian red cross. it has urged israel to clarify the fate of the con eunice emergency medical center had, who's among those detained by the idea of that says, israel claims a mazda is hiding among civilians, medical workers, and the journalists in gaza. an idea of attack in the vicinity of l. a. ma, hospital spread of fear and panic among the patients. dozens of women and children were injured in a previous strike on the hospital. according to the palestinian red present society
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. a spokesperson for the humanitarian organization told us about the dire medical situation in gaza and challenges their members are facing. we have received a thousands of phone calls from people and 30th, and hon units. we reported the same thing that as an occupation forces, executing people inside their teams. and we got many phone calls from people checking on their families after hearing that, as the occupation forces had to reach out at the specific areas in 10 units and execute people killed them when they are in their home. unfortunately over teams, even those have safe access to those areas where as are admitted to the as their unfortunately we can't even reach both people who are injured or killed because we
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are denied access. why is there an occupation forces the areas are extremely dangerous and anyone who was trying to move in that area with as really tanks and is there a snipers are located? would it be targeted? we keep on abdul pages on the international community to ensure safe access for the ambulances. so we can come look over the human need to be able to save the lives of people. unfortunately, our teams are facing great difficulties implementing there. and you may need to handle and go so one of the issues of the communication blocked out there as early as also comes to the internet connection. that's why it's so hard for what else to communicate with our teachers as well as this is a great challenge for our teams to respond to the emergency situations. that means
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kind of thing, isn't hon. eunice, on a bus to call and, and get us, which is absolutely conducting the work of what i'm getting into the teams and doing. and there are other items to the wounded and uninsured. unfortunately, in the area of north of gauze the, the how the 6th to has a condition is be your trip draft. or since all hospitals went completely out of service. now people in the city and the north, over 800 thousands, have been left without any medical services on hospitals in the north went out of service due to a direct attack at hospitals, pcsing, the hospitals. and even, i think the medical is top of the hospitals, according to the ministry of health, the number of medical staff in casa who, artist and under this is almost 100. this number includes the directors of many
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hospitals and goes up. and i'm including my to the only hot tub who is the head of our ambulance center. and he was added that when he was part of an evacuation convoys, it was in coordination with the w. s. o. and we were at. and we were evacuating wounded from a she my hospital. it's a month now up to this moment. we don't have any information regarding just that you ation or even if he's still alive to the medical situation and does that is deteriorating a by the day, according to the w. h. o intensive is rarely bombardments and power outages have rendered. all hospitals in northern garza unusable in southern guys. only 9 of 36 health facilities are partially functioning, overwhelmed by an influx of injured people and a shortage of medical supplies. a local journalist from connie and us told us more
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about the situation that looks like it is a tactic on what type is use type is any progression for the sake of just looking all communication coming out from the browser and also for military purposes, which targets that palestinian resistance and they want to cause any communication between them. and whenever they do this, they normally expend the crown corporations extend their military operations. and because we have seen that ever since, because of the communication ad or the, the ground corporation has been extended and give them bottom, it has been even heavier when displacements were made by the simplest, this, i'd say enough to cover a few of those because cannot accommodate a very large number of people in to and to and the us with us are still being used by thousands of people that i was working in the us because of the different crow doors. and you could see people sleeping on the ground. you could see thousands of people sitting tense and often areas. so the cost because besides targeting,
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for the sake of providing services for addition, and that makes them even attracted more and that started pointing even after the collapse phone that has been announced. don't type in well as really strikes and southern gaza escalate. the situation in the north of the palestinian enclave remains tens local journalists. monkwood spa has more in. this signifies that these really occupation disregards the lives of co stadiums . whether they're in danger or not. how ya? the said the in reality, yesterday, the israeli occupation targeted to jamalia medical center. this forced us to evacuate the center as it was surrounded by is rarely artillery from all sides. medical staff have relocated to emergency centers. currently, we are trying to establish medical points in these emergency centers to address the numerous casualties and martyrs in each emergency center, dozens of casualties are scattered on the ground and we are helpless at the moment . these medical reviews or medical points were initially equipped for basic 1st aid
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dealing with simple injuries. however, when all the casualties were transferred to these medical points due to the large number of wounded, all medical supplies were depleted. a patient approached me with injuries and i had to inform him that i had no medical supplies. we had the it's yes i just did. i mean this way the with this is rarely policy deaf is in post on the north and goes is true. and the hospitals no medical center is no supplies, is really showing since last night until now is not cease resulting in the large number of injuries, origin medical points. there was a supplicate procedure was far and machinery on the front. what's the bob report from north and go this route? and palestinian reporters face online threats? well, risk in their lives in id f airstrikes in the enclave. that's as and it's really journalists runs a pull about killing all the zeros guys, a bureau chief. so the come in our program. the
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15 people, including the gunmen, have been killed and dozens more wounded after shots were fired in the heart of prague, according to check police. 10 victims are in serious condition. the video says people playing and charles university where the shooting and took place and according to local police, the lone gunmen died at the scene. he has been identified as one of the university students and the suspected of murdering his father. earlier in the day, the motors behind the attack are still unknown. the police say parts of the university have been evacuated and the surrounding area is closed off the building where the shooting took place is being searched for explosives or footage of students clinging to window ledges. trying to escape the gun fire, others ran home to shoot or as police begin to storm the building will bring you
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more details as this story develop, the trying to african out the content and 2nd largest oil producer angola is withdrawing from opec that says the organization of petroleum exporting countries, 6 further output cuts to pop up prices. here's how the government explained to the move. we feel that at this moment on goal is getting nothing by remaining in the organization. and in defense of its interest, it decided to leave and go la has decided to keep me in the super, from the opi preapproved by a disagreement to on production code to see what you mean by that. not so long ago . i rejected an open quote uh allocation for the following year, 2024 and sent a note of pro tools to do you guys ation saying that it will continue to produce the amount of novels today that each one's to produce, instead of being pose quota by the opium group and that decision was approved by
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may need on the african continent with experts saying that i'm going to is correct to to contest, especially due to the weight was ok. determine the quotas for 3 african countries. different in those countries being, i'm go, live, come up as a real and, and i do as well. now i'm going to membership in the old peer group has long been taught, obviously, identities as a great oil state within the ethic and continuity with significant influence within the global economy. it's government has recently said that i'm go to has been part of the opiate group and a member of that group for 16 years. and during that period, they have fully complied all the regulations. and the laws owed to the, the organization. but the re sent a request just did not make space for the economy. it has also been said that i'm going to have to sacrifice thinks its own people to benefits as a economy, which means that is on the outside of the organization. it wouldn't have to caps
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and would always have to benefit from those kinds of it has now lived and it needs to be seen how much of an impact if the exit will cause on the we're going to they should be in the to resolve with an idea based energy advisory firm founder has thinks this decision will reduce the open influence on african countries. i think it's actually a step in the right direction. owing to the fact that the production outputs from the concrete is not so significant. it should actually be allowed to produce more. and then i mean be to supply more into the, into by market or to the global market. so having to place of quotes on it and then on them giving them it puts up and then they themselves having to push back ways of having to request why i'm increasing the point to be something that pitch flew down
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. but you can see that, let me go to the countries i'm feeling like come be i've been see turned up 20 and views on lots of being called see that the way to be to because the dog and this just like um this process based on quarterly going on, all the countries are watching and i believe done so they are learning from uncle and um, so use when i was actually speaking of all once i realize fighting for actually a big some of the kind of function on the pakistan were officials have ards the u. n. to investigate the source of a quote, sophisticated weapons ending up with militant groups, allegations are related to the killing of 23 soldiers last week, and an attack on a police compound and knew the ask and border. a senior washington official was thrilled over reports that the arms came from a huge cash. the us left behind when his forces withdrew from us down to stand in 2021. but standing, so just the ones that were left in the side was one of
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those in the state intentionally? i don't, i haven't seen the reporting on these just to verify what you said about weddings left in afghanistan and participate or being used to using us less democratic reports. but let me remind you, please take the opportunity to remind you, we didn't just leave a bunch of weapons and danced in. this is a fallacy. this is a farce. what we did over the course of our 20 years and afghanistan, of course with congressional approval and consultations was armed and helped equip the ask and national security forces. the problem with those remarks is that us forces did leave behind 7000000000 dollars worth of military equipment following is pulled up. and that's according to the pentagon weapons from that arsenal, have ended up in the hands of militants in the region of some even used in other
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complex across the world. here's a brief reminder of what was left behind and campbell 2 years ago. so this is one of the tyler bands, how much trucks would be bold, see it on, on videos they have hundreds and hundreds of these have thousands of other vehicles, billions of dollars worth of weapons with a valuation vehicles tags and even helicopters that were just left behind by the gun ministry, as it retrieve it, they rubbing out the flags to pull it up across capital the city of their own, their own vehicles. they relax it to hoist up white cloth, symbolic of the tile about the white flag. merimark a former, a tough data stands, national security adviser told us the us as rushed evacuation from us. dennison is the root cause behind those weapons cropping up. in other places, we have to reflect on the task of united states action. so in 2013 us weapons
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report or the ended up in the hands of isis any rock moving to 2014 us lost track of the $500000000.00 arm shipment intended for human, eventually reaching militias. now, fast forward to 2021 where the us see thing to have left behind 7000000 worth of military equipment. now a few reporters on social media is you may have been following as to why jim ferguson mentioned that high ranking is really defense forces commanders also reported that us weapons that were left in upon us on our now found in the hands of palestinian groups in nevada and into his long stay to adjust the in cushion near valley. they've also acquired arms and nephew mission left behind by us army in up on a sun. now during the rush did activation in 2021 when the focus was on evacuating. colleagues and citizens, the band in ment of military equipment in the honda sign was likely result of exhaustion situation rather than
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a deliberate choice. evacuation was russia now as we see irresponsible as well. and there's really journalist and a former employee of the prime minister's office is run a pull on his ex account, asking whether alta 0 is guys. a bureau chief should be killed, the post your immediate and strong reaction. because this is right, a journalist who worked for b. b. he spun his friends about us as a. nathan does a journalist well doctor, to kind of way, please judge these guy with conspiracy to melinda or incitement to genocide. brother, may god bless him with safety loan live health and wellbeing until he exposes just can those more and more. are you ok? where is your dignity side of the road she failed to do was wounded recently and the idea of farming upon eunice and southern gaza, his cameraman died in the same attack. mister, do last multiple members of his family and, and is really striking october journalists. martin j says people can now see that
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targeting reporters is becoming a common practice for so, i mean, this really is just an abysmal new level. new lo, full of these varies to seek to every day we have to pitch us and also to, to, to try and take in these, this new apartment. um, standard certificate cooled us some of them in some cases, actually being targeted by snipes. this is going on a regular basis. what are we? shouldn't forget that, let's not forget them. she read another x a who in 2022 was extra shot dead by initially the cycle shop the whole world. i think people are the shop now about topics around the world are beginning to understand what is the practice to the idea of do they actually target janice to look at the numbers to put it into context. i mean 68 or 69. that's the same number of gentleness that died in the 2nd level. i'm just a little bit more a few more them who died in 2 decades the vietnam. so i think that gives you an
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idea of what these raise were. the up to the not just targeting homeless officials where they can more people helping us such as i'm just drivers, for example, those have to have some general disabilities. any questions about that? so the is really military has warned international news agencies that i cannot guarantee the safety of journalist in gaza. my colleague, charlotte dimansky discussed the issue with a long legal, former director general of these rally foreign ministry on this floor. they created them many, a lot of days to come out. phone bill was most of us. wow. i and they, i think we should, the, even though they say a racist voices in full was on a what these are they brown and a full so that they have to exchange last as isn't present. as for still that they
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have to bring before any leeway says tied on every as soon as it was based on a weight of just a, a further complicate the sort of the situation when we talk about the journalists and palestine smoke at the moment it's understood that close to hundreds have been killed already while they're trying to capa what's happening on the client. and what do you think that that number is just so high off the what 2 and a half months of a war, almost a 100 journalists that i didn't hear, such as hagar. i don't see their research if they go, well we try to find the quality you in that 7068 and we understand that the thinker is higher than that. so there has been 68 confirmed desks of doing list. 2 people working in the media landscape in garza, it since october, the 7th we understand little figurines, closer to
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a 100 tokyo deal. you already said a 2 pallet sign. i felt sorry say to the west, but every say the only thing to god. we don't know we are here, at least we don't even though the eh, we hardly hear about what's going on. you guys are, we see. so that was much less and you'll see internationally your most of this, the, the ad on both sides have become part of the war. and the only be he's kind of fighting with a little side of this or just in the media is probably the 1st genius to so that we don't, we don't know, you know what the name of the other side the easily probably. so we're with these problems,
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the motion of energy to be interested too much beautiful. okay. what's the guys for? i say it's very unfortunate, but this is the situation though. we also have a about 40 the 10s of thousands ages. we apostage is we have villages this drawing and these are the exactly used to eat. so the last of this, the, the slow motion of opening though to really use what's happening across the board to a stain on humanity is how they are right in. foreign minister has characterized the situation and gaza. he was speaking into ron, at the 7th assembly of ancient civilizations, a gentleman named rules. the world today continues to suffer from the effect, so be disclosed of dominance and violence. instrumental use of known as national
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principles and norms and double stand. that's because a war is a screen on humanity that's there. once for administer wholesale and the young commenting on the ongoing israel home on the floor, he made the remark of the 7th assembly of ancient civilizations held into one. he said old civilizations need to use their capacities to foster global peace and friendship to root out violence, at least by condemning what's happening today in the gaza strip. meanwhile, he deplored the ongoing death and destruction in the enclave saying the 21st century should not be witnessed. a quote such and humane and barbaric crimes committed by as well. and as it is expected, that ancient civilizations which play any of the culture of peace and understanding were strongly condemned. these war crimes, the crimes against humanity and genocide, as well with us in today and gaza and the west bank of by this time these di situation must be stopped and they will, criminals must face trial. he also implicitly decried that he was support for the
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idea of saying that those who claim to be the advocates of human rights have been shamelessly violated in good and you have the law here review the latest that sold . and gosh, i think over 20000 people in the enclave has been killed. $16000.00 of them are women and children. he called it a genocide. the topic and wanting diplomat. explore the roots of the crisis and quote, the discourse of dominance and violence and instrumental use of human rights norms . he urge the international community to hold as well accountable, for quotes it's more crimes. but again, he said the crisis needs to be addressed more fundamentally by resorting to the principles of dialogue, which he said is a heritage from ancient civilizations. all right, well that's what i do for me for now. but do stay with us. my colleague union o'neill will be next in about 30 minutes with much more of the day stuff, new stories by the
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the the slow, the vocal when you come home, i think when you lose the chance you have a silver with. there's a couple, some personal stuff that fair enough on the puzzle from apartment to come. sunday must spend a portion with the soldiers that you can associate right now. the colors can cause us as well. so why don't you also think us luck on model? ok, so you means when you, when you from the last time you know so much keeps can use in the middle when you put the whole stuff ready for them to do
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a 60 percent with us like interest. you must give it another i may just do it that way. we'll see what we do. if it is pony too much get this done. does i prefer to have more? lucy's was just so be sort of the boys say both lashawn motion openly come on. you say more about this stuff to february, the 14. so the front line was a stalemate. 20 kilometers from the sheet of good. the gentleman surrounded the cavalry, cool on the planet, advanced towards stone and was floated they were ordered to retreat. colinas to come the me to him and show us where we need to go bottom. we really love to just do some of those and show them again for the info for, for continuing to calories break through in february was very difficult. they were low. one, i mean nation and had to fight with sabres and hand to hand combat. they face not
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only enemy infantry, but also tanks. nonetheless, the cover and liberation, several villages within a week. and by 6 digit security, these categories you see about that goal. i initially is definitely more about that the bill of $32.00. he will. what are you, what's the need you wouldn't be the see about that goal frame. what else to do? mostly myself kind of go out there stuff. i think it's all about us to but to me, that's all. it was easy. that's how long you're going to stop. the latest is coming to you and you just don't want to develop some joint minutes or less than 5 minutes because of the more of a messenger easy. but the rest of the week just to corpus try more out though for most of what i wanted to suggest, molly a little play to some of the possible side cause some organized for you. but.


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