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tv   News  RT  December 22, 2023 12:00am-12:30am EST

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the, the, we would say for the home, preparing the meal, when suddenly all of my children with most of the ones that has passed away to people who don't have jobs and neighborhoods are decimated by escalating is released strikes from the north to west side. felt the impossible to tell us that in any place the red crescent humanitarian grouping accuses, is rarely forces of raging and on villain centering, jamalia city. being the crew members were detained, taken to add on the program, surrender, or diagnose the message to come us from israel's prime minister after ceasefire to office phillips. and the idea of steps off its ground. invasion of guess the
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across the world around the clock, this is r t from the team and myself unit, the level hello and welcome a fresh round. nobody's really strikes on the jet bali, a refugee camp in northern cal. so it has reported the left dozens killed and wounded. a local reporter walked us through the distressing after me. hey deb zahid menus realtor tillery stride targeted a home in this area. the family was gathered for a meal. they can bred to feed their children, and family members unexpectedly is really, are truly targeted. the area resulting several casualties of interest. emergency teams are currently evacuating them from this facility. we was safe in the home preparing a meal. when suddenly our house was boomed. all my children were mounted and one of them has passed away. this is how people died at home. we were cooking in our home when suddenly our house was hit with 3 missiles. my mother was injured and my uncle
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and father took her to the hospital. she was wounded in her side. just let me know if she's okay. just tell me if my mother is okay. she is currently in the hospital . the see. so this is a small part of what's happening in north mcdonough street, continues in 10 showing over wide areas of discount in which this domestic group has family resulting in multiple casualties in terms of the word say, it's a family catherine. but this happened looking at the bar reporting from the northern go start with the palestinian health care system in northern dallas. it is bearing the brunt of the i. d. f invasion. the red crescent organization has like shoes. the israel of reading an ambulance center under resting its crew in jamalia they, she monitoring facility itself has reportedly being besieged and cut off by the idea with scores of civilian still inside occupation forces. and they did the palestinian red crescent society ambulance center in joliet. and most of the gases
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trip this evening, the rest of the crews and paramedics taking them to an unknown location. children and women are still trapped inside the center. well, the red crescent has been running a mix shift medical center in jamalia for a run the months i made the id for sol. so in the area, the grouping says, israel has been obstructing the works of its emergency cruise throughout that time, preventing medics from reaching all right to nearby or outside the main entry point for humanitarian aid to gasser on the border with egypt. scores of civilians, including many children, are lining up there to receive meals from char t groups. the united nations has one, not the entire population of the palestinian n save will face, i quote, hunger crisis are worse within 2 months. pride's of low cost can be seen here,
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rushing to fill their pots and with whatever food is available, volunteers are providing for hundreds of displaced families in the southern galvan city, the u. n. hunger monitoring body saves the war, has already caused when it calls catastrophic levels. of acute food insecurity across the street from this so they chose one of the many refugee tents in the city of this place. woman is feeding her instant here with water instead of no polished ending official. the same with an agent. sellers and children have been killed in kansas since october 7th. this is how the mother herself explained to her personal tribute to help the suffer from a lack of milk for my baby because it's not available. you need some mold and 7 seasons a day that but this is not my ability. my limits. so i have to offer him
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a little. so this will say is unhealthy polluted. that for my child is 3 months old and the water isn't fit for him. that i do, i was forced to use will to and sometimes i give him so you've got a dish. oh my child is suffering on it, but he's still breathing during the period tumbling. i hope that the war will land that our lunch will return to us, and that's what we'll gather my husband and children in our house. even if it is bones, we will put attempts on top of the house and we will return as before. well, there were positive development, the un has over seen the delivery of another bunch of a 2 gals via a 2nd check point. at recently opened by israel. a convoy from georgia was allowed to cross into the enclave from neighboring egypt. nope. the reporter robbie berman witnessed the arrival of the supplies behind me. you can see a convoy of trucks entering from egypt into gaza after weeks of negotiations with
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all parties. jordan ascend over is really land a convoy of $46.00 trucks bringing more than $750.00 tons of goods. it was part of the u ends. world food program that delivered food into war torn garza through this is really border crossing for the very 1st time. many is really is believe there should be no humanitarian aid allowed into gaza as long as is rules fighting a war with come us. unfortunately, they're over 2000000 palestinian citizens who will suffer from the deprivation of food and water if that actually happens in a similar vein. the cypress yesterday offered to create a c. carter for the steady flow of humanitarian assistance from cyprus that would sail directly into gaza with united nations personnel living there with distributed it is reported that is really prime minister of benjamin. it's in, you know, is in favor of this initiative, provided that the ships are vetted at the port of the parcher to make sure no
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weapons are being smuggled the board. if so, this will be another target on prime minister. netanyahu was back by his right. and when coalition were many members of his government want no aid at all to enter into the strip and they are threatening to bring down the governments. this is robbie berman reporting from the current show on border crossing for our t. a lacrosse in the west bank. there seemingly no rest by from relentless adf rates. with 25 more people reportedly detained. they were among the more than $4000.00 palestinians who being seized by israel outside of kansas since october 7th, across 5. now 2 journalists and political level as becoming not jeep in the westbank city of ramallah morning to you, my homage. yeah, indeed, take us through what we know about these latest is really rates on the people who are being detained just sooner. i'm actually assess 7 october. the idea is to get
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the grid is collected, increase is thought of getting those bank because it goes 1000 used caps and i sort of seniors and it happens at the day on night at every place in those bank. so according to the policy, i presume they club 4655 from a few minutes out of citizens living up to about 160 women, 260 children on 1800 of them, the blackboard for the illusion. which means that the detention was out to trail. so that is why it is on a track down on those. even though does it like on facebook or attacking is what it is or the clashing order. it will be limited to her mouth or exhibitors or not or something i've just bought or out of them to us to be able to impression on their family members to turn it into the inside. you know for this. so this issue is a big and the problem, is there any reason i was out of crowd a function and the reason i was now over 8000 auto know he'll evaluate dishes the soon october. i know, besides the all those with before that that is really usually claims that anyone is
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arrested in the palestinian territories is a suspected terrorist. but we've had many prisoner refers groups saying on this program that the suspects are physically abuse in detention mohammed what is known about the conditions they're held in it's a very difficult conditions. some are in the south is violent, then it gets at gets the old and the intense sounded so very cold without no on winter. they denies the media visit. they denied the lawyer. i see that there is no trails for them. and that is what i do for this to be shipped to the office, even though so, but on this that this gets to them before they get to us. so they are as someone in it guess they think that he might think to conduct something i can as long as not. and he says that he already come to the crime, a security crime against the security. so those will be they thing, they may a,
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conduct a tax or a with us again as a side is in addition to scared of others not to do the same on the situation. so that is a just a difficult, as, according to the signatures of the club sticks that i've seen in the business we have killed with died inside the gym since 7 october i smoke wildly is really mission in jobs. has this week been clearly stated once again, the elimination of a mass, the illumination? nothing. yeah. who's phase of the militant threats on to anything else can happen? it's a little bit more murky about what is really seeking in the west buying. what do you suspect is the official in go all these id f raids their a good question. you know, next to what i spoke to some of the shows and to ask why is this uh, because i dont know that was the bank which is where i they said as long as that is what i probably missed. so i've been doing nothing. you know, kind of to get to the image of victoria and gaza,
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the easier the 10 digit to from those spencer doza is the people that see and managed to get out of the bank. if he cannot do that again as fast as he sits up on the high side of gets to, i'd be cheap. i'd like to know who to do that cheaper than you guys are. so that was like, is the easiest for us, but it's kind of cheap victory. and they can also set of the political leaders to say that we are just the best number we in the stories. but those people that is about $766.00 points and make the reasonable income, but it's also that's as low as who joined the scene. and the policy is also spring . and mohammed just while we have you in the program, we were supposed to have a connection live in dallas that but it went down and communication and issues on a daily basis there. so if i can just to ask you at perhaps about the overall situation concerning aid at getting into gals a, we know that another check point has been opened at jordan is using is going
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through egypt that's being allowed at by israel to get that fruit is that you monetary and picture, is it improving in any way or what is the situation so far in, in dallas? it today before the end of the war that gives us the break way. us 500. the rest of the will do supplies if you will, and the music outs of lice able to be bought off the $76.00 days of that. so what i get is gather all the 2 points, 3, medium. good guys on our end. nice for you. only get an assistance, would you make it improperly and back to the deluxe stuff. allows your info not enough to as most of the needs of the joseph people. yes, up there. i need someone who lift the guys up, throw eat of georgia and then cancel my la on the side of the the situation, which is unbelievable how it's difficult for families and people to have to live. even bethany gibbon walker is a challenge to get to the em. they're everything is difficult to guys and they
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needs more and more of it. and it's especially though, is that it is a driving and the life become more difficult and also people. they have a need for me because of lows for food supplies for the love is but all a empty to needs. so they have to expand this. i mean, 3 is done. more done. it was a lot right now. yeah, we'll try and get a connection with our corresponded in rasa to see exactly what is happening this friday. but for an i'm a thank you so much for putting us in on that as well as what is occurring, of course, where you are in the west bank, my hub in the jeep journalist and political list. thank you. surrender or die. that's the is really prime ministers message to come. us benjamin netanyahu reiterated his government's commitments to keep attacking garza until the militant group that's being worked on to put in some you odds and we fight until victory will not stop the war until it complete all its objectives. completing the
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elimination of her mazda and the release of all our hostages issues. the choice i offer for mazda is very simple surrender or died, and they don't and won't have any other choice. and after we eliminate too much and i will work with all my minds to ensure that because it no longer poses a threat and just randomly quickly, well let's show you the north of the end cape. some developments there that could be significant. israel stays, it is taking control of the in bottles. should jaya district in kansas city having strep dozens of targets in the home, us strong holes ceiling f, one ritz big claim of militants. the idea is reported the know expanding its operations in central council will just on those early remarks by benjamin netanyahu. they come after from us rejected at terms of a new ceasefire. di with israel. the militant group has refused to carry out another prisoner's swap until the idea stops. it's so offensive and withdrawals
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from gaza at least a $129.00. hostages are still being held by a mouse. in guns i. we spoke with a former egyptian general, a military expert who criticized the stands of the idea of on this is, are included in that you, any of it's a goal that the video music video has declarative from the finish, the beginning goes, no, it couldn't destroy how much they know because half percent, but that goes out of the fighting and causing is way out of casually. they couldn't control the 6 or as the fighting knew the nothing about the zip code and still couldn't control incomplete the same time they couldn't achieve. the most important thing was most important side in this crisis, voice will free the hostage. and so it is rate a head says as to a g, n a, it's a goes from the finish the beginning to now. but the fact or the ground is how much
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event. and so they mean is ryan and didn't give any kind of giving up to uh, enable, just rated to achieve annual goals. so how much is there? how much is fuzzy? how much is the shipping? and so you couldn't defeat thomas. okay, moving the program on the turkish president, ridge of type or the one has said, he will urge his russian counterpart to restore the black sea green initiative. moscow withdrew from the deliberate multitude of reasons including sanctions, promises to unblock some functions, to get great knowledge on a whole lot more besides, but in any case, the dealer lied for the transport of wheat from ukraine. the nation mix up at quite a big significant of global supply. ortiz southgate taylor investigates though,
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who really benefits from kids for tylen ukraine, the bread fall skits, of europe, with over 40000000. heck does a power plant? not just any, not nearly a whole top 12 list of tile soil chatting us all black us is in ukraine. 10 percent of the world's weight 15 percent of its cooling, 50 percent of its sunflower oil springs for ms. black gold. oh yes, it's land. if it's wealth, even the constitution says so land is the fundamental national wealth that is under special state protection. to say spa, these which is in 2001 kids imposed a moratorium, a bond on the sale of farm land. so no one local a foreign to get by hands on it. they could lease it, they could walk it, but they could not own it. on poles showed that people liked it. that way,
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it meant that the national treasure would be saved from pesticide, sprague foreign conglomerates, and we do all the galks, who didn't like it. well, pesticide, sprang phone compelling rights. i'm going to all the thoughts fast forward to 2013 . the e. u is willing to yes, with its association agreement, the 1st step to becoming a member of the family, not much to just have to reforms. hair that are in your, in, oh, yes, on the large scale privatization of economy with the federal tape of the farm, not by foreign businesses, just so in hell and adulthood line. even people within brussels knew it was the set top the ukraine votes vary for tile agricultural land, the equivalent of roughly one 3rd of total airable land in the u. that is being id greedily by the use agricultural enterprises who consider the agricultural sector
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as under developed, the market opening for foreign investors envisaged in the association agreement will facilitate this. ukraine's agricultural sector runs the risk of being taken over by for an investors via land lease constructions and acquisition of shares, and the agricultural companies run by ukraine's all the guards, as well as by acquisitions and the agricultural infrastructure and processing industry. this is likely to intensify when the moratorium on outright purchase of land by foreign company uses lifted. then president vick deanna co that rejected the deal. and suddenly it's contained assault pricing, starts on the countries made square, might down change on by politicians at brussels, london, on washington, while behind closed doors, they bolted ukraine's future. uh, i don't think we should go into the government. i don't think it's necessary. i
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don't think it's a good idea. i think he says the guy who's got the economic experience, the governing experience, john, because it's was deposed and surprise, surprise that became prime minister. now here's where it gets interesting. my john was still finding one called the the american food became us dropped $200000000.00 on a stake in the land forming one of the country's biggest agribusinesses. just a few weeks off to the crew by i'm on some tow invested $100000000.00 plus dollars and then you said conte and i get off to yeah. was crowned. he was watching lyrical about large scale play the type say she's not the 1st us. you create a business for him. oh, look, hes us, secretary of columbus penny puts a meeting with the good old. yeah. so months off to the crew. and she brought a few friends, i'm joined by 6 executives from american businesses. premier companies like cargill,
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citibank, du pont, honeywell, and sage capital, and westinghouse. these business leaders took time from their very busy schedules to travel to keith. because they believe, as i do, that ukraine's market possesses untapped potential for us investment. oh, i bet they do. it was during that visit, the ukraine agreed to the terms of an i m. s. rescue package. what tubs you ask ukraine? oh, see one to school. it's commitment to move forward on agricultural standards that will attract investment and development and implementation of a thoughtful and transparent privatization plan that provides genuine opportunities for international investors. so what's happened since that? well, the landscape lifted the moratorium in 2020 so far i need to locals spot in 2020 full best should be a referendum on whether to open the floodgates to foreigners. in the meantime,
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companies have watched a topic the last stop or the got own national, holding spot basha hold as i'm to invest, as includes american and european equity funds, investment funds, insurance companies. then we've got the foreigners who don't even both at the height and the shot to is us base 10, a corporate for example. and this one is my absolute favorite, n c h capital a new york based equity fund. who see i was remember one of those and lucky 6 to a company penny puts, got to keep back in 2015 now operating through local subsidiaries as huge capital. now controls around 300000 text is a farm, not making yet the 5th largest land told us in the country. applying a long time in the may, 2 in ukraine's were leasing for a month on the basis of long term lease is roughly 15 to 20 year leases. there is
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currently moratorium on the further sale of form owned by the farmers for the exclusive right to buy the formerly from the cleaning government in the 1st wave of privatization. the expectation is that the moratorium will be lifted in the next several years. or at least give us the right to buy the front month. if we choose to win the moratorium is lifted to do you know who and see age? capitals, biggest backers, the your pin bank for reconstruction and development. the same bank that is now ukraine's largest credit to the same bank but has never hidden walton off the west and financial institutions are really off to since 2014, a key condition for financing from international financial institutions like the european bank for reconstruction and development the international monetary fund and the world bank has been that ukraine lift the moratorium on the sale of agricultural land in order to create a land market. despite over whelming opposition in the country, the zalinski government lifted the 19 year moratorium on sales of agricultural land
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in march 2020. this has resulted in the largest land holders being a mix of all the guards and a variety of foreign, mostly european and north american investors. these are the safe companies, aren't the only ones with huge. i use the national advert jobs. so up to the next in foreign debt, just take no credit, lab, foaming list all. if it's that is owed to foreign creditors encouraging well, look towards your bike and that's still taking move on me on. no history shows that these are not selfless by the fact is, every dollar and dev reload comes with strings attached. again, they don't even hide it. just listen to the i mass may, how the tools to t as a few years back. the volume of the for just receive entrance by privatization of state owned enterprises. every cultural land reform believe the more atoria
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moorland sales with every load the, i imagine code them on a pound of flesh, they get stakes and all these operations. but perhaps more importantly, they gain not for it's one of the most precious geo political tools out, but no, to me, a cynic. but i find it hard to believe that global business movers and shakers a blind to office. and that actually it's that concerns the democracy, the drives that visits to kids and visited they have from the soros group to goldman sachs, to jp morgan, to black truck who is c o has already launched a fun to entice international invest. as i talked to miss diehards to rebuild the country, also known as feasting on ukraine's call, cuz it will profit tag you choose surprised you shouldn't be. they've never exactly hidden that hunger. the post more moments may present an
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opportunity to complete the difficult lender form by extending the right to purchase. i will cultural land to legal entities including forwarding once, although the peasant of such a law would only be possible after referendum opening the path for international capital to flow into credit, agriculture will likely boost productivity across the sex or increasing is competitiveness in the e. u. market, like i said, i might just be a cynic reading into a string of coincidences. but my question to you is this. what point does a string of coincidences become a conspiracy on was line between selling some soil on selling your soul source. get taylor with the extended report. it's time for them to stop fooling around, loving or putting wasn't in the mood for niceties. this week when speaking about the west, the russian president also me the fear though that the nation remains open for
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cooperation. a mature with me as i would like to know that we do not shut ourselves off from the american continuing say, come that from north america, even from the us, you in canada where we do not see the if you look in the rates, it's time for the pulling around and waiting for us to pay for it yet. if we're going to be the ones to benefit from c corporation with russia. yes, they can do company. we do not push them away in addition to us, get them with them doing it. the remarks came as to us as reportedly pressuring g 7 nations to hand over russian funds frozen through western sanctions to cover the shortfall and aid for ukraine. so far more than $300000000000.00 are brushing us. that's something i don't nice by western governments. experts were not appropriating the funds, would present a serious legal challenge while also setting a dangerous precedent for adults with financial risk. russian foreign minister, 2nd lever, all states that left the west,
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those confiscated russian money. moscow will do likewise to them a little devote all of these people are seats realize this a long time ago. he's receiving people before politically, in a sense of freaked using the agreements in a sense of trying to the system was but now people are, these are the literal sense. is there a now rushing around it with this idea to, to find some legal way to solve this good question assets a more, as i understand this is a 1st step confiscated profit that they make on this as an incentive to create europeans still retain some respect for their own laws. so they hesitated with this decision, according to our data, the american people can costing us who contacts. so would you explain to them how to change these laws to be able to still everything? well, let's see if especially the finance minister on time to one of today comments on a single topic and said that you've such a confiscation to physically takes place, also have something to confiscate in return of the one. sorry, i love golf for we heard from global security and business consultant, earl, at ross me, you said, who sees that using frozen russian assets to both golf?
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ukraine's coffers would be unlawful as it is. they will advise just earlier this year, a secretary yellow box and against doing this said it was the basically looked at it that internationally illegal. so now they're kind of changing things and i think europe and both of us are looking at potential legislation to kind of open up a legal aspect. so this is a very it'd been unprecedented to be buried dangerous direction. give a wrong signal for the reliability of keeping your, your reserved fund, then in europe or within the us, you could open up the pandora's box for the international community. would be very hesitant on investing in the united states and europe. western west. in my view, this is international stuff internationally illegal and it's, that's
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a very dangerous president. now the african nation of the maybe a had what's being called the 1st concentration counts in human history, uninsured, a genocide that many around the world. i've not even heard of next. we recall the german colonial occupation of the country on the modern day. and most of scholars still being carried there and our documentary paid to pay the the.


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