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tv   News  RT  December 22, 2023 11:00am-11:31am EST

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as the united states is ultimately accountable for israel's military campaign, the as a desk told him, goals as opposed to 20000 is waiting for the say they punter to spend the ground defensive with a new push in central concepts. geneva base 10 g o says it has passed so many dozens of elderly people executed by the all adf using to leave the home and it is a real estate company. no, it's outraged by saying it funds to build new homes and all to correspond with speak to the phone. so that is that is well shipped to reset the disk on 7 pm here in moscow. this is the international welcome to the new so i'm
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sure all the details. palestinian authorities say the desk told him, garza has the past 20000 and now there is no longer any functioning hospital in the north of the own life. that's according to the world health organization. these distressing images show no clue residence. struggling to cope with these wally bombardment. the,
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the, the, the palestinian red crescent says its most communication with an ambulance dispatch center in 2 bali a which is hey, in the north of the gaza strip that comes off to an id f rate. the humanitarian group says is rarely soldiers have detained paramedics and taking them to an unknown location. well, this video shows palestinians fleeing from an area in your body a following another is wiley attack. this weekend is ready. strikes has at least 10 palestinians and engine numerous others for food to be out the rest of the camp into valia. no, the adf is also accused of targeting elderly palestinians in the gaza strip
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a geneva base. then g o says it has documented several cases of elderly residents being tortured, was detained by is why the soldiers without or even shots. without any justification, the observatory highlighted, they did receive shocking testimonies about physical liquidations and filled executions against thousands of elderly people over the age of 60, including direct shooting some soldiers after asking them to leave their homes. and in some cases, executions took place, moments after their release from detention hours or days later i. the report says, dozens of elderly palestinians has been executed by is really soldiers that we have reached out to the only death for comments on this. but so far we've not received one now at least a 1000 elderly men and women have been killed in gauze since the war rep did not tell you, but most were crushed to death under the rustle of homes as buildings were hit by
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strikes, tens of thousands of others, a believe to be at risk due to a lack of a central medical cast. now the geneva based and g o is also accused israel of using hung as a weapon to rule by exacerbating the food shortages. now another report by the end, joseph 800000 palestinians, have no access to health care in north garza now 23 of the 35 hospitals in the old place have been shocked. forced to shut down 9 facilities. a partially functioning was full of those operating with limited services. i was the last functioning hospital in northern garza. on tuesday, the un under world health organization said the facility had completely run out of supplies. 10 staff members was still trying to provide 1st aid the while at least ag injured people, including the elderly and young children, took refuge at
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a hospital or un medical official, spoke about the situation. the hospital in the church on the hospital grounds where we're seeing patients with severe orthopedic needs past experience currently have no operating theatre or operating on the, on the 5 doctors and 5 years their patients here who have been injured even more than a month. no surgery, they're patients who have been operated on, but they are now getting close somewhere to infections because the hospital doesn't have sufficient antibiotics, w h o in this intrusion submission with you know, to you in the assessing on mouse has brought some medicines or medical supplies but it's just going to address some of the needs because they, they don't have sufficient stuff. and as you can see behind me, the patients are on the hospital cues are on the floor. they're suffering enormously here. this is a completely unacceptable situation. the idea says it plans to expand its ground
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operation with the push into central garza that says the un security council is expected to vote on increasing humanitarian aid in the region. to prevent mess stove ation, local journalist rami, i'm regarding reports about food shortages in the old sites. it says, today's ready to water has a broken on the gauze. us read an office over 7 things or food items, and many essential supplies. and the 2 or 3 have seem lacking all or so tools and across the gaza to various regions of the gods. us rep the food items that are essential are lacking as well as some for some minor food items that are supposed to be important for the population to pack around the long. one of these food items as this week, only call co, not p not are made at homes and broke the market
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by visa street vendors. jo suited out for population pay or in that goes us to rep for them or i wouldn't buy them. they are covered in flies and not cooked over the fire. they're also really expensive, 14 shekels for 250 grams. before the war there were only 5 circles. there is another type of a suite with another is 3 defender, is they're gonna have to have beans for july like on the territory because of the cobra suite them on ya. so we sell pieces of biscuits stuffed with chocolate before the war, and they were a check whose book here. but now they cost 48 seconds. people come here to buy it as there was a show that you've biscuits, majority of shop solver, stores of sweets. and the goal is to have not all in that middle area have been forced to shut down because of the m a just a situation of war that hasn't prevented. they enter
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a office instead of food items and to go to the comment it is. and to goes off, including the great ingredients, off the sweets like sugar and other components, other ingredients, mainly sugar at but to the cooking. food is as the end of those supplies that are involved. and the making office reads through us is that goes as direct blood may appear to in his express puns to de escalate the conflict between harm us and is well uninsured. the delivery of more humanitarian aid to the region. he made those comments during a telephone conversation with the policy and the president michael de boss. meanwhile, russia has delivered yes another shipment of humanitarian a. so the people are going to work as rushes emergency situations, ministry for funded food medicine, closing as well as other essentials. they handed the good service representatives
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of youth, gyptian red cross, the society for distribution in the war twin region. that is where any spaced agents, the firm has sparked controversy with its advertisement of houses to be built in garza when now destroyed palestinian homes once stood speaking to archie, the company's own. it claimed that, yeah, it was just a joke, but at the same time he always type that goal is a would be completely honest. i'm at least be where chief maria for knoxville has been speaking to east, where the businessman or wake up a house on the beach is not a dream. one of israel's leading real estate company is trumpets and its ads. now at pre sale prices, how do you have bills and sales houses with jews across the west bank? the face offers about gaza at the should. it was a joke. of course, there is no construction now with the war. i asked the companies owner what was the
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purpose of this jo campaign, but that's a joke was to spark public discussion on what will happen in gaza after the war. the government still hasn't given a clear answer. one of the options is the antics sation of gaza. israel's return to guys are we being right when people support this option and we want it to launch a discussion and it sort of worked. the ad went viral with thousands of views and comments offended by every thing and ashamed of nothing is real and unnatural. if the illegal settlement in occupied land is against international law, why the united nation is not blacklist those real estate companies and its funds and assets to freeze the settlement? once a thief, always a thief, extremely shameful and disgusting. this is like constructing a house on a neighbor's grave. they can never live happily there, even in 100 years. i asked because a if, if he believes the time it is appropriate for jobs as the idea offensive. and guys
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are, has claimed thousands of lives, including civilians, and left in clave and ruins. put in the condition of the timing is just right. you need to understand the goals of the war that speaking of moral issues, they have says he has a different perspective. yet the new to me, it's more like the soviet union liberating countries from the nazis. and the next thing, the territories of the aggressor. i wasn't gauze a 23 years ago in 2000 on a tank. nothing has changed. something should be done. you cannot live with such a neighbor. the ad caused waves of commons from foreign media to save shows me the clips that add to 0 channel made about the controversial campaign. it shows a jewish man in military uniform on a bulldozer with a caption saying the company's employee suggests he's on the way to start construction and gaza. we found the man area out is hotties or has chief engineer. he says the piece to basically say high from the grounds doing plays in the office
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was filmed in the north and altogether. and that he doesn't mention that in claiming to be due. but he supports the idea of israel returning to the strip and see what's on the bottom of the national level. yes, the goal is to build as much as possible. as for the army, that goal is to protect the citizens and to win the will in the 1967 israel and next guys are off to the 6 day war governing until it's controversial withdrawal in 2005 talks. continue until today on whether it's ro should return. i mean the current crisis prime minister, antonia who read to rated israels and tends to play a security role. and guys of course might as long as necessary. the idea of food continued to control the security of the gaza strip in order to prevent terrorism. it still remains unclear. to what extent this control will go. we're in a typical jurors supplements in the west bank o. d d and some are yeah,
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several rows of beautiful houses, souped in greenery and flowers, with shops and playgrounds, making live comfortable and cosy full families. this is the kind of community that headache is a has campaign suggests is built in garza. the idea is satirical, but they're all those seriously considering to move or rather to move back. for 2 decades, bridget calls g as a home, one of around $9000.00 jewish settlers. they're all were forceful expelled at the end. it was really rolling 2005, and she was one of many who opposed it. it was a big mistake because we paid a lot, a lot of a life offline. the guys are also in here and for, for nothing because we didn't address floor even if the, if this most of the plan was portrayed as a piece initiative. but bridget says the following year is that israel has lived on to have mass records. and especially the middleton groups of gruesome attack on
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october the 7th showed there is nobody to make peace with. i don't think we have a office. so no 2 state solution. no. at this moment i don't think i think we should go back to gaza because there is no and this in new future, i don't see anything that conflict us is the, is it as people as do people in this place? if they tell you now that you can pack your bags and go back to guys and leave their, would you do that? yes, because i want to go to the next the generation. i don't want to wait them to be surprised again after what happens if i'm not security. if i don't have safety, i need to go there and supported the rebuttal. the freezer with bridget son is now in guys i'm as an idea of soldier. it's very frightening. the some of us we pay again the price,
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i mean life to be again the and even among those supporting these rows returned to gather the razor division over whether the arabs should stay or not religious jews call for red co measures. they last year as evacuating gas of arabs and building jewish settlements and gaza is necessary because the settlers of the gaza strip. want to see the sea in order to see the c o homes and gas must be destroyed. no homes are left in gas a. bridget's family doesn't quite share this approach. the woman's eldest daughter grew up and guys, she had to add up friends, a neighbors looking back. that is the modal of coexistence she'd like to see in the future every a tuesday. and people come to a house and we would eat lunch together both muslim. and they do is be
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like friends that we had sitting a would say a man and pray together. that's my vision of real peace. and um and, and that's how i grew up. so i know it's possible i'm ready for an ocean on our t, from israel. up on the head just nigeria. central bank is accused of a legally transferring the equivalent of millions of dollars into offshore bank accounts, including in the us, the u. k. and china. on this one, the governor of the central bank of nigeria godwin m a sales deposit. now do you have any funds in $59034.00 in bank accounts in the united states, china and the united kingdom without authorization during his tenure, that counts with the business of a deposit, it has all been tracked down by the investigator. the is currency a report to am circulating,
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suggesting that to the former governor of the 92 and central bank of godwin and me c l. a stands accused of eliciting depositing billions of myra is into $593.00 a bags and sanctioned banks across the united states, the united kingdom and the time that we are also aware of the fact that this river basin comes from this special investigator on the central bank off nigeria and related entity the what is also very important to note was in this investigation is the fact that m f c and that is currently in custody for a separate one. point $2000000009.00 rough procurement of food case and seems like you may be the served additional criminal charges related to this particular mismanagement off the central bank currency redesign policy. and it seems to be the redesign policy, which is the basis of this case that we're talking about,
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according to the report it was pitched to the then president. well, how many hobby it was executed without formal consent? it was moved to also the, the board in the central bank and this goodman and the former governor in hot water for issuance of courtesy, legally the investigation is also shipped lights on potential crises and issues of the simple bags ways and means including an approved financial statements and misuse of cobra 19 funds and a series of an authorized financial decision in which were approved and approved. and i located and they see the management of it is also around this time last year that m a c l a. had been away from his home country for months, reportedly self exciting and unknown country outside of the african continent of which was speculated to be the united kingdom. he was elected to be hiding to evade
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a risk to buy. and i do as 2 people nice over claims that he had been involved, incorrect activities, that at that particular time, his absence raised eyebrows. the officer who failed to turn up to explain. the reason behind the redesign of the car is the bad nose, and the redesign has also been a big issue. nigeria, it has been weakening the dependency. it has been beginning the economy as well. that will even cases the way she was the, to the financing terrorism. was a billions of dollars this to some secret accounts, allegedly supervised by him, and at that time as well. experts believe that that had this um, do you by the way sion of the cover to see that he created was right before the next is the 2 part to this. yeah. and that was not a coincidence. it must be a sub. and um, how many to harvey for a 2 year is that what was the nature of the biggest economy down to me? and he said he had no visits for the money to policy up. the country had risen to
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the top of his career as a man to those who put him in position. and that you know, went into to recess, is during his tenure. and it seems like a full president to approve and his allies of the law school that broke the camel's back was m b m is decision to introduce the the controversial comments to redesign policy that has, puts us in this conversation, guaranteed. and that these news darkening findings and developers might to just be the end of embassy and his time outside the irish prime minister says the us version and phones are still colonial powers. he made his mission during a phone call with bushes famous pranksters both on unless it's so you've got the right to say to day on for us. and even america have been colonial powers already be still are. but like, my, well, my mother used to say to me is too long. so like a rice. so just because the british empire or the french on fire or
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a napoleon or hitler did things that were wrong, it doesn't make it ok for you to do things that are, are for russia to do so. well that's got some reaction now to the story and speak to the full most south african parliament and then by and daily mc. tama, thank you very much for joining us here. i just wanted to ask if you hires prime minister has said the us, the paying fonts are still colonial power. so recognizing them is that what do you think about that? that is a quarter connected as ation of those the countries. yeah, indeed. historically, slave catch us colonial lease and they've made sure that we've gotten dependency nashika the continued the colonial supervision and exploitation of the african coincidence resources and peoples. so department is stolen, that's all,
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it's correct. and we are dealing with still the continental. is there anything else we can do? think that islands history with the k might just play a part in the mission because obviously island used to be part of the partition pie . it yes, but i'm into one show us the corner. me they actually is. i mean, a engaging military left foot to drive the bridge is out of the activity so that they can reward themselves with colonial country. and we share with them they will take experience of the more credits by the purchase and the outage in continental portable affordable history of putting our lives in which was instigated by the purchase. but we gave teenage the rate big
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country to speak to land the in sleep. and they have not paid your patients by the way, for all these actual cities that they have committed. and they've made showing day left, and they made sure that they're switched to off exploitation of the african continent continues. i'll up all the time, $110.00, or that still goes to the west and pretending punched and it's still just senior k over say from says a former colonial power. the us, to some extent, move a modern colonial power, but i just want to ask, you know, you are meant by a full member of the south african parliament. you know, the arch prime minister has claimed that he knew he was being prompt at the time. if you received a call, what you thought that you were being products, would you make these sorts of admissions? would you think he's just trying to make excuses out to make it back to ya know,
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just caught in a deep lie. he told me the truth, of course he was wrong under i showed in school where he claims that the address your was that involving nutrition that actually i, it's involving the defense, the war against a territorial and violation by the same west, which is going to nice off you go to violence. so you says that and you know, i use my dad told him that 2 wrongs doesn't make it like but, and you can claim that, that as she and defense of to total integrity is the same as quarterly. so those tickets are totally different and has every right to to, to get in touch with the references batch the comments that apparently the irish
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department is to claim that the campaign in ukraine is like the war efforts by not c j. m 8. so thank you for making that that point. but they have also been several videos of western politicians falling victim to those russian products is just in the last month i think georgia maloney, the prime minister of island fell to that. those practices. why do you think these videos are so popular? because they have city smotts, they managed to get these big. she pockets to tell the truth about what date to be and what the strategic objectives. uh. and then when they see that they go to court to be tied to the truck, whether it's too late. we encourage this mess sort of getting to the truth because western powers are very, very smart and they are very safety. java, crafty,
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they lie all the time. they never tell the jews. so this message has been very productive. we revealing the tools and data. thank you very much for your thoughts on that matter is on the name is tom law who's a former south african parliament member. i think the democratic republic of congo is holding a presidential election. local authorities say has been hidden defined, logistical issues. the us says it's keeping a close eye on the situation. the united states read the rates are called for free and fair elections conducted with transparent and then inclusive electro processes will not hesitate to call out irregularities that we believe undermine the democratic process. and will of the con, the least people, almost a 100000000 people were expected to take part in the elections on wednesday. but the votes still do for an instant next day due to complications that some people
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couldn't prove that they were registered to cost. the violet, while others waited for hours, posting stations delays the opening routine took place and made a call a decade long conflict in the resource which central office a nation for numerous arms, grapes, icing for power. what we've been speaking to a political expert in the democratic republic of congo. he says that africa nations can be pressured by western powers. only when african leaders play by their rules. it's not fair to, to feeling that term. some countries how the tools. oh, i think the ones who should show in a way or the time. now the problem is that frequently does it like giving them the opportunity? because one, they're following their with and more do. now if you want to organizations, you want to realize your who you'll govern us based on the more the of the,
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with the new uh about. we are bones to, for the demo doing and how they do it. everyone's now, is she, this is what you want to do. we should one said our own i'm on do overall in our country is to respect our own people. city a mix of those in position that they should do split us. but now the problem is that uh just so much sense again, lets take this, this in case of the data, see the know when that the income at present do not do not turn the election 2018. they know that the pre shirts for him to be given power at that time. so why should they expect us government? why should they just pick a government, which it says is not expecting that we know the people this over into, over the people as a years new to come by deforestation begins to take root you. okay. and coffee importers have come back on their supplies, from farmers in africa, to the economy of east africa. nation of uganda is particularly on the right.
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co pays traditionally comprised almost a quarter of it, sec, sports of the country such as peru, columbia, vietnam, and indonesia have also been impacted. the deforestation know which comes into effect next year could drive that small up, produce as low income countries out of the market. its claims, meanwhile rusher is planning to significantly increase it. same ports of guns and coffee. we've been spectrum to a local farmer who says russian support gives him hope for the future. and know you kinda present to we are both countries that produce entity right now. it seems to be among the best just because that people will be desolate and us don't need anything to do this. let's say, and do i know tv and stuff with us before. but i'm sure that this movement that
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after russia doing this, i do nice. you know, i mean, even just that seat seat and they've been looking into that much. it's a good reason to it up the cost of products, crew members before it just under me, back up cetera. so doing this, i'm sure they will link us through those multi system 3 d dfcs with braces and they were in there because of service looking for a good day and boost to come back to, to as a basis of cases of this and to in the street in grand. well that's it for me. thank you very much. so for your company, peter scott, just taking up the reins of the back to the top of the next down. the.


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