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tv   News  RT  December 22, 2023 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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the the us has once again exposed itself in front of the world by blocking even the councils extremely, we can call for a cessation of possibilities and gather the on security council. adopt the resolution to facilitate humanitarian aid supplies, the gaza after the us walk the proposal for an immediate cease fire. as does that, one guy that surpasses 20000 does rarely forces say they planned to expand their ground offensive with the push into central task. and the plumber ahead of nigeria is central bank is accused of illegally transferring millions of dollars and to offshore accounts, including in the us. ok in china the
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i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching our t international. the one security council has adopted a resolution requiring israel and a modest to allow deliveries of humanitarian aid and to gaza. united states and blocked proposed amendment for an immediate cease fire versus ambassador to the lab, says us pressure stripped, important provisions from the final text of the resolution. a singular study which is new to some of those of luxury. these middle u. s. has once again exposed itself in front of the world by blocking even the council extremely, we can call for a cessation of hostilities and gaz. instead, washington playing dirty, sold a text, actually a license for israel to killed palestinian civilians and gaza under the pretext of, quote, creating conditions for a cessation of hostilities under pressure from the us, which effectively took over the authorship and you serve the work on the text
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behind the scenes at various levels, twisting the hands of regional representatives, the text lost more and more important provisions with each new revision. colleagues, this is a tragic moment for the security council. it's not a moment of triumph for multilateral diplomacy, but huge on principle to blackmail. it is an open defiance on the part of washington of the suffering of the palestinians, and of the aspirations of the world community to put an end to it. the security council is essentially being asked to stay out of the way while the us twists its arms in the region, not for the sake of peace as my american colleague claims, but to ensure washington's narrow self interest. the 15 member body that leads the united nations finally approved a resolution regarding the situation in gaza. now for weeks, the un security council has been delayed. but finally, there was a resolution that the united states did not lead to 13 countries voted in favor of
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it. the united states and russia both abstained. and afterwards the us representatives spoke highly as if this was a great step forward for the protection of humanitarian concerns and the ongoing fight and gaza. here's what the us representative had to say. since the start of this conflict, the united states has done work tirelessly to alleviate this humanitarian crisis. to get life saving assistance and to gaza and to get hostages out of gaza to push for the protection of innocent civilians and humanitarian workers. and to work towards a lasting peace. but today this council provided a glimmer of hope amongst a sea of imaginable suffering. today this council called for urgent steps to immediately allows safe and hindered and expanded humanitarian access.
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and to create the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities. i'll note that this is the 1st time this counsel has used this language language we believe is critical to scaling up aid and underscoring the tough steps ahead. as we work together to achieve a lasting piece. but the reality is that the situation on the ground in gaza is dire. 20000 civilians have already died at the body count used rise. death toll continues to increase. however, the resolution that was passed did not call for a ceasefire and did not restrict israel's activities. site was simply allowing some humanitarian aid to go through. china spoke before the council and express some disappointment with the resolution. they ultimately voted in favor of teaching. we
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welcome the adoption of this draft resolution. there were quite a number of adjustments to the text in some important aspects. those adjustments and not consistent with the efforts we have made. they do not meet our expectations on you, given the urgency of the situation on the ground, the humanitarian catastrophe and goals are that is getting more di i, by the day, the counsels carnes, action office, at least the glimmer of hope for increased in the expedited deliveries of humanitarian aid to garza. now the palestinian representative who spoke before the council describes the dire situation. the lack of access to medical care, the lack of access to electricity. the fact that journalists and humanitarian workers have been killed and have been in harm's way of the palestinian representative described how the whole world is outraged by what israel was doing, and the blatant atrocities being committed, biased fairly forces. this concept 1st met to address this great prices when hundreds of palestinians had been killed by israel and the occupying power. and
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it's cj and the aggression on the guys us through the concept is now meeting of the over $20000.00 palestinians have been killed. almost half of them children. no one should forget that what we are talking about uh, 2300000 palestinians who have been fighting for their life and facing death every single day for 75 days. this requires an immediate fuel money to audiences via now back by 153 states around the world. there is no way to stop the war, crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide under way, but an immediate cease by it. now israel spoke before the council and described its
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activities as necessary to stop terrorism and described how the condemnation coming from international bodies and from various different voices around the world was simply the singling out of israel, the targeting and demon ization of israel is this council 6 to and will still it is, it should start by supporting israel's mission of returning hostages and the limited. and you can become a strict at the very least, it must prevent from us empowerment just as his counselor is committed to increasing aid. it should also be committed to blocking the smuggling of arms and transfer weapons to the how much terrorist and just as this council is committed to ensuring a reaches gauze and civilians should also be committed to ensuring the cit aide is not the voted in to how much doors do not care about the civilian population. the focus of any resolution should also hold from us accountable, well, taking every step to prevent them from intrinsic themselves and regaining power. united states continues to protect israel, and this resolution was very much the result of many efforts by the united states
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to make sure that no resolution was passed by the council. that condemned is really activities or demanded a halt or a ceasefire. now the united states does not only want to be the protector of israel and the international arena, but he wants to be a backer of israel. we have a situation where the bind in ministration is calling for 14000000000 additional funds. $14000000000.00 additional dollars to be cents to israel in order to enable them to continue their operations in gosh, which are being condemned widely by the world. so the united states seems to be pretty solidly behind israel, despite international outrage about as rarely activities. there's talk and further escalating us support for israel, a mid international condemnation, the security council resolution as it's written. and it was written by the us and
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the you a with, with the intention that it has no t. it's a nothing. it does say that, you know, humanitarian aid should be freely flowing into god's up. it doesn't say how that's going to happen. in fact, it says the u. n is not to be overseen that. so what's the mechanism for unfortunately this, there is not. so it's just empty words, there's no ability under this resolution to ensure that israel will comply. and by the way, what does it even mean when israel is still denying the population water and electricity right now, the entire population of gaza is starving. all, all the world food agencies are say, and this will not change that because israel wants to star these people and this won't change that. the u. s. shares israel's goals in gaza in that is
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destroying the population of gaza and moving it into the sinai desert. there's a number of reasons the us shares this goal. one of which is uh, the massive amounts of natural gas found on the coast of gaza, which the us initial cabinets. they also want to build this big gearing canal. they want it for a long time as an alternative to the suez canal, which would go right to guys. uh um. so they share the goals of israel in demolishing the the, the population of gossip. so they don't want to cease fire. they want this war to continue and they're helping it continue. palestinian authorities say the death toll and gaza has surpassed 20000. then there is no longer a functioning hospital in the north of the enclave. as according to the world health organization,
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these distressing images show that conditions people are living under the for the palestinian red president says it has lost communication with an ambulance
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dispatch center in jamalia in northern gaza. after an id afraid humanitarian group says is really soldiers have detained paramedics and taking them to an unknown location. so this video shows palestinians fling from an area in jamalia following another is really attack this week. and it's really striper portal that killed at least 10 palestinians and injured numerous others at a refugee camp in jamalia. the idea of is also accused of targeting elderly palestinians in the gaza strip of geneva based and g o, which also has offices in the gaza strip. and they read says it has documented several cases of the elderly residents being tortured well being detained by israeli soldiers. or even shots without any justification. the observatory highlighted that it receives shocking testimonies about physical liquidations and field executions against thousands of elderly people over the age of 60,
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including direct shooting some soldiers after asking them to leave their homes. and in some cases, executions took place, moments after their release from detention hours or days later. the report says, dozens of elderly palestinians have been executed by is rarely soldiers. we have reached out to the idea for comments. your romance has at least a 1000 elderly men and women have been killed and does us since the war began in october, most were crushed to death under the rubble of buildings hit by airstrikes. tens of thousands of others are believed to be at risk due to a lack of a central medical care, the geneva base and jail also accused as well of using hunger as a weapon of war. another report by the n g o said 800000 palestinians in northern does. i have no access to health care. 23 of the 35 hospitals in the enclave had been forced to shut down 9 facilities are partially functioning well for others. our operating was very limited services already was the last to functioning
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hospital in northern gaza. on tuesday, the un in the world health organization said the facility had run out of supplies. 10 staff members were still trying to provide 1st aid their while at least 80 injured people, including the elderly and young children, took refuge at the hospital. and you and medical official spoke about the situation or the hospital in the church on the hospital grounds where we're seeing patients with severe orthopedic needs. plastics newly currently have no operating or operating on the 5 doctors and 5 versus their patients here who have been injured even more than a month. no surgery. they're patients who have been operated on, but they are now getting close somewhere to infections because the hospital doesn't have sufficient antibiotics, w h o and this interagency missing with, you know, to new india assessing on mouse has brought some medicines or medical supplies. but
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it's just going to address some of the needs because they, they don't have sufficient stuff. and as you can see behind me, the patients are on the hospital cues are on the floor. they're suffering enormously here. this is a completely unacceptable situation. also in southern guns, near the border with egypt, the idea of the airstrikes of hammered. the city of rasa, local residents have been urgently searching through the rubble to find any loved ones who might be trapped is really strikes have recently intensified over the southern part of the enclave. targeting the densely populated cities of pine eunice, and rough up. that's just like the idea of having previously ordered does a residential back way from the north of the region to the south journalist homes of shalanda who has been reporting for r t was in a car that was hit by in is really our strike on southern gaza this week, after having no internet connection for 2 days. he has just now sent us this footage from that incident that happened in the city of rough and near the egyptian
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border. the yeah, my friend who wants to come inside this for a southerly mazda of their sites and truly on the walk in the middle, one of my friends, the injured imagined disruption hit someone's virus. what do you expect? the washington post has challenged allegations by the idea of how mosse had an underground command center at a hospital in northern garza, isabel had used the idea of claims to justify attacks on the medical facility. the evidence presented by the is really government falls short of showing that i'm off had been using the hospital as a command and control center according to a washington post analysis of open source visuals, satellite imagery,
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and all of the publicly released ideas, materials that raises critical questions legal in humanitarian experts say about whether the civilian harm caused by israel's military operations against the hospital in circling besieging and ultimately reading the facility and the tunnel beneath that were proportionate to the assessed threat. the washington post conclusion was based on open source data satellite images and the publicly disclosed the idea of files. there was apparently no home us presence in hospital rooms linked to the tunnels. none of the 5 hospital buildings identified by the idea of spokes person was found to have a direct connection to the tunnels. and the underground network was also reportedly not accessible through the l. c for hospital wards, despite the idea of claims. it is rarely trips rated l. c for hospital last month and stormed, emergency areas, the intensive care unit, and cardiology ward were severely damaged. authorities said thousands of
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palestinians sheltering inside the facility were cut off from food supplies and water and hundreds of wounds that died on necessarily due to a lack of access to personal health care services. even workers described the situation ad l. schieffer as a bloodbath. we spoke with a mean abigail media expert who specializes in the bunking fake news, who says israel is losing the media war. indeed, this is a crucial issue we're discussing today. uh, no, it's banned a problem. the 1st time though, we seem claims us obvious evidence and conflicts like this it's, it's crucial for everyone to approach such reports with the critical eye and understand the big city of the document in all the zones. um, i believe a washington post set the truth and it washington goes and many western media outlets were supporting israel at the beginning of the domestic and october 7th.
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but now we can see the change of a i'll be in a, in c at cnn, bbc and many other media international, the western media out this is because of the simple winning all the other part device. then you are, we need the media or uh, is that at this time i, this is what i can say. although they have of the week tools, but they are winning because of social media. i, i believe a, they are gonna be like the heroes of the scene. at the end of the day, i a view and estimates more than 85 percent of guys as population has been displaced, but us republican presidential candidate nikki haley says that's not israel's problem. they should go to her mos loving countries or rack cutter turkey. those 3 countries they can go to that. why should anybody else take them if
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that's the case? and so it is not israel's problem. it's not america's problem. if those countries like cutter and turkey and iran feel so deeply for the people of gaza, they should take them. washington has been steadfast and in support for israel since the conflict broke out the bite and administration recently, ours law makers to approve an additional $14000000000.00 and military aid to israel . less on top of washington deploying war ships to the mediterranean sea and sending fighter jets missiles and munitions to israel. us special operations forces are also importantly, sharing intelligence. but the idea of israel is historically the largest beneficiary of us military aid and receives an estimated $3000000000.00 annually. many months. we spoke to professor siad mohammed mirandi from the university of to ron. he says nicky hayley's remarks revealed the ignorance of american politicians
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when it comes to understanding the middle east. the 1st she also mentioned iraq. and then the 2nd time around she mentioned she named ron. and i think it means that she doesn't know the difference between iran and iraq. and that i think is reflective of the general ignorance that exists in the united states about our region. not only is the united states and its leadership, supportive of genocide and gossip, and the, the mass killings that we're seeing in the west bank over the past 2 and a half months. over $300.00 palestinians have also been slaughtered in the west bank including children below the age of 10. so not only do they support that, but they are ignorant in their support of this really regime. and she is openly advocating actually cleansing, in other words, expel the native population from their homes. and which has already
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been done once because the people of guys that are from the whole of palestine to 70 percent of the people in gaza come from other areas in palestine. they were kicked out of their homes. they were spelled from the land, their elders, or their fathers in grandfathers and grandmothers were murdered by these ran these and they went the right. the remaining population went to gauze, and these are the children of those refugee. so she wants them to be kicked out of their land for a 2nd time, and that just simply shows how in humane and barbaric the political establishment in the united states actually is. a former head of nigeria, a central bank, is accused of illegally transferring the equivalent of millions of dollars into offshore bank accounts, including in the us, the okay. and china. the former governor of the central bank of nigeria godwin
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and the sales deposit nigerian funds in $593.00 for them. bank accounts in the united states, china and the united kingdom without authorization during his tenure. that counts whether be this about the positives, have all been tracked down by the investigator, the is currency a report to am circulating, suggesting that to the former governor of the $92.00 and central bank of godwin. and we see a list stands accused of eliciting depositing billions of myra is into 593, a backs and sanctioned banks across the united states, the united kingdom. and the time that we are also aware of the fact that this river basin comes from the special investigator on the central bank, off nigeria and related entities of what is also very important to note was in this investigation is the fact that m f c and that is currently in custody for
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a separate $12000000009.00 rough procurement of food case and seems like you may be the served additional criminal charges related to this particular mismanagement off the central bank currency redesign policy. and it seems to be the redesign policy, which is the basis of this case that we are talking about according to the report it was pitched to the then president. well, how much will harvey it was executed without formal consent? it was moved to also the, the board in the central bank, and this could land the form of government in hot water for issuance of currency. legally, the investigation is also shed light on potential crises and issues of the simple bands, ways and means including an approved financial statements and misuse of cobra. 19 funds and a series off an authorized financial decision in which were approved and approved.
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and i located, and that is the management of it is also around this time last year that marcia had been away from his home country for months, reported me self anxiety in an unknown country outside of the african continent of which was speculated to be the united kingdom too, was eliza to be hygiene to evade. a risk, to buy in to do is to put the needs of a claims that he had been involved, incorrect activities, the at that particular time. his absence raised eyebrows. the off that he failed to turn up to explain. the reason behind the redesign of the car is the bad nose. and the redesign has also been a big issue. nigeria, it has been weakening the pregnancy. it has been beginning the economy as well. that will even cases the way she was, the tubes of financing terrorism was a billions of dollars the, to some secret accounts, allegedly supervised by him. and at that time as well, experts can be that,
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that to this, um, do you by the way sion of the cover to see that he created was right before the next is the 2 part to this. yeah, and that was not a coincidence mc unless served and um, um how many to harvey for a 2 year is, what was the nature of the biggest economy down to me? and he said he had no visits for the money to policy up. the country had risen to the top of his career as a young man to those who put him in position. and that, you know, went into 2 recessions during his tenure. and it seems like a full president to approve and his allies, the law school that broke the camel's back was mc. m is decision to introduce the, the controversial comments to redesign policy that has put us in this conversation, guaranteed. and that these, unused talking findings and developers might to just be the end of embassy and his time outside. alright, just stay with our to international and back in about 30 minutes with much more
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news bye for now. the the
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the the slow, the vocal when you come home i think someone you a whole come lose. this is, yeah, the silver was, there is a couple of stuff they found out on the puzzle from the apartment to come sunday must spend a portion with the soldiers that you didn't know so. sure. now that's my goal is to accomplish assessment. so why don't you also think us luck on model. ok, so you means when you, when you from the last time you know so much difficulties in the middle,
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when you put the stuff ready for the middle one going to do a 60 percent of the system and even like interest you must given another i may just do it that way. let's see what we do at this point. you must get this done. some of those are preferred to have more. lucy's was so be, so we're just at the end up now we see both lashawn motion openly come on. you say more about this stuff to february the 14. so the front line wasn't stalemate. 20 kilometers from the sheet of good. which of them and surrounded the cavalry cool on the planet, advanced towards stone and was floated they were ordered to retreat. co leaves to come the me to mitchell is immunizations or the to the bottom. we really love to chose to some of those. i could show them again for the info for, for the calories break through in february was very difficult. they were low on that munition and had to fight with sabres and hand to hand combat they face. not any enemy inventory,
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but also tanks on the less the cover and then liberation, several villages within a week. and by 6 digit security, this gives you straight about the call. honestly is definitely more about that the bill of $32.00, if you will, was guardian you will see you wouldn't be kind of the see about the same. what i'd like to do mostly with myself and go other stuff. i think it's a lot of us to, but to me, that's all. it was easy. that's how long you're going to stop. the latest i'm is coming to you and you is just a little bit of telling me of the lesson was the last of the different because of the more a messenger usually the, the stumble reduced to corpus shamore. i thought it was the way i wanted to see this, molly little play to some of the possible side corpus awesome.


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