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tv   News  RT  December 23, 2023 2:00am-2:31am EST

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was self employed. so sort of the, the most up to 5. and give us people anywhere in the world. and even got some. the united nations had sounds bay alarm over a hunger disaster in the in possible palestinian enclave while accusing israel of obstruct thing to this audit service and supplies. also a head on the program. some of the us has once again exposed itself in front of the world by blocking even the councils extremely, we can call for a cessation of hostilities and guys of russia. slums made us rejection of us, the spire 4 gallons the as the un security council passes, a pebble in water, don, resolution typically post a delivery the thoughts raleigh,
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across the world and solidarity with the policy global. i rage gross over israel's relevant my system. the line from our international new center and the russian capital. this is, are too great to have your company for the latest. we can talk more than $300.00 in young calvin's face. mon nutrition, unpreventable death. that is the star warning coming from the un children's emergency fund. the chief of the united nations itself also pointed to some alarming statistics. according to the will see program wide spreads famine looms motivated, how familiar and people are part of that of the population. out of facing what experts classify as, get this that off levels of hung up to 4 out of 5 of the videos. people
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anywhere in the worlds and even got so many people out of measuring the effectiveness of humanitarian or pollution, gaza based on the number of stocks from the ships and the rep, could i send you an involved that product notice that the allowed to unload a across the bottom of this is mistake. the real problem is that the, what use ratio is conducting these will fantasies, is creating massive ops, the close to the distribution of humanitarian. they've even side gaza. antonio gutierrez, was speaking shortly after the un security council adopted a long awaited resolution on counseling urging the increased delivery of a 2 civilians. when the vote came, after days of the legs of member states were forced to dilute the draft to avoid another veto from the us who ultimately abstained. the failure to agree on the cease fire was condemned by russia,
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which also declined to vote in favor of the final resolution. here's the story of the night. a singular study which includes some of those of luxury. this in the us has once again exposed itself in front of the world by blocking even the councils extremely, we can call for a cessation of hostilities and gaza instead. washington playing dirty, sold a text, actually a license for israel to killed palestinian civilians and gaza under the pretext of, quote, creating conditions for association of hostilities under pressure from the us, which effectively took over the authorship and you served the work on the text behind the scenes at various levels, twisting the hands of regional representatives, the text lost more and more important provisions with each new revision. colleagues, this is a tragic moment for the security council. not a moment of triumph for multilateral diplomacy, but huge on principles blackmail. it is an open defiance on the part of washington
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of the suffering of the palestinians, and of the aspirations of the world community to put an end to it. the security council is essentially being asked to stay out of the way while the us twists its arms in the region, not for the sake of peace as my american colleague claims, but to ensure washington's narrow self interest. the 15 member body that leads the united nations finally approved a resolution regarding the situation in gaza. now for weeks, the un security council has been delayed. but finally there was a resolution that the united states did not detail 13 countries voted in favor of it. the united states and russia both of states and afterwards the us representatives spoke highly as if this was a great step forward for the protection of humanitarian concerns in the ongoing fight and gaza. here's what the u. s. representative had to say. since the start of this conflict,
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the united states has done work tirelessly to alleviate this humanitarian crisis. to get life saving assistance into gaza and to get hostages out of gaza to push for the protection of innocent civilians and humanitarian workers and to work towards a lasting peace. but today this council provided a glimmer of hope amongst a sea of unimaginable suffering. today this council called for urgent steps to immediately allows safe and hindered and expanded humana, terry, an access and to create the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities. i'll note that this is the 1st time this counsel has used this language. language we believe is critical to scaling up aid and underscoring the tough steps ahead as we work together to achieve
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a lasting peace. but the reality is that the situation on the ground in gaza is dire. 20000 civilians have already died and the body count is rising. death toll continues to increase. however, uh, the resolution that was passed and did not call for a ceasefire and did not restrict israel's activities. site was simply allowing some humanitarian aid to go through. china spoke before the council and expressed some disappointment with the resolution. they ultimately voted in favor of teaching. we welcome the adoption of this draft resolution. there were quite a number of adjustments to the text in some important aspects. those adjustments and not consistent with the efforts we have made. they do not meet our expectations, given the urgency of the situation on the ground, the humanitarian catastrophe and goals are that is getting more diet by the day, the counsels carnes action office, at least the glimmer of hope for increased in the expedited deliveries of
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humanitarian aid to garza now, the palestinian representative who spoke before the council describes the dire situation. the lack of access to medical care, the lack of access to electricity. the fact that journalists and humanitarian workers have been killed and have been in harm's way of the palestinian representative described how the whole world is outraged by what israel was doing, and the blatant atrocities being committed by his barely forces. this concept 1st met to address this great crisis when hundreds of palestinians had been killed by his, the occupying power. and it's cj and the aggression on the guys through the concert is no meeting of the over 20000 palestinians have been killed. almost half of them children. no one should forget that what we are
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talking about a 2300000 palestinians who have been fighting for their life and facing death every single day for 75 days. this requires an immediate fuel monetary and seized by it. now, back by 153 states on the world, there is no way to stop the war, crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide under way, but an immediate cease by it. now israel spoke before the council and described its activities as necessary in order to stop terrorism and described how the condemnation coming from international bodies and from various different voices around the world. the simply the singling out of the israel, the targeting and demon ization of israel is this council 6 to enter still it is, it should start by supporting israel's mission of returning hostages. and eliminating this almost threat at the very least must prevent from us is
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empowerment. just as this council is committed to increasing aid, it should also be committed to blocking the smuggling of arms and transport weapons to the almost terrorist. and just as this council is committed to ensuring a reaches gauze and civilians should also be committed to ensuring the cit. aid is not the ability to come up stairs, do not care about the civilian population. the focus of any resolution should also hold from us accountable, while taking every step to prevent them from intrinsic themselves and regaining power. united states continues to protect israel, and this resolution was very much the result of many efforts by the united states to make sure that no resolution was passed by the council. that condemned is rarely activities or demanded a halt or a ceasefire. now the united states does not only want to be the protector of israel in the international arena, but it wants to be a backer of israel. we have a situation where the vide, administer asian is calling for $14000000000.00 additional funds for
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$14000000000.00 additional dollars to be sent to israel in order to enable them to continue their operations in gaza, which are being condemned widely by the world. so united states seems to be pretty solidly behind israel, despite the international outrage about as rarely activities. there's talk and further escalating us support for israel, a mid international condemnation. well, some reaction on the session that was human rights lawyer done called lexi is the final you in motion of mind to attend that one more than lip service, while millions of thousands are going hungry. the security council resolution as it's written, and it was written by the us and the you a with, with the intention that it has no t, it's a nothing. it does say that, you know, he, mandatory, ne, should be freely flowing into does a, it doesn't say how that's going to happen. in fact, it says the u. n is not to be overseen that so what's the mechanism for enforcing
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this that there is not so it's just empty words. there's no ability under this resolution to ensure that israel will comply. and by the way, what does it even mean when israel is still denying the population water and electricity right now, the entire population of gaza is starving. all of them, all the world food agencies are say, and this will not change that because israel wants to star these people and this won't change that. the us shares israel's goals in gaza in that is destroying the population of gaza and moving it into the side. i desert. there is a number of reasons the us shares this goal, one of which is uh, the massive amounts of natural gas found on the coast of gaza, which the us initial cabinets. they also want to build this big gearing to now they
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want it for a long time as an alternative to the suez canal, which would go right to guys. uh um. so they share the goals of issue in demolishing the the, the population of gossip. so they don't want to cease fire, they want this war to continue and they're helping it continue. meanwhile, on the ground, the idea of offensive in southern gas, it seems to be deepening with the city of con eunice, coming under. it renewed round of shelling, reportedly killing at least 6 people and warning distressing images with little room resources last including beds. a number of injured children are being treated right on the floor and nestor hospital. in mid a catastrophic influx of counseling, dallas, and officials say more than a 1000 youth supper, ready been killed during the war. local journalist account also tar a spoke to us earlier from sent situation. and the god,
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the sounds has been as far as into the root and because of the ongoing bombardment, they can different carriers who do this area at the beach and try to control more areas in the south east and the northeast. so they'll find you in this wide and they finally go to city center. the as id bombardment is ongoing. there certainly have been doing some kind of told me that the version for the sake of identifying, the not the defining the, to us a positive with our statement. so overnight, more than 55 project indians working only. and i know this area both of these pieces if i just and then move. so either way, i don't think i could still hear the heavy one buckling ticket and also the fire. it's a chance to complete because i found it okay to be the one that is the measurements of media speaking about the set, the number of truck loads and thousands of guys, and we all could see how the international community was divided over the fact that there is a need, but they are also agree with their own. i believe that there is
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a need for a few minutes area, 8 for the people. those are to be allowed. and however, at the very same time, they divided over an hour and in 2000 they are very good accounting numbers. they keep track of the numbers, but they're very back when it comes to taking action. and now the national community, just as failing to allow the attendance of the data and the data base that is in the meantime is way below the minimum was around the list that $100.00 a day would link it to the items that are decided by the is that each a patient will be allowed to go that sort of human service, the torsion continues to the toner and people are more exposed than ever. now it has been a challenge for them to find food. turners to find lota, i've tried to feed their families to try to even put it. a journalist comes at yolanda, who's been reporting for r. t was in
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a car that was hit by fragments from an it's really or a strike on southern guns that earlier in the week. after having no internet connection for 2 days, he's not been able to send us the following footage of the incident, which happened in rough or near the egyptian border. the hill, my friend, he wants to see inside this for a mazda 5 on thursday, but i just make sure the others walker roughly the middle one, just had the car on my front door injury. imagine if this wrapped in his someone's virus. what do you expect on the spike, those scenes. it's to the inside of sites where these really mean the 3 has ordered palestinians in parts of the central gallons a to evacuate. that includes people in the scrolling parish, refugee camp and 5 other nearby neighborhoods as the reporter,
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romeo and the guardian reports as we are here as the entrance of the rates recruit and vigilant goss. this t campbell celebrate has to leave the area to see if we can down here in town. this video displays against about suffice every strikes and the ground and attempts to populate the supervisor to lead to actually we don't know where to go. it is true that they insisted with going to darrow bella,
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but even that people were forced to leave because of bombings 2 weeks ago. i think we may go to russell, assist you in the south instead. but of right to russell cost, lots of money. there are 6 people in my family and each member will be charged 50 shekels for the trip. so a ride to russell would cost a total of $300.00 shackles, and we only have 50. it seems we will have to go back to our home and brush the one has to make sure as much as they can to help family members survive. going to be with us. i plan to bring my family to a relative in a nearby mcgraw's risk, which you can, despite the fact that we're told to go to there all along. well, we believed that being displaced with our relatives is better. this is the 1st time ever that is ready to leave for other areas are being stated that there will be
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great deals, operations and the region to the north of a great locals in the southern and gals in border city of foot also, which is also coming under increasing is really fire, say they fear the flow of a could potentially still model, but the rough on crossing is the lifeline between us and egypt. if the crossing is closed or incoming 8 is reduced, there will be a severe shortage. we're talking about you guys are becoming devoid of consumer goods medicine and all other necessities. as you knew, the roof of crossing is the all 3 of life. it goes us. but if they taught to tell us that we will die, it is the only gateway for aid and all the supplies. the people have gone and meet the the gates connecting palestine and egypt must remain open. it is the roots of salvation for us. here,
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the situation was already terrible before the war and then became even more catastrophic when we kind of survive. if the rough across thing is closed at us about the flight is real recent, they opened a 2nd border crossing for age. but the rough side remains the main lifeline for gases. hundreds of trucks of being bringing essential supplies to civilians in the in bottles or less than in type over many local sites, no community. and none of that i can buy any medicine for my children to try to protect them from these epidemics due to the shortage of hospitals and treatment centers, lack medication and supplies to serve the wounded and assist the people here. a say that a yes and a highly and cause i feel that i am a father of 5. my children need a because they have diseases. and 2nd, we go to the doctors, but it's only in vain. we can't find the medical supplies, we need the long enough stuff. i. we no longer have any means of life in gaza. no medical supplies to help us suffice. all essentials have been cut off and it's
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today we are facing a shortage of gold essentials. you could even benefit somebody. israel is preparing to expand its operation in gals with quote, a focus on the southern area. and the nice wind was made by an idea of spokes person during a briefing on friday. the quotes of is really forces continue the ground operation in hon. eunice. and at the same time are preparing for the continuation of the fighting and whitening of the operation. 2 additional areas in gaza with an emphasis on the southern area. and as we get closer to the final stages of the operation in the north, we are still in the middle of fighting in the dark edge and to fight areas with lower intensity fighting, going on at the same time and other areas in the north. and we are almost in full operational control. there will be really on a release this latest video of its soldiers operating in northern gals. the footage shows id f arbor and soldiers firing from cover unless they make their way through
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ruin. streets was religious. it's cause a cheap, significant gains against from us on the buffalo field in the north coming many reluctance of destroying quote, terrorist think, infrastructure and i'll take a look at this. these pictures have been released by b is really invalid tree showing a special t 9 unit solution inside a must tunnel system in kansas city. body camera footage purports to show the dogs sniffing odd, militant highlights and communication hubs as they run through rooms and car doors below ground. the idea of saves the tunnel is part of an elaborate multi level structure that's from us fighters used as an i post. now an idea of battalion commander has called for all of gas to, to be reduced to rubble, which he says would serve as a warning to other neighbors. a visual of take goes, you know that some of the as much as you want to really be a,
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somebody to scan. i'm assume, i don't know any grid. i'm assuming, uh, it's an old as a smaller truck or becoming a that's very much the color. oh, it's commercial because we need it with the mama to very sure. yeah, probably got some pull out more than we. somebody bought a bad battery with others. one, the color green says room is venue, horsemen church, on the god book of what you let me say. the financial times, british daily house publish satellite images of the destruction in the public standing into calling parts of it simply wasteland. the report estimates that up to 75 percent of all buildings in kansas city. i've been either damaged or completely destroyed in the southern city of con eunice, more than a quarter of all structures not being reduced to rubble. the paper also labeled the ongoing is really bombing campaign. the most devastating and extensive in recent
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global history was speaking to our chief former security policy on the list in the us department of defense. mike, i'm a live says he believes israel is trying to seize the pol, listing elanda of guns. they want to push all palestinians out and they don't care where they go. they just want the land for their own settlements and, and, and for their own radical notions. what i saw in those pictures from f t was 0, i devastation turn them out to what i saw in palm board after world war 2 and also style and graph. uh, it's just total devastation and that's the point to make it an habitable. with the fact that they're, they're flooding, some areas reportedly will make it totally. i'm a habitable, they won't be able to have any agriculture. they just don't care. came across an interesting article recently from harass it's a joyce newspaper,
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dating back to 2011, which they talked openly about the possibility of layman's wrong. now that's in german nazi term for cleary now. the people who are not like them and they don't care who the kill, and this is what's really alarming. and unfortunately, the united states is supporting this and is absolutely contrary to our own principles, but yet with abiding administration, who doesn't act on anything. we can't expect anything more than that. a sizes of people have gathered around the world as they've been doing for quite some time to demand an immediate cease fire and gas. i want to show you some of the latest happenings because protesters expressed are solidarity deeply with the policy ending, people and western governments were enabling the vonage by direct accusation in the m and people took to the streets of the country's capital of center to show their
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support for council, the demonstrators right in force, as you can see, counting and waving founders calling for an end to the. so this is jordan follies in raleigh, north side, the us embassy in the nations of protesters in washington support for israel. um, hold on the global, our community to provide more aid to gals that jordan recently deliver to a large consignment of much needed supplies to get to this and seems from europe, people from various backgrounds gathered in strict and assured call for peace and an end to the hundreds of protesters and the dutch capital force, their anger over what some called a genocide, anything. all right, let's turn attention on the program to the west bank. the other policy and in that region more than 4600 people have been detained by the idea there since october 7th . that is, according to the policy i mean,
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prisoners club active as society is really forces have ramped up their rates across the territory. most recently in the north, near the cities of novelist and janine local reporter mohammed met you told us the id for but if the last night and the down if this morning in jeanine, i did it. so he just kept it cut to the electricity and the control over the gene government. that also does so i just, i mean, in, just to make a good change of the, during the recollections. with that, i made an idea of forces. lots of that is the most bank, like can i get a discount for most of those of them? i dish or any of midland people to be done can look me up now. bless. yep, i got it. cool. and it's the discounts as well as it will hire i. camp in bethlehem also were targeted right of i did for the oddest thing of people on some of those. the invasions, it is up to any collections between the youth policy is on the idea of i'm assuming there's a white glove that says that to more than 4600 all students were i was did since
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they dropped over right now. 160 women, 260 children, and 1800. if that's, that's for the items. if the division, which means that the education with out to play, it is 5 days a just a new all the reporters covering the war are being killed. us unimpressive. attempting to the committee to protect your and this image. it says at least 68 media personnel were killed in the 1st 10 weeks of the gals, a conflict calling about number on the part of the modern history. more all involved on sending more besides, can be find that item or item we're world news. this week in the last 1500 french soldiers withdrew from new sure. on friday, the deadline set by the west african nations military government for part us to complete good to pull out. the news marks the 3rd withdrawal of french troops from this the hell region. and just the 18 months after they were also showing the door
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in mount for tina fall. so, from sol, so shut down, it's embassy, and to share it with part us is only boy to the i me thing it's diplomatic mission was no longer able to function on different sentiments in the region as being rising and made occupations. the former colonial power ex, solely and self interest and has failed to bring stability during times of the process. your smoking reporter missed that movie day with one on the list of the 1700 sun sorted there. so he put a new job. i'm leaving the country this further. so seeing all since this stuff so that oppression 2 weeks ago, these forces this in the punch or a friend sort of the fun, new job is the month from the municipality. alternative, we're come to power off the coordinates of june, 26, 2020 treat. and who are making these or go points of all i see a mentor. it was up to almost 2 months or fails. done. those between powers in the
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junk time forward and yeah, me over this, we go. that's a mock on ended up announcing 1 september. that's all the tools deployed. we go in accordance with the injection of the military power, enjoying strong popular supports. after the end of the day, but can finish and in the monday following by the closure of the dispersion forces . but in the work you know, facile this withdrawal from new jersey to have us at the end of this month, the name of the change center. jad is system, it's l, so merge the in to 10 years of fame to me to tell you play this in this i had while another death, another example as erupt to the neighboring burkina faso again involving friends. par says the non stuck these ations that a number of its embassy workers are spies for the french intelligence service coming as 4 people were detained in y could do this on espionage charges,
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ties between the 2 countries of steadily deteriorated following last years. and the victory will let us hold the early we can use a shipping up for no level. and the latest developments again for you at the top of the i, for most of this 247 the this is a show about whistle blowers and what's the flow. and i say with some frequency, i hope you're not too tired of hearing it. that whistle blowing is the active bringing to light any evidence of waste, fraud abuse illegality or for us to the public health or public safety. that sounds simple but it's that.


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