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tv   News  RT  December 24, 2023 8:00am-8:31am EST

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of the top headlines right now here, an aussie, i think it really strikes leave just a trail of destruction and got a 200 people reportedly killed across the enclave on saturday, including an aide walker from the united nations. and is family christmas celebrations all across the west? thing have been officially canceled with what is happening in gaza and palestinians here say they do not feel like it's time for for services. as the policy new death toll tops of 20000. we report from the west funding by chris, which is counseled with close to end the blood shade and is what ended up chilling that both by human rights watch told bureau mad idea of soldiers stand accused of carrying out of pre owned style execution of palestinian men with eye witness testimony report lead talking up to play,
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the police are going to be to show your sunday, but some of us here at off the international really appreciate your company. we'll go straight to a top stories right now. here. we're not and it is a matter of going straight to god way, according to local officials. over 200 people were killed on saturday. that includes a united nations aid worker and his family, and then his riley stripe on garza city. in the meantime, by close of a rough day to the south in hon. unice once a bustling towel and the destruction and empty streets of basically all this last couple of these pictures. according to a gyptian media, 25 percent of the homes that are not considered uninhabitable as john list demands . so a shipment now explains i personally, every day is this the front of the together with many of the people here in law. so possibly said, well, i'm living in
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a temporary sense. and every day we try to provide access to these one who means there are many associated initiatives out there might be making fluids in the mass . i that's the gets the, or rice or, and then some uh, dimension. so, you know, so we try to ensure that you have enough of that every day with a lie or things like dates. uh like a cheese to keep us warm. um, it's just fun to like, notify, we've also of every day we have volunteers find resets for the wants of throughout the neighborhood yet. and in addition to that, the new season has that i've had many of us are 6 and we're just trying to make it through the hospital is a very big medical, conflicts like a small town. and people are living everywhere on the streets, inside the buildings around the states, together with many thousands of engine on the long term patients to and their
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families that are also many refugees for. busy us, it's a very, very packed area. you have about 55000 c for the process in a very small, we hope to hear the sound of the air strikes. the sound goes from the spying and drones above us. we thought we, every like the tanks have been as close as them a 150 meters. i think. does it any idea uh, military forces with off hospital before they would do personally when i was in. busy the city a couple of times, the things that i text me right away, bombs with their own strikes, and no one either stays, there is no place, save a mazda of all sorts itself for the couple of slides this week. of course, as they are casualties, continued amount each and every day are the number of operational hospitals as well
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as the medical stuff needed to run them as radically on the decline. the all acts to the hospital and central glossary is just one of those under immense pressure. and often in the idea of striker locals or sifting through the rubble, looking for survive. so at least as we understand 40 people reportedly killed in a tax on central gaza on saturday night, we'll have this report over to our sophistic channel, his auntie arabic from the alexa hospital. and we're here in a lot. so hospital, a medical facility that has been badly damaged so many people are coming here because of b is rarely rates which target civilians. in particular, it's making the situation worse. there's a lack of medical facilities here to deal with the severity of people's injuries. we will try to show you what the survivors are dealing with in this intensive care units. most of them are women and children, who was dr. sammy all had top. the head of the emergency room had all locks to the hospital. you will show us what sort of condition the victims already when they are
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brought here, that people say a lot of doctors due to the ongoing conflict, a large number of casualties are being brought here to all watch the hospital with limited facilities. how do you help the injured brought to you? and frankly speaking, it is difficult to deal with because we're not seeing cases we're only a lag is broken, or someone experiencing abdominal, bloating. we treat a variety of cases including broken bones, trust, injuries and head injuries such as these cases here with this child. and another child. patients are coming to us with different diseases and multiple injuries. and this creates a major obstacle for us in treatments or surgery. in addition, there is a huge number of cases coming in, and this creates a serious obstacle. so things are definitely difficult to get heads up. so i mean that with the increasing number of injured women and children coming in and the hospital not having the capacity to receive such a large number of patients,
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do you have the necessary staff? i am talking about the necessary number of medical staff to receive such a large number of victims and provide them with the needed care the well unfortunately, medical staff do not have the capacity to do so. and the size of the hospital cannot accommodate such a large number of wounded and sick. she's going to philadelphia kolowski has a thank you doctor here and all ok. so hospitals operating theatre. there was a serious shortage of medicine and necessary equipment. as the military operation continues, the situation in gaza is becoming increasingly difficult to manage. well, how many of us are r t garza? does that mean time? the un relief side works agency for palestine. refugees in the near east has a well taken issue with the is really cool for people to evacuate from parts of southern gaza, basically pointing out right now there was simply no safe place left to people in goal is there are people that don't pieces on the check a board,
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many have already been displaced several times. these really all me just oldest people to move into areas where they're ongoing as strikes. no place is safe. no way to go to the fidelity of my colleagues. saskia taylor was discussing vicki, monetary and crisis and gossip with the spokesperson for the international committee of the red cross in jerusalem. i really think that the civilians in dog they would say that there is not a safe place for them to be right now. maybe they're not in direct areas with also still these are going, but there are so many other challenges i saved from students security. all they say from the comp codes, whether it's early decreasing in temperature, or they say when they, when they enter those to get treatment that people have the resources for it really is such a devastating situation and up to 2 and a half months of constant explosions and as we just heard, people be displaced multiple times. i really don't feel that any civilian and got
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off to say that there is a safe place. how difficult, how dangerous is it for a while? cuz who are trying to do that job right now, and the goal is to strip. so right now i can speak up what, asking the international committee of the red cross. we are finding it very difficult to read or else the security guarantees are not there. and we need these be safety guarantees for asked off to be able to safely move around and be confident that they, they will be able to reach people who be impacted by is about teams that just door and feel like varies based off what you guys heard and what to take place right now, of course they all working in the said places like hospitals in the southern area, but places like they don't have being very challenging for teams to get see. i mean, we do know that there are still civilians that israel has suggested that it's possible to allow 3 times more aids trucks into garza. i'm what are your thoughts
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on, on what the thoughts and off we really welcome it. any increase in a, any improve in the supply the costs, the entering dollars off because really the problems. and then me say ok so immense . this sort 5 ranging things like disposable, something called facility out very quickly, being on the why. so i sense the chip flooring tablets to purify low top hospital beds. a very large range of, of supplies is needed. but we would also like to use arrays that guarantees of safety to be able to redistribute these type of aid is also needed. now we do have a lot of a coming to the street, but we con affectively distribute this to the people who needed it. unfortunately, why haven't you packed and do we know anything about the remaining hostages, who are pissed for the families? they desperately want them home?
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doesn't look like they should have any contact with them because that was an issue at one point. we are still calling for our access to the hostages, so that we can do exactly as you said, check on the wellbeing of. and so they receive any medical treatment that is required, and very importantly, re establish the contract with their family members. we work with the bone in facilitating the release of 109 hostages now. and we are incredibly relieved that we are able to take policy not, but we do know that there are fewer hostages time beheld esau and we are continuing to the west to so that they to be for united families. still, i mean, while at least a positive development for us, the united nations as over seen the delivery of humanitarian aid, the guy said this is of a secondary check point opened by israel. will have this report over to a local correspondent roby above. and he was there very close to the boy that to see the supplies passed into the air. behind me, you can see
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a convoy of trucks entering from egypt into gaza. after weeks of negotiations with all parties, jordan ascend over is really land a convoy of 46 trucks bringing more than 750 tons of goods. it was part of the u. n's world food program, the deliver food into war torn garza through this is really border crossing for the very 1st time. many is really is believe there should be no humanitarian aid allowed into gaza as long as israel's fighting a war. with come us, unfortunately they're over 2000000 palestinian citizens who will suffer from the deprivation of food and water. if that actually happens in a similar vein. the cypress yesterday offered to create a c. carter for the steady flow of humanitarian assistance from cyprus. that would sail directly into the gaza with united nations personnel living there with distributed it is reported that is really prime minister of benjamin to, to,
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you know, is in favor of this initiative. provided that the ships are vetted at the port of departure to make sure no weapons are being smuggled the board. if so, this will be another target on prime minister and that's in now it was back by his right mind coalition were many members of his government, one, no 8 at all to enter into the strip and they are threatening to bring down the government. this is robbie berman reporting from the karen show on border crossing for our t. so as christmas is just right around the corner, the traditionally festive day, his well being old, but come sold in the west bank the locals way. i guess i'm showing solidarity with a fellow palestinians who remain under was ready bombardments and gaza. will have this report now over 2 authors, middle east bureau chief and beautifully decorated 3 in the middle of best. let him and the spirit of christmas throughout the city where jesus was believe to have been born of celebrating proud. h was last year this year christmas celebration is
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all across the west bank. have been officially canceled with what is happening in guys, the palestinians here say they do not feel like it's time for facilities in downtown bethlehem where they usually hang endless strings of christmas lights. the workers pull up a pen or a reminder of tragedy unfolding in the palestinian and clave. antoine, son of mine is best the hens for me, or can we cause? same decisions were made at least twice during both in default as violence, palestinian mass uprisings against israel. and it is notes about solidarity the odd and both of them or in jerusalem or in my love. i've bought over there, but i've seen in the people and i'm not the sort of the so and so did that it to dollars of we are still have the same stuff inc. and we have the, the same cutting in the middle of the square with famous christmas tree is placed every year. preparations are on the way to set up an installation of a different kind nativity on the rubble. there's nothing that they wouldn't be
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shown as bombarded by the as the alien aircraft. we are showing baby jesus. why vision mary? carry out him, do it on a way to egypt in order to protect him from the decision that has to be taken by her or those to can or kids and bethlehem. and it is very similar in what's happening and goes through nowadays the people, the families of taking their kids to assess a place to protect them from the is that are in occupation. christmas is usually high season in bethlehem with crowds of children, foreigners from around the globe. the city has accepted around 1500000 visitors in the 1st, not 9 months of this year. with a 1000000 overnighted stays in local hotels. the israel have mass for has changed everything. the financial losses for the city which mainly depends on tourism are tremendous. every day,
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every single day we lose $1000.00 us dollar because of the war because of the absence of sort of the kind of standing janetta losing $2500000.00 a day. money from the tories ministry says the biggest challenge is that the workers, thousands of them involved in all those affected industries. tories themselves souvenir production have lost the source of income. if you go to the social media, you see post people asking for how full financial help for financial support, which is the 1st time that i see such kind of such kind of messages going from uh from inside a lot of houses. um, how about 5 minutes an hour community is. most of the shops in the city. i closed it so a new job to see the streets of bethlehem empty. and the iconic blue gates shot in one location we found open has a history. and the reason not to locate stores,
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3 generations of one palestinian family have been running it for almost 100 years. they say it is more than just a shot because this place also it's part of the forward heart. so we don't want to go with both we come, we open, we see our friends or family, especially the space is opposite to the benefits of jesus. so that gives us more whole religious ceremonies and introduce all traditions remain intact during this dark christmas. even though they usually packed churches are far from being. so right now, a church backyard is the only place where we found some decorations and answers to how the religious community sees the conflicts between israel and thomas. the test was always against the violence judge that the same that's not the same as, but also we can not generalize. if a positive philistine in or above to visit any a mic violence, you cannot say both but a scene is violent and all is right. in spite of violence, father rami says,
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human history has always seen dark and wide pages. prayers these here he tells me we'll all be about wisdom and the will to make the right choices. what is the solution? uh, we pray in this christmas for the peace and the to eliminate the mind that the highest of the leaders of the word. so they will save the humanity, not save their interests, and only god knows how many more palestinians in gaza and his riley soldiers will die before the long awaited peace. well this is not the. 6 time that's best, let him and all of palestine. i'm going through hard times. people say this current crisis is by far the most painful and hard breaking. but as always, especially during christmas, the ra hopes here that's the hard shapes, like the ones of the past will be overcome and the light will shine through the darkness. reason, ocean are all the reporting from bethlehem and merry christmas. a well hold on
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a dozen. if i left indians have allegedly being killed in a field style execution during an idea afraid on garza city. now the claim has been detailed by the geneva basic human rights watched all the euro mad which published . i witness testimony. the soldiers gathered more than 50 men and force them to strip naked. then they opened fire on them and executed them in front of us. my husband by 3 sons and my brothers were executed in front of us. then they locked us and the rest of the women and children in the room and fired shows that as well as rarely forces was stationed outside the house. well, this is joking. test. somebody from the euro made human rights organization. we have to say that it hasn't been independently verified at this stage. now they've spoken to a number of eye witnesses for all my number of families that have been displaced in garza who say that the sultan's and the husbands, that relatives with shots in cold blood. by the way, the defense falls. now,
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according to the survivors and to the eye witnesses, some 15 men were rounded up, split medicaid, and then shots in front of them. oh, those have been severely wounded. they were many a sorry women and children would look to the room. apparently miss oliver throw some of those injuries include amputations, an elderly published any amount has been taken away by is widely sold just oh, there's a saying that they were deliberately targeted, despite indicating that they didn't pose a french army forces rated the building, detained. the young man forced them to take off their clothes, shots in front of us, and executed them, including my husband and my brother's parents. then they locked us in a room and fired at us. i was wounded along with a 9 month old baby girl. and my 6 year old child was also wounded. my husband is drowning in his own blood in front of us now. and we are afraid that they will come
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back to attack us. we inform them that we are civilians and raised the white flag. and now you're in that it says it was, is receiving an increasing number of testimonies, outlining these humanitarian atrocities, including field execution side, and the is rating. so just opening 5 in people's homes, indiscriminate lee, and that assignment what things are occurring in areas where they have come on to find these values. so we'll just come on to find from palestinian resistance groups, but the homes that they are targeting then not posing a threat, these are on, on so many. and so you're my deciding that this is evidence of revenge attacks, which of course is a violation of international law. they're also saying that a palestinian civilians are being targeted was that moving between husbands because of the displacement as we receive testimony. self killings of thousands of civilians in the streets and holes showed bodies the way we all miss night posts or targeted by israeli artillery shells. while the bodies were dumped in the streets
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and they passed without them being recalled, it's these killings and field executions. all one of the types of how really pick while a sense, practiced by israeli forces in areas open cozen, which includes floating intimidation, arbitrary arrest, torture, and widespread destruction without any necessity or proportionality. some very difficult allegations that now the your med report. steve also takes aim at some of the international organizations that are currently operating in garza. and what exactly does the report say apply with those groups? well, the families and the survivors have appealed to the international committee of the red cross to evacuate them to say van lines, but you are a made. your image has been very critical of the organization, unexposed it to quote, show that it's responsibilities and listen to the appeal was, is accused of red costs or refusing to help displace the people including women.
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it's also being very critical, or is why which it says has a duty as an occupying power to provide medical aid and assistance. so new roommate is cooling for an international, probably been to white described as the risk crimes committed find these way, the defense fulls, of course, many of describing what's happening in gaza as a a genocide. the auntie has requested comment from both the i d f and you're a med, i both have yet to respond to the sides. it has long stripes against the code. as don workers, pa, he also noted by the acronym p, k, k. a. the incident came off of the death of 12 tuckers soldiers in northern iraq over just 2 days. i was discussing a short time ago with our correspondent yesterday uh, based on the statements uh the trucks military has neutralized or killed the p k. k affiliated y, p g. i know a director code named buffalo's offering of this operation was carried out in syria
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. but the clashes, which in which resulted in the death of roughly 12 soldiers happened in iraq, which is within the scope of the church military as part of operation club. but just looking at some of the developments, it suggests that the peak it attacked the military outposts in northern iraq and preliminary report suggests that poor weather conditions and low visibility gig the peak a favorable enough conditions to carry out these attacks. and as a result of clashes on the 23rd of december, which resulted in the death of 6 circus soldiers, 13 became militants were killed in response to the clashes. but one thing that is also important is this is significant for turkey as a whole because the death of 12 soldiers as part of this operation suggests that about a 10th of these casualties have been essentially reported over the course of the last few days. whereas roughly 125,
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the target security personnel had been killed since the start of operation call in may of 2019. so over the course of the last 5 years, the last few days have resulted in a 10th of its casualties, which really gives us a bit of an eye insights into how the church military or how anchor is going to respond. most importantly, the administer of national defense of turkey. i guess you all good. i says that in response to this, since the new year, 2156 terrorists have been killed since the new. this is a quote or they have been neutralized, neutralize, meaning, that militants have either been killed in action or they have been arrested or apprehended as part of these operations. but one thing that is also interesting is minister. good. i went on to say the following. he said that operations will continue with an uninterrupted approach with increasing violence and pressure pressure against a particular particularly until the bloody terrace disappear from this you obviously, but the most important thing about his statement was this. he says, no matter who supports them, this offers new insights into uncoated proceeds. the sweat of the p k. k. is going to be interesting is how these developments results,
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particularly towards the end of this year. and the new year are shifting gears now to africa with the nigeria and government has announced that the country's biggest crude refinery will soon be reopened. following pretty serious repairs called into officials are firing up. the facility will help with a number of problems in the country, including for example, sky high fuel prices. well, how does report over now to local correspondent timothy obedience. off like a stop by producer nigeria has 4 refineries with a combined outage between $450000.00 barrels of crude or per day. what for g years? these refineries have been mario been leaving the country heavily dependent on even ports to meet its energy needs. this week, the government announced the mechanical completion and the flare start off of one of the refineries in solving river state with a capacity of 60000 barrels. a friday said the facility will commence operations in january for years,
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and nigeria has prioritized local production of petroleum products. but reaching that goal has appeared earnings. if the completion comes 3 years after nigeria awarded a $1500000000.00 contracts, so it leaves secondly month company. but the announcement has triggered mixed reactions. so according to the report by pointing is because you will find out that yeah, send the final rosa will start production exactly sometime in the 1st week of july or after the time. but the announcing its products of christmas. an indication that something is not right about it with things on the west button that the financial come on a stream, the products are available before i even is announced, i think does it kind of things like that i'm looking forward to, but then it's too early to, you know, wish away, and the problem is, is meant by this government because of the best to go 1st tier. let's see how it goes. well then it's not. um, it's f one use onto a cd petroleum running out of the pipes and running into those times. and several times i've heard about that on our own right. maintenance,
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where they refiners on premises that will come with stream. i don't know, i find it really hard to be impressed by anything. the presence of the past governments have been doing close time and time again. the have really disappointed us in so many different ways. the government promised to fix all my german refineries, subsequently, including another $150000.00 barrels capacity refinery. expect that to be completed by the end of 2024. local refining is expected to make feel more affordable. and certain nigeria, antoinette ex parte or petroleum products, fuel prices of lava and tripled since president product suitable one box on board economy performs scraps, the expensive fuel subsidy. authorities said millions of dollars saved from the scheme will be used for projects across all the sectors, including education and health care. but the removal of field subsidy has increased the cost of living and reduced for chasing power of a citizens. also, nigeria,
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as inflation, has been rising steadily. so my boot a residence, a hope for, for a change while designated the philippines for nigeria. and so you should be proud of us. so because my jobs saved about $4000000000.00 in the but there's no flow because last day we spent about that's in additional for but now will be saving. that's denied developments and also the nice improvements for nigeria if you're up for the evening, jack are refined. yeah. on for adults, you know, we put this good always. busy way comforts we refine on it. i think we're driving off, we're not going to be able to. i am have this um, products available readily available. i don't have any mobile originally available because we are now in total control over the products that we refrain. and that's, that's a very with plus what analyst award we nigeria has spent an estimated $25000000000.00 in the past 10 years fixing refineries. additive say a lack of political will and corruption contributions to delay. busy but nigeria is
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also struggling with jackets long as that's affected or allowed to by jerry is thinking to produce $1800000.00 virus or food or per day next year, instead of $1.00, your mouth for like 0 by effects in a bid to supply safe phones refineries and the new refineries owned by my 2 and selling their illegal banquet, the tennessee easy archie abu john, like syria. all right, i just, before we go here, one off the international a holiday festival for coal gives a notable russian estate in the moscow ridge and have a look at these pictures are the event was a for the adults and their owners to get together and celebrate the holiday season with a fairy tale, the was held on the grounds of a star gold mine of such as a country home for the roof and aristocracy. during desirous times, facilities included a big race for the uh colgate, use a christmas market. and of course, a cost contest as nice pictures,
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right that what, of course, the british monarch queen elizabeth the secondary passed away last year she had more than 30 coal case in her life. they all descended from her 1st colby, that she was gifted in 1944 as the queen once famously said, quote, my cookies on my side. this is the the, the.


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