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tv   Documentary  RT  December 24, 2023 8:30am-9:01am EST

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a cost given contest as nice pictures, right. that what of course the i produce monica queen elizabeth the 2nd who passed away last year she had more than 30 coal gates in her life. i oldest ended from her 1st colby, that she was gifted in 1944 as the queen once famously said, quote, my cool gaze on my fine, this is the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the 1st time in history. meantime, country's culture has been canceled. the very modern weapons. and sole culture,
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they need to ask one without the associated model as to the truck, it just means setting them on a particular phrase now, particularly refers to counseling russian culture. and yet the worst it could be up to that i get 20 miles folks to put you over your cities. charlie of phillips, that go with that. most of the, some rich, the one them eat some way. blood rushes created over the past 1500 years. there's no question, partially condemned, reviled and rejected to sit alone and use that to put somebody at the middle of the panel. there's a lot, i don't know because i don't know. she does actually said a little some of the list. joining total condemnation grows daily and now include those to instigate to call scape, assess the coverage that i need to. yeah. or to invest the sheet of those
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things that were done with you. i'm really, you know, it's amazing what can happen over the course of a few months, not long ago buying was in static for the us. we'd vacuum great as long as it takes . no, it is as long as we can. what happened? no doubt the regime and 2 is taken down the currently sitting a wish shift so that, and then we'll see who is also an academic at the university of lebanon. so thank you for taking the time to speak with us. the very least, i would appreciate it if you could for avi, was 1st introduced who you are and what your role within the party is at the same moment. saw that from the am chic, sonic. i'll know both see
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a doctoral candidate in political science and international relations at the lebanese and international level. these universities, i am a researcher and call them the state and local error of and for and publications. i have written many publications and books on the error is really conflict in particular and i'm very active in this field. since october we have heard that many conflicting reports suggesting the status of the war between has of a law and is all right. so very basically, i want to ask, what is the current status, are you currently at or with israel. metrics event certainly has realized currently engaged in a very fierce struggle in support of the policy people and the resistance which was subjected to a brutal blockade. and a full scale war of barbarism, genocide, and fulfilled the cleansing hospitalized, fulfilling its rules by defending $11.00 and supporting the palestinian people. here, i think has gl uh, more than anyone else can use,
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playing and effective role on the military fronts. to that we're facing a clash, the me developing tool more for us to the current situation and false, or limited level of fighting. however, the likelihood of the front expanding and the fighting worsening between israel has block is high and if cause it continues to be pressured as a photo of questionnaire basically. so what is happening at the front, right then? then a 110 rolls of fighting are dictated by field conditions. there is no doubt that israel is using high tech weapons. first we can see an attempt to inflict more casualties on has to be locked in a 2nd. we see them trying to prevent has the lot from continuing this clash and forcing it to stop at a certain point. however, it has below will not do this. nothing will force it to do so. yes. and the 3rd israel's actions are intended to prevent has the blood from expanding the front of much more and not letting a major or regional war break out. however, has villa is doing its duty despite the casualties?
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has boys preventing is real come from committing aggression against lebanon's to an even greater extent. them it has. the law also prevents israel from opening a broad front. and so that a real limited war does not turn into a large scale regional war. but these are the limits of a real war, both from the position of has the loss and from the as rarely position was. however, as well as certainly complicates the calculations and i saw israel much more. it prevents israel from achieving its objective uh, on the lebanese front, as it does on the gauze of front the statements over the course of the last couple months have been consistent in the sense that's uh, so you know, so a lot essentially stated to the people that will the will go to war with israel launch on that door with israel. many suggested that as a has already fallen and by way of association and affiliation. so have some us and the question here is, are we incorrect in the way we interpret these words,
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or is there a specific roadmap that would allow for has a lot to engage with as well? what does that statement mean? what, how much follows? what does that resonate with some have, say the head to them and then pass on the trial a few more. i tend to find 2 major factors for entering a large scale war. he meant that not only has the low would enter this work, but also a regional force without supporting the resistance to this role identified these factors. the 1st is the defeat of the palestinian resistance. that is the defeat of from on and the 2nd factor has to do with the intensity of his really aggression against 11 on who will. that is whether it is real will expand russian or not pass for the 1st factor. the information that reaches has block and indicates that how much us and then tell us the resistance. so have the strength to continue. the struggle and confrontation to the palestinian resistance is not yet weekends and is well placed to continue the struggle. it does not complain of material losses or
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lack of military resources. therefore, there is no need for regional wars because how much still retains its strength and its determination. the 2nd factor has to do with the lebanese front so far is real, is afraid to expand its aggression towards lab and on. because it knows very well the crossing and military red lines you had leads to escalation group and the intervention of hezbollah. and was all it's might see it was a warm and so far the as really is have no intention of expanding the war. and especially since they are under pressure from the us to keep the situation from escalating that into a large scale regional conflict. especially since the us in europe and in our persuading has beloved to keep the scale of this work that and not allow it to turn into a large scale regional conflicts. and so if somebody understanding up until this point and correct me if i'm wrong, that as well, a is currently in a position where it is willing to escalate. if things escalates along the board,
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but it doesn't necessarily want that to happen, correct? so the main question here is also, what are the interests of hezbollah and limit on that? and how does israel for those interests? and it has value for the dynamic school. it takes into account the internal and regional situation as well, which is not one or more wants to defend its country than because war is a full in all its forms. however, if war is imposed, as below we'll find at 10 resistance with all its might, no doubt the situation inside the country is the basis for the decision to go to war a. but i want to say here that based on past historical experience or when there was a gross crossing of with lines and violation of the rules of engagement and then has the low will increase the intense to be of escalation, even if it would lead to original war regardless of the interest loving these positions. this was the situation during the war in 2006 here at that time,
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lebanon's position was not positive as far as the border was concerned. but when it has full, i had no choice but to defend the homelands finished. thus, this issue is not always related to the inter lebanese position that even though has belonged always to take this position seriously. and i'm taking all of this into context is as well, not currently in talks with or negotiating with any side of this conflict at this moment. now i'm and then when i said no to send has the, has had appeals from some international parties and including the us of the calling for d escalation of a situation. yeah, on the one hand, hand and cautioning has a lot on the other will. and in the early days of the aggression against cause of in and has to let receive enough threatening letters saying that as well as should be wary of entering this war to keep love and honest from serious impression. it was also said that if has the support of them now standing in resistance of us with its navy were joining israel, a large scale war man, hezbollah, to not pay attention to all these threatening letters that received from the us
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through intermediaries and influential people in the lab and all of us has board does not negotiate with the us and categorically it does not negotiate with israel's it. yes, there are contacts and appeals to hezbollah. premier p and an arrow milan, for example, it only for de escalation of the situation. so thought has, what was the answer to all that is that before you can talk to us about any things regarding the escalation of the situation, they were prisoners. if you must stop the russian, i get you because it's free and, and i do, this is the 1st and basic addition for any contact that has belong to a theater that was claimed by a political analyst who was also a lawyer, goes by a journalist. he claims that as well as currently negotiating with israel, particularly is about a peaceful resolution to prevent further conflict for the most part. but also what he suggests is that what is being discussed between the 2 sides is providing the occupied liberties, territories, relinquishing control,
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giving it back to living on my way of hezbollah and in return. based on these claims as the level retreat from the southern border. the question i have is, what would you say to these claims? is there any truth to these claims and that the fall would move interest? there are no direct negotiations between has the law and the as rarely zionist entity any 2nd, this is a petition story invented by some journalist. some media outlets say that it has the light is in contact with the us for with the is rarely occupier and then it has below will agreed to withdraw that into the north and all the tiny river and exchange for the withdrawal of the is really occupier from the she bought farms foreign exchange for something else and i'll just talk has nothing to do with reality. it is not a true story x and my husband will agree to these humiliating terms and no way in 2006. these really occupier had better and stronger conditions,
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things today. and he has what has below, was able to resist all these political conditions and political demands that the us and israel made at that time within that has blood, did not accept those conditions to steven that gun points. and that till today has been less positions. and it has become stronger in the fields, conditions are pressuring the is really occupier. and so how can i help people? i agree to with dr. soldiers from the south. i'll deal with tiny river to the north of it unless you, this is a fictional, unrealistic story that has nothing to do with reality and for the bad. so i do want to focus a little bit more on these occupied territories. um, but what stage? i do think at the very least that that issue will be resolved because i think the tension between his line is realism. not just because nice. not just how mazda is not just whatever is happening over there, but it's beyond that, and it has a longer deep rooted history as well. so how do you see that issue resulting with
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israel? is it even possible, or is the only option here by way of force, if it's what cannot be convinced, otherwise, county and method has, as well as position is clear with regard to the shape of farms there on the copper schuval hills. since it has bullet demands with the role of the occupiers from these areas, especially if they do not leave in accordance with international resolutions, particularly resolutions for $25.00, which considers this land to be on the knees. but what, what they do not leave it peacefully. they will be driven out by force, since israel has not yet fearful magic resolution for $25.00. and if previous circumstances have not allowed the liberation of the ship, the farms we may, sir, witness, and this here is also military action to liberate the she bought farm is this, after all, it is left and these land and the resistance has the right to resort to military force to liberate that territory you have, it is true, but this is not related to the situation and the causes truman. but as i said,
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the liberation process requires conditions, and perhaps those conditions will help to liberate the she bought, finds militarily and a dentist in western media, there's a great deal of discussion regarding as well as presence in the south. and it's to my understanding that based on a un resolution that has a little, i should not be operating within specific areas in the south. lots of questions here. the 1st one being do you think that resolution is fair? but also more importantly, why is this resolution not being taken into consideration? what are we missing here? hold on who negative see it up to. first, there are for new interpretations of the resolution. and the lebanese interpretation is that there will be no announcement of hezbollah as appearance and whereabouts in the region and hezbollah has not publicly demonstrated any armed presence in the area. so in that sense, hezbollah is from feeling its obligations regarding the resolution. so the issue
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has to do with israel because israel has been violating resolution as 1701 from 2006 until today. israel has violated the resolution thousands of times and there are thousands of it's really violations on land, etc. and in the air, and the question should be addressed to israel and not has belong before 11. not in the western media and western public opinion because there's not, no, i said it is israel who violates resolution 1701. and does not want to implement it . as for the current time, i believe that this exceptional situation caused by israel as a result of this aggression. again, this guy is a strictly will force all the neighboring countries in the region to cross some borders, to protect and support the palace style. the just issue is more complex than it seems, and it is not only related to the implementation of an international resolution to which israel has not met here. it's a speaking of operations in the south. um, there are a number of technical and strategic reasons as so how and why has below operates in
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the south against israel. but there has been a great deal of discussion as well about the nature of how it happens. for example, may suggest that as will specifically choose as areas that are concealed particularly from above. and generally, these areas are residential areas. so as much as israel is to particularly speaking blame in the sense that it is a practicing collective punishment against people and civilians. military on military. um, do you think that's as well could use different tactics or what, what is the specific reason of this tactics being used in south against israel? no, it's just a little cold there. first of all, it is regrettable. when it is said that has the law uses residential areas. on the contrary, what we see today is that is rarely soldiers are stationed in residential areas or in populated areas and has, will attract some down in houses and then tools them not just showing civilian
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locations. second, from my point of view. and so those who are fighting are the locals and the sons of these localities. they are the ones who are fights and then go back to their homes . and israel is trying to show that hezbollah is supposedly located in civilian areas, and that's why they are showing these places because there are certain locations for hezbollah. but that's not true. and hezbollah does not usability locations. you can look at the videos published by the military media has full of fights in open areas, away from civilians such as forest and the areas that are completely away from civilians. so these really persian is a total lie and it's unrealistic narrative. israel wanted to see if the lebanese and to save everyone who is watching the situation the, supposedly that israel is not killing civilians and showing residential areas. what is happening in the gaza strip is great. is prove that the sports or strategy,
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the killing of civilians and the targeting of residential areas are part of it's really military doctrine and that they do not leave for any justification for showing civilian areas. in july, you were quoted by a number of publications dangerous and post one of them. if from an interview that you provided under the end in the interview, they quoted you saying that in war with israel can bring 11 on out of crisis. do you think you can explain a little bit to me, how that works, or what that means, per se, when i can restore you in, during 2 levels of decision making that are taught and academies, and universities and solutions come either through mutual understanding or through causes where does that? so there is no 3rd way. i'm talking about the scientific understanding, not a political position. i said that the situation at 11 on it has sometimes not changed through agreements and mutual understanding between conflicting lebanese marty is a, it is possible that nor will be the reason that i mean war with israel to change
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the balance of the internal forces 11 on and activate the channels of interactions between politicians and lebanese to overcome the cooling crisis. that is very unfortunate to the sum of understood this to me that has the low wants to start a war to resolve the internal problem. mean that is a distorted an incorrect interpretation. the i meant that maybe a war with israel now would happen because of regional circumstances, the danger of which we know and gossip. and that's what happened as a result. we knew that the circumstances could cause the original war, and therefore any regional war would lead to a new balance of power. so i'm left and these were to act on the basis of this change and the balance of power, which would lead them to new ideas about the problem of the presidency and other problems. having the problem is not the political position to the extent that it can be analyzed scientifically. because all solutions and the world all solutions to have manages problems. whether it is an absolute solution or impartial solution
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that kind of only through mutual understanding and peaceful dialogue or even conflict. so the next question is from the same article. so please provide us some clarification that you were quoted as saying, and it is that as well and the resistance, then we'll call them in general, want to change the balance of powers in lebanon and the region. what kind of changing balance would we be discussing in the been on or the region? what does this new region look like? that has a lot of how to just what is it jihad is movement, the believes and the disappearance of the is really kind of me. it does not believe in this entity of pseudo states and not only has the law or for many other ideological parties in lebanon, and the air of world do not recognize israel and try to eliminate this is really enemy to the best of their ability. with that we live under colonialism and colonial hedge. and mony, the whole region lives under the shadow of what is known as a city. because my codes the shadow of the treaty,
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the divided the error countries contrary to the relations establishment between error countries and blog with paths. so what, what version between eric states that we know that syria is in crisis today, whether or not this treaty has strangled the world instead of yours back? many error peoples have been fragmented toilet through a palestinian refugees and syrian refugees, rocky refugees. what settled in different regions of the world, because of the american hedge, moaning, and american influence as because of aggressive policies towards the region has the law as an advanced progressive party that wants to change the existing balance of power, wants to pull the us out of this region that the wants and the existence of israel . this is a principle position related to concept that has bought a numerous social strata in the air up and as long as the world may, i believe in that will you be. therefore, we are not satisfied with the current balance of power from an american hedge remotely. and the 100 body of the west has with regard to our country and has the,
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has an interest in changing this balance of power in what way it has to do with circumstances, either with the people of this region. the forces of this resistance movement to this regina, i do not accept the continuation of the balance of power imposed on us to send a post on us by the us. it is necessary to destroy this balance of power. so it is necessary to create a new vision for this region and the entire world to be there should be neither guest room nor american occupation. what's next? moving forward. 5 on the hasn't been law has the law is the vanguard of this nation, that a war with these really enemies and western as remote a man, as well as presence is growing and getting bigger and bigger, sensible. this party will have its own role in liberating palestine and eliminating these really enemy, let's say every time the situations will become more complicated and there won't be more pressure on the people how scientists and the peoples of the region. it has blow will appear more and more of upon various squares and different places of
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essentially to liberate this region from any hedge your motive. and any occupation, hezbollah is a resistance movement, and this party will consistently realize it's vision. i continue. it's time to suspend any challenges and circumstances. is there anything that you would like to add to summarize or whether you have a very important message that you would like to share? my benefit. i don't know what i expect a big change in the public opinion of the west, which looks at the power steering problem from the point of view of the interest of the west and israel in the region of the maybe the misery and suffering that the people of palestine are going through, it will be a process to another history of oppression, of the people of palestine. so portion of the people of the whole region subjected to the plundering of their national wellness, occupational bare lands, a political hedge of moony over them by the west. that realities must change in the western view of these previous we must change them on the western position. social
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and visual and popular, it must also change. that was shift. so that we'll see, thank you very much for your time. the phone. just goose, by the way, it is still wishing or something just sensitive spaced the of the team members visit the new site, which is the
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use of mobile and sales and they just sucks. so good. i used to be asking the the as they already. gosh, they see here because they kept the scroll, so i did that and then use familiar email, few or just the the degree to fit into the rules. the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style for years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration cams . so the full prisoner of war labor comes 10. prisons say well you know,
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thing to do is go level. she's the media venue. so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest is really to get all the things go. i'm assuming people's gonna sit in approximately 25000 people, went through the occupied of go to finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff, dudley level, if the ship did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the snyder stuff. so again, the congress that, i mean, you know what the firm in disease forced labor to which it, by the word. so formulas. what was the last it also need? you know, what to do, that it's a deep, it almost human off. what does it put in his name? pushing these things up, the give you what feeling do it because he does it to the rules. thousands of testimonies of crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more. when you look on here, you know, wanted to do to speed 90 and the did actually a year for the good. i see it or released upon me. they decided to do it. you got to do,
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please don't. so you can just you because you put piers. danielle was booked at the word along the the the at the end of the 18th century, great britain began to conquer and colonize australia. from the very beginning of the british penetration to the continent, natives were subjected to severe violence and deliberate extra patient. according to modern historians, in the 1st 140 years, there were at least 270 massacres of logo peoples. any resistance to the british was answered with double cruelty. hundreds of natives were killed for the murder of one settler. indigenous australians were not considered complete people. no wild beast of the forest was ever hunted down with such unsparing perseverance as they
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are. men, women, and children are shot when ever they can be met with squatter. henry myrick wrote in a letter to his family in england, in $1846.00 plus strategy as fast as these rightly described as blood soaked in races. if at the beginning of colonization, there were one and a half 1000000 indigenous people living on the continent, then by the beginning of the 20th century, their number had degrees still 100000 people. despite the indisputable historical facts, the problem of full recognition of the crimes of white australians against aborigines has not been resolved so far. you will have given me as many in the west without you as being a foolish and wasteful enterprise. instead of a building our domestic societies, we have to, i turn the coast based model externally, which of course states simply with no success which is linked to this conflict and relate to the 2nd como,
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the, to the top headlines right now. here when i say i just really strikes leave just a trail of destruction and god, the 200 people were formerly killed across the enclave on stuff that i, including an 8 who. okay. and his family from the united nations. first, the celebration is all across the west thing have been officially cancelled with what is happening in guys. the palestinians here say they do not feel like it's time for facilitates public opinion, death toll now tops. 20000. we report from the westbound quick christmas is cancelled. it's close to end the blood shed in its place. i ended up shooting report by human rights watch dog. you wrote med id of soldiers not accused of


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