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tv   Documentary  RT  December 24, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm EST

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some offices all keeping the situation under control, he said fine intelligent services. i do want him in advance about the attempted revolt and the police will provide. he will want that ride to is would be arrested . he'll set aside the rush of having given him a heads up about individuals allegedly posted a revolution. and so the, the process is one of the results of recent parliamentary elections to be cancelled off the presence of ruling coalition, one, the boat allies across live to alexander, have it, she's a and p as part of the me class is all right, so a sub impala man, but alexander poverty is on to thanks for joining us. now we hear that crowds and protests have been attempting to break into the bug or a city council building. can you bring us your paying your thoughts on what's going on with the obviously uh, obviously the pro western uh coalition is attempting a colored revolution scenario. there. of course,
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i'm happy with the election results and they're using their unhappiness as an excuse to just try to invalidate the entire elections them to act with these stabilize the country. and they're certainly being directed by the american embassy, the german embassy, british embassy, you know, all the main, western embassies, all the usual suspects are present in belgrade. just like in all other color revolution is the world over. so soon as present recently pray is his country success on plans for the future. how now he's talking about protest as what's going on overall and we think is what there's less than pressure. well, this is absolutely western pressures. i just wanna, uh, i just wanna make, make sure then of yours understand i'm, i'm the only elected m p on a, on an opposition list. we are a nationalist party. we are for multi polar world and for social relations with
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restaurant in china and bricks. so we're not part of the ruling portion, but we did say that we, no matter what we think about the governments, we are absolutely against any sort of, of, for, and mentally. and this is clearly for him at length and ending color revolution scenario will not get any support from us. and it's clear to us what's going on. the west do us any you have in pricing sort of here for a while to recognize. so all the cost of all and also to impose sanctions against russia. as so far this government were not very happy with the way they've been doing things. but you support the fact that anyone who doesn't recognize the cost of the independence or, or the sanctions against russia. you know, we can't be against that because that's what we stand for as well. so the west is trying to pressure the present government to impose sanctions on russia to
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recognize the whole coast of all. and they're using this pro western opposition invoke in serbia to uh, to pressure a government and to the stabilize the countries if necessary. who's the president? they said the man, no revolution on the way i'm police are trying to solve everything peacefully. well, that results and happen quickly. you do think or are we looking at something that could go on for more more than a few days. we had the some of the fruits protest started a week ago with a small. yeah. well, you know, it's up to the president. i think by understanding is that the authorities are trying to avoid using police force because battling deals by of your protesters. as you know, as an excuse to play a victim that you are to use the government of police repression, violence,
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etc. so i think maybe that's why so far we are sort of, these are our, it's exercising restraints. but at some point, you know, if it's a violence continues, if they occupy the building or city council building some, you know, at a certain point in time, you have to yeah, that i think that's actually what the protesters want. several of the figures and then the pro western opposition and have started a hunger strike. so you know, there are various techniques that are being used tomorrow. some students have announced that they're going to try to block the center of belgrave from noon to 6 pm. so i think we can expect some more of this. so what we're seeing right now, i don't think the west is going to do a lot, as long as they can have, you know, certain, you know, soldiers of theirs on the streets of dope, right? i don't think they're gonna give up in this scenario. what source um is that we're
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also seeing some familiar, some familiar iconography, you know, seems familiar with science like the fist clenched fist. we saw yesterday. that's the all 014. fist, which was the symbol of the color revolution in serbia and in the year 2012 on october 5th. so, you know, that's something that makes everyone think that maybe someone's trying to repeat that. why is quite what wiring we spoke earlier. i'll use the about to present with it's how did, how it been criticized by the west for refusing to join the sanctions against russia. i do think with listings will sort of targeted for protests as well. small groups, the are influenced by the west. pausing this trouble here today or does it go deeper into uh, you know, the concentration of the people of serbia. oh. okay. yeah,
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absolutely right. there are 2 levels of this on one hand. we have lots of organizations individually, also been on uh, western financing all their life wide. see another political life. you know, they, they're known to the finance by the various western embassies, found a missions and deals, you know, and that's part of a part of the people that make up to this for western coal. listen, you know, on the other hand, the social situation in serbia is not great. also, many people are unhappy about the government's comfortable policy. they haven't recognized coastal it, you know, upfront, but they've made so many concessions to the u. the many people who are nationalism pro russian or refusing to be trail. so lots of people are very, very unhappy with that. they're unhappy with the level of corruption in the country
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. absol. ready we saw, but you know, you have to draw the line somewhere. are you going to try to solve your own problems within the country? or are you going to, to call for help from the west. and we know for certain that the west they don't want to help you, they want to use the situation to or for their own ends. you know, they're just using this excuse, every country has its internal problems. the important thing is to keep them within the country, you know, the so called, well wishers from the outside, they have their own goals. and we've seen these color revolutions before. no country has been better off after a color what color we're. ready lucian, done before. right, let me see what was going on in the season. we have life pictures here. we're seeing all viewers. how do you expect the situation to develop the status of their the protesters, guided by some western mentors,
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including western intelligence agencies. i want to try to radicalize these protests because they don't want, they don't want to uh, accept that you know, the, the ruling fathers as gains of majority and parliament. and they don't, you know, they don't want to set up the fact that they can form a city governments in belgrade. uh so they have really no public choice. i think their mentors are going to encourage them to radicalize the fontes and you know, to hold for some sort of an incident. or maybe even, you know, something worse. we know what happened in my dining kids in 2014, you know, several shots from, you know, from somewhere, uh, the colors can use their enough to inflame, you know, even a peaceful protest, much less a violent one. so i think that for the next few days,
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they're going to try to radicalize a protest. right? that is quite why, you know, if it's by president would just come out and perhaps make a statement. is he likely to pop pop promise things to the people that are protesting in order to restore order? well, you know, what are the election commission has said that the elections have been pretty regular, mostly regular. even a complaint been large, so there was nothing to indicate that deluxe. it shouldn't be a you know, should be repeated. so if he were to a gift, president of serbia were now to over some offer concessions to these protesters. that means that you can actually impose your own well on the street. that means that you know the country, these stabilize because to laws regulations,
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they don't longer matter. it matters that you can assemble enough people in the street and pressure the government. so that would be a pretty dangerous move, but i think it is in my opinion. so i either he sticks to watch his own government and his own institutions of states have said, or we're entering the dangers territory where we're inviting western meddling once again in our own internal affairs. we have this in, in the ninety's. in 9697, we have the pin commission european uh, you appear in union at this time. uh actually come in and serve as a broker between the government and the opposition regarding the elections and downgrade again. mm hm. but, you know, got, that was 2 years later we got a color revolution. so i hope that people have learned a little less than that on there. so a peaceful resolution happens quickly,
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but i have to leave in there. so being upon my mind, but i want to have it set. thank you so much for joining us here today on auntie. my plan as go back. so i'll breaking news from said yeah, if it was just joining us now, protest is all currently attempting to store them into a city council building in the national capital belgrade is a in, i'm in a dispute over the election results for the so nothing that goes to the status of getting to the present and it goes on with it, says law enforcement offices, pumpkin keeping the situation on this. and so you said before the intelligence services had warned him and then lost about the time to vote. and the police were pad, you want, that was, it would be arrested. he said that they were about 2500 protests. is he also back from my sofa having given him a heads up about individuals allegedly fall saying
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a revolution in sub u. s. of him please have his take us to twice in his 1st mccloud post. this is monday. one is the result of the recent holloman's, the license to be and so off of the present rooming coalition, the one, the white will be more updates on that as they do, but more than a 1000 pallets sooner this head back to gauze, and i will more than a dozen persons have allegedly being killed in the field, stop execution. give me an idea of rate on garza city, but claim has been detailed by the geneva base human rights. what stokes euro man, which published i witness testimony. the soldiers gathered more than 50 men and force them to strip naked. then they opened fire on them and executed them in front
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of us. my husband by 3 sons and my brothers were executed in front of us. then they locked us and the rest of the women and children in the room and fired shows that as well as rally, forces was stationed outside the house. well, this is joking. test somebody from the euro made human rights organization. we have to say that it hasn't been independently verified at this stage. now they've spoken to a number of eye witnesses for all my number of families that have been displaced in garza who say that the sultan's and the husbands, that relatives with shots in cold blood by the way, the defense schools. now, according to the survivors and to the eye witnesses, some 16 men were rounded up, split medicaid, and then shots in front of them. oh, those have been severely wounded. women and children were locked in a room. apparently miss oliver throw some of those injuries. include amputations, an elderly, polished, any amount has been taken away by is right, the soldiers. oh, there's a saying that they were deliberately targeted, despite indicating that they didn't pose
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a french army forces rated the building detained, the young man forced them to take off their clothes, shot them in front of us and executed them, including my husband and my brother's parents, then they locked us in a room and fired at us. i was wounded along with a 9 month old baby girl. and my 6 year old child was also wounded. my husband is drowning and his own blood in front of us now. and we are afraid that they will come back to attack us. we inform them that we are civilians and raised the white flag. and now you are and that says it was, is receiving an increasing number of testimonies, outlining these humanitarian atrocities, including field executions. i citing the is writing so just opening finding people's homes indiscriminately and that assignment what things are occurring in areas where they have come on to find these values. so we'll just come on to find from palestinian resistance groups, but the homes of the targeting, the not posing
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a sweat, these are on, on so many. and so you are my deciding that this is evidence of revenge attacks, which of course is a violation of international law. they're also saying that a palace to be as civilians are being targeted walls that moving between husbands because of the displacement as we receive testimonies of killings of thousands of civilians in the streets and homes, shut bodies the way we all miss night posts or target to advise rarely artillery shells while the bodies were dumped to the streets and they passed without them being recovered. these killings and field executions, all one of the types of how risk while a since practiced by israeli forces in areas open cozen, which includes floating intimidation, arbitrary arrest, torture, and widespread destruction without any necessity or proportionality. some very difficult allegations by now the, your a med report. steve also takes aim at some of the international organizations that
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are currently operating in garza. and what exactly does the report say apply with those groups? well, the families and the survivors have appealed to the international committee of the red cross to evacuate them to save their lives. but you are a made, your image has been very critical of the organization. i searched it to quote, show that it's responsibilities and listen to the appeal was, is accused of red costs of refusing to help displace the people including women. it's also being very critical of is why, which it says has a duty as an occupying power to provide medical aid and assistance and you are and that is coding for an international probably been to white describes is the risk climbs, committed by these weighty defense fulls of course, many of describing what's happening in gaza as a, a genocide. the author, he has requested comment from both the id f and you are a med,
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i both have yet to respond back to where i can use from a sub process as i'm currently attempting to, to store into a city council building and the national capital broadway a dispute over an election results police, i'm looking at those and the devastated from guessing says the, the live image is now coming. see on else the country is present. that is on the who is, it says law enforcement officers on keeping the situation under control. you said for an inside your services, i don't want him in laws about the attempt to vote, let please more prepared. he won't do that right, says wouldn't be arrested. he also says that they were about $2500.00 processes. he made a point of finding a rush of having, giving him a heads up about individuals, allegedly putting a legend need find support, a resolution inside of the and so then, so these have been used to,
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i guess we see here to this, this, the process is one of the results of the recent parliamentary elections to be cancelled off of the presence routing code is one the votes. these are live images . as the tennessee police have barricaded the inside of the council building where we can see media and processes that we can also see many individuals waving flags, they with thing eggs earlier and rubbish. so you get the typing. so we said to a m p of the pilot ags on the coverage earlier. he said that these purchases were more than likely attached to a weston government as they were against serbia. and these on the uh, which is one thing to move away from e u and uh,
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western influence is wanting to bring closer ties to russia. this is breaking news things to you from the, the, as we see these live images coming through. now, police of barricaded the doors and was the amount that a little bit feed, see what a lot of slo, doesn't let them find those of you flags. and also being seen in the protests. the, this is of course re, this is live image is coming to you just doing this. now. the, uh, the news for all the survey processes are currently attempting to storm into the city council building. and the national capital beltway is in a dispute over the election results for the sub blocking levels. as you can see,
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to prevent the devin size from getting through and other countries present as on which it says, no enforcement offices. and keeping the situation on the control, you said the following types of services had one name and was about the attempt to revolt the police. and what had he wound, riots is, would be arrested. he said that they were about to the how files and processes due to the fact rushed for how having given him a heads up about individuals allegedly false is a revolution in serbia. uh, southern police have used to go to this 1st the cloud, the processes of wanting to the results of the recent parliamentary elections to beat cancer. we spoke earlier with a, i'm m p for the service parliament. he said they would note
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irregularities when the voting took place just over a week ago, regardless of west to the influence i've said is close ties with a most c polar world. in his words, it's a multi polar world is what they, sylvia. and so it'd be, as president wants to adhere to and move closer to how these are live images to coming on christmas eve. and we will, of course, we will be bring you all the latest news as we've developed here on ok. now let's go back to our other top stories the while the war in the other says, no sign all the still thing is really the i'm past and i'm positive tonight jerry, i have open direct dialogue with to discuss the car. well, however, the published remodels indicates to divide between the 2 sides. there's still 2 laws to build any meaningful bridges, move forward or both the same as the
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o. b as it has mall from boucher recently this riley and palestinian ambassadors to nigeria. michael freeman and i'm dallas showers participated in a dialogue to discuss the ongoing conflicts in guys, out between israeli defense forces and for a minute and group from by the end of the meeting, organized by nigeria, media center for development and drop her based west africa. democracy radio east to negotiate a common ground for peace between the warring parties. the median also looked at the consequences of the conflicts for africa. during the meeting, the ambassadors expressed their commitment to a peaceful coexistence, but they insisted certain conditions needed to be met prior. seizing fire is a possibility, but the release of kidnapped victims is non negotiable. if i'm off genuinely
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desires an end to the conflict, they must commit to a long term succession, not a temporary pause for regrouping and subsequent attacks. these rightly set to as are responsible for the horrifying acts of burning and burying palestinians. the claim of widespread rape is based. listen on true country to the facts. we stand resilience against attempts to eradicate this from a land struggle dating back to 1917. we will not succumb these ro declared war in gaza after on october 7th attack on south and east or by him us to the 1200 people. the militant group also took more than 200 hostages weeks of intense fighting, and israel's heavy bombardment of guys that has killed more than 19000 palestinians according to health authorities. 5th, the united nations fed solving small buried under rumbles, is rarely, i'm positive. also says has been 1st needs to condemn the october 7th attack and,
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and on the ledge education of children to cuba, jews to sole readiness for peace stokes. when he spots showers, propose an independent inquiry commission to investigate the war crimes and arched the enforcement from the african union and the international criminal court sent it all you're able is the convenience of the online dialogue. our own is for thinking . what do we do to contribute to ensure that there is a peaceful lease? we talk about peace due to the to be difficult, trying to get the word process because before now move on to a new platform. have you ever to bring this boxes together side by side speaking the truth, i'm trying to invest on each other. so they have a dividing lines more of to try the lines that come on best for us. we piece to come on route because if i have
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a, the sweetest things that divide, you bet, one thing that you might to use. if you have a piece you begin to look at those things that you might, how you compute on. meanwhile, have mass political liter visit at egypt on wednesday, a made intense talks on a new cease fire. the visit comes off by ease row proposed a ceasefire. in exchange for the release of about 40 whole stages. timothy uses are to nigeria 5 as well, but he news from a sub agency over my shoulder live pages now. but this is all currently attempting to storm into a city council building and the national capital bell. great in a dispute over an election results for these as you can see that all blows in the dose of, of, of the demonstrated from getting through the country is present. and these are the with it says lloyd fulton offices on keeping the situation under control. he said
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for an intelligence services one day and it was about the attempted route, bolts, and the police were prepared. he won the rises, would be arrested. he also said that they were about 2 and a half 1000 purchases. he made a point of finding rush of having given him a heads up for about individuals, allegedly fussing a revolution in serbia and said to him, police, have you said gas to twine this this the cloud? suppose this is one of the results of a recent elementary analysis of the kind of so off of the present ruling coalition, one of the early at present legit accuse the political opposition of for the sake of the opposition provided the republic selection commission with $500.00 invitations to vote for supposedly nonexistent vote is to prove a violation. the republic selection commission sent
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a request to the interior ministry to verify all the submitted documents each by the name. the interior ministry checked all the appeals out of 496 appeals for existing people registered in the vote to list and full 187 of them were registered at the same posting station at least 4 years earlier. this shows the level of the lice, a joining us now, this is a breaking news, a survey in protest as an attempt to steal into beltway council. they rejected the election with the pro us and demonstrators have attempted to break into a government building in belgrade. and what setting present i was on which it has cooled. the tenant to the color revolution was his clothes. he was tipped off about the pots before thousands of all position and protest is gathered outside the beltway city assembly on sunday, to protest the victory of which is which its sub in progressive part of the s n
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s. over the pro e u sub gates, violence s p n coalition in parliament elections law. so we gotta protest to violence when a google demonstrates is attempted attempt to attempting to basset down the doors of the building. and then they were of course, dispersed by the police. now, lucy said there is no revolution on the way. he said he went on, made it public, it does say nothing will go that way. and he said that those who swear to fight against violets have shown that they are the real sides of the espn collision. and both out of an anti government protest forming a pair of mass shootings in may, while the protest movement initially demanded the resignations of interior, minnesota practice, the government and intelligence she's, i think is on the move to bring you more updates. we'll be having, guess coming,
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and joining us here on, on see, will also bring you a live report from belgrade. so do stay tuned here on off see, breaking news if we do, don't just joining us now. a color revolution is being attempted in a survey of that supporting to i think as on that, which is a recap, said the pro west has demonstrated as have attempted to break into a government building these uh, i think is on the which is the president. so then president was a 10th of a color revolution, believe a post full crossing as 2 out of the night. the or the latest news is if you are doing this now for these, as you can see are blocking the door to move and the demons. i just was getting through the president has said that the forwarded target services had the woman's name in the box about the attempted revolt. and but the police were pad.
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we can see those about, according to reports, around 2 and a half 1000 processes are attending the the, the area here in front of the town. so they're in belgrade. earlier, please use take us to disperse the pads and what the process is. one is a the recent elections to be cancelled. however, they would know irregularities. we spoke earlier to an a. m p. i'm gonna be bring you his was very shortly. he said that they wouldn't know irregularities in the protest in the, in the voting. i beg your pardon and that everything was above board many called the the, in fact western small groups trying to change
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